ISSN 2282-1767
Protective Coatings ®
ipcm_PC digital on
2020 - 9th Year | Quarterly - N.36 December
Interpon Align Two coat, one bake coating system The quickest route to outstanding performance. Interpon Align is a two coat, one bake powder coating system that provides outstanding edge corrosion protection in an efficient and cost effective manner. Comprising of two specially formulated powder coating layers, Interpon Align eliminates the need for a primer curing process. Customer benefits • Cost savings • Energy efficiency • Excellent performance • Less investment • Environmental benefits
For more information on Interpon Align, speak to your local representative or visit
Azur™ pumps a nd Airless® spraying solutio ns for demanding protective coating applica tions
SFlow™ Spray gun
Airless® paint pumps
The highest paint finishing quality Constant film build Operates in intense conditions Simple maintenance Extreme comfort of use
Apply your skills
Reliability and Experience at your Service Tosca srl is a leading company for over 50 years in the design and construction of shot blasting machines and shot blasting plants for surface treatment. In a site area of 30.000mq and a reference of over 4.000 worldwide shot blasting machines installations, Tosca srl produces in accordance with Industry 4.0 ensuring extremely reliable products thanks to high engineering skills and advanced know-how where the details make a dierence.
EcoQuip™ 2 EQp Vapour abrasive blasting
A cleaner and easier way of blasting for more profitable and durable results. Small and portable – makes it easy to move on the deck. It can handle both horizontal and vertical surfaces Atex approved – can be used on all vessel types (even tankers) Environmental friendly – 92% less dust and less media consumption compared to dry blasting. Uses less abrasive and less water than traditional machines for slurryblasting, pressure washing or water jetting. Limited Health Risks – Limited risks due to vibrations caused by hand tools Surface preparation – the surface roughness, visible cleanliness (rust, deteriorated coats) and nonvisible cleanliness (chloride levels) combined with feathered edges in spot blasting generate quality prepared metallic surfaces for recoating jobs.
in this issue 01 EDITOR’S LETTER 02 ANALYSIS A sustainable solution to corrosion protection
© Adobe Stock
04 SUCCESS STORIES BioPad: the biobased fabric for corrosion protection of multi-metals
© ipcm
© Cortec® Corporation
Suffolk County, NY, and Dynamic Infrastructure to maintain dozens of bridges through AI
10 FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY The importance of shot blasting in the treatment of machinery components subjected to high stress: the choice of Carantini
© IGS Integrated Global Services, Inc.
Positive post-pandemic and post-Brexit perspectives of the British coatings sector
20 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Cortec launches silica-free version of MCI-309 to protect hard-to-reach metal surfaces from corrosion
22 ANALYSIS How to blast fiberglass hulls without damaging the gel coat
36 BRAND NEW 40 INSPECTION LOGBOOK Coating inspections - Inspection of steel surface preparation, part 1
42 INNOVATIONS: PRESENT&FUTURE Fast cure, surface tolerant, abrasion resistant system for emergency patch repairs
Closing the Clifton Bridge
44 FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY 32 HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH New Airless® Azur™ Pumps for applying anti-corrosion coatings prevent the icing phenomenon
Keeping the lights on in the middle of the pandemic
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ow is the Coronavirus pandemic affecting corrosion control?
I have not found any precise data on this subject. However, we can hypothesise that the corrosion prevention and mitigation sector has also suffered a slowdown
due to the repeated lockdowns, the closure of construction sites, and the discontinuity of industrial operations. It is also easy to assume that the intensity of such an impact will depend on the duration of this pandemic, also considering that it is occurring with different manners and times in different countries. Corrosion control is known to be particularly important for infrastructure and production assets, which are one of the cornerstones of the economic development of countries. Be they in steel or concrete, they require inspection and maintenance interventions that guarantee their functionality over time, in order to avoid the occurrence of problems that undermine their durability and call for extraordinary maintenance operations. Maintenance must therefore become a priority for all public and private asset owners. This is why in recent times and, even more so, in this historical moment, innovation in the protective coatings sector has been developing especially in two directions: the continuous monitoring of the durability of infrastructure and production assets, aimed at switching from planned to predictive maintenance programmes, and the offer of
corrosion prevention and mitigation products that are increasingly high-performance and easy-to-apply. Digital technologies are of great help to the maintenance sector. For example, the use of artificial intelligence, for now limited to pilot projects (see p. 08 of this magazine), will guarantee huge savings by providing visual diagnostics of the state of assets and by identifying any future maintenance needs and risk evolution possibilities. The use of drones (or RPAS, remotely piloted aircraft systems) for critical operations in professional settings is another precise, highly technological, economical, and low-risk solution for monitoring critical and difficult-to-access areas (p. 32). This issue of ipcm®_Protective Coatings, which concludes our editorial activity for this year, offers numerous insights on the above-mentioned topics, including products capable of effectively mitigating corrosion on hard-to-reach metal surfaces, such as bridge tension cables and post-tensioning solutions; an in-depth case study on how closer monitoring would have prevented a bridge in the UK from closing, thus cutting a vital highway link; and another in-depth case study on the effective maintenance operation performed on a biomass power plant with the pandemic in full swing, thanks to the use of thermal spray coatings. This and much more will keep you company during the Christmas break, with the hope that 2021 bring a new upheaval – this time a positive one – in our lives.
Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
A Sustainable Solution to Corrosion Protection Ella Newington Hexigone Inhibitors Ltd – Port Talbot, Wales
The analysis of huge implications which the corrosion has for the environment has driven the eco-friendly and ethical strategies by Hexigone for developing new anticorrosion technologies.
ACE International, the Worldwide Corrosion Authority, estimates that the global cost of corrosion is $2.5 trillion a year or 3.4% of Gross Domestic
Product (NACE International, 2016). In amongst these financial headlines is a huge cost to the environment. These range from structural failures resulting in environmental contamination, to harmful pollutants being released from iron corrosion, to the over utilisation of natural resources when repairing and replacing damaged metals (Hanson, 2011). Sustainability is a critical consideration for all businesses involved in the manufacture and maintenance of goods, and the longevity of the metal assets in question across key industries such as O&G, aerospace and architecture is
© Shutterstock
one of the largest drivers for innovation in the coatings industry. Maintenance is extremely costly for OEMs and the avoidable drain on natural resources for premature replacement and repair of metal assets is now a global concern.
A safe, effective alternative to hexavalent chromium It is evident that effective corrosion management is vital in order to protect our planet – but what happens when the world’s most effective corrosion inhibitor turns out to be toxic itself? Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] can protect metal assets from premature failure but is also known to cause cancer in humans and animals (United States Department of Labour, 2020) – posing another environmental dilemma. The toxic chemical compound was brought to the public’s attention most notably in the 2000 movie “Erin Brockovich” where it was detected in groundwater samples in California and other states. The EU’s REACH legislation has now banned the use of chromium VI across almost all industries and other regions are planning to do the same, or have already followed suit. Driven by his interest in sustainability, Hexigone’s Founder and CEO embarked on a mission to develop a safe corrosion inhibitor of comparable performance to hexavalent chromate. During his EngD at Swansea University, Dr Patrick Dodds trialed hundreds of combinations of active ingredients in order to eventually develop a highly effective, safer alternative to chromium VI. The technology - known as Intelli-ion – utilises novel active ingredients which are attached onto a smart, micro-reservoir system and react ‘on demand’ to corrosive activity. Unlike zinc phosphate which causes harmful algal blooms through leaching, the Intelli-ion product range does not leach out into the environment. The technology has since been independently proven to protect metal assets for longer when compared to the current market-leading alternatives, prolonging
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
asset lifecycles across a range of markets and reducing the strain on natural resources.
Low carbon offices and manufacturing But it’s not just Hexigone’s products that are sustainable in nature, the manufacturing is also driven by environmentally-conscious ethos. The new Hexigone HQ was designed with energy efficiency in mind, achieving an A Rated Energy Performance, the most efficient rating possible. The energy reduction strategy of the office and manufacturing units involves reducing energy demand through thermally efficient building design, as well as supplying building systems with onsite renewable technology. The manufacturing units are supplied by a 20kW solar PV system which is utilised within the building to offset CO2 emissions and substantially supplement the
power requirements. Heating is supplied using a highly efficient Air Source Heat Pump powering an underfloor heating and radiator system. This reduces the reliance of importing electricity from the National Grid and ensures that our manufacturing facilities run off low-carbon energy supplies where possible. Furthermore, Hexigone’s manufacturing process adheres to a circular economy, not only recycling virtually all raw materials used within production, but also utilising the waste stream from an adjacent industry comprising up to 60% of its product.
Conclusion Corrosion evidently has huge implications for the natural environment, and nowadays society and industry are much more aware of issues related to sustainability. Engineers are increasingly encouraged to design and manufacture products that can minimise negative environmental and societal impact (Industry Europe, 2019), and this directly aligns with Hexigone’s vision – to create a safer and more sustainable world through chemical intelligence. CEO and Founder, Dr. Patrick Dodds, commented: “Environmental sustainability runs through everything we do at Hexigone. Firstly, our materials are chromate-free, contain no metals or phosphates. Our manufacturing process involves recycled materials and renewable energy. And finally, by plugging the performance gap and offering a highly effective inhibitor, we are able to protect metal assets for longer, reducing the drain on natural resources. We’re proud of this and are always looking for ways to improve our green credentials”. ‹
References: - Hanson, C. (2011). The Impact of Corrosion on Society. Metallurgical & Materials Transactions, 16. - Industry Europe. (2019, 11 30). Time To Fight Corrosion – For The Environment’s Sake. Retrieved from Industry Europe : - NACE International. (2016). International Measures of Prevention, Application and Economics of Corrosion Technologies Study. Retrieved from NACE: http://impact.nace. org/documents/Nace-International-Report.pdf - United States Department of Labour. (2020, 8 19). Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Retrieved from United States Department of Labour: https://www.osha. gov/SLTC/hexavalentchromium/.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
BioPad: The Biobased Fabric for Corrosion Protection of Multi-metals BioPad by Cortec, powered by NANO VpCI, ensures corrosion and surface protection of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and several other alloys.
eveloped by Cortec, BioPad® is a cost-effective, flexible and easily
marine engine manufacturer that, for years, has been using Cortec®
applied corrosion inhibiting device constructed from biobased
VpCI® to protect the externals of massive ship engines and motor shafts
non-woven material, which provides a sustainable packaging option for
being stored outdoors near the sea for 12 months awaiting shipment.
ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as various alloys: galvanized and
The company conducted a test to see if they could use BioPad® to
carbon steels, copper, brass, aluminum, zinc, etc.
protect the internals of the engines from corrosion. They hung one
It is free of nitrites and chromates, and its high VpCI® concentration, in
BioPad® inside each of three different engine voids for six months of
combination with a thin design, results in material reduction by up to
outdoor testing.
94% in comparison to similar polyurethane foam emitting devices.
The test was successful as there were no traces of corrosion. Moreover,
BioPad provides up to two times as much corrosion inhibiting action
as BioPad® contains renewable materials derived from corn-processing
as its conventional VCI counterpart and, having recently become a
byproducts, it has a lighter smell and protects more than twice as much
USDA Certified Biobased Product, it falls within the minimum biobased
space per square meter (1.2 yd2) than the competitor’s product, making
requirements for the mandatory federal purchasing initiative of
it a more cost-effective option.
the USDA BioPreferred® Program. BioPad® conforms also to NACE
The engine manufacturer ended up ordering 7,000 sheets of BioPad® in
Standards TM0208-2008 and RP0487-2000, as well as MIL-I-22110C,
order to protect 150 engines per year.
and it has been tested by a certified laboratory in accordance with ASTM D-1748 (Humidity Test) and ASTM D 1735 with excellent results.
