ipcm n. 85 | January - February 2024

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The smart journal for surface treatments

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® Distributed at PaintExpo 2024


ISSN 2280-6083

www.myipcm.com 2024

15th Year - Bimonthly N° 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY


info@Lesta.it www.lesta.it/en/

For over 25 years, your partner for industrial painting




Verona Impianti designs, manufactures, and installs tailor-made coating plants, pretreatment lines, and drying systems. Reliability, competence, and experience: these are the three nouns that best describe the team of VERONA IMPIANTI 2002.

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© Ceir


Vision 2030: Sherwin-Williams’ New Collection of Architectural Powder Coatings

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Ceir: New Light to Spaces Thanks to Automatic, Fast, and Repeatable Coating of Designer False Ceilings with Self-Learning Robots

© ipcm

© Asco3 Tecopoint


HIGHLIGHT OF THE MONTH Fast and Efficient Drying: The UV and IR Technologies Presented by Asco3 Tecopoint at PaintExpo


Minimize the J-curve Effect in Manufacturing


The "Ask an Expert Column"

20 ROAD TO 2050

Vattenfall and BASF Partner for the German Offshore Wind Farms Nordlicht 1 and 2


STORIES 21 SUCCESS The EcoBell Cost-effectively Paints Plastic Parts with Minimal Material Consumption

OF THE MONTH 28 HIGHLIGHT Jgen 02, Zeus Electrostatic System’s New Electrostatic Control Unit to Be Presented at PaintExpo 2024

OF THE MONTH 40 HIGHLIGHT Idrotecnica: Innovation and Sustainability in the Purification and Demineralisation of Industrial Water

FOCUS ON TECHNOLOGY Process Science and Organisation Sociology: The Keys to the Success of SICOR Italy’s Production System

50 BRAND NEW 56 ADVANCEMENTS Novasynt Q900, the New BPA-free Polymeric Binder Designed for the Interior Varnish of Food Cans

ON TECHNOLOGY 66 FOCUS Kamp Coating Groep: A Pioneer in Europe in Adopting the Revolutionary VIANT Technology to Combine Surface Conversion and Primer Application in One Coat

A NEW FOCUS ON INNOVATION www.adaptacolor.com





TIGITAL® Inks & Tattoo: TIGER Coatings’Innovation in Digital Printing Technology

ANALYSIS Perspectives and Trends in the Future of Paint Stripping



COLOUR STUDY BASF Color Report 2023 for Automotive OEM Coatings – The Old Standard Automotive Colour Wheel is Changing

80 ADVANCEMENTS Dürr Launches New, Standardized Paint Supply Station for Industrial Applications

TO 2050 82 ROAD AkzoNobel Has Joined a Major Dutch Innovation Programme to Solve Societal Challenges


Savim: A Successful ESG and CSR Model for Italian Small and Medium Enterprises


MEGATANE® 9PX: a Simple Powder Coating Solution for Two Complex Problems

© Rory MacLeod, Flickr


RESEARCH BREAKTHROUGH New Understanding of Oobleck-Like Fluids Might Prevent Clumping in Paints


Surrey NanoSystems Introduced the Vantablack Vision® Light-Suppression Coating for Automotive ADAS

98 ANALYSIS Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Review: The Pillars of Assovernici’s Strategy for the Future of Our Sector


Fox Color: Evolution, Innovation, and Tailored Solutions for the Powder Coating Market

STUDY 114 COLOUR Pantone Introduces Pantone Color of the Year 2024: PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz


The Ambiguity of Yellow

INFORMS 124 UCIF Authoritative Sources of Updates and the Role of a Trade Association





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bout a year ago, I came across a press release from a digital marketing agency stating that “business strategies are increasingly built on digital experience”. Although banal in some ways, since it voiced something that has been known for at least five years in the B2C world,

this sentence led me to reflect on how this can be applied to the B2B world as well. Digital transformation in the manufacturing industry has been talked about (and jabbered on) well enough through the concepts of Industry 4.0, Internet of Things and Big Data, Augmented Reality and “smart factories”. Today, at the dawn of the Industry 5.0, we are perfectly aware that “digital transformation” does not only mean digitalising or automating manual operations to optimise workflows, but also redefining strategies, creating new competitive advantages, and future-proofing processes to move towards an industrial reality “characterised by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital, and biological worlds”1. What has been talked about too little is how digital communication and social media are affecting the way the manufacturing industry interfaces with customers and the outside world, with the so-called “stakeholders”, i.e. all those individuals or groups with interests related to the operation or performance of a company: not only shareholders, employees, suppliers, and customers but also local or central authorities and communities. Today, digital communication is at the heart of any sales strategy, be it B2C or B2B, because it gets the users involved no matter who they are. User interaction and engagement are the metrics that measure its success. Tailoring messages to the target audience and building an online reputation has also become vital for manufacturing businesses. Eos Mktg&Communication, the publisher of the group of technical magazines gathered under the ipcm® brand name, has also been operating for some years as a digital & content marketing agency for companies in various industries, not exclusively in the surface treatment sector. From design to heating and plumbing fixtures, from insurance to coating, up the chemical industry, the communication needs of B2B companies are in fact similar: taking care of and harmonising different communication channels and users’ landing points; finding a good balance between fast-consumption content (such as posts published on social media) and long-form content (such as blog articles and YouTube videos) that remain usable online over time thus producing more lasting effects; drafting an editorial plan that balances corporate, commercial, and informative content; and creating a proprietary database. In digital communication, you are only successful if you can keep users on your content. People are bombarded by communications of all kinds and those few moments they can spare are precious. Good digital communication practices are required to know how to make the most of these moments – or how to multiply them once you have won one. This is the most complex aspect of B2B communication, which is notoriously less attractive and more technical than B2C communication. Aside from the fact that this is certainly a topic of common interest, talking about it in an ipcm® editorial allows me to emphasise that ipcm®’s articles, especially the case studies we offer free of charge to our advertisers, are long-form content of great importance and quality, which can also be turned into shortform content if properly shared on social channels, creating an exceptional way to amplify a company’s message. This also means that it is still important to have a continuous presence in traditional media, seeking action and investment-oriented synergies with digital media to exploit the potential of both. Similarly, dear old trade fairs, such as the forthcoming PaintExpo 2024 (Karlsruhe, Germany, 9-12 April), have been given a new lease of life thanks to digital technologies, creating new user experiences for both exhibitors and visitors and facilitating the follow-up of contacts and the acquisition of leads. What better way to improve one’s proprietary database?

Alessia Venturi Editor-in-chief Direttore Responsabile

At PaintExpo, you will also find this very issue of ipcm®. 1

Klaus Schwab, Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum, on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



Minimize the J-curve Effect in Manufacturing Derek DeGeest DeGeest Corporation - Tea, South Dakota (SD) – United States


You may have heard the term “J-Curve” from the world of investing, but it’s a concept that applies to anything – even manufacturing. The J-Curve explains the often mistaken expectations to the more common initial negative effects of implementing new technology or processes before it eventually leads to increased productivity, efficiency, and profitability. The concept is named after the letter “J,” as the curve typically dips down initially before rising sharply. It’s useful to demonstrate the effects of an action over a period of time. Put bluntly, it shows that change will make things temporarily worse before they get better, which is completely normal and expected. But as the saying goes, “No pain, no gain.” This article will explain the impacts of the J-Curve effect and provide tips on how to make this initial phase of decline much softer so you can get to the benefits phase quicker.


ny time you make a process or

After making initial weld programs and starting

up our tolerances.

technology change in manufacturing,

production, we found ourselves reworking

Tackling these variables one at a time initially

you’ll most likely experience a gap in

many parts. In this case, the painful variable

decreased our production. It would have been

expectation on your journey from your current

was adjusting our company-wide processes

faster and easier to scrap this new robotic

state to your desired state. This gap is the

from the adaptability of a manual welder to

welding machine along with the required new

J-Curve effect. It happens because this new

the precision and repeatability required for a

processes and go back to our old manual

variable will affect other things. At DeGeest, we

robotic welder. We had to increase the quality

methods. Instead, we fought through the

experienced the J-Curve when we added our

of our fabrication processes, improve our

J-Curve and are now running fully automated

first welding robot.

fixtures, review tack procedures, and tighten

robotic welding jobs and producing more parts more efficiently than ever before. Another example is the addition of Lesta robots to the paint line at DeGeest. Adding the adaptable self-learning automation was great in theory, but there weren’t quality and consistency checks and balances in place to make it a smooth transition. After experiencing another decline in production, we resisted the temptation to go back to manual finishing. Instead, we came together and worked on identifying variables that affected our new automation and created processes and programs to take advantage of this new technology. While it’s true that adding a Lesta robot will result in Day One Finishing (meaning you will be finishing robotically the first day after installation), it’s important to be realistic about initial production goals due to the adaptation

© DeGeest Corporation


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

required for new technology, also known as


the J-Curve. Higher efficiency will come over time. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Stay strong and good things will come If you add new technology or automation to your facility, there will be plenty of excitement at the beginning. But as process norms begin to get strained, you WILL go through the J-Curve’s period of disruption. As previous norms are challenged and performance is temporarily impacted, people will have a tendency to become nonbelievers and be tempted to back out. Once you push through this phase, you’ll enter into the J-Curve’s tangible benefits phase were things start to work as planned. Efficiencies will improve. Morale will go up. And production (and profits) will soar. The thing to remember

© DeGeest Corporation

is that you’re not the only one to experience this dip when implementing change. People are often to proud to talk about it or try to

them with a glimpse of what life will be like on

process, you’ll be able to better pre-plan


the other side. Also, make sure everyone is

your production or manage your customers’

aware of the inevitable period of adaptation

expectations by not overpromising and

needed to get there. The visual of the

underdelivering. To avoid missing ship dates,

Shorten the J-Curve to experience higher productivity faster

J-Curve graphic can be helpful. Get them to

companies often build up safety stock before

Experiencing the J-Curve effect is inevitable.

understand the expectations that surround

starting a new project, create alternative

Don’t try to avoid it. Instead, welcome it. Your

them and make sure they know management

sources of additional production in-house, or

job is to manage expectations to shorten the

is on board and will lend support during the

outsource work to another supplier.

period of adaption so you can get to your

initial rocky phase. Take the emotion out of the process

desired benefits as soon as possible. Plan ahead to overcome

Working through change will bring about some

Communicate to your team

production disruption

frustration. If you know that going in, you’ll be

It’s important that you sell the new technology,

If you know you’ll experience a lag in

able to call it out by saying, “Great job finding

equipment, or process to your team. Inspire

productivity at the beginning of the new

this issue! Remember, we anticipated there

KNOW-HOW, EXPERIENCE, AND RELIABILITY For decades, Radial has been designing, building and installing tailor-made coating plants for metals, plastics and wood. Our systems are the ideal choice for those who desire a cutting-edge turnkey solution.

w w w. r a d i a l g r o u p s r l . i t

become more organized and methodical in the things we do. People can learn to adapt to many variables and overcome obstacles, but a robot cannot fix bad processes. In other words, adding automation will highlight the things that are dependent on human adaptation, and when forced to repeat these things consistently with your new system, it will not produce the desired outcome every time. You’ll have to adjust and eliminate variables in order to use automation to its fullest. For example, in a manual finishing operation, it doesn’t matter how you hang a part because a human will look at it and figure out a way to paint it. If it’s crooked or upside down, they may not like it, but they’ll adjust and still be able to paint it correctly. With a robot, you’ll be forced to look at how you hang the part. A robot can’t see if a part is © DeGeest Corporation

coming out different than the rest, so you have to ensure that it’s hung just right. You will no longer be able to manually adapt to changing

could be issues in this area before we started.

a pattern. When you identify those patterns,

variables. Instead, you have to eliminate the

Now we can work together to create a process

you’ll be able to do a root cause analysis of


so it doesn’t happen to us again.” Guide your

what happened and how to avoid or eliminate

teams to refocus any frustration back into your

those issues in the future.

procedure to reduce the period of disruption.

The light at the end of the tunnel Adding automation and new technology will

This helps reduce drama, stress, and pressure

STEP 3 - Create, document, and share

empower your people. It will inspire them to

to revert back to your previous methods while

new processes

change, adapt, and grow. But you must first

your teams are adapting.

Create processes with your teams to

set realistic expectations around the inevitable

overcome your obstacles. Then document and

J-Curve. The light at the end of the tunnel will

share them with your teams so they can be

be a bright one. The clearer you communicate

repeated. This will create clear expectations

that initial frustrations WILL happen, the

STEP 1 - Document issues

for the teams while building better consistency

quicker you can solve any issues and move

When (not if) challenges arise, avoid the

and quality into more of your operation.

past them. The long-term benefits of your

Tactical steps to minimize the J-curve effect

blame game and remind your teams to put

investment, represented by the sharp upward

the issue in front of you rather than between

Automation can force structure

you. Create a simple process to document the

Adding automation in manufacturing often

early pitfalls.

cause and effect of all issues that negatively

comes with the expectation that it will be a

Companies that embrace the J-Curve concept

impact your desired outcome.

silver bullet that magically solves problems.

are the ones that will succeed with adding new

In reality, you’ll experience the J-Curve at first

technologies for their companies and remain

STEP 2 - Look for patterns

because automation helps you to see where

competitive during any market conditions.

You will likely discover that many of the issues

the holes are and where you do not have

Remember, change is good. You just have to

you’re facing will repeat themselves and create

process or structure. Automation forces us to

manage it.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

slope of the J-Curve, will far outweigh these

The sustainable, fast and safe chemical paint stripping you are looking for! Are you ready for a leap towards innovation and sustainability in your production? At ALIT Technologies SpA we are redefining the way you can conceive chemical paint stripping! Our vision is clear: Sustainability, Efficiency and Safety. Imagine a paint system in which the loading and unloading of parts to be painted is handled entirely by robots. Increased production speed More process consistency Less personnel on the line Your production would never be so advanced! Quite a dream, isn't it? But... at the moment, your problem is precisely that frame that gets soiled with paint at every pass and therefore creates problems to the robot hanging the parts. What could be the solution? An in-line chemical paint stripping where the system is perfectly integrated into your production line with the chemical product specifically designed to thoroughly clean your frames. All managed by a single supplier who knows how to manufacture both the machines and the chemicals. ALIT does all this very well! We have always pioneered innovation in metal stripping, ensuring that your production is state-of-the-art and the chemical product is effective and reusable for a long time.


ALIT Technologies SpA - San Bonifacio, Italy +39 045.245.6638 - info@alit-tech.com


AkzoNobel Powder Coatings Partners with coatingAI to Develop an AI-Based Software The new software developed by AkzoNobel and CoatingAI will help customers to improve the application process and reduce their carbon footprint.


kzoNobel and coatingAI have developed a technology called

change, continuously adapts the recommended parameters.

Flightpath that optimises the equipment settings to reduce

“The collaboration with AkzoNobel has helped to accelerate our vision

defects, overspray and to improve powder consumption – thus

since day one. Our solution, built on the power of artificial intelligence

helping to reduce costs as well as save time and energy.

and AkzoNobel’s technical expertise, will not only increase efficiency for

“We are delighted to team up with coatingAI and strengthen our

their customers, but also drive greater sustainability within the powder

technical service capabilities. We proactively look for ways to support

coatings industry,” has added Marlon Boldrini, CEO of coatingAI.

customers in becoming more sustainable in their operations and this

“Collaborating with a startup like coatingAI – who are pushing

will significantly improve our ability to help them get better results –

boundaries to transform the coatings industry – means we can

while contributing to our own ambition of halving carbon emissions

accelerate our own powder revolution and provide services like no

across the value chain by 2030,” has stated Remco Maassen van den

other. It is the latest example of how we constantly innovate and look

Brink, Marketing Director of AkzoNobel Powder Coatings.

for new ways to offer customers the most progressive and sustainable

The software, thanks to AI-based recommendations, allows customers

solutions,” has concluded Maassen van den Brink.

to optimise equipment settings, such as gun movement, resulting in a smoother and more consistent coverage with fewer defects. In addition, the software does not require complex integrations and, as conditions

© AkzoNobel


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: powder.interpon.com


ARaymond will Expand its Production Facility in Logansport with a Coating Line

Curing ovens

Powder painting booths

The expansion of the Logansport-based facility of ARaymond and the related coating line will improve the operations of the company.


Raymond has recently announced that it has invested $12 million in its manufacturing facility in Logansport (Indiana, United States of America), which will include new pre-finish

and coating lines – thus improving overall operations. “We are excited to continue our commitment to the region and to grow our investment in the Logansport community. This new equipment will allow us to better serve our customers,” has stated Larry Barker, Plant Manager at ARaymond. The Logansport facility will handle the 80% of its coating work and will serve as the primary shipping location for both the Hamilton and Ontario sites as well as the Logansport hub. So, these changes will offer several benefits to the customer, such as avoiding the need to collect products in two different locations, crossing borders, reducing administrative work and aligning with corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments. “Our company has been in business for over 155 years. We are here for the long haul. Our mission is to continue our story, by making the improvements that respond to our customer’s needs and in parallel bring value to our surrounding communities,” has concluded Barker.

Washing tunnels

Spray paint booths

Shot blasting booths

Innovative solutions

Innovative Lösungen

Eurotherm solves every problem concerning painting processes, creating complete lines for the entire process.

Eurotherm löst alle Probleme in Bezug auf Lackierprozesse und erstellt komplette Linien für den gesamten Prozess.

Our structure is organized and flexible and able to satisfy the most demanding requests.

Unser flexibles und lösungsorientiertes Unternehmen ist darauf ausgelegt die anspruchsvollsten Anforderungen zu erfüllen.

Customers who turn to Eurotherm are customers who, despite knowing the “painting process”, want to improve production by adopting highly customized technical solutions.

Eine Vielzahl unserer Kunden sind sehr erfahren im Lackierprozess. Zusammen mit ihnen entwickeln wir individuelle technische Lösungen, optimal auf ihre Bedürfnisse abgestimmt.

For further information: www.araymond.com Based in Turin (IT)





Plants realized in 2023

Sigmaringen (DE) Lyon (FR) Verona (IT) Other locations

© ARaymond

PLANT 1: 4.700 m² of offices, metal work production and painting. PLANT 2: 5.300 m² for production, preassembling, warehouse and logistics.

Eurotherm Oberflächentechnik GmbH T +49-7571-92795-10 | M germany@eurotherm.eu Eurotherm S.p.A. T +39 011 98 23 500 | M info@eurotherm.eu


Visit us at Stand 3510 Hall 3

9 - 12 April | Messe Karlsruhe, Germany


Sherwin-Williams Celebrated the Topping-Off Ceremony of its New Headquarters The topping-off ceremony of the new headquarters of Sherwin-Williams commemorated the safe and successful end of steel work.


n 4th December 2023, the

“We thank the talented construction crew

international paints and coatings

for their dedication to working safely and

manufacturer Sherwin-Williams

consistently and for successfully accomplishing

hosted the topping-off celebration of its new

this important project milestone. With this

headquarters in Cleveland (United States

event, we are that much closer to moving

of America), marking the completion of the

into our state-of-the-art workplace designed

construction structural work of the project,

to spark creativity and innovation that will

which began in 2022.

serve our customers and retain and attract

The topping-off ceremony is a tradition in the

talent,” has declared Heidi Petz, the former

construction industry: it commemorates the

President and Chief Operating Officer and

For further information:

safe and successful end of steel work with the

now President and CEO of Sherwin-Williams.


placement of the final steel beam, recognising

“We have been committed to this community

the accomplishments of the construction crew.

for more than 157 years with a focus on

The beam has been adorned with an American

creating opportunities for all. We are proud

flag and an evergreen tree, symbolising

of our strategic collaboration with city, county

good luck for the future occupants, new

and state leaders and local organisations on

or continued growth in concert with the

this project. Our approach has resulted in

environment and a safe job.

workforce opportunities for many, including

“It is exciting to see the significant progress

numerous minority-owned, female-owned and

being made on our new global headquarters

small businesses.”

and we are so proud to be investing in the

The new facility, which covers an area of

future of our Company and the future of the

almost 93,000 m2, is part of the Building Our

region, which has been our home since 1866,”

Future project and will host around 4,000

has stated John Morikis, the former Chairman

employees. It will serve as the front porch

and Chief Executive Officer and now Executive

to Public Square and consist of a two-story

Chairman of Sherwin-Williams.

pavilion, a 36-story tower and a multi-level

The ceremony also included the remarks of

parking garage.

the mayor of Cleveland and of Tom Broad,

“I was honoured to be part of this important

the CEO of Midwest Steel – a female-owned

Building Our Future project and taking the

firm providing the structural steel for the

opportunity to recognize the hard work and

project. Following the remarks, the final beam

dedication of the construction crew who are

bearing the signatures of more than 600

helping not only change the city skyline but

construction workers, supervisors, project

also strengthening the economic future of

architects, engineers and designers, as well as

Cleveland. We applaud all of the firms involved

local elected officials and the executives of the

in safely progressing the project and making

company was raised by a crane into its final

this milestone a reality,” has commented Justin


Bibb, the mayor of Cleveland.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

Scan the QR Code to view the topping-off event’s video

© Sherwin-Williams


iGM Resins Opened a new Facility in its Anqing Plant The new facility of iGM Resins will increase the production capacity of its UV coating technologies. © iGM Resins


n 14th November 2023, iGM Resins, the international company specialised in the development, manufacturing and supply of products and technical services for the global UV coatings

Painting excellence for every surface

industry, has celebrated the opening ceremony of a new state-of-theart facility at its Anqing plant in China, offering visitors an exclusive look into the cutting-edge site, presenting the latest innovations, and showcasing a diverse range of products. As a matter of fact, the attendees were able to experience a comprehensive tour, which provided insights into the advanced processes and quality control measures employed throughout the production chain. Furthermore, they also had the opportunity to discover the design of the facility, that reflects a dedication to sustainability and efficiency.

Bringing your surface to perfection. Verind offers painting solutions from manual to automatic application, high-quality and easy to integrate.

About iGM Resins iGM is dedicated to the development of innovative energy curing technology offering integrated raw material solutions (photoinitiators, energy curing resins and additives) for UV curing formulations in its key markets Printing and Packaging, Industrial Coatings and 3D Printing, Electronics and Adhesives, and several niche markets. For further information: www.igmresins.com



Lechler is the New Partner of the Cycling Team Polti Kometa The coatings manufacturer Lechler has announced it signed an agreement with Team Polti Kometa. The collaboration will enable both companies to face the upcoming challenges and reach even higher goals.


ogether, united by a common thread

must take responsibility. Second, the path

of Lechler will go beyond sponsorship and will

called passion,” so begins the press

undertaken never ends, but lives on constant

see the Como-based company involved in a

release with which the coatings

study, effort and updating of one’s knowledge,”

project for 2024 that cannot yet be revealed

manufacturer Lechler announced it has signed

writes Lechler.


an agreement with Team Polti Kometa. Over

All this leads to a parallelism with a sport

“What is a BUSINESS? The same question

the past few years, Lechler has evolved from

where physical performance and technology

asked to myself or to Ivan Basso will elicit

a simple paints and coatings manufacturer to

are always taken to the highest level and

different answers. However, what is common

a company promoting a sustainable colour

where the quest for ‘marginal gain’ is

is the driving force that pushes the companies

culture. More specifically, the Como-based

exasperated: cycling. It was then inevitable,

we represent to perform better and better,

company has started two projects:

due to similarity of intentions and geographical

to constantly question themselves, to reach

 The established Color Design project, that

proximity, that Polti and Lechler would meet

a goal and immediately find another more

combined both the technological and the

to build a piece of the future together through

ambitious one: passion for what we do. Today,

humanistic aspects of the colour, with nature

the Polti Kometa team. A future that has a very

we begin a journey together, hoping that our

as inspiration to create long-lasting beauty.

precise shape, that of a bicycle, the sustainable

venture will contribute to the creation of new

 The ESS&RE project, the newest one, which

vehicle par excellence.

ventures signed by the team’s cyclists,” has

provided meaning, value and direction to the

Lechler has specialised in high-performance

stated Aram Manoukian, the president of

change of perspective towards environmental,

and ultra-lightweight carbon coatings since

Lechler and leader of Confindustria Como.

social and economic sustainability.

the early 2000s, thanks to its collaboration

Ivan Basso, two-time Giro d’Italia winner and

“It is a difficult job with two peculiarities: first,

with Formula 1 racing teams and with several

co-founder of Polti Kometa, echoed him: “I am

at the centre is the human being, who as

bike brands around the world, including the

happy, very happy: Lechler is a company that

an individual, team, community and family

Italian-Spanish brand Aurum. The commitment

immediately struck me for its history and for the innovative spirit it has. This is a partnership that will go beyond a simple sponsorship: there is a project, there is a study, there is

© Lechler

sharing, there is passion. That is why I am confident of the success of this agreement and of our journey together.” “As a sponsor of the Polti Kometa team, I am excited about the partnership with Lechler. From the very beginning, a solid sharing of values has bound us together and I am convinced the ethical consistency and shared intentions will result in a significant project, driven by a strong sense of responsibility,” has also commented Francesca Polti, the president and CEO of Polti. For further information: www.lechler.eu/en/


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Anton Paar Opened a New Technology Centre Anton Paar has expanded its production capacities by opening a new technology centre of over 26,000 m2.


he manufacturer of measurement instruments

for the challenges of tomorrow,” has stated Friedrich

and technologies Anton Paar has recently

Santner, CEO of Anton Paar GmbH.

opened a new 26,000 m technology centre,

“The new technology centre is Anton Paar’s most


creating more than 1,000 new workplaces. The new

modern and largest construction project worldwide.

facility has a multifunctional hall on the first floor,

It offers enough space for the departments that

which can accommodate up to 300 people. The

previously had to move to different locations and

design is modern and sustainable, as it integrates

are now returning to the headquarters. It also

alternative energy sources such as a solar thermal

provides space for the company’s growth and future

ice energy storage system with heat pumps, which

challenges. In this way, we are promoting a more

covers about 40% of the cooling and heating needs.

direct exchange of ideas and increasing innovative

In addition, photovoltaic and solar thermal systems

strength,” has added Dominik Santner, COO of

have been installed.

Anton Paar GmbH and General Manager of 24 Asset

“Today we are not only celebrating the inauguration

Management GmbH.

of our new Technology Center, but also the start of an exciting chapter in our mission to drive innovation and push the boundaries of technology. Not only will

For further information:

we create products here, we will also find solutions


© Anton Paar


DÖRKEN Days Successfully Concluded Last year’s DÖRKEN Days took place in Essen on 23rd November. The traditional event has been a staple in the event calendar for over ten years. It is a meeting point for customers, market partners and experts along the entire value chain.


hristos Tselebidis, Vice President Sales Industrial Coatings at

The event concluded with a presentation on “Digital Transformation”

DÖRKEN Coatings, welcomed the participants to the ATLANTIC

by Marvin Urban. Urban is one of two managing directors of DÖRKEN

Congress Hotel Essen. After an overview of what’s new at

Digital Ventures GmbH, which is addressing the market challenges of the

DÖRKEN and on the global market, Christian Rabe & Markus Nowak,

future. Christos Tselebidis brought the informative day to a close and

both from Product Engineering, gave a follow-up to last year’s event.

transitioned to the joint dinner. Not only there, but also during the day

Throughout the day, DÖRKEN employees provided interesting insights

between the speeches, the participants were able to network and talk

into current topics. For example, they talked about the influence of the

about all sorts of things.

planned PFAS ban on product development, the DELTA-PROTEKT® TC

“We are delighted that we were able to welcome numerous partners of

502 GZ topcoat, which was presented in 2023, and room-temperature

DÖRKEN live on site again this year - and in even greater numbers than

curing corrosion protection solutions. But business partners also had

usual,” says Christos Tselebidis. “We would like to express our gratitude

the opportunity to share their experiences. Beatrice Occhionero from

for the trust placed in us and the exciting input we received from

A. AGRATI S. p. A. gave a presentation entitled “Enhancing of Testing

personal discussions. I’m already looking forward to next year!”

