1 minute read
Make a Winter Wish
Baking with your family around the Christmastime is a tradition in a lot of houses all over the UK, and we have got a top-notch recipe from multi award winning cake maker Sugar Bowl Bakes to make your biscuits even more special this year.
Gingerbread is a fun activity for the whole family. The team at Sugar Bowl Bakes have recently filmed a bake-along tutorial to give you expert tips, so you can make the best biscuits possible this year!
Lottie, daughter of Head Baker Anna, came up with the delightful idea to sell the tutorial for £1.50, and all the money raised will go to a Springbank Community Group Cheltenham who have been doing some truly inspirational work throughout the pandemic and have help 100’s of families each day with their delivery service, and more recently their food pantry which is run entirely on donations and volunteers. So not only do you get an excellent recipe, but you are also able to spread a little Christmas joy for those struggling in these difficult times.
Home and Garden Lifestyle are lucky enough to have be given a sneak peek at the recipe which we have include in full on the next page so you are able to get started and give these cookies ago, but if you would like a little extra help with your baking you can access to the tutorial by getting in touch with Anna at Sugar Bowl Bakes. This is an excellent idea from Lottie, and we are looking forward to getting messy in the kitchen this Christmas.
If you wanted to support Lottie please follow this link to support Springbank Community Food Bank https://uk.gofundme.com/f/springbank-community-food-bank
The Recipe: