Electronics Journal | 06 - November 2022

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4 FunDaMEntal tHErMoElEctric tEcHnoloGY PatEnt GrantED to DtP tHErMoElEctrics

5 DFi anD aEWin PartnEr to EMPoWEr soFtWarE VirtualiZation tEcHnoloGY tHrouGH aMD PlatForM ultra sMall ProDucts

6 HMs nEtWorKs EXPanDs ranGE oF HiGH-PErForMancE anYBus GatEWaYs

8 cHallEnGinG EconoMic HEaDWinDs Put EQuiPMEnt inVEstMEnt stratEGiEs to tHE tEst

10 MoXa launcHEs inDustrial intrusion PrEVEntion sYstEMs on its all in onE sEcurE routErs to ProtEct critical inFrastructurE

12 sEco aiMs to EnHancE tHE saFEtY ParaMEtErs BY 20% WitH a nEW stratEGY in PlacE


18 aMPHEnol socaPEX’s MPo FiElD tV connEctor BrinGs roBust & HiGH DEnsitY solution For oPtical linKs in HarsH EnVironMEnt aPPlications

19 ElEctro rEnt BrinGs onlinE PurcHasinG to tHE cErtiFiED PrE-oWnED (CPO) TEST EQUIPMENT



20 EMErson’s nEW ValVEs For HYDroGEn FuElinG stations EnsurE MaintEnancE saFEtY, MiniMiZEs lEaKs


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Electronics Journal is a leading engineering media. it features technology trends articles as well as news about the latest innovation in Electronics: iot, telecommunications, connectors, electronic components, semiconductors and manufacturing.

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in t H is issu E… electronics


First-of-its-kind system enables a new class of solid-state thermal management systems that is currently only possible with bulkier, mechanical alternatives.

Dt P t hermoelectrics has been awarded a patent that opens the door for solid-state deep cooling thermal management. t he patent is based on theoretical and analytical models that have been validated through the fabrication and characterization of thermoelectric devices that use Distributed transport Properties (DtP) thermoelectric materials.

sample tests, using standard protocols, demonstrate significant increases in maximum cooling temperature, efficiency ( co P) and cooling power, confirming that Dt P devices can cool to lower temperatures, improving performance and functionality. u ntil now, these capabilities were only possible using much larger and heavier mechanical cooling systems.

“ t here is no better performing thermoelectric material system than what we have fabricated with our DtP technology,” says Dr. lon E. Bell, President and c E o . “ t his mass-producible, proprietary technology increases cooling capacity at efficiencies greater than what is possible with other thermoelectric devices. D t P technology has the potential to improve cooling and thermal management system performance and cost effectiveness in lidar, infrared sensors, electronics, cold chain storage, medical devices, battery thermal management and vision systems.”

“our technology has been partially enabled by recent advances in semiconductor material manufacturing,” says Dr. Douglas c rane, c hief technology o fficer. “ using both modifications to available thermoelectric materials and advanced manufacturing technology, we can generate precise performance outputs.

By starting with our higher efficiency thermoelectric systems and controlling the relationship between power density and coP that DtP technology enables, we can tailor performance to specific applications.”

the patent for “thermoelectric systems Employing Distributed transport Properties to increase cooling and Heating Performance” (number 11,421,919 by the united states Patent and trademark o ffice) covers Dt P technology and its ability to increase cooling and heating performance in solid-state heat pumps. Details of the patent are found here.


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DFI, the world’s leading brand in embedded motherboards and industrial computers, was invited to participate in “AMD Datacenter Solutions Day” in September.

Based on the theme of highperformance computing (HPc). as the first in the world to launch the smallest industrial motherboard equipped with aMD products, DFi partnered with its subsidiary, aEWin, to present their star products and share how ultra-small products can help the trend of software virtualization technologies in the forum. We hope to optimize the development of diverse services in iot applications.

aMD invited industry giants to the event to discuss the future of high-performance computing and conduct in-depth discussions with their partners related to high-performance computing, cloud computing, and ai. DFi was a speaker in the digital learning ai session during the event. We shared our views on softwaredefined i ot and explained the role of ultra-small products in the application environment.

