Leadership+ Issue 02 May 2000

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Unum PlJlwlllllOirl, BUll'



.Minister for Education and Science Mr. Michael Woods with Jim Hayes, President I.P.P.N.

Presentation to Minister

Michael Woods by Mr.

Raymond King,

Secretary I.P.P.N.

... 5 Irlu" do Phrt • old. B

Holl.. HI




The Irish Primary Principals Network (I.P.P.N.) was offiCially launched on February 10th at Dublin Costle by the Minister for Education and Science Dr. Michael Woods. There was a large all ndance of approximately 200 at the launch including representatives from the Partners in Education and many Principals throughout the country. Duirt an tUachtaran de I.P.P.N. go raibh se "trathuil go bhfuil Lionra Phri6mhoidl Bunscoile Eireonn ata chun freastaJ or or riachlainaisi phroifisiunta mar Phriomhaidi sheoladh ag an Aire nua ceopiha", The President of I.P.P.N. Mr. Jim Hayes, Principal of Scoil Oilibheir, Ballyvalane, Co. Cork in his speech also said thai "I. P. P.N. aims 10 promote initial and continuing professional and personal development of Primary Principals so thaI we will with the support of Boards of Management, Staff and parents provide the best possible education for our primary school children". This will be done through the formation of professional support group Networks with local, regional and notional dimensions. Many support groups have been formed since they eorly '90s with the help of the Education centres. Regional Networks already operate successfully in Dublin and Cork and are supported by the In -C reer Development Unit of the Department of Education and Science. Mr. Hayes also stated that one of the aims of I.P.P.N. was "to actively inform and inf/uen e those who make policy de6sion concerning primary education and our role as Principal Teachers in particular, through ongoing dialogue with the education partners". The Minister in his speech referred to "the pivotal role of the Principal Teacher ;n Irish Primary Education" and stated that "the challenges and complexities of that role are becoming increasingly understood in our society at large". The Minister spoke about the recent report of the Working Group on the role of the Primary School Principal which highlighted "the range of high-order skills in Leadership Management and Admimstratlon which the role of Pnncipal Teacher now demands." For this reason the Minister said he was "very pleased to support the formation of the Irish Primary Principals' Network and wished I.P.P.N. every success for the future.

Mar a duirt on tUochtorain de I.P.P.N. og an Lainseail OifigiUil. "Nil oon amhoros no go bhfuil dushlon mar

r6mhainn amach. Ar aghaidh linn lamh or 16imh ".

(Alt curtha Ie cheile ag Tomas 6'Slatara, Oifigeach Chaidrimh Poibli or son I.P.P.N.)

INFORMATION BOOKLET The Interim Committee ore very pleosed with the newly published I.P.P.N. INFORMATION BOOKLET II contains important Information on the following. Irish Primary Principals' Network Origins. Primary Principals' Support Groups-Guidelines.' Regional Network Guidelines. Notional Network.



I.~.P.N. Sub CommiHees




The following Sub Committees have been appointed: • • • • • •

Finonce and Sponsorship. Regionol Meetings and Structures. Research and Development. Communicotions. Newsletter & Public Relations. Constitution.

Presentation for Regionol Informotion Meetings. Copies of the booklet will be posted to 011 Principols who hove joined I.P.P.N. andfhey will also be available at the Regional Information Meetings to be held throughout the country.

The Interim committee of I.P.P.N. is very proud of its achievements since its first meeting held on March 20th 1999. Amongst the achievements of I.P.P.N. so far are: • • • • • • • • •

• •

Interim Notional Commillee formed. Notional Launch of IPPN in Dublin Castle. Principals' Issues - gelling increased publiCity and priority. Notional recognition by Department 01 Education and Science Sanction for secondment of Director for Professional Development. In-career Development Unit Funding 'for IPPN. Consullations with Education Partners. Nominees on Working Group on the role of Primary Principal Partnership Consullotion on WSE. CPSMA support for payment by Board of Managements of IPPN membership fee. Draft Constitution. (Leagan Gaeilge agus Bearla deanta). Appointment of Legal Advisor - David Ruddy B/Ed/Dip. legal Siudie,/Borri,ler·ol·low.