Preservation of high voltage interrupters Another success story about the use of BioPad® is delivered by a global
Protecting ship engines and motor shafts in an outdoor storage
engineering services company, which had been using locally made VCI
A success stories of the application of BioPad comes from a major
film) for export of high voltage interrupters to India, China, the U.S.A.,
© Cortec
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
foam inside vacuum-packed 6-mil (150 μ) competitor VCI bags (yellow
and Europe (as well as domestic shipment inside India). The company was facing issues with rust on parts, along with the consequent rejections and rework this required, and wanted a complete dry packaging solution with zero rust. Cortec® Corrosion Solutions India Pvt. Ltd. recommended using 6-mil (150 μ) VpCI®-126 Bags and BioPad® inserts without vacuum packing. The customer began an evaluation process, performing their own modified versions of VIA and Razor Blade Testing on VpCI®-126 Film in their lab and finding it to be successful. They undertook three field trials that involved export to China with good results. This was followed by their trial order of BioPad® pads and custom-size rolls of Cortec’s VpCI®-126 Blue corrosion protection film. The customer was very satisfied and has not only implemented BioPad® for regular production and export of high voltage interrupters to all countries but has also extended the same packaging solutions to their vendors. For further information:
© Cortec
© Jotun
Jotun Launches SeaQuantum III, A New Range of Antifouling Coatings Jotun has announced the launch of the SeaQuantum III series, a new range of antifouling coatings that feature microZone technology for tailor-made fouling protection.
eaQuantum III, the new antifouling range launched by Jotun,
more than 16,000 vessels.
will succeed SeaQuantum S-line, offering tailor-made fouling
“Now the SeaQuantum III series marks an evolutionary step forward
in development, thanks to a new silyl methacrylate blend and the
The SeaQuantum III series is silyl methacrylate-based and features
introduction of microZoneTM technology”, says Tan Keng Khoon, Global
products tailored for customer specific vessel operational profiles,
Marketing Manager at Jotun.
keeping biofouling under control to deliver an average speed loss performance of just 2% over a 60-month period. This entails benefits
The SeaQuantum III range
in terms of operational efficiency, environmental protection and
SeaQuantum III features three products, tailored to different
fuel savings: USD 500K per year on average for a 3,000 TEU feeder
operational profiles:
container ship. The gains extend with larger vessels and fuel
• SeaQuantum Ultra III for vessels with lower activity (with up to 45
price hikes.
idle days);
Silyl-based coatings were first introduced by Jotun in 2000, through its
• SeaQuantum Classic III for medium activity (30 idle days);
SeaQuantum range, which, over the last 20 years, has been applied to
• SeaQuantum Plus III for high activity (with higher vessel speeds).
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
All the products feature microZoneTM, a new technology that prolongs
standard in fighting biofouling and ensuring minimal speed loss,
the time between the activation of coating biocides and their dispersal,
calculated in accordance with ISO 19030. This equates to more
keeping them closer to the hull longer and thus creating a protective
profitable vessel operations, increased on schedule arrivals and less
shield against fouling. The result is a cleaner hull, less friction, reduced
maintenance costs”, continues Tan Keng Khoon. “For owners looking
operational fuel costs and faster return on investment.
to achieve competitive advantage, while satisfying charterer and
In addition, the formulation of SeaQuantum III ensures a lower
stakeholder demands, we see this as real ‘low hanging fruit’. In
volatile organic compound (VOC) content and higher volume of
challenging times, it is more important than ever to make the right
solids. Therefore, the range is in compliance with the strict global and
investments where it matters most.”
regional VOC regulations (including Asia).
“Jotun is committed to tackling the toughest issues and delivering optimal solutions for our customers, and the operational
The new standard to fight biofouling
and commercial challenges they face,” Tan concludes.
“In an ever more competitive world, shipowners need solutions that
“Through decades of experience and development expertise
don’t just work in principle, but rather deliver reliable performance
we have built a unique understanding of how to work with
and quick return on investment to gain real commercial edge in a cut
shipowners as partners, finetuning our innovations to meet
throat industry,” Tan notes. “SeaQuantum III can make that difference”.
their specific needs. SeaQuantum III is an embodiment of
“Biofouling creates frictional drag and that leads to inefficiency
that continuous drive. This range signals a step forward in efficiency,
and greater fuel consumption – slime alone can raise fuel
cost control and environmental performance, and we think that is
costs by 20%, while hard-fouling can increase it by a staggering
a compelling proposition for today’s forward-thinking owners and
85%. That is not beneficial for owners or the environment. But
the SeaQuantum III range transforms the issue, using advanced chemistry and our in-house microZoneTM technology to set a new
For further information:
© Jotun
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
Suffolk County, NY, and Dynamic Infrastructure to Maintain Dozens of Bridges Through AI Edited by Dynamic Infrastructure New York, USA
Dynamic Infrastructure is deploying its unique maintenance technology solution to assess the “health” of 74 bridges in the Long Island county.
he New York, Berlin and Tel Aviv based start-up Dynamic
in the U.S. as well as in Germany, Switzerland, Greece, and Israel with
Infrastructure is expanding its pilot project with the Public Works
private and public transportation bodies. The company’s clients operate
Department of New York’s Suffolk County using the world’s first deep-
a total of 30,000 assets, ranging from national, state, regional and
learning solution which allows bridge and tunnel owners and operators
municipal departments of transportation to Public-Private Partnerships
to obtain visual diagnosis of assets they manage in order to reduce
(PPPs) and private companies.
direct and indirect maintenance costs. After the successful completion
“The latest project expansion aims to use our technology to cover the
of a pilot involving one bridge, the parties have agreed to expand the
entire inventory by Q2 2021,” said Saar Dickman, Co-founder, and CEO
use of the AI-based technology to 74 bridges in the county located
of Dynamic Infrastructure. He added that Suffolk County is typical of
on the eastern end of Long Island. Deployment of the technology is
the situation in the US at large, where data from the Federal Highway
currently in process.
Administration deemed that approximately 30% of all bridges in the US were in fair or poor condition.
The Dynamic Infrastructure’s project
According to the American Society of Civil Engineers, which evaluates
Dynamic Infrastructure is currently conducting projects in other states
and publishes a report card on the U.S. infrastructure every four years,
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
maintenance and operating conditions—before
and more than 56,000 bridges were classified as
they develop into large-scale failures.
being “structurally deficient’’.
The platform creates a “visual medical record” for
The aim in the deployment in Suffolk County
each asset, based on existing images taken from
is to enable its Public Works Department to
past and current inspection reports and interim
better coordinate and make the right decisions
inspections. The visual analysis is being done to
by prioritizing maintenance of its infrastructure
any visual source, be it smartphones, drones,
assets. “The system allows any operator, inspector
and laser scanning. The images are compared
or maintenance engineer to have actionable intelligence at their fingertips in order to decide if, when and how the daily maintenance and maintenance projects should be conducted, by supplying instant alerts about anomalies,” said Kevin Reigrut, member of Dynamic Infrastructure’s
© Dynamic Infrastructure
the country’s infrastructure was given a D+ grade
and serve as the basis for alerts on changes in maintenance conditions. They can be easily accessed through a simple browser and instantly Saar Dickman, CEO of Dynamic Infrastructure.
shared with peers and contractors to speed maintenance workflows and improve budget expenditure.
board of advisors and former executive director of the Maryland Transportation Authority.
About Dynamic Infrastructure Dynamic Infrastructure harnesses the power of AI to disrupt
New technology features
Operation & Maintenance of critical transportation assets. Founded
The use of the novel technology translates into a huge annual savings
by industry professionals with decades of operation and maintenance
for the owners, and Operation and Maintenance engineers, and
experience for PPPs and DOTs, Dynamic Infrastructure has
contractors. Dynamic Infrastructure’s AI-based, decision making, SaaS
become an industry leader and key driver of a data revolution in
product continuously processes past and current inspection reports and
decision-making processes related to bridge and tunnel Operations
visuals, identifying future maintenance risks and evolving defects. The
& Maintenance. Headquartered in New York, NY, with offices
proprietary technology provides live, cloud-based, risk analysis of any
in Germany and Israel, Dynamic Infrastructure maintains a close
bridge or tunnel and automatically alerts when changes are detected in
relationship with its clients. ‹
© Adobe Stock
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
© ipcm
One of the dump bodies shot blasted and coated by Carantini Srl.
The Importance of Shot Blasting in the Treatment of Machinery Components Subjected to High Stress: The Choice of Carantini Marta Fumagalli ipcm
Carantini Sabbiature e Verniciature is focussing on the immediate future. It has invested in a last generation shot blasting machine to cope with the growing request for finishing large-sized products intended, also for the separate urban waste collection sector.
n Italy, the waste collection sector has experienced significant
management and transportation operations and defined guidelines for
growth following the legislative decree issued by Minister Ronchi
the separate collection of municipal solid waste. According to the data
in 1998, which gave rise to a series of rules that regulated the waste
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
included in the eighth edition of the Green Book 2020, the report on
the national municipal waste sector issued by the Utilitatis Foundation and presented in Rome in October, “the production of urban and related waste in Italy amounts to about 30 million tonnes per year, whereas special waste amounts to 130 million tonnes. Italy has an urban waste recycling rate between 45.2% and 50.8%, in any case above the European average, equal to 47%. Landfilling accounts for 22%. The sector has a total turnover of over 10 billion Euros, largely derived from waste fees, and over 95,000 employees. Despite the critical issues arisen during the lockdown period, the waste management service continued to contribute to urban cleanliness and public health. Together with other essential services of high economic importance, this can be one of the sectors capable of positively impacting the © ipcm
relaunch of the national economy.”1 “In the last five years, the demand for the
The Tunnelblast 2530/16 tunnel shot blasting plant installed by OMSG.
coating of dump bodies and frames for waste collection vehicles has grown exponentially,” states Pierpaolo Piccinini, Administrative Manager of Carantini S.r.l. Sabbiature e Verniciature (Valdaro, Mantua, Italy), a company that has been operating in the surface treatment field for over thirty years. Its contracting coating service is specialised in medium and heavy-weight metal structures: it sandblasts and coats aerial platforms, crane arms, concrete mixing systems, frames, heads, and trailers for agricultural machinery and it finishes trash compactors. “This sector has a huge potential,” explains Riccardo Carantini, the company’s owner with his father. “The number of separate collection lorries travelling on our roads is growing exponentially and their producers’ requests are becoming increasingly stringent in terms both of coating quality, as the finishes must withstand the harsh conditions to which these vehicles are subjected, and of quantity © OMSG (10/11/2020)
Some complex-shaped parts shot blasted by Carantini.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
of products to be treated. Currently, the ‘ecological’ vehicle sector
degree. Having to guarantee high quality and performance standards,
accounts an increasingly large slice of our turnover. In fact, for years
the company carries out a pre-treatment operation on all workpieces
we have consolidated a close professional relationship with the
by shot blasting and subsequent cleaning. These eliminate any
Novarini S.r.l. company located in Vigasio (Verona, Italy), a manufacturer
calamine and impurities and make sure that the substrates reach a
of this type of equipment, which is proving to be impressive and
high surface roughness, thus promoting paint adhesion.
profitable for both companies”.
“We are currently equipped with two shot blasters supplied by OMSGOfficine Meccaniche San Giorgio (Villa Cortese, Milan, Italy), a firm
The importance of the pre-treatment process
specialising in the design, construction, and installation of shot blasting,
These structures are subjected to high chemical and mechanical
sandblasting and shot peening systems,” indicates Riccardo Carantini.
stresses and, therefore, their pre-treatment process is essential to
“We installed a tunnel shot blasting machine in 2003 and a double hoist
guarantee an excellent aesthetic quality and mechanical resistance
one more recently, in order to meet the new needs of the market. This
The new cluster shot blasting machine type Capri 20/35 H22.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
A component entering the new shot blasting system.
latter system replaced another OMSG shot blasting plant that, although fully functional, was undersized compared with the growing number of small and medium-sized parts we were asked to treat.”