DFi stated that as cloud services continue to develop, the mainstream technology of modern data centers, containerization, has been extended to iot edge devices and has driven the integration of edge computing workloads. u ltra-small products can create several virtual platforms and integrate applications through the software. i n addition to optimizing operations, it can also reduce the cost of connecting to the cloud and improve yield and efficiency.

Due to the high-performance computing power of aMD cPus, the DFi ultra-small products on display in the booth, GHF51 and E c 90 a -GH fan-less embedded systems, and the a EW in sc B-1937 c edge server, designed for intelligent applications, can reduce infrastructure requirements and optimize existing resources. they can also provide a highly flexible and scalable platform to meet different workload needs, simplifying the complexities of industrial automation.

Factory automation, in-vehicle applications, and smart healthcare are the three main focuses of DFi under the wave of new infrastructure projects, DFi will collaborate with iot and automation partners to help companies overcome the challenges of virtualization, containerization, microservices, edge computing, hybrid cloud management, heterogeneous it environments, and artificial intelligence. DFi hopes to become “the best partner for corporate intelligent ot ” and will continue to innovate and develop innovative technologies with

aMD for the future of high-performance computing. We will enhance software virtualization technologies through ultrasmall products to meet corporate needs.


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New Anybus® Communicator™ gateways enable fast and simple communication between industrial networks for improved operational performance.

HM s n etworks now expands its second-generation a nybus c ommunicator range of highperformance gateways, enabling more and faster data to be transferred across networks in industrial applications. t hirteen new versions for data connectivity between Ether cat , Ether n et/ i P, Modbus tc P, P ro F i B us , and ProFinEt make it simple for users to connect between different control systems, remove automation islands and maximize operational performance.

Proven and fast communication using Anybus NP40 technology

t he award-winning a nybus n P40 industrial network processor ensures that the communicators meet demanding requirements in terms of industrial performance, reliability, and security. Featuring new hardware and software, the gateways enable instant data transfer – up to 10 times faster than their predecessors. users can also exchange significantly more data between the networks as the gateways transfer up to 1 500 bytes to and from connected Plcs.

Robust and secure communication

Built using carefully selected industrial components and verified against the cE and ul industry standards, the gateways are designed to handle harsh industrial environments.

to protect users from cyberattacks, the gateways have an onboard physical security switch that prevents unauthorized configuration changes and secure boot functionality to resist attacks and infections from malware.

Fast installation and intuitive configuration

Fast installation and configuration procedures are guaranteed thanks to an optimized housing design, an intuitive Gui, and easy-to-understand documentation.

i nstallation is simplified thanks to the compact gateway design with forwardfacing ports and Din-rail mounting, which enables gateway installation close to connected devices, reducing the amount of needed wiring.

users can configure the gateways using drag-and-drop functionality in the webbased G ui , which is accessible via a dedicated Ethernet port on the gateways. in the Gui, users can also monitor network traffic and diagnose issues before they become problems.

Hands-on assistance is also available, as a Qr code in the Gui provides a step-bystep installation and configuration guide.

“We are very excited to release these c ommunicators, our most advanced range of gateways,” explains Fredrik Brynolf, Product Manager for a nybus gateways at HM s n etworks. “ t he communicators are reliable, powerful, and secure. on top of this, they offer a new level of user-friendliness thanks to the optimized design and the intuitive Gui all this makes the communicators excellent choices for anyone looking to connect data between industrial networks. the communicators make it simple to connect Plcs, remove automation islands, and maximize operational performance.”

a nybus c ommunicators are available off the shelf as stand-alone ready-toinstall units. users can personalize the communicators to meet oEM and brand labeling requirements. the gateways can also be pre-configured and locked to be used as tightly integrated communication components of an automation device or a machine.

https://www.anybus.com/products/ gateway-index/anybus-communicator

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06 - Electronics Journal - noVEMBEr 2022 7 HMs inDustrial nEtWorKs


Electro Rent outlines how companies can combat the impacts of the current economic challenges and mitigate risks set out in several recent reports from prominent industry commentators. In light of current economic conditions predicted by numerous recent reports, electronic test equipment specialist Electro Rent has advice for any companies looking to mitigate this financial pressure when sourcing the equipment they need.

