3.2.2 SNA – SUPPLEMENTARY ASSIGNMENT PANEL FORM SNA – (PF1 Form) This form is to be filled in by a school/ETB where an SNA in a standard post (with a minimum of one year’s continuous service) is notified by his/her employer that s/he is to be made redundant. Service in a substitute capacity i.e. covering for maternity leave, sick leave, career breaks, job-sharing etc. does not count. This must be retained by the SNA and submitted to a BoM when applying for a vacancy. It is the only means of verifying that the applicant is on the Supplementary Assignment Panel.
3.2.3 Process Verification Document (PVD Form) Process Verification Document (PVD) verifies that the BoM has fully complied with the requirements of interviewing SNAs on the Panel and must be returned to the Supplementary Assignment Manager in respect of every standard SNA vacancy, including the filling of additional hours (i.e. where an existing part-time SNA receives additional hours and must be returned to the supplementary assignment manager. The PVD form should not be completed for substitute or cover vacancies. SNAs who are on the SNA Supplementary Assignment Panel will be in possession of a PF1Form.
3.3 ADVERTISING AN SNA POST All standard SNA posts or SNA vacancies of 24 weeks or more must be advertised on one of the approved websites, ideally on www.educationposts.ie. In order to enable SNAs who are being made redundant to know what vacancies are locally available, the BoM may also advertise the position locally. The advertisement will include the following: 1. The name, address, roll number and patronage (Not required for ETB) of the school 2. The expected commencement date of the post 3. The status of the post a. full-time or part-time and he number of part-time hours b. standard or to cover an SNA vacancy 4. A general description of the duties of the post 5. The address to which applications will be submitted – postal or electronic 6. The latest date by which applications will be submitted which must be at least 14 days later than the date of first publication of the advertisement 7. Whether a CV or a standard application form is required – not both 8. A statement that, where appropriate, an internal panel of suitable applicants may be set up from which future vacancies (including cover SNA vacancies) may be filled (valid for the duration of the school year). Standard SNA vacancies may not be filled from a panel established following interviews for a cover SNA position 9. For standard SNA vacancies, applicants should be invited to submit a valid certified copy of the Panel Form 1 (PF1) as outlined in the relevant circular that sets out the supplementary assignment arrangements 10. The advertisement must list any specific competencies and/or requirements to meet the special educational needs of the pupil(s) The advertisement may also state one or all of the following: 1. Whether or not an internal panel of suitable applicants may be set up from which vacancies which arise for the duration of the school year may be filled, subject to the following: a. Suitable reference b. Approval of the Patron / ETB / Trustees