Technical characteristics of the shot blasting machines The Tunnelblast 2530/16 tunnel shot blasting system has a chamber section of 2500 mm in width and 3000 mm in height and it is equipped with 16 single disc, direct drive 7.5 kW-turbines. “Since Carantini also treats heavy, large-sized components, together with their staff we developed a handling system that exploits the department’s overhead crane. It was a challenge because, back then, this was not common practice,” states OMSG CEO Enzo Dell’Orto. “Indeed,” adds Riccardo Carantini, “the Tunnelblast system was initially used to process heavy metal parts. Following the increase in more and more diversified requests from the market, we converted it in such a way that it could treat any type of part. However, as it requires a high amount of power, it was not convenient to employ it for smaller workpieces. Hence the need to install a new shot blasting machine.” “The new cluster shot blasting machine,” says Dell’Orto, “is a type Capri 20/35 H22. Its sandblasting chamber has a diameter of 2000 mm and a height of 3500 mm and it features two hoists lifting up to 2000 kg
C O R P O R AT I O N Environmentally Safe VpCI ®/MCI ® Technologies
© ipcm
A detail of the sandblasting chamber.
each. The components to be treated are
© ipcm
hung on a frame that automatically enters the shot blasting machine; at the same time, the operator can unload the already sandblasted workpieces and prepare the new ones to be introduced into the machine, thus reducing downtime. This system is equipped with 5 single disc, direct drive 7.5 kW-turbines type SG350 patented by OMSG. It is also Industry 4.0-ready.”
The coating process After shot blasting, it is necessary to clean the components from the impurities deposited on them in the manual sandblasting booths. This is crucial to prepare them for the subsequent coating phase. “In 90% of our coating treatments, we use thermosetting powders and we adopt a mixed system following sandblasting: this includes an epoxy primer application stage and a finishing
Powder finishing medium-sized parts.
one by powder coating,” explains Riccardo Carantini. The company has 3 powder application booths, 2 manual booths
© Novarini
devoted exclusively to liquid coating, and 2 static ovens. For the application of powders, it uses Gema manual units in both their conventional and dense phase versions. “As the workpieces we treat do not have standard sizes, a manual operation helps us make sure we cover their entire surfaces.”
Conclusions “Once again, an OMSG machine proved to be a winning choice. This long-standing collaboration enables us offer an excellent shot blasting service in line with the highest quality and market standards,” states Riccardo Carantini. “Carantini’s plant equipment is now ready to cope with any future increase in requests from our main customers, operating also in the fast developing sectors of ecology and urban waste collection.” ‹ Novarini S.r.l., a company specializing in ecological vehicles, is among the consolidated customers of Carantini.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
Positive Post-Pandemic and Post-Brexit Perspectives of the British Coatings Sector Tom Bowtell CEO of BCF - British Coatings Federation
The United Kingdom is one of the Countries to which international political and economic attention is being directed the most. Not only because one of the Countries most affected by the pandemic, but also because it is about to face one of the most significant historical steps: its exit from the European Union. Tom Bowtell, CEO of BCF-British Coatings Federation, talks about it with a broad overview and in-depth analysis of the situation.
o say 2020 has been a challenging time for the UK coatings
as a real shock. The full lockdown implemented in the UK from March
sector would be an understatement of significant proportion.
saw demand for products significantly altered, although members
And yet, as we draw to the end of the year, it is worth reflecting how
were affected in different ways. Whilst industrial coatings members
well the industry has done weathering the storms and responding to
saw a large drop in demand as, for instance, the auto and aero
the unprecedented demands thrown at it, as well as looking further
sectors halted production, retail paint manufacturers and printing
ahead at how the coatings sector will look to adapt, improve and
ink companies saw output increase as the money from cancelled
grow in future.
holidays was ploughed into DIY and money that would have been spent on restaurants was used to buy more packaged food to be
Impact of the coronavirus pandemic
cooked at home (graph 1).
Like other businesses, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic came
BCF worked hard to ensure that the UK government provided proper
© British Coatings Federation
Graph 1: Sales volume by major BCF sector.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
support to business over this period. We switched meetings and
in added raw material costs, which will likely impact UK members
training events to online webinars, held weekly board meetings to
harder than their EU counterparts.
stay on top of members’ needs and provided practical support and
New chemical regulations post-Brexit are of particular concern. As
materials to help companies navigate the smorgasbord of new – and
the EU will treat the UK as a third country from 1st January 2021, UK
sometimes contradictory - legislation used to underpin the lockdown.
businesses are now having to comply with EU REACH in a different
We also launched our #essentialcoatings and #essentialinks
way, including setting up legal entities or registering addresses in
campaigns to showcase just how much our members were
the EU to comply with REACH and CLP regulations. On this side of
contributing to the COVID-19 response, for instance by supplying
the Channel, the UK will implement its own, independent chemical
key coatings and inks used in products and components for items
regulations from 1st January, setting up duplicate UK REACH, CLP,
such as ventilators, hospital beds and trollies, sneeze guards for
BPR and PIC regimes. Whilst not a day one issue we have serious
checkout counters, oxygen cylinders, hospital isolation units, and
concerns about the estimated costs of the duplicate REACH system,
also in meeting the increased demand for food and pharmaceutical
estimated at over £1 billion to industry across Europe as data will
packaging. It was a proud reminder of just how important our sector
have to be acquired and registered in the new UK REACH database.
is to the UK economy and society.
The UK Government has admitted that these changes are going to hit SMEs harder than larger companies and given our membership
The future of the coating sector outside the EU
of 250 is around 70% SME, that is of major concern. We have been
In addition to responding to the COVID pandemic the other big
lobbying for changes to the UK REACH system and, while the UK
challenge for our sector over the past year has been preparing to
Government has made some small concessions so far around the
deal with life outside the EU. The UK coatings sector is a net exporter
length of time suppliers have to register some substances, we need
and the bulk of its trade is with Europe. Changes to customs and
to see more done to mitigate the extra costs and administrative
border controls will have a big financial and administrative impact
burden this new regulatory regime will place on the UK coatings
and members have had to get their heads around how these will
industry and its supply chain.
Again, the BCF has been working hard to help members prepare for
And, as I write, there is still no outcome on Free Trade Agreement
the end of the Brexit transition period. And, as noted above, we have
negotiations. Should a deal not be agreed we will see tariffs imposed
been lobbying the UK Government hard on key issues: from the need
on goods and raw materials moving between the EU and UK which
to agree an FTA at all to prevent tariffs being imposed; to supporting
we have estimated will cost the sector some €75 million in finished
a Chemicals annexe as part of that FTA; and in urging changes to the
goods alone: there will be additional tens of millions of Euros spent
structure of UK REACH. We have built a Brexit ‘hub’ on our website,
© British Coatings Federation
UK paint trade between 2014 and 2019.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
put on training webinars for members, provided weekly e-bulletins
direction of travel vis-à-vis the UK’s new independent chemical
flagging up key new guidance and information, hosted fortnightly
regulatory regime remains to be seen. Additional trade deals could
‘surgeries’ or ‘clinics’ where members can ask questions and share
open new doors and provide opportunities for members although
best practice, as well as handling hundreds of questions through our
we know that proximity matters, especially in our sector, and at this
present time it is difficult to see many potential gains to offset the losses we currently anticipate leaving the EU will bring.
The EU’s influence Of course, even though the UK will not be a member of the EU
Sustainability and circular economy post-Brexit
from next year, and regardless of whether we get an FTA between
But enough of that – what else will the future bring? Well, we want
the UK and EU or not, the reality is we will continue to be affected
to continue to drive our sector forward. When Brexit is finally
by EU rules and regulations. As a net exporter many, if not most of
clarified, we hope that certainty will help unlock fresh investment
our members will still need to be manufacturing to EU standards.
in the industry across the country. The use of digital technology
Decisions the EU makes on restrictions on substances will still
will continue to be taken up and new machinery and processes
therefore impact on us, as will broader policy decisions like the Green
Deal. Actions initiated in the EU are also likely to drive decisions on
We know that the UK Government has set out plans to significantly
the same subjects in the UK. Our sector will need to continue to
improve the Environment and legislation such as the Environment
work closely with our counterparts in the EU and I am pleased to
Bill currently making its way through Parliament will have an impact
say that BCF will remain a member of CEPE, the European Coatings
on our sector. We will of course need to look to ensure business
Association, which made the decision to extend its territorial area to
is not unduly – or indeed unfairly – impacted by this legislation.
include the UK from next year. It’s also important we maintain our
However, the truth is we are keen to be proactive and do much
active participation in the World Coatings Council, as the UK looks to
more in terms of improving sustainability and the circular economy
have more global influence in the future.
on a voluntary basis. We have already taken great strides forwards: since 1996 our
Looking Across the Ocean
Coatings Care programme has been tracking the environmental
At the same time, the UK is looking to negotiate new trade deals
performance of our members manufacturing output and the
around the world, including with the US. How that might affect the
table 1 shows how much progress has already been made.
Energy use per tonne of production (kWh)
Total waste per tonne of production (kg)
Percentage of waste to landfill (%)
Percentage of waste recycled (%)
Total solvents purchased per tonne of production (litres)
Table 1: UK Coatings Industry manufacturing environmental performance, 1996 – 2018.
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From a consumption perspective, coatings products accounted for 0.1% of the UK’s carbon footprint in 2016 and the carbon level in 2016 was 21% of that of 1990 – a near five-fold reduction. We have also been working hard to lower VOCs and the industry has moved away from higher VOC decorative solvent-based paints to water-based paints. Moving forward we are looking to increase paint recycling and remanufacturing through an enhanced Paintcare scheme. However, there is more for us to do and we will be working closely with the Department of the Environment in the UK to make these schemes to assist our members to navigate their way through the challenges faced over the final months of 2020 but we are looking forward to next year and beyond at ways we can support the coatings sector in achieving greater things in the future. ‹
© British Coatings Federation
and initiatives as successful as possible. So we still have work to do
Tom Bowtell, CEO of BCF - British Coatings Federation.
THE INDUSTRY JUST GOT QUICKER TankFast linings are formulated to allow your tanks to return back to service quicker than ever before, with excellent chemical resistance capabilities. It’s about time your tanks were earning to their full potential. It’s about time you opted for TankFast. Find out more at
Take care of business from the inside.
Cortec Launches Silica-Free Version of MCI-309 to Protect Hard-to-Reach Metal Surfaces from Corrosion Ben Voight Cortec® Corporation - St. Paul (MN), United States
Cortec Corporation has launched a new version without silica of its MCI-309 migrating corrosion inhibitor for protection of metals within an enclosed space, such as PT tendons.
o offer an effective and easy-to-apply solution to protect metal
the enclosed space), it will be automatically replenished by new vapour
surfaces from corrosion, Cortec Corporation has launched
being continuously released from the powder carrier.
MCI®-309, a powder-based Migrating Corrosion InhibitorTM, which
MCI®-309 is considered ambiodic (mixed), meaning it protects both
can protect ferrous and aluminium metals located in recessed areas,
anodic and cathodic corrosion sites of the metal. It does not contain
interior cavities, and structural voids.
silica, silicates, phosphates, nitrites, or heavy metals.
How MCI®-309 works
Fields of application and advantages of MCI®-309
MCI -309 is an efficient dry method of protecting metals within an
MCI®-309 can be applied into a variety of tubular structures, pipes, and
enclosed space.
vessels where inaccessible or recessed metal surfaces are at risk for
Upon application of the MCI -309 powder in the void, it vaporizes and
corrosion but are otherwise difficult to reach.
forms a molecular layer of corrosion inhibitors on the metal surface. If
This is why MCI®-309 finds wide application in the construction industry,
this layer is ever compromised (for example, by moisture or by opening
both onsite and offsite, in which projects, especially large ones, may take
© Cortec® Corporation
During the grouting phase, post-tensioned tendons installed in ducts are at risk of corrosion.
