Leadership+ Issue 01 January 2000

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Is cllis aLhais dom a chur in ill! duit go bhfuil Lloma Phrfomhoidi Bunscoile Eireann saolaithe chun freastal ar ar riachtanaisi phroifisillnta mar Phrfomhoidf. Ta tacaiocht agus forbairt proifisillnta mar bhun aidhmeanna an chumainn. Failtfm rom hat, b6thar seo l1a foghlama a shilll lamh ar laimh led'comhleacaithe. There is <1 growing aW<1reness among Primary Princip<1ls of the need to invest in our own professional development. The role of the Princip<11 continues to change and develop in response to societal, legislative and educational changes. All the indications are that the pace of such unprecedented change and development will continue, thereby creating a greater demand for quality professional development. The formation of both professional support groups and inform<11 locdl networks has been one of the most effective ways of providing professional development. Groups such <1S these promote the transfer of good practice and seek to identify the professional needs of Principals. Networking is about sharing, learning, coll<1boration, communication and support. The White Paper "Ch<1Tting our Education Future" (1995) suggested that the creation of networks of Principals had the potential to become <1n important means of providing professional development for Principals. The Report of the Working Group on the Role of the Primary School Principal which arrived in schools recently, acknowledges that "informal networks of Principals already exist" and considers that "this type of informal structure should be encouraged and facilitated to foster a culture of support within local nehvorks of Principals." The Irish Primary Principals' Nehvork is a new national organisation 'v'hich will seek to fostel~ co-ordinate and develop, in <1 structured mannel~ a culture of profession<11 support <1nd profession<11 development for Primary Principals. We would hope, through consultation and partnership, to actively inform and influence those who make policy decisions concerning Primmy Education and especially in relation to our role as Principal Teachers. In undertaking a challenge of such magnitude, we are most heartened and grateful for the support we received from the former Minister for Education and Science, Mr. Micheal Martin, and his officials in The Department of Education and Science. We have met with all the relevant partners 111 educ<1tion and we are greatly encouraged by their goodwill and support. Is iontach an ni a leitheid cheile go rabhaimid!


de thacaioct in am <1n riachtanais. Ar scath a

Jim Hayes, President IPPN

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Leadership+ Issue 01 January 2000 by Irish Primary Principals’ Network - Issuu