Jerusalem-Belfast Forum
Application Form Jerusalem and Belfast are both affected by an inflammatory conflict with ethno-national, religious, and territorial dimensions. This conflict has affected local residents’ daily lives and impacted the political sphere at the national level. However, while the future of Jerusalem is uncertain, Belfast reached a settlement almost two decades ago, that, although didn’t solve the conflict, has transformed the situation to one of stability and dignity that enable that sustainable management of the city. This program aims to deliver lessons from other cases of divided cities, with a special focus on the Belfast experience, to local activists in Jerusalem. Though it does not carry the ambition of conflict resolution, this initiative could equip activists from both sides with the knowledge and tools needed to reach a consensus. The program aims not only to benefit the participants but also the population of Jerusalem at large. Indeed, as all participants are politically active Jerusalemites, with equal numbers from the East and the West, it is expected that this experience will engender a local inter-community partnership that will enhance mutual respect, encourage social diversity and dialogue, and inspire creative, cooperative approaches to addressing the problems in the city. This group will meet for four meetings throughout March-May, 2017, followed by a four-day trip to Belfast between May 13thand 16th, 2017. This trip will expose the participants to the city of Belfast and to local lessons on conflict transformation. After the trip, there will be concluding activities aimed at analyzing similarities and differences between the two cases and identifying takeaways that may be useful in the Jerusalem context, while creating a network of activists between Jerusalem and Belfast. Eligibility We are looking for socially active residents of Jerusalem, which demonstrated their commitment for improving the reality around them and are curious to learn from other experiences. As the program will be conducted mostly in English, the applicants should be proficient in communicating in this language.
How to apply? Please send us your CV and the application form to no later than February 18 th, 2017. Our selection committee will review all applications and will invite those most suited to a personal interview.
Section 1 – Personal Information Full Name Mobile number Email address Date and place of birth Place of residence Nationality Gender
Jerusalem-Belfast Forum
Family status (single/married/children) Education level Main area of study English proficiency
Poor/fair/good/very good/fluent/native
Section 2 – Professional Information Current job title: Please describe your responsibilities:
What public issues or problems are you passionate about? How have you worked to address them?
Section 3 – Relevance to Program What interests you about IPCRI’s Jerusalem-Belfast Forum? What do you hope to gain from it?
What are the most urgent or important issues for the communities that you serve? Of these issues, what would you like to focus on through the Program?
Jerusalem-Belfast Forum
Have you, in your profession, worked together with organizations from the other national group? If so, please describe the circumstances.
Section 4 – Commitment Program requirements: 4 workshops in March through May Attending the 4-day study-tour to Northern Ireland (May). 2 workshops/forums after trip In average - 3 hours preparation at home between meetings Participation fee of 100 USD for partially covering the expenses of the trip. If I am accepted into this program, I will commit to attending all required sessions including the trip. Signature (full name) Date .
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. We will contact you within 2 weeks.