German Engineering
H2O. Effective and Reliable Process Solutions. For a future free of wastewater.
”Our mission is the sustainable processing of industrial wastewater for a wastewater free future. Our state of the art technology and excellent VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems guarantee a reliable investment and long term viability for our customers.” Matthias Fickenscher, Managing Partner of H2O GmbH.
Sustainable processing of industrial wastewater. A reliable investment for a better future.
Water is one of the most valuable resources. To protect it and to feasibly recycle it is what drives us. Therefore we develop sustainable solutions for the processing of your wastewater in industrial enterprises. The worldwide fresh water resources are
Today H2O, an owner managed company,
becoming increasingly scarce, yet pollution
belongs to the most experienced experts
in open waters continues to advance. In
worldwide for the sustainable processing
many industrial sectors wastewater is
of industrial wastewater. As pioneers in the
produced, creating a critical problem for our
industrial application of vacuum distillation
environment. Since our foundation in 1999
we succeeded in making this wastewater
we are driven by our vision of a future free
reusable. The brand VACUDEST® offers
of wastewater. Using our state-of-the-art
efficient, environmentally friendly and fresh-
technology we want to lastingly contribute to a
water-saving vacuum distillation systems,
zero liquid discharge industrial production, in
allowing zero liquid discharge industrial
order to enable future generations to live in a
production. A reliable investment in a
clean and healthy environment.
future free of wastewater.
A reliable investment in a better future: Zero liquid discharge production Energy saving Cost reducing
We manufacture our VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems following highest quality standards at our headquarters based in Steinen in the southern part of the Black Forest. “German Engineering” stands for highest quality and reliable solutions, providing systems you can rely on any time.
In a first step we analyze your industrial wastewater. Based on the results we develop the best solution for your individual requirements.
An interdisciplinary expert team continuously works to develop innovative solutions for a zero liquid discharge industrial production.
System solutions for zero liquid discharge. State of the art technology from the pioneer.
Thinking beyond: Higher performance Higher reliability Higher efficiency
Innovative capacity and pioneering spirit
Thanks to our innovation oriented philosophy
are firmly anchored in our philosophy.
we were able to introduce several technologies
Evidence of this is our progressive
in recent years, setting benchmarks in the
application center for zero liquid discharge
market. Testimony to our consequences in
production. An interdisciplinary expert
that are more than a dozen property rights
team continuously works on developing
owned by us. Awards like the “International
future oriented solutions to improve
Best Factory Award” or the nomination for the
quality of purified industrial wastewater
environmental award of Baden-Wurttemberg
and to recover valuable materials from
as well as more than 1,350 effectively working
the evaporation residue. Our innovation
VACUDEST® systems worldwide are proof for
planning is strictly based on our vision
our resolute commitment to build the best,
of a future free of wastewater.
most economical and most ecological vacuum distillation systems on the globe.
Our VACUDEST® modular system is based on more than 3.5 million standardized functional groups and technological applications. This allows us to create a system fulfilling your individual requirements.
Flexible and customized system solutions
Service solutions close to our customers
Due to our cost reducing variant management,
Our aim is to comprehensively relieve you of
our system solutions are strictly oriented
burdens. Based on our Europe-wide service
to our customers’ requirements. Based
network, we provide reliable full service in
on standardized functional groups and technological applications, our VACUDEST
your vicinity, starting with the project planning ®
and pilot trials up to installation and practical
modular system allows us to flexibly create a
training. Regular scheduled maintenance,
system fulfilling your individual requirements.
modern e-service for quick support, and
Using 3.5 million variants we can engineer
worldwide spare parts logistics including long-
your VACUDEST vacuum distillation system,
lasting supply guarantee complete our highly
quickly, reliably and effectively.
efficient service for you.
Integrated single source solutions
Value added system solutions
Our services include the complete value
Our individual system engineering and our
chain: From wastewater analysis in our
integrated services leads to solutions with
application center for zero liquid discharge
added value: Higher cost efficiency, higher
production, to process development up to
process reliability, higher sustainability
turnkey supply and startup of your
and more time to concentrate on your core
VACUDEST vacuum distillation system
on site.
Energy and cost saving. Based on effective processes and systems.
All-round efficiency: Energy saving Optimize processes Cut production cost
In the processing of industrial wastewater
Thereby our VACUDEST® vacuum distillation
efficiency takes priority. After all we not
systems reduce energy consumption by 95 %
only want the environment to profit from
compared to atmospheric vaporization.
our efficient processes and systems, but ultimately your company.
The individual components of our VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems
Saving energy is one of the most important
are perfect coordinated. Not the sum of
tasks to get control of environmental
individual components but their perfect
problems. It helps you to cut cost and
interaction results in extraordinary low
reduce carbon footprint. That’s why we have
energy consumption. Therefore larger
been consistently relying on direct vapor
systems can save several million Euros
recompression for more than 30 years.
within ten years.