The argument in favour of test equipment rental is already compelling and growing in favour across the industry spectrum, but in uncertain economic times, there arises even more need to replace legacy-based purchasing strategies with a smarter way forward.

With economic headwinds driven by factors such as higher costs, inflation and geopolitical uncertainty, the Eu’s recent forecast report outlines the potential impact on new investment: “Heightened uncertainty around the unfolding of the geopolitical situation and its impact on the demand outlook are set to weigh on companies’ investment decisions and delay the realisation of investment plans.”

a May 2022report by Deloitte insights already warned that “the negative effect is particularly pronounced for companies’ operating margins, which are under pressure from a higher cost base due to rising energy and commodity prices”. in June 2022, the oEcD’s Economic outlook said that growth is set to be markedly weaker than expected in almost all economies. Many of the hardest-hit countries are in Europe, which is highly exposed to current market challenges, including the impacts of the energy crisis and inflation. all of this could impact on accessing the electronic test equipment that companies require, on time and on budget.

More and more companies are therefore turning to rental test equipment as a costeffective yet reliable means of meeting the requirements of budget-conscious, lead-time restricted projects. renting not only provides immediate access to the latest test equipment technologies from all major brands, but it also keeps projects on track and avoids the typical risks associated with capital expenditure, such as a large hit to balance sheet liquidity, asset depreciation and slow returnon-investment. r enting also allows companies to easily ramp up and down in line with demand. Moreover, those renting can change their test equipment whenever necessary, providing the flexibility to support an ever-evolving industrial and economic landscape.

Electro rent has extensive experience in advising customers on solutions that

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help them navigate different financial situations in a safe and effective way. Based on over half a century of managing test equipment investments - amid a broad spread of economic trading conditions - the company knows how to supply this equipment in a flexible manner, minimising the potential consequences of an economic downturn and keeping test schedules going without the need for capital investment.

“the key is maintaining business agility and ensuring sufficient flexibility to deal with fluctuating economic conditions,” explains George a cris, Vice President Marketing EMEa at Electro rent. “Highend electronic test equipment is available that many are not even aware can be procured on a rental basis. For example, by using Electro rent, customers can deploy the latest spectrum or network

analyser for a high-frequency test just for the period required. no more, no less.”

companies can achieve this ambition simply by paying as they go from their operating budget. as a point of note, it is possible to rent equipment of this type for periods as short as one week. Moreover, the equipment is available immediately, which is a huge advantage in the current climate of long lead times, avoiding any frustrating project delays that can derail product launch dates.

“Many companies in defence and electronic goods development, as well as those in telecom installation and maintenance, for example, are already using this concept effectively and saving an average of 25% on their equipment costs while being able to deploy as needed,” says acris. “this strategy is a

proven way of keeping pace with the latest test equipment technologies, retaining total flexibility to adapt and react in line with economic uncertainty.”

Evidence is building from expert commentators that economic challenges continue to lay ahead for some time to come, so now has never been a better time for companies to look again at how they procure equipment. Electro rent has some very effective options available to help mitigate any challenges that the economy may present moving forward.

https://www.electrorent.com/uk/ services/lease-and-finance

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Moxa is excited to launch industrial intrusion detection/prevention systems (IDS/IPS) on its alongside the MXsecurity industrial security management software, expanding its product portfolio with advanced cybersecurity and purpose-built management solutions. The EDR-G9010 Series is an all-in-one secure router with firewall/NAT/VPN/switch functionality.


The addition of i D s / i P s turns the ED r -G9010 s eries into an industrial next-generation firewall, equipped with threat detection and prevention capabilities to further protect critical infrastructure from cybersecurity attacks. Meanwhile, MXsecurity is a tailor-made security management suite that provides real-time visibility of cyberthreats and allows users to centrally manage ED r -G9010 s eries secure routers in the field.

s ince their launch in 2021, the EDr-G9010 series secure routers have helped built a robust, first-line network defense for industrial automation and control systems (iacs) in multiple industrial sectors such as energy and intelligent transportation systems. However, recent cybersecurity incidents have shown that industrial organizations are still struggling to fully mitigate risks due to difficulties upgrading and safeguarding their facility’s industrial network. t herefore, organizations are looking for purpose-built cybersecurity solutions for industrial environments that are designed with industrial engineers in mind. the EDr-G9010 series all-in-one secure routers and MXsecurity industrial security management suite provide the answer.

