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Appointment Process
This form is to be filled in by a school/ETB where an SNA in a standard post (with a minimum of one year’s continuous service) is notified by his/her employer that s/he is to be made redundant. Service in a substitute capacity i.e. covering for maternity leave, sick leave, career breaks, job-sharing etc. does not count. This must be retained by the SNA and submitted to a BoM when applying for a vacancy. It is the only means of verifying that the applicant is on the Supplementary Assignment Panel.
3.2.3 Process Verification Document (PVD Form)
Process Verification Document (PVD) verifies that the BoM has fully complied with the requirements of interviewing SNAs on the Panel and must be returned to the Supplementary Assignment Manager in respect of every standard SNA vacancy, including the filling of additional hours (i.e. where an existing part-time SNA receives additional hours and must be returned to the supplementary assignment manager. The PVD form should not be completed for substitute or cover vacancies.
SNAs who are on the SNA Supplementary Assignment Panel will be in possession of a PF1Form.
All standard SNA posts or SNA vacancies of 24 weeks or more must be advertised on one of the approved websites, ideally on www.educationposts.ie. In order to enable SNAs who are being made redundant to know what vacancies are locally available, the BoM may also advertise the position locally.
The advertisement will include the following: 1. The name, address, roll number and patronage (Not required for ETB) of the school 2. The expected commencement date of the post 3. The status of the post a. full-time or part-time and he number of part-time hours b. standard or to cover an SNA vacancy 4. A general description of the duties of the post 5. The address to which applications will be submitted – postal or electronic 6. The latest date by which applications will be submitted which must be at least 14 days later than the date of first publication of the advertisement 7. Whether a CV or a standard application form is required – not both 8. A statement that, where appropriate, an internal panel of suitable applicants may be set up from which future vacancies (including cover SNA vacancies) may be filled (valid for the duration of the school year). Standard SNA vacancies may not be filled from a panel
established following interviews for a cover SNA position
9. For standard SNA vacancies, applicants should be invited to submit a valid certified copy of the Panel Form 1 (PF1) as outlined in the relevant circular that sets out the supplementary assignment arrangements 10. The advertisement must list any specific competencies and/or requirements to meet the special educational needs of the pupil(s)
The advertisement may also state one or all of the following: 1. Whether or not an internal panel of suitable applicants may be set up from which vacancies which arise for the duration of the school year may be filled, subject to the following: a. Suitable reference b. Approval of the Patron / ETB / Trustees
Where a BoM decides to use electronic applications, the following will be followed: 1. An e-mail/online account will be set up for the application process. Only one email address will appear on the advertisement
2. Access to this account will be restricted to members of the Interview Board only. In ETBs applications will be opened by the CE/delegated officer in advance of shortlisting
3. The closing date and time will be strictly observed. The date and time at which applications are received is as recorded on the email. The applications will be assessed in accordance with procedures as set out in this circular
4. Notification of invitation for interview and the relevant documentation listed may be sent to the applicants email address. Applicants may be requested to confirm attendance by e-mail
5. Where a number of applicants are emailed at the one time then care should be taken that individuals’ confidentiality is maintained. BoMs should utilise the bcc option or email applicants on an individual basis
6. Employers may decide to reply in writing (including via email) to those unsuccessful applicants who presented at interview. However, if email is used employers should save or print a copy of the letter to the unsuccessful applicant for school records
7. The e-mail address may be used for a new recruitment campaign by a new Interview Board.
Where the same school email address is utilised for subsequent competitions, the passwords should be changed to ensure that only the new Interview Board has access to the applications.
Only those applications received between the advertisement date and the closing date of the competition may be accessed by the Interview Board/CE.
3.5.1 Interview Board
The Interview Board will consist of: Chairperson of the BoM Principal of the School Independent Assessor (from appropriate Panel)
For ETB schools the Interview Board will consist of: 1 Nominee of the CE of the ETB – normally a Principal 1 Education Expert, appointed by the ETB 1 Independent Assessor, appointed by the ETB
At least one member of the Interview Board will be male and one will be female.
Click here Appendix 2: IPPN Guide to SNA Appointment Interviews
3.5.2 Interview Criteria
The BoM / ETB may set a minimum number of applicants before the competition can proceed. Where this is stated in the advertisement and where the minimum number has not been reached, the position must be re-advertised with a provision included that persons whose applications were received within the time specified in the initial advertisement need not reapply and their application will be held until the next closing date.
The Interview Board/ETB will retain the discretion to re-advertise the post where is it not satisfied with the number of applications received, with a provision included that persons whose applications were received within the time specified in the initial advertisement need not reapply and their application will be held until the next closing date.
The Interview Board will meet as soon as practical to establish agreed criteria for the assessment of the applications and for interview before opening the received applications. The criteria must reflect the needs of the school / ETB and the following factors will be reflected in the established criteria: Supplementary Assignment Panel Rights Qualifications Any specific competencies and / or requirements to meet the special SEN of the pupil(s)
It would be advisable to have a copy of the advertisement on hand when opening the applications to ensure that all conditions of the advertisement are met by the selected candidates. Confidentiality must be maintained throughout the process
Care must be taken to ensure that the criteria do not lead to discrimination on the grounds set out in Section 6(2) of the Employment Equality Acts, 1998-2008 i.e., gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, race and member of the Travelling Community.