• • •

Notional Newslellers issued to Principals. Guidelines for Professional Support Groups formulated in Irish and English. Guidelines for Regional Networks lormuloted in Irish and English.

Prmcipal of Talbol S N.S., Bownogue, C1ondolkln, Dublin 22.

I.P.P.N. is now recognised as one of the Partners in Education giving Primary Principals a voice and consultation opportunities at local, regional and notional level. With a strong and active membership networking and organising for their own professional and personal development, Principals should ensure that they make the most of this opportunity. For too many Principals work in isolation from each other and, while the collegiality and support of staffs, Boards of Managements and Parents' Councils is vital for Principals, so also is the collegiality and support that can be experienced through involvement in support groups and networks.

Reglanal Informallon Meeting. Regional Information meetings are being organised at present. Many Principols have already ioined IPPN and have expressed a great interest in becoming actively involved in promoting the aims of IPPN at local, regional, and notional level.

Currently we have a membership of 600 Principals. We have mailed out receipts for Boards of Management and will be sending information booklets to all those who have joined IPPN. If you have not received your receipt or if you wish to join IPPN please conlact our Membership Secretary: Uno Mac Namara, St Vincent de Paul G.N.S., Grifith Ave, Dublin. Ph. NoOl 8334697 (School) 01 8367841 (Home)

C.P.S.M.A. Congratulation. We welcome the congratulations and support expressed by CPSMA in their recent edition of Solos for the formation of IPPN We were particularly pleased to read the letter from the Deportment of Education and Science to CPSMA allowing for payment by Boards of Management of the membership fee for IPPN The following is the text of the leiter as published in the recent Solos magazine. Catholic Primary School Managers' Association, Veritas House, 7/8 Lower Abbey Street, Dublin .. 9th February, 2000 RE: Irish Primary Principals' Network

Dear Sister Eileen, I refer to your letter doted 30th September and your foxed memo doted 8th February (bolh addressed to the Secretory General) regarding payment of the membership fee for Principal teachers in conneclion with the above. . I can confirm that this Deportment has no objection to payment of the membership fee by the Boord of Management from school funds. It is understood that payment of the fee by the Board would not be obligal9ry and would depend on the financial circumstances of the school in question.

Regional Informatron Meetings have been held 01 the following venues:

Yours sincerely, Dermot Ryan, Principal Officer.


Primary Branch, Department of Education & Science, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath.

Choirce, (Organised by Gort a' Choirce Education Centre). Nenagh/Templeglantine/limerick, (Organised by limerick Education Centre) Bantry/ Youghal/ Charleville, (Organised by Cork/West Cork/ Waterford Education Centres.) 0'



Some meetings have been arranged for May 2000. However, in response 10 feed bock from Principals and in defere"-ce to the huge workload being

experienced by Principals on Ihe Interim-Committee, a decision has been taken to hold over some of the Regional Information Meetings until September and October 2000, We must, in line with our aims, have due regard for our own health and safety in what is a very busy and demanding term for all Primary Principals. Also, by September IPPN will have a newly appointed Nationol Director to organise ond attend these meetings. It is on onerous and challenging task to organise over 40 Regional Launch meetings. We are very grateful to the ICDU and the Education Centres for their help with Ihe funding and orgonization of the;e meetings. Your attendance, interest and support would be the best vote of confidence that the Interim Committee could receive. These meetings are about and for Primary Principals unlike most other meetings we ottend.

Dean do dhicheall agus bigi linn.







May/June 2000 1, Appointment of National Director for IPPN. 2.

Second Newsletter issued to all Primary Principals.


Regional Information Meetings held in selected areas.


Information Booklet for Principals printed for distribution at Regional Information meetings.