“committed to building secure networks and protecting our customers’ industrial operations, Moxa unites networking and industrial cybersecurity to create defense-in-depth protection. to achieve this, we leverage the EDr-G9010 series’ robust perimeter protection and its advanced iPs threat intelligence powered by Moxa’s tailor-made ot deep packet inspection platform.” says Kevin Huang, Product Manager at Moxa networking. “a lthough, we noticed that, while our customers understand the importance of cybersecurity, they often encounter challenges when deploying and operating cybersecurity measures in the field. We believe MXsecurity can help our customers streamline network security management by visualizing cybersecurity threats in real-time while simultaneously reduce operating costs.”

these solutions are built for reliability and end-to-end connectivity to create durable, high-performance industrial networks. With support for virtual patching, the ED r-G9010 s eries also helps protect legacy systems from vulnerabilities, giving industrial engineers more time and flexibility to keep industrial operations up and running. Moxa’s solutions enhance visibility with centralized management, mass deployment, and real-time monitoring to help users create a secure and efficient industrial networking environment.

EDR-G9010 Series Industrial Secure


• i ndustrial intrusion detection/ prevention systems (iPs/iDs) to further protect critical industrial infrastructure

• a ll-in-one firewall/ nat/VP n /router/ switch to increase network deployment flexibility and enable secure remote access

• 8 copper GbE and 2 s FP GbE ports for high-bandwidth, long-distance communications

• s upports V rr P and turbo r ing for routing and switching redundancy to optimize availability

• Deep Packet inspection (DPi) for Modbus tcP/uDP, DnP3, iEc 60870-5-104, and iEc 61850 MMs traffic filtering

MXsecurity Industrial Security Management Suite

• c entralized management and monitoring of ED r -G9010 s eries devices for better administration and maintenance

• u nified mass deployment of firewall policies, firmware upgrades, and signature updates

• complete visibility showing real-time network activity and instant threat alerts

• automatically collects security logs and sends notifications

For more information about the ED r-G9010 s eries, visit the product page or the microsite https://youtu.be/X0u2fRswgnk

06 - Electronics Journal - noVEMBEr 2022 11 MoXa


With the utmost employee safety, health and wellbeing in mind, Seco Tools has initiated a far-reaching safety strategy that involves both yearly and long-term goals extending out to the year 2030. With this long-term planning and continuous improvement approach, the company will significantly lower lost time injury frequency rates as compared to results achieved through typical industry safety programs that focus solely on yearly achievements.

Typical injuries in the manufacturing environment are often those involving hands and fingers, and these injuries can happen to everyone from facilities personnel to machine operators. For its safety strategy, seco set the long-term goals of lost time injury frequency rate (ltiFr) at 1.1 by 2022 and 0.8 by 2030. its total recordable injury frequency rate ( tri F r ) goal is 2.0 for 2022 and 1.6 or lower for 2030.

An umbrella approach to safety seco began planning its safety program last year, taking an umbrella approach. i n doing so, the company focuses on analytics and evaluates not only where key performance indicators (KPis) such as workplace hazards, injury frequency rates and the like lag, but also where leading indicators relate to the correlation between activities and results.

t he s eco umbrella approach is a company-wide global strategy and one in which s eco establishes targets and objectives and communicates those to all its local sites. t his ensures that all sites have access to the necessary data for them to conduct proper assessments then identify and close any existing gaps.

New incident reporting tool

For its long-term strategy, seco adopted the incident reporting tool EH s 360 to delve deeper into causes of safety issues and how they are investigated. to accomplish that, the biggest change in that system is a reduction from 130 root and immediate incident causes to 15 causal factors. the company also added a “5 Why” approach to the system that more accurately identifies root causes,

which in some instances are not a single cause, but multiple causes.

i n slimming down the causes, s eco is able to group them for more accurate analysis – tracking these causes over a longer period of time to identify potential trends and improve investigative results. seco can then take the proper actions to correct the causes and minimize the risk of the same or similar incident happening again in the future.

