IPR Rights Magazine Issue 3

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IPR RIghts MagazIne april 2014

Issue 3

London book



WheRe bOOKs gO gL ObaL!

• hottest new Works to License • global Market Focus: Publishing and Licensing snapshot of Korea • author and University Press Profiles • Challenges and Opportunities for Indie authors • exciting new announcements

25% Off IPR License Membership Receive 25% off the annual Membership with IPR License. Simply email info@iprlicense.com and quote ‘LONDON25’ to redeem this special offer.

London Book Fair 2014

In this issue...

Welcome to the latest IPR Rights Magazine

Why IPR License?

What’s really in it for publishers? (Page 4)

Following the demand, and unqualified success, of the preliminary IPR Rights Magazines for the Frankfurt Book Fair and New Delhi World Book Fair we’re delighted to not only add the London Book Fair to our stable of publications but also confirm the inclusion of BookExpo America and the Beijing International Book Fair to our print calendar. As always the main aim of the magazine is to generate rights business for IPR License members and promote the work of rights-sellers to potential rights-buyers. But, despite being arguably the most important marketplace for rights and licensing, authors have long been under-represented at high profile events such as international book fairs. And this has become increasingly clear from the overwhelming response we’ve had since launching the magazine. This is why we’ve acted to extend the print cycle of the magazine to incorporate five of the largest international book fairs to help even more members showcase their work to an even wider audience of industry professionals and help bridge this gap. Focusing on LBF for a moment, I have to say that however much I love the various Book Fairs around the world, my home turf of London has to be my favourite – especially in light of juggling a young family and the travel aspect. It remains one of the most important dates on any publisher’s calendar, especially for those working across a variety of rights departments. And with a strong presence at this year’s event via an advertising campaign, a booth in the Ivy Club pop-up and an IPR License branded event space - in which we’ll be presenting demo’s regarding the IPR proposition on a daily basis - it certainly represents an important event for us and our members. All these are positioned in and around the Rights Centre, so why not come along and say hello. I look forward to seeing you there.

-Tom Chalmers (Managing Director)


What’s New?

Latest news and exciting new announcements. (Page 6)

Korean Literature

The latest Global Market Focus article on Korean literature by Laura Deacon. (Page 8)

Independent Authors

Insight into indie publishing from Leigh Cunningham. (Page 9)

Author Profile

Derek Flower talks about the various genres he has written. (Page 10)

Publisher Profile

Three university presses are interviewed about licensing opportunities. (Page 11)

Highlighted Titles: Fiction. Young Adult. Poetry. Children’s Literature. Non-Fiction. Biographical.

Page 12 Page 21 Page 21 Page 22 Page 24 Page 27



IPR License at London Book Fair The London Book Fair International Rights Centre, is the largest of its kind. Located on Earls Court’s gallery level, it provides a private and comfortable meeting space. As the global marketplace for rights negotiation and the sales and distribution of content across print, audio, TV, film and digital channels, The London Book Fair is a unique opportunity to explore, understand and capitalise on the innovations shaping the publishing world of the future. The London Book Fair is delighted to announce that this year’s book fair will feature the first ever literary ‘pop-up’ version of The Club at The Ivy, the prestigious London private members’ club.

The Club at The Ivy spans three floors of the building that also houses The Ivy restaurant and it regularly plays host to publishers, agents and leading figures from across the UK’s culture scene. Membership is by invitation only, but for just three days, this congenial club will come to Earls Court. Located within the International Rights Centre, The Club at The Ivy at The London Book Fair offers publishers and IRC table holders the opportunity to enjoy a private space to socialise, hold meetings and relax. Join IPR License at The Ivy Club Booth 8th-10th April in the International Rights Centre where we will be happy to meet with you to discuss partnership, licensing and book rights trade. Please email us to schedule future meetings.

Find us at The Ivy Club Booth in the International Rights Centre at London Book Fair 2014 www.iprlicense.com

info@iprlicense.com /iprlicense @IPRLicense

The Ivy Club Booth www.iprlicense.com


/ipr-license www.iprlicenseblog.com

Members L

et’s be clear, as the first digital and global marketplace on which to list and license rights, IPR License is committed to innovating and embracing technology to continue putting publishers in an optimum position to buy and sell books rights, licensing agreements and permissions. And now we are in the midst of rolling out the first fully transactional aspects of the platform to make life even simpler and more efficient for our members. Gone are the days when entering a new territory would mean setting up an office and staff there. When it comes to selling book rights on an international scale, it is those publishers - and authors for that matter - maximising technology who are fast emerging from the pack. The internet continues to break down many barriers for businesses. Pioneering solutions such as the IPR License platform have now made it possible for publishers to operate on a global scale to grab a piece of the burgeoning international rights, licensing and permissions marketplaces. And all from the comfort of your own desktop.

For our full list of Publisher/Agent members, please visit http://iprlicense.com/Home/Members

Why IPR License?

Are you a publisher looking to buy rights? • view which titles are receiving the most interest, have been recently added and recently licensed • find out who is the rights-holder for a title and what rights are available to acquire • contact the rights-holder directly to make enquiries and offers • find previously unpublished works tailored to your targets using our comprehensive search system Are you a publisher looking to sell rights? • create a full company profile with multiple users and full title and rights information – creating a comprehensive marketplace for the rights being sold • promote your rights via our Global Bulletins which are tailored to over 50,000 publishers (not just our members) in over 90 countries • contact and be contacted directly by multiple interested parties for enquiries and to make offers.

How does it work?

With 13m records already on the system, rights-holders assign records to their account and add new records – whether already published or not – as well as adding additional information to their records. Those looking to purchase rights can use the search facility to locate work of specific interest to them which is available to license in their territory and then contact the rightsholder directly through the messaging system. Simplicity is the key to our offering but if you don’t believe us please take a look for yourself around via our brief demo video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_ XFmxx76fs&feature=youtu.be

Small Presses We believe there is a great opportunity for small presses, who have excellent content that works well for licensing but not always the large rights departments needed to generate revenue from their content from all over the world, and we have already seen a large number of small presses join.




Literary Agencies In conjunction with Literary Agent members, we launched our first monthly competition; Agent’s Pick, in association with The Andrew Lownie Literary Agency. Five unpublished or self-published manuscripts, with rights available, are shortlisted each month with Andrew Lownie selecting a winner to receive global promotion and a professional, written critique.

Film Companies In early 2013, film companies such as 20th Century Fox joined as members to look for the best new work for adaptation. The full film service will be rolled out soon, and we are currently in talks with a presigious LAbased film agent about representing IPR License in the US.

Self-Publishers We are already working in partnership with a number of self-publishing companies such as Troubador, New Generation Publishing, Silverwood Books, PublishNation and Writersworld, with more to be announced shortly. As a self-publishing company, you can feature your authors via a company profile run by you. Their books and available rights will be included on our comprehensive search system to be found by potential rights-buyers.



News Our Partners

Opening Doors, Integrating New Technology and Expansion It’s been a busy few months here at IPR License as we recently flung open our doors to the publishing world, integrated a fully bespoke transactional licensing solution – ‘TradeRights’ - and recruited a sales manager from Pan Macmillan to head up our sales team. After a successful two years building up the number of member titles, the platform now consists of over 14 million records from publishers, agencies and author members all over the world. It was always our intention to make the platform fully open and transactional but as with anything the technology and timing has to be right. Opening our doors allows access for all interested parties across the industry looking to buy and sell whole book rights on a global scale. It means a wide-range of parties can now make offers on titles and complete full transactions to help increase existing, and create new, revenue streams for all links in the publishing chain. It’s evident from speaking to publishers all over the world that they clearly recognise the current wealth of opportunities available in rights and licensing. And that rights deals are no longer solely centred around book fairs and contact books. Rights will continue to be a personal business but through IPR License leads and revenue can be maximised 24/7 thanks to the ability to now complete deals from a desktop. We’re fully committed to leading the way in rights and licensing innovation and embracing technology to help boost existing rights revenue and create new income streams. Opening up our system to the publishing world will enable customers to be in the perfect position to buy and sell book rights and to fully optimise this important and lucrative sector. Our ‘TradeRights’ functionality is the first in the industry to allow parties to make offers and negotiate deals on whole book rights then complete the transaction in full, including contracts and payment. And importantly it represents a significant step forward in cementing IPR 6


News IPR License presents...


liaising with publishers and literary agents worldwide looking to generate additional revenue from the buying and selling of rights and licensing across a variety of territories and genres.

We’re also in the process of interviewing for a licensing manager to help us work closer with publisher and literary agent members to get even more deals happening. Having seen the demand for the rights licensing platform, increasing our global sales infrastructure is one of our key priorities, with more appointments to the business to be announced License’s plan to be the industry-standard tool for anyone in due course. looking to license creative content. It’s exciting times for IPR members, and if you’re not a We have been working on these enhancements for quite member then why not? Just contact us at info@iprlicense. some time and they represent some important milestones com for any further information. in the IPR journey, and to further build on this momentum we are delighted to welcome Kerry Lagan on board. Kerry is an integral addition to the IPR team and we are very excited by her appointment. We welcome her experience and ambition to be a key element of an industry-leading business. Her appointment reflects both the growth of the business and our ambitions to strengthen the infrastructure within our sales team. We have invested heavily in our technology and the quality of our team behind it. The expansion of our sales division illustrates the appetite of the market for a compelling online platform for publishers of all sizes across a variety of territories. Kerry has a strong background in rights and licensing having worked in the rights departments of Pan Macmillan and Little, Brown Book Group. She also assisted in the setting up of the World Intellectual Property Organisation sponsored project ‘Enabling Technologies Framework’ dedicated to establishing ebook accessibility guidelines for publishers internationally. She will lead sales activities across the IPR License brand, www.iprlicense.com


Feature Global Market Focus:


Can ‘K-Lit’ Lure Western Readers?