Further contact mode with Education Centres and ICDU for support, to organise Regional Information meetings and assist with the formation of local professional support groups.


Receipts for Boards of Management and Information Booklets sent to Principals who have joined IPPN.

·.P.P.N.t••N.T.O. General Secretary of the INTO, Senator Joe O'Toole, spoke about IPPN as part of a wide ranging address at the Primary Principals Network Conference held in Malahide on Feb. 25th and 26th. He told a large audience that he believed in Professional Support Groups. He commended IPPN on the work it is doing and described the formation of IPPN as "a great moment for Irish Education. // The President of IPPN Mr. Jim Hayes thanked Senator OToole for his positive and encouraging comments about IPPN and the importance of the work being done by Primary School Principals throughout the country.

PRIMARY PRINCIPALS' NETWORKCONFERENCE Over four hundred principals attended the Sixth National Conference for Primary Principals organised by the Eastern Region Primary Principals' Network in Malahide on February 25th and 26th 2000. There was a justifiable sense of excitement among the participants because of the launch of Irish Primary Principals' Network only a few weeks previously. The Minister for Education Dr. Michael Woods opened the conference and reiterated the Department of Education and Science's commitment to the implementation of the recommendations in The Report of the Working Group on the Role of the Primary School Principal and wished the IPPN every success. The theme of the conference was 'Learning to lead, leading the learning.' The innovative format of this year's concurrent seminars proved very successful. Paddy Fullan's keynote address on Friday 25th was inspiring and Senator David Norris after dinner speech proved very entertaining. In his address to the Conference on Saturday, Senator Joe O'Toole welcomed the emergence of the IPPN and promised to work with the Network in the interests of principals. He stated that there was no conflict between the INTO and the IPPN and wished the Network well. The torch has passed from Cork to Dublin and the Conference Organising Committee now pass the flame to anotherregion for the next Primary Principals' Conference under the umbrella of the National Interim Committee of the IPPN. The Eastern Region Conference Committee will be happy to give any assistance to the new hosts for the conference. (Sean 6 Diomasaigh PRO Eastern Region PPN Conference Organising Committee)

Director The Irish Primary Priucipals' Network (I.P.P.N.) is a newly established professional development body for Primary School Priucipals. The I.P.P.N. was lau/lched on March 10th, 2000, by the Minister for Education and Science, Dr. Michael Woods. The Network has now received Departmental approval for the secondment of a Primw)' School Principal as Director of I.P.P.N. The appointment will be on a jilll-time basis and will be for one yew; commencing on September 1st, 2000. Responsibilities relating to the Role will include the: the aims and objectives of I.P.P.N. Promotion Implementation of Network policies as defined by the National Committee Promotion of Professional Support Groups and Regional Networks for Primary School Principals and assistance in their establishment Research and support for programmes of inservice Establishment of appropriate administrative STructures for the newly established Network Support for the President, Executive Officers and National Committee of I.P.P.N. in the ongoing administration and developmenr of the Network • Development and maintainance of links with the Education Panners


Personal qualities required include: Prov,en experience in the area of professional development A record of motivating and leading others through periods of innovation An ability to work in collaboration with the National Commiltee and other Principals An ability to work on one's own initiative Experience and understanding of the role of the Primary School Principal Strong administrative and organisational skills A thorough knowledge of the Irish education system Excellent interpersonal and communication skills including an ability to work through the medium of Irish

An attractive salary will reflect the responsibilities of the position. Shortlisting of candidates will take place.

Letters of application and Curriculum Vitae marked "Private and Confidential" should be forwarded by 1.00 p.m. on Tuesday 23rd May 2000 to:

The President, I.P.P.N., Scoil Oilibheir, Ballyvolane, Cork. Tel/Fax: 021 309171

Email: jimacol@eircom.net

I.P.P.N. is an equal opportunities employer • Scrfobh chugainn as Gaeilge rna's fearr leal.