Insights: A Deep Dive into massive Data Analysis”. Geoffrey Bruno from Enovasense reported on the topic of coating thickness measurement.



N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.doerken.com/global/en/home


Graco Opened a New Application Centre in Dubai The new Dubai-based Application Centre allows Graco to expand its presence in the Middle East paints and coatings market.


he international producer of fluid handling

region and our esteemed network of distributors

equipment Graco has recently opened its

and material manufacturers. It serves as an avenue

new Application Centre in Dubai (United Arab

for our partners to showcase our comprehensive

Emirates). The new facility will be a major hub for

equipment range, organize training sessions, and

supporting local contractors, distributors and material

collaborate on material testing and validation,” has

manufacturers, offering comprehensive training

stated Caroline Chambers, President of Graco for the

programs and facilitating material validation.

EMEA region.

The new structure features an innovative spray

Lastly, Graco will hold a range of training modules

booth, workbenches and a demonstrative area

aimed at optimising the use of its equipment. As a

for texture applications as well as several meeting

matter of fact, a team of specialists will be available

rooms. In addition, the hub will serve as a unit to

to pass on their knowledge and assist distributors,

test and validate materials in different applications,

material manufacturers and customers in material

such as architectural painting, protective coatings or

demonstrations and validations.

healthcare applications. “This new facility reinforces our commitment to the

For further information: www.graco.com




The “Ask an Expert” Column Kevin Biller


Hello Dear Joe Powder,

Dear Joe Powder,

I hope you are well. I have a question, which size of sieve is

I have just started a powder coating operation in Bangladesh

normal and usual for production of high-gloss and smooth

and could use your advice. What type of weatherability can I

powder coating?

expect out of powder coating technology? Many of my customers

Mohammed Seddighian

are in the architectural business.


Abdur Rahim Dhaka

Hello Dear Mohammed, It’s nice to hear from you. High-gloss and smooth powder coatings

Hello Abdur Rahim,

require a fairly narrow particle size distribution. The top end “scalp”

Congratulations on your new business venture. Powder coating is a

is critical to ensure the desired smoothness. Important also are good

great technology in many ways and is a good fit for industries in your

milling conditions to make sure that there is minimal waste, so it is wise

developing nation.

to manage the grinding process first. The rotor speed and classifier

A variety of powder coating technologies are commercially available

wheel settings need to be optimized to minimize both the fines (< 10

to meet the demands of the architectural industry. Most people

microns) and coarse fractions (> 100 microns).

differentiate weatherable coatings by their performance in South Florida

As for sieve size, I would start with a 125-micron screen and then check

exposure. The primary criteria are retention of gloss and resistance

particle size distribution and, most important, film smoothness. If this

to color change. Powder coatings generally have excellent corrosion

does not produce the desired smoothness, then move to a 100-micron

resistance when applied to properly prepared substrates.

screen. This should yield the desired smoothness; however, you may

Polyester-TGIC, polyester-Primid®, and polyester-urethane powders,

have a large quantity of “overs” (> 100 microns). This fraction can be

if suitably formulated, will endure 18 to 24 months in Florida before

reintroduced to the mill to manage the yield.

displaying cosmetic signs of degradation. “Superdurable” forms of these

If the 100-micron screen doesn’t produce the desired smoothness, then

three powders have maintained appearance and coating integrity after

you need to work on reducing the viscosity of the resin system. You may

being subjected to 5 years’ exposure in South Florida.

also have to slow down the cure rate of the resin/crosslinker as well.

Acrylic-diacid powders are considered automotive quality. Tests

I hope that this helps. Please let me know if you have any more

have demonstrated that these products withstand up to 9 years of


Florida exposure before showing signs of deterioration. Silicone-

Kind regards,

containing powder technologies have emerged in the past few years.

Joe Powder

These are almost exclusively targeted at the high-heat market, which


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

includes substrates such as gas grills and exhaust parts. Further development effort is needed before silicone-modified powders can be introduced for the architectural market. Fluoropolymer-based powder coatings have been developed by a few major powder coating suppliers. These materials have been proven to perform admirably after 10+ years of Florida exposure.


powder coating

This technology is great and comes with a significantly higher cost than the more conventional products mentioned previously. Bangladesh gets a lot of sunlight, and UV durability is an important coating feature. By using a judicious coating selection process, you should be able to satisfy the architectural coating requirements of your customers.

we introduce you


Best of luck. Kind regards, Joe Powder Hello Sir, Greetings for the day. I want to know what is the basic difference between polyester powder coating and antimicrobial powder coating? Can polyester powder coating resist mildew, bacterial attack, acids, alkali, and oils? Thanking you in advance, Murtuza Alam South Africa Dear Murtuza Alam, Thank you for your question. You ask about coating resistance to several different agents. Allow me to break this down. “Polyester” refers to the resin type used in the powder coating formulation. Antimicrobial behavior is achieved by incorporating an additive that kills bugs, namely bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Therefore, a well-formulated powder coating can resist acids, alkalis, and oils; however, it most probably will not kill microbes like mildew and bacteria. That said, antimicrobial powder coatings are quite common, and they can be based on a variety of powder coating chemistries (e.g., polyester, polyurethane, epoxy, and epoxypolyester (hybrid)).

9th-12th april

Find out more about ZEUS

The most common antimicrobial powder coatings rely on the incorporation of a low concentration of silver ions. These ions kill a high percentage of bacteria that can be encountered on the surface of a coated item. By the way, the most common antimicrobial test protocol is JIS Z-2801 (Japanese Industrial Standard).


Please let me know if you have any more questions. Best regards, Joe Powder



Vattenfall and BASF Partner for the German Offshore Wind Farms Nordlicht 1 and 2 From the combined capacity of 1.6 gigawatts of the offshore wind farms, BASF will receive fossil-free electric power for its European sites.


attenfall and BASF have recently announced that the companies

German North Sea) and consists of two separate sites: Nordlicht 1 with

are in advanced and exclusive discussions to partner on the

a capacity of 980 megawatts and Nordlicht 2 with 630 megawatts. Once

German offshore wind farms Nordlicht 1 and 2. Both parties

fully operational, their combined production is expected to be around

have already signed a Memorandum of Understanding to formally

6 terawatt hours (TWh) per year, equal to the electricity consumption of

express their joint ambition: Vattenfall will use its share of the fossil-free

1.6 million German households. In addition, BASF also bought a share

electricity to supply its German customers, while BASF – that acquired

of the recently inaugurated Hollandse Kust Zuid wind farm in 2021.

49% of the project shares – will receive almost half of the produced

Through its ownership, the company receives further renewable energy.

electricity to supply its chemical production sites across Europe.

“Wind energy is crucial to enable the fossil freedom that drives society

“For our transformation to Net Zero, we need large quantities of

forward and a close collaboration with industries is just as crucial for

renewable electric power at competitive prices. Together with our

accelerating the energy transition. I am proud that Nordlicht 1 and 2

long-standing partner Vattenfall, we want this project to be another

will provide German customers with fossil-free electricity as well as

milestone in securing sufficient renewable electric power for BASF in

contribute to the decarbonisation of industry in Europe. BASF is a strong

Europe, in Germany and Ludwigshafen, our largest production site

partner with ambitious sustainability goals, and we look forward to

worldwide. With the electric power from Nordlicht 1 and 2, we can drive

expanding our partnership with them,” has also commented Anna Borg,

forward our transformation and further reduce our CO2 emissions,”

the CEO of Vattenfall.

park zone is located 85 kilometres north of the island of Borkum (in the

For further information: www.basf.com

has stated Martin Brudermüller, the CEO of BASF. The Nordlicht wind


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


CHEMTEC’s chemicals are revolutionary, cutting-edge, and environmental friendly. Our revolutionary technologies are designed to have a very limited environmental impact, to reduce consumption of resources and for a greater operational simplicity. CHEMTEC develops customized solutions that aim to maximize the customer’s satisfaction.



Nanotechnology PRONORTEC Ӳ Innovative chemical process for multi-metal surface treatment Ӳ Based on the use of organic phosphorus compounds Ӳ Does not contain heavy metals Ӳ No consumption of energy and no creation of sludge

TORAN 3® Ӳ Single-stage, room temperature multi-metal pre-treatment process Ӳ No water and low energy consumption Ӳ No VOC emissions, no rinsing, no pre-degreasing Ӳ No creation of wastewater or sludge

WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEMS Ӳ Minimization of energy consumption and environmental impact Ӳ Denaturation and separation of paints from water, making it reusable Ӳ Innovative formulations without toxicity symbol Ӳ Quality technologies and tailored projects to the needs of each specific customer

PAINT STRIPPERS Ӳ Non-hazardous, non-toxic, not harmful products Ӳ Free of methylene chloride, NMP and other toxic substances Ӳ Fast, excellent paint stripping, effective on all coatings Ӳ Effective solutions at room temperature or low temperatures




The EcoBell Cost-Effectively Paints Plastic Parts with Minimal Material Consumption Valeo, a global technology company, used Dürr’s rotary atomizer for the first time.


lastic parts are very often painted using

The EcoBell atomizer series sets the standard

mounted on a Kawasaki robot will paint plastic

conventional spray guns. But with prices

for intricate industrial painting tasks with

interiors for electric vehicles. With an EcoPump

for materials and cleaning rising, high-

its high application quality, minimal paint

AD package, a fluid board, a two-component

speed rotary atomizers are becoming more and

consumption, and short flushing time. Plastic

mixing and dosing system, and the EcoBell high-

more cost-effective. Valeo, a global technology

parts are often coated by spray guns, which

speed rotary atomizer without high tension,

company, is using Dürr’s EcoBell technology

cost less to purchase. Valeo has opted for a

Dürr is supplying the full range of equipment

for the first time at its production facility in

change: For the first time, the global supplier

from paint distribution to application for the

Hungary, resulting in heightened efficiency,

will use high-speed rotary atomizers at its

new paint shop.

increased productivity, and reduced paint

Hungarian site.


In the future, an EcoBell rotary atomizer

Successfully proven compatibility Before implementing any rotary atomizer


at Valeo, Dürr had to demonstrate the compatibility of the technology with the company’s processes and standards. Collaborating closely with partner integrator ERMA Concept, Dürr successfully furnished proof at ERMA Lab test centre. The EcoBell convinces with its high-quality surface finishing results and cost-effectiveness. The atomizer’s high transfer efficiency and mix block upstream on the robot arm greatly reduce paint loss, rinsing agent consumption and minimize required cleaning. In addition, the cycle time is shorter than with the previous application, increasing productivity. Higher cost savings and efficiency improvements result in the rapid cost recovery of the initial investment for a high-speed rotary atomizer, particularly considering projected increases in paint and rinsing agent costs. Minimal paint loss and rinsing agent consumption also ensure a more sustainable painting process. For further information: www.durr.com

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



Vision 2030: Sherwin-Williams’ New Collection of Architectural Powder Coatings Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®


Vision 2030, the new collection of high-quality powder coatings for the architectural market developed and launched by Sherwin-Williams, was presented on Thursday, 14 November 2023.



hrough a careful analysis of consumer


behaviour, lifestyles, and market demands, colour experts regularly

select tints, hues, and shades to be integrated into new palettes. Their main goal is to create colour collections designed to influence future trends in various sectors, including architecture and design, capable of capturing the interest of consumers. Some paint and coatings manufacturers have a team of colour professionals who collaborate with their marketing, sales, and product design departments to analyse market demands and forecast and identify the tones that are going to be the stars of the market in the years to come. One of them is the global paint and coatings producer Sherwin-Williams, which presented Vision 2030, its new collection of powders, on Tuesday, 14 November 2023. Developed for the architectural market, this stemmed

The Generation Past palette.

from an in-depth study conducted by the colour experts at the Sherwin-Williams DesignHouse, located in Minneapolis (USA) and led by Kiki Redhead, Global CMF & Trend


Manager. Reinterpreting the modern style of Syntha Pulvin®, the American multinational’s brand of powder coatings for the European architectural sector, the new Vision 2030 collection includes 48 colours across 4 palettes: Generation Past, Quantum City, Restore & Rewild, and Hybrid Community. These draw inspiration from nostalgia, the impact of technology on big cities, the beauty of nature, and the sense of community, respectively, and they have been carefully designed and formulated to evoke emotions, define global cultures, and stimulate the imagination. Each powder coating meets the strict GSB Florida 3 and Qualicoat Class 2 criteria and standards, thus guaranteeing excellent quality and durability. ipcm®_International Paint&Coating Magazine has had the opportunity to attend the

The Quantum City palette.

presentation event and interview Kiki Redhead on the main topics that prompted

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



her team of colour experts to launch this new collection, the current trends in the world of architecture, how her team identifies and develops new colours, and the characteristics of the coatings that make up the Vision 2030 collection. ipcm®: What is the essence of the palettes within the Vision 2030 collection? K. R.: The Vision 2030 collection comprises 48 colours divided into 4 palettes:  Generation Past celebrates the historical essence of design and architecture. This collection reflects a nostalgic perspective, paying homage to ancestral traditions and proposing that we learn from both the positive and negative aspects of the past to shape a better future. Taking inspiration from different historical elements, Generation Past includes colours such as gold, deep blue, leather, shades of burgundy

The Restore and Rewild palette.

and dark bronzes, titanium, and steel. It aims to create combinations among tones that are often associated with nobility, antiquity, Sherwin-Williams

and historical buildings.  Quantum City explores a very distant and visionary future. The DesignHouse team of experts was inspired by the work of architects such as Zaha Hadid and Bjarke Ingels and the design of new cities characterised by steel structures, imposing skyscrapers, and futuristic elements such as flying cars and districts that look like they are floating on the ocean. Focusing on redefining the urban landscape and architecture of future cities, this collection includes shades of blue, grey, silver, and white, with touches of gold and copper. Such a combination aims to balance the cold aspects of technology with a human touch, emphasising the synergy between artificial and natural elements. This is why it features not only cool colours but also warm tints

The Hybrid Community palette.

that represent a future characterised by a harmonious balance.  Restore and Rewild celebrates the essence


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


of the natural world and the environment. With shades that recall the colours of water, air, plant life, soil, earth, and natural metals including gold, copper, and bronze, this collection aims to raise awareness of environmental protection and sustainability issues. With the growing awareness of climate change, SherwinWilliams recognises the need to develop architectural colours that communicate the importance of observing the nature around us and constructing buildings that blend in with their surroundings.  Hybrid Community explores how to live in a hybrid world that merges technology, the past, and the environment. This collection represents the adaptation to a constantly changing world, mainly influenced by the tendency to meet virtually and employ hybrid work patterns, accelerated by the recent global pandemic. Its name emphasises the “hyper-local” concept behind its bold, modern colours combined with natural tones such as red, gold, orange, blue, and silver, creating hybrid looks that are suitable for specific regions, geographical areas, or communities. ipcm®: What method was followed to develop the new Vision 2030 collection? K. R.: The Minneapolis-based DesignHouse conducts careful global analyses to understand the needs of architects and designers in different regions, particularly EMEA, Asia, North America, and Latin America. The main objective is to customise each collection specifically for a certain geographical area, recognising the importance of regional nuances in trends related to political, social, economic, and cultural aspects. To create a new collection, therefore, our team of colour experts carries out extensive research, including data on consumer behaviour and sales information, and works closely with the internal marketing and research & development departments. Finally, our synergy with Sherwin-Williams’ engineers and chemists enables us to transform our colour concepts into tangible products. The colour collections developed by Sherwin-Williams are conceived with a long-term vision: the DesignHouse team is committed to understanding the colours, finishes, and textures that will be relevant for architects and designers in the coming years, particularly in the powder coating field. The Vision 2030 collection, in particular, is designed to evolve and remain current, with regular updates and revisions based on changing trends. In the world of architecture, trends change very slowly and it is essential to provide colours that can stand the test of time and be relevant and contemporary for many years to come. For instance, choosing the colour for a building is an important decision, considering that it will remain unchanged for a long time: it is, therefore, crucial to opt for a tint that not only reflects current taste

but is also timeless. The Vision 2030 collection was conceived with this

new approach is aimed at creating a genuine connection with local

in mind to provide customers with contemporary tones that ensure that

communities. Through continuous collaboration with our marketing,

each architectural project maintains its aesthetics over the years.

product, and research and development teams in these specific regions, we can certainly gain a deeper understanding of the local

ipcm : What is the difference between past collections and

context and create more authentic and culturally relevant collections.

Vision 2030?

Finally, in addition to collaborating with teams in the different

K. R.: Compared with its previous colour collections, the Sherwin-

geographical areas where Sherwin-Williams is active, we get inspired

Williams DesignHouse has focused on creating palettes for each region

and collaborate closely with leading architects and designers in order to

that reflect its specific lifestyle, people, designers, and products. This

support them in the creation of their projects.


The Sherwin-Williams team together with guests at the event held in the Ponzio showroom in Milan (Italy). Some samples of the Vision 2030 Collection showcased during the event.

© ipcm

© ipcm

Kiki Redhead, Global CMF & Trend Manager at Sherwin-Williams With over twenty years of colour expertise, Kiki Redhead leads all CMF (Colour, Materials, Finish) & Trend initiatives for Sherwin-Williams Industrial & Performance Coatings. After obtaining an undergraduate degree in Interior Design, Merchandising, and Marketing and a Master’s degree in Trend Forecasting, Kiki Redhead started her career at Sherwin-Williams and later founded a globally active colour trend forecasting agency. In 2018, she returned to work at Sherwin-Williams as the Global CMF & Trend Manager spearheading the DesignHouse in Minneapolis, Minnesota (USA). She collaborates with clients from the industrial design and architecture sectors on paint development and colour trends, including the design of aesthetics, performance, and sustainability-oriented production solutions. A long-time member of the Color Marketing Group, Kiki sits on the Board of Directors and is Co-Chair of the Future Thinking Committee.


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© Zeus Electrostatic System


Jgen 02, Zeus Electrostatic System’s New Electrostatic Control Unit to Be Presented at PaintExpo 2024 Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®

Zeus Electrostatic System’s newly launched Jgen 02 electrostatic control module will be one of the innovations presented at PaintExpo, the leading trade fair for industrial coating technologies to be held from 9 to 12 April 2024 in Karlsruhe (Germany).


ontrolling all parameters of a coating process, such as electrostatic

Zeus Electrostatic System, an Italian company based in Argenta (Ferrara)

charge, air pressure, and gun/surface distance, is crucial to

specialising in the design and production of powder coating systems

achieving optimum finishing results, ensuring high productivity,

and accessories, is going to participate in PaintExpo, the world’s leading

reducing costs and powder consumption, and maximising efficiency.

trade fair for industrial coating technologies to take place in Karlsruhe

With powder coating technologies such as guns and reciprocators,

(Germany) from 9 to 12 April 2024. At stand no. 2348 in Hall 2, visitors

these parameters can be continuously monitored via an electrostatic

will have the opportunity to learn about all the innovative solutions

control unit, whose interface allows easily and intuitively managing each

offered by this company. Among the innovations that Zeus will display at


PaintExpo, in particular, is its new Jgen 02 electrostatic control unit, which


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


will complement the Jgen 01 model currently in production. This new device allows controlling all gun parameters with extreme precision, increasing productivity through excellent and repeatable finishing results. Equipped with a user-friendly, easy-to-use interface with a 7-inch touch screen and DT (Touch and Turn) control system, Jgen 02 enables the operator to view all system information and warnings on one screen. The module guarantees extreme flexibility as it can be connected to manual or automatic Corona and Tribo-type guns. It can also be integrated into all rack systems, both stand-alone and integrated within Zeus systems, including booths and powder centres. Jgen 02 was created as an open platform that can be easily upgraded and expanded, ensuring seamless integration with all Zeus devices. Thanks to its multifunctional port, it can be connected to Ethernet or USB, allowing for fast and secure firmware updates. This new control module to be presented by Zeus can also perform remote and autonomous software updates, without the need for intervention by a Zeus technician. Finally, it is equipped with a Bluetooth interface, which allows for remote control and information download: this is the first step towards the development of applications capable of integrating with the new machine. By the end of the year 2024, the Jgen 02 module will also be able to be connected to dense phase powder feeding systems.


© Zeus Electrostatic System


Via Monte Bianco 20, 20833 Giussano (MB), IT - p.+39.0362.314075 - f.+39.0362.861222 - info@cmautomazione.it

Jgen 02 is the new electrostatic control module that Zeus Electrostatic System is going to present at PaintExpo 2024.

“We are extremely happy to present the new Jgen 02 series at one of the

© Zeus Electrostatic System

most important events in the finishing industry. Jgen 02 represents a leap forward in connectivity and control and is just one of the innovations that we are going to present at PaintExpo,” states Massimo Ricci, the owner of Zeus Electrostatic System.

The advantages of the new control unit The new electrostatic control unit designed by Zeus aims at improving the performance, accuracy, and efficiency degree of coating operations for optimum finishing results. This is why Jgen 02 integrates the following functions:  Smart-Coat function for coating deep recesses: it ensures effective and even coverage of any difficult-to-reach areas.  Wildcard function: specially designed to optimise the performance degree of manual spray guns, making the manual coating process flexible and precise.  Powder and auxiliary airflow rate control: through proportional valves,

The interface of the new control unit.

the gun can precisely control its powder and auxiliary airflow rate for accurate and customised coating results.  Flow Control function: it offers advanced control over airflow, allowing for proper flow management during the coating process and helping optimise paint distribution and achieve high-quality finishes.

Zeus Electrostatic System Zeus Electrostatic System is an Italian company based in Argenta, in the province of Ferrara, which has been designing and manufacturing a wide range of powder coating systems and devices since 1974, including guns, electrostatic generators, quick-colour change booths, scanning systems, powder centres, reciprocators, and booth accessories. Focused on producing robust, reliable, high-quality equipment and providing a timely and efficient technical assistance service, Zeus positions itself in the market as an all-round supplier for customers operating in the electrostatic coating industry.


22x15x30 cm


7” colour touchscreen

Number of pre-set electrostatic programmes


Maximum number of storable programmes


Compatible gun technologies

Automatic, manual (Corona/Tribo), dense phase

Supported data connection technologies

Bluetooth, Ethernet cable, USB

Protection rating


Supply voltage

220-110 V 50-60Hz

Technical features of the Jgen 02 module.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Ceir


Ceir: New Light to Spaces Thanks to Automatic, Fast, and Repeatable Coating of Designer False Ceilings with Self-Learning Robots Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®

Precise production parameter control and efficient process management have made Ceir a strategic international player in the sector of interior and exterior designer false ceilings. Today, thanks to the implementation of the Lesta robots, the Padua-based company has made the coating application phase faster and more repeatable, increasing transfer efficiency and reducing paint consumption by 40%.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


© ipcm

The new liquid painting plant with the Power&Free overhead conveyor.


n nature, colour is determined by the light that objects reflect or

We are an artisan company with over seventy years of history that

emit and human eyes perceive. However, it is also a form of artistic

has gradually developed to meet the demand for mass-produced

expression that uses hues, shades, and colour combinations

open-cell, linear, grilled aluminium false ceilings and baffles capable of

to generate feelings, emotions, and meanings. This is why it is

enhancing the design of rooms, and optimising ambient lighting and

considered an essential element of architecture: it can greatly affect

acoustic comfort, and guaranteeing maximum design flexibility in any

the atmosphere and perception of a space, conveying a feeling of

architectural context, from large public spaces to commercial areas and

calm or activation, of openness or closure, of lightness or heaviness.

places devoted to culture and art,” says Ceir owner Marco Riccardi.

Ceir Srl is well aware of this: a family business located in Selvazzano

To further differentiate its production and speed up its delivery

Dentro (Padua, Italy), it specialises in the design and manufacture of

while reducing its environmental impact, the company has initiated a

tailor-made modular designer false ceilings for offices, ateliers, and

project to modernise its production flow. The most recent investment

other large spaces such as airports, stations, museums, and shopping

concerned its finishing department, where a new liquid coating system


was installed in February 2023, featuring two articulated robots from

“Colour and light make up the fourth dimension of architecture and

Lesta Srl (Dairago, Milan, Italy) with a self-learning function. Capable of

have been an inspiration for us since this company was founded. Over

simplifying the work of operators through lighter, more manageable,

time, our products’ materials, styles, and purposes have changed,

and user-friendly solutions, this latest-generation system now enables

but not our willingness to experiment and play with light and colour

Ceir to achieve a high finishing quality degree through a quick and

in order to make every environment more dynamic and elegant.

repeatable process.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


Ceir: Italian tradition in the world of light and design

Light is no longer just a decorative element, but was integrated into the

Ceir was founded in Venice in 1950 by Remo Riccardi, grandfather of

architectural elements, combining practicality and aesthetics.

the current owner, who within his own atelier offered unique pieces

“For over fifty years, Ceir has been offering architects and designers

of art such as chandeliers and artistic glass lights designed by him and

around the world false ceiling systems with the highest quality level

universally appreciated and recognized for their high decorative and

in terms of style, functionality, safety, and durability. My grandfather

technical value. In the 1960s, during the economic boom, the company

started designing his first grids and false ceilings to provide architects

moved to Padua: metal was added to glass and Ceir lighting systems

with a tool that would allow them to better shape the distribution of

evolved, adapting to the style and design of the period to furnish large

light. My father further developed this activity, which today is Ceir’s

spaces such as hotels, restaurants and shopping centres.

core business. Finally, I made it more flexible, so that we can work with

In the 1970s, Roberto Riccardi, Marco's father, took over the

designers and contractors by designing the most suitable open-cell

management of the company: the experience gained in metalworking

false ceiling solution for their commercial and public building projects,”

and the new trends of the architectural and design fields led Ceir to

emphasises Marco Riccardi. “Requirements are different depending on

concentrate its efforts on the design and production of aluminum false

each end use, so it is essential to employ the highest-quality materials


and process them using the latest production technologies.”

© ipcm


© ipcm

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© ipcm


Ceir’s commitment to a sustainable future Ceir has been using aluminium for many years now and it has recently started a project to transform its production processes with sustainability in mind. The installation of the new liquid coating plant

Engineering specialized in the supply of systems for surface treatment, painting and coating

equipped with the articulated Lesta robots was an integral part of this effort because it helps reduce paint consumption and improve overall energy efficiency.

From left to right: the aluminium panels inside the coating booths and the Lesta LEBOT MV A6 robot applying the liquid paint.


“Besides being a lightweight material, aluminium is considered the “green” material par excellence. Ceir is proud to say that it has been using it for over fifty years, using both new and recycled material in a percentage agreed from time to time with its customers, who are increasingly aware of circularityrelated issues. Our commitment is not limited, however, to the choice of materials to be used: we have recently started a project to renovate our factory, which will integrate solar panels, new generators, and more environmentally friendly technologies: the culmination of this project was our new coating plant,” adds Riccardi.