As part of a series of articles for Publishing Perspectives, compiled by IPR License’s MD Tom Chalmers, here is the latest Global Book Licensing Snapshot to look at what’s happening in key publishing territories, including London Book Fair’s guest of honour country: Korea.


he Korean market is one which will come the most notable Korean success is New York their Korean counterparts as roughly a under increased scrutiny in the year Times bestseller Please Look After Mother by quarter of the market is made up of fiction ahead after being announced as the ‘Market Kyung Sook-Shin. In 2014, Mantle will publish in translation. So whilst launching new Focus’ of the London Book Fair 2014. It can The Investigation by Jung Myung-Lee and writers in translation is difficult, it is still claim to be in the top ten publishing markets there are more acquisitions to be announced possible. Just as the Scandinavian crime in the world whilst still over the coming months. phenomenon shows no sign of abating in the maintaining a certain “is K-lit the next wave to But is K-Lit the next wave UK, publishers such as Book21 and Open degree of mystique, to break in the UK market? Books are committed to bringing European untapped potential and break in the UK market?” trends to Korean readers. Classic fiction and boundaries/red tape to The fiction sales market novels which are supported by successful overcome. Korea remains an important in Korea is declining year on year. Readers films or TV series are also guaranteed success market for translational rights sales as well as remain fiercely loyal to their favourite in the Korean market. The English-language for export sales and their reputations continue authors. The debut fiction market faces section of book giant, Kyobo, was full to to grow within the international literary similar challenges to those experienced in the brim with tables displaying George R.R. community. However, room remains for a the UK. It is a challenge which publishers Martin and J. R. R. Tolkien. greater degree of understanding regarding such as Monhakdongne “literary fiction has taken Perhaps their individual business environments and (translated as “literary the most the potential to strengthen trade links with community”) are actively the biggest hit with agents successful outcome of the overseas publishers. trip was the direct access trying to counter by commenting it could to Korean agents and publishing anthologies become a niche genre” It’s clear that despite huge number of titles of new writers and publishers. We were able being produced within its borders, Korea sponsoring a prize for new talent. With an to share knowledge of how we are tackling needs to explore ways of expanding their impressive stable of writers in translation current challenges within our industry and international rights business. And, by the (including Raymond Carver, Jeffrey also ensure that the potential bestsellers of same token, publishers and authors the Eugenides and Herta Müller) it is committed tomorrow can be showcased more effectively world over need to get to grips with these to publishing the very best voices in literary in both markets.” important marketplaces to grasp the wealth fiction. In spite of this, literary of opportunities on offer. fiction has taken the biggest hit with some agents commenting that it could become a niche Can K-Lit Lure Western Readers? genre. Laura Deacon, Editor at Blue Door at HarperCollins, reports on the available Fiction in translation has some notable opportunities for international publishers witnessed successes including Jonas to forge closer links with their Korean Jonasson’s The 100 Year-Old counterparts following a recent visit. Man Who Climbed Out of In advance of the Korean Market Focus at the Window and Disappeared this year’s London Book Fair, the British and The Sense of an Ending Council organised an editorial scouting trip by Julian Barnes. There is real for six UK editors to introduce a market scope for British publishers which remains relatively undiscovered. So far, to forge closer links with




Opportunities & Challenges for Indie Authors

Executive director of the Association of Independent Authors (AiA), Leigh Cunningham, has written four multi-award winning, self-published titles. We asked her to share her thoughts on the ever-changing challenges and opportunities for independent authors.


hen the publishing landscape started to shift a decade ago with the growing presence of online book retailer, amazon.com, few believed it would be turned on its head as it is today. Just five years ago, the majority of authors were still pursuing traditional publishing while accepting selfpublication only out of frustration. Now, a majority of authors choose self-publishing as their first option with no desire to enter into the traditional query process, which can take upwards of two years for a successful pitch to result in a book on a bookstore shelf. In contrast, the instantaneous world of the self-published author means they can write, edit, review, and publish in a timely manner responding effectively to changing reader interests.

“a majority of authors choose self-publishing”

and being visible in a highly social networked environment. This is where organisations like the Association of Independent Authors, which helps to guide authors through aspects such as design, marketing, sales, promotion and professionalism, are of benefit. Similarly IPR License, which offers services not previously accessible to independent authors, provides an opportunity for authors to market and sell their rights globally. Authors and readers are the winners on this new stage. We’re blessed to be able to read the work of many talented authors whose work - because it was deemed unsellable to a mass audience - would not otherwise have been presented for our enjoyment. And that work can now appear in any number of international markets.

Authors today can take control of their work, its publication, and the construction of their platform. For some authors, this is daunting, so we do still need intermediaries like agents and self-publishing service entities to which authors can outsource aspects of the process Each and every creator of a story has an they don’t wish to deal with opportunity to find and directly. For many others, “opportunity for authors meet their audience. however, the publishing Their work will be judged, process is an extension of to market and sell their sometimes harshly and rights globally” the creativity that went sometimes unfairly, but into the substantive work. that has been the playing Designing covers and interiors offers as field for authors, artists, and actors for much excitement as creating a character or centuries. scene in a novel. Today, self-publishing is not the last resort A major challenge for some authors - for authors with no talent for storytelling. It independent and traditional - is the business is the world stage, and everyone has a right and social side of writing. Many are not to enter. comfortable with sales and distribution



Leigh K Cunningham is a multi-award winning author of four titles including Being Anti-Social, chosen by IndieReader as one of the best indie titles for 2013. She is the executive director of the Association of Independent Authors (AiA) and was previously a senior executive for various public companies in Australia and Singapore. Leigh has three master’s degrees: Master of International Trade & Investment Law, Master of Commerce and an MBA (International Management). Visit www.leigh-k-cunningham.com and www.independent-authors.com for more information.


Author Profile:

Derek Flower

Living in exotic locations such as Cairo, Tuscany and South of France, English author Derek Flower describes the cultural influences in his books, as well as his writing approach and love-hate relationship with self-publishing. called Tippeti-too. As to my other novels, I got the inspiration for them from the places where I subsequently lived, notably in Tuscany. Q: Which genre do you prefer writing and do you approach writing them differently? A: I enjoy writing all genres and, apart from The Magic Island of Tippeti-too, my approach is always the same, to link the stories to historical facts, hence a lot of research as to events and facts which form part of the storylines.


: You’ve written a huge range of books from historical non-fiction to children’s fiction – where do you get your inspiration from?

A: I believe my inspiration derives from childhood and youth experiences since I lived in Egypt for the first 25 years of my life, first in Alexandria and then in Cairo, hence my novels Farewell Alexandria and Beyond the White Walls, my history of the Ancient Library of Alexandria entitled The Shores of Wisdom, and my recently published A Concise History of Egypt. As to my fable for kids, The Magic Island of Tippeti-too, that too has a throwback to my childhood since my father used to tell me bedtime tales about a fabulous place

Q: Tell us more about ‘Twerp’ your character blessed with the gift of ubiquity. Do you have any more plans to add to his series of strange and hair-raising adventures?

Q:Why did you choose to self-publish? And what do you see as the benefits/drawbacks? A: I chose to self-publish my books in order to get them into print as rapidly as possible and also to get reviews on them without having to wait years, and those are the benefits. The drawbacks are that in the past, it could take quite a long time for the book come to the notice of the general public and to be found in bookshops, though this too is now changing. Q: Egypt and the Middle East features heavily in many of your titles, is this a particular market/territory in which you think your books might sell well?

A: As mentioned, Egypt features in many of A: Twerp is a 12 year old YA who suddenly my books because I lived there. As to whether discovers that he has the power of ubiquity it would be a good market for my books and of travel through time space dimensions, I would say that for the non-fiction ones, faculties which over the years involve him maybe, should they be translated into Arabic. in the weirdest and most mind boggling I am, in fact, in contact with the Egyptian adventures which no other youngster has ever Academy here in Rome where, a few years experienced, and that turn him into a world ago, I gave a conference on The Shores of acclaimed young hero even by scientists and Wisdom which had been published in Italian and I hope that through them I heads of state. Regarding ‘Twerp’, in “I enjoy writing may find an Egyptian publishing house which might be interested view of the very encouraging 5 all genres” in publishing it in Arabic, star reviews I received, I do have in mind writing some more of his adventures, together with my new book, A Concise especially as a well-established publisher has History of Egypt. expressed interest in publishing the two books www.derekflower.com of these adventures.

Author Bio.

Suez crisis of 1956, he was forced to leave Egypt and his Lloyds of London brokerage business, and two years later settled in London with his wife Frédérique. There, he set up a property company specialising in overseas developments which later led him to move to the South of France and then to Italy where he also acted as financial consultant to British companies. After many years spent in Gaiole in Chianti, he moved to Rome where he devotes his time almost exclusively to writing.

English author Derek Flower was born in Geneva and brought up in Alexandria where his family had resided since the 1900’s. Derek received a cosmopolitan education at Italian, French and English schools in Egypt before going to Malvern College in England and completing his studies up at Oxford, where he received an honours degree in Modern Languages. With the



Publisher Profile:

University Press


A discussion with the directors of the University of North Texas Press, Fordham University Press, University of Colorado Press about their strategies for pursuing foreign rights sales.

Ronald Chrisman, Director at the University of North Texas Press:

The University of North Texas Press publishes in the humanities and social sciences, with special emphasis on Texas history and culture, military history, western history, music and music biography, criminal justice, folklore, multicultural topics, natural and environmental history, culinary history, and women’s studies. Their publishing series include Publications of the Texas Folklore Society, War and the Southwest, Military Biography and Memoir Series.

Fredric Nachbaur, Director at the Fordham University Press (FUP):

FUP has an outstanding reputation for producing awardwinning studies in the fields of anthropology, classics, communications, the fine arts, history, literary studies, philosophy, political theory, religion, sociology, and theology, with a particular emphasis on creatively interdisciplinary work. Each year it publishes two books of poetry through the Poets Out Loud prize. FUP also has a long history of publishing books focusing on the New York region and in 2010 established the Empire State Editions imprint to better brand and market these popular regional books.

Darrin Pratt, Director at the University of Colorado Press: Uni of Colorado Press specialize in anthropology and archaeology (with an emphasis on New World cultures), composition and rhetoric, folklore, history (with an emphasis on the American West), and natural history (American West).



ow important are rights and licensing to your business model? Chrisman: In the past we have occasionally placed titles with book clubs, sold first serial rights to selected periodicals, and licensed foreign editions in Asian and European markets. We have found several titles in our Lives of Musicians Series especially appealing to foreign markets. UNT Press seeks to expand the reach of our publications worldwide as part of our university’s mission to advance and disseminate knowledge. So increasing our licensing opportunities through a platform like IPR License is key for us. Nachbaur: As part of the University’s mission to expand its presence in international markets, FUP has implemented strategies to get its books to a greater number of international readers. I regularly attended the Frankfurt Book Fair to sell FUP books to international publishers. The marketing department recently created the first subsidiary rights catalogue to be distributed at Frankfurt, with an interactive version featured on the FUP website. These rights are a small part of the overall business model but one in which I see a great opportunity for increased sales and deeper market penetration. Pratt: Rights and licensing have not historically been a big part of our business (about 1% of overall revenue), but we are certainly hoping to do more business in this area. Are there any specific territories or sectors in which you are looking to acquire or sell titles? Chrisman: We would like to see more licensing opportunities for foreign editions in China, Japan, and Korea. We also believe select titles among our western history publications, especially our more popular outlaw-lawmen titles, would be of interest to European publishers for foreign edition licensing. One practical guide title, Special Needs, Special Horses, a guide for horse therapy with children, has found several good homes overseas in countries such as Korea and Israel and would be of benefit to any publisher worldwide publishing in self-help.


