Corporate Profile iPermits Group, P.S.C.
Professional Engineering Services
Content About Us Company History Our Guides Mission & VIsion Our Primary Services
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Our Team Our Associates
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• Issuance of Permits and Fire Prevention and Environmental Health Certifications • Permitting Processes Consulting • Project Management in the Permits Area • Construction Inspections • Seminars in the Permits Area
iPermits About Us
iPermits Group, P.S.C. founded in 2012, is a professional corporation registered in the State Department of Puerto Rico. It specializes in the area of planning, consulting, project management, and permitting. The company was recently created, but its partners incorporate their experience, commitment, initiative and leadership. It is focused on experience and total customer satisfaction. We believe that our customers not only seek engineering services, but they need solutions and results. Our commitment is to exceed the expectations of our clients, saving time and money by planned results that are accurate and fast. Our partners will be part of your team to achieve the goals and meet established plans. The result of our work will establish strong business relationships that will benefit both parties.
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Company History
For the past 15 years, iPermits Group, P.S.C. has benefited from the experience and expertise of its partners to define and implement planning and permitting processes that are accurate, flexible and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, for the successful development of the construction projects and the development of small and medium enterprises. We are proud to contribute to the development of hundreds of projects at competitive fees that allow payback for our customers at the shortest possible time.
Commitment first. Question everything, but respectfully.
The more ideas, the better. Invent.
No relationships, no clients.
Our Guides
A good work is not enough.
Our clients, our priority.
Develop ideas for our clients, not for our personal use.
Help build businesses wi th our service and innov ation, creating successfu relationships with our l clients through the pe rmitting process. Our commitment is to develop lasting business relation ships, gaining their trust through the execution of each member of our team.
Being recognized as the best firm in the ar ea of permitting, plan professional services ning and helping entrepreneurs open their businesse and public entities to s, private develop their projects and infrastructure deve lopments.
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Issuance of Permits and Certifications (Open Your Business) iPermits Group, PSC recognizes the importance of agility and certainty of permits especially for small and medium enterprises. The firm has Authorized Professionals that are accredited by the Office of the Permits Inspector General. This Licensed Professional was created by Act 161 of December 1, 2009, known as The Permit Process Reform in Puerto Rico. The law empowers the Authorized Professional to issue Ministerial Permits and Certifications such as: • Construction Permits • Construction Permits for Remodeling • Ministerial Use Permits • Urban Development Permits via exception • Environmental Health Certifications • Fire Prevention Certifications • Determination of Environmental Compliance via Categorical Exclusion We issue Use Permits, Fire Prevention Certifications and Environmental Health Certifications for commercial businesses, proposed in Malls, Commercial Buildings, Medical Offices, among others. Our permits and certifications evaluations are at least three (3) times faster compared to the same applications submitted directly to the Government Agencies.
Permit Process Consulting
Construction InspectionS
Our associates have experience in the permitting processes and offer consulting services to Municipalities, Agencies and private companies. We submit different paperwork before the Office of Permits Management and the different Autonomous Municipalities with Permitting Offices.
Our team will ensure full compliance with the terms of the contract for the construction of the project, document and archive all information concerning the project and oversee that the works are performed according to the construction drawings and specifications.
Project Management in the Permits Area iPermits Group, P.S.C. have highly experienced partners in the permits area, so we set the strategy and coordination with all professionals, engineers, architects, designers and inspectors for processing the permit applications, final determinations and/or certifications of the project. In addition, we identify all relevant procedures and requirements and coordinate with Governmental Entities to be in compliance with laws and regulations, so the final permits are accurate, meaning savings in time and money for our clients.
Seminars in the Permits Area We offer seminars in the area of processes, regulations, laws and filing applications for permits as subcontractors by Corporations, Government Entities and/ or Organizations.
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Our team consists of experienced professionals in the construction industry and engineering with specialization in the area of planning, permits and project management. Our professionals have experience in the public and private sector, holding executive positions in both.