© Cortec® Corporation
© Cortec® Corporation
Steel wire for concrete post tension system.
Tension bridge cables.
several years to complete.
Real life application: where MCI®-309 has been used
For example, for structures that use post-tensioning, grouting is a
Several recent bridge projects exemplify the use of MCI®-309 for PT
step that is often postponed due to cold weather, transit of precast
strand protection at various stages of construction.
segments, or other project delays. During this time, PT tendons installed
In the U.S., a new extradosed bridge crossing the St. Croix River Valley
in PT ducts are at risk of corrosion, especially in harsh environment such
from Minnesota to Wisconsin opened in 2017 to improve traffic flow in
as those of extreme moisture, chlorides, or high temperatures.
the area. The bridge took several years to complete and made use of
MCI®-309 by Cortec, makes it possible to protect these tendons in
MCI®-309 to protect post-tension strands that could not be immediately
such hard-to-reach areas, offering an easy and cost-effective corrosion
grouted after being placed in the structure. U.S. state and federal
protection method, which requires little to no surface preparation and
requirements usually call for use of a corrosion inhibitor if the delay
can be applied by dusting, fogging, or sprinkling. Removal is not required
is longer than 14 days, and MCI®-309 provided an efficient means
prior to concrete or grout placement, even though it is possible to carry
to do so.
it out with air guns and water. This offers an additional advantage over
MCI®-309 has also been used for important new bridges in Europe. For
oily or grease-based corrosion inhibitors that need to be cleaned off
example, a 5-mile (8 km) bridge being constructed in Denmark in 2018
before grouting.
was made of segments precast in Poland. MCI®-309 was applied at the
MCI -309 does not affect physical properties of concrete and grout (set
casting site to protect the PT cables according to design requirements
time, strengths, etc.). Testing has also confirmed that the product does not
until the segments could be grouted, which was not until 30 days after
affect strand pull-out strength compared to a control (Charts 1 and 2).
arriving at the final construction site. ‹
Chart 1 – Load-Displacement Curves, AET project No. 29-20452.
Chart 2 – Applied load, AET project No. 29-20452.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
© Graco
How to Blast Fiberglass Hulls without Damaging the Gel Coat Stephan Rindlfeisch Graco Distribution BV – Maasmechelen, Belgium
Good maintenance is essential to extend the lifetime of a boat or a yacht. The hull in particular needs special care as it is continuously subjected to water, wind, and marine organisms. Frequent re-application of the protective coating guarantees the hull’s water resistance.
s well as the quality of work, efficiency is vital in the maintenance
organisms such as algae on the hull. This is important to decrease the
of boats. Removing the antifouling layer is a time-consuming and
water resistance and fuel consumption of the boat.
difficult part of the essential maintenance operations.
• Primer: under the antifouling paint there is a primer that improves the adhesion of the antifouling layer on the gel coat. It guarantees a
The different layers of a boat hull
strong chemical bond and avoids premature peeling and cracking of the
It is important to understand the different layers of a hull and what their
antifouling paint.
functions are:
• Gel coat: the gel coat is the first layer on the hull and protects the fibre.
• Paint = antifouling: the outer layer of a hull is the antifouling paint.
It is crucial that the gel coat does not become damaged. For a good
This coating ensures a smooth structure and minimizes the growth of
adhesion of the primer, the gel coat should have a rugged profile.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
How to remove antifouling paint There are a number of stripping methods for removing antifouling paint. Chemical stripping, hand scraping, and wet abrasive blasting are the most commonly used. • Chemical stripping & hand scraping A traditional and time-consuming method for boat stripping includes toxic chemicals, harmful acids, and hand scraping. A caustic chemical product is applied to the hull. After impregnating, the top layer of the hull can be scraped off with a scouring pad or sander. This method can be environmentally damaging and contaminating to local water areas. It also requires long hours of hard work and can be a personal health hazard. • Wet abrasive blasting Wet blasting, like traditional dry blasting, relies on an abrasive media delivered at high speed under pressure to remove surface coatings and prepare a surface for finishing. However, wet blasting mixes water into the blast media. For the removal of antifouling paint on a fiberglass hull, dry blasting is too aggressive as it damages the gel coat. Wet blasting is gentle enough to leave the gel coat intact, while still being very effective.
Why choose vapour abrasive blasting for the removal of antifouling? • Less labour-intensive = faster = cheaper Wet abrasive blasting is the fastest, most efficient, and most economical way to remove antifouling paint. Using chemical stripping, the removal of antifouling from an average boat takes up to six days. With vapour abrasive blasting, the job is done in less than a day. • Safe for the environment Wet abrasive blasting keeps surrounding areas clean and allows others to continue working nearby safely. All non-toxic and silica-free media particles are encapsulated in water and grounded, leaving the surrounded area unaffected. Wet abrasive blasting leaves very little water on the ground since most of the water vaporizes and disappears. All that remains is a pile of damped media, making clean-up very easy. A fibre tarp to collect the media and debris would speed up the cleaning process. • Safe for the gel coat From antifouling paint, to epoxy, to heavy marine growth, wet abrasive blasting can remove it all without damaging the underlying protective gel coat. That way the hull is immediately ready for a new layer of paint. ‹
The western A52 Clifton Bridge as seen from the river bank.
Closing the Clifton Bridge Alex Romankiw Senior Engineer – United Kingdom
This article has been published on the following blog: It is republished here with kind permission of the author and the blogger.
On 6 February, the Clifton Bridge, a road bridge spanning the River Trent and carrying the A52 road to the west of the city of Nottingham (county of Nottinghamshire, England), was suddenly closed for emergency repairs, bringing Nottingham to a virtual standstill. What has gone wrong - and how can such a major problem come as such a surprise? Civil engineer Alex Romankiw explains in this article.
t’s very easy for infrastructure to be taken for granted. Railways have
was unexpectedly closed under emergency conditions, cutting a vital
been around for hundreds of years, roads for over two thousand
regional link and paralysing the city. Highways England have since
years in one form or another. Often the travelling public do not realise
announced that it’ll be undergoing repair work, and unable to reopen
how much work is required to keep infrastructure working - or how
fully, until 2021.
immense the disruption is when things go wrong.
Understandably, there was outrage on social media, frustration at
On 6 February 2020, the residents of Nottingham found out exactly
the disruption - and initially, information from Highways England was
how bad things could get when a defect was detected in the A52 Clifton
slow to appear. In this article I decided to explain why these sorts of
Bridge in south-west Nottingham. A major structural issue meant it
incidents happen, and why we can expect more incidents like this.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© Alex Romankiw
Welcome to Nottingham
As the road crosses the River Trent, it forms part of a seriously
Nottingham is the largest city in the East Midlands, with excellent
impressive junction complex, for a city ring road. Two bridges carry the
transport connections. The initial city grew on the Rivers Leen and
A52 across the Trent, multiplexing with the A453. On the north bank, a
Trent, and is now served by the M1 to the west, Midland Mainline rail
three level junction serves city-bound traffic on the A453. To the south
connections, and East Midlands airport. The City Council is a majority
another junction includes free-flow movements to the outbound A453
stakeholder in the main bus operator, and also manages the modern
and local connections.
tram network that was resurrected in 2001. In the last decade a number of major projects have taken place
Meet the bridges
to improve transport: Highways England dualled the remainder
The junction formed in several stages. The western (northbound) bridge
of the A46 between Leicester and Newark and the A453 between
was built in 1958. The eastern bridge opened in 1972, and was wider,
Nottingham and the M1. The tram network was expanded in 2015
with four lanes southbound and one lane northbound. This means that,
with two additional lines, and the UK’s first workplace parking levy
when heading north on the A52, the two lanes split: lane 2 heads north
commenced in 2012. In short, the city is very well-connected with
over the east bridge, and lane 1 joins the weaving three-lane section of
plenty of transport options, and a growing movement within the city
the northbound bridge with the A453. In short, this bridge carries an
to discourage car use.
awful lot of traffic!
The A52 also serves Nottingham, running mostly as a dual carriageway
The western bridge is made of post-tensioned concrete and, due to its
east-west between Derby and Grantham. It forms the southern half of
age, was strengthened in the late 1990s when it was discovered that
Nottingham’s ring-road, following Clifton Boulevard, a 50mph three-
a quarter of its tendons were corroded. Tendons are long steel cables
lane dual carriageway with overhead gantry signage. It carries regional
fixed under tension to pull the bridge together.
east-west traffic as well as local Nottingham traffic, a combination
The eastern bridge is made from in-situ reinforced concrete forming
which rarely encourages smooth traffic flow.
pre-tensioned box beams. This is basically steel reinforcement bars cast
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
© Alex Romankiw
Figure 1: Steel reinforcement bars (rebar) awaiting a coat of concrete.
into concrete (Fig. 1). This type of construction has two components:
A question of rust
• Steel reinforcing bar (or “rebar” for short): rebar is made from carbon
The steel used is usually carbon steel, which is susceptible to corrosion
steel. Steel is very good at dealing with tensile forces such as bending
– notice how the bars are a brown-orangey colour like rust. To prevent
and sliding forces (known as bending movement and shear force).
corrosion, we could use stainless steel, but this is extremely costly and
• Concrete: it is very good at dealing with compressive downwards
is sometimes weaker.
Corrosion takes two forms:
Put the two ingredients together and you get a very strong material.
• Carbonation, a reaction between cement and carbon dioxide in the
Reinforcing concrete is like baking. You build a large mould (usually out
air, or
of timber or metal), fix the steel in place, pour the concrete, wait for it
• Chloride penetration, a reaction caused by chloride ions, mainly
to set, and remove the moulds when it’s done. This means we can use
found in de-icing salts deposited on the road by gritting and winter
concrete to form bespoke shapes for the type of bridge or structure we
The reinforcing bars are usually protected from corrosion by being
© Alex Romankiw
Figure 3: A blip in the ultrasound reading might indicate corroded metalwork.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
Š Alex Romankiw
XĂĂ&#x17E; Ă&#x2018;ÂŤĂ&#x2014; ĂąĂ&#x17E;Ă&#x2018;Ä&#x160;ÂŤĂĂą
Figure 2: Concrete spalling on a bridge over the M1, with reinforcement bars exposed to the air.
encased in concrete, but physical damage (like vehicle strikes, weathering, freeze-thaw action by water) can break away the concrete and expose the steel. When the steel is exposed, the salts deposited by gritters can get to the bars and cause corrosion.
Corrosion also leads to rust as the air reacts with the steel, forming an oxide layer. The resulting expansion can blow the concrete out, exposing the steel: this is called spalling. Once exposed the corrosion can speed up and â&#x20AC;&#x153;chase alongâ&#x20AC;? the bar behind the concrete (Fig. 2). As the bar corrodes, its cross-sectional area is reduced. Since the
bars deal with tensile loads in reinforced concrete, corroded bars have an impact on the ultimate load the structure is able to carry so you can see why, when corrosion is detected, it can be a major
issue. So how do we detect corrosion?
An inspector calls The best way to detect corrosion is with a regular inspection schedule. There are two main types of inspection: â&#x20AC;˘ General inspection is carried out every 12-24 months, this is a quick check to make sure nothing has changed. â&#x20AC;˘ Principal inspection is a detailed, close-up, touching-distance, thorough examination of the structure. A principal inspection is generally every five years, although this can vary depending on the age, type and location of the structure. Other types of inspection can also be done. There is, of course, a wealth of guidance on bridge inspections as part of the Design
© Elliott Brown
© Alex Romankiw
Figure 4: Gravelly Hill Interchange, better known as Spaghetti Junction: home to a rust problem.