Interim National Committee at IPPN launch, Dublin Castle. Feburary 10th, 2000 Front Row: Virginia O'Mohoney, Galway, Sean 0 Diomasaigh (Treasurer), Meath, Una Mc Namara (Membership Secretary) Dublin, Jim Hayes (President) Cork, Raymond King (Secretary) Dublin, Margaret Condon, Dublin, Pat Kavanagh, Wexford. 2nd Row: Eileen Flynn, Dublin, ide Ni Dhubhain (Treasurer) Cork, Gear6idin Ni Bhaoill, Wick low, Tomas O'Slataro (Public Relations Officer), Tipperary, Larry Fleming, Offaly. 3rd Row: Susan Doody, Dublin, Brede Rice, Wexford, Noeleen Brennen, Dublin, Pat Maher, Tipperary, Calm Cregan, Limerick. Back Row: Domien White, Tipperary, Damien White, Offely, George Barry, Tipperary, Frank O'Meare, Kildare, Sean COltrell, Cork, Paul Murphy, Tipperary, Moira Lynch, (Minutes Secretory) Westmeath.

Mr. R'lymond King, Secrel<:lry, Irish l'rim<:lry Principals' Network, Dubin West Eduction Centre, MonJstery Road, Dublin 22.

18 ];\nu;\ry 2000

I refer to your letter Jnd endo:>ures of 19th April '1999 in connection with the est<:lblishmc.nt of the Irish PrilllJry Principals' etwork (11'1 I ) and to a subsequcnt Illceting betwcen official of m)' Department with Messrs. Jim llayes and Tom SI,lltery in July of l<:lst year. I

This Department recoj!;ni~cs tho' pivotal rolle of tht' prinCipal in th~ school community ,1Ild is positively disposed towMds providing ~upport to ard:; the establishmc'nt on ,1 nation-wide basis of this new orgdnisdtion. It is nol 'd frOIll the discussions that have taken pia c, <Jnd from the documcntation submitted to t.he Department, that the IPPN will be strongly focussed on mallt"'s relating 10 th > proft" sional dt'vl¡lopnwnt of tp,Klwrs and does not sce a roiL' for itself in industrial relilLiolls type issues.

1 can therefore confirm that the following assistance will be provided to the Network in the initial stages of its existence: (a)


The st'condllwntof Cl princip,lltl'Clcher to ,1(l as a Director to the Network for il pt'riod of one )ll'ilL rhis Mr,lngel1Wnt CCln put in plflCC following further discussions with my Dep,1rtment offi-'i,1Is ,1S to when it would be most- b 'nefici,11 for such an ilrrilngement La begin. . The provision by this Dl'partnwnt of ,1 once off amount- of no,ooo tovvards the start up costs of th ' Nl,twork; pilYilble ov I' the next twelve months. AgClin Iny ot'fici,lls can discuss with you tilt' IllO.. t appmpri,lte timing for the payment of sucll a granl ,Jnd whether p,1yml'nt should be m,ldl~ in one or two instillments.

The above support is conditional on 'the Network: i) ii) iii) iv)

providing to tlw Department audited Inconw ,lnd Expenditure' ,lCcounts dpprovl'd by the Stc'pring Committee within six Illon ths of the end of each fi nanciaJ yeiH. not assuming il role in activities proper to the jnduslri,ll relations domilin; providing ,my reports ,md/or returns which might be requested; ,1nd providing the Dep<lrlllwnt with ,1 current Tax Clemance Certificilte.

The Dq1<1ftment clnd myself are ,lnxious to develop ,1 good working reliltionship with the Irish f'rimilry Princip,lls' iehvork. I understand that you have been in conl-act with my pride office in conlwclion with ,1n officii11 l<lunch of lhe elwork. I look forwilrd to meeting you and your colleagues at thilt tilllC'.

Yours Sincerely, Mic!letll Mllrtin TO, Minister/or Education lint! Science,

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