Eng. Héctor Rodríguez President & Managing Partner iPermits Group P.S.C.
Eng. Rodríguez directs customer relationships and the continued growth of the firm, and the Department of Consulting and Permitting procedures and Licensed Professional Services. His experience in public administration is in the Permits area occupying executive positions. He was the last Sub-Administrator of the former Administration of Permits and Regulations (ARPE) and the first Assistant Executive Director of the Permits Management Office (OGPe). Under the direction of the Executive Director, he was in charge of the daily operations of the Agency, and the implementation of processes and procedures of the new Agency, including functional designs, online application used to file all applications for the Agency. He participated in team training for industry professionals on New Processes and Regulations in the Permits Area. He also directed the Municipal Affairs Committee whose purpose was to harmonize the processes between the Permits Management Office and the Autonomous Municipalities with Permits Offices. He was in charge of the Building Codes Committee who worked on the revision of the New Building Codes Family from the International Code Council and adopted the 2009 Puerto Rico Building Code. In ARPe, he was in charge of the discretionary evaluation procedures at the Service Center in San Juan and was Regional Director of Aguadilla and Arecibo. He was President of the firm Planos600 Engineers, Inc., he worked for Hewlett Packard and was a professor at the Inter American University, Aguadilla Campus.
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Eng. Deborah Espada Project Engineer
Eng. Glorymar Cortés Senior Manager
Glorymar Cortés has a BA in Political Science and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus. She also has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from the Metropolitan University in Aguadilla. Engineer Cortés worked in the construction industry for seven (7) years as vice-president and project engineer, where she managed public and private projects up to $4 million. She was responsible for all operational, strategic and financial aspects of the company. For each project, she managed the budget, schedule and the relationship between all parties involved in them. She was in charge of subcontractors, project managers, field staff and administrative staff. Engineer Cortés directed the Planning Office of the Municipality of Moca in 2009. She advised the Mayor on issues of planning, strategic development, cost and financial analysis and different permitting aspects. She was in charge of the evaluation of all requests from developers for new projects in the Municipality. She was responsible for the management of all infrastructure projects, including the implementation of energy efficiency initiatives to them. Cortés was designated as a contact person between the Municipal Office of Federal Programs for submitting proposals and implementing funding received through the “American Recovery and Reinvestment Act” (ARRA). Until May 2012, Cortés worked for the Permits Management Office as Permits Manager of the Arecibo Region.
Engineer Deborah Espada earned her BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus in 2005. She began her work experience in Planos600, Inc. in 2005, where she had the opportunity to work on various special assignments. She worked for a period of one year as a contractor for ICS Celtec, supervising the design team and the preparation of shop drawings for the manufacture of pre-cast concrete. Then, for two years, she worked as part of the design and inspection team for the restoration of the Bumble Bee Factory. She was a professor at the Inter American University of Aguadilla, from 2007 to 2009. During 2012, she worked providing professional services to several engineers, processing and filing permits in different government agencies.
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Among the different projects and experience of our partners, we can include: • Municipality of Moca • Municipality of San Sebastián • Municipality of Aguadilla • Permits Management Office - San Juan, PR • Administration of Permit RegulationsSan Juan, PR • Hewlett Packard Caribbean, Inc. - Aguadilla, PR • Infotech Aerospace Sevices - Isabela, PR • Celestica, Inc. - Aguadilla PR
• Planos600, Inc. - Moca, PR • Bumble Bee Foods, LLC. - Mayaguez, PR • Hermanos Vassallo, Corp. - Ponce, PR • Inter American University of PR - Aguadilla PR • Best Homes and More, Corp. • U.S. Navy - Isabela, Aguada and Salinas, PR • Residential, Commercial, Institutional and Retrofitting Projects, among others.
Nº 01
Planificar la construcción de su hogar
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El propósito de un
Determinando el costos
(939) 940-0600
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