Figure 5: Repairs to corroded rebar in progress, with new segments spliced in.
Manual for Roads and Bridges1, which sets out standards for building
To investigate and repair, the concrete must be broken out to
and maintaining highways.
expose the rebar. This involves mechanical breakers - jackhammers
Earlier, we mentioned that corrosion can continue behind the
- or hydrodemolition, where the concrete is blasted out with high-
concrete, which makes it difficult to detect. One way we can “look”
pressure water jets. Both are noisy and dusty, and neither is a quick
through the concrete is using sonic logging. This sends an ultrasound
signal through the concrete. Voids caused by corrosion will create a
If it’s a small area, you can break out the concrete, chop the corroded
“blip” in the signal (Fig. 3).
bars, splice and couple new bars in, re-cast the concrete (or grout)
But sonic logging provides interpretive data, and hard-to-access areas
and it’s fixed.
can be missed. It’s not usually part of an inspection unless there is
The Figure 5 shows an example of a repair in progress. The concrete
already evidence of corrosion or other structural defects. The best
has already been broken out and the damaged bars have been cut.
way to examine corrosion is to break the concrete out and have a
Couplers (with bolts on) now connect the bars back together. This
work would take at least a week and relies on no further defects or corrosion being found. If the problem is worse than anticipated, we
Rubble trouble
could be in for disruption for a long time.
Concrete corrosion is a well-known issue - a lot of research is going
So what exactly has happened at Clifton Bridge?
into it and there are all sorts of clever ways to solve it. One method is called cathodic protection, which is where an electrical current is
A nasty surprise
passed through the structure to repel the chloride ions.
According to Highways England’s contractors, a crack in the concrete
Maintenance projects on the M6 Bromford Viaduct and Spaghetti
was detected during a maintenance inspection in 2018. This triggered
Junction, and the very long-running M5 Oldbury Viaduct works, have
an investigation and then a maintenance scheme, which was being
all been recent attempts to repair corrosion in bridge decks and
undertaken mainly from below the bridge decks by Balfour Beatty.
piers (Fig. 4).
Cabins and scaffolding were already in place below the bridge for this work.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
The contractors were hydrojetting within the concrete box beams
© kevjs1982
Figure 6: Maintenance work was already under way before the problem was detected.
© Highways England
Figure 7: A photograph showing some of the exposed tendons.
when they uncovered some loose lumps of concrete and then - more
A52 but across the surrounding network.
worryingly - a void. Upon closer inspection, some of the reinforcing
• Free breakdown recovery was provided.
tendons were exposed and corroded (Fig. 6).
Over the weekend, the traffic chaos continued, and with
At approximately lunchtime on Thursday 6 February, Highways
entertainment and sporting events in the city being held, other river
England were made aware of the situation and the potential risk that
crossings such as Trent Bridge quickly ground to a halt under the
the structure was compromised. To protect the public, in case the
pressure. Police were deployed to key junctions to try to keep traffic
bridge was actually unsafe, it had to be closed.
At 2pm, Highways England informed that the A52 would be closed later in the afternoon, perhaps at 4.30pm. In fact, the road was
No quick fix
closed at 5.30, right in the middle of rush hour, and although long
While all this was going on, engineers were hard at work. Structural
delays were reported that evening, it was only an indication of what
specialists were assessing the bridge and maintenance crews were
was to come.
working quickly to clear out the damaged area and make a repair
The road remained closed overnight, and then the Friday morning
(Fig. 8). On Monday 10 February, Highways England announced
rush hour hit. Travel times of two hours to travel half a mile were
their intention to open a single traffic lane by Wednesday. On
reported. The tram and bus networks were crippled as junctions
Tuesday, they announced they would try to open the single lane for
became blocked and vehicles broke down. At 9.30am, with the rush
the Tuesday evening rush-hour. Unfortunately, their optimism was
hour ending, there were two-mile queues on the approaches to the
misplaced, and it wasn’t until Wednesday that a lane was opened.
Presumably there were more nasty surprises to deal with on the
On Friday afternoon, a statement was issued, confirming that water
Tuesday afternoon.
damage had corroded steelwork within the bridge, and that HE
The lane reopening provided only minor relief, since there are still
planned to partially reopen the bridge the following week (Fig. 7).
four lanes closed to traffic. Normally the two Clifton Bridges provide
Other emergency measures were put into place:
a total of eight lanes across the river, but only four are presently
• All non-critical roadworks in the Nottingham area were suspended.
available. Only one lane could be reopened if the repair work was
• Highways England stepped up Traffic Officer patrols not just on the
going to continue.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
The restriction is making for some interesting arrangements. The lane doesn’t follow the existing ones across the road surface; it’s been set out specially, protected with a temporary barrier, and is temporarily marked with white lines.
Eternal vigilance Unfortunately, many of the concrete and steel structures in the UK are getting to an age where they require more and more maintenance and upkeep to remain in service (Fig. 9). Some structures, like the M6 viaducts near Birmingham or the M4 Brentford Viaduct in West London, now need constant maintenance works. This problem isn’t unique to roads. Rail structures like the Severn Tunnel and Forth Bridge require similar round-the-clock interventions to keep them open for the travelling public.
© Highways England
Figure 8: An engineer inside one of the Clifton Bridge’s hollow concrete beams.
Equally, emergency closures like the one the Clifton Bridge is suffering have also happened
© Highways England
in the past. The closure of the A4 Hammersmith Flyover in 2011 was well reported, as were the problems affecting the A90 Forth Road Bridge in 2017. The good news is that the UK is experienced in maintaining a large portfolio of highways structures. Compared with the rest of the world, our inspection regimes are particularly stringent and we have an excellent pool of engineers keeping the network running. The problem isn’t inattention; it’s that even close attention is sometimes not enough to spot an issue before it becomes serious. So if you’re stuck in the Nottingham traffic, or indeed a future emergency closure, I hope this gives you some idea of how and why these things happen. ‹
Editor’s note: As a consequence of the closure for maintenance work in February 2020, the Clifton Bridge has not yet been fully reopened and will not be for the whole of next year (source:, 5 of November 2020). Figure 9: Engineers climb to reach an access hatch underneath the Clifton Bridge.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
A L L I A N C E S FO R A S U STA I N A B L E E N E RGY F U T U R E w w w. o m c . i t
B I O F U E L S - C A R B O N C A PT U R E - C C U S - C E RT I F I C A T I O N - C I RC U L A R EC O N O MY C L A S S I F I C A T I O N - C L I M A T E - C O R R O S I O N - D I G I TA L I S A T I O N - D R I L L I N G - E F F I C I E N C Y - E L E C T R I C A L - E N E R G Y - E N E R G Y S T O R A G E - E N G I N E E R I N G - E N V I R O N M E N TA L E X P L O R A T I O N - G A S - G O V E R N M E N T - H E A LT H - I N S T R U M E N TA T A T I O N - L N G - M A I N TA ANENCE - M A R I N E - P OW E R SYST E M S - P RO C E S S I N G - P RO D U CT I O N - R ECYC L E - R EG U L A TO RY - R E N E WA B L E S - S A F E T Y - S U B S E A - S U S TA I N A B I L I T Y - T E L E C O M M U N I C A T I O N S TRANSITION T R A N S P O R TA T I O N VESSELS WA S T E MANAGENT / LINKEDIN @Offshore-Mediterranean-Conference
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New Airless® Azur™ Pumps for Applying Anti-corrosion Coatings Prevent the Icing Phenomenon Marie-Anne Guilldou SAMES KREMLIN – Pioltello (Milan), Italy
SAMES KREMLIN launches its brand new AIRLESS® solutions with the new AZUR™ pumps for the application of anti-corrosion coatings integrating new innovative and patented technologies.
he application of anti-corrosion coatings has many challenges.
It depends on many parameters: the preparation, the conditions of
Having to paint outdoors, applying complex or highly abrasive
intervention, the equipment for the transfer or application of the
coatings, painting very large parts or at very great distances makes this
paint, the ability of the painters to control the production tool. These
job extremely demanding.
parameters influence the quality of the finish and the life span of the
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
protection. Making the right investments will optimise the application of
The design of the housing allows the continuous evacuation of moisture
paint and reduce the maintenance costs of the works.
to the outside. The air circuit remains dry and therefore does not freeze.
“Our customers tell us that when they have an outdoor job site, they
The second, the heating of the air by compression at the exhaust in the
have a weather window to paint everything. They need to be sure that
foam outwards and its acceleration through the Venturi outlets keeps it
they can do all the painting in that window. Meanwhile, their airless
warm and prevents icing.
pumps must remain operational and efficient without affecting the
This technology integrated in the air motor of SAMES KREMLIN pumps
paint application. They must not stall, they must not freeze, they must
allows applicators to start the job and concentrate only on their work
not leak” explains Christophe Denis Bosio, Communication Manager at
as applicators. The pump will not stall and will maintain its performance
throughout the application.
“We know that frost is the most complicated parameter to control and is the number one enemy of anti-corrosion applicators. The expansion
SST technology make things easy and durable for users
of the air in the exhaust of the pump’s motor creates cold which
On the other hand, a pump must not leak at the upper lubricant cup,
causes the moisture in the motor’s air circuit to condense and frost.
as this causes the product jet to pulse at the gun, thus overconsuming
This icing accumulates in the air distributor and eventually blocks it.
paint and also polluting the environment of the workstation.
Our technological answer is VDE (Venturi Dual Exhaust) on our Airless®
The painter must in this case tighten the sealing cartridge and is
Azur™ pumps which prevents this icing phenomenon”.
constantly asking himself the question: how often should the cartridge be tightened to prevent it from leaking, did I tighten it too much, not
The VDE technology
enough, etc.? This destroys cartridges and pistons, stops the painter in
The design of 2 foam blocks (Dual Exhaust) at the exhaust of the pump’s
his work and is extremely expensive in the long run.
air motor distributor has several functions: the first one, the evacuation
Christophe Denis Bosio confirms: “The very principle of the chevron
of humidity out of the air circuit is done through integrated channels.
joints is that they must be constantly tightened (under pressure)
The 72C160 Azur™ pump by SAMES KREMLIN.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
to guarantee their basic function: to ensure watertightness. Their
succeeded to date. In fact, when the operator works near the pump(s),
undeniable advantage is their lifespan, because even when worn they
he no longer needs earplugs, which increases safety on the site and
can still seal by tightening them. However, this must be considered, and
limits the risk of hearing loss.
the painter often notices this when the pump leaks. He must therefore tighten the cartridge until it is destroyed or even damage the piston.
A great pump with great gun
This is very expensive in spare parts. Not to mention that during this
We also worked a lot on his main tool, the gun. Notably its ergonomics
time he does not paint.
to allow the painter to be more comfortable in his application.
Our technological answer is the adoption of cartridges with self-
Furthermore, being far from the pump, when the nozzle clogs, our
tightening seal technology. Thanks to this self-tightening seal system in
reversible system is designed to allow the painter to turn his nozzle
the upper part of the pump hydraulics, customers no longer need to
and unclog it without lowering the pressure or using a tool to loosen
worry about tightening their seals, they are constantly self-adjusting.
the nozzle base. Filters are also extremely efficient in preventing nozzle
Moreover, this system is not immersed in the paint, so there is no risk
clogging and thus increase the painter’s productivity.
of being badly cleaned during rinsing operations and thus degrading its
In addition to these technical advantages, special attention is paid
sealing function”.
to simplified maintenance solutions: optimisation of the number of
There is perhaps no application more demanding than anti-corrosion.
components, minimisation of the number of operations to be carried
That’s why these pumps are designed to transfer the most difficult
out and easier access to the areas where work is to be carried out.
paints with very high productivity. But the job of anti-corrosion painter
SAMES KREMLIN is therefore launching on the market its brand new
is extremely difficult. That is why SAMES KREMLIN has focused on the
Airless® solutions with new Azur™ pumps, robust, powerful, integrating
parameters that allow it to work better and be more productive.
innovative technologies, with very high productivity, capable of transferring and applying all types of anti-corrosion coatings. They
Silence is comfort and protection for painters
provide effective answers to the problems encountered on building
SAMES KREMLIN worked on the silencer system installed on the engine.
sites and allow a reduction in the cost of ownership1 of paint application
This technology makes its pumps the quietest on the market. The
equipment. ‹
material chosen and the density of the foams muffle the sound allowing to respect a decibel rate at the exhaust below 80 dba, which nobody has
Among the difficulties for painters there are the need to coat outdoors, apply complex or highly abrasive coatings, paint very large parts or at very great distances.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
All costs related to the use of equipment: consumption of products, energy, maintenance costs, etc.
stay tuned...