From aluminium coils to finished products Ceir’s workflow begins with the receipt of raw aluminium coils, processed based on the design provided by an architect or designer or on a study conducted as a joint project. The raw material, which is in some cases pre-painted, is then sheared on automatic lines and, if necessary, folded and assembled according to specifications. The machined sheet metal is then cleaned and coated. “We foster a continuous exchange of ideas during the design phase: we have a standard catalogue based on our stock, but we keep in constant contact with our customers to develop projects that are truly tailored to their needs,” explains Riccardi. One of Ceir’s strengths is flexibility, as it can quickly handle even very small batches requiring the most diverse finishes: “We plan work in advance, but our customers often come to us for urgent projects. Therefore, the machining operations we perform on our aluminium sheets vary continuously depending on the orders. In addition, the coils we use would generally be located in hidden compartments: since our products are false ceilings intended for public or commercial indoor and outdoor spaces, however, they

© ipcm

The Lesta robot control panel.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

require finishes that are not only durable but also pleasing to the eye and in harmony


with their surroundings. They also need to withstand humidity and sunlight as well as, for example, exposure to chlorine in swimming pools or cold temperatures in Nordic countries. At the same time, however, it must also convey the idea of quality, of aesthetic value, because ultimately beauty is what captures people's attention. This is why coating plays an essential role in our production.”

Automated application of over 380 different finishes Over the years, Ceir has been specialising in customised ceiling solutions in terms of both geometry and applied finishes. Indeed, it offers multiple colours and textures thanks to its collaboration with paint supplier Lechler, which can formulate tints on request. With its most recent investment, Ceir has © ipcm

also integrated its liquid coating plant with two advanced articulated robots from Lesta.

A detail of the control panel.

It now consists of a loading and unloading station, a power&free overhead conveyor, a the incoming parts, two booths for applying

Paint consumption reduced by 40% with Lesta’s LEBOT MV A6 robots

operator can move it effortlessly and the

one-component coatings (an automatic one

In further detail, the plant’s automatic spray

machine starts recording all movements

divided into two parts, each equipped with a

coating booth features two Lesta LEBOT MV

until the button is pressed again to end the

robot, and a manual one for touch-ups and

A6 articulated robots with a wrist capacity of

process. All information is then automatically

small batches), and a drying oven.

4 kg, a repeatability degree of ± 3 mm, and

saved with a unique name or aggregated with

The operators place the panel on the load

a maximum speed of 1000 mm/s. They are

others to obtain sequential programmes.

bars in the loading station and the conveyor

interfaced with Lesta PRODUCTION MANAGER

The self-learning process takes less than five

takes it to the entrance of the finishing booth.

software (a system for managing production


After the scanner has detected its shape, the

queues and the programmes created for each

“The arm is made of aluminium to guarantee

part enters the booth where the two robots,

type of workpiece), two smart monitors, and

greater ease of use thanks to the lightness

installed opposite each other, receive the

a series of photocells that record the parts’

and robustness of this material. Its

scanned data and implement the matching

arrangements and match component types

movements are balanced by a compressed-

recipe by applying the right coatings to the

and positions with specific coating recipes.

air hydraulic system that provides the

right sections of the panel, thus ensuring

Thanks to the self-learning function, the

operator with the least possible friction and

continuous and optimised production.

movements of the operator-driven axes

enables smooth, unrestricted operation. The

“These robots are the beating heart of

can be easily recorded in real-time via a

peculiarities of this robot are its flexibility and

our entire finishing process, combining

handle attached to the robot’s arm, to create

versatility: it can be installed in different types

precision, flexibility, and repeatability. We

an automated process that optimises the

of workstations and it can apply both liquid

take advantage of both point-to-point

resources used and ensures uniform, high-

paint, as in this case, and powder coatings on

programming for our standard operations

quality coating. Upon pressing the button to

the most diverse materials,” comments Mattia

and the self-learning function for finishing

start the self-learning operation, the robot

Croce, Marketing Manager at Lesta.

customised products,” states Riccardi.

releases its arm and motors so that the

“The self-learning function of Lesta’s robots is

Lesta scanner unit that detects the shapes of

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


very simple to use and practical. Even operators who were unfamiliar with such technologies immediately mastered the process. The technology integrated into the new coating plant, which has been operational for about eight months now, and especially in the articulated robots, provides us with total control of operations, increasing the quality of our offer and the quantity of products we can handle while reducing paint consumption by 40%,” indicates Riccardi.

Conclusions With over seventy years of history and a tradition rooted in craftsmanship, Ceir has stood the test of time by evolving from a designer and manufacturer of metal components for artistic chandeliers to a leader in high-quality false ceiling solutions, implementing new strategies and focusing on customised and sustainable projects. Recently, it has embraced innovation by installing a new liquid coating plant equipped with two articulated robots from Lesta: this has not only increased the accuracy, repeatability, and efficiency of its coating application phase but has also brought significant environmental and economic sustainability-related benefits by reducing paint consumption. “Through its commitment to innovation and sustainability, Ceir has realised that the future of coating is driven by the precision of robots and the integration of advanced technologies. It has pioneered a more sustainable and efficient approach to false ceiling production, proving that the combination of tradition and modernity can lead to extraordinary results. Our investment brought improved coating quality, greater thickness homogeneity, and a 40% reduction in paint consumption: the resulting cost savings will be used to further innovate our company. Ceir is constantly looking for innovative solutions to improve its production. For example, we are now testing some new © ipcm

water-based paints together with Lechler to replace the Ceir ceiling panels coated.

solvent-based ones used until now, so as to guarantee the same technical and mechanical performance degree with zero VOCs, reduced drying temperature, and therefore limited energy consumption,” says Riccardi.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Idrotecnica: Innovation and Sustainability in the Purification and Demineralisation of Industrial Water Federico Melideo ipcm®

As a company with more than thirty years of experience in waste water treatment, Idrotecnica Srl (Genoa, Italy) designs and builds ion exchange and reverse osmosis water purification and demineralisation plants that meet the highest operating standards in various industrial settings. This globally operating business will participate in the 2024 edition of PaintExpo, the leading trade fair for industrial coating technologies, during which it will present two technological innovations responding to the growing demand in this segment and emphasising the sustainability of its products. ipcm® interviewed its CEO Federico Marcenaro to further explore the latest company news and developments. © Idrotecnica

Opening photo: Idrotecnica has been designing and building ion exchange and reverse osmosis water purification and demineralisation plants for over thirty years, meeting high operating standards in various industrial contexts.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



ater plays a key role in various industrial processes, where its

water treatment systems and equipment, it has been producing

quality and purity degree is an essential element to achieve

industrial water purification and demineralisation plants using ion

operational excellence. The purification or demineralisation

exchange and reverse osmosis technologies since the 1990s. Over

of the water entering an industrial process is so important that the

time, it has gradually improved its structure, expanded its technical

production flow and/or cycle would stop without it. Such a high

staff, and actively participated in national and international trade fairs

relevance is particularly evident in the surface treatment sector, where a

in the sector to present its products and conquer new markets and

specific approach to water management is of the essence to guarantee

sectors. Today, Idrotecnica is active in many countries in Europe, South

high-quality results. Specifically, water demineralisation is a key factor

America, North Africa, and Oceania, with a range of services for the most

in this context because it contributes significantly to obtaining flawless

diverse industries, from coating and industrial cleaning to cosmetics and

coatings and finishes while ensuring high durability and resistance.

chemical laboratories.

In an industry where innovation is crucial for success, water treatment thus emerges as a catalyst for improving surface treatment-related

Idrotecnica’s technological range

quality standards. Idrotecnica Srl, an Italian company that has been

Based on the expertise gained in over thirty years of experience,

active in this industry for over thirty years, stands out as a concrete

Idrotecnica’s mission is to offer the optimal solution for every customer,

example of this philosophy. Specialising in the manufacture of modern

guaranteeing high standards in terms of technology, reliability, and

© Idrotecnica

The IDRO RO Series reverse osmosis water demineraliser.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


© Idrotecnica

The IR Series water demineralization system.

operating costs. In response to an increasingly demanding market, it has

of this demineraliser’s electronic control unit, which features a more

meticulously organised its production into two main categories:

modern, user-friendly interface,” says Federico Marcenaro, the CEO

Standard ion exchange and reverse osmosis water demineralisation

of Idrotecnica Srl. “Technically and process-wise, this plant maintains

and filtration equipment. Idrotecnica boasts a range of more than 110

the highest level of efficiency in terms of water management and

standard systems: its manufacturing approach is winning because

use. Therefore, with this restyling project, we have focused mainly

it ensures fast response times and competitive costs resulting from

on optimising its functionality and improving its user interface and

economies of scale.

display views. “At the same time, at PaintExpo, we will also present

Custom-designed systems tailored to specific customer requirements,

an innovative reverse osmosis demineralisation system that is

integrating components from the standard product selection

characterised by greater efficiency than its previous version: through

whenever possible. This enables Idrotecnica to flexibly meet any

a series of optimisation measures, we have managed to reduce its

special requirement while still taking advantage of its already available

discharged water quantity and volume, thus boosting its efficiency

standard equipment.

from 70-75% to 80-85%.

The two innovations presented at PaintExpo 2024

“Our priority for this trade fair will be to make both our ion exchange and reverse osmosis demineralisation solutions shine. As a designer

“At the 2024 edition of PaintExpo, which will be held from 9 to 12

and manufacturer of both technologies, Idrotecnica can indeed act

April 2024 in Karlsruhe (Germany), we will exhibit a new ion exchange

as an impartial partner that is able to identify the best-suited solution

demineraliser with three columns, containing anionic, cationic, and

for every company’s needs in terms of technology, reliability, and

activated carbon resin respectively. We will also present the restyling

operating costs,” notes Marcenaro.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Transitioning from ion exchange to reverse osmosis for higher sustainability Both the reverse osmosis and ion exchange plants made by Idrotecnica are designed to meet today’s requirements in terms of sustainability as well. This is why the company focuses on designing systems that help reduce water consumption and limit the use of chemicals. “Of course, each technology has its peculiarities that must be considered in the assessment phase. On the one hand, the ion exchange technology uses less water but more chemical reagents; on the other hand, the reverse osmosis system consumes more water but does not use chemicals. Currently, the former is often required in some applications because of the high water consumption characterising the latter. However, our latest innovation with reduced water discharge presents customers with an additional option, namely a technology that reduces the use of chemicals without entailing excessive water consumption,” adds Marcenaro. © Idrotecnica

The ion exchange water demineraliser.

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© Idrotecnica

At PaintExpo 2024, Idrotecnica will present the restyling of the demineraliser’s electronic control unit, with a more modern and user-friendly interface.

“In the coating field, until a few years ago, the ion exchange technology

Performance and sustainability: Idrotecnica’s mission

was actually prevalent. In recent years, with the growing focus on

Idrotecnica is a well-established, expert company that maintains the

improving safety at work, limiting the transport of industrial chemicals,

fresh and dynamic approach typical of a start-up, with the main goal

and avoiding the handling of regeneration waste water generated

of placing its customers and their satisfaction at the centre of every

by ionic demineralisers, not necessary for reverse osmosis, the

activity, pursued ever since its foundation. “The constant increase in

sector’s attention shifted towards the latter. We believe that the

demand in recent years has prompted us to invest in the training of

further reduction in water consumption achieved with our new

multilingual technicians to guarantee a reliable and efficient customer

reverse osmosis system will provide an additional incentive to adopt

assistance service even remotely. In addition, we are integrating an

this technology. Its fields of applications, at the same time, include

Industry 4.0-oriented control system into all our plants for component

many other markets, including cosmetics and the chemical industry:

and control remote management, status visualisation, and process

thanks to this diversification, we can boast comprehensive, in-depth

performance recording. The primary objective of all these upgrades

knowledge enabling us to incorporate the experience gained in

is to always provide our customers with efficient, high-performance

different industries into our products,” emphasises Idrotecnica’s CEO.

technology in terms of both process results and sustainability,” concludes Marcenaro.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

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d The strength of Europolveri products does not derive from the sole mixture of carefully selected raw materials, but rather from the people who study, model and formulate powder coatings thanks to more than 40 years of experience, and provide customers with the best solutions on the market. A clear corporate philosophy and a shared vision have allowed to supply a vast range of products for three generations. With more than 1000 products available in stock and over 40,000 already formulated, Europolveri offers infinite solutions to customer requests.

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S I N C E 1 9 8 2

© Asco3 Tecopoint


Fast and Efficient Drying: The UV and IR Technologies Presented by Asco3 Tecopoint at PaintExpo Ilaria Paolomelo ipcm®

Tecopoint, an Asco3 brand, is going to present its innovative infrared and ultraviolet technologies for drying liquid paint at PaintExpo 2024, Europe’s most important event in the industrial coating sector.


he drying of liquid paint is a critical step within an industrial

(IR) lamps. Both of these technologies are developed to accelerate

coating process. It is aimed at facilitating the evaporation of the

the drying process of the applied coatings by taking advantage of the

paint’s solvents and promoting the chemical reaction among its

different wavelengths of light. The drying process using a UV source as

components to trigger the cross-linking and subsequent solidification of

energy activates the photoinitiators contained in liquid substances such

the coating and, ultimately, ensure a durable finish. There are different

as paints, inks, adhesives, or resins: through absorption of UV radiation,

processes and technologies available on the market that promote

these react with the chemical compounds in the liquid substance,

the drying of paint products, including ultraviolet (UV) and infrared

turning it into a solid and giving rise to the cross-linking reaction. IR


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


technology, on the other hand, heats the surface of

have been implemented in the body shop sector

the paint, thus accelerating the evaporation of the

for minor repairs for many years now. However,

solvents contained in its formulation and promoting

more recently, we have also been exploring new

drying and cross-linking.

market opportunities and targeting various sectors

The choice of which system to adopt depends

of the general industry, including the automotive,

on the specific requirements of each production

aerospace, and robotics ones, where highly efficient

process, the type of paint used, and the desired

lamps for drying paints, inks, and adhesives are

properties of the final coating. Alternatively, a

increasingly in demand,” indicates Asco3’s owner.

winning combination of ultraviolet and infrared

In addition to drying technologies, Asco3 Tecopoint

can be implemented to achieve fast drying, low

specialises in the production of as follows:

consumption rates, and high finishing quality.

 sanding dust extraction systems for body shops;

Asco3 Tecopoint, an Italian company specialising

 equipment for straightening and machining steel

in the production and sale of bodywork equipment

and aluminium for new car generations;

for over thirty years, has chosen PaintExpo as a

 systems for coating quality control.

showcase to present its wide range of products,

“The decision to participate in the 2024 edition of

which includes drying lamps with ultraviolet

PaintExpo, which remains the main event in the

and infrared technology and innovative systems

industrial coating panorama, stemmed precisely

integrating a combination of both.

from our intention to present professionals from

“Made in Italy” production and quality: Tecopoint’s strengths Asco3 (an acronym for Attrezzature Speciali per Carrozzerie e Officine, or “special equipment

a variety of industrial sectors with our wide range of products, including manual drying devices of various types and sizes, trolley-mounted lamps, and robotic systems,” states Giampaolo Luise.

for body shops and workshops) was founded in

Infrared paint drying

1990 in Albignasego, in the province of Padua

The core business of Asco3 Tecopoint is the

(Italy), and strengthened its position in the Italian

development, production, and installation of a wide

industrial scenario as an equipment distributor.

range of drying systems using infrared radiation.

“2003 was the turning point for us, as we made

The use of IR technology is widespread in the

a decision that would mark a significant change

coating industry because it brings several significant

for our company. Whereas for years we had been

advantages, especially in terms of drying speed: it

outsourcing production while keeping the design

guarantees significantly reduced processing times

phases in Asco3’s hands, we opted for insourcing

compared to other systems, thus improving overall

the manufacturing process as well by creating


the Tecopoint brand,” says Giampaolo Luise,

Finishing quality is another key aspect. “With the

the founder and owner of Asco3 Tecopoint. The

infrared technology, the dried material does not

company’s decision to perform its manufacturing

run any risk of scorching, which can occur when

operations in-house was driven by the desire to

using air-based systems that dry the surfaces too

have greater control over the final quality of its

quickly. IR offers considerable advantages also

products: “Direct supervision of every stage would

from an economic and ecological point of view. Its

have enabled us to meet higher quality standards

energy efficiency helps reduce operating costs and

and respond more promptly to market demands –

the absence of direct CO2 emissions makes it a

two key pillars of our success,” adds Luise.

sustainable choice. Implementing a closed loop with

Today, Tecopoint operates internationally, mainly

solar panels or other renewable energy sources can

in the body shop sector, by supplying infrared, UV,

further reduce the overall environmental footprint

and UV-A LED curing systems. “These technologies

of the coating operation,” notes Luise. via Bassa Prima, 219 S. Andrea di Campodarsego (PD) T +39 049.5564837 info@feltanireti.it www.feltanireti.it WHAREHOUSE READY FOR DELIVERY


including paints. Such a high attention to

panels and UV-curing systems into their

In addition to offering drying systems that

detail has helped optimise the efficiency of

product range,” states Tecopoint’s owner.

exploit infrared radiation, however, this

the process and ensure high-quality results.

Asco3 Tecopoint awaits you at stand no. 3346,

company also specialises in the production

At the same time, while innovation is

Hall 3 at PaintExpo, Europe’s most important

of UV systems. Although in Italy it is still

particularly important, so is the guarantee of

trade fair for industrial coating technologies,

only used in a few industries such as the

the highest quality of the components used

to be held from 9 to 12 April 2024 in

bodywork or wood coating ones, the UV lamp

to produce Tecopoint’s systems. In addition

Karlsruhe (Germany).

curing technology has a long history. Only

to relying for years on the same supplier of

in recent years, thanks to the advent of LED

lamps and LEDs, a loyal manufacturer that

lamps, has the situation changed radically:

has contributed to its growth and success,

today, these systems are appreciated for

the company carefully tests each part before

the significant advantages they bring in

starting the production cycle, in order to

terms of drying speed, energy savings, and

provide its customers with first-class end

cost reduction. “The use of UV primers,


base coats, and clear coats together with choice that ensures significant benefits. It

The strategic evolution of Asco3 Tecopoint

significantly reduces both drying times and

Asco3 Tecopoint is a small but extremely

their associated energy consumption, as it

dynamic and flexible company – two

takes only a few seconds and a few watts to

characteristics that enable this manufacturer

complete the drying process.”

of drying systems and equipment to respond

For some years now, moreover, Asco3

promptly to its customers’ most varied

Tecopoint has been also offering an

demands and needs. “Today, being able to

innovative technology called UV-A LED. “The

fully support customers by identifying the

need for more efficient and environmentally

most appropriate solutions to their needs

friendly UV emitters than conventional

and providing comprehensive and reliable

discharge lamps led us to embark on a

information and technological knowledge

long R&D process, often carried out in a

is undoubtedly a strategic advantage,” says

pioneering manner, starting with the study


of the best wavelength and power values

Indeed, the company has made several

for the LEDs and of the internal electronics

structural investments to expand its sales

required to control their UV output,”

and customer assistance network and

indicates Luise.

be able to meet the present and future

The decision to equip its UV curing systems

challenges posed by the surface treatment

with LED lamps stemmed from Asco3’s

sector. “Italy is currently our core target

willingness to continuously improve the

market, but we also have a significant

quality and performance of its products,

presence outside its borders, which accounts

providing its customers with devices that

for 30-40% of our business. Participating in a

can reduce energy costs and drying times by

trade fair like PaintExpo means broadening

more than 70%. The selection of LED lamps

our horizons and being able to make our

allowed its engineers to precisely identify the

advanced technologies and our consolidated

ideal irradiation power and wavelength for

experience in the body shop sector known in

the chemicals involved in the curing process,

new markets and sectors. Finally, we intend

with particular attention to photoinitiators,

to establish important partnerships with

the UV-sensitive substances that are

companies from the industrial sector that

contained in many chemical formulations,

could benefit from integrating our infrared

UV lamps for drying them can be a strategic


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Asco3 Tecopoint

Asco3 Tecopoint has specialized in the production and sale of body shop equipment for over thirty years.

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Waste water treatment plant.

New Anodizing and Painting Line of Hindalco Mumbai Equipped with CIE Zero Liquid Discharge CIE has designed a new Zero Liquid Discharge plant for aluminium profiles that will help Hindalco to save water and reduce the environmental impact of its production.


indalco Industries Limited is an Indian aluminium and copper

anodized, painted and mill finished profiles. Thanks to the production –

manufacturing company, subsidiary of the Aditya Birla Group,

both in terms of capacity and profile shape – and the wild range of final

headquartered in Mumbai (Maharashtra, India). Hindalco is

product that is able to supply, Hindalco is establishing itself as one of

the Flagship company in the metals business with a turnover of US$15

the biggest players in the world.

billion and around 20,000 employees. In order to expand the business

Hindalco directions and managing target is to create the new plants

and its capillarity, Hindalco is building a new production unit.

with great attention to environment, so they decided to plan a Zero

The new Hindalco plant is going to have a full aluminium extrusion and

Liquid Discharge system in order to save water and reduce the

finishing cycle. Starting from the aluminium billet, it is going to produce

environmental impact.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


For that reason, they have referred to the main prestigious


companies with experience and confidence with this sophisticated technology: after a large investigation, Hindalco decided to rely on CIE for the project of a turnkey ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) plant – since CIE has been identified as the most experienced team in aluminium finishing water treatment.

Ecological footprint Despite its big productivity, Hindalco’s new production unit is going to be equipped with the latest model of Zero Liquid Discharge plant. This innovative plant, a CIE’s signature, is going be developed with the latest technology and is going to entirely recover the process water. Designed with a fully automatic software and equipped with a user-friendly interface, it is going to be the biggest ZLD plant in the area. With this new installation, CIE confirms its leadership in water recovery system on metal finishing lines.

50 m3 day multistage evaporators unit.





Walther Trowal Presented the New Automatic Cleaning Centrifuge ZA 04 The new centrifuge developed by Walther Trowal ensures the automatic cleaning and recycling of the process water, saving time and costs in mass finishing.


alther Trowal has recently presented the new automatic

on the inner drum wall in the form of sludge. In addition, in case of

cleaning centrifuge ZA 04, an updated version of its process

higher sludge quantities that cannot be handled by manual emptying

water cleaning and recycling machines that eliminates manual

of the drum, the centrifuges are also equipped with a peeling knife that

setup operations and reduces maintenance work, allowing to save

automatically discharges the sludge from the drum.

resources, time and costs.

Moreover, the new compact peeling centrifuge ZA 04 features an

In surface finishing operations for metallic workpieces, the process

integrated displacement-force measurement system that digitally

water deriving from the mass finishing machines is contaminated with

controls the movement of the peeling knife, ensuring that – depending

fines and particles from both the components and the processing media

on the thickness of the sludge layer – the peeling knife always has

as well. In addition, it can contain oil and grease carried into the machine

the right distance to the inner drum wall. Furthermore, it allows the

by the parts themselves. So, before it can be re-used in the finishing

automatic setup of the machine by eliminating mechanical calibration

operation or charged to drain, the process water must be cleaned

operations. Finally, the new centrifuge of Walther Trowal is more

in a closed-loop recycling system in order to remove all contaminant

compact: it requires around 30% less space than its predecessor model


and all operational and maintenance elements can be accessed from

The centrifuges developed and produced by Walther Trowal are

one side.

equipped with a drum that rotates at high speeds, generating a centrifugal force that deposits the solids contained in the process water


© Walther Trowal © Walther Trowal


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


SurTec Has Acquired the Italian Company Aluservice The acquisition of Aluservice allows SurTec to expand its range of specialty surface finishing chemicals.


he company specialised in chemical surface finishing solutions

forces with a player of high reputation in the market and thereby further

SurTec has recently acquired the Italy-based Aluservice to offer

improving the value delivered to our respective customers,” has added

its products on the global market as well as to internationalise

Fulvio Lamberti, CFO of the SurTec Group.

the business. Aluservice is dedicated to research, development and

Aluservice has been developing its own formulations for chemical

distribution of chemical specialties for the surface treatment of

products, processes and technologies for 40 years. All products are

aluminium, zinc, steel and iron alloys. The wide range includes products

designed to combine the highest quality required by the market with

for aluminum anodising, aluminum coating processes, electroplating of

the economic efficiency – thus allowing Aluservice to satisfy the needs

ferrous metals and coating of other metals.

of SurTec to balance business processes with the demands and

“After 40 years of successful business, we realised that we needed

requirements of society and environment. Furthermore, the Aluservice

financial resources available only to large multinational groups to ensure

global customers will benefit from SurTec’s international distribution

continuity and further development. We are glad to become part of the

network and technical expertise.

SurTec Group and look forward with enthusiasm to the new challenges

“We see great potential to grow the business strongly outside Italy

ahead of us,” has declared Raffaele Cadorna, Managing Director of

through the excellent know-how and product portfolio of Aluservice,”


has concluded Karsten Grünke, CEO of the SurTec Group.

“The acquisition of Aluservice is a further step forward in our strategy for the Italian metal surface treatment market. We are happy to join

For further information: www.surtec.com/en

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Nordson Electronics Solutions Presented the New ASYMTEK Select Coat® SL-1040 Conformal Coating System The new SL-1040 system developed by Nordson increased the coating performances with enhanced selectivity and flexibility.


ordson Electronics Solutions has

printed circuit assembly. The technology was

Since coating materials must be selectively

recently released the new ASYMTEK

presented at the Productronica trade fair in

applied to avoid critical components such

Select Coat® SL-1040 conformal

Munich (Germany).

as connector pins, test points and relays in

coating system, an advanced solution

Conformal coating is an enabling process

order to reach the highest level of reliability,

specifically developed to improve yield and

that allows to protect electronics from harsh

the selective coating equipment – in contrast

uptime with enhanced selectivity and flexibility

environments, assuring safe and reliable

to broadcast spraying or dipping that require

for the dynamic high-volume production of


masking – only covers the desired regions of the board. The ASYMTEK Select Coat SL-1040 system

© Nordson

pairs new process control and preventive maintenance with the new SC-450 PreciseCoat® Jet and enhanced EasyCoat® software, maximising then throughput while flexible features provide better yields through efficient changeover, traceability and set-up consistency. Moreover, a new patent-pending ultrasonic cleaning station simplifies nozzle cleaning, improving uptime and cost of ownership. “When you cannot go back and fix it, you need the process control to apply the conformal coating correctly the first time. With the new Select Coat SL-1040, we have kept the timetested functionality of the SL-940 and added significant system-level advancements to take conformal coating performance to the next level for better yield and uptime,” has stated Almar Thewissen, the product manager of Nordson Electronics Solutions. For further information: www.nordson.com


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


PPG Opened a $17 Million Aerospace Application Support Centre in France The new support centre of PPG will allow to improve filling and packaging capabilities for aerospace materials, including coatings and sealants.


he international paints and coatings

for the development of aerospace materials, a colour

manufacturer PPG has recently announced

blending area for coatings and a spray booth for

the opening of a $17 million aerospace paint

hands-on training of paint applications. Moreover,

application support centre in Toulouse (France),

it will also include filling lines for touch-up kits, a

that will allow the company to deliver products to

transparencies inspection cell, customised packaging

aerospace customers in southern Europe and North

capabilities for third-party products, chemical

Africa faster.

management resources and a customer service

“PPG is a critical supplier to the aerospace industry,


with a suite of technologically advanced products.

“We are thrilled to provide convenient access to

This new facility will significantly enhance our

our aerospace products and services while further

responsiveness and customer support capabilities,

committing to our investment in France. This new

while enabling the qualification of our unique

facility enhances our global footprint and supports

materials earlier in the product development cycle,”

the industry as global travel continues to recover,”

has stated Francois Buehlmann, the general manager

has added Dan Korte, the senior vice-president of the

of the Aerospace division in the EMEA region of PPG.

Aerospace business unit of PPG.