3.5.3 Disclosure of Interest
The BoM must inform the Chairperson of the Interview Board of the requirement to ensure that all members of the Interview Board are aware of their obligations in relation to disclosures of interest. A disclosure of interest must be made by any member of the Interview Board where that member has a family relationship or any relationship with a candidate which could be regarded as prejudicial to ensuring absolute impartiality in the selection process. Where a disclosure of interest is made, the Chairperson of the Interview Board will inform the Chairperson of the BoM who, in turn, will inform the Patron. The Patron will then nominate an alternate member to the Interview Board, in consultation with the Chairperson of the BoM. Where a conflict of interest Is determined, applications are returned or deleted Failure to disclose any relationship may invalidate the process.
3.5.4 Shortlisting of candidates for interview
Employers may only interview SNAs with a certified copy of PF1 in the first instance. If there are five or fewer such applicants, all of them will be called for interview. Otherwise, at least five such applicants will be called for interview.
If an employer does not receive an application for a vacancy from an SNA who is due to be made redundant and who furnishes the employer with a certified copy of Panel Form 1 (PF1) within the time-period specified in the advertisement or if having interviewed at least five such applicants, it has been established that none of those applicants meet the specific competencies and/or requirements to meet the additional care needs of the pupil(s) then and only then can the employer call other applicants for interview with a view to filling its vacancy from all the other applicants (which may include further panel applicants) for the vacancy.
This second interview process, if required, must be held on a separate day and is subject to Circular 0051/2019.
Candidates will be invited to interview in writing or by email within 3 calendar weeks of the closing date for receipt of applications and will include: a. At least 7 days’ notice of the specific time, date (outside school hours) and location of the interview venue b. The details of the established criteria for the post c. A request for the applicant to inform the Interview Board / ETB if the candidate requires any additional assistance in relation to a special need.
The interview venue will comply with all Disability and Health and Safety Legislation.
3.5.5 The interview
All questions at interview will relate to the requirements of the particular post. No question will be asked nor information sought in any form from an applicant, which might be construed as being discriminatory. Questions should not give the impression that the Interview Board has a preconceived view of the suitability of either male or female for a particular post. 1. Each member of the Interview Board is required to complete his or her own individual marking sheet for each applicant and give it to the Chairperson of the Interview Board on completion of the interviews 2. The individual marks will be added and the final mark for each applicant will be used to produce a ranking of applicants who are deemed suitable for appointment 3. If following interview, a number of applicants obtain the same marks then seniority as an SNA should be used to determine the ranking of the candidates. The seniority of the SNAs can be determined from the PF1 Form 4. Following completion of the interview process the Chairperson of the Interview Board will, on behalf of the BoM, conduct reference checks of the highest ranked applicant. This should include seeking and following up on references and ensuring that any unexplained gaps in employment records/curriculum vitae are satisfactorily explained. The Interview Board in its sole discretion will determine the suitability of any reference. The Interview Board further reserves the right to seek from an applicant the names of additional referees. Appropriate records of these checks should be retained on the proposed appointee’s personnel file. 5. In ETB schools the interview process will follow established best practice in ETBs
3.5.6 Determining the Successful Candidate
The Chairperson of the Interview Board will produce a written report for the BoM, indicating o that selection procedures have been followed o if there has been a disclosure of interest/integrity to the Interview Board and the outcome of the disclosure o the name of the highest ranked candidate whom it considers suitable for appointment o confirmation of suitable references for the highest ranked candidate (not applicable in ETB schools)
The Chairperson of the Interview Board will retain o A record of the final marks and the ranking of candidates. This will be given to the BoM if requested o An order of merit which can be used if the highest ranked applicant declines the position. This will be used where an internal panel of applicants has been established Where it was stated in the Advertisement that an internal panel may be created, the Chairperson if the Interview Board will pass these documents to the Principal / ETB
The BoM, unless there is a good and sufficient reason not to, will offer the post to the highest ranked candidate as nominated by the Interview Board, following approval by the Patron. Where such reason was not known to the Interview Board, the matter will be referred to the Patron / ETB / Trustees, whose decision will be accepted by the BoM / ETB
The BoM will verify the following documents before offering the post o Qualifications o Compliance with National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 and the relevant Circulars in relation to Garda Vetting
Pre-employment Medical Questionnaire. All successful candidates being appointed for the first time to a teaching position in Ireland or SNAs returning from leave of absence or other break in service in excess of two full school years will be screened by pre-employment medical questionnaire and fitness confirmed before the SNA takes up or resumes a teaching post, in accordance with Occupational Health Services for Teachers and SNAs, Standard Operating Procedures Manual
3.6.1 Offer of Employment
The BoM will make an offer of Employment to the successful candidate, in writing, subject to the following 1. Sanctioning of the post by the Minister 2. The terms set out in Circular 51/2019 3. Confirmation of: a. Qualifications b. Compliance with National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 and the relevant Circulars in relation to Garda Vetting c. Pre-Employment Medical screening d. Acceptance of the offer within the specified period
On receipt of written notification of acceptance from the successful candidate, the BoM will notify all unsuccessful candidates.