“When you are working to improve safety, one year is too short. Effective analysis takes a lot of time, so we need more time to analyze the data, to target the

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gaps we find, to create collaboration and to improve,” explained lowe Hjort, sMs Health & safety specialist at seco tools. “When it comes to safety, a company always need to have a long-time vision. that’s why we introduced not only yearly goals, but long-term goals as well.”

Adapt and improve

Employee safety is an ongoing commitment at seco where the company continues to adapt to changing conditions and to identify solutions and activities to address and improve these varying conditions. the ultimate goal is a safer workplace, which the company will achieve through collaboration and the

sharing of knowledge as well as setting and achieving ambitious safety goals.


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When it comes to miniaturization, the ideal partner is the leading 3D-MID supplier HARTING. The company is located in the innovative heart of the Swiss watch industry in Biel, which is also a growing hub for medical device technologies. This location was chosen with care, because in this region people have grown up in a world of micromechanics - generation after generation.

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Japanese corporation Yaskawa coined the term “mechatronics” in 1969 by combining “mechanical” and “electronics”. s ince then, steady developments in technology—notably at drives systems and wireless connectivity—have significantly expanded its usage.

today, medical devices are a major focus of mechatronics. one of its breakthrough innovations are Mechatronic integrated Devices (3D-MiD). it’s a technology that allows higher density integration of electronic components into the smallest possible space.

3D-MiD or 3D-circuits, has the potential to transform medical industry as we know it. as medical devices such as hearing aids and dental instruments become smaller and smaller, the manufacture of their most important elements - traditionally printed circuit boards (PcB’s with wires and other electrical parts) require much more delicacy and precision.

High-end miniaturization is facilitated by 3D-circuits: a fantastic combination of mechanical and electronic integration.

this article breaks down everything you need to know about 3D-MiD technology, its many benefits, and its applications in the medical device industry.

All About 3D-MID Technology

H artin G’s 3D- c ircuits technology makes it possible to combine mechanical and electronic functions into a single component to fit into the smallest spaces.

the electronic circuit can be built into the device itself, making it more compact and functionally dense. By using injectionmolded circuit boards, the number of process steps, assembly times, and parts can all be drastically cut down.

3D-M i D technology has become incredibly useful in many industries, especially so in the world of medical devices, where it drives miniaturization.

How 3D-MID Technology works

Device designers can go above and beyond the limits of traditional manufacturing with the help of 3D-circuits. the sky’s the limit when electrical and mechanical functions can be unified in a single threedimensional component.

t hese components are constructed using very malleable bits of plastic through injection molding. this process makes it possible to create anything with precise measurements according to the requirements laid down by final customer usage.

i njection molding is perfect for mass production of products with complex geometries and in miniature sizes, such as the components of high-end medical devices. a process called laser direct structuring ( l D s ), developed by l PKF l aser & Electronics in 1996, can then draw the needed electrical trace layout to these components, which will be made conductive in a subsequent chemical plating process. a s H artin G unifies all these process steps under one roof, customers benefit from quality “Made in switzerland”.

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By integrating functions and the three-dimensional routing of circuit tracks, the design space for the electronics of hearing aids can be optimally utilised.

This is a substitution for an endoscope. You basically swallow it like a pill which makes way more comfortable than an endoscope.

With 3D-M i D technology, there are virtually no limitations for designers. t his opens up a world of possibilities and potentially huge savings for manufacturers and consumers alike. By combining mechanical and electrical hardware, the design and creation of electronic devices with very complex functions become easier and much more affordable.

Because of its adaptability, mechatronics can be used in an ever-expanding variety of medical applications, ranging from bed positioning systems to robotic surgical equipment.

3D-MID Technology in the Medical Field

i n the last few years, 3D printing has accelerated many advancements in the world of medicine, with millions of people benefiting from components and devices created with ease. and now, 3D-MiD is poised to change the face of medicine forever.

t his technology takes all these advancements one giant step further by using mechatronics to create devices with an even wider range of electronic functions that fit in the smallest of spaces.