Nachbaur: FUP is looking to increase its exposure in Asia and India but remains open to all markets. Many of our books are written for a global audience and lend themselves to translation or to be published in English outside North America. Pratt: We would be happy to sell translation rights anywhere there may be an interest. Because we publish in the English language, we are also open to co-publishing arrangements in the UK. In terms of purchases, we are primarily interested in acquiring North American rights to titles in English. What do you see as the main opportunities for university presses in the current marketplace? Chrisman: Our business models are transforming and the scholarship we publish is finding new avenues of dissemination online and through ebooks. I believe the reach of our publications will be greatly expanded in the coming years through digital entrepreneurship, such as by repackaging our content to meet the needs of today’s readers beyond the traditional printed book. Licensing portions of our work to select electronic vendors, for example, who would then license access to consumers to download and read select portions as a subscription service, would result in more reach for our publications as well as a new source of revenue. Nachbaur: As commercial houses merge and become parts of huge conglomerations, there is little opportunity for specialized scholarship in the humanities and social sciences and general interest books by lessknown authors. University presses should maintain a commitment to publishing books in both print and electronic formats with an eye toward exploring new digital models in content and distribution. Pratt: Right now, based on what we have been seeing over the past couple of years, I’d say that the biggest opportunity for university presses lies in potential translation rights in Asia. There also seems to be some sales opportunity in the Middle East, but whether or not there are also rights and licensing deals is an open question.

Fiction Literary

The Osier Banks

Look below the surface. Reality is different there.

Michael Lawrence

Manuscript Genre: Imaginative Adult Fiction Additional Information:

Brand new, direct from the author. Ideal film or TV series material.

For more information email info@iprlicense.com You turn a corner, you close a window, you miss meeting the love of your life by failing to look over your shoulder – and worlds change for generation upon generation. The plot of The Osier Banks rides a theme rarely explored in mainstream adult fiction: the quirks and accidents that forge, colour and deliver our perception of reality. In this complex yet highly readable novel, our two main characters (male and female versions of the same person) are forced to confront further variations of themselves, their home, everyone they know – with disastrous consequences for one of them. From an author more commonly associated with award-winning books for young people, this 145,000 word adult novel is an eminently satisfying tale of chance, reality and what-might-be.

The author defies the reader to predict the ending.

Worldwide Rights Available Ever wondered if someone’s pulling your strings? Conrad doesn’t. But to be fair, if you’ve just surfaced from a coma after your bed above a joke shop explodes, you might be forgiven for being a little distracted.


But still. Here you are, a 23-year-old Cambridge philosophy graduate, waking up in Washington DC in a wheelchair and neck brace, given a mission by the powerful media mogul who happens to be your father. The mission? To go to a backwater American county that frowns upon communication with the outside world, and buy off the blackmailing mother of the half brother you didn’t know you had until now. A half brother who might not, in fact, exist. Wouldn’t you imagine that something might be up? Conrad doesn’t. Oh, but he should. He really should.

Michael Lawrence

A freewheeling tale of betrayal, murder, misandry and men in tights. Guest appearances by Danny DeVito, Halle Berry, Norman Bates, George Clooney, Walter White and Charles Manson lookalikes.

‘Everything I say is true except for the lies’

Manuscript Genre: Humorous Fiction / Adventure / Mystery / Chicanery Additional Information: Just completed, up for grabs. Humorous and highly cinematic.

Worldwide Rights Available

Me, My Ghost and I

Many bizarre things happened to Jig McCue as a boy. But he’s 28 now and bizarre things should be a thing of the past – shouldn’t they? Living in London’s Isle of Dogs, he tells us about losing his job as a non-clairvoyant astrologer on ‘Celeb’ magazine and how the novel he’s been writing based A young man haunted by his on Doctor Zhivago (about a vet, set in Hull) failed to survive the bombing older self, who’s seen it all before, of his block of flats by extremists who couldn’t agree what to be extreme about. Undecided what to do next, he revisits his old home town, Littleincluding the sex scenes... Bastard-on-the-Water, where he’s almost arrested for loitering outside his Michael Lawrence old school by former classmate Eejit Atkins, now a police sergeant.

Manuscript Genre: Adult / Humour Additional Information:

The narrator was once the hero of a series of popular children’s books, but this is not for kids. Tasteless vulgarity guaranteed.

While in town Jig makes the acquaintance of the disenchanted editor of the local paper (popularly known as The Weekly Crap) and is invited to fill all that’s left of the shoes of a recently pulped reporter. One of his commissions is to write a piece about the Corby International Arts Festival, where his old mate Pete Garrett (now a minor TV soap star) attempts a stand-up act that’s damningly reviewed by their other old chum Angie Mint, London correspondent of Lapland’s premier lesbian arts magazine.

Worldwide Rights Available 12


Fiction Literary

For more information email info@iprlicense.com

The Only Blue Door

It is September 1940, Maggie and her young siblings, Grace and Billy, are living in the East End of London with their mother. Their father has been killed at Dunkirk and their mother goes into hospital to have her fourth child, leaving the children with a neighbour. In one of the worst bombing raids of the war their home is destroyed and the neighbour is killed. Bewildered and frightened, the children wander the streets until they are taken in by some nuns. But their problems are not over; no-one can trace their mother and, labelled as orphans, they are sent as child migrants to Australia.

Joan Fallon

Scott Publishing Published ISBN: 9780957689138 The novel traces their adventures in their new country, the homesickness, Genre: Historical / the heartbreak when Billy is separated from his sisters and the loneliness of life in a cold and unfeeling orphanage. Eventually the children make new Family Saga / Literary lives for themselves, but Maggie is still convinced that her mother is alive and once she is old enough, begins to search for her.

This novel is based on the experiences of real people and reflects the attitudes of the day towards child migration during and after the Second World War.

and Other Stories of Mystery, Romance and Intrigue

Richard Ford

The scream must have been heard by everyone in the vicinity of the cottage. Aunt Freda almost tripped over the body as she made her way down the garden path that autumn evening. She glanced at the slight figure of a seemingly young red-haired girl, throat cut from ear to ear, blood pouring down her blouse. Freda’s eyes popped out, her mouth sagged open. She attempted a scream but at first nothing emanated from her lips. She turned, staggering wildly towards the cottage, hands groping in front of her. Running into the kitchen, she banged the door behind her. It was only then that the ear piercing scream exploded from her mouth, but Freda herself failed to hear it as immediately afterwards she lost consciousness and fell into a heap onto the stone floor.

As the title implies these stories are ‘old-fashioned’ stories of romance, mystery and intrigue. There are eight of them – easy for light reading and reasonably short to be read, perhaps, one at a time.

ISBN 978-0-9569208-2-9

anD oTher sTories of MYsTerY, roMance anD inTriGue

Richard Ford

The overall tone of the stories is ethical, honest, pure (never racy) – probably set in the 1950s era. Each story is different and tells a tale of hope, expectancy and ultimate rewards of overcoming difficulties, heartache, disappointment – to a better world, a better situation. They are comforting, reassuring and heart-warming stories.

Where DiD You Go To MY PreTTY MaiD?


Published ISBN: 9780956920829 Genre: Short Stories

The author of these varied short stories, Richard Ford, has inspired to write them from the experiences of many events which have occurred in his own life. It’s just the sort of reading for people of a certain age who like to delve into a short story at bedtime.

Where DiD You Go To MY PreTTY MaiD? anD oTher sTories

Where Did You Go To My Pretty Maid?

Worldwide Rights Available

written by

Richard Ford

Richard Ford - Short Stories cOVER.indd 1

12/6/2012 11:09:26 AM

Worldwide Rights Available ‘Exams tend to corrupt; final exams corrupt finally.’ This novel is about exams, literature, sex, cancer and time.

Final Exam

Part 1:1961: Examining a mind. Pembroke College, Cambridge. Peter Green and his friends Jack (big, dangerous) and Casey (small, sinister) face final examinations in English. Keen, they discuss their literary ideas. Peter, whose main study-aid is sexual pleasure, discards lissom Arabella, one of his two girlfriends. Competitive exams apparently subvert left-wing ideals. Peter alienates a don, Haggerty. Discoverer of literary ‘covert plotting’, he overlooks real-life covert plots. Part 2: 1969: Examining a campus. Sussex University. Jack, tricked by Haggerty, lectures there. Peter quarrels with radical students. Part 3: 2011: Examining a body. Hospitals in and around London. Peter undergoes intimate examinations. Death makes incursions. Now what use is the study of literature?

Peter Green

(This ironic novel -- using real exam-papers and real medical reports -depicts the conflict between mind and body. The book is aimed particularly at students studying English Literature, and at their teachers.).



A Novel

Published ISBN: 9781291468991 Genre: Historical / Campus Novel Additional Information:

Include history spanning 1897 to 2011, particularly 1960-69).

Worldwide Rights Available

Fiction Women’s/Contemporary

Remembering the Night Train

Shaida B. Mehrban Published ISBN: 9781909740433 Genre: Contemporary

For more information email info@iprlicense.com

This is a story of Lily Roe whose life seems ordinary until she meets Anthony, a young boy at college. For the first time she relates to the woman inside of her and wants to kindle an emotional relationship with him, in a hope of bridging that emptiness within her. When she does go out with him, she starts to think of life and the night train that her mother spoke about and yet she is not allowed to speak about it but whenever Lily closes her eyes she hears the night train slowly drifting even further away from her. Her father is a broken man not wanting to address the departure of his wife, but continues to do his fatherly duties whilst losing site of the child’s needs as well as his own. His ego gets the better of his own pain which he is not willing to even think about, he is a broken man as he sees himself as a failure of a husband and is burdened with self blame. Both of them struggle and remain ignorant as a way of coping. The London riots serve as a backdrop to the story and a stepping stone for both of them to try to face the past and move on with their lives.

Worldwide Rights Available Just Two Weeks is a gripping psychological thriller, loaded with suspense and menace, full of atmosphere and a sense of place. The plot will keep you guessing throughout until it reaches its suitably unnerving end. It is the first day of Jo’s holiday in Sri Lanka when she meets Zara at breakfast. They go to a beach where Zara steals Jo’s money and passport then checks out of the hotel. At least Jo believes her name is Zara and she thinks she’s never met her before. No one at the hotel believes that the thief is Zara. They all seem to know and like her. Jo’s paranoia builds as there are sightings of Zara that everyone else denies are there. She thinks the nightmare will be over when she returns to the UK. But it is only the start. The truth about the identity of the woman gradually emerges as Jo’s past unravels. The safety of the life she’s created for herself with a man who she thought offered her stability begins to crack.

Just Two Weeks Amanda SingtonWilliams

Manuscript Genre: Contempoarary / Pyschological Thriller Additional Information:

This title won the IPR Agent’s Pick in 2013.

Worldwide Rights Available

But A Dream Jenny Gill

Published ISBN: 9781481082235 Genre: Women’s fiction / Mystery / Family Saga Additional Information:

Third book in series, South Hill Sagas, though each book stands alone.

A tale of intrigue and mystery – No 3 in the South Hill Sagas, set in leafy Surrey to the south of London, though each book stands alone. Mags has struggled nearly all her life with heart disease. After she gives birth her health deteriorates, necessitating a transplant. She is given a vast array of medication to take daily. When her doctor changes some of her medication she starts having a frightening recurring dream. In addition she finds she has developed an interest in the game of rugby, and that her tastes in food have changed. Then the dream moves along and she finds herself not only an eye-witness to a murder but also the victim.

Worldwide Rights Available 14


Fiction Women’s/Historical

For more information email info@iprlicense.com Forced into a bloody crime by Ace, an isolated girl April buries her past until passionate love drives her to uncover dark secrets and free his hold on her. “Hiet skillfully introduces and intertwines her characters’ lives and passions in a riveting tale of mystery, murder, deceptions, love discovered, love lost. Chronicling several lives from the 1930s to 1960s, Hiet writes energetically, evocatively. Her descriptions and use of metaphor give subtle insights into the characters (and make another writer envious).

Stanley Park

Racine Hiet

Published ISBN: 9780986657443 Genre: Drama / Crime / Women’s Psychological

Stanley Park becomes the symbol intertwined throughout the characters’ lives. The park represents for them escape, renewal of self-nurturance, lifechanging liaisons, and courageous revelations. Stanley Park, a powerful thread, becomes the place of dreams proclaimed, true selves revealed, and ultimately freedom from their physical and psychological prisons. In Stanley Park, Hiet faces head-on the abhorrent aspects of life, its physical and emotional cruelties, its disappointments, and its ability to bring out the worst in people. Yet, anchored always in the beauty Worldwide Rights Available and freshness of Stanley Park, with the major characters finally finding what they seek, her vision is one of hope and love.” Except digital publishing


Can you ever escape your past?

Julia Ibbotson

Soon to be Published Genre: Women’s fiction / Romance

Drumbeats is the first novel in a trilogy and follows 18 year old English student Jess through her gap year in West Africa. It’s set in the mid-1960s when Jess flees her father and her difficult home background of stifling religion for freedom to become a volunteer teacher and nurse in the Ghanaian bush. With the idealism of youth, she hopes to “find herself ” and do good in the wider world, but little does she realize what, in reality, she will find that year: joys, horrors, tragedy. She must find her way on her own and learn what fate has in store for her, as she becomes embroiled in the poverty and turmoil of a small war-torn African nation under a controversial dictatorship. Can she escape her past or will it always haunt her?

Worldwide Rights Available Mrs McKeiver’s Secrets is a microcosm of England in late 18th century. The Enclosures Act of 1795 has thrust the Hills into poverty, which sees everyone in need of life‘s necessities. The trilogy addresses all the problems facing rural villages in 1799; the horror of landlessness, the price of food, the threat of starvation and French invasion.

Mrs McKeiver: Trilogy

Mrs McKeiver, traditional herbalist, midwife and healer, a Hills resident for twenty years, observes as the once settled, rural community is rocked to its core. Immediately, she encourages the Reverend Reeves and local farmers to contribute food to those on Poor Relief; which the Reverend delivers. The nearby Parish House has problems of the worst kind; a predatory, dishonest overseer. She has to ‘timmer herself ’, every new day; to deliver babies, make herbal remedies and solve parish problems.

Part Published ISBN: 9781780882604 Genre: Historical / Women’s fiction Additional Information:

Margaret Morgan

Trilogy covering the pregnancy The reader first meets her icing a wedding cake; helping an ill traveller and and life in the Hills: warming the house next door, for a soon to be married couple, Hester and Mrs McKiever’s Secrets, Edward. They are marrying due to Hester’s mysterious pregnancy; Edward, Mrs McKiever’s Remedies and Mrs McKeiver’s Solutions. happily, being unconcerned. Even after twenty years experience in midwifery, this pregnancy surprised her. However, she remembers Worldwide Rights Available her mother’s words, “Babies don’t walk far to find a father”.



Fiction Historical

Clive of India

Richard Alexander Kelly Published Genre: Historical / Graphic Novel

For more information email info@iprlicense.com Clive of India is based on the true story of Robert Clive of India. It details his exploits while leading British forces, including his daring escape from a French-occupied fort, his eventual rise to Major and Captain, and several sieges he won with varying degrees of casualty. Robert Clive was more than just a soldier; Clive of India also tells the story of his courtship and eventual marriage to Margaret Maskelyne, sister to astronomer Nevil Maskelyne. With great character support in a group of soldiers with whom Clive escapes the besieged city of Madras, Clive of India gives insight into the first Baron of Clive and his forays onto the Indian battlefield and the troubles and politics of the British forces during the 18th century.

Worldwide Rights Available The novel looks at Jesus as a human being with a mission. It explores his life and work using ancient sources but modern insights. You will not find the comfortable figure you learnt about in church and school RE lessons. The story follows the familiar course but uses an unfamiliar route – causing surprise, new understanding and further questions. This man struggles against a corrupt and dictatorial local government, supported by foreign oppression, as we follow his attempts to feel his way through the minefield of Jewish and Roman politics in first century Palestine.

Shadow of the Cross David S. Britton

Published ISBN: 9781909039711 Genre: Historical / He shares our doubts and fears, and struggles to find a meaning to his life Religious and work, while facing apparent failure in his main task. It is a very radical Additional Information: rewriting of the ancient story.

An old story told in a radically new way.

Worldwide Rights Available


T. W. Stones

Published ISBN: 9781291498264 Genre: Crime / Mystery / Historical

The year is 1919 and after suffering the horrors of warfare Kaff finally returns home still haunted by the death of his friend, Finn. After four years in the trenches the freedom of the open road now calls him and he sets off to find work. He eventually arrives at the village of Crofton Devrille where he secures temporary employment at the nearby manor house. Along with meeting new friends Kaff finds romance but things become complicated when the squire turns out to be the one man he hates with a vengeance. To make things worse, the discovery of a body puts the staff into a state of panic. Is there a murderer amongst them?

Worldwide Rights Available 16


Fiction Thriller/Crime

For more information email info@iprlicense.com Set on the campus of University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Code Blood takes the reader into the connected lives of a fire paramedic, a Chinese medical research student with the rarest blood in the world and the killer who stalks her. Emergency medicine, the science of stem cell research and the shadow world of body parts dealers provide the background for this unusual and exciting LA noir mystery. A young Los Angeles County Fire paramedic responds to a fatal accident. A woman’s foot has been severed. Who is she, and what happened to her foot? During a weeklong search, while he risks his career to find the victim’s identity and her missing foot, Colt Lewis visits the dark side of Los Angeles, an underworld of Goth clubs and body parts dealers. He encounters a woman with a full body tattoo, a mysterious Chinese woman involved in stem-cell research, and a killer. When he finally finds the foot and buries it in the San Gabriel Mountains, the paramedic brings closure to the woman’s death and resolves the absence of his mother who deserted him a decade earlier.

Worldwide Rights Available

One Foot in the Black Kurt Kamm

Published ISBN: 9780979855153 Genre: Coming of Age / Family Life / Action Additional Information:

Finalist at the 2012 USA Best Book Awards – Fiction and the 2013 Beverly Hills Book Awards – Fiction.

Code Blood Kurt Kamm

Published ISBN: 9780979855139 Genre: Thriller / Crime / Horror / Medical / Mystery & Detective

Additional Information: First place for the 2011 Writer’s Type, First Chapters Competition and 2012 International Book Awards. Winner of the National Indie Excellence Book Awards 2012 and 2 USA Best Book Awards 2012.

Greg Kowalski grows up in Michigan with an abusive father, a Saginaw city firefighter. Cut off from his family, Greg travels to California to become a helitack wildland firefighter. He is tormented by the contradiction of hatred for his father and the need to have his father’s approval and love. Greg moves on to the brutal LACoFD helitack training academy at Camp 8 where he graduates and begins work. He suffers traumatic stress after his crew is trapped on a mountainside in an explosive wildfire and his captain and mentor dies in a burnover. The night before this incident, Greg’s father is killed in a fire in Saginaw. ‘One foot in the black’ is a position on the fireline that is next to an area already burned (“the black”). It is at once the most dangerous place—reight at the edge of the flames—but also next to a safe zone for escape. The title is a metaphor for the life of Greg Kowalski, a nineteen-year-old searching for his place in the world. The raging wildfires which burn across California each summer are the background for One Foot In The Black, as coming of age story.

Worldwide Rights Available

Hazardous Material is an unusual mystery set in the high desert north of Los Angeles, CA., an area populated with meth labs and outlaw motorcycle gangs, as well as Edwards Air Force Base, NASA, and many top-secret U.S. Government aerospace manufacturing facilities. The novel introduces the reader to a firefighter with a painkiller addiction, a motorcycle gang manufacturing methamphetamine, and an aerospace scientist who designs drones. The mix is explosive. Bucky Dawson is a HazMat Specialist with LA County Fire Department HazMat Task Force 129. His station is in Lancaster, CA. One night, Task Force 103 is called out to support a Sheriff ’s raid on a meth lab in the Mojave Desert. In the darkness, Bucky sees his sister at the door of a double-wide trailer before it explodes. Bucky’s life is in chaos. He is divorced, lonely and struggling with a painkiller addiction. His Battalion Chief tells him to stop using the pills. Will Bucky’s promising career come to an end? Will motorcycle thugs prevent him from discovering the secret from his sister’s past? Can Bucky survive the challenges in his life? Worldwide Rights Available



Hazardous Material Kurt Kamm

Published ISBN: 9780988888203 Genre: Crime / Medical / Mystery & Detective / Urban Additional Information:

Winner of the 2012 Hackney Literary Award for Unpublished Novel. Best Novel 2013 - Public Safety Writers Association. Finalist of 2012 Dana Awards.

Fiction Thriller/Crime

The Lily Branch DI Elizabath Jewell Book 1

Carole Pitt

Published ISBN: 9781781764459 Genre: Crime / Mystery / Police Procedural Additional Information:

Part of a crime/detective series.

print and digital Worldwide Rights Available

For more information email info@iprlicense.com In the midst of tackling her personal problems, DI Elizabeth Jewell investigates her biggest case, the investigation into the murder of top photographic model Lily Jerome. Within forty-eight hours, a second victim turns up on an isolated farm. Jewell believes there is a connection and searches for a link between the two crimes. Plunged into the fashion industry’s darker side, she is criticised by the media for focusing on celebrity fashion photographer Miles Keaton as the prime suspect. Nick Calbrain, a Canadian investigative journalist living in Bristol is after a sensational story. As editor of a successful newspaper, he delves into the Jerome murder engineering a meeting with Jewell who he immediately finds attractive. Under pressure from his superiors, Jewell’s boss, Detective Superintendent Daly suspends her for misconduct. Calbrain sees an opportunity to offer his help. From then on, they collaborate to solve the double mystery. However, for Jewell, pursuing the killer will change her life forever. With her career in jeopardy for breaking too many rules, she has nothing to lose, except maybe her life. It is Christmas morning and Maggie Mercer finds something under a tree. This tree is no Norwegian spruce sheltering shiny parcels. Instead, beneath a towering pine, she discovers a man’s body roped to a fence post. Detective Inspector Elizabeth Jewell leaves a family get together in Oxford to attend the scene at the Wilderness Bird Sanctuary. The victim is Harry Steele, a local stonemason.

Wilderness Lodge

DI Elizabeth Jewell Book 2

Carole Pitt

Published ISBN: 9781784070472 Genre: Crime / Mystery / Police Procedural Information: One clear fact emerges. Steele had more than his fair share of enemies. Additional Part of a crime/detective series. As the investigation progresses, Jewell and Patterson uncover Steele’s unsavoury past and those affected by his arrogance and greed. Behind the sanctuary’s tranquil setting a sense of foreboding emerges.

digital Worldwide Rights Available

The Cedar Face DI Elizabeth Jewell Book 3

Carole Pitt

Soon to be Published Genre: Crime / Mystery / Police Procedural Additional Information:

Part of a crime/detective series.

print and digital Worldwide Rights Available

However, which one of them wanted him dead? Still recovering from a previous case Jewell and Patterson must unravel their suspect’s lies and their complex motives. When Keith Wilson, an art teacher at Grasmere Academy is murdered, DI Elizabeth Jewell expects to lead the investigation. Within hours, her new boss DCI Liam Yeats takes over and excludes both her and Sergeant Patterson from the case without giving a valid reason. However, Yeats’ policy is short lived when he realises alienating Jewell and her team is counterproductive.

Jacob Morven, a Canadian citizen from a remote area of North-Western British Columbia is the prime suspect. Although the evidence against him points to his guilt, DI Jewell has doubts. Keith Wilson, the victim, had boasted of a change in his fortune, implying he was about to receive a substantial amount of money. With this in mind, Jewell looks further afield for other suspects. As the mystery deepens, Jewell and Patterson look back almost three hundred years to the origins of a lost artefact. Amidst escalating dissent at Park Road HQ, Elizabeth tackles yet another problem. Where is her previous boss, DCS Daly, and is his unexpected disappearance connected to the current situation?



Fiction Thriller/Crime

For more information email info@iprlicense.com Recently promoted to the rank of Detective Inspector Carter of the Merseyside Police, a man of only one name is the centre plank of this character-driven story. Carter is told that after a meeting with the Home Secretary, Chief Constables have been asked to trial ‘Major Crime Units’ in all force areas. Carter handpicks a team from all CID personnel and his life gets turned upside down by the case of a lifetime. He and his loyal team employ brains, instinct, and guts to uncover and bring down a drug and prostitution conspiracy of a grand scale. Alongside this whirlwind police adventure, Carter’s Story also reveals the civilian Carter; the man who falls in love with a beautiful, young woman and discovers what it is to have a life outside of the job. Carter encounters acts of sexual depravity involving minors abducted from the streets of Liverpool, with an unsavoury care staff officer supplying potential victims. Carter and his team are met by a wall of conspiracy, murder of major proportions, involving officers from his own force assisting the drug ring of capital villains. Carter and his team overcome obstacles and refuse to be beaten.

Cindy, Where Are You?

Jim Broadbent is a hard-grafting, heavy-drinking detective sergeant who is lumbered with all the difficult jobs that require his natural investigative skills. He is lumbered with yet another investigation into a missing 12 year old girl, Cindy.

Manuscript Genre: Criminal Investigation / Thriller Additional Information:

Jim’s marriage was nearly on the rocks because of his long hours and after work drinking. He was on the verge of having a fling with Jackie a young vivacious detective who had shown more than a professional interest in him. The investigation into Cindy’s disappearance would test Jim’s skills and also those around him especially Jackie who, would be thrust into the murky world of sexual depravity and murder.

Roger Rapel

This book highlights the depravity that some people steep to for sexual gratification.

Carter’s Story Peter Phillips

Published ISBN: 9781909740334 Genre: Thriller / Crime / Mystery

Worldwide Rights Available

What the investigation uncovers is an insight into murder, child abuse and paedophilia. It takes you into the depths of policing and investigation that it is normally unseen, including post mortems and the technical investigative understanding of the Home Office Pathologists.

Worldwide Rights Available When former SAS soldier Dan Green’s son is brutally murdered by the Russian Mafia in Puerto Banus on the Costa del Sol and the Spanish police seem powerless to act, he decides to take the law into his own hands. He recruits Jimmy, a former comrade, and the two of them embark on a revenge mission as Dan vows to bring down the family which controls organised crime along the coast. The bullets fly and the body count rises in this high octane thriller as Dan and Jimmy attack the family and its interests while the family uses all its resources to track them down. The action switches from Spain to Moscow to London and then back to Spain as both sides become increasingly desperate and chase each other across Europe. The Costa del Sol provides a glamorous backdrop for this action thriller and its dramatic climax in the hills behind Marbella as Dan and Jimmy, assisted by members of the Spanish underworld, take on the family in the final showdown.

The Marbella Project Nigel James

Published ISBN: 9781291492743 Genre: Action & Adventure / Thriller Additional Information:

The book is likely to be the first in a series featuring the two main characters.

Worldwide Rights Available www.iprlicense.com


Fiction Horror/Fantasy

The Dark Horde Brewin

Published ISBN: 9780956588074 Genre: Horror / Thriller / Supernatural Additional Information:

For more information email info@iprlicense.com 1989, rural Victoria, Australia. Something is preying upon the township of Howqua Hills. The Dark Horde descends in a flurry of blood and guts, filling the night with terror and horror. Brian Derwent, head of the local Police Station, woke with a killer headache and a call to respond to a murder. Barney and Frank Weston were found ripped apart.The injuries could not have been done by a human. Brian must simultaneously grapple with the investigation, his disintegrating personal life and unseen forces that are not of this world. Part thriller, part crime-fiction, all supernatural horror, The Dark Horde tells of the return of an ancient evil that is neither stoppable nor comprehensible...

Awarded first place for Dan Poynter’s Global Ebook Awards 2013 (Horror), Finalist for the Indie Excellence Awards 2013 and Honorable Mention at the Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards 2012.

Worldwide Rights Available Initially set in Victorian London, four werewolves manage to escape from England on a ship bound for the United States. In the Wild West, a wagon train is encamped for the night, but is soon under attack. Along with six train robbers, two survivors of the train attack break away to hold up in a fort run by union soldier guarding confederates soldiers from the civil war. When bounty hunters arrive in the fort under a full moon, mayhem ensues. The fort’s union Captain and his soldiers join forces with the confederates, while the train robbers raid the fort looking anywhere for silver - the only known substance to repel werewolves. The two wagon train survivors are left to fight for their very lives.


Richard Alexander Kelly Published ISBN: 9780957235977 Genre: Horror / Thriller / Supernatural Additional Information: Screenplay available.

Worldwide Rights Available

Paradise is not Heaven

What do you do when humans destroy their home planet, Atlantis? Creator decided to rejuvenate Atlantis. Paradise is not Heaven follows the process using characters from Biblical, Classical and Norse mythology to do the work. Zeus and his team are the guardians of Atlantis and Zeus is held responsible for the destruction which he denies.

Published ISBN: 9781456788070 Genre: Fantasy

Creator has another planet, Wotanworld, which is evolving more in tune with Creator’s wishes. Odin and his team are Wotanworld’s guardians. Odin is charged with overseeing the rebirth of Atlantis together with keeping Zeus aware of his guilt.

Rick Lane

The characters do not do this to the exclusion of all else. They fall in love, toil, even to give birth during the period of rejuvenation. Paradise is the home of the Creator and the mythological characters. Heaven is where all forms of live wish to live.

Worldwide Rights Available 20


YA Fiction For more information email info@iprlicense.com m Reaallm the Re f th of o ty es y aj st M t je s a M MTORIA HER ROYAL HIGHNESS

Fantasy has a long and well-earned reputation for being one of the most vivid ways to expose everything that is wrong with modern societies and political practice in the real world. Majesty of the Realm: Toria Her Royal Highness manages to address a whole litany of what is wrong with the world today, and of what could send it even further into irreparable crisis. Majesty of the Realm centres around two families: Princess Lighten, her husband and her sons Noviak and Lavek on the fantasy planet of Taria, and Victoria and her widowed father who live a normal life on planet Harth.


It is good versus evil: Noviak and Lavek are direct opposites of each other. Noviak grows up with a sense of moral responsibility, while Lavek has only the seeds of it, never cultivated. Victoria, the youngest sibling has yet to make her mark, but could be her peoples salvation. Battle scenes between rival planets, involves slimy prehistoric worms called The Steligans - strange beings that represent what could happen to the human race.

Majesty of the Realm

Toria Her Royal Highness

Richard Alexander Kelly Published Genre: Fantasy / Sci-Fi / Children’s YA

Worldwide Rights Available

Smuggled Diamonds Julia Hands

Van Miers Productions Published ISBN: 9780957675100 Genre: Children’s & YA / Adventure

Smuggled Diamonds is an exciting, fast-moving, illustrated adventure story suitable for both boys and girls. It holds the young reader through a perfectly balanced mixture of details and action, in a plot both gripping and convincing. The occasionally gently challenging style also makes for a very rewarding book and ideal for teaching English. Author Julia Hands, Hons. Graduate of St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge, pens her craft from her home in Shaldon Nr. Teignmouth, Devon. Her inspiration for Smuggled Diamonds follows her visits to both the Balearic Island of Majorca and Edinburgh, Scotland. London West End publishers - Van Miers Productions - feel that the adventures of Steve and Becky through the pages of Smuggled Diamonds, and its perfect grammatical English, manages to maintain the excitment of the story and involvement of the characters throughout the book. A gripping novel.

Inspired Poems Of Life

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Richard Ford

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“My experiences are doubtless no different to those in the lives of many. Life itself consists of having to make choices and decisions and often we can easily make the wrong ones. The most important decision, it seems, is whether we allow our less than good circumstances or situations to crush us, or whether we use these stumbling blocks as stepping stones to a brighter and more positive future. Of some of my experiences, loosely referred to in these poems along with what I have learned by and through them, can help others who can relate to them through their own similar trials of going through ‘long dark nights of the soul’ then my journey has not been in vain and I have achieved my purpose, and God’s too, in writing them which I have only done with his inspiration.” These poems are for people who have ‘been through the null’ - to show clearly, emphatically, that they are not alone and other’s experiences can be used to help assist them and turn them round on the road to recovery. They are comforting, reassuring and decidedly beneficial.


Worldwide Rights Available

Poetry Inspired Poems of Life Richard Ford

Published ISBN: 9780956920836 Genre: Christian Poems

Worldwide Rights Available

Children’s For more information email info@iprlicense.com

Katie and the Giant Problem Richard Parr

Published ISBN: 9780957111004 Genre: Pre-School / Primary School Additional Information:

A second book in the series is also written and illustrated: Katie and the Greedy Dragon

It was my daughter Caitlin’s 5th Birthday when she asked me to make up a bedtime story instead of reading one of hers. Looking at me with her big blue eyes, how could I refuse? Ideal for all ages up to seven. The main characters are Katie (inspired by my daughter) and her sidekick Penny, a soft toy dog. This tale of adventure, problem solving and time travel begins when Katie is given two very special gifts on her 5th birthday by her Nana. Together with important instructions from her Nana, these gifts will take Katie and Penny to magical lands where they must solve a problem before it’s time to go home. These books are beautifully illustrated with full colour pages, hand-painted by Monika Suska.

Book 2: Katie and the Greedy Dragon. Katie faces a fire-belching dragon who refuses to share a volcano of bubbling hot chocolate. This second story has many fun characters such as Mr. Treats the Sweet Maker, a brave Knight, a Blacksmith and a Dentist. Katie is a strong heroic female character, who sees the fun in every challenge she and Penny face together. Worldwide Rights Available These tales have good values and lessons for the young reader. This is the magical story of Pong - the biggest and fastest thing in the Universe. Pong loves to race, and always wins. But when he slips on Neptune’s frozen lake and comes to a bottom-bruising crash, Pong meets his match. He’s spotted by an Earthling called Jake, and so begins the challenge to see who can win the most races. Can Jake outsmart Pong to win some magic Moon dust?


Chris McCormack

Published ISBN: 9780957287518 Genre: Picture Books / PONG! is an ideal way for parents and teachers to introduce a topic on space Children’s Poetry and the planets, as well as a favourite with young readers. A combination of read-along-rhyme by Chris McCormack and full colour, strong illustrations by Naomi Lunn which perfectly capture the story’s wild imagination, and educational message.

Worldwide Rights Available except uk digital

The Fight Before Christmas Chris McCormack Published ISBN: 9780957287549 Genre: Picture Books / Children’s Poetry

PONG! has been called “a classic in the making” by the Press Association of the UK, and was Shortlisted as “Essential Summer Reading” by Apple in the UK, alongside four bestsellers. And so begins the story exploring the spirit of Christmas and whether it’s about Turkey and her trimmings, Santa and his presents or the sparkling of Christmas tree. Rudolf and Santa, the Turkey, Christmas Tree, or the gang of presents – who or what best represents the spirit of Christmas? As the Christmas things argue about the important role they play in the Christmas festivities, their excitement boils over and things get rowdy. Will all the noise wake the children up in their beds, who are dreaming of presents towering over their heads? The Fight Before Christmas is both stylish and funny, simple in the telling, and warm in its message.

A combination of read-along-rhyme by Chris McCormack and colourful, fun illustrations by Naomi Lunn, which perfectly capture the story’s playfulness. The Fight Before Christmas is an excellent picture book Worldwide Rights Available for parents to read to their children in the run of to our favourite except uk digital festival, and is certain to become something of a Christmas classic.



Children’s For more information email info@iprlicense.com THE GARDEN



In Book One, A Hole in the Fence, the little Y fairy Trood’s family have disappeared through a hole in the fence and she is left alone in the garden. Trood must work out why they left and how. What must she give up to find her family and how do the Journey Birds help? The story is set in an Australian garden and the little Y fairy has to be quick and clever to survive. In the remaining books Ovi and Withers go boating on the pond, Withers grows a large zucchini for the fair and Hand Me Down creates a new tune. In all the adventures The Garden Dwellers are both helped and hindered by the bugs and a bird called Coor who is not to be trusted.

The Garden Dwellers

Liliana Stafford

Manuscript Genre: Picture Book / Fantasy Additional Information:

Illustrated story book for 5-9year olds. Part of The Garden Dwellers series. Illustrated by Liliana Stafford.

Print, Digital, Audio and TV, Film & Dramatisation Worldwide Rights Available

Shiny, Happy, Feelings!

Amanda Murdoch

Manuscript Genre: Early Learning Material / Activity Book Additional Information:

This is the first book in a series of 16 titles called Shiny, Happy, World! which is aimed for children aged 2-7.

Shiny, Happy, Feelings! is the first book of a developmental series aimed to promote emotional intelligence in children and develop skills of selfawareness, self-management and social awareness. Based around central characters, this book is designed to be fun and interactive, and includes useful notes, discussion ideas and activities for educators and parents. The content of this book is based upon theory and research in the fields of emotional intelligence, child development, psychology and education. Shiny, Happy, Feelings! is designed for 2-4 year olds to develop the skills of understanding and managing feelings, as well as recognising feelings in others through facial expressions. Parents and educators across the world realise the value of teaching social and emotional intelligence to children. The increased global awareness has created a demand for materials and books that can support its development.

Matty the Fox

Matty the fox lives in a picturesque village set between the mountains and the sea in West Wales. He has a beautiful, little cottage and garden and lives a very active and social life involving himself in many areas of life in the local community. He is a long time widower but although he lives alone, he is a popular character, perhaps a bit vain at times but nevertheless a wise fox who has made many friends and who is generally well-loved by the variety of other animals who live close by.


Richard Ford written by

Richard Ford Illustrated by Marlene Keeble

Matty the Fox Richard Ford

Published ISBN: 9780956920805 Genre: Picture Book / Short Stories Additional Information:

Intended for both boys and girls aged 8-12, these stories can best be Illustrated story book for 8-12 described as ethical, moral, ‘Christian’, humorous, adventure stories – year olds. Illustrations by Yaslene explaining and educating children to show and how to respond to ‘calls for Keeble. help’ in this modern world. There is an overall tone of excitement, hope, adventure and what to do when faced with trials and difficulties. They will open up children’s imaginations, inspiring them into exploration and to widen their horizons into life and excitement.


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Children’s For more information email info@iprlicense.com

Midnight at the Lighthouse Lesley Dowding

Published ISBN: 9780473136147 Genre: Picture Book / Adventure / CD Additional Information:

The book provides art and storytelling activities suitable for education and family. The author and illustrator are highly skilled teachers, whose passion is to develop children’s visual and oral imagination.

Thomas’ desire to see and paint the illuminated lighthouse and Aunt Jenny’s promise to take him there at night leads to an exciting adventure with the wind and sea twisting and curling like liquorice sticks. The wind becomes a character in the narrative. Is it the lighthouse that rescues the pair or the ghost of a ship’s cat with its trusty friend Diamond Jack? This book would appeal to all readers who are passionate about lighthouses. It is also for those who believe a character can be saved by the power of imagination. The recording on the CD is performed rather than read which creates an atmosphere for the listener. Each page is an individual painting. The paintings of the lighthouse are taken from Cape Egmont Taraanki North Island, New Zealand. In the tradition of storytelling, the language is that of a story told not read. This book is a visual delight for sea-faring folk, a rich choice of colour and various overlays create a background for the well crafted text.

Worldwide Rights Available

Tip Tap Toe is a magical book about Mr and Mrs Long and their daughter Miss Long. These Edwardian silhouettes take long walks around garden, during four seasons. They drink long cool strawberry drinks in summer. Sew long rows of runner beans in Spring and wear long clothes in Winter. The whimsical rhythm and play on the word “long”, is a delight to the critters living in the garden, especially Mouse, who would like to be so very famous with a long name. The critters follow the family and are quite concerned that the girl who sits alone with a secret they form a strong subplot which the readers follow with their delightful inter-change heard on the CD. Their words are found in different parts of the picture. The illustrations support the text taking the reader into a whimsical world it warms the hearts of young and old and has the style of a book to keep and open on rainy days. In the tradition of storytelling, the language is that of a story told not read.

Tip Tap Toe

Lesley Dowding

Published ISBN: 9780473226930 Genre: Picture Book Additional Information:

Whimsical picture book for lovers of language. All ages. CD included. The story is performed rather than read on the CD.

Worldwide Rights Available

Non-Fiction Gorillas

Living on the Edge

Andy Rouse

Electric Squirrel Publishing Published ISBN: 9780956457516 Genre: Wildlife Photography

Born from a passion for one of the most endangered mammals on the planet, Gorillas: Living on the Edge takes you on a journey to the precarious home of the mountain gorilla with multi-award winning photographer Andy Rouse. Andy’s camera captures the everyday lives of the mountain gorillas as they feed, breed, and cling onto survival in the mist-covered forests of the spectacular Virunga Volcanoes in Rwanda. But this book isn’t just about the mountain gorilla, it is also a fascinating insight into Rwanda, a country that has experienced so much heartache in the past but is yet so positive about its future. This is a visually stunning book, lavishly illustrated with images from one of the world’s most outstanding wildlife photographers. Andy genuinely loves mountain gorillas and his years of experience trekking up into their habitat has resulted in an unique narrative of one of the world’s most gentle and threatened giants. The book is laced with a strong conservation message saying, unequivocally, we must do everything in our power a species that shockingly numbers less than 800.


Worldwide Rights Available Except UK/English www.iprlicense.com

Non-Fiction For more information email info@iprlicense.com This visually stunning book celebrates the tiger – one of the most iconic animals of all and explores the real threat to its conservation. Andy Rouse’s breath-taking images show the lifestyle of the Bengal Tiger in reserves such as Rathambore and Bhandhavgarh National Parks, India, and are the culmination of six years tough fieldwork to understand the habits and moods of this magnificent creature. “There are now fewer than 4,500 tigers left in the wild and with each non-natural death we are losing the fight to save the tiger. It is time to do something about this situation,” says award-winning photographer Andy Rouse. The tiger is special to Andy, as it has given him some of the most rewarding wildlife encounters of his life: “Seeing a wild tiger always takes my breath away and afterwards I feel vibrant and alive.” Andy’s passion for the tiger and his frustration at its plight is threaded through the narrative. His images are here to show just how beautiful and important it is to ensure the tiger has a future – with ecotourism at the heart of that fight to protect its habit. This is a spectacular book that will appeal to photographers, wildlife enthusiasts, and anyone who recognises the grandeur of the tiger and just how important it is to ensure its future survival.

The Moon and the Cosmic Code of Creation Manifest the Truth

Irene Lauretti

Published ISBN: 9783000433122 Genre: Spirituality / Energy Medicine / Health


A Celebration of Life

Andy Rouse

Electric Squirrel Publishing Published ISBN: 9780956457509 Genre: Wildlife Photography

Worldwide Rights Available Except UK/English

The Moon and the Cosmic Code of Creation reveals the most sacred Code of Humanity from our Soul’s forces and energy flows. The book shows how we can activate the Code of Creation through our body in order to obtain healing and enlightenment. The Key for activating the Cosmic Code of Creation is the Moon, the true meaning of which is uncovered in this book for the first time. The Moon is our key to total health and for creating our own destiny – provided we are in tune with the cosmic forces, activated by the Moon, and provided we know how to use the 12 tools of our Soul. The activation of the Code does not require any experience in Energy Healing, since the practical part of the book shows us step-by-step how to tune into the Cosmic Symphony of Creation led by the Moon. All we need to activate the Code of Creation is an open mind as well as the will to get to know ourselves and play our part within the Cosmic Symphony of Creation. This is the first book that decodes the Code of Creation through Man himself, showing the 12 organ energy flows in both their entirety as one large flow, as well as 12 individual flows. In order to understand and uncover the Code, it is imperative to see the “whole picture”, that is Man as the Microcosm within the Macrocosm. Jessica had always been haunted by the fear that the unthinkable had happened when she had been “made-up.” She had no sense of a Self. According to her mother, she was the perfect infant. She never seemed to want or to need anything. Terrified of who – or what – she was, she lived in dread over being found guilty of impersonating a human being. In her therapy, Jessica remembered in vivid detail events from the earliest days of her life - events that threatened to twist her embryonic humanness from its natural course of development. Listening to Jessica was like listening to an infant who could talk describe every psychologically dramatic moment of its life as it was happening.

US, UK & Canada Rights Available. Language Rights Upon Request


The autobiography of an infant

Jeffrey Von Glahn, (Ph.D.)

Published ISBN: 9780595364299 Genre: Psychotherapy / For many months, Jessica’s therapy was stuck in an impasse. Dr. Von Glahn Clinical Psychology had absolutely no idea she was so terrified of talking about herself. Then she boldly asked for several hours of therapy a day, for several days a week. The mystery that was Jessica cracked open rather quickly. In the following months, her electrifying journey into her mystifying past brought her ever closer to a final confrontation with the events that had threatened to forever strip her of her basic humanness.



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Non-Fiction For more information email info@iprlicense.com

Remarkable Recipes

from the people who really know about extra virgin olive oil – the producers.

Judy Ridgway

Gardiner Press Published ISBN: 9780954329839 Genre: Food / Cooking / Olive Oil Additional Information:

First book in the Olive Oil Quintet series.

Who should know more about cooking with extra virgin olive oil than the growers and producers of the olive oil world? Remarkable Recipes is a wonderful collection of 76 easy-to-make dishes from just these people. Some are traditional recipes, others are family favourites and yet others are modern creations from gifted cooks, but they are all quite different to the recipes found in general cookbooks of the regions. Over the last twenty years Judy Ridgway has visited and written extensively about the best producers in the Mediterranean and California in the northern hemisphere and Australia, New Zealand and South Africa in the southern hemisphere. In the course of her work she has studied how extra virgin olive oil is used in the local cuisine, collecting recipes from all kinds of kitchens from small farms to grand estates as well as from family-run restaurants. Each recipe uses the extra virgin olive oil. However, an indication is given of the style of oil so that you can buy a similar oil if the original is not easily available. To help with finding such substitute oils the introductory pages look at what style of oils to expect from where with a list of regions which generally produce delicate, medium or robust oils. Worldwide Rights Available The Old Rectory: Escape to a Country Kitchen is no ordinary memoir. It is also a cookery book and the story of the renovation of an old country rectory. It focuses on the centrality of the kitchen as the pulse of the family and home, and shows the importance of food and cooking throughout the history of the house, the changing seasons, and the moods of the countryside. When Julia Ibbotson and her husband first saw the old Victorian rectory in dire need of renovation, a mile out of the nearest village in the midst of the English moorlands, they fell in love with it and the lifestyle it represented, with its farmhouse kitchen range at its heart. They hoped they could make the sad, neglected house glow again and that they could integrate themselves into the small traditional village, with its cottages, hall and outlying farms. This delightful memoir describes the trials and tribulations of their quest to make their vision come true.

The Old Rectory

Escape to a Country Kitchen

Julia Ibbotson

Published ISBN: 9781909593756 Genre: Memoir / Cookery Additional Information:

Award winner in biography of four international book festivals, including Winner of Biography at the London Book Festival 2013.

Worldwide Rights Available

Talking the walk

Should CEOs think more about sex?

Julia Helene Ibbotson (PhD, FHEA)

Published ISBN: 9781469788388 Genre: Business / Management / Gender

Today, increasing numbers of women may aspire to more higher management positions. Today’s young women expect promotional prospects in their chosen careers. But statistics show that they are not achieving the success they desire. The norm is still for women’s progress in the workplace to be halted at junior management levels. Dr Julia Ibbotson looks at some reasons why and suggests ways of reversing this trend. The author presents research evidence from her study which explores the issues of management communication from a gender perspective in secondary schools in the UK. It arose from the author’s concern regarding the imbalance of men and women progressing to higher levels of management, as shown in the statistics published by the UK’s Department for Education in a series of documents over 20 years. Current research also indicates that this picture has still not changed by 2011. So, what can be done to change it? Evidence in this book looks at the possibility that there are gender differences in the way men and women managers talk in the workplace, which have the effect of undermining women’s chances of promotion to higher leadership positions. In other words, do women “talk the walk”? Worldwide Rights Available



Biography For more information email info@iprlicense.com Living life amongst the idle rich on the Cote d’Azur, here are some of the things being said about the author and his writing: “The funniest book I’ve ever read”, “About as funny as Wilt by Tom Sharp”,

The Valbonne Monologues Chris France

Published ISBN: 9780957567818 Genre: Humour / “As intellectually challenging as reading Heat Magazine with a hangover”, Lifestyle / Provence / “As appealling as sucking warm diarrhoea through a tramp’s sock”, Music / Art “This book makes those who suggest you should never stop trying look Additional Information: “50 Shades of Shite”,

really stupid”,

“Somehow death seems a less daunting prospect after reading this book”,

Worldwide Rights Available

“If you want a gripping tale delivered with fine turns of phrase and evocative prose, read another book”.

Across the Wide Zambezi

A British General Practitioner, 39, unmarried, looking for something more exciting than signing sick-notes in Wallasey, sees advert in the British Medical Journal for a medical officer to a timber firm in West Africa.

Warren Durrant

He flies out to Ghana, is taken up country to the town and he finds he is to be the sole doctor in an area as big as an English county for thousands of people. This is to be the pattern of his life for the next 22 years.

A Doctor’s Life in Africa

Published ISBN: 9781291443431 Genre: Memoir / Africa / Medical

Author is a semi-retired music business professional who has worked with acts as diverse as Prince to Bucks Fizz and The Clash to Sam Fox and even Simon Cowell.

He decides to settle in Africa. Goes to Rhodesia and is appointed District Medical Officer. There is a civil war. He learns war surgery and encounters a gunfight at Troutbeck Inn. Peace. Rhodesia becomes Zimbabwe. Romance. He marries a matron and has two children. Family life. He decides there’s no future for his children in Africa and returns to England with family.

Worldwide Rights Available Following the hardships of the First World War Julia, a young, hard-working woman, enters a happy marriage with Sándor, except the warning that she must not have children. Julia stubbornly ignores all advice and risks her life to have a son, Tommy. Both mother and son are forced, time and again, to draw upon their determination, courage, wit and self-preservation to survive. Tragedy and death, personal and emotional loss, the horrors he witnessed in World War II make Tommy an adult by the age of 10 and shape Tommy’s character. He risks his life in 1956 and escapes from Communism that has risen from the ashes of Fascism. From Budapest in the 20s, to London in the 90s, this is a family saga of three generations, ravaged by two wars and adverse circumstances.

A Long Look Back... Tom Tottis

Published ISBN: 9781907756900 Genre: Memoir / Historical / Thriller / Romance Ultimately, this story proves that there is always hope, even against Additional Information: seemingly insurmountable obstacles, provided one has courage, resilience, and mental stamina.

Worldwide Rights Available www.iprlicense.com


Based on a true story it contains little known facts and events that took place in the years between 1940 – 1945, and even beyond.

Biography For more information email info@iprlicense.com

My Cool Sixties

Lennon, Jagger and The Rest

Tony Norman

Steampacket Publishing Published ISBN: 9780957029804 Genre: Music / Lifestyle / 1960’s Additional Information:

‘If you remember the Sixties, you weren’t there.’ Tony Norman turns the cliché on its head with his memories of an amazing decade. Sex, drugs, laughter, gang fights, groupies, lovers, broken hearts. They are all part of growing up with the teenage Mod band he loves like brothers. It’s a golden age for music and London is buzzing like never before. The Rest live it all to the max. Meanwhile, in a parallel universe, Tony dreams of becoming a music writer and interviewing rock legends like John Lennon and Mick Jagger. It all comes true in this sexy-funny-handclappin’-footstompin’-good-time-story. Young and Free in Sixties London. Right place... Right time... Be there!

Also available My Cool Sixties - The Album. 13 original songs inspired by the people & places in the highly acclaimed book.

Worldwide Rights Available Angela chronicles the life of her adopted daughter Jamie, a crack addict and prostitute. At sixteen, after a hidden pregnancy, Jamie attends art college while caring for her baby. When she disappears with the baby, Angela discovers Jamie is on crack, working as a prostitute, and being chased by a pimp with a gun. After committing armed robbery, Jamie is sent to a probation hostel where she gives birth to a son. During her stay, she commits over £100,000 of cheque fraud. Upon her release from the hostel, Jamie returns to drugs and prostitution. She abandons her child who is placed in foster care.

Worldwide Rights Available

Crackhead 2 A New Millenium

Angela Harrison

Debut Publishing Published ISBN: 9780952828716 Genre: Biographical / Drug & Substance Abuse / Teens Additional Information: Second book in a series of five.

Worldwide Rights Available

Jamie’s flat in Coventry becomes a Crack House. During a stay in prison for shoplifting, she manages to escape. Following an aborted drug run to Jamaica, Jamie returns to prison, where she gives birth to a daughter. The baby joins her brother in care. While in prison, for cheque fraud, Jamie escapes yet again. Following a spell in drug rehabilitation, her life spirals out of control. A BBC documentary ‘Every Parent’s Nightmare’ tells Jamie’s story – that of an ordinary middle-class girl from Stratford-onAvon.


Angela Harrison

Debut Publishing Published ISBN: 9780952828709 Genre: Biographical / Drug & Substance Abuse / Teens Additional Information: First book in a series of five.

Jamie’s chaotic and violent life continues when she is kidnapped and held at gunpoint. Unexpectedly, she gets a job in a pub in Stratford then works for an escort agency. But, before long, she returns to work on the streets of Coventry to fund her habit. Most of Jamie’s drug dealer and Yardie friends have been deported or are in prison. Jamie and her friend are sent to prison for a stabbing, despite Jamie protesting her innocence. She seldom sees Max and constantly lets him down. After a long stay in foster care, Jamie’s two children are eventually adopted by a lovely couple and settle happily into their new home. Meanwhile, Angela and Max maintain contact with the children. Angela purchases a holiday chalet on Dunster Beach in Minehead – a place of tranquillity and calm for her and Max to escape to - away from the Jamie and the stress she causes. In this, A New Millennium, Angela receives a number of awards, including one from Prime Minister, Tony Blair, for ‘Building A Learning Community’ - for her work with families and the Crackhead book.



Biography For more information email info@iprlicense.com

Crackhead 3

Jamie’s unreliability has a devastating effect on Max, her eleven-year-old son. His depression and anger severely affect his life and school work. Suffer Little Children Angela seeks medical help. One of Jamie’s punters, a teacher, is besotted by her. He funds her drug habit and insists Jamie goes to a rehab in Italy. She decides not to go at the last minute, believing it to be a religious cult. The mother of a crack addict/prostitute contacts Angela for support after reading Crackhead. Her daughter Zoe and Jamie have so much in common. Zoe decides to go to the rehab in Italy. However, within twenty-four hours upon her arrival, she escapes and returns to Britain claiming it is a scam.

Angela Harrison

Debut Publishing Published ISBN: 9780952828723 Genre: Biographical / Drug & Substance Abuse Jamie steals a huge quantity of drugs from a dealer, goes into hiding, and / Teens uses the drugs herself. As time passes she is diagnosed with Hepatitis C and a tumour. During a stay in Stratford, Jamie works in a café and call-centre. Additional Information: Third book in a series of five. Her mental health rapidly deteriorates; no help is available due to health cuts. She moves in with Denis, a long-standing punter friend, who lives in Leamington. He cares for Jamie as her health continues to fail.

Worldwide Rights Available

Crackhead 4

Nature Versus Nurture

Angela Harrison

Debut Publishing Published ISBN: 9780952828747 Genre: Biographical / Drug & Substance Abuse / Teens Additional Information:

Angela and Max move to Minehead. Jamie leaves her friend Denis to join them. She is hyper, euphoric and suffers panic attacks. A psychiatrist diagnoses Bipolar Disorder and believes she had problems long before taking drugs. She moves into bed & breakfast, then returns to Leamington to be with Denis. Max’s personality suddenly becomes aggressive, hyper, destructive, and violent. Age fourteen, he is prescribed the same anti-psychotic medication as Jamie. After being excluded from school, he leaves home and turns to petty crime. Max commits ‘Grevious Bodily Harm’ and is diagnosed with ADHD. The courts place him in a children’s home, then in foster care. His girlfriend has his baby. Max’s life continues to be chaotic from alcohol abuse, drugs and crime. An armed response unit raids Angela’s home.

Jamie acquires a flat in Leamington. Her mental health deteriorates drastically and she is admitted to hospital. She threatens to kill the psychiatrist as he continues to deny she is ill. A second opinion confirms Jamie has Bi-Polar and Schizophrenia. She attempts suicide a number of times as she suffers from paranoia, voices in her head, Worldwide Rights Available and poltergeist activity around her.

Fourth book in a series of five.

Over the past five years, Jamie has been tormented by mental illness. Eventually, after years of battling with the health services, she is admitted to Cassel hospital in London. Jamie recalls in the book how and why she decided to abscond after three months.

Crackhead 5

A Lement to my Angels

Angela Harrison

Debut Publishing Published ISBN: 9780952828754 Genre: Biographical / Drug & Substance Abuse / Teens Angela visits a medium, who accurately recalls Jamie’s dangerous lifestyle, Additional Information: Final book in a series of five. After a short spell in prison, Max continues to commit crime and appears mentally unstable. He forms a relationship with Susie; they have two sons and he settles down. Unfortunately, Max cannot get work because of criminal convictions. Following Jamie’s peaceful death in 2012, at the age of 39, letters and poems were found among her possessions. These form a large part of this book. She tells in Jamie’s Story how she first got involved in prostitution and the dangerous lifestyle. She also gives an insight into the demons and voices that dominated and tormented her mind.

her health and mental issues and talks about the Crackhead books. Max, now 24, has been in a full-time employment for nine months. He appears happy and settled. However, he acts and thinks strangely at times and Angela continues to hold her breath, anticipating what might Worldwide Rights Available happen next…!



Associations for Working Girls, Prison support groups, drug agencies and mental health workers are using Jamie’s work.

Biography Travel

Elks Do Not Speak English John Murolo

Published ISBN: 978452009834 Genre: World Culture & Ideas / Finland / Humour Additional Information:

For more information email info@iprlicense.com Fifteen years of life in Finland, both during Winters and Summers. A different and unknown world of forests and lakes, of snow and ice, of incredible beauty of colours and light. Even the charming and shy Finns often do not appreciate how safe and pleasant life is in their own country. The book gives an affectionate recount of the interesting experiences that the author has had with both Finland and its people. Easy reading book presenting Finland. Written in English.

English Edition

Worldwide Rights Available Kirjani tapahtumat sfoittuvat noin 15 vuoden ajalle alkaen 1996, ja ne kertovat kokemuksistamme Suomessa. Nämä eivät ole satunnaisen matkailijan näkemyksiä. On kyse syvästä kiintymyksestä, joka on kehittynyt Suomessa viettämiemme puolen vuoden jaksojen aikana pitkän ajan kuluessa kauniiden kesien ja hyvin ankarien talvien aikana asumalla pienessä yhteisössä, jossa perinteet vielä elävät. Tarkoituksenani on tehdä Suomea paremmin tunnetuksi ja arvostetuksi maailmalla, mutta ennen kaikkea saada itse suomalaiset ymmärtämään paremmin pitäisi unohtaa perusvaatimattomuutensa ja ujoutensa ulkomaalaisiin nähden, sillä Suomihan on teknisesti erittäin kehittynyt yhteistä arvostusta. Tämä ei ole matkakirja, vaan keskittyy luonnehtimaan sekä suomalaisia että heidän tapojaan ja pyrkii kirjallisin keinoin kuvailemaan tämän maailman laidalla sijaitsevan maan luonnonkauneutta.

Hirvet eivat puhu englantia John Murolo

Published ISBN: 9781908775467 Genre: World Culture & Ideas / Finland / Humour Additional Information: Finnish Edition

Worldwide Rights Available

Gli alci non Parlano italiano John Murolo

Published ISBN: Genre: World Culture & Ideas / Finland / Humour Additional Information:

Quindici anni di vita in Finlandia, sia d’inverno che d’estate. Un mondo diverso e sconosciuto di foreste e laghi, di neve e ghiaccio, di pura e semplice bellezza fatta di di luci e di colori. Anche gli affascinanti ma timidi Finlandesi spesso non apprezzano quanto sia sicura e piacevole la vita nel loro paese. Questo libro da’ un’affettuoso racconto delle esperienze interessanti che lo scrittore ha avuto non solo con la Finlandia quale nazione, ma anche con il suo popolo. Un libro di facile lettura, scritto in italiano che presenta la Finlandia sia ai Finlandesi che a chi non la conosce.

Italian Edition

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