3.6.2 Contract of Employment – Permanent Posts
In accordance with the Terms of Employment (Information) Act 1994 and the Employment (Miscellaneous Provision) Act 2018, a contract of employment should be signed and dated in duplicate by both parties before the date of commencement of the post. One copy will be retained by the SNA and the other retained in the SNA’s personnel file.
The BoM and the successful candidate should complete the Notification of Appointment -SNA Form and forward it to the DE at the following address Non-teaching Staff (NTS) Payroll, Payroll Division, Department of Education, Cornamaddy, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. N37 X659
3.6.3 Retention of Documents
All documents, including contracts, in relation to the successful candidate will be retained for the duration of employment plus 7 years.
Documentation in relation to unsuccessful applicants should be kept in the school for a period of 18 months, in accordance with Data Protection procedures
The following documents will be retained for all SNA appointments: 1. A copy of the advertisement 2. The applications for the post 3. Valid certified copy of PF1 – if applicable 4. Any documents / notes created by the Interview Board 5. The Interview Board Report 6. Confirmation of verification of references from previous employers 7. A copy of the applicant’s educational qualifications 8. Confirmation of compliance with the National Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Persons) Acts 2012 to 2016 and with relevant Department Circulars in relation to Garda vetting 9. A copy of the confirmation of medical fitness received from the Occupational Health Service 10. Any other relevant documentation relating to individual SNA’s appointment 11. Record of the Patron’s / CE / BoM’s approval of the appointment – not applicable for ETB 12. Completed contract of employment 13. A copy of the appointment form submitted to the Paymaster.
All documentation concerning the employment of registered SNAs in receipt of a SNA’s pension and unregistered persons should be retained in accordance with Data Protection procedures and should be available for audit.
The sequence in which SNAs are appointed determines their seniority. Seniority is important in determining which SNA: Should be offered additional hours when additional hours are allocated to the school/ETB Should be offered reduced hours or have their employment terminated when the allocation of the school/ETB is reduced Fills a vacancy by virtue of being the most senior SNA where a number of candidates obtain the same mark at interview. The seniority listing will be used in determining last in first out for the purpose of redundancy.
The employer determines the seniority, based on the SNA’s date of commencement of duty in a standard SNA position in that particular school/scheme, whether full time or part time, in a school/ETB.
Each employer should ensure that the seniority listing of SNAs employed is made available to them.
The following are the rules for determining seniority An SNA’s ranking for seniority purposes will only commence from the date that he/she commences duty in a standard SNA position in that particular school/scheme whether full time or part time, in the school/ETB If two or more SNAs commence duty in a standard SNA position in a particular school/scheme on the same day, the employer should establish the order of seniority based on the order that the SNAs were listed as a result of an interview process i.e. the SNA who was ranked highest following the interview process should be given the higher seniority rating In the event that the SNAs were appointed prior to August, 2003 and there was no interview process, any qualifications held by the SNA which are deemed appropriate and relevant to the future needs of the school/ETB may be considered by the employer in determining seniority If an SNA leaves a post in a school/ETB either voluntarily or arising from the termination of his/her employment and is subsequently reappointed to the school/ETB following a break in service then his/her seniority will only commence from the date of the most recent appointment Job sharing service is reckoned as full service for the purpose of seniority. Authorised absences e.g. maternity leave, adoptive leave, parental leave, paternity leave and paid sick leave do not affect the seniority of an SNA In accordance with Circular 22/2012 time spent on career break does not reckon as service for seniority purposes. Service prior to and post career break will be treated as continuous for seniority purposes but the actual period of the career break will not be counted as reckonable service
An SNA employed in a standard part time capacity will not be treated less favourably in determining their seniority on account of their status as a part time employee. The seniority of an SNA employed for a regular number of hours each week commences on the day of commencement on a part time basis. If the status of the part time SNA changes to full time in the school/ETB without a break in service the date of commencement in the part time position will determines the seniority of the SNA Service given in any type of community employment scheme in which the person worked in a school prior to appointment as an SNA should not be reckoned in determining seniority In the case of an amalgamated school, where an SNA has given unbroken service continuously in one or more of the schools being amalgamated, the aggregate of that service will be reckoned in determining seniority In the case of change of patronage of a school, where an SNA has given unbroken service continuously in the school concerned, that service will be included in determining seniority.
Appendix 1 - Sequence of Activity for SNA Recruitment and Appointment Appendix 2 - IPPN Guide to SNA Interviews
Circular 51/2019 Circular 26/2021 Circular 22/2012 Occupational Health Services for SNAs