The facility will provide filling and packaging capabilities for aerospace materials, including coatings and sealants for a wide range of aircraft, as

For further information:

well as technical support. It will feature a laboratory




Novasynt Q900, the New BPA-free Polymeric Binder Designed for the Interior Varnish of Food Cans Francesco Tamburrino Novaresine Srl, Colà di Lazise (Verona) - Italy


n recent years, the world has witnessed a growing concern about

In this article, we explore the importance of BPA-free varnish and the

the adverse effects of certain chemicals on human health and the

impact of Novasynt Q900 in the coatings industry.


One such chemical, bisphenol A (BPA), has come under scrutiny due to

The hazards of BPA-containing varnishes

its potential to disrupt hormones and its presence in various consumer

BPA is a synthetic chemical used in the production of plastics and resins.

products, including paints. However, in response to this concern,

It has been widely used in varnishes and other coatings due to its ability

innovative solutions have emerged, and Novasynt Q900 represents

to enhance durability and resistance. However, the harmful effects of

a significant milestone in the pursuit of safer and more sustainable

BPA on human health have raised red flags for regulatory authorities

binders for varnishes.

and consumers alike.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Numerous studies have linked BPA exposure to various health issues, including hormone disruption and reproductive problems. Its exposure can apport potential developmental issues in foetuses, infants, and children. Furthermore, BPA’s resistance to degradation means it persists in the environment, leading to its widespread presence and potential ecological impact.

Novasynt Q900: the safe and effective BPA-free solution In response to the demand for safer food solutions, Novaresine Srl, an important chemical company specialized in innovative and sustainable solutions, has developed Novasynt Q900, a BPA-free polymeric binder designed for the interior varnish of food cans. Novasynt Q900 stands out as an exemplary alternative, offering an array of benefits for both food manufacturers and consumers:  BPA-Free Assurance: Novasynt Q900 doesn’t contain BPA, ensuring that no harmful chemicals leach into the packaged food. This provides consumers with peace of mind that the products they consume are safe and free from potential health risks associated with BPA exposure.  Food Preservation: the coating with Novasynt Q900 effectively preserves the quality and freshness of the food inside the cans. It forms a reliable barrier against the food acid attack, reducing the risk of spoilage and extending the shelf life of perishable goods. © Novaresine

 Versatility and Compatibility: Novasynt Q900’s innovative formulation allows it to adhere securely to various metal surfaces,

it is essential for varnish manufacturers to

high performance, Novasynt Q900 is the

commonly used in food packaging. This

conduct thorough testing and compliance

attractive choice for varnish manufacturers

makes it a highly versatile solution suitable

checks to ensure their specific applications

that prioritize consumer health and product

for a wide range of canned food products.

meet food safety regulations in their

integrity. Novasynt Q900 stands as a prime

 Regulatory Compliance: Novasynt Q900

respective regions.

example of how innovation can lead to better

meets the regulatory standards set by food

and safer solutions. The use of paints BPA-

safety authorities. Its development has


undergone testing and assessment to ensure

Novasynt Q900 is a reliable and BPA-free

to a healthier future for both people and the

its suitability for food contact. However,

solution. With its safety combined with the


free is not just a choice; it is a commitment

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


© ipcm

SICOR Italy manufactures both traditional reducers and gearless machines for lifts.


Process Science and Organisation Sociology: The Keys to the Success of SICOR Italy’s Production System Alessia Venturi ipcm®

Sometimes, technology alone is not enough to make things work: it can improve a company’s productivity, but its concrete results depend on the environment in which it is applied. Indeed, productivity gains are not automatic: they depend strictly on the skills involved, the company’s organisational structure, its process and product knowledge, and the implementation of appropriate tools to interface with suppliers and customers on an equal footing.


ometimes, even in the face of significant investments in the latest

maintains high margins of technological uncertainty “as a strategy for the

technologies, a company’s production comes to a “stalemate” due

arbitrary management of non-legitimised power with the sole purpose

to a vicious circle created between the lack of skills of some and

of systematically opposing the directives prescribed by the formal

the autocratic tendencies of others. Such a vicious circle nurtures and


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

organisation”, to quote Michel Crozier.


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Motors coated with a black foundry primer before the automatic two-tone coating phase and motors hanging from the automatic coating line.

This was also the scenario faced by Gianmaria Guidi, the CEO of

“However, it never took off because it lacked the financial resources

GERMEDIA (Brescia, Italy), a consulting company with expertise in

to establish sustainable industrial processes. A German multinational

industrial coating and in the dynamics of production and quality control

manufacturer of lift components acquired it to complement its product

processes, when he was contacted by SICOR Italy (Rovereto, Trento,

range. In turn, it was acquired by an American fund, and SICOR was

Italy) in 2020 to solve a serious productivity and value creation issue

essentially abandoned to its fate. It entered a new phase of crisis, which

related to the bad management of its coating department. Indeed,

brought it to the brink of bankruptcy. It was later acquired by a company

although SICOR was equipped with a state-of-the-art robotic plant, the

operating in the field of aerospace manufacturing. Once again, however,

automatic systems aimed at increasing productivity had been deactivated,

the plan was not to take an interest in the company’s market and

with technological uncertainty used as an excuse to justify delays and

products but to relaunch it through a capital injection and then resell it.

production inefficiencies. Gianmaria Guidi worked to support the

The current ownership took over at that point, in 2017.”

entrepreneurial vision of Massimo Santambrogio, the CEO of SICOR Italy,

“Being the owner of other companies producing lift doors, the family

and his orientation towards continuous improvement with the aim of

that now owns SICOR Italy is the second largest player in the world in the

creating a new work team, a new organisation of the coating department,

lift door sector. For them, SICOR’s acquisition was neither product, nor

new industrial processes, and new coating specifications – turning this

process, nor supply chain-oriented, but rather a commercial integration

consultancy activity into a textbook case.

geared towards providing its global customer base worth around 700

SICOR Italy – Driving the future

million Euro, which includes all the leading multinationals in the industry, with lifting machines as well,” adds Santambrogio. “In 2018, when the

SICOR is an Italian company specialising in the design and production of

closing phase took place, it was decided to maintain the previous

traditional reducers and gearless machines for lifts. In over forty years of

management. In 2020, I was appointed sole director of the company,

activity, it has become a global benchmark in the industry for the quality

with the task of analysing its status in terms of both production and

of its products, the completeness of its range, and its ability to grasp and

management and assessing the feasibility of its relaunch. In the previous

anticipate market demands and developments. The history of SICOR

year, SICOR Italy had achieved a turnover of 50 million Euros while

Italy, however, was a bumpy ride, among different acquisitions and years

generating zero profits, with no investment opportunities, although the

of ruinous management, until the arrival of its current owners and its

previous owner had tried to use some funding from the Autonomous

current CEO, Massimo Santambrogio.

Province of Trento, which supported the creation of a large part of the

“SICOR Italy was founded forty-three years ago by a small group of local

plant where we are currently headquartered to foster job turnover.

entrepreneurs to produce lift motors,” says Santambrogio himself.

SICOR Italy employed 203 people, producing 100 machines per day in

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


embrace SICOR’s new path towards efficiency and productivity. Then, with the expert help of Germedia, we gradually set up a new coating process, put the robots back into operation, activated the necessary quality controls, and replaced the paint products we were using.” Gianmaria Guidi confirms: “By quietly observing what was happening on the plant, I realised that many of the practices implemented were simply illogical and that this group of people was taking advantage of the operators’ lack of knowledge on the process in their own favour. For example, they demanded that the paint supplier provide a ready-to-use product with the same viscosity all year round, which is impossible since viscosity is affected © ipcm

The inside of the automatic two-tone coating booth with Lesta articulated robots.

by temperatures and other environmental dynamics. This reactionary attitude had led the operators to apply products with 190-second viscosity – manually, of course, since the robots cannot pump products with such a high

three shifts but with no operating profits. After

Lesta. However, the operators continued to

viscosity level and the nozzles were always

a detailed analysis of the situation, however, the

coat manually. Indeed, the plant managers had


current ownership decided that it was possible

deactivated all the automatic systems, claiming

“My first goal was to take stock of the objective

to dramatically change the company’s course

that they did not work and were actually a bad

elements, separating them from my personal

through investments and efficiency-oriented

investment,” explains Santambrogio. “I had no

viewpoints. The resulting analysis then helped


in-depth knowledge about coating. Therefore,

Massimo Santambrogio to make a few

“The first objective was to decidedly increase

I decided not to trust their words and to call

decisions. We also involved the suppliers of

productivity, taking full advantage of

in an external consultant to take stock of

the paint products, Sherwin-Williams, and of

automation and technological innovation. The

the situation and implement the necessary

the robots, Lesta, to finally give the operators

second objective was to reduce the personnel

technical and management solutions.

the necessary knowledge of the automatic

by about 100 people. 2020 was a difficult year,

“At the end of 2020, I decided to seek

coating process that could be performed.

amidst trade union pickets and inspections

specialised technical advice and turned to

On-site training was carried out from scratch,

by the police, the Carabinieri, and the Special

Germedia. I was happy to start working with

shadowing the staff and demonstrating that

Operations Division due to the infiltration of

Gianmaria Guidi, who analysed the state of

those theoretical notions were indeed truthful

anarchists from Rovereto. From an industrial

affairs, the plant, the robots, and the paint

and useful in practice.

point of view, at the same time, one of the

products. This ended in a head-on clash with

“In other words, we brought science back into

processes to be streamlined was certainly the

the group that ran the coating department,

the process, correcting the paint viscosity rates,

coating one, which was a major bottleneck.”

who, acting autocratically, had established a

adjusting the thicknesses applied to avoid any

negative climate of mistrust, misinformation,

bagging and dripping issues, adjusting the

technological uncertainty, and ignorance

robots’ movements, and choosing together

among the line operators with the aim of

the shape of the spraying fan that best suited

“After the takeover, SICOR’s new ownership

slowing down production. Once again, we had

the complex geometry of the various machine

immediately integrated the coating plant with

to decide to remove them and replace them

models to be coated. At the end of this training

two state-of-the-art articulated robots from

with people who were willing to change and

phase, which was also psychological, we put

First step: technical, sociological, and process consultation


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Second step: the creation of a specific coating process

providing users with correct information,

reprogrammed the robots, and gave the operators the correct information to make

“Another aspect I noted during my months at

“SICOR Italy applies a one-coat water-based

them finally capable of managing the coating

SICOR Italy,” says Gianmaria Guidi, “was the

coating system with a corrosion protection

process autonomously, in line with their

fact that it did not emphasise coating as one

performance degree that is in line with the

professional role.”

of the strengths of its machine and did not use

intended use of its products i.e. an indoor

At the same time, SICOR Italy invested in a

finishing as a business lever, as any company

environment (lift shaft) in the C2 corrosion class

point-to-point programming system to correct

that paints its products in-house should do.

according to ISO 12944. VCI bags were chosen

and optimise the coating of more than 40

This is why I created clear coating specifications

for the packaging of products to be shipped

different machine models. “In addition to

to determine the finishing results that can

to improve their coatings’ resistance degree.

technology, however, my intervention involved

be achieved with the currently available

By establishing this as the standard process,

several concepts related to the sociology of

technology, rather than those required by

of course, we also left a door open for special

organisations,” notes Gianmaria Guidi. “Indeed,

the market. Germedia’s laboratory tested

coating operations, which can be offered at a

that was the core of the problem. The coating

SICOR’s coatings to determine their salt spray

surcharge. And the specifications will also serve

plant had always operated properly: what was

resistance, chemical resistance, and mechanical

as a basis for future investment decisions in the

lacking was the knowledge needed to make it

strength properties. This enabled us to

finishing department, as well as for governing

work, which had been deliberately denied to

correctly indicate the performance degree of

the company’s relations with the external

the operators, continually devalued, debased,

SICOR’s standard finishes in its lifting machines’

suppliers of any pre-painted components.”

and deprived of the basic tools required to

instruction manuals, preventing any complaints

establish a technical dialogue with suppliers.”

due to the customers’ erroneous expectations.

The coating process

“Removing the previous department

That is what maximum customer care is about:

As part of its consultancy service, Germedia

the automatic system back into operation,

including on machine maintenance.

managers, who strived to centralise all the power despite their marked lack of expertise through information gatekeeping, was one of the keys to the success of this operation,” comments Massimo Santambrogio. “They had left all operators in the darkness. They were toxic people: those who master a subject have no problem sharing information with others, whereas those who use secrets to justify their presence in a company are not helping it grow. I need all operators to know how to do their job from start to finish, and Germedia has helped us greatly in this revolution.” The final action taken in the first step of this consultancy project was the recertification of the plant as a whole, including both the older sections and the new one equipped with the robots. “No one had taken care of the required document integration,” explains Guidi. “The previous work team had not applied for a certificate of integration and therefore there was no CE certification covering the entire system. Now, after recertification of the plant assembly, any modifications can be performed under certification control.”

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The Lesta robots’ control desks.

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The control panel of the paint management unit for the Wagner electrostatic application equipment. SICOR Italy uses Sherwin-Williams one-coat water-based products.

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identified another area of optimisation and suggested that SICOR Italy

from contaminating the applied black coating, as well as seven different

replaced the red foundry primer applied on its cast iron castings with a

masking systems. The robot that applies the black tint has seven different

black one, in order to reduce the amount of post-finishing work required

programmes, whereas the robot that applies yellow has ten of them: if we

to achieve perfect part coverage with a grey top coat. This was yet

had used the same robot to manage two different colours, we would have

another of the poisoned fruits of the department’s previous management.

ended up managing too many programmes and performing too many

Today, the cast iron motor bodies are pre-painted with a black primer

colour changes every day.”

by immersion (directly by the foundries), they undergo all the necessary

The coating line is followed by a 6-minute flash-off area (2 slots), a baking

processes to guarantee perfect coupling, they are fitted with the other

oven in which the products dwell for 30 minutes (10 slots), and a storage

motor components, and they are coated without any cleaning step to

buffer (4 slots for 12 minutes). The coating cycle time of each motor is 3

safeguard the electrical parts. In the coating department, they are then

minutes. By changing the foundry primer from red to black, downstream

painted black and yellow at the same time. Such a two-tone finish is a

post-finishing is no longer necessary. “We did an excellent job in

requirement dictated by safety regulations: flywheels and pulleys are

streamlining and reducing our production times: today, we manufacture

moving parts and therefore must be yellow, whereas static parts can be

210 machines per day with 130 people on one shift, compared to 100 in

coated in any colour.

the initial phase. All processes became faster. On the other hand, this led

“In the booth, the robot applying the black colour starts first, followed by

to a new critical issue: our packaging times and methods. This called for

the one that applies the yellow colour,” explains Massimo Santambrogio.

the support of Germedia once again because, by changing the packaging

“The robots are positioned in line within the same booth. By adjusting

time, there were problems with the final quality of the coatings and we

the air speed value and the space between two robots, as well as

started to receive complaints related to peeling paint.”

through good ventilation efficiency, we can apply two colours without any contamination risk. We also fine-tuned the position of the motor to be

Third step: fine-tuning the paint products’ formulations

treated, identifying the right angle to prevent the yellow paint overspray

“With the processing times implemented before my consulting work, the


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


coated products took 3 to 4 days to be packaged and the water-


with a complete service that includes system design manufacturing, installation, technical support and chemicals

based paint, after passing through the oven, had plenty of time to complete its cross-linking process, which entails chemical and physical phenomena such as the evaporation of volatile components and the oxidation of the binder,” says Gianmaria Guidi. “Having reduced, or rather almost halved, SICOR’s production time, the paint failed to adequately complete such chemical and physical transformations before the product was sealed in a VCI bag for shipping, so the unprocessed organic film would flake off once the machine reached its destination. Germedia once again intervened with a series of tests in its laboratory to find a new correct paint formulation for proper chemical-physical transformation of the binder, the ideal oven cycle times, and the right drying and cooling temperatures to ensure that the coating process would be in line with the faster production process. In the end, we changed the type of paint product used by SICOR Italy by collaborating with its longstanding supplier Sherwin-Williams. The finishing results thus went back to being in line with SICOR’s quality standards and with the 5-year warranty that covers all its products.” “We could not afford the mechanical quality of our products to be affected or diminished by the poor quality of coatings,” states Santambrogio. “With the streamlining of our entire production process, we went from an average packaging time of 6 hours, a time that allowed the paint product to finish drying, expel solvents, and cross-link enough to have no defects, to 12 minutes. The change was clearly extreme. Fortunately, Germedia made its laboratory available to quickly conduct all the necessary tests for the selection of the new paint product; otherwise, by testing all the intermediate formulations on our plant, it would have taken months to find a match, resulting in a major commercial impact. “As I was already familiar with the plant and its operation, I recorded all the products’ baking times directly during treatment,” recalls Gianmaria Guidi. “Our laboratory is equipped with an oven that can be programmed exactly based on such data, with which we tested all the intermediate and final formulations provided by Sherwin-Williams. By setting it using SICOR’s new cycle parameters,


we carried out some stackability tests using special magnets with a specific attraction force value (expressed in kg/cm2) that simulated what happened in the workshop during packaging and inside the package during transport. Finally, after selecting the new product formulations, we carried out some in-line testing and got good results, enough to enable SICOR to work smoothly while we finetune the last details of the actual process. We will have to increase the oven’s power to improve the polymerisation curve and modify the cardboard packaging, which has a shape patented by SICOR Italy


for its own products but which gives rise to some small defects in the finish at the sharp edges.”

Via Torricelli, 79 - Z.I. Fossatone 40059 MEDICINA (BO) - tel. (+39) 051 856263 info@hydroitalia.com - www.hydroitalia.com

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According to lift safety regulations, the moving parts of lifting machines must be yellow.

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From left to right, SICOR Italy plant manager Andrea Deflorian, Gianmaria Guidi from Germedia, Alessia Venturi from ipcm®, and SICOR Italy CEO Massimo Santambrogio.

Final results In summary, after Germedia’s intervention, SICOR Italy has achieved the

“At SICOR Italy, Germedia has created a new organisation and a

following objectives:

working team with a shared vocabulary,” states Santambrogio. “Serene

 the training and education of the coating department staff;

collaboration and both corporate and personal growth have replaced

 the improvement and strengthening of the organisational skills in the

the climate of terror and instrumental misinformation. The technical


aspects, particularly the implementation of the two-tone coating process

 the creation of an in-house coating manual as a reference source;

and the creation of our specifications, have called for collaboration

 the definition and training on specific vocabulary for smoother

between Germedia and our coating department, which now has the


appropriate expertise to follow up on the work done. We currently have

 the implementation and fine-tuning of an automated coating process;

three people devoted to coating: two operators program the robots and

the creation of a two-tone coating process;

control the viscosity of the paint products, whereas one works on board

 a marked improvement in packaging and stacking times;

the machine to optimise the robots’ operations. The whole department

 facilitated internal communication among departments;

works better and our entire company has benefited greatly.”

 the restoration of communications with the suppliers.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine






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Kamp Coating Groep: A Pioneer in Europe in Adopting the Revolutionary VIANT Technology to Combine Surface Conversion and Primer Application in One Coat Monica Fumagalli ipcm®

Kamp Coating Groep is the first company in Europe to use a new, fully automated coating line using the VIANT technology from Chemetall, which combines surface conversion and primer application in a single step process, thus providing superior corrosion protection especially in the case of complex-shaped parts with numerous recesses and hollow spaces, increasing the service life of the coating itself, and reducing carbon footprint. The innovation of the process lies in the absence of electricity, as VIANT adheres to the surfaces by virtue of an exclusively chemical reaction.

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Kamp Coating offers a complete range of surface treatments including cataphoresis, powder and liquid coating, anodising, and sublimation for any type of metal, from aluminium, steel, and stainless steel to titanium and magnesium.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



n a world where everything runs faster

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than we would like it to do, Kamp Coating, which has been offering all-

round surface treatment services since 1949, is constantly striving to evolve and anticipate market demands by always staying one step ahead,” Ruud Nijenkamp, the sales manager of Kamp Coating Groep headquartered in Apeldoorn (The Netherlands) says to summarise the company’s mission.

“The power of innovation has always been the driver of our choices, geared towards optimally meeting the demands of customers from the most diverse sectors – from street furniture to automotive, from ACE to construction – in terms of both quality and environmental friendliness. In fact, it is the common thread among all the companies in our Group.” Kamp Coating Groep consists of 4 coating companies and 6 production sites: in addition to parent company Kamp Coating (with 3 plants in Apeldoorn, Emmen, and

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Vianen), it includes Efté Coating (with a site in Eindhoven specialising in VIANT, powder, and liquid coating), Anopanel (anodising), and Duropanel (3D sublimation of sheets and tubes for indoor and outdoor applications). “Another aspect that characterises our business,” states Nijenkamp, “is our goal to be perceived by customers not as a mere project executor, but as a genuine surface treatment partner that can advise them in the best possible way.” The care taken in the manufacture and coating of components and the attention paid to all market innovations have recently led Kamp Coating to invest in the pioneering VIANT pre-treatment technology. Developed by the Surface Treatment global business unit of BASF’s Coatings division, operating under the Chemetall brand, this guarantees homogenous film application even on deeply hollow surfaces and greater edge coverage than other processes.

An overview of the conveyor running through the new factory hall in Eindhoven and the outside of the shot blasting cabinet.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


Kamp Coating’s complete range of surface treatments

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With a comprehensive range of surface treatments including cataphoresis, powder and liquid coating, anodising, and sublimation for any type of metal, from aluminium, steel, and stainless steel to titanium and magnesium, this Dutch company is recognised for the quality of its coatings both in the Netherlands and internationally. “In the automotive and ACE sectors in particular, specifications are very strict and detailed,” notes Nijenkamp. “With our cataphoresis process, we can apply different thicknesses in our automated line, from standard (N-KTL) to higher values (e.g. D-KTL), which can form either the final layer or the preparation film for a subsequently applied coating. Our cataphoresis line consists of 14 tanks and is fully automated to ensure very short and perfectly controlled cycle times.” With a total of 10 powder coating lines and 2 liquid coating lines, Kamp Coating Groep can handle both small and large batches. “Our versatile and well thought-out machinery equipment enables us to treat products in

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any size, from the smallest to the largest, as efficiently as possible and to the quality degree required by each customer, even combining cycles and meeting the requirements of corrosion class C5 – also with the help of the new VIANT technology, when it comes to steel.” The new plant was installed within a completely new industrial facility, built as part of a major investment in the redevelopment of an area in the west of Eindhoven. The standard coating cycle carried out here includes shot blasting or pickling, VIANT treatment, and the subsequent powder and/or liquid coating phase in one or more coats. A continuous-flow Power&Free conveyor from Railtechniek van Herwijnen BV handles the parts and takes them to the Gema powder application booth, equipped with 2 reciprocators with 8 guns each, or the 2 liquid painting booths, which can be upgraded with 6 or 7-axis robots. One of the part storage buffers available and the series of pre-treatment tanks with the VIANT application one in the foreground (left) and the bell drying oven (right).


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

First for Sustainability With our new Interpon D1036 Low-E powder coating, we’ve created an industry first: a powder coating that can cure as low as 150°C while still being Qualicoat class one certified. It can also cure up to 25% faster than conventional powders, reducing both energy consumption and carbon emissions, and significantly improving your coating line efficiency. Easy to apply Interpon D1036 Low-E has the same application properties as standard formulation, is backed by an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) and has a global warranty of up to 15 years to deliver the quality performance, color and style your customers need. It is an innovation that supports our collective commitment to sustainability throughout the value chain.


A new path to sustainability in powder coatings - with AI Through our collaboration with coatingAI, AkzoNobel brings you Flightpath, a new software that harnesses Artificial Intelligence to significantly improve the application of Interpon’s powder coatings and reduce your carbon footprint. It optimizes equipment settings to reduce overspray and further improve quality, reducing costs, avoiding re-works and saving both time and energy. It’s yet another example of how our desire for ceaseless innovation and commitment to building meaningful partnerships is helping push the boundaries of sustainable solutions in powder coatings.

Learn more powder.interpon.com/insights/akzonobel-powder-coatings-partners-withcoatingai-to-explore-new-frontiers-in-sustainability/


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The tank devoted to the VIANT technology.

VIANT breaks with the past Kamp Coating Groep was the first company in Europe to integrate the VIANT process into its new automated line. “To comply with our mission to deliver perfectly coated products, we decided to first test and then adopt this particular technology to overcome the difficulty we were encountering in the cataphoretic coating of large-sized parts, such as tubular profiles or components with complex-shaped undercuts intended mainly for outdoor use. Additionally, this solution convinced us because of the benefits we found in terms of time savings and reduced consumption, in full compliance with our principles of environmental sustainability.”


“We launched this process on the market a few years ago,” explains Chemetall Italia sales director Cristiano Laurita. “It is easy to integrate into already existing lines and provides reliable corrosion protection for edges and interior surfaces. It does not require high voltage, special equipment, or constant temperatures and it can even shorten the coating process, save resources, and reduce management costs.”

Technical characteristics of the VIANT technology This innovative process is based on the reaction generated by the VIANT single step process on the metal surface, creating a layer containing thin film conversion coating, pigment and binder, ready

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for polymerisation. “One of its main features,”

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illustrates Vincenzo Carcò, Chemetall’s Industrial division manager, “is its ability to operate without electricity, which ensures greater product distribution and coating thickness homogeneity over the workpiece’s surface and, therefore, greater penetration efficiency, thanks to which even the most difficult-to-reach internal areas can be coated evenly and with a consistent thickness. The coating film is formed after 1 minute of immersion, thanks to the release of ions from the metal surface". “The product can be applied directly on the metal surface without any special preparation unless it is contaminated with oil and grease, which must be removed in advance through a cleaning process, or with black rust, which requires a quick sandblasting or acid pickling step to be carried out beforehand. Kamp Coating opted for a phosphating phase with zinc salts before using VIANT to achieve superior anti-corrosion performance. One of the most important aspects of this

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technology is that iron or zinc resulting from the chemical reaction with the substrate are not a contaminant to be removed but they actually become an integral part of the coating layer.” Application is followed by 2 rinses with demineralised water and drying for 20 minutes at up to 200 °C, which constitutes a pre-polymerisation phase that speeds up the subsequent powder or liquid coating phase.

The benefits of the new process “The necessary equipment is also very simple,” indicates Roxanne Baas, process specialist for EMEA and North America at Chemetall. “The dialysis cells that characterise standard cataphoresis tanks are not necessary and it is sufficient to equip the system with a very small recirculation pump. Thanks to the wide operating temperature range and very low bath recirculation rate, the process is very stable and avoids any defects due to the lack The entrance to the drying oven and the drying oven on the upper floor and the anodic oxidation department on the lower floor.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

of electrical contact between the component and the load bar. It is also possible to switch off the circulation of the bath between shifts


without damaging the coating chemical.

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In addition to saving electricity, water, and chemicals, the amount of waste water to be treated is also reduced. Finally, the system does not require the cooling and heating devices that are needed for cataphoresis processes.” In other words, this new technology can be an environmentally sustainable, easy-to-install, complementary solution to cataphoresis systems. “It can be implemented by those companies that have never used cataphoresis because they do not find it effective due to the complex geometries of their treated parts. For example, the protection of edges, where corrosion usually starts, is one of the main issues that our customers present us with: VIANT was designed precisely to meet their demands. It can be used as a replacement for, but also together with cataphoresis to achieve premium-quality, highly durable finishes. There is no need to install a new line to apply it: it is sufficient to add one tank to the already existing immersion pre-treatment line. VIANT

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is currently not spray-applicable and is only available in black.”