An efficient control system is a precondition for optimal system availability. Our convenient Vacutouch machine control system allows easy and reliable 24 hour control and supervision of our VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems.
Excellent systems. High efficiency.
Intelligent processes. High level of comfort.
Our VACUDEST vacuum distillation systems
VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems
not only deliver energy efficiency, but also
allow fully automatic 24 h system operation
high system efficiency. This results in low
controlled by the state of the art Vacutouch
amounts of evaporation residues because
machine control system. It also allows
of the self-cleaning heat exchanger and low
reliable remote access and supervision of
maintenance cost due to the service-friendly
the complete system using your company
construction. This reduces cost and improves
network or the internet. Updates and data
system availability.
download is easily possible via modem or
company network.
Our modular VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems are available for capacities from 180 to 30,000 m³ per year. They stand for efficient processes in the sustainable processing of heavily polluted and oily industrial wastewater.
Rely on “German Engineering“. Create true benefits through highest quality.
Play it safe: Top quality Process reliability Service guarantee Safe investment
The production process of our VACUDEST®
We continuously improve our high quality
vacuum distillation systems is focused on
vacuum distillation systems. We have made
highest quality. This will make sure that you
it our obligation to create genuine benefits
can trust in the reliability of our systems. The
through innovation: Self-cleaning heat
driving force for our excellence is our well
exchangers, low maintenance systems and a
educated and highly motivated staff. Based
reliable machine control system guarantee
on a high degree of engineering competence,
reliable processes. As a result, you receive
we manufacture our systems exclusively in
a crystal clear distillate which meets the
our headquarters located in Steinen in the
highest standards.
southwest corner of Germany. Top quality based on “German Engineering” provides
The top quality, efficient and environment
confidence that our systems enable a viable,
friendly VACUDEST® vacuum distillation
effective and ecological zero liquid discharge
systems are the right choice, anywhere and
Our e-service allows real time troubleshooting, updates and process optimization through the internet.
Our mobile service team maintains and repairs your VACUDEST®, on site, fast and flexible. This allows your system to work reliably round the clock.
The driving force for our excellence is our well educated and highly motivated staff. Based on our principle “Encourage, challenge and grow together”, our employees are fully and actively integrated in the continuous optimization of our operational structures and procedures.
We place very high value in trust and
And thereafter we do not leave you on
partnership. Thus we created a service
your own. The product file of your
network close to our customers, which is
VACUDEST® vacuum distillation system
developed further and internationalized
combined with our well organized spare
steadily. Our service team works continu-
parts stock allows us to deliver the spare
ously to offer you excellent service around
parts quickly and matching exactly to
on the globe. We support you entirely
your unit. Our unique exchange service
through the engineering and implementation
guarantees reliable system availability.
of you project. We train your operators and
This is also ensured by our mobile
maintenance staff already during installation
service engineers. In addition we offer
and startup of the systems. In addition we
real-time e-service for efficient trouble
offer advanced training in our headquarter
shooting, program updates or process
or your premises.
Invest in added value and environmental protection. Based on economical and sustainable solutions.
A profitable investment that pays for itself: Reduce operation cost Cost efficient waste management Secure profitability
For the reliable and effective treatment
Our VACUDEST® vacuum distillation
of industrial wastewater a profitable and
systems are an economic alternative to
sustainable process is required. Using our
any other treatment method and disposal
innovative VACUDEST vacuum distillation
of industrial wastewater with specialized
systems, you can reduce your waste
waste management companies. They are
management cost up to 95 %. Due to low
proven in many different industrial sectors
running cost and minimal operating efforts,
and applications, and they contribute
considerable savings are possible. Also
to the protection of our valuable fresh
compared to other treatment methods
water resources. Lowest operation
evaporation with VACUDEST vacuum
cost, high energy efficiency and reliable
distillation systems offer the lowest
system availability ensure a fast return on
operation cost.
Your investment in a future free of wastewater pays for itself within a short time: Invest in the future of your company and our environment: Trust in a VACUDEST® vacuum distillation system. Big savings in energy consumption, operation cost and especially waste management cost ensure a fast return on investment. In the long run your company will profit from a high economic return and our environment from a zero liquid discharge production.
Waste management cost
Investment in and operation of VACUDEST®
Operation time (years)
More than 1,350 VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems worldwide, international subsidiaries, a high level of regular customers and exceptional growth are convincing reasons to talk to us. We are looking forward to being contacted by you under +49 7627 9239-0 or
Around the world customers rely on our effective VACUDEST® vacuum distillation systems.
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H2O GmbH | Wiesenstrasse 32 | 79585 Steinen | Germany Phone: +49 7627 9239-0 | Fax: +49 7627 9239-100 E-Mail: |