2 minute read
Christmas is the perfect opportunity to get the family together for a round of exciting and fun-filled games! We believe that Christmas games (especially due to smaller groups this year) will be a great way to celebrate having our intimate family safe and close. Even for those of us who can’t see everyone we had wished to, participating in games over Zoom, FaceTime or Hangouts can be a close second!
Many of us know Christmas as a period of family time that often involves the majority of your family sat around the table eating snacks and playing board games (often with more than one sore loser!). That’s why we’ve come up with some games that aren’t all about the competition!
This DIY is a great way to get the whole family involved in a festive movie marathon whilst subtly competing for the Bingo King or Queen title! To make this even more challenging, have your family come together on Christmas Eve to design the Bingo sheets before so it can be tailored to whichever Christmas film is your favourite.
Some of our favourite Bingo sheet ideas include ‘female character wearing red or fur jacket’, ‘character returns to hometown’ and ‘high school sweethearts’. If your Christmas this year is spent with adults – consider making this a festive drinking game with a sip for every item crossed off!
For an easy and edible game to play with your family at home, try competing for the best gingerbread house with all the decorations. It might be wise for those of you with children to put yourselves into teams to prevent a mass of mess.
This is the perfect family game to play in the morning where you can use them as a decoration throughout the day and eat them during the evening!
There are so may activities we can participate in even if we don’t get to see our loved ones this Christmas. Virtual games and parties aren’t quite as good as the real thing but they’re definitely a close second! Try organising a festive quiz with your family where every player writes a round of questions for a given theme. These could be about Christmas music, movies or general knowledge.
Charades is a is also a fun idea to try out with family, friends or colleagues online and can involve drinking or treats for participants to make it extra special and festive! Each player can take a turn and can be put into teams depending on who’s there.
If your Christmas routine often includes walking with the family – consider turning this into a fun scavenger hunt that involves picking up some interesting finds that you can use to decorate your home for that warm and rustic feel!
This isn’t just a fun activity for children, people of all ages can enjoy this and use it as motivation to brace to cold wintery weather.