Users’ opinion “Our customers, especially those that manufacture components subjected to strict requirements, such as in the military, agricultural, and street furniture industries, have greatly appreciated the introduction of this new technology,” emphasises Nijenkamp. “We apply VIANT with a thickness of 25 microns and the aesthetic result is identical to that of cataphoresis. One of the most frequently used cycles, moreover, entails the application of VIANT in combination with powder coating. In this case, the pre-polymerisation of VIANT is carried out at about 120 °C as opposed to the 180 °C required after cataphoresis. Since the process is performed without electricity, the carbon footprint is significantly reduced compared with cataphoresis, while achieving very high quality standards thanks to the homogenous edge coverage and inner layer thickness. VIANT perfectly protects products

The powder coating booth supplied by Gema Europe with a cyclone and a powder centre and some coated workpieces ready for packaging.

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© Kamp Coating

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MCB Milieu & Techniek waste containers in the port of Almere (The Netherlands), treated with the new VIANT technology and powder-coated by Kamp Coating.

From left to right: Chemetall’s Industrial division manager Vincenzo Carcò, Kamp Coating Groep sales manager Ruud Nijenkamp, and Chemetall Italia sales director Cristiano Laurita.

intended for both outdoor and indoor use and is C5H certified by QIB, a

lack this kind of expertise, as it does not belong to their career path.

European association that awards quality certifications based on the ISO

As I said at the beginning of this interview, the world is moving fast:

12944 standard for corrosion protection, by QSC and QIB.”

training and informing professionals and adopting the most innovative

Coating professionals

technologies can truly simplify and accelerate a company’s processes aimed at anticipating market evolutions.”

“Thanks to our know-how not only in the field of coating but also in

“In the same way,” concludes Laurita, “Chemetall is not only a supplier

that of metal parts, which we process in-house, we can immediately

of chemical solutions, but a consultant that can help its customers

identify the possible coating problems that an inadequately designed

solve even the most complex issues. The trust that Kamp Coating

component may pose once subjected to surface treatment – and

has placed in us makes us proud, but it is only the first step in a

it is our business ethics to point that out to the customer. With this

partnership that I am sure will continue for years to come. We strongly

approach, we not only offer a service that is highly appreciated by our

believe in our new technology and we are sure it is going to conquer

customers, which include major brands in various industries, but we also

many markets.”

help create a coating culture among the engineers and designers who


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


rotoli, pannelli e celle in fibra di vetro

rolls, panels and cells of glass fiber

celle filtranti per alte temperature

filtering cells for high temperatures

rotoli e pannelli in fibra sintetica

rolls and panels of synthetic fiber

accumulatore vernice “Columbus”

paint accumulator “Columbus”

filtri “Andreae”

“Andreae” filters

cartucce filtranti

filtering cartridges

filtri assoluti applicazioni speciali

absolute filters special application

FILTRO ALVEOLARE MAX PAINT distributori esclusivi per l’Italia

massima efficienza massimo accumulo di vernice massima durata


minori costi di smaltimento minori costi di manutenzione

L’esclusivo design alveolare permette di trattenere quantità di overspray notevolmente superiori rispetto ai filtri oggi in commercio



TIGITAL® Inks & Tattoo: TIGER Coatings’ Innovation in Digital Printing Technology Edited by ipcm®

The major advantages of digital printing technology come from the flexibility it offers for production (POD), the many ways it can be adapted, and the ability to produce small lot sizes yourself at an affordable price. Digital printing can be used to enhance standard products with colourful designs or flexible information (think logos, QR codes, etc.), thereby raising their value. For an industrial end-user, digital printing creates added value and gives the possibility to stand out from the competition. Let’s see how TIGER, the Austrian-based manufacturer of high-quality surface coating solutions, has become an international leader in industrial digital printing technology.


ew industries have experienced such rapid and dynamic

applications, they are now the leading solution for numerous sectors,

development as that of powder coatings. Created in the 1970s as

especially those requiring high durability and chemical and mechanical

an industrial-grade coating technology for low to medium-level

resistance, excellent aesthetics and colour effects, and sustainability of

© TIGER Coatings

The stunning façade of TIGER Coatings headquarters in Wels, Austria: the aluminium cladding has been printed with TIGITAL® Outdoor Ink Series 134/1.1 on TIGER Drylac® super durable powder coating Series 168 as primer basis.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


the finishing process. This is also thanks to the investments in research

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and development made by powder manufacturers, who have never stopped improving their products, researching new colours, textures, and designs, and above all investigating new application fields for powder coatings – and, more generally, for any finishing material that can be formulated in the powder form. TIGER Coatings is one of the companies in the international industrial scenario that has invested the most in powder-related R&D. This is why it can now provide the market with a digital printing technology that combines with powder coating to meet even the most daring requirements of designers and specifiers.

From paint store to digital expert Established in 1930 as a small business selling paints and lacquers, TIGER is now an internationally active family enterprise with eight production facilities across the globe, three research & development centres and a sales network covering fifty countries. TIGER’s high-quality coating solutions – TIGER Drylac® powder coating and TIGITAL® Inks & Tattoo for industrial printing systems – guarantee long-term value retention and can be used in a breathtaking range of applications from façades to car wheel rims, from furniture to fridges and other machinery.

TIGITAL® Tattoo: the new generation of transfer print At TIGER Coatings, a multicultural team with a variety of academic backgrounds has looked at digital printing solutions from multiple angles. Together with its partners in industry and research, TIGER created and customized an exceptional solution for digital printing with thermoset materials able to meet different requirements. TIGITAL® Tattoo combines the best properties of TIGER powder coatings with high quality electrophotographic digital printing and the advantage of heat transfer indirect printing. A best-in-class electrophotographic

TIGITAL® Tattoo combines the best properties of TIGER powder coatings with high quality electrophotographic digital printing and the advantage of heat transfer indirect printing.

CMYK+W system is used to print a design onto a transfer material (namely, a transfer foil). An infinitely long transfer medium with a maximum width of 500 mm can be printed with any design in a pin-

an eye mark reader to ensure that the image is positioned correctly

sharp photorealistic resolution of 1200 dpi. Then the printed foil

on the object. The final step of this process is then to cure the Tattoo-

is sent to the end-user who can transfer the design to his desired

transferred image on the object. TIGITAL® Tattoo decorations can be

object and cure it in an oven. TIGITAL Tattoo offers incomparable

cured using either convection, infrared (IR) or even near-infrared (NIR)

chemical and mechanical resistance and an abundance of colours. This

systems, depending on the type of product and conditions.

environmentally friendly process impresses end-users and designers

The advantages of TIGITAL® Tattoo patented technology are:

with its forward-looking know-how, which is continuously improved

 Enhanced scratch resistance

and refined in the modern R&D and printing centre of TIGER Coatings

 Acids and isopropanol stability

headquarters in Wels, Austria.

 Enables combination of different decoration technologies


The design transfer process: how does it work?

 1200 dpi quality  Decreased need of imaging materials stock

Commercially available heat transfer machines are used to transfer any

 Total designs flexibility

printed image to an object via a transfer material by using heat and

 Low investment

pressure. These machines, semi or fully automatic, are equipped with

 CO2 reduction as well as solvent, VOC and PFAS free

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


 All in one run: heat transfer technology


 Easy to use.

Applications that will be exposed to harsh conditions need to have

Digital inks: a one-stop system solution with added value

their surfaces refined and sealed with topcoats. These refining and sealing layers have several benefits: they not only improve the chemical

TIGER Coatings strives to become the leading manufacturer of digital

resistance and mechanical stability of the surface but also protect it

inks on a global scale by providing innovative and sustainable inkjet

from external influences.

solutions that enable its clients to achieve cost-effective, long-lasting and visually stunning printing results. In a very close cooperation with its


business partners, TIGER develops and produces inks that are used for

TIGER portfolio for digital printing includes printable varnishes, which are

interior and exterior applications in industrial environments. These inks

printed directly on the inks to give the application maximum protection

are available as both water-based and UV variants. Additionally, TIGER

from external influences.

also develops and offers hybrid technologies. The highly durable inks are customized to last for long periods of time.


With TIGITAL Inks it is possible to print on many different surfaces:

TIGITAL® Inks specializes in high-performance inks for complex industrial

wood, plastic, concrete, glass, metal, cardboard, SPC, composites,

printing applications both indoors and outdoors.


decking, laminate, aluminium. With the right combination of primers, inks, varnishes or topcoats, TIGER’s products can be printed on even the


trickiest surfaces, using either analog digital processes. After printing,

To ensure the best adhesion characteristics on tricky materials and

the application can be optionally sealed with a topcoat or varnish for

guarantee excellent printing results, TIGITAL® Inks offers the option

maximum protection against external influences.

of applying a primer to the surface as a base layer. This choice makes digital printing possible on even the toughest surfaces. The primers can

A process solution provider

be printed on or used in analog processes.

The inks, primers and topcoats/varnishes developed by TIGER’s experts in the TIGITAL® R&D centre are setting new standards for a wide


variety of printing applications. The inks can meet every conceivable

The Chematronix® brand of TIGITAL® Inks unites chemistry and

requirement and withstand weather, heat and mechanical influences –

mechatronics. TIGER works with its partners to bring together inks,

to guarantee this, TIGER performs regular testing and optimization in its

printer and print heads in a single ecosystem, presenting the customer

in-house printing centre. As a process solution provider, TIGER produces

with the advantage of an all-in-one solution. TIGER inks are certified for a

UV curing primers, inks and topcoats as well as water-based primers

wide range of print heads.

and inks for printer manufacturers and system integrators that provide

TIGITAL® Inks grades

allows TIGER to meet the special technical requirements of industrial

Series 134/1: Organic and inorganic Outdoor Inks


High-quality weather-resistant inks for outdoor use. They adhere to

© TIGER Coatings

industrial printing solutions. The close cooperation with its partners

Transfer and curing process of the TIGITAL® Tattoo digital printing.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


concrete, plastic, glass or metal and have a UV resistance of six to ten

standards, to ensure they meet the highest demands of your industry.

years. TIGITAL® is offering organic and inorganic-pigmented Outdoor

The products adhere equally well to absorbent substrates such as paper

Inks, which offer different properties: organic-pigmented inks has a wider

or cardboard and non-absorbent surfaces such as primed PE & PP,

colour gamut, however does not have as good a UV-resistance as the

PET, PC, aluminium, metal, or glass. TIGITAL® Inks Series 135 | Sign &

inorganic-pigmented inks. TIGITAL organic inks have been tested by an

Graphic Inks have a wide colour gamut and excellent adhesion, even on

external German institute (IFO Institute) for their outdoor performance

challenging substrates.


and have passed all tests according to the QUALIDECO I standards, which is the most widely used standard for the architectural and

Series 140/1: Heavy Duty Inks

façade industry in Europe. TIGITAL® Outdoor organic inks have passed

TIGITAL® Heavy Duty Inks meet the most challenging industry

1.000 hours of Xenon tests and show a UV-resistance up to 6 years.

requirements of the furniture and other industries regarding chemical

Our inorganic inks have been tested by IFO Institute for their outdoor

and mechanical resistance. Due to their special composition, Series

performance and have passed all tests according to the QUALIDECO

140/1 offers exceptional chemical resistance and mechanical

II standards, which are the highest QUALIDECO standards for the

durability. They are therefore preferably used on demanding

architectural and façade industry. Additionally, our TIGITAL® Outdoor

interior surfaces, for example kitchen tops, furniture surfaces, etc.

inorganic inks have passed 8.000 hours of Xenon test, show a higher UV-

Additionally, TIGITAL® developed the possibility to print a 2.5D structure

resistance of up to 10 years, and 4 years of real Florida exposure.

onto different surfaces. That way, the end products will not only look astonishing, but also have the “touch” to it. After appropriate

Series 135: Sign & Graphic Inks

pretreatment of the glass surface, these inks exhibit excellent adhesion -

TIGITAL® Sign & Graphic Inks are produced to the highest technical

even under wet conditions.



we design, build and install plants for the surface treatment of metals pre-treatment | anodizing | wet paint application | powder coating plastic coating | EDP (electrophoresis) | enamelling systems


© TIGER Coatings

Quality control of TIGITAL® Inks.

© TIGER Coatings

Testing TIGITAL® Inks in TIGERs in-house printing center.

Series 145/2: Décor Paper Inks

of Hybrid Inks requires drying of the ink (evaporating volatile ink

TIGITAL® Décor Paper Inks stand for excellent processability on décor

components, incl. water), followed by UV-curing with Mercury UV lamps.

paper. They have been specially developed for the requirements of the

After UV-curing, our TIGITAL® Hybrid Inks form a water-resistant and

melamine lamination process and can be printed both on primed HDF

scratch-proof layer on the substrate.

boards as well as décor paper. Series 147/2: Paperboard Inks Series 147/1: Hybrid Inks

Designed for high-speed single-pass printing application, meeting the

TIGITAL Hybrid Inks are low-migration inks combining the advantages

most demanding requirements of the cardboard printing industry.

of water-based inks with the technical benefits of UV curing inks. They

These inks have been industrially applied for over 4 years and are

meet the most demanding standards of the industry in terms of Swiss

running in wide-format single-pass printers at a speed of up to 300m

Ordinance and Nestlé Guidance Notes conformity.

per minute.

The product is free of heterocyclic solvents** (2-pyrrolidone free and

TIGITAL® Paperboard Inks offer optimal performance on cardboard

no other pyrrolidone derivatives, DMSO-free etc.) and does not contain

and paper packaging and can be post-processed in corrugators. With

any primary aromatic amines** (PAA). Therefore, the inks can be safely

TIGITAL® Varnishes special effects like gloss appearance and watermarks

printed onto food packaging. TIGITAL® Hybrid Inks adhere to porous

can be achieved in one printing process.


(e.g. paper) and non-porous substrates (e.g. plastics). Processing


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Dürr Launches New, Standardized Paint Supply Station for Industrial Applications Carina Lachnit Dürr Systems AG - Bietigheim-Bissingen, Germany


EcoSupply2 Core, the new modular paint supply station designed by Dürr, delivers significant time savings on assembly, commissioning, and documentation.


ürr’s new EcoSupply2 Core is a modular paint supply station that integrates all the necessary

components into a compact design. The space-saving, easy-to-use system is ideal for all industrial applications where painting happens in a confined space. Certified for the European, US, and Asian markets, the EcoSupply2 Core saves integrators and end customers significant time on engineering, assembly, and commissioning. Once the pre-assembled complete package arrives on site, all that remains is to commission it. The EcoSupply2 Core is ideal wherever machines need a paint supply, be it for the woodworking or construction industries, in injection molding shops, or at automotive suppliers. The system combines multiple products: an agitator, pumps or pressure tanks that transport the paint, filters for material purification, and pressure controllers. In addition, sensors can be installed to display the fill level in the paint drum or lifters for easy drum replacement. “With the EcoSupply2 Core, we developed the first paint supply station as a standard solution that is also highly flexible. With its wide range of individual components, it offers customers 15 individual configuration options,” explains Tom Reiner, a product engineer at Dürr.

Minimal effort during commissioning The EcoSupply2 Core greatly reduces the workload for integrators, since the


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


system only requires bolting to the ground and commissioning before use. As a result, almost all the assembly and engineering work is eliminated. Until now, the integrator had to document both stages. This requirement is no longer necessary, since Dürr provides

EnvironmEnt SuStainablE GrEEn

a declaration of conformity guaranteeing that the customer’s EcoSupply2 Core has undergone a technical inspection.

Different designs for different needs The EcoSupply2 Core comes in a number of different versions. As the center component of the station, you can choose between a diaphragm pump for the low-pressure range or a piston pump for pressures up to 300 bar, depending on your specific application technology and the paint type being used. Additionally, different flow and return regulators tailored to various flow rates and pressure ranges compatible with these pumps are available. With the paint supply station, Dürr provides pressure tanks that can accommodate volumes of up to 60 liters. When using buckets or drums (30, 60, or 200 liters), the original container directly supplies the paint.

Freely selectable components While pumps, controllers, and tanks are available in various designs, there’s the option to add other components as extras. For example, an agitator, filter, or lifter can be added which raises the pump for changing the paint container. Industrial companies can also utilize the EcoSupply2 Core exclusively as an agitator. When used in this way, a separate station agitates the paint accelerating the paint changing process and minimizing production interruptions.

wastewater recycling



ROAD TO 2050

AkzoNobel Has Joined a Major Dutch Innovation Programme to Solve Societal Challenges AkzoNobel will take part in a joint project to improve the durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks.


he international paints and coatings manufacturer AkzoNobel

Research Council (NWO). AkzoNobel will be collaborating with Canon,

has recently announced that it has joined other eighty-one

Evonik, GFB, PTG and RUG Ventures, who together possess extensive

companies, businesses and social organisations in the major

knowledge of market demands, supply chains and production

Dutch research programme ‘Perspectief’, focused on developing new

processes. All the SusInkCoat partners will also work with academic

technologies that will help solve some societal challenges. The company

researchers at several Dutch universities in an effort to identify

will cooperate together with private partners and other societal

promising developments that can be commercialised, used for

stakeholders in the government-funded SusInkCoat project in order

education purposes or for outreach to the public.

to develop new materials, processes and applications to improve the

“The programme, one of many R&D projects we are involved with, will

durability, functionality and recyclability of coatings, thin films and inks.

also support our ambition to achieve 50% less carbon emissions in our

“Our discussions about collaborating with our SusInkCoat partners have

own operations and across the value chain by 2030. We want to make

been very positive. We are all facing the same societal challenges – how

the recyclability of materials – such as furniture, building materials

to become more circular – and we are looking for the same solutions

and steel constructions – easier by introducing functionalities like

in different application areas. But we have never done that together

self-healing, higher durability and triggered release The more you can

for this specific research topic, so we need an ecosystem to help us

leave the materials in their original state, the more sustainably you can

solve these challenges,” has stated André van Linden, the director for

operate,” has concluded van Linden.

research and development of AkzoNobel and co-lead of SusInkCoat. The programme, which will run for the next five years, is backed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy and the Dutch

For further information: www.akzonobel.com

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Perspectives and Trends in the Future of Paint Stripping Edited by ALIT Technologies S.p.A. San Bonifacio (Verona), Italy

The paint stripping of metal parts requires increasingly sustainable, safe, and efficient processes. ALIT Technologies S.p.A. is at the forefront of offering advanced answers and innovative solutions to meet future challenges.


he metal surface treatment market in general and, more

Traditional requirements persist but new trends are developing, driven

specifically, the chemical paint stripping sector are undergoing a

by the need to minimise the toxicity of chemicals and improve the

significant transformation, with an increasing demand for cheaper

safety of plants, equipping them with the most advanced and efficient

but at the same time more efficient products.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

technological devices and tools.


© ALIT Technologies

The FASTRIP ISP plant has been specifically developed by ALIT Technologies for its METALSTRIP series products.

Trends in the field of chemical paint stripping

bath filterability, and low environmental and

The chemical paint stripping market is increasingly

All the mentioned products have a working

moving away from products containing methylene

temperature between 45 and 75 °C. This implicitly

chloride and N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP), which

indicates that the market is moving away from paint

are well known for their high toxicity. Wherever

stripping processes conducted at room temperature

possible, customers tend to opt for water-based

with hazardous NMP or methylene chloride-based

paint strippers, such as METALSTRIP 2011 from

chemicals and towards medium-temperature

ALIT Technologies. If, on the other hand, the specific

processes using more sustainable chemistry. Indeed,

technical conditions, such as the type of metal

a higher temperature improves process efficiency

substrate or paint, do not allow for the use of

and allows utilising formulations with raw materials

water-based paint stripping agents, the products

that are less hazardous to the operator and the

must be formulated with a 100% organic base. In


METALSTRIP 136 series. For example,

Challenges and opportunities in the field of in-line chemical paint stripping

METALSTRIP 1365, an organic-based paint stripper

In-line paint stripping is a process carried out within

for medium-temperature applications, is particularly

a coating line to enable the hooks and frames

appreciated by customers looking for an excellent

required for hanging the components to be paint-

compromise between paint stripping performance,

stripped without removing them from the overhead

and toxicological impact are preferred, such as the

EN 1527





these cases, too, chemicals with a low environmental

toxicological impact.

Hellas S


© ALIT Technologies

The in-line paint stripping tank.

conveyor. After workpiece unloading, the hooks and increasingly often

is an equally important factor. Clean frames guarantee all of this – and

the frames are led through a paint stripping tank while still hanging on

in-line chemical paint stripping plants are the means to meet such

the overhead conveyor, in order to go back to the line clean, free of any


traces of paint, and ready for a new coating cycle. in coating lines, in-line paint stripping is also becoming more and more

ALIT Technologies’ key role in the paint stripping industry

crucial to ensure the proper functioning of the robots themselves, as

ALIT Technologies operates at the very heart of these transformations,

frames that have not been perfectly paint-stripped can compromise

offering a comprehensive range of solutions to meet evolving market

these machines’ performance degree, thus damaging the coated parts

needs. Among its services, it conducts paint stripping laboratory

and even slowing down or stopping the workflow – all of which results in

tests, provides detailed chemical and engineering reports, and offers

significant losses of turnover for the coating lines.

complete solutions in terms of both in-line paint stripping systems and

With the increasingly widespread use of loading and unloading robots

Paint stripping quality thus becomes key to the efficiency of the entire

related chemicals. In summary, the paint stripping industry is moving

process. Whereas in the past clean hooks were mainly needed to

in a more sustainable, safe, and efficient direction – and ALIT is at the

ensure good electrical contact between the parts to be painted and

forefront in offering advanced answers and innovative solutions to meet

the line itself, now the optimisation of the unloading robots’ operation

future challenges.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


SUPER MATT APPEARANCE SUPER SOFT TEXTURE Come visit us at PaintExpo 9 -12 April 2024 in Karlsruhe.


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Savim: A Successful ESG and CSR Model for Italian Small and Medium Enterprises Gabriele Lazzari ipcm®

Environmental sustainability-oriented actions, corporate welfare policies, and social engagement are ethical practices that, although complex, can represent long-term added value for companies within today’s landscape of countless production and economic challenges. Savim’s recent history is a testimony to how the implementation of such practices can indeed be a smart investment for the future of SMEs.


n today’s Italian economic context, small and medium-sized

crucial for a company’s long-term success. The targeted combination of

companies are increasingly faced with complex challenges such

policies related to environmental sustainability, corporate welfare, and

as rising raw material costs, new environmental protection laws,

social commitment towards the local community not only meets the

evolving regulations on the use of substances potentially harmful

needs of modern society but is also the key to building a competitive

to human health, and the labour market’s red tape. As their internal


economic and human resources focus on these, however, they run

Savim Europe Srl, a long-standing Italian manufacturer of industrial

the risk of neglecting many important Environmental, Social, and

coating equipment based in Arbizzano (Verona), stands out in the

Governance (ESG) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) aspects.

panorama of small and medium-sized Italian companies as a tangible

In fact, adopting and implementing practices that meet such criteria is

example of how the adoption of practices aimed at meeting ESG and CSR

© Monteverde


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


criteria can be effectively integrated to generate value not only for the

our plants are built with steel, which is infinitely reusable,” says Marina

firm itself and its stakeholders but also for its surrounding social fabric.

Scavini, the Chief Financial Officer of Savim. “In addition, our approach

Environmental sustainability: a key pillar

in terms of sustainability is cross-sectoral because it is not only about carbon footprint but is intertwined with our efforts to support our

To successfully implement environmental sustainability practices,

local community. For instance, we make our waste available for the

SMEs generally start by assessing the environmental impact of their

projects of some cooperatives, thus fulfilling a dual function: recycling

operations to optimise their production processes, reduce waste, and

the material we do not use and providing resources for social inclusion

implement more energy-efficient technologies. Savim, however, has


also been exploring the impact of its whole supply chain by working and recycled raw materials involved in its entire production process.

Social inclusion projects: direct support for the community

“Environmental impact is certainly a key issue and its reduction is one

Another key requirement to fully meet ESG and CSR criteria is indeed

of the commitments requiring the greatest efforts. We have always

cooperating with local and national organisations to develop projects

been particularly attentive to this issue, always trying to keep waste

that bring value to the community, taking into account all the different

to a minimum. More recently, however, we have decided to adopt

parties involved. Many SMEs organise volunteering initiatives for

a cross-sectoral approach to it going beyond the mere emission

their employees and support job placement projects for people with

reduction, also through cooperation with local institutions and


participation in projects aimed at ecological transition financed by the

Savim, for example, welcomed several children and young people

Veneto region. We have been conducting in-depth, circularity-oriented

during the global COVID-19 pandemic, providing them with

analyses of the materials we use since 2018. For example, most of

technological tools and safe, functional spaces to continue attending

with its providers to assess the percentage of renewable resources

© Monteverde

Operators from the Monteverde association with the notice board created from Savim’s exceeding materials.

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


their classes remotely. It has also extended its corporate social

products to be donated or used in their other activities. In terms of

responsibility projects through partnerships with social cooperatives

circularity, this reduces consumption and waste; in terms of inclusion, it

such as Panta Rei, which helps people with psychiatric disorders

enables isolated and unoccupied people to develop independence and

approach the world of work, Monteverde, which is very active in

learn new skills,” explains Marina Scavini.

promoting activities for people with physical frailty and disability in

“These projects are the result of analyses and studies that take

the eastern Veronese area, and AGDB, which supports families with

into consideration the capabilities of each individual, as well as the

children with Down Syndrome.

suggestions of our own employees. Some operatores from the

“Initially, our support was limited to donations to non-profit

cooperative help us in the warehouse, others arrange flower boxes,

organisations, NGOs, and charities operating in the province of Verona.

organise catering, prepare snacks for our workers with bread made in

Later, however, we realised that collaborating with these associations

prison, or cook our company dinners with products based on leftovers,”

would produce tangible results both for them and for our company.

indicates Savim’s Human Resources Manager Nicoletta Scavini. “As

We have analysed their needs and our resources to identify the areas

a result, we were able to raise awareness among our employees,

where we could help develop social inclusion projects and we have

fostering an approach that now permeates our whole company and is

allowed several organisations and educators to carry out their activities

a distinguishing element that sets us apart in our area. In addition, we

at our premises or use our materials. The Monteverde association, for

achieve two significant benefits: social inclusion and corporate welfare,

example, uses our waste paper and pallets to create penholders and

as these activities create a good working environment and are highly

notice boards for our offices, but also calendars, decorations, and other

appreciated by our staff.”

© ipcm

An example of penholder created by the Monteverde association.


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Corporate welfare policies: improving quality of life to attract and retain talent Indeed, one of the pillars of ESG-CSR criteria is corporate welfare policies, which are usually implemented by initiating an open dialogue with employees to assess their needs. These include many concrete ways to improve the quality of life for the staff, such as work flexibility, health care programmes, support for professional development, and work-life balance initiatives. At Savim, for example, an occupational psychologist promotes a focus on mental health, which has greatly improved the work and interpersonal relationships among its employees. In line with the company’s effort to develop cross-sectoral projects, this has initiated a circular process: “Creating a healthy working environment that promotes the well-being and proactivity of our employees is equally essential to building a winning and motivating corporate culture.

 

In addition to agreements with gyms, restaurants, and theatre and dance schools, we are also working with a personal trainer to organise activities in nature and outdoors. We would like to organise a few events, perhaps during the spring, where our employees can go for a walk in the woods and vineyards of the Valpolicella area together with their families”, adds Marina Scavini. “Moreover, we have set up a library within our premises, where anyone can bring their books and exchange them. In line with our circularity-driven mission, this creates sharing paths that promote debate, with some employees reading books during their lunch break and discussing them.” “Unfortunately, the space we have available is small, but we are trying to arrange a relaxation area equipped with board and card games to offer additional opportunities for socialising. These projects, such as the nature walks, cultivate team spirit and are good team-building initiatives, also allowing newcomers to interact with their colleagues and discover their company’s surroundings. This triggers a virtuous circle that fosters talent retention and attracts new personnel, at a time when it is very complex to find and recruit the right professionals,” notes Nicoletta Scavini. “Once again, this brings a twofold advantage: we take care of our employees with activities that benefit the surrounding area or promote the reuse of materials and products and, at the same time, we make our staff more productive and more likely to stay in the company,” says Marina Scavini.