The Entry into Force of the European Drone Regulation has been Postponed to January 2021 Professional inspections with drones are increasingly common in almost all sectors where visual checks are required. The new European regulation on this subject, which should have entered into force in July 2020, will be applicable from January 2021.
he use of drones (or RPAS, remotely piloted aircraft systems)
procedures for the obtainment of the certificate by professionals have
in professional settings is increasingly widespread, as it is a
been modified.
precise, highly technological, economical, and low-risk solution for monitoring critical and difficult-to-access areas. In July 2020, the
The new European regulation
first European legislation was issued that regulates the piloting of
The new European regulation, which should have entered into force on
drones in both civil (non-critical operations) and professional settings
1 July 2020, has been postponed for six months due to the COVID-19
(critical operations, CRO). Whereas already in the past a licence was
health emergency that has prevented some countries from aligning
needed for the professional use of these aircraft, which in Italy is
with the new directives. One of its most innovative aspects is that it no
issued by the Italian Civil Aviation Authority (ENAC), the new European
longer distinguishes between recreational and professional use. Now,
regulation requires a certification also for civil uses. Moreover, some
drones are classified according to the risk factor of the flight operation © Adobe Stock
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© Adobe Stock
and to aircraft classes, primarily defined based on weight: devices
• training at a flight school (in Italy, it must be approved by ENAC),
weighing less than 250 grams, for example, can be operated with
including a 10-hour theoretical course and a practical course with
a simple certification obtained through an online training course
simulations of flight missions based on real cases, each followed by a
(in Italy, ENAC will issue a Remote Pilot Certificate - Non-critical
scenarios). On the other hand, professionals must obtain an RPAS
• BVLOS/EVLOS approval, only in the case an RPAS must be operated
pilot certification for critical operations by attending a course at the
out of the pilot’s sight.
flight school of an approved training centre, as was also required by
Once they have obtained their certification for critical operations,
the previous regulation.
pilots have to record the flight times of the missions they carry out with an RPAS in a special Logbook.
RPAS pilot certification for critical operations
The certification is valid for 5 years (for both critical and non-critical
‘Critical operations’ are all those that exceed the limits of non-critical
operations), at the end of which the license must be renewed.
activity, i.e. all Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) operations performed at a
The characteristics and piloting methods of drones for professional
safe horizontal distance of at least 150 m from congested areas and
use in critical operations, such as the monitoring of bridges,
at least 50 m from people not involved in the operations themselves,
infrastructure, buildings, pipelines, and all assets at risk of corrosion,
with a ban on flying over urban areas and sensitive infrastructure.
will be described in an article to be published in the next Protective
Starting from the entry into force of the new regulation, such
Coatings issue.
certification will be obtained as follows: • online license (like drone pilots for non-critical operations)
For further information:
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
© Hempel
Hempel Enhances its Antifouling Coatings and Launches New Solutions Hempel launches re-formulated antifouling technology to enhance its proven range of low investment hull coatings.
eading global coatings manufacturer Hempel has enhanced its
and this ensures the best possible fouling protection in all trading
established and proven Olympic+ and Oceanic+ antifouling range
and is, today, launching five new antifouling solutions: Oceanic Protect+,
Oceanic Flex+, Olympic Protect+, Olympic Flex+ and Olympic Protect.
The new antifouling solutions
Building on their proven effectiveness, reliability and impressive value-
Olympic Protect, Olympic Protect+ (for medium to high activity levels)
for-money, these five new products deliver additional benefits and
and Olympic Flex+ (for low activity levels) are based on ion-exchange
choice within the existing product range.
technology and give protection for up to 25 idle days and up to 60-months service interval.
Proven Olympic+ and Oceanic+ antifouling range
Oceanic Protect+ (for medium to high activity levels) and Oceanic Flex+
Hempel’s Olympic+ and Oceanic+ antifouling coatings have been
(for low activity levels) are based on zinc carboxylate technology and
protecting vessels since 2009 and 2012 respectively and the
protect for up to 30 idle days and 60-months service interval. These
introduction of the new, re-formulated products delivers an even
coatings also deliver a maximum of 5.5 per cent speed loss1.
higher performance through better control of the leached layer and an
Commenting on the new products, Marianna Sioni, Marine Group
enhanced mechanical strength. Coupled with this, higher volume solids, high dry film thickness per coat and lower Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) reduce costs, time and emissions during application. These new antifouling solutions are designed to suit different trading patterns,
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
Speed loss: If a vessel’s main engine is set at a certain power output, it will propel the ship through the water at a certain speed. Over time, fouling accumulation will increase drag and cause the speed of the ship to reduce even if the main engine power output remains constant. This reduction in speed is termed “speed loss”.
Product Manager, Antifouling coatings, said: “Hempel’s antifouling
rate and biocide release. This enables the coating to achieve a smoother
product range caters for every vessel and every owner and we are
and fouling-free hull throughout the service period.
proud that our Oceanic+ and Olympic+ range has been able to deliver through the years reliable fouling control at such an effective cost.
Olympic+ and Oceanic+ at a glance
Building on this success, we have invested in re-formulating these
• Dedicated versions for each trading pattern.
products to enhance their performance so that we can continue to
• Idle period up to 25 days (Olympic+) and up to 30 days (Oceanic+).
offer proven solutions for a low upfront investment, supported by
• Up to 60 months service intervals.
Hempel’s world-class global service. In short, this is proven antifouling
• Maximum 5.5 per cent speed loss (Oceanic+).
performance reinvented”.
• Proven track record since 2009 (Olympic+) and 2012 (Oceanic+). • Reliable biocide package.
New coatings’ advantages
• Incorporating Smartfibre technology for reduced leached layer,
All five reformulated products take advantage of Hempel’s reinvented
controlled polishing and exceptional mechanical strength.
Smartfibre technology which delivers a stronger and smoother hull.
• Excellent colour retention.
Each coating now contains a 20 per cent higher fibre content which
• Reduced film thicknesses and high-volume solids reduce paint
significantly improves its mechanical strength and allows the increase
of the hydrophobic characteristics of the products - leading to reduced
• High maximum DFT per coat means fewer coats required.
leached layer thickness. As water flows over the coating, enhanced
• Reduced VOC emissions.
fibres, which fit parallel to the surface, ensure a smooth and uniform removal of the leached layer which facilitates a well-controlled polishing
For further information:
Coating Inspections - Inspection of Steel Surface Preparation, Part 1 Massimo Cornago NACE International Certified Coating Inspector, NACE CIP PEER Reviewer
n our previous article, “Basic Inspection Practice”1, we analysed
1. Soluble salt contamination
the responsibilities of a Certified Coating Inspector (CI) during the
The CI must check that the surface is free from contamination to
preliminary inspection phase (Preliminary Inspection Responsibilities,
the extent specified, especially in terms of chlorides, sulphates,
paragraph 1), with ample space devoted to the necessary work
iron ions, and dust. Chloride salt contamination, in particular, can
planning activities. We will now delve into the inspections to
be tied to different sources, such as airborne industrial chemicals,
be carried out during the surface preparation phase (Surface
salt contained in a marine atmosphere (in areas near or on the
Preparation Inspection, paragraph 2), particularly those relating to
sea), direct contact with sea water, defrosting of bridges and/or
surface contamination. Although often project specifications do not
highways on which salt has been thrown to prevent freezing, or
mention this, it is good practice that, during the pre-job meeting, the
even already contaminated abrasives. The latter are often invisible
CI requires two steps to be carried out. These include contaminant
to an inexperienced eye and they are generally not removable by
removal, as contaminating agents can affect the adhesion of coatings
abrasive blast cleaning.
thus leading to the system’s premature failure due to corrosion, and
Although exact standards of acceptability have not been established
the achievement of proper roughness of the metal surface to be
in terms of allowable amounts of contamination that may remain
treated, in order to guarantee good adhesion.
and not affect coating performance – of course, each paint product
There are many ways to obtain proper surface preparation, including
has a specific value – there are some “conventional” parameters of
solvent cleaning, water cleaning, hand tool cleaning, power tool
reference for both new construction and maintenance works. In
cleaning, abrasive blast cleaning, and centrifugal blast cleaning;
general, research and experience show that removing any chemical
all the inspection procedures required for each of these methods
contamination helps extend the service life of coatings over time.
are governed by international standards, such as NACE, SSPC, ISO,
The standard NACE5/SSPC-SP12 is a valid help for this purpose. In
etc. Surface preparation is preceded by a control phase on the
fact, it is almost always mentioned in project specifications as the
surface itself (steel preparation). Here, the CI assesses all aspects
official reference document. Alternatively, a specifier drawing on
of the metal surface to be prepared to coating, including welding,
personal experience and/ or the support of the paint manufacturer
cutting, grinding of welds and sharps edges, weld spatters, etc., in
can give some directions and decide which are the minimum values
compliance with the reference standard regulations. Moreover, in
of acceptability.
case chemicals are used, which are generally very alkaline and/or
With the exception of acid/basic contaminants, which can be easily
contain thickeners, before surface preparation the CI must check
identified by measuring the surface pH, all other contaminants can
that the operation is carried out in full compliance with the project
only be determined through extraction, by swabbing or deionised
specifications and, above all, with the instructions issued by the
water-based cleaning with an aqueous solution. The latter can be
paint manufacturer. Indeed, if they are not properly removed, these
then analysed with different certified methods, such as indicator
products will remain on the surfaces long enough to alkalise and
strips (ASTM-D4262), conductivity meters, or other tools that can
attack the coatings.
determine a sample’s chloride ion content.
We will now describe in detail the tests to be carried out before the
The standard NACE5/SSPC-SP12 includes a table defining three
surface preparation phase.
levels of soluble salt contamination: 1. SC-1 – Surface free of all detectable levels of contaminants
M. Cornago, Coating Inspections – Basic Inspection Practice, in ipcm® Protective Coatings no. 35 (October 2020), pages 40-41.
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(water-soluble chlorides, iron-soluble salts, and sulphates), as determined using available field test equipment.
2. SC-2 – Surface with less than 7 μg/cm2 chloride contaminants,
not visible in the sun, it is necessary to use a protection (a shield or
less than 10 μg/cm2 of soluble ferrous ion levels, and less than 17
black cloth) to perform this activity outdoors during the daytime.
μg/cm2 of sulphate contaminants as verified by field or laboratory
If the surfaces present a bright yellow or lime green colour when
analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment.
exposed to UV light, they are contaminated. In the event that the
3. SC-3 – Surface with less than 50 μg/cm2 chloride and sulphate
CI ascertains the presence of this type of contamination, they must
contaminants as verified by field or laboratory analysis using
make sure it is removed through specific procedures, such as
reliable, reproducible test equipment.
solvent cleaning.
The Bresle method is currently the most used, as included in the ISO 8502.6 standard, which we will have the opportunity to deepen
3. Dust contamination
in a dedicated chapter.