Mechatronics allows for the extreme downsizing or miniaturizing of medical applications, enabling examination, sensing, and monitoring from within the patient. With such technology, medical devices can be designed to be much less invasive, leading to a significant improvement in patient care. With its many years of experience - H artin G started its activities in this field in 2003 –the team is familiar with the requirements of the medical market. t he numerous series production projects confirm this. taking large medical machines and devices and putting them into a more compact package is a big part of what 3D-circuits brings to the table. it offers significant improvements to changing how medical devices are used today.

one of the most important benefits of this technology is that it makes these advances possible without sacrificing quality. You may think that shrinking a medical device down would make it less powerful or effective, but with 3D-MiD, that isn’t the case at all.

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JulY 2022

HARTING has realised a microphone carrier in 3D-MID design that precisely aligns the microphones of the hearing aid and at the same time integrates the electrical contact.

By implementing a 3D-MID ring switch in the dental instrument, HARTING was able to significantly improve the ergonomics and weight of the instrument while simultaneously reducing the assembly effort.

i n fact, as 3D- c ircuits continues to grow in popularity, it will only get better, opening up new options for even smaller and more effective medical devices, from hearing aids and implants to surgical and dental instruments.

The Benefits and Uses of 3D-MID Technology Miniaturization is one of the most critical trends in healthcare that affects how mechatronics technology is used. t he development of ever-smaller instruments, devices, and equipment enables less invasive treatment methods, allowing faster recovery times and muchimproved patient care.

t hese micro actuators and miniature sensors also propel the development of small mechatronics systems for the following applications:

• Handheld diagnostics for use at the point of care, including ultrasound and blood testing

• s cientific instruments for flow cytometry, Dna identification, pathogen detection, and Dna sequencing

• Medical imaging using small, precise modules for lens control and laser tuning

• i mplantable devices that can be dynamically adjusted in-place

• Mobile miniature robots

• Micropumps and auto-injectors for drug delivery products

there has also been a shift toward placing a greater emphasis on the convenience and aesthetics of medical technology as well as the level of comfort experienced by a patient. t his is because more treatments are shifting from hospitals to outpatient settings, and today’s discerning customers now expect a more positive experience as a patient.

redesign efforts for medical equipment aim to make them easier and more convenient for patients to use and manage in the long run.

Even conventional hydraulics are being phased out and replaced with mechatronics as the method of choice for controlling motion. Mechatronics systems are much simpler to operate, create less noise, weigh less, and are more compact.

some of the value-added benefits that medical organizations can gain from using mechatronics in place of more conventional manufacturing methods:

• the miniaturization of medical devices

• Development of low-cost disposable gadgets, which has become a pressing requirement

• Device portability

• High levels of accuracy and precision

• improved performance in all aspects

• Design freedom

• Weight reduction

• simplification of products


t he most important developments in mechatronics lead to new technologies that will shape the healthcare of the future so that devices are safer, more portable, and, most importantly, painless.

H artin G’s 3D- c ircuits technology is changing how medical devices are made, especially complex equipment with integrated electronics that must fit into increasingly miniscule spaces.



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Amphenol SOCAPEX’s MPO Field solution enables users to transform a standard MPO patchcord into a robust connector designed to resist the harshest environments.

The MP o patchcord is integrated into a metallic plug based on M il st D-38999 s eries iii , shell size 13 Military connector, to protect it from shocks, dust and fluids. there is no requirement for field termination.

MPo Field tV connector combines high speed and high density of well-known MPo/MtP Fiber optic connectors using Mt ferules, with high resistance of Mil Dtl-38999 series iii Military shells for various harsh environment applications such as high speed embedded network backbones for battleships, armored vehicles or airplanes and trains, datacenters in harsh environments, trackside measuring & inspection systems for trains, high resolution real time video, passenger entertainment…

MPO Field connectors feature:

High Density and speed

• take advantage of the High Data rates and optical density offered through the use standard Fiber optic Mt Ferrules

High Density and Robustness

• t he 12 or 24 fiber channels are integrated into 28 mm diameter 38999 metal shells, with tri thread coupling mechanism

• the solution is iP68 sealed when mated and shocks & vibration resistant

Easy to implement

• no tool or field cabling are required. the solution allows anyone to transform a standard MP o Patch cord or more complex assembly into an harsh environment connector very easily.