The importance of certified processes and practices Implementing policies that meet these criteria is therefore essential for firms that strive for sustainable growth and longterm competitive advantages. In this context, the certification of such practices is a crucial step. It not only attests to a company’s commitment, but also provides structured guidance to further



© ipcm

From left to right: Francesco, Nicoletta and Marina Scavini.

improving its environmental, social, and governance performance.

states Nicoletta Scavini.

Savim has also been active in this field for a long time and is working

“We work with an external consultant who assesses the results of all

to obtain the SA 8000 ethical certification, based on an international

our practices and gives them an ESG rating: as these practices cut

standard drawn up by the Council on Economic Priorities Accreditation

across all our departments and employees, we need to systematise

Agency (CEPAA) and aimed at certifying some key social responsibility-

them and keep them monitored. Over the years, we have invested

oriented aspects of corporate management practices.

in obtaining the ISO 9001 certification related to the quality of our

Savim is also actively working to produce an environmental and social

products and the ISO 45001 certification, based on the standard

sustainability report, demonstrating its ongoing commitment to

requirements for a company’s occupational health and safety

transparency and the assessment of its impact on society.

management system. Having recently worked on professional ethics,

The company, in close cooperation with a lawyer in the role of a

environmental sustainability, and the well-being of our workers as well,

supervisory body, also monitors the health and safety of workers in

we now wish to make our efforts even more organic and harmonious.

cooperation, whereas the same lawyer has helped draw up a code

This year, we have drafted a welfare plan regulation and we are using a

of ethics and disciplinary regulations. “Our code of ethics has been

platform to manage employee bonuses. All of this allows us to assess

signed by our management because we want to be transparent: this

the practical benefits of our initiatives and communicate them. We have

document enables us to openly communicate our values, inspire our

noticed that this is highly appreciated, especially by foreign customers,

suppliers and customers, and create a corporate culture that can

because it testifies to our company’s credibility,” concludes Marina

even improve the business fabric of our region and our industry,”



N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


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MEGATANE® 9PX: a Simple Powder Coating Solution for Two Complex Problems Edited by CIN Performance Coatings, Corporação Industrial do Norte, S.A., Maia, Portugal

The innovative MEGATANE® 9PX powder coating developed by CIN Performance Coatings allows to keep a metal surface in an urban environment clean and free from stickers, posters and graffiti.


isual pollution is a problem in large metropolitan areas and is often

remarkable anti-graffiti and anti-sticker properties, and therefore has

the result of acts of vandalism, such as the use of stickers and

been protected under the patent WO2018009086 A1. By coating a

graffiti. As well as causing spatial and visual discomfort to those

metallic structure with MEGATANE 9PX, you will be providing a long-lasting aesthetic result and weathering resistance, protecting the metal from

devaluing them.

corrosion and adding the ability to easily remove the graffiti. On the other

Keeping a clean surface in an urban environment, free of stickers, posters

hand, it hinders or makes impossible for adhesives to adhere, causing

and graffiti can be as simple as choosing the proper coating for commonly

them to peel off by themselves without leaving marks on the substrate.

vandalised structures. MEGATANE® 9PX powder coating is

The anti-sticker properties of MEGATANE 9PX are distinguished by the

CIN Performance Coatings’ solution to these problems, since it was

fact that they are not affected by the application of several graffiti cleaning

developed for protecting street furniture, public transport, lampposts and

cycles. Furthermore, this powder coating offers the ability to customise

other metal parts that are often the target of vandalism.

urban equipment, featuring a variety of textured finishes in a wide range

Formulated with polyurethane resins, this solution stands out for its

of colours and metallic effects, as well as the option of clear varnish.

© Adobe Stock

who pass through these places, this pollution degrades urban centres,


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine



towards the future

About CIN With over 100 years of experience in the paint and varnish market, CIN has been the market leader in the Iberian Peninsula since 1995. In 2022, it achieved a consolidated turnover of 389 million euros, making


it the 10th largest European paint manufacturer1 and the 36th largest in the world2. CIN is present in the four main market segments (Construction, Yachting and Marine, Industry and Anti-corrosion Protection – the last two aggregated in CIN Performance Coatings) with around 1,800 employees in more than 15 countries, with a direct presence in Portugal, Spain, France, Italy, Poland, Angola, Mozambique, South Africa and Mexico; and exporting to various markets in Central Europe, Latin America and Africa.

Scan the QR code to see the action of MEGATANE® 9PX


European Coatings Journal, May 2023. Coatings World Top Companies Report, July 2023.

Epistolio Srl.

Via Piemonte 120 21100 Varese (VA) ITALY Ph: +39 0332 212692 Fax: +39 0332 223666 info@epistolio.com www.epistolio.it Publierre_Milano



Surrey NanoSystems Introduced the Vantablack Vision® Light-Suppression Coating for Automotive ADAS Edited by Aidan Metcalfe, Surrey NanoSystems Ltd. – Newhaven, United Kingdom


Surrey NanoSystems has unveiled Vantablack Vision®, its light-suppression coating designed for automotive ADAS and various industrial applications, marking a significant step in advancing technologies that enhance road safety and system integrity.


urrey NanoSystems Ltd. is pleased to announce the launch of its

It was formulated largely for Automotive Advanced Driver Assistance

newly-formulated ultra black coating for stray-light suppression.

Systems (ADAS), where its optical performance, regardless of lighting

Vantablack Vision® is a 2-component coating applied using

conditions, ensures the highest levels of system integrity. Working with the Filk Freiberg Institute, Vantablack Vision® has been

Vantablack range, delivers best-in-class optical performance.

shown to provide unparalleled levels of environmental stability, a critical

© Surrey NanoSystems Ltd.

conventional spray technology that, in common with the rest of the


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


requirement for high-integrity ADAS. “The optical performance is only part of the requirement,” explained Alex Darnley, Research Scientist at Surrey NanoSystems. “These materials must function in enclosed spaces, that are subjected to extreme temperature fluctuations, without releasing organic materials that can contaminate the instrumentation or glass. The industry is only now becoming aware of the adverse impact of standard coatings or flocking systems”.


Achieving both the required level of environmental stability and optical performance demands not only advanced formulation technologies, but extensive capabilities in even quantifying the degree to which a material evolves volatile components, or fogs. Commenting on Vantablack Vision’s characteristics, Dr Bernd Matthes of the Filk-Freiberg Institute said, “We had to develop the protocols necessary to test performance of Vision to the required level. Having done this, we found that Vision is very stable under the extreme test conditions”. Aidan Metcalfe, Business Development Director at Surrey NanoSystems added, “The introduction of Vantablack Vision® is a small but extremely important contribution to the automotive industry’s push to improve overall safety standards for all road users”.

About Surrey NanoSystems Ltd. UK based Surrey NanoSystems, the creator of the Vantablack® range of super-black coatings, was founded in 2006 as a spinout from the University of Surrey. First released in 2014, the original Vantablack® coating captured the world’s attention as the darkest material ever created, absorbing 99.965% of natural light. Today, the technology has developed into a range of super-black materials in the Vantablack family. These coatings are used across a wide range of industries including Space & Defence, Automotive sensing, Architecture, Camera Systems, Luxury Goods and works of Art.

About The Filk Institute GmbH Based in Freiberg, Germany, the Filk Institute is a global leader in the functionalisation and testing of multilayer polymer materials. It studies polymers with large external and internal surfaces, their physical and chemical properties and their interaction with animate and inanimate environments. At the highest level, The Filk Institute conducts research and development, and offers technological services and material testing to the coatings, leather and automotive industries, and to food and biomaterial manufacturers.


© Adobe Stock


Sustainable Chemistry and Regulatory Review: The Pillars of Assovernici’s Strategy for the Future of Our Sector Edited by Assovernici Assago (Milan), Italy

Paolo Bonamigo is the new Head of the Technical Regulatory Area of Assovernici, the Italian association representing the decorative and industrial coatings sector. In this interview, he illustrates his career path and the skills that have led him to manage one of the divisions most sensitive to current changes in the manufacturing world.


e joined Assovernici a few months ago as the Head of the

I moved from the Italian office in Vicenza to Germany: here, in 2018,

Technical Regulatory Area and found himself faced with

I became the Head of the European Product Safety and Regulatory

a receptive, flexible, and dynamic team looking at the

Affairs team. This is how, through CEPE, I began to interface with the

changes entailed by the ecological transition with pragmatism and

European trade association of which Assovernici is a member together

far-sightedness: a promising environment for Paolo Bonamigo, who

with several other industrial associations from different countries,

debuted in his new role with an equally concrete approach and the

focusing on all regulatory aspects related to chemical substances.

willingness to support member companies in their choices by sharing

Today, I am an associate director at the German branch of Anthesis, a

clear information backed by precise data.

consulting firm that supports various organisations in achieving their sustainability goals. I personally manage REACH consortia and support

What career path led you to Assovernici?

customers and industrial associations, dealing with sustainable

“After graduating in industrial chemistry, I worked for eleven years at

chemistry in particular.”

Hubergroup, a company specialising in printing inks. After a few years,


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Chemistry, legislation, sustainability: throughout your career, you have already dealt with all the issues that you are now facing in your current role at Assovernici. What was your first impact with this association? “The first meetings with the Industry and Construction Regulatory Technical Committees and the Health, Safety, and Environment Committee had a very positive impact on me. I found the members

Azienda leader nella produzione di catene di trasporto Redler, raschianti, stampate ed aeree

not only interested in the topics we addressed but also very active: a similar approach can certainly lead to interesting exchanges and ever-increasing networking initiatives even at the European level, with the CEPE Association.” What are the main demands and requests of your members? “Special focus is paid to the way laws are developed at the European level and the impact they can have in the long term. Especially in the industrial field, our member companies not only wish to understand the regulatory framework in detail, but also to be clear about future perspectives and related consequences. Let me give

“L’affidabilità non si compra, oltre 1000 impianti di convogliatori aerei installati lo dimostrano...”

you an example: if a law requires changing the font size of the texts on labels, does this imply a simple reorganisation in terms of graphics or could it mean that the packaging machinery needs to be replaced? Another issue that is particularly felt is sustainability: it is now clear that this is not a “fashionable” topic, but a strategic matter which need to be addressed through concrete data, essential for making informed decisions and setting reasonable goals." What are the most topical regulatory issues in Europe, at the moment? “Among the most heartfelt topics, I would first mention the revision of the CLP (Classification, Labelling, and Packaging) regulation, which is nearing completion and is the subject of much attention from our members; indeed, it could have a very significant impact in terms of costs. In a longer perspective, the revision of the REACH regulation for the registration, evaluation, authorisation, and restriction of chemicals should also be mentioned and, in particular,


the way in which new concepts will be implemented within the

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text under discussion. Also in the spotlight is the ESPR (Eco-design

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for Sustainable Products Regulation), especially the introduction of performance requirements that are decisive in defining the characteristics of the products of the future. Among the first product group affected by the regulation there will be paints, which

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will have to carry a Digital Product Passport (DPP): an innovative element in the context of the Green Deal, it will serve to keep track of product-related information, facilitating the verification and management of sustainability properties.”

Via P.I. Radrizzani 108, 21040 Uboldo (Varese)

There has long been talk of low-impact

© Assovernici

process, supported by a reasonable

formulations, such as those developed

transition plan: it is important to remember

with biomass. What are the challenges

that in this context, associations like ours

in this field?

can play their part by interfacing with

“The focus on renewable materials is

institutions as credible interlocutors. The

growing, but it should be made clear

time factor will also have to be taken into

that it is often difficult to find effective

account: in general, it takes at least three

environmentally friendly alternatives to

years to replace a component, but especially

“traditional” components. The ESPR (Eco-

in some fields, such as aerospace, testing

design for Sustainable Products Regulation) will be an important driver for identifying alternative solutions and working on

Paolo Bonamigo, Head of the Technical Regulatory Area at Assovernici.

and validation times can be much longer. The industry is therefore asking for a positive signal from the European Commission – and the study on replacement plans, which is

recyclability, but a lot of effort will have

scheduled to start at this time, certainly is.”

to be put into the implementation of its guidelines. At the same time, we should

already covered by specific regulations: in this

not forget that, as already mentioned, the

case, an over-classification could occur. Also

How can the challenges imposed by the

going is getting tough when it comes to

subject to attention are the so-called STOT

Green Deal be faced at the association

sustainability and that it is going to become

(Specific Target Organ Toxicity) substances,


essential to prove every declared property

i.e. those with specific toxicity towards target

“I think it is important to maintain a high focus

under the rather complex future “green

organs following single or repeated exposure,

on regulatory developments while keeping a

claims” directive. Terms and phrases such

and the persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic

broad perspective, as we are already doing.

as “recyclable”, “environmentally friendly”, or

substances identified by the acronym PBT. In

I believe that it is especially necessary to

“from renewable sources” will have to always

the coming years, the trend will be to limit the

monitor how regulations overlap and interact

be justified.”

use of these substances in order to prevent

with each other. Finally, I am convinced that

them from remaining within the flows of the

some of the points in the programme of

Which class of substances will be subject

circular economy. Again, however, it will be

initiatives require careful reflection to make

to major changes?

challenging to identify viable alternatives.”

sure that the path indicated is the right one:

“Chemical substances classified as CMR

there should be more thought and less

(carcinogenic, mutagenic, and reprotoxic),

What factors should be taken into

political pressure when it comes to passing

especially those in Category 1, are

consideration in this transition phase?

a legislative package and any discussions

increasingly under scrutiny, as are endocrine

“It will be necessary to carry out a structural

should be based on facts and not ideological

disruptors, a highly controversial class that is

and structured assessment of the regulatory


ABOUT ASSOVERNICI Assovernici is the national industry association representing the decorative, industrial and powder coatings manufacturers. These two sectors together generate an estimated turnover of around €3.5bn a year in Italy, and employ around 15,000 people. The companies associated with Assovernici, maintain a constant commitment to proposing – and obtaining – the highest possible standards of efficacy and safety of coating solutions, in order to foster the progress of the sector at the national level. With the help of Committees made up of professionals from the associated companies, Assovernici carries out constant technical-regulatory monitoring and statistical surveys, and develops effective ways to provide clear, precise information on paints for both decorative and industrial use, including their characteristics and application cycles. In addition, Assovernici guarantees a constant exchange of information and best practices not only between companies and associations in the Italian area, but also on a wider European level. Assovernici is a member of the European network CEPE, the European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’ Colours Industry.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

SEE THE POSSIBILITIES The Vision 2030 collection presents 48 colors taking building design by storm. Influenced by art and science and informed by global building trends, the collection delivers revolutionary architectural design capabilities. Access the full collection at synthapulvin.com Contact us at syntha.pulvin@sherwin.com


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BASF Color Report 2023 for Automotive OEM Coatings – The Old Standard Automotive Colour Wheel is Changing Edited by BASF Coatings GmbH Muenster - Germany

In the trend research released last Autumn, BASF stated that the traditional automotive colour wheel was going through a transformation. The recently released 2023 BASF Color Report for Automotive OEM Coatings provides hard data to back up that trend: white, black, grey and silver are still dominant for non-commercial light vehicles, but chromatic colours remain stable.


he BASF Color Report for Automotive OEM Coatings is a data

white is still king, but black gained in popularity, taking market share.

analysis from the Coatings division of BASF based on global

Achromatic colours, which have always formed the foundation of

automotive production and paint application to non-commercial

automotive colour, are experiencing a significant shift. While white continues to hold its position as the most popular colour for light

In previous trends research, the company declared that the traditional

passenger vehicles, it has seen a notable decrease in market share. In

automotive achromatic colour wheel was shifting. The recently released

contrast, black has surged in popularity, gaining market share at the

2023 BASF Color Report for Automotive OEM Coatings highlights it:

expense of white.


vehicles in 2023.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Consumer preferences also vary across different regions. For example,

“While the achromatic colours are still the most popular, each country

in North America, there is a growing preference for lighter shades of

appears to have its favourite place on the chromatic realm,” said Mark

silver over darker greys, while in EMEA, the trend leans towards darker

Gutjahr, global head of automotive colour design for BASF. “Different

shades. This regional variation adds an intriguing dimension to the

colour distribution could be seen in each of the major EMEA countries,

evolving colour landscape.

and in general. Our customers, the automakers, have left a lot of room

Meanwhile, chromatic colours have remained stable, with no significant

for individuality and creativity in car dealerships now, and car buyers are

changes in their total market share (19%). This category includes a

taking advantage of that.”

range of colours such as blue, red, brown, and beige, which continue to maintain their popularity among customers.

EMEA: diverse colour tastes across nations; achromatic shades reign while chromatic favourites differ

North America: lighter achromatic colours and more effects pigments show up Like EMEA, achromatic colours in North America – white, black, silver and grey – gained two percentage points overall. Consumers moved in

The achromatic colours – white, black, grey and silver – gained two

a lighter direction after automakers retired several grey colours. Those

percentage points in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). Car

were often replaced with shades of silver.

buyers shifted away from lighter colours of white and silver, to darker

North America also had the highest share of red cars compared to other

shades of black and grey. Premium cars had more effects pigments than

regions in 2023. However, red was not able to beat blue as the most

entry and mid-price classes, showing the depth and creativity of colour.

popular chromatic colour in North America.

When European consumers chose colours, there were country-specific

“We’re experiencing the same shift that other regions are seeing,” said

preferences. Germany loves blue (11%), Spain and the UK prefer red

Elizabeth M. Hoffmann, colour designer for North America. “The old

and orange (approximately 9%), France adores green (6%), and Italy

standard colour palette no longer applies. Lighter shades are getting

shows its love for all the colours, with its share of chromatic colours

more popular, taking market share from grey. More and more choices

being the largest among all five countries (30%).

have effects pigments to give them intensity and excitement.”

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


Asia Pacific: increasing chromatic colours with more variations in effects

South America: continues to be the region with the largest share of achromatic colours

Continuing its leading position in the new automotive colour palette,

South America historically has a conservative approach to colours, with

the share of chromatic colours in Asia Pacific was slightly up compared

a huge portion of achromatic colours in 2023. A total of 86% of new

to 2022. The popularity of natural colours increased, especially green.

vehicles assembled in South America had either white, black, silver, or

Lighter colours became more popular, especially light greyish colours

grey bodies, the most among all regions. The proportion of silver is also

and silver. Part of the reason Asia Pacific is more diverse in colour is

highest in South America.

for the great variation of body types. Fresh shades can be seen in New

With that kind of market, more and more automakers are choosing

Energy Vehicles (NEVs) especially more green and purple-influenced

effects pigments to make the achromatic colours stand out. More cars


were delivered with effects pigments in all body sizes compared to 2022.

“As various new vehicles hit the roads, it is only natural that a more

“Colours aren’t just colours any more. They are experiences,” said

vibrant colour palette would follow,” said Chiharu Matsuhara, head

Marcos Fernandes, director, BASF Coatings South America. “Whether

of automotive colour design for Asia Pacific. “With new automakers

it’s a pearl or metal flake or other pigment, the effects make the colour

creating new vehicles in Asia, they are asking for something more than

leap from the vehicle into the eyes of the beholder. It gives a certain flair

the usual colour wheel. They want something bold and creative on their

that’s becoming more and more popular.”

new designs, and young consumers appreciate those colours.”


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Sames Introduces Cyclomix® Evo: an Eco-Friendly Revolution in Paint Application Cyclomix® Evo is the new dosing machine developed by Sames. This eco-friendly solution ensures the optimal utilization of paint, significantly minimizing paint loading, reducing waste, and enhancing the return on investment.


n a strategic rebranding move, the company of the French group

Leveraging its historical brands, such as Sames Kremlin and Sames

EXEL Industries unveils its new identity with a strong emphasis on

Intec, the company maintains its commitment to tailor-made solutions.

innovation and environmental responsibility. Renamed Sames,

Additionally, Sames Services provides comprehensive customer

the company is dedicated to meeting the evolving needs of its global clientele, partners, and employees, aligning with technological

consulting services, demonstrating a continuity of service excellence.

advancements and environmental challenges. As a mission, Sames

Driving efficiency and sustainability with Cyclomix® Evo

stands for Simply Applying the Most Efficient Solutions.

As part of its renewed commitment to innovation, Sames introduces

Legacy and progress: a century of expertise in surface treatment

the Cyclomix® Evo dosing machine, a game-changer in paint application efficiency. Focused on minimizing paint loading, this eco-friendly solution ensures the optimal utilization of paint, significantly reducing waste

With almost a century of expertise in surface treatment solutions, Sames

and enhancing the return on investment. Noteworthy is its ability to

continues to play a pivotal role in the industrial and automotive markets

facilitate rapid colour changes without the need for flushing, resulting in


streamlined operations and reduced costs. The Cyclomix® Evo stands out for its compatibility with a variety of modern coatings, including acid catalysts, water-based paints, and abrasive components. Beyond efficiency, this dosing machine prioritizes sustainability by utilizing paint to the last drop in the hose. During priming, flushing, and regeneration phases, the system automates waste collection and separation, contributing to environmental sustainability and resource efficiency.

Sames’ commitment to a greener tomorrow Beyond technological advancements, Sames emphasizes its commitment to corporate social responsibility. The company’s recent EcoVadis silver medal for outstanding CSR performance, with a score of 61/100, underscores its dedication to environmental, social, and ethical considerations. Sames aims for the gold medal by 2025, reflecting its ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable and responsible future.


As Sames embarks on this transformative journey, the Cyclomix® Evo serves as a testament to its dedication to practical innovation and sustainability, redefining industry standards in paint and coating application. For further information: www.sames.com Cyclomix® Evo, electronic dosing and mixing solution for two- and three-component products.


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CONDORCOAT AL 91: The Revolutionary Multi-Metal Nanotechnology Passivating Agent CONDOROIL CHEMICAL S.r.l. has developed a new liquid passivating agent called CONDORCOAT AL 91, ideal for providing effective corrosion protection and improving paint adhesion on metal surfaces in different materials.


ONDORCOAT AL 91 is an innovative and versatile liquid

that it has a neutral pH. The product’s total absence of acidity or basicity

passivating agent produced by CONDOROIL CHEMICAL S.r.l.,

makes it suitable for all types of applications, minimising the risk of

which offers numerous advantages for the metal surface

compromising process quality or damaging the treated parts and the

treatment industry. Free of chromium and phosphates, it is designed to

systems used.

create a passivating film on aluminium, steel, zinc, and alloys. Its unique

Moreover, this solution can be used with the innovative atomisation

formulation based on silico-organic zirconium salts ensures excellent

technology that implements micro nebulising nozzles with continuous-

corrosion protection and improves paint adhesion on such metal

discharge to ensure that the treatment product is always fresh and


clean, for maximum pre-treatment performance.

One of the distinguishing features of CONDORCOAT AL 91 is that it is

In brief, CONDORCOAT AL 91 represents a step forward in metal

free of heavy metals, harmful substances, and VOCs, making it a safe

coating innovation, offering a unique combination of high performance,

and environmentally friendly solution. In addition, it does not require

environmental safety, and operational efficiency. Its ability to protect

rinsing and can be used after degreasing or phosphodegreasing stages

metal surfaces and improve paint adhesion makes it an ideal choice for

to enhance pre-treatment performance. Its special formulation prevents

applications in a wide variety of industries, from industrial coating to

the production of sludge, thus reducing the need for maintenance and

automotive and aerospace.

the resulting costs. CONDORCOAT AL 91 also differs from other products on the market in

For further information: www.condoroil.com

© Condoroil

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



HMG Paints Strengthened its Product Portfolio for the ACE Market The expansion of the coating technologies developed HMG Paints will enable greater responsiveness to customers in the ACE sector.


he paints and coatings supplier HMG

and body shops in the ACE markets. It consists

of colours, including 2400 in the ColourBase

Paints has expanded its distributor

of a two-component acrylic product with a

Colour Box, an identification tool that presents

network and product support for the

high solids content, which offers good drying

over 2400 colour chips, displayed in chromatic

agricultural and machinery sectors. The

properties and durability. In addition, it offers

order within 20 fan decks. This is a multi-

portfolio includes primers, topcoats and

protection against harsh weather conditions

function tool, meaning each colour has a


and atmospheric pollution. Its resilience also

chromatic code to identify its position in the

“We are exceptionally proud to be a British

ensures equipment and machinery retain the

colour sequence as well as to correspond to a

paint manufacturer in an industry dominated

functionality over the years.

colour existing on the market for reference.

by Multi-National Enterprises. All our products

“We have been using HMG Acrythane SC601

The colour availability contained in the box

are made right here in Manchester, and this

for many years now, we are extremely happy

comes from several popular colour systems,

allows us to quickly service our customers

with the excellent finish it produces as

including RAL, British Standard, Agricultural,

paint and coatings requirements, direct or via

standard. Even more so our customers love

Commercial Vehicle, Fleet Colours and Afnor.

our distribution network” has stated Danny

the finish and happy customers are the most

The box also contains colours with colour

Cleary, Commercial Director of HMG Paints.

important thing for us,” has commented James

continuity to ensure that distributors can

Acrythane SC601 developed by HMG is

Cardus, Classic Vintage Tractor Restorations.

find the perfect colour for each customer.

becoming the reference product for OEMs

Acrythane SC601 is available in a wide range

Additionally, these colours can be combined with a variety of one- and two-part products, including C71 Speedline synthetic alkyd enamel, DTM single-coat topcoat, and CFB high-solids two-part polyurethane system. “It is wonderful to see our paint being used on products that will be at the LAMMA Show and the feedback has been fantastic from the customers. We have developed some great new partnerships over the last 24 months or so and that is a credit to the work of the team in Manchester producing great paints and the support of our Distributor network,” has concluded Roger Blinco, HMG Paints Southern Technical Sales Manager. For further information: www.hmgpaint.com

© HMG Paints


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The KANSAI HELIOS Event Focused on Sustainable Coating Solutions for ACE, Trucks & Trailers In November 2023, KANSAI HELIOS invited to the IKI Coating Symposium, focusing on coating solutions for ACE, Trucks, and Trailers. Based on the motto “Innovation, Know-how & Information”, the system supplier and its partners presented the use of bio-based raw materials, energy-efficient coating solutions and their application. Additionally, valuable insights on the topic were contributed by renowned segment manufacturers. © KANSAI HELIOS

technologies and modern pretreatment and application systems, manufacturers can not only improve their ecological footprint but also achieve cost savings. In the liquid coating area, Direct-To-Metal systems and Wet-on-Wet Coatings provide concrete energy savings benefits due to reduced curing steps and lower curing temperatures in application. Also, low-temperature powder coatings convince with high energysaving potential. These powders can reduce energy consumption by 20% as curing takes place at 150 °C. Additionally, productivity can be increased with up to 25% higher application speed compared to standard qualities. All presented sustainable coating solutions focus on the premise of not compromising but ensuring an equal or higher level of processing and quality.