The presence of dust generated during sandblasting or other
2. Grease and oil contamination
the performance characteristics of coatings. The most common
Surfaces can also be contaminated with a thin film of grease, oil,
techniques for dust control are the pressure sensitive tape method
or water-insoluble material. Contamination from grease and oils
(ISO 8502-3) and the clean cloth method. The former is certainly
is extremely damaging to the performance of coatings. Therefore,
the most used one: it involves the application of a transparent
it is necessary that the CI assesses its presence and demands it is
adhesive cellophane tape on the metal surface, pressing it well
removed from the surfaces to be treated. Such contamination is
except for a small final part to easily tear it away. At this stage, it
generally due to the presence of grease on the hands of operators
is very important not to contaminate the surface with any grease
operations can reduce paint adhesion or otherwise adversely affect
and/or the CI themselves, to the oils used to lubricate compressors
present on fingers. The tape is then removed and the amount of
and power tools, and to diesel exhausts.
dust collected is analysed. The strip of tape is examined under
Some tests are available for the detection of oils and grease on
contrasting light by comparing it with pictorial references, such as
metal surfaces, e.g. water break and UV black light tests. The
the value scale shown in Figure 1.
former visually distinguishes the water diffusion characteristics
The amount of powder is classified from 1 (lowest dust content)
(surface energies) of clean and contaminated surfaces, by spraying
to 5 (highest amount). The level of acceptability depends on the
deionised water on them. If water collects in drops looking like
customer’s coating specifications, but normally 2 is considered
lenses, which take about 25 seconds to show, the surface is pristine.
acceptable, whereas 3, 4, or 5 level surfaces are cleaned and
If, on the other hand, water collects in droplets and forms a water
reassessed. The standard ISO 8502-3 also classifies the size of the
break within 25 seconds, the
dust particles, although this is
surface is contaminated.
not normally a requirement in
The latter method is more
coating specifications. The size
commonly used on already
of class 1 dust is not visible at
“clean” surfaces and only
10x magnification; the size of
occasionally is it necessary
class 2 dust is visible at 10x
to use it immediately before
magnification; the size of class
cleaning, as preliminary solvent
3 dust is visible to the naked
cleaning operations aimed at
eye without magnifying glass;
removing grease and oils are
the size of class 4 dust ranges
required in almost all surface
between 0.5 mm and 2.5 mm;
preparation specifications. This
and the size of class 4 dust is
procedure is widely used on oil
greater than 2.5 mm.
tank linings. With the exception
In the next article, we will have
of synthetic oils, grease and
the opportunity to discuss the
oils absorb ultraviolet light and
various surface preparation
emit it as visible, fluorescent
techniques available, starting
light, thus becoming easily
with the water cleaning
identifiable. Since UV light is
method. ‹ Figure 1: The scale of values for detecting dust contamination according to the pressure sensitive tape method.
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
Belzona 1818 has been specially formulated for emergency patch repairs in highly abrasive environments. © Belzona
Fast Cure, Surface Tolerant, Abrasion Resistant System for Emergency Patch Repairs Laura Bell Belzona Polymerics Ltd – Harrogate, United Kingdom
Belzona Polymerics announced the launch of a new product to add to their comprehensive portfolio of solutions for industrial maintenance.
elzona 1818, the new product designed by Belzona Polymerics, one of the world leading providers of high-performance polymeric repair
and shape. What is easily identifiable about this new product is its distinctive blue
composites and protective coatings, has been specially formulated for
colour. This vivid blue serves as a good mixing indicator and provides
emergency patch repairs in highly abrasive environments typically found
contrast where an application is carried out in poorly lit conditions or
in industries such as mining, cement, pulp & paper, biomass, amongst
against dark background surfaces where the repair area should be
others where equipment is commonly exposed to extensive erosion and
easily identifiable. These conditions can be common in typical industrial
abrasion from excavated or processed materials of varying type, size
applications where Belzona 1818 is likely to be used.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
The blue colour serves as a good mixing indicator and provides contrast where an application is carried out in poorly lit conditions or against dark background surfaces. © Belzona
Belzona 1818 application
erosion resistance expected of the Belzona 1800 series with added
Belzona 1818 is the newest addition to the highly erosion resistant
application benefits, offering ease of use and a fast return to service”.
Belzona 1800 series product range and bridges the gap between surface tolerance, fast cure and high abrasion resistance. It’s fast curing
The advantages of the new product
properties means minimal downtime for damaged equipment, so
This new product is supplied in convenient 1kg units where base and
much so that the product can experience full mechanical loading and
solidifier can be easily combined on a Belzona work surface. Belzona
heavy abrasion just two hours after application, depending on cure
1818 is easy to mix and apply and offers a good working life (16 minutes
at 20°C/68°F) whilst still offering fast cure and a rapid return to service.
In these abrasive environments, surface preparation can also be an
The product is suitable for emergency repairs where downtime must be
issue and contamination is common, therefore the equipment cannot
kept to a minimum and optimal surface preparation cannot be achieved
always be fully cleaned or ideally profiled as required for many repair
due to accessibility or environmental and application constraints.
materials. The desire to deal with adverse application conditions
As with all Belzona products, Belzona 1818 is made to the highest
creates a need for a not only fast-curing, but also a surface-tolerant
quality and safety standards and has undergone rigorous performance
material. As a result, Belzona 1818 has built in surface tolerant
testing. Belzona 1818 is user friendly and can applied without the need
technology, enabling it to bond tenaciously onto steel substrates even
for hot work or specialist tools. In addition, Belzona 1818 is formulated
when surface preparation is minimal or if the substrate is heavily
without solvents and is free from CMR classification and labelling, whilst
contaminated with oil or water. The product can even be applied and
maintaining cure speed and performance to give a durable and long-
cured underwater.
lasting repair.
Kristine Savicka, Belzona R&D Technician explains: “Belzona 1818
Based on initial research and feedback from Engineers in the field, it is
builds on our knowledge and experience of producing highly abrasion
envisaged that this product will be used on various types of equipment
resistant systems, and combines this technology with our know-how
within abrasive environments such as slurry pumps, grinding mills,
and expertise in producing fast-cure and surface-tolerant products
screw conveyors, chutes and hoppers, hydrocyclones, wear plates, dust
for application in non-ideal conditions. Belzona 1818 offers the high
extraction pipe work, agitator shafts, hubs and blades. ‹
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
Keeping the Lights on in the Middle of the Pandemic Marina Silva IGS Integrated Global Services, Inc. – Richmond, United States
Drax power station is a large biomass and coal-fired plant in North Yorkshire, England. As well as surface protection solutions, IGS supplies it with continuous inspection systems that monitor the boiler tubes’ integrity and generate data to inform and validate the metal wastage prevention strategies.
ased in the United Kingdom, the Drax power plant has a capacity
which commercial operations come to an end in March 2021.
of 3,906 megawatts (MW) and produces around 14 terawatt-hours
The boiler units went into operation in the 1970s and require ongoing
(TWh) of power a year, 96% using compressed wood pellets, a form of
monitoring and maintenance to prevent unplanned outages from erosion
sustainably sourced biomass. The remainder is produced using coal, for
and corrosion damage. As well as surface protection solutions from
© IGS Integrated Global Services, Inc.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
IGS, the plant utilizes continuous inspection systems that monitor the
outage for Unit 3, a biomass boiler burning proprietary wood pellets, was
boiler tubes’ integrity and generate data to inform and validate the plant
initially planned for February/March 2020. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic,
engineers’ metal wastage prevention strategies.
the start of the outage was postponed to the end of August, with the IGS work on the Unit 3 boiler waterwall scheduled for October.
Boiler waterwall and superheater protection Colin Bateman, Director of Business Development EMEA, IGS,
Preparation for the outage
commented: “We started servicing this Major UK Power Plant in 2016
IGS had to adapt the mobilization of the European crew to be in
and have since been awarded a long-term contract for thermal spray
compliance with the Power plant and UK Covid regulations. Quarantine
applications within their boilers. Our capability to quickly mobilize our
was not required in accordance with the UK Government’s exemptions for
applications team and equipment, coupled with extensive experience,
specialist technical workers for the power infrastructure. All the crew were
enable us to exceed client expectations in terms of shutdown schedules
tested prior to their arrival in the UK and negative results were confirmed
and solution reliability.” IGS have been applying high velocity thermal
before entry to the site. IGS Europe was the largest team coming in from
spray alloy cladding on boiler waterwalls and ceramic coatings on the
outside of the UK.
Specialist technical workers Boiler Unit 3 2020 outage
Workers with specialist technical skills required for essential or
The boilers at this power plant run on a four-year maintenance cycle. The
emergency works to ensure the continued safe and secure operations
© IGS Integrated Global Services, Inc.
In 2020 650 m2 area in Unit 3 were protected in 8 days: the photo shows the application in progress.
The large biomass and coal-fired power station in Drax, North Yorkshire (England).
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
of generating stations, gas or electricity transmission or distribution
hit the new required customer schedule and completed the works with
networks, electricity interconnectors, gas terminals, or district or
the application of the IGS HVTS system to 650 m2 within the new critical
communal heat networks.
path dates.
Colin added: “In addition, we have the IGS Pandemic Plan added
The scope was completed on time with no hiccups in accordance with
to our mobilization procedures. Special actions were taken for
all requirements from the government and all companies involved in
accommodation, site activity, social distancing, and keeping the team
the outage, a large-scale project delivered on time and within budget.
in small pods. We had 30+ people on-site, working 24 hours a day in
The IGS team has been commended for their professionalism and
shifts. Bubbles were maintained throughout the IGS team, ensuring
attention to detail.
on-the-job and off-the-job social distancing.” On location, COVID tests, monitoring, and temporary accommodation modules in a local leisure
Handling issues during project delivery
centre were set up.
Even a problematic compressor didn’t knock the IGS team off schedule! An IGS technician used his expertise, initiative, and knowledge to
Project execution
maintain the third party equipment to keep the project on schedule.
The planned project start date was pushed back by two days due to
In 2020, IGS is set to complete at least 273 projects, keeping essential
delays with pressure part activities in the back end of the boiler (not
infrastructure going by preventing corrosion, erosion, and fouling within
in the furnace first pass where the IGS HVTS was applied). As a result,
power plants, refineries, chemical producers, pulp & paper, metals & mining, cement plants, and other facilities. ‹
© IGS Integrated Global Services, Inc.
the IGS critical path was reduced from 10 to 8 days. Despite this IGS
IGS maintenance applications timeline at the UK biomass power plant.
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
AMI’s Pipeline Coating conference has gone virtual for 2021!
9-11 February 2021
The free-to-attend* global virtual summit will explore line, field and joint pipe coatings through technical presentations and networking opportunities Five reasons to attend: 1. Participate in sessions exploring the strategies undertaken to cope with Covid-19, an exploration into coating selection and how this can lead to lower costs for pipe ownership 2. Gain an operational insight with operators and contractors sharing their challenges and needs 3. Build your own schedule during the three-day event and access presentations on-demand 4. Network with representatives from across the global supply from the comfort of your own home! 5. Browse the virtual exhibition to source new materials, products and services
Register for free* at *until 29th January 2021
Other ways to get involved: • Become a speaker and showcase your knowledge and your company’s experience • Promote your company with your logo showcased throughout the event, on the website and in marketing communications
Sponsored by:
To find out more contact the conference organiser. Harriet White T/ +44 (0) 117 314 8111 E/
Organised by:
Supported by:
StocExpo Postponed to June 2021 StocExpo, which was set to take place in March 2021, has been postponed from June 29 to July 1.
tocExpo, the leading tank storage event, has been postponed
the positive global news, we will be able to bring the community back
from March 2021 to 29 June - 1 July 2021 in a decision made in
together in a more powerful way than ever! Tank storage was already in
consultation with the community. The live show and associated awards,
a time of transition before the pandemic struck, so now collaboration
which regularly attracts key visitors and exhibitors from across the
and knowledge sharing are more important than ever before; it’s the
industry’s biggest, best and most innovative players, will be held at the
key to the sector’s ongoing success. StocExpo 2021 will be the event for
Antwerp Expo in Antwerp, Belgium.
everyone to regroup and reassess and move forward into the future
As well as networking opportunities and a world-leading exhibition
with confidence.”
on the show floor, the bulk storage community will benefit from the
This decision has been made in close consultation with the industry and
insights of some of the industry’s leading experts on a wide range of
due to the ongoing unforeseeable, unavoidable and unprecedented
trends and issues impacting the industry, from cyber security to LNG
global scope of the Coronavirus pandemic. This has led to the
and beyond.
Government implementing ongoing measures to maintain social
Also at the show will be a brand new Emergency & Response Zone, a
distancing, further continuing the Force Majeure situation.
next-gen roundtable debate, with input from StocExpo’s Forty Under 40
During the lead up to the June 2021 show, StocExpo will launch a series
(due to be announced in early 2021), as well as a critical post-COVID-19
of digital events, putting the focus on the key issues that the industry
market analysis.
currently faces and its solutions. The new ‘Tank Talk Spotlight On…’
Lourda Derry, COO of Easyfairs Global, says, “We’re thrilled to be able
series will connect innovative brands with forward-thinking specifiers to
to announce the return of StocExpo; we know how valuable it is to the
cover innovation and digitalisation trends. The last of these spotlights
industry and it’s great to be back in Antwerp. We know it’s a little later
will be part of a virtual conference, ‘The Terminal of Tomorrow’,
in the year than usual; we had hoped to hold the show in March as
running over the previously allocated show days; this virtual StocExpo
usual but we felt it safer to delay so we could ensure the event could
conference will provide the knowledge, resources & tools terminals
be held in person. Virtual shows can offer a certain level of content, but
need to prepare for 2021 and beyond.
we understand how important it still is for us to connect and continue to foster key relationships face to face. We are confident that, with
© Easyfairs
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
For further information:
EXPO Ferroviaria, Italy’s No1 Exhibition for Railway Technology, Returns to Milan 28-30 September 2021 The 10th International Exhibition of Railway Technology, Products and Systems, returns to Fiera Milano Rho, 28-30 September 2021. For 3 days, key organisations operating in the fields of rolling stock and infrastructure technologies will gather to exchange their expertise on the latest developments in the industry.
fter a record-breaking
resurgence of activities
edition in 2019, which
predicted for the second
has once again confirmed
half of 2021, providing the
the event’s status as Italy’s
ultimate marketplace to
leading exhibition for rail
accompany the rail sector
industry professionals, this
on the road to recovery.
10th edition will be held at
Every 2 years, Italy’s
a challenging time for the
No1 event for Railway
railway sector. In order
Technology, Products
to provide the industry
and Systems targets
with the marketplace it
specialists at all
needs to recover from the
management levels, from
crisis, EXPO Ferroviaria
key industry contractors,
will support participating
suppliers and sub-
companies by delivering a
contractors, equipment
business platform in 2021
manufacturers, to public
to network, exchange
transport operators and
about current challenges and conduct business
management authorities. With over 17,000m² of
© Mack-Brooks Exhibitions Ltd
again. In addition, the
exhibition space, the event
event will see an optimisation of its exhibition space by splitting its total
provides an excellent meeting point for decision-makers, government
space between a first hall entirely dedicated to infrastructure products
authorities, buyers and engineering companies within the fields of
and technologies, and a second hall hosting key players in the field of
rolling stock and infrastructure technologies. Technical workshops,
rolling stock.
seminars and high-level speakers are also in the programme. EXPO
“In the current economic context, which has seen the railway industry
Ferroviaria’s recurring features also include an on-track display for live
severely affected by the global health crisis, especially in passenger
machinery demonstrations, allowing companies to find smart solutions
transport, it is crucial that we provide our exhibitors with the platform
to meet their needs.
they need to emerge from the crisis quicker and stronger,” says Olaf
EXPO Ferroviaria is part of a series of targeted trade events for the
Freier, Portfolio Director of EXPO Ferroviaria on behalf of the Organiser
railway industry, including SIFER in France and Railtex and Infrarail
Mack-Brooks Exhibitions. “The new optimised distribution of space
in the UK, all taking place in the second half of 2021 to support the
will also allow exhibitors and visitors to network and do business in
recovery of the European rail market. Altogether, the exhibitions
an area dedicated to their sector of activity, leading to better business
form a network of 25,000 visitors, 40 industry partners and 1,300
opportunities and enhanced visitor experience at the show.”
exhibiting companies looking to grow their business. Among the
Successfully organised by Mack-Brooks Exhibitions since 2004, EXPO
ranks of confirmed exhibitors at EXPO Ferroviaria 2021 are small and
Ferroviaria is Italy’s leading showcase entirely dedicated to the rail
medium-sized companies as well as large enterprises, including Alstom,
industry. The last edition recorded an overall growth of 28% in occupied
Wabtec, Stadler Rail, ABB, Vossloh, Pfisterer, GCF Generali Costruzioni
space, a historical milestone that symbolises the growing trust of
Ferroviarie and Tekfer.
exhibitors and the importance that EXPO Ferroviaria has taken over the years. The next edition, for its part, will take place in the midst of a
For further information:
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
Electric City 2021: Showcasing the Energy System of the Future Electric City 2021, the exhibition giving access to the entire value chain for onshore and offshore wind energy, will take place in Copenhagen from 27-29 April 2021.
he energy system of tomorrow will be renewable, digital and carbon-
traditional physical exhibition, conference programme and networking
free. Wind energy will be the backbone of the energy system as it is
on-site in Copenhagen. Not only the future energy system is becoming
set to become Europe’s main source of electricity by as early as 2027.
more decentralised and digitalised, as is the Electric City event.
Fossil fuels will slowly but certainly phase-out of the system – replaced by
Electric City 2021 will take place in Copenhagen from 27-29 April 2021.
decentralised, digitalised and integrated cross-sector solutions based on
WindEurope is working closely with the Danish authorities to implement
renewable energies.
adequate health and safety measures that ensure a safe and smooth
Electric City 2021, taking place in Copenhagen from 27-29 April 2021, is
event amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. But WindEurope is also
the event to watch for if you want to learn what this future energy system
cooperating with the venue and all partners to prepare for a later date
will look like. Electric City 2021 is a new onshore and offshore wind event,
and to quickly adapt plans if the health situation should deteriorate.
connecting Europe’s wind industry with its new customers and partners. Heavy industry, mobility, district and domestic heating, aviation, shipping,
For further information:
chemicals – with the European Green Deal objective of climate neutrality
by 2050, major industries are actively looking for solutions to decarbonise. COVID-19 has accelerated the global shift to renewables, with recovery programmes facilitating huge investments into future-proof technologies. This does not only increase the need for onshore and offshore wind energy development, but it also creates totally new business models and calls for innovative solutions. Electric City 2021 will showcase developments in the areas of electrification, energy storage, offshore hybrids, renewable hydrogen and many more. It connects traditional energy suppliers with new partners. This means new voices at the conference, debating the changes we need in policy, business models and technology to deliver the energy transition to renewable energies. And it also brings a range of new companies onto the exhibition floor in Copenhagen. To create an appealing and diverse conference programme, event organiser WindEurope has partnered with numerous stakeholders and associations from the renewables sector and beyond. The European Association for Electromobility (AVERE), the European Association for Energy Storage (EASE), the European Heat Pump Association (EHPA), HydrogenEurope or the International Association for Public Transport Operators (UITP) are just some of the partners that will help to make Electric City 2021 a truly leading event for sector coupling and renewables-based electrification. The packed conference programme offers insights from experts in technology and finance, leading voices from policy and academia, startups and students, and much more. In 2021, the Electric City event will go one step further. After the success of the digital WindTV format at WindEnergy Hamburg 2020, organiser WindEurope is looking into new hybrid formats to complement the
N.36 - 2020 DECEMBER - ipcm® Protective Coatings
© Francois de Ribacourt
StocExpo Announces New Women in Tanks Initiative StocExpo has announced its next new 2021 event in Antwerp (Belgium) – Women in Tanks – to promote diversity in the industry and highlight the women working in the tank storage sector.
tocExpo, the world’s leading bulk liquid storage event has
have been the only woman in a meeting now, there are now others.
announced its next new focal point for the 2021 event in Antwerp
StocExpo 2021 will be held between 29 June -1 July in Antwerp,
– Women in Tanks – to highlight the women working in the tank
storage sector. To secure the future success of the tank storage sector, the industry
About StocExpo and Easyfairs
needs to attract the right people and to retain a diversity of talent,
StocExpo is the largest and longest running international bulk liquid
skills, experience and thought. For this reason, StocExpo is promoting
storage event, and is going back to Antwerp in June 2021 to inspire,
diversity in the industry as well as celebrating what a great sector this
connect and share knowledge within the tank storage community.
is for both women and men to work.
Thought leaders from across the world gather alongside exhibitors
Rikki Bhachu, StocExpo Senior Marketing Manager, says: “This new
and visitors to discuss the future of the bulk storage industry.
addition to StocExpo will be packed with the most inspiring women in
Easyfairs currently organises 200 events in 14 countries (Algeria,
the industry, where every story and experience, every new initiative
Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands,
and talk is relevant and every piece of advice another crack in the
Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United
glass ceiling.”
Kingdom) and manages 10 event venues in Belgium, the Netherlands
1 in 8 engineers are women and are hugely successful, and we want
and Sweden (Antwerp, Ghent, Mechelen-Brussels North, Namur,
to encourage more women to join the sector. Women in responsible
Gorinchem, Hardenberg, Venray, Gothenburg, Malmö and Stockholm).
positions in the tank storage industry are still a relative rarity but
In 2018 Easyfairs was named Belgium’s “Entrepreneur of the Year®”
slowly growing, as Women in Tanks representatives Margaret Dunn
and earned recognition as a Deloitte “Best Managed Company” and
and Elodie Zausa note.
a “Great Place to Work”. For the second year running, Deloitte has
Dunn revealed: “When I joined the industry 15 years ago there were
conferred “Best Managed Company” status on Easyfairs in 2020.
very few women in the sector. I’m pleased to see the numbers slowly increasing, but there’s still work to be done.”
For further information:
Elodie Zausa said in a recent interview that where once she might
ipcm® Protective Coatings - 2020 DECEMBER - N.36
Protective Coatings ®
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Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti
Massimo Cornago
Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan - Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics
Oil & Gas Specialist
ISSN 2282-1767
Protective Coatings ®
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2020 - 9th Year | Quarterly - N.36 December
Prof. Paolo Gronchi Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section
Edoardo Tevere Indipendent Nace inspector lev. 3 QC/QA
Ing. Luca Valentinelli Materials Engineer, PhD, Nace inspector lev.3
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Make Europe go electric at 2021’s largest wind energy event Electric City is an enhanced version of your classic tŝŶĚ ƵƌŽƉĞ ĞǀĞŶƚ͗ ƚŚĞ ĞŶƟƌĞ ŽŶͲ ĂŶĚ ŽīƐŚŽƌĞ wind industry will be there, and new partners looking to do business with wind will be there too! At Electric City we will welcome heavy industry, ŵŽďŝůŝƚLJ͕ ĚŝƐƚƌŝĐƚ ĂŶĚ ĚŽŵĞƐƟĐ ŚĞĂƟŶŐ͕ ƐƚŽƌĂŐĞ͕
hybrids, hydrogen and many more to form ƉĂƌƚŶĞƌƐŚŝƉƐ ĂŶĚ ŚĞůƉ ƵƐ ĚĞůŝǀĞƌ ĂŶ ĞůĞĐƚƌŝĮĞĚ European economy. The next chapter of wind energy begins at Electric City… see you there!