check out our assembly video

“this is a great new product range to bring under the amphenol socaPEX product offering in order to respond better to the needs of the market. the MPo Field t V solutions range enlarges our core offering and further defines our footprint in fiber optics applications.” comments Emmanuel lambert, amphenol socaPEX Fiber optics Product Manager.

https://www.amphenol-socapex.com/ en/products/connectors/fiber-optics/ mpo-mtp-field

06 - Electronics Journal - noVEMBEr 2022 18 aMPHEnol


When embracing the new era of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), many system integrators and engineers face the critical challenge of finding a secure and reliable IIoT-gateway solution that offers regular security patches to remedy system vulnerabilities in a timely manner. Moxa’s newly launched AIG-300 Series IIoT gateways come with Azure IoT Edge integration that adds significant value in the form of unique features that help build a cost- and time-efficient IIoT system.

Seamless Azure IoT Edge Integration for Quick and Reliable Connectivity to the Cloud iiot gateways need to be highly secure and reliable to facilitate seamless edgeto-cloud data acquisition and device management. the aiG-300 iiot gateway, seamlessly integrated with a zure iot Edge and powered by t hingsPro, is a market-leading solution for reliable, quick, and easy data acquisition and device management. Data collected from devices can be transferred to azure iot Edge and then on to the azure iot Hub with a few simple configuration steps. conversely, devices can be effectively managed via the route of azure iot Hub to the azure iot Edge on the aiG series iiot gateways. this seamless one-stop edge-to-cloud platform can greatly help customers shrink the system development time and cost.

Device Provisioning Made Easier and the Bootup Process Safer Than Ever Before

Most ii ot applications are deployed in remote, unmanned, and harsh environments such as a smart grid, energy storage systems, solar fields, oil and gas refineries, and rail-wayside applications. Maintaining normal operations and monitoring statuses effectively is crucial to these systems. t he ai G series gateways, with their wide-temperature design and low power consumption, are well-suited for use in these environments.

With capabilities such are resume file transmission, over-the-air ( ota ) upgrades, and secure Boot, the aiG series gateways, located in remote sites, can be upgraded, and maintained to ensure their

continuous availability and effectively protected against cyberattacks. to avoid disconnections during device crashes and sudden shutdowns, the aiG series comes with built-in recovery functions to enable rollback to the previous stable version of the firmware for uninterrupted network connectivity at remote sites. When a software upgrade fails, the gateways will automatically revert to the software version in the backup, ensuring system stability. a t hingsPro tool simplifies the provisioning process by enabling bulk provisioning of iiot gateways and performing remote software upgrades.

AIG-300 Series Highlights

• a dvanced ii ot gateways with a rm® cortex™-a7 dual-core 1 GHz processor, 1 can port, 4 Dis, 4 Dos, -40 to 70°c operating temperature

• s implify data acquisition and device management

• Powered by thingsPro and seamless integration with a zure i ot Edge to enable easy, reliable, yet secure cloud connectivity

• support easy device provisioning

• Provide robust ota function to prevent system failure during software upgrades

• Equipped with secure Boot to prevent malicious code execution and software injection attacks

https://www.moxa.com/en/products/ industrial-computing/arm-basedcomputers/aig-300-series

06 - Electronics Journal - noVEMBEr 2022 19 MoXa


15,000 pounds-per-square-inch double block bleed and hand valves offer redundant protection from high pressure and superior sealing technology to avoid leaks.

Emerson has launched the t Esco M™ a nderson Greenwood i nstrumentation H2 Valve s eries for hydrogen applications up to 15,000 pounds-per-square-inch (psi) (103.4 megapascal (MPa)). t he new solution reliably isolates process pressure in high pressure gas applications such as hydrogen fueling stations and tube trailers, reducing fugitive emissions and improving safety.

a s it moves from tank to pump, hydrogen is transferred at pressures of up to 15,000 psi (103.4 MPa). to protect personnel and prevent leaks, it must be effectively controlled and isolated. the Double Block Bleed (DBB) valve’s positive double block arrangement provides two layers of positive shutoff that shield maintenance staff from high pressure during instrument maintenance. i ts modular design reduces the number of potential leakage points, and the reinforced sealing technology reduces the risk of fuel entering the atmosphere through the valve stem.