Mastering industry challenges together In an anonymous live survey at the symposium, key aspects such as


quality, sustainability, performance, and surface pretreatment topped

to minimize environmental impacts while maximizing the performance.

participants. Dietmar Jost, President, Executive Officer of KANSAI

What role can a coatings system supplier play in this context? What

HELIOS, emphasized the relevance of industry platforms like the IKI

sustainable energy solutions are available for ACE coatings? And what

Symposium to promote exchange of experience, close cooperation, and

do projects look like in practice for industry users? These and other

knowledge transfer. “We launched the IKI Coating Symposium, which

questions were explored at the IKI Coating Symposium ACE, Trucks &

focuses on different industrial areas every year, with a clear intention:

anufacturers in the ACE (agricultural, construction and

the relevance list and were extensively covered in the presentations.

earthmoving machinery and equipment) sector face the

Responses to the question about the economic development in

challenge of finding sustainable and energy-efficient solutions

the ACE segment in the coming year were rather cautious among

Trailers in Cologne/Germany on November 21 , 2023. KANSAI HELIOS

to foster an environment for an intensive personal exchange which

invited participants to a comprehensive program of presentations and

brings all stakeholders up to date, builds trust and lays the foundation

networking around current challenges and future developments in

for good cooperation and space for new ideas. Only through continuous

coating technology. Approximately 120 construction and agricultural

intensive cooperation we can step by step set milestones for a more

machinery manufacturers, surface pretreatment experts, and coating

environmentally friendly and efficient future in ACE, Trucks & Trailers

specialists from more than 15 countries, followed the invitation.

and other industrial segments and master the challenges of the industry


High potential for low energy consumption

together,” says Jost.

A focal point of the symposium was the presentation of sustainable coatings for ACE, Trucks & Trailers. By employing state-of-the-art coating

For further information: www.kansai-helios.eu

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



Fox Color: Evolution, Innovation, and Tailored Solutions for the Powder Coating Market Federico Melideo, ipcm®

Originally a manufacturer of liquid paints, Fox Color changed its offer a few years ago to focus on the production of small batches of powder coatings, known on the market under the brand name AZ Powder Coatings. This young company has thus been distinguishing itself through its high product customisation degree, as well as its flexibility and speed of delivery, consolidating its position in national and international markets. In April, it is going to exhibit its wide range of powder coatings at PaintExpo 2024, the leading trade fair for the industrial coating sector.


n a constantly evolving industrial landscape, the powder coating

About Fox Color

industry is emerging as a major player in a significant transformation,

Fox Color was established by the Volpe family in Melito di Napoli (Napoli,

progressively gaining larger and larger market shares.

Italy) in 2000 and it immediately specialised in the manufacture of liquid paints for a wide range of industries. After gaining significant experience

an Italian company that has specialised in the formulation of liquid

in the industrial coating field and consolidating its presence in the

paints for more than two decades, decided to invest in new machinery

market, it entered the powder sector in 2018, acquiring an advanced

and strategically change its core business. This is why, in 2018, it started

extrusion line producing 200 kg of paint per hour. In just twelve months,

producing powder coatings and founded the AZ Powder Coatings

Fox Color achieved significant results with its AZ Powder Coatings


brand, also thanks to its flexibility and commitment to excellence. These

© Fox Color

To respond to this trend and meet the needs of the industry, Fox Color,


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successes enabled the company to invest in a second production plant for small batches, thus further proving its willingness to provide its customers with a fast, comprehensive, and efficient service. Today, 80% of its resources are devoted to the production and distribution of powder coatings, whereas liquid paints continue to account for a limited share of the business. Its target market has established itself as a niche sector within the company’s strategy. “Italy is the main market served by AZ Powder Coatings, which operates especially in Campania, where our production site is located, as well as in the Piedmont, Veneto, and Lombardy regions. Our presence in these areas is ensured by a well-established distribution network that actively promotes our paint products. Internationally, we have a significant presence in Germany and have recently expanded our reach through two new sales representatives, who will cover the California and Abu Dhabi areas respectively. In addition, we also export our powders to North Africa, focusing mainly on Tunisia, Morocco, and Algeria; we are also actively developing a few sales channels in Egypt. Such geographical diversification testifies to our ongoing commitment to global expansion,” states Diego Volpe from Fox Color.

A wide range of powder coatings also available in small batches The production plant located in Melito di Napoli covers 4,000 m2, half of which is a covered area accommodating offices, a modern laboratory complete with instruments such as a spectrophotometer


and laser granulometer, a warehouse, a storage area for raw materials, and a production area. This is currently equipped with three extrusion lines: the first, purchased in 2018, produces around 200 kg of powder coatings per hour; the second, with a capacity of 20 kg/hour, was purchased in 2020 and also allows manufacturing small batches; and the third boasts a production capacity of 100 kg/hour. “When we founded the AZ Powder Coatings brand, we focused primarily on small batch production to meet the needs of the market. Today, we can supply customised powder products in batches from 5 to 600 kg,” explains Diego Volpe. “All the products included in our offer are available in NCS, Pantone, RAL, or custom colours and in a wide range of finishes, including smooth, textured, wrinkled, matte, and special-effect. In addition, all AZ Powder Coatings products are QUALICOAT certified.” “We can also integrate all these variants with an antimicrobial silver ion additive: whatever the tint required for a product, we can make it antimicrobial. The same applies to anti-graffiti or other special finishes, such as those with gloss degrees of 2 or 5, down to supermatte products, which we can make with polyester, acrylic or epoxybased formulations. We can handle virtually any request, not only in terms of colour but of product nature,” explains Diego Volpe. The ability to offer fully customised small to medium batches makes

ZLD SINCE 1984 www.eco-techno.it sales@eco-techno.it

© Fox Color

© Fox Color

Fox Color an attractive supplier especially in the architectural sector.

small quantity of a specific shade, such as an NCS, PANTONE, or custom

“We receive numerous requests from architects and designers looking

colour, we can produce it within 3-4 days. This tailor-made service has

for customised tones and special effects for their projects. On the other

played a significant role in the success of our business. We are among

hand, our standard products, which are available from stock, are mainly

the few companies in Italy and Europe to offer such a high level of

used in the automotive and car component sectors,” adds Volpe.

customisation and this has contributed significantly to our growth,” states Volpe.

Fox Color’s eCommerce service is unique within the industry

Future projects and a focus on PaintExpo 2024

An important innovation for Fox Color was the implementation of its

“With an ongoing commitment to innovation and growth, our company

eCommerce service, developed to offer a fast and easily accessible

has been maintaining the philosophy of focusing on small batches. At

shopping experience. The online platform allows users to select a

the same time, we are now also breaking new ground. Through strategic

colour, polymer type, appearance, finish, and drum weight to formulate

expansion, we are conquering new markets, expanding our customer

a paint product that is truly in line with their specific requirements. “We

base, and introducing innovative formulations. Although our entry into

have activated the eCommerce service to enable anyone to easily order

the powder coatings market is recent, we are aiming for significant

our products, especially from foreign markets. In the industrial coating

growth by aggressively targeting, for example, the two promising

sector, where orders are usually placed through direct contact with

markets of Abu Dhabi and California, where we are already seeing

distributors or sales representatives, I believe that this service can speed

growing interest.” “Participation in PaintExpo 2024 is a key opportunity

up and streamline the paint purchasing process,” indicates Volpe.

to consolidate our presence and increase our visibility in the industry.

Fox Color’s mission: speed and customisation

Although we are already present in Germany and Austria through a reseller, our goal is to further expand our customer base in Europe, with

As a young company operating in the paint industry, Fox Color

a focus on France and Spain. At the same time, we are enthusiastically

constantly strives to offer tailor-made solutions quickly and efficiently:

exploring new market opportunities in Eastern Europe,” states Volpe.

this is a distinguishing feature that undoubtedly contributes to its

Fox Color awaits you at stand n. 3644, Hall 3, at PaintExpo, Europe’s

success. “We are still a relatively young player, but our main focus is on

leading trade fair for industrial coating technologies, to be held in

fast delivery and high customisation. When we are required to provide a

Karlsruhe (Germany) from 9 to 12 April 2024.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine




Pantone Introduces Pantone Color of the Year 2024: PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz By PANTONE Carlstadt (NJ) – United States

Pantone, the global colour authority and provider of professional colour language standards and digital solutions for the design community, introduced PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, a velvety gentle peach whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind, body, and soul as the Pantone Color of the Year selection for 2024.


t a time of turmoil in many aspects

Subtly sensual, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz

up an air of calm, offering us a space to be,

of our lives, our need for nurturing,

is a heartfelt peach hue bringing a feeling of

feel, and heal and to flourish from whether

empathy and compassion grows ever

tenderness and communicating a message

spending time with others or taking the time

stronger as does our imaginings of a more

of caring and sharing, community and

to enjoy a moment by ourselves,” says Leatrice

peaceful future. A warm and cozy shade


Eiseman, Executive Director, Pantone Color

highlighting our desire for togetherness

“A cozy peach hue softly nestled between

Institute. “Drawing comfort from PANTONE

with others and the feeling of sanctuary

pink and orange, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach

13-1023 Peach Fuzz, we can find peace from

this creates, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz

Fuzz brings belonging, inspires recalibration,

within, impacting our wellbeing. An idea as

presents a fresh approach to a new softness.

and an opportunity for nurturing, conjuring

much as a feeling, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz awakens our senses to the comforting

© PhotoIris2021 | Dreamstime.com

presence of tactility and cocooned warmth.” Sensitive but sweet and airy, PANTONE 131023 Peach Fuzz evokes a new modernity. While centred in the human experience of enriching and nurturing the mind body and soul, it is also a quietly sophisticated and contemporary peach with depth whose gentle lightness is understated but impactful bringing beauty to the digital world. Poetic and romantic, a clean peach tone with a vintage vibe, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz reflects the past yet has been rephrased to have a contemporary ambiance. The introduction of PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz also marks the 25th anniversary of the Pantone Color of the Year program. First introduced by the Pantone Color Institute in 1999 with the Pantone Color of the Year, PANTONE 15-4020 Cerulean Blue, the Pantone Color of the Year captures the global zeitgeist, serving as an expression of a mood and an attitude on the part of the consumer. Through the years, the Pantone Color of the Year program has become a globally iconic cultural touchstone, drawing attention to how what is


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


taking place in our global culture is reflected and expressed through the

on a limited-edition capsule collection to celebrate the 2024 Pantone

language of colour.

Color of the Year. The Ruggable x Pantone collaboration makes it easy

“With this year’s Pantone Color of the Year 2024, we see an increased

for anyone to bring the warm and comforting on-trend colour into their

focus on community and people across the world reframing how they

home, in a range of contemporary and modern bohemian styles. The

want to live and evaluating what is important – that being the comfort

assortment includes five styles; 3 indoor rugs, 1 doormat and 1 bath

of being close to those we love. The colour is one whose warm and


welcoming embrace conveys a message of compassion and whose cozy sensibility brings people together and enriches the soul,” added Laurie

Ultrafabrics x Pantone Color of the Year 2024:

Pressman, Vice President of the Pantone Color Institute. “In the spirit of

For 25 years, Japanese-crafted, New York-based Ultrafabrics has set

PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, we reflect back on the last 25 years of

the standard for premium, high-tech performance textiles by uniting

the Pantone Color of the Year program grateful to provide an avenue

craftsmanship, state-of-the-art technology, and mindful innovation. No

where designers and colour enthusiasts all over the world can engage in

stranger to pioneering new ideas, it has partnered with leaders in 11

a conversation about colour, be inspired by colour and showcase their

industries including Jaguar Land Rover, Fitbit, MillerKnoll, Virgin Galactic

creativity within their communities. We look forward to continuing this

and Gulfstream Aerospace, to name a few. The brand has a bold

for many more years to come.”

vision on ways that colour can revolutionize interior environments and together with Pantone for the second year, will be sharing its expertise

Official Pantone Color of the Year 2024 Partners

through a series of interactive events, exclusive colour palettes, and

Motorola x Pantone Color of the Year 2024:

colour customization across the Ultrafabrics range. Together, they will

The partnership between Motorola and Pantone is one of shared value

tap into the essence of PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz by continuing to

of—and focus on—the importance of precision in design, innovation

build community by inspiring designers and specifiers with new ways to

and personal expression through colour and technology. Motorola’s

approach and utilize colour in their work.

multi-year, strategic partnership and global category exclusivity with Pantone has changed the way the brand looks, presents, and talks about

Spoonflower x Pantone Color of the Year 2024:

colour, trends, and their influence on smartphones with consumers.

The authority in colour, Pantone, has joined forces with the authority

The new Color of the Year, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz, aligns

in surface pattern design, Spoonflower, to help bring to life the 2024

beautifully with Motorola’s pillars of inclusion and making technology

Pantone Color of the Year announcement. Beginning with the unveiling

more accessible. As technology becomes intertwined with humanity,

of brand-new designs by three distinguished Spoonflower Independent

we trust colour to provide a tool for expression and deeper, more

Artists, the excitement continues with a 2024 Pantone Color of the Year

meaningful experiences with our devices. With this continued

Design Challenge in January 2024 rendering the Pantone Color of the

partnership, Motorola is announcing special editions of its iconic motorola razr+/40 ultra and newly launched motorola edge 40 neo in


the Pantone Color of the Year 2024. Shades By Shan x Pantone Color of the Year 2024: Female-founded & impact-driven cosmetic company, Shades By Shan, has been on a mission to help single parents in need since their inception through their own 501c3, The Mamaberries Foundation. This year, the company has joined forces with Pantone in celebration of Pantone’s Color of the Year 2024 to bring you an unparalleled beauty experience with the unveiling of The Lip Shine. This inaugural product is the first to launch from Shades By Shan’s upcoming Pantone Color of the Year 2024 collection, designed to enhance every individual’s warmth & natural beauty. The collaboration brings a unique peach blend that is bold and bright yet soft and subtle, catering to all skin tones. Ruggable x Pantone Color of the Year 2024: Pantone has collaborated with innovative home decor brand, Ruggable

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz reflects

designs incorporating PANTONE® 13-1023

the past yet has been rephrased to have

Peach Fuzz are romantic, innocent, and sweet.

a contemporary ambiance enabling it to seamlessly display its presence in both the

About Pantone

physical and digital world. Seemingly tactile

Pantone provides the universal language of

and touchable, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach

colour that enables colour-critical decisions

Fuzz warmly welcomes, inviting consumers to

through every stage of the workflow for brands

reach out and engage, making it an enticing

and manufacturers. More than 10 million

shade for a variety of products from food

designers and producers around the world

and beverage to cosmetics and accessories.

rely on Pantone products and services to

Inspiring thoughts of sweet and delicate

help define, communicate and control colour

tastes and scents, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach

from inspiration to realization – leveraging

Fuzz tempts the tastebuds with thoughts

advanced X-Rite technology to achieve colour

of delectable fruits and delicious treats that

consistency across various materials and

continue to please.

finishes for graphics, fashion and product design. Pantone Standards feature digital and


PANTONE® 13-1023 Peach Fuzz in Apparel

physical colour specification and workflow

and Fashion Accessories

tools. The Pantone Color Institute™ provides

Visually arresting and inviting, PANTONE 13-

customized colour standards, brand identity

1023 Peach Fuzz is a nurturing peach tone

and product colour consulting as well as trend

that inspires us to instinctively want to reach

forecasting inclusive of Pantone Color of the

Year immediately available for consumers

out and touch. Conveying a message of tactility

Year, Fashion Runway Color Trend Reports,

through Spoonflower’s revolutionary print-on-

that comes through in sueded, velvety, quilted,

colour psychology and more. Pantone B2B

demand platform for wallpaper, fabric, and

and furry textures luxuriously soothing and

Licensing incorporates the Pantone Color

home decor.

soft to the touch, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach

System into different products and services,

Fuzz is an enveloping peach hue that awakens

enabling licensees to communicate and

our senses to the comforting presence of

reproduce certified Pantone values and

tactility and cocooned warmth.

improve efficiencies for their users. Pantone

Applications of the Pantone Color of the Year 2024 PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz in Home

Lifestyle brings colour and design together


Décor and Interior Design

PANTONE® 13-1023 Peach Fuzz in Hair and

Introducing soft and cozy PANTONE 13-1023


Peach Fuzz into home interiors creates a

A contemporary peach with depth whose

welcoming ambiance. A heartfelt peach hue

gentle lightness is understated, PANTONE®

whose all-embracing spirit enriches mind,

13-1023 Peach Fuzz adds an ethereal,

body, and soul, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz

reflective finish to hair and creates a natural

conjures up an air of calm, offering us a space

rosy glow flattering complexions across a large

to be, feel, and heal and to flourish from.

variety of undertones. A surprisingly versatile

Promoting feelings of gentle warmth whether

shade, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz enlivens

appearing on a painted wall, in home décor

the skin, adding soft warmth to eyes, lips, and

or acting as an accent within a pattern,

cheeks making all who wear it appear more

PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz infuses our

healthy. Fresh and youthful when paired with

most personalized worlds with a comforting

earthy browns and creating a more dramatic


contrast when paired with deep reds and plums, PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz opens

PANTONE® 13-1023 Peach Fuzz in

the door to a wide assortment of lipstick,

Packaging and Multimedia Design

blush, skin tone and contouring options.

A clean peach tone with a vintage vibe,

Expressing a message of tenderness, nail


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

across apparel, home, and accessories.

Scan the QR Code to explore more about the Pantone Color of the Year

Super durable powder coating

in anodized look

TIGER Drylac® Series 68 underscores the high demands of the architecture and facade industry on the performance of building envelops worldwide. The super durable product portfolio includes numerous anodized effects for smooth finishes in matte or flat matte aesthetics. Your advantage: Not only aluminum, also steel and galvanized steel can be finished in a refined anodized look: cost-effectively, environmentally friendly and in just one coat.



New Understanding of Oobleck-Like Fluids Might Prevent Clumping in Paints Sarah C.P. Williams Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering - The University of Chicago, Chicago, U.S.A.

The scientist from the University of Chicago have used piezoelectric nanoparticles to study the fundamental physics of non-Newtonian fluids, which change viscosity under stress. The new research could lead to applications ranging from smart materials to clump-free paints.


he research committed by the University of Chicago (United

and yogurt — change under stress or pressure and scientists have long

Stated of America) into the science behind non-Newtonian fluids

struggled to prove exactly why.

could lead to several potential applications, such as paints that

Understanding the physical forces at play in a concentrated particle solution is one step toward being able to design new non-Newtonian

of Molecular Engineering (PME) at the University of Chicago used

fluids in the lab. The researchers have used piezoelectric nanoparticles,

piezoelectric nanoparticles to study the fundamental physics of non-

which themselves change in response to pressure, to investigate

Newtonian fluids, discovering a key role of friction between particles

the fundamental physics of non-Newtonian fluids. One day, these

in causing materials to move from a fluid structure to a more solid

engineered materials could have customised properties that let


scientists control their viscosity through stress. In some instances,

When mixing cornstarch and water in the right proportions, the result is

this could translate to less clumping and clogging of liquids like paint

something that seems not-quite-liquid but also not-quite-solid. Oobleck

and concrete. In other cases, it might mean a purposeful hardening of

flows and settles like a liquid when untouched, but stiffens when you

materials when desired.

try to pick it up or stir it with a spoon. The properties of oobleck and

“This not only answers long-standing basic questions about the physical

other non-Newtonian fluids — including Silly Putty, quicksand, paint

origins of these materials, but opens up doors for the design of new

©Rory MacLeod, Flickr

do not clump. In this regard, researchers from the Pritzker School


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© Hojin Kim, University of Chicago

As a dense suspension of piezoelectric nanoparticles shear thickens due to a transition from frictionless (grey) to frictional (red) particle–particle interactions, friction-induced piezoelectricity in the contacting particles generates electric charge, which in turn increases the ac conductance of the surrounding fluid.

non-Newtonian fluids with practical applications,” has stated Stuart

has explained postdoctoral scholar Hojin Kim, the first author of the

Rowan, a professor of molecular engineering and co-senior author of

new paper.

the paper. “This opens up doors for the design of new non-Newtonian

To overcome this challenge, Kim collaborated with Rowan, PME Prof.

fluids with practical applications.”

Aaron Esser-Kahn and Heinrich Jaeger, the Sewell Avery Distinguished

Particles changing from a more liquid to more solid-like material

Service Professor of Physics. The team developed a technique that

A hallmark of non-Newtonian fluids is that their viscosity changes

measures the change in electrical conductance based on the shear

dramatically when the materials are under stress. For some materials,

force exerted upon it. Then, they suspended the nanoparticle in

this means thinning with stress. Shaking a ketchup bottle can make the

a liquid at such a concentration that it exhibited non-Newtonian

condiment drastically more pourable, while yogurt, mayonnaise and

properties in the same way as oobleck.

toothpaste maintain their shape in a container yet become more liquid-

The researchers applied shear force to the top and bottom of the

like upon use. But other materials like oobleck, which is a concentrated

liquid and simultaneously measured the resulting changes to both

particle suspension, behave just the opposite: it can feel solid while

viscosity and the electrical signals. That let them determine how the

being manipulated yet collapse into a puddle when placed down.

particles were interacting as they changed from a more liquid to more

Scientists have formulated hypotheses about why concentrated particle

solid-like material.

suspensions change when sheared, being exposed to multiple forces

“We found that friction between particles was critical to this transition.

acting in different directions. These hypotheses mostly relate to how

In this concentrated particle solution, there is a tipping point when the

the molecules and particles that make up the materials can interact

friction reaches a certain level and the viscosity abruptly increases,”

with each other in different ways under different conditions – but each

has added Kim. “For any application, we hope we can eventually

hypothesis is hard to prove.

determine the ideal combination of solvents and particles and shear

“To understand these concentrated particle suspensions, we want

conditions to get the properties we want. This paper might seem like

to be able to look at the nanoscale structure, but the particles are so

very fundamental research but in reality, non-Newtonian fluids are

incredibly crowded together that imaging these structures is very hard,”

everywhere and so this has a lot of applications.”

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



The Ambiguity of Yellow Monica Fumagalli, ipcm®

A brief analysis of the history of a colour with many ambiguous characteristics: yellow. With its shades shifting from gold to amber to darker tones, its applications range from art history to television and music.


n children’s drawings, the colours of the world are perfectly defined and unambiguous: the sun is yellow and the sky is blue, its complementary

colour. Once we are adults, however, we find out that the sun is white (although to be fair, this has been the subject of a long-standing controversy1) and that it appears yellow to our eyes due to the passage of its rays through the Earth’s atmosphere, whereas the sky looks blue due to light coming into contact with gases in the air. Yellow is the brightest of all the colours in the spectrum and the one that catches the eye the most. In nature, it is the colour of sunflowers, egg yolks, lemons, honey, and gold. In the man-made world, it is the colour preceding the stop signal in traffic lights, of direction indicators in cars, and of warning signs in general (road signs, soccer yellow cards, or post-its for example). It is associated with joy and optimism, enlightenment, curiosity, creativity, and lightness. However, as already seen in this column with several other colours, it also has its dark side: it is the symbol of cowardice, betrayal and jealousy, selfishness and madness. It is also the tint of caution and physical illness (jaundice, malaria, plague). It is an ambiguous colour also in terms of nuances: the bright and intense yellow stands for positivity, whereas the more muted, “shadowy” yellow conjures up negative feelings. Indeed, famous colour historian Michel Pastoureau stated in his book dedicated to yellow2: “Yellow is a gay, soft and joyous colour, but in poor light it quickly becomes unpleasant, and the slightest mixing makes it dirty, ugly, and uninteresting.” Yellow and its different shades, including gold, have been facing ups and downs in © ipcm

Western history. Let us look at some examples.

“Sunflowers” by Vincent Van Gogh, oil on canvas, 1888 – National Gallery, London (UK). https://eclipse2017.nasa.gov/what-color-sun M. Pastoureau, Jaune : histoire d ‘une couleur, Éditions du Seuil, Paris, 2019 1 2


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


The origin of the word “yellow”

first evidence of the use of yellow pigments derived from ochre-rich clay

The term “yellow”3 (in Italian giallo, in French jaune, in Spanish amarillo,

soils dates back to 45,000 BC for the decoration of human bodies and

in Portuguese amarelo, and in German Gelb) derived from the Proto-

cave walls. In ancient Egypt, the bodies of the gods were painted a vivid

Germanic gewalz, which indicated both “yellow” and “pale green”, as we

yellow to recall the gold associated with the sun. The ancient Greeks

already mentioned in our article devoted to green . Hence the Latin

utilised it in wall frescoes. The Romans used it to decorate garments for

terms galbus (“pale green”) and galbinus (“yellow”) – which gave rise to

ceremonies and weddings. The yellow tint for fabrics or artistic works

jalne in ancient French, the direct progenitor of the Italian term giallo –

was obtained from plants and sulphides, which contain sulphur that

but also the Old English word gelou – from which Middle English yelou

can sometimes cause mental disorders: this is why it was considered a

and modern English yellow derived. A curiosity related to the etymology

diabolical colour, a prelude to the negative meaning that it would have

of this word is the fact that the Indo-European root ghel, which means

gone on to take on in the Middle Ages.

“bright”, “shining”, to which the origin of the term can be traced back,

In this historical phase, it became the colour of envy, jealousy,

also means “to scream”, “to shout” – in other words, “to yell”, which is

lies, dishonour, and betrayal, linked to falsehood, ambiguity, and

clearly reminiscent of “yellow”. Another confirmation that this vibrant

untrustworthiness. These ideas were reinforced by the medicine of

colour is capable of attracting attention… starting from its very name.

the time, according to which yellow bile was associated with a choleric


temperament, considered violent, unstable, resentful, and hypocritical.

Yellow in history

Yellow thus became the colour of deception and began to be associated

In his already-mentioned pages devoted to yellow, Pastoureau described

with those on the margins of society, from Judas Iscariot, who often

the uses and meanings of this particular colour tone. Precisely because

wore a yellow robe in artwork, to the excluded and condemned, such as

it is so closely related to the elements in nature, yellow is thought to be

the Jews. From the 13th century, the Councils required Jews to wear a

one of the first colours used by humans. In prehistoric cave paintings,

symbol of recognition: a yellow or red star that evoked the East – a sad

it was often used to represent the sun and other luminous objects. The

custom resumed between the 1930s and 1940s, when the Star of David, often yellow, was imposed by the Nazis on all the Jews over the age

3 4

www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7001092899694129152 www.ipcm.it/en/open/ipcm/2023/82/128-130.aspx

of 6 residing in Germany and the occupied territories to make them easily identifiable and, therefore, prosecutable.

© Darth Kendra Research

“Kiss of Judas” by Giotto di Bondone, fresco, 1303-05 – Scrovegni Chapel, Padua (Italy).

A detail of an initial in Manuscript M279, kept at the Morgan Library & Museum in New York (USA).

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


© Federazione Ciclistica Italiana

© AdobeStock

From left to right: The yellow jersey is worn by the winner of the Tour de France; “The Simpsons”, the famous cartoon series created by Matt Groening; The cover of the picture book “Yellow Submarine”, published on the fiftieth anniversary of the release of the Beatles’ LP record; LEGO had chosen to make its world-famous plastic characters with yellow skin colour.