among the cleanest fuels when produced using renewable resources, compressed hydrogen gas is used to power fuel cell electric vehicles (FcEVs). in 2021, 142 new hydrogen refueling stations began operating, the biggest increase in a single year, raising the total to 685 active stations worldwide. and, in January 2022, Global Market insights inc. predicted that the FcEV market will exceed $15 billion by 2027. to meet this growth demand, fueling station original equipment manufacturers ( o EMs) must source reliable, high-performance components to ensure overall equipment effectiveness and ensure station safety.

“Given the pressures that hydrogen is subject to in these applications, it’s critical that equipment operates safely and reliably, every time. that’s why we’re

committed to specifically developing components to help our customers effectively store and precisely control compressed hydrogen gas,” said r ob lindquist, director of global marketing for t E sco M precision fluid control at Emerson.

the hand-operated, maintenance-free design of the hand valves and double block and bleed valves in the H2 Valve s eries minimizes maintenance and downtime. With low operating torque and adjustment-free seal technology, these hand valves deliver a low cost of ownership in a compact solution.

For o EMs looking to safely minimize risks for operators, the H2 Valve series provides several safety features. Each valve has a convenient Qr code, allowing operators to quickly access the valve’s specs during maintenance and installation. the product also ensures that no high-pressure liquid or gas is released during maintenance. t he valves are compliant to the iso 19880-3 hydrogen fueling standard.

With this new 15,000 psi (103.4 MPa) product line, Emerson offers a comprehensive portfolio of t E sco M solutions for safe and precise operation of hydrogen fueling stations.


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06 - Electronics Journal - noVEMBEr 2022 21 EMErson autoMation solutions


A century of Mitsubishi Electric – a company with a rich history which parallels that of modern-day Japan. Since 1921 Mitsubishi Electric’s success has grown as a global player in the field of automation.

The very first Mitsubishi company was established back in 1870 by Yataro iwasaki. this company provided the foundations for what would later become the group of independent companies which are active in almost every industrial sector. i n 1921 the company known today as Mitsubishi Electric corporation was formed and became renowned the world over for its expertise and innovation in the development of high-quality electrical and electronic products.

Products developed and manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric can be found in all fields of industry, including information processing and communications, space development and satellite communications, home electronics, industrial automation, energy, mobility and building technology, as well as in HVac systems.

Europe has long been a key market for Mitsubishi Electric, and in 1969 the company as it opened its first representative office in the region which would form the basis for its EME a operations today.

Factory Automation t hroughout its history, the Factory automation division of Mitsubishi Electric has been one of the global leaders in automation product development. combining innovative technologies with advanced functionalities and feature sets, with the highest levels of reliability. as early as 1973, the company developed its first Plc which was designed to replace relay control panels.

innovations in frequency inverters, servo/ motion products and industrial robots followed, and in 2007 the company launched the iQ Platform, the first

automation platform to combine four types of controllers on a single platform – robot, motion, cnc and Plc



i n 2001, Mitsubishi Electric launched its e-F@ctory concept – a pioneering approach to digitalisation that was years in advance of the definition of industry 4.0 or the rise of the internet of things. it has seen the company develop a reputation with customers as a trusted partner through all stages of their digital transformation.

strong partnerships have also driven the company to continuously evolve its e-F@ctory alliance, an integral part of e-F@ctory concept. t his has enabled

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Mitsubishi Electric and its partners to offer their joint customers a wider range of optimised solutions that help them to enhance their competitive advantage and further drive their digital business transformation.

With the development of Maisart (“Mitsubishi Electric’s ai creates the state-of-the-art in technology”), the stage has been set for the company to continue to be a driver of innovation for the next 100 years.

Mitsubishi Electric – Factory automation https://www.mitsubishielectric.com/fa/business/history/index.html

Mitsubishi Electric overall https://www.mitsubishielectric.com/en/100th/index.html

06 - Electronics Journal - noVEMBEr 2022 23 MitsuBisHi ElEctric
Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., German Branch, located in Ratingen near Düsseldorf.

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