In Central European countries, asylums were painted yellow and

the abundance of this colour in the southern French landscape, made

prostitutes wore yellow garments to draw attention in the streetlight.

extensive use of a certainly less “lavish” yellow hue. In March 1888, when

This once again confirmed it as the colour that stands out the most.

he first arrived in the region, he wrote to his brother Théo: “The sun

Some of the most particular chromatic choices with yellow as their

dazzles me and goes to my head, a sun, a light that I can only call yellow,

protagonist have originated precisely from this aspect, including for

sulphur-yellow, lemon yellow, golden yellow. How lovely yellow is!” He

instance the reflective “yellow vests” chosen as a symbol of the protest

was so impressed that he decided to reproduce it in many of his works,

movement that shook France at the end of 2018 and that took its name

including the famous “Sunflowers”. Unfortunately, in the paintings of

from them.

this series, the paint is now inexorably turning brown due to the slow decay of the film caused by the use of the chrome yellow pigment (lead

Gold and yellow in art history

chromate), which darkens over time due to oxidation. Again, therefore,

While it is true that this colour was sacred to the Egyptians and other

yellow is associated with decadence, death, or disease. Nowadays,

peoples such as the Babylonians because it recalled the energy and

yellow and gold continue to be used in art, especially in sculpture,

power of the sun, its golden hue has been the protagonist of many

cosmetics, painting, and fashion – with the most diverse meanings.

works of art even later in history, from Ancient Greece to the present day. In ancient Greece, gold leaf was used mainly for the decoration of

Fun facts about yellow

statues, the most famous of which were the chryselephantine sculptures

In 1929, Italian publishing house Mondadori chose yellow as the colour

(from Greek chrysós, “made of gold”, and élephas, “made of ivory”), of

for the covers of its new series of detective books, emphasising the

which Phidias was the best-known artist: the naked parts of the statues,

negative connotation of deception, treachery, and betrayal at the heart

such as arms, faces, and legs, were made of ivory, whereas their clothes,

of this specific literary genre – so much so that “crime novel” translates

armours, hair, and accessories were covered with gold leaf. Beginning in

in Italian as libro giallo, “yellow book”. In French culture, the saying

400 AD, illuminated manuscripts became widespread in Constantinople,

“show someone that they have a yellow beak” is used to mean that a

Ireland, and Italy, with initials, borders, and miniatures made of gold or

person is mistaken or inexperienced: this linguistic expression derives

silver leaf. In the Middle Ages, gold leaf became a symbol of Christian

from the yellow beaks of young hawks, which do not know how to hunt,

art: in the sacred paintings of the time, the sky was made with gold leaf

yet. In France, yellow is also the symbol colour of the Tour de France

according to what was known as the “gold ground” technique, which

winner’s jersey, introduced in 1919 on the initiative of Henri Desgrange,

saw its greatest diffusion around 1300 first in Italy and later in other

a journalist from L’Auto (now L’Équipe): the colour was chosen in honour

European countries.

of this newspaper, which was indeed printed on yellow paper. Before

In modern times, gold leaf has continued to be used by many artists for

the yellow jersey, the race leader wore a green armband, which was

the decoration of various paintings and works of art. The most famous

however often difficult to detect.

of them is undoubtedly Gustav Klimt: during his so-called “golden

In the United States, the term “yellow journalism” refers to

phase”, he created a series of works with gold leaf that brought him

sensationalist tabloid journalism, which enjoyed great success in

to the pinnacle of success. On the other hand, Van Gogh, struck by

the late 19th century. The “Yellow Pages”, the telephone directories


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


of companies known throughout the world before the spread of

Submarine was the name of a popular type of amphetamine at the

the internet, were created in 1883, when a printer from Cheyenne

time. In the case of the latter, which according to Martin was a love song

(Wyoming, USA), who was printing a normal telephone directory, ran

written as an act of devotion to a loved one, many saw a reference to

out of white paper and used some yellow one. Yellow thus became

the illness or, more likely, anorexia of the woman to whom the song is

the colour of business directories as opposed to the “white pages” of


residential directories.

Yet another reference to the double-sidedness of this colour can be found in the world-famous LEGO minifigures, first created in 1975. Yellow

Yellow in music and play

was chosen to promote the idea of racial neutrality but, over time, it

Today, yellow is still a protagonist on TV, in games, and in music. In

emerged that whereas white ethnic populations easily identified with

the former case, it is often chosen for its ability to attract attention;

yellow minifigures, the same could not be said for dark-skinned people.

indeed, this is why Matt Groening, the creator of the famous cartoon

Starting in 2003, therefore, the Danish manufacturer began to introduce

series “The Simpsons”, allegedly chose it for his characters. In the

minifigures inspired by reality (NBA basketball stars) or movies (Star Wars

history of music, yellow has often been linked to ambiguity, from “Yellow

or Jurassic Park, for example) with more realistic skin colouring.

Submarine”, included in the LP record “Revolver” released by the Beatles

Once again, yellow proves to be an equivocal colour full of different and

in August 1966, up to “Yellow” by Coldplay (2000), with which Chris

opposing meanings. Perhaps, we ought better go back to our childhood

Martin’s band became known throughout the world. As for the former,

and simply identify it with sunshine and joy, or build LEGO environments

in the intentions of the Liverpool quartet, this catchy-sounding song

with yellow minifigures without seeing any negative reference in them,

was supposed to be a children’s tale, understandable to anyone, but

but rather with the lightness conveyed by this tint in its most positive

fans saw underlying references to drug use: legend has it that Yellow


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UCIF Informs © AdobeStock

Authoritative Sources of Updates and the Role of a Trade Association Manuela Casali UCIF – Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’ Association, Milan, Italy


The industrial world is constantly evolving. Every day, we receive updates, news, and ideas from the outside world that invite us to explore different topics. At the same time, however, it is often difficult to identify the right information and be sure that its sources are reliable and truthful. Authoritative references are needed to understand the changes taking place, not only in terms of technology but also of strategy and approach.


ack in 2011, people started talking about Industry 4.0. Ever since

According to the European Union, this new approach responds to three

then, it was clear to everyone what was the new paradigm, as

of the priorities defined by the Commission: “An economy that works for

an evolutionary moment in the industrial sector characterised

people”, “European Green Deal”, and “Europe fit for the digital age”.

by advanced automation, interconnection, Internet of Things, Big Data,

Every two years, the Italian Surface Treatment Equipment Manufacturers’

and Artificial Intelligence. Today, we are witnessing a further evolution

Association (UCIF) holds a conference to examine, analyse, and interpret

of this paradigm that has prevailed for the last thirteen years, which

the new paradigms from a production perspective. Technology, products,

can be interpreted as the beginning of a new industrial era where the

research, and the future of companies working in the surface finishing

human being is at the centre of the production system while maintaining

and treatment sector are discussed here. The objective is to present

automation and interconnection as crucial pillars.

the latest technologies in terms of sustainability, circular economy, and

The European Union has defined it as Industry 5.0, emphasising that the

digitalisation of processes where humans, with their unique talents

European industry itself is a key factor in today’s economic and social

(creativity, critical judgment, intuition), remain at the centre of a new

changes and that it must lead the digital and energy transition. This

business model combining their skills with those of machines (precision,

approach provides a vision of the industry that goes beyond efficiency

efficiency, data analysis).

and productivity as the only goals and reinforces its role and contribution

This year, the conference will be the third edition of S.M.A.R.T., an

within society. Worker welfare is placed at the centre of production

acronym for Surface|Manufacturing|Advanced|Research|Trends, to

processes. New technologies must ensure prosperity as well as

be held on 22 May at the Fondazione Cariplo Conference Centre in

employment and growth, within the limits of planet Earth. Research and

Milan (see page 132). You are welcome to apply to submit a report that

innovation, the focal points of Industry 4.0, are integrated and put at the

meets our requirements: being sustainability-focused and illustrating the

service of the transition towards a sensitive, human-centred industry .

adoption of sustainable production practices or advanced technologies


that help companies reduce their environmental impact while improving https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/research-area/industrial-research-and-innovation/industry-50_en#award



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efficiency and productivity.

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Registration Open for Powder Coating Week 2024 The programme of Powder Coating Week 2024 will provide the perfect combination of training, keynote presentations, technical sessions, tabletop exhibits, roundtable discussions, expert panels and social activities.


he organisers of Powder Coating Week 2024 have announced

during the evening and also at Tuesday’s lunch and evening reception.

that registration for the next edition of the event dedicated to the

Tuesday 12th March will be opened with a breakfast and the Powder

the powder coating industry is now open. Held once again at the

Coating Technical Conference, which will include the Emerging Markets

Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld® in Orlando (Florida, United States

panel discussion. Tuesday will also be the final day of the Powder

of America) from 11th to 13th March 2024, the exhibition will provide an

Coating 101 Workshop. The Powder Coating Technical Conference

excellent opportunity for everyone involved in powder coating to expand

will host a thought-provoking general session keynote delivered by

their knowledge and connect with others.

Chris Kuehl with Armada Corporate Intelligence, followed by a variety

The new programme is comprised of four separate events, offering

of topical breakout sessions. Finally, on Wednesday, a lunch and

the perfect combination of training, keynote presentations, technical

roundtable discussions that will bring attendees and speakers together

sessions, tabletop exhibits, roundtable discussions, expert panels and

to exchange ideas and share information among peers will close the

social activities.

event. This popular session will capture critical initiatives, informative

“Powder Coating Week 2024 is planned with something for everyone,

tips and a collection of take-aways to share with the entire audience.

whether you are new to powder coating or an experienced industry

Each event has a separate registration fee, with available discounted

veteran. We will be back at the Renaissance Orlando at SeaWorld ,

combinations to attend both the Technical Conference and either the

which is a perfect venue for this event. We have many new technical

Powder Coating 101 Workshop or Custom Coater Forum. The Powder

presentations, including a session dedicated to young professionals. We

Coating 101 Workshop and Custom Coater Forum registration fees

are looking forward to another great event in Orlando,” has stated Kevin

alone do not include admission to the Technical Conference.


Coursin, the executive director of the Powder Coating Institute. The Powder Coating 101 Workshop kicks off the week on Monday 11th March, with the Custom Coater Forum to be held during the afternoon

For further information:

after a luncheon at noon. Then, the Tabletop Exhibition will be open


© Powder Coating Institute


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

© Powder Coating Week


Surface Design Show 2024 Returns to London in February The eagerly anticipated Surface Design Show returns to London Business Design Centre from 6th to 8th February 2024 and is poised to unveil the latest advancements in surface materials.


nder the theme of Mindful Living, the next edition of the Surface

© Surface Design Show

Design Show will delve into the integral role of materials and their properties in shaping multi-sensory spaces. Over 180

exhibitors will be showcasing their best solutions in material innovation from across the world during the 24th edition, to be held from 6th to 8th February 2024 at the London Business Design Centre (United Kingdom). The new show is the most international to date, as it is welcoming over sixty international companies from different countries like Austria, Belgium, Brazil, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Turkey, USA, Uzbekistan, Spain and Ukraine. The international trade fair will scrutinise the ongoing fusion of virtual and real worlds, probing into the implications of technological advancements and novel design approaches on the built environment. In addition, the Surface Spotlight Live will offer a focal point where the theme takes centre stage. Furthermore, the ever-popular Opening Night Debate on Main Stage will focus on the Mindful Living theme of the show, where over the rest of the two and a half days a range of debates, panels, trend forecasts and insights into the latest material innovations will take place. The Legends

© Surface Design Show

Live series of fireside chats with experienced industry professionals also returns this year, hosted by Design Insider editor Alys Bryan. The Surface Design Show will also be welcoming back its friends from The Italian Pavilion, a collective area devoted to the best in Italian stone that last year featured more than twenty exhibitors revealing the beauty of Italian stone. Tile of Spain will also once again be showcasing their beautiful ceramics from more than one hundred tile manufacturers. Renowned worldwide for an inspiring blend of aesthetic and technical innovation, Spanish tiles draw on a rich heritage of skill and creativity, while remaining on the cutting edge of design. Finally, it will even host consortiums from both India and Turkey showing the innovation and diverse design trends that both countries are renowned for. For further information: www.surfacedesignshow.com

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



S.M.A.R.T. 2024: The Third Edition of the Conference on Finishing Treatments Is Taking Place in May The third edition of the S.M.A.R.T. conference organised by UCIF is taking place on 22 May at the Fondazione Cariplo Congress Centre in Milan (Italy).


he S.M.A.R.T. (Surface. Manufacturing. Advanced. Research.

industry players, participants will be able to understand the state of the

Trends.) conference, organised by the Italian Finishing Equipment

art of finishing technologies and processes, presented in the light of

Manufacturers’ Association (UCIF), has reached its third edition.

the most pressing requirements of the entire manufacturing industry:

Inaugurated in 2019 to delve into the new technological frontiers of the surface treatment sector, given the success of the first edition

Industry 5.0 and sustainability.

that was attended 120 participants, the event was repeated, after the

How to take part

forced pause due the pandemic, in 2022, seeing the participation of 140

All companies operating in the finishing sector can apply for delivering

industry players.

a speech, also with the participation of their customers. For anyone

The 2024 edition, which is taking place on 22 May at the Fondazione

interested in attending the presentations, participation is free of charge.

Cariplo Congress Centre in Milan, will be themed around “the finishing

Please send your registration request to info@ucif.net.

of the future between innovation and sustainability”, in line with the

In addition to presenting their sustainable technologies, companies

paradigms of the new human-centred society and industry model that

will find in this event a place to create synergies among manufacturers

builds on the principles of Industry 4.0 to leverage interconnected

in a win-win, virtuous circle between innovation, green strategies, and

objects and smart factories and further improve all their advantages


in terms of efficiency and flexibility while shifting the focus from technologies to humans. Through detailed reports by numerous


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine

For further information: www.ucif.net

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PaintExpo: Exhibitors Optimise the Coating Processes of the Future PaintExpo, the world’s leading trade fair for industrial coating technology, will take place from 9th to 12th April 2024.


he industrial coating technology industry is increasingly focussing

Optimising Energy Consumption in Existing Systems

on sustainable and energy-efficient processes. This is reflected

Among its customers in Europe, the company Eisenmann has observed

in the numerous technological developments that exhibitors will

a shift from greenfield to brownfield projects. The latter refers to efforts

be showcasing at PaintExpo 2024. These include energy-saving system

to save materials and reduce emissions by investing in modernisation

concepts, applications that use fewer resources and modern software

and energy optimisation for plants that, in some cases, are 25 to 30

that all help companies consume less energy, thus saving valuable

years old. This is an understandable shift, given increasing prices in

resources in their painting and coating processes.

the energy-intensive paints and coatings industry and the desire for

At the upcoming edition of PaintExpo from 9 to 12 April 2024 in

cost-effective value retention. Eisenmann addresses this by developing

Karlsruhe, for example, application and plant manufacturers will be

customised solutions that allow clients to conserve valuable resources

showcasing innovative solutions and products for greater sustainability

through the use of innovative products in a variety of fields. One

and energy efficiency. While exhibitors at the world’s leading trade fair

example here is the company`s ongoing development of conveyor

for industrial coating technology will be taking a variety of approaches,

technology in an important step towards painting and coating processes

they will all be pursuing the same goal of optimising coating processes

that are skidless and therefore more energy efficient. Building on this

to use as little energy as possible, thereby protecting the environment.

success, the company then went on to develop VarioMover, a driverless

Energy-Efficient, Biological Exhaust Air Treatment System

transport system covering the full automotive paint shop process. Eisenmann’s E-Cube is the ideal technology for efficient, dry paintseparation processes, offering an answer to the growing demand for

AFOTEK, a coating systems manufacturer from Bad Hersfeld in Germany,

alternatives to the wet paint-separation processes widely used in the

will be presenting its “AFOTEK Clean” biological exhaust air treatment

past. The potential energy savings here are huge, in part through the

system at PaintExpo 2024. “The systems dominating the market right

conversion of paint booth ventilation systems from fresh/exhaust to

now are thermal afterburners, which generally need to be heated with

recirculated air modes of operation.

gas. Our patented product offers an alternative by taking very little

The SmartOven from Eisenmann delivers an outstanding energy balance

energy to break down pollutants in air contaminated with substances

in the drying process while maintaining excellent paint quality. The

such as solvents. This is possible because the AFOTEK Clean breaks

oven can be heated with electricity, gas, thermal oil or hydrogen, thus

down materials exclusively through biological oxidation,” says Kai

offering a great deal of economic latitude thanks to the wide selection of

Sinning, a member of AFOTEK’s Executive Board.

possible energy sources.

The key component of the biological exhaust air treatment system consists of two cylindrical reactor towers filled with a unique substrate.

Sustainable Heat Sources and Modern Software

This substrate is then moistened using an agent that has been enriched

The Swiss coating systems manufacturer e. Luterbach will be

with nutrients. The mode of action is based on aerobic microorganisms

at PaintExpo 2024 presenting various ideas for making coating

that oxidise carbon dioxide and water via a biochemical process that

technologies and systems more sustainable. For drying and firing ovens,

converts gaseous, organic pollutants to products that are harmless and

CEO and co-owner Fabian Luccarini envisions a renaissance of old

odourless. Unlike conventional solutions for treating exhaust air, this

heating media: “There’s a lot of talk about using hydrogen as a heating

purely biochemical process needs very little external thermal energy,

source but the physical parameters of existing ovens and systems

making it a cost-effective method of treating solvent-charged exhaust air

make them impossible to retrofit. Thermal oil, on the other hand, can

streams without needing to concentrate the pollutants first. In the case

be transported at a high level from a central district heating source to

of hot exhaust air flows, waste heat recovery systems can be positioned

the places where it is used. Currently, such projects are being driven

upstream from the air treatment system to make use of the excess heat


and channel it into other processes.

Other developments promising greater sustainability and predictive maintenance can be found in the e. Luterbach software and IT portfolio.


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


The company has expanded its IoT portal,

technologies, painting processes or entire

a major role in making highly automated

for example, providing predefined telephone

facilities, it’s always worth talking to us when

wet coating systems and robotic solutions

calls and voice messages to alert responsible

you are building from scratch, retrofitting

a reality while at the same time focusing on

parties of any irregularities. The on-site PLC

equipment or modernising.”

using fewer resources. The company supports

makes real-time networking easier. Data

SEHON will also be at PaintExpo 2024

this development with regular updates to its

are stored for up to two weeks as an MQTT

showcasing its innovative solutions for energy

control technology.

protocol and remain intact even in the event

management, quality, efficacy and economic

WAGNER has also made its pumps for

of internet or electricity outages.

efficiency in paint shops.

wet coating significantly easier to flush.

Development work on the PinCH software

The Cobra high-press double diaphragm

analyses to find the optimum pinch points

Less Material Usage and Process Optimisation

between various energy flows with the aim of

WAGNER will be exhibiting its wide array of

agent, therefore also significantly cutting the

minimising the overall scope of investment

wet coating and powder coating solutions at

amount of time needed for changing colours.

and energy costs. The analysis is then used in

PaintExpo 2024. For wet coating applications,

The highly efficient processes employed

strategic planning to develop heat recovery

the company’s focus is on sustainability as well

in WAGNER 2K systems help to reduce

measures aimed at improving the supply of

as reducing the amount of solvents, materials

the environmental footprint of the coating

energy. The potential reduction in primary

and energy used. Furthermore, the easy


energy use can be as much as 40 per cent with

operability and optimised process control of

WAGNER assists its customers in designing

a pinch analysis,” says Luccarini, explaining the

their products and systems make the coating

systems and planning projects, taking a holistic

advantages of this system-oriented method.

process more productive. Exceptionally

approach to finding the ideal system for each

effective application and conservative use of

coating job, thus optimising surface quality

materials are the hallmarks of the company’s

on the one hand and resource usage on the

many different manual and automatic


has also continued. “We can use pinch

Efficient, Environmentally Friendly Painting Processes

pump, for instance, has been optimised to dramatically reduce the amount of flushing

SEHON Innovative Paint Systems offers an

airless, AirCoat and air spray guns. The new

extensive product and service portfolio for

generation of high-speed rotation atomisers

sustainable, environmentally friendly and

for solvent- and water-based coatings plays


efficient painting processes. Customers building new systems or modernising existing ones regularly contract SEHON to futureproof overall operations in terms of energy use and sustainability. As a result, paint shops will need only a fraction of the energy consumed in the past and may even achieve energy self-sufficiency. As CEO Tiemo Sehon notes, “Environmental protection, energy savings and sustainability have been part of our product and corporate philosophy for over 40 years. Even before we receive a contract, we give our customers precise written facts, figures and data showing the positive impact of sustainability measures. This goes well beyond just the theoretical targets. It allows our customers to budget precisely for every planned sustainability investment and maximise the amount of state grants they receive. When it comes to paint system

© Jürgen Rösner/Messe Karlsruhe

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85



GLOBAL INDUSTRIE – The Meeting Place for the Whole Industrial Ecosystem The GLOBAL INDUSTRIE exhibition will take place from March 25th to 28th, 2024 in Paris Nord Villepinte, France.


s a symbol of reindustrialization, GLOBAL INDUSTRIE wishes to

A showcase for French regions and know-how, the event will host 2,300

provide companies with concrete solutions by engaging with

exhibitors, spread across 15 sectors, all of whom can be contacts to

them and bringing together and uniting the whole of industry, its

develop business and create new synergies with investors or suppliers

entire ecosystem, its value chain and its user markets, over a period of

in order to build tomorrow’s industry.

four days. With them, GLOBAL INDUSTRIE will respond to the multiple

Demonstrations and experiments will be at the heart of the biggest

challenges facing industry (the environmental and ecological transition,

factory in France with more than 1,500 machines that will allow visitors

recruitment, social and societal responsibility training, financing, Industry

to understand cutting-edge innovations and industrial processes. This

5.0, etc.) to ensure that France remains a land of investment and

will also be an opportunity for them to identify the trends and signals


that will transform tomorrow’s industry. The GI Awards, for their part, will

GLOBAL INDUSTRIE is a center-stage event taking place under the high

highlight the most innovative discoveries identified among exhibitors.

patronage of the French President Mr. Emmanuel Macron, and echoes

“GLOBAL INDUSTRIE is proud to support the whole industrial community

the various institutional measures taken to promote industry in terms of

in a Paris edition held under the banner of unity, reconquest and setting

carbon reduction, job attractiveness, investment, etc.

up new challenges”, said Sébastien Gillet, Director of Global Industrie.

The importance of this event is also confirmed by the presence of various ministers and elected representatives at the 2024 edition.


In addition, this sixth edition will benefit from the renewed presidency of

 2,300 exhibitors covering the whole of industry

Nicolas Dufourcq, CEO of Bpifrance.

 100,000 m² of exhibition space

“We have never seen such an upsurge in industrial projects. That is

 1,500 machines in operation

why GLOBAL INDUSTRIE, of which I have agreed to be President, is

 40,000 visitors expected.

fundamentally important. Because it is the event where meetings that change the life of companies take place”, affirmed Nicolas Dufourcq,

For further information:

CEO of Bpifrance and President of Global Industrie 2024.




N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


Under the patronage of Mr. Emmanuel MACRON President of France


The essential event for the whole industrial ecosystem in FRANCE!







Record Number of Attendance at the paintistanbul&Turkcoat Congress The 9th International paintistanbul & Turkcoat Congress and Exhibition, organised by the Association of Paint Industry (Bosad) and Chem Media from 5th to 6th December 2023, broke an attendance record: 1,425 visitors.


he paintistanbul&Turkcoat Congress has successfully concluded

manufacturers, raw material suppliers and officials from universities,

after two intense days of debates, panels, presentations and

institutes and research centres to discuss sustainability criteria.

speeches at the Green Park Pendik Hotel & Convention Centre in

Bahçıvan also congratulated Bosad and its board of directors for hosting

Istanbul (Turkey). Gaining a great interest from the first day, the event

this organisation.

welcomed the leading companies of the paints and coatings industry as

The first day then started with a keynote speech held by Mustafa

well as senior executives, experts and academics for two days from 5

Tunçgenç from Eva Consultancy in Training and Research on the history


to 6th December 2023.

and the present of the Turkish paints and coatings industry. Paint and

The congress – which set out with the motto ‘Towards a Smarter and

chemical industry professionals followed the sessions, presentations

Sustainable Future’ – hosted presentations and speeches on topics

and speeches with great interest. Participants and visitors also had

such as innovation, sustainability, functionality, digitalisation, artificial

the opportunity to examine the fifty poster papers exhibited in the

intelligence and other themes that will carry the industry forward.

presentation area.

Organised in two halls as Turkcoat and paintistanbul, the

The second day of the programme, which was extremely rich of sessions

programme included five keynote speeches, twelve sessions, four

and presentations, also included a panel discussion moderated by

commercial presentations and one panel discussion. In his opening

Hasan Şerefhan, the Technical Factory Director of DYO Construction

speech, Erdal Bahçıvan, the president of İSO, emphasised that

Paints and including leading executives and experts from the industry

the necessity of sustainable production has increased even more

who evaluated the future of the paint industry in all aspects.

due to the climate crisis and drew attention to the importance

Providing information about the current volume of the global paint

of the paintistanbul&Turkcoat Congress bringing together paint

market, Şerefhan emphasised that the Turkish paint industry, with its

© paintistanbul&Turkcoat


N. 85 - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - international PAINT&COATING magazine


production quality at international standards, deserves to receive much

the Fair and Congress Working Group, said: “We can list the objectives of

more than the 2% share it currently receives in the global paint market.

our congress, which has a truly international identity, as making Turkey

Şerefhan stated that it is the duty of the paint industry actors to increase

the centre of paint technologies in our region, developing cooperation

this share.

between universities, industry and other related organisations, leading

Visitors and speakers extremely satisfied

the development of the paint industry by creating a platform where the latest technology, trends and regulations are discussed and followed,

Adil Pelister, Vice President of TİM and President of İKMİB, pointed out

and contributing to the awareness and integrity of our industry by

that the main themes of the congress, namely innovation, sustainability,

organising a fair one year and a congress one year. Dear friends,

functionality, digitalisation and artificial intelligence, are important

the importance and potential of our industry, which operates at the

enough to affect and even shape the future of not only the paint

intersection of Europe - Asia - Africa, will increase even more with the

industry, but also the chemical industry in particular and the economy of

right strategies in the coming years. The international congress and

our country in general.

exhibition cycle that complement each other will undoubtedly be one of

Kenan Baytaş, Chairman of the Board of Directors of BOSAD, expressed

the most important cornerstones of this development.”

his pleasure at reconnecting in person at the congress following the

Cengiz Yaman, Founder and CEO of Artkim Group, the organising

pandemic: “Dear guests, our share in the world paint industry market

company of the congress, stated that they are proud to take part in such

of 192 billion dollars is two percent. With a total volume of 1 million

a scientific congress in the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey:

tons, our Turkish Paint Industry has the power to maintain its place in

“paintistanbul&Turkcoat Congress aims to shape the future of the

the world under all circumstances. We are trying to elevate our industry

industry with topics such as innovation, sustainability and functionality.

to greater heights by working together with patience and dedication.

In today’s world where the agenda and technologies are advancing at a

With your valuable participation today, we are opening our international

dizzying pace, I think it will be highly beneficial for the industry to come

congress, which is the first part of our congress and fair project and one

together with such comprehensive events annually.”

of the largest scale works of Bosad. Our fair will take place at Istanbul Expo Center between May 8-10. On this special occasion, we extend a warm welcome to you to join us at our fair.”

For further information:

In his speech, Hakan Ünel, Vice President of BOSAD and Chairman of


© paintistanbul&Turkcoat

international PAINT&COATING magazine - JANUARY/FEBRUARY 2024 - N. 85


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EDITORIAL BOARD Prof. Massimiliano Bestetti:

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Section of Applied Chemistry and Physics

Prof. Paolo Gronchi:

Department of Chemistry, Material and Chemical Engineering, Politecnico of Milan – Chemical Engineering Section

Prof. Stefano Rossi:

Material Engineering and Industrial Technologies, University of Trento - Product Design

Dr. Fulvio Zocco:

Environment and quality

Kevin Biller:

ChemQuest Powder Coating Research


The smart journal for surface treatments


Distributed at PaintExpo


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The smart journal for surface treatments

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