Ipswich24 Magazine - March 2023

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FREE magazine Visit us online at www.ipswich24.co.uk for more information and events MARCH 2023 Follow us on Twitter: IPSWICH24MAG & Facebook @Ipswich24 Available in and around Ipswich, Woodbridge, Felixstowe, Stowmarket and Hadleigh – Every Month Ipswich Colchester Sudbury Clacton Covering Mid Suffolk & Suffolk Coast palmerpartners com Your local independent Estate & Letting agents P& Palmer & Partners To find out the value of your home speak to our local property experts for a free market valuation. Call 01473 211705 PP IPS IPS24mag fcvrPSv2 ART_PP IPS24 mag fcvr P n Big Weekend at Stonham Barns, see page 9 LUXURY TRAVEL SPECIALISTS TAILOR MADE TRAVEL - OCEAN & RIVER CRUISES - LUXURY WORLDWIDE HOLIDAYS - TAILOR MADE TRAVEL - OCEAN & RIVER CRUISES - LUXURY WORLDWIDE HOLIDAYSTOURING - SKI & SO MUCH MORE TOURING - & SO MUCH MORE.... 0 1 3 9 4 6 1 5 6 2 0 t e a m @ d e b e n t r a v e l c o u k 25 THE THOROUGHFARE WOODBRIDGE SUFFOLK IP12 1AA w w w d e b e n t r a v e l c o u k

entertainment on the coast

What’s New, Pussycat? Well, first up, on Friday 10th March: ‘It’s Not Unusual’ visits Felixstowe Spa Pavilion Theatre, for the first time!

This is the night you’ve been waiting forcelebrating the one and only national treasure that is Sir Tom Jones. This show features all the classic songs, including: ‘Delilah’, ‘Green Green

Bomb’, ‘Kiss’, ‘Mama Told Me Not to Come’, ‘ She’s a Lady’, and of course ‘It’s Not Unusual’!

Saturday 11th March sees the hotly anticipated appearance of Peter Andre! This will be a very special “up close and personal” show, with a mixture of interview content and live performance elements. To all you ‘Mysterious Girls’ and Guys out there, we’re sure this global media star needs no introduction ... but this show promises to reveal all sorts of interesting facts you never knew about him! Peter says, “They’ll see photos that have never been seen before, things that they’ll be very surprised I was involved in years ago, artists I’ve worked with... Just amazing stuff that we don’t normally get in an interview”.

On Friday 17th, Purple Zeppelin return to The Spa, by popular demand! These immensely talented musicians pay homage to the two greatest rock bands of all time: Deep Purple and Led Zeppelin. They have been praised as “a highly entertaining and musically authentic tribute band, who dare to match the brilliance of the originators”.

The very next night (Saturday 18th), it’s ‘60s Hitmakers’ - a sensational sixties show with an all-star line up: Dave Berry, Ray Phillips (The Nashville Teens), The Dreamers, and Pinkertons Assorted Colours.

Finally, on Saturday 25th March, The Spa proudly presents another big name act: The Fureys. This

will be their first visit to The Spa since 2004, and is not to be missed! As one of Ireland’s all-time most acclaimed and influential folk/traditional/ middle-of-the-road bands, The Fureys saw their music become the soundtrack to the lives of fans all over the world.

Tickets for all shows are available from the Spa Box Office: Tuesday to Sunday, 11am-4pm in person or by calling 01394 284962.

You can also select and book seats online, 24/7, at www.fxspa.co.uk

As the weather gets warmer, what better time to visit this beautiful award-winning theatre, right on the coast? With such a varied programme of shows, there’s something for everyone! For another way to support the Spa and enjoy the panoramic sea views, their café, bars & restaurant are now open from 10am to 5pm every day. Ice creams, homemade cakes and a wide-ranging menu are all available to eat in or take away, plus a fabulous Sunday roast. Food is always served for two hours before every performance, with reservation advised on 01394 336336.

You can follow the Spa Pavilion on Facebook/ Instagram, for all the latest news and show updates. Alternatively, you can sign up to their email newsletter at www.fxspa.co.uk

What’s on at the Felixstowe Spa this Spring


Mad About Pets:

Including, are we mis-pronouncing our pooches breed names, we delve into the world of cats and also finally ask have we discovered the RSPCA’s most unwanted dog?

Events Diary


Arts: This

Local Services:

At Home:

More money saving tips and advice to maintain your home. Air-fryers are the must have kitchen gadget this year but what can you cook in them? Check out our recipes.

Ltd, 12A Britannia Road, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 4PE

day-by-day guide to the month of MARCH – live music, boot sales, craft fairs - plus weekly events including exercise classes and choirs. Email your events to listings@ipswich24.co.uk 17
Bootleg Beatles,
the reopening of a local arts centre.
there’s news of a West End production to be seen in Suffolk. Finally we hear that a leading light in local drama is to step-down.
classical music, drama,
From an electrician to a decorator, TV and audio solutions to a plaster, paving and windscreen repairs.... There’s a wide selection of trades people in our Local Services pages. 37-38
a little more
mums. 25-35
Tel: 01473 351270 www.ipswich24.co.uk Ipswich24 is published on the last Thursday of every month by Fizzwig Designs Ltd. Available Free from numerous outlets across Ipswich, Woodbridge, Felixstowe, Hadleigh, Stowmarket and surrounding villages, including leading supermarkets, libraries etc. If you wish to stock copies please contact us. Enquiries, Editorial and Advertising Contributions can be sent by: Email to: info@ipswich24.co.uk Mail to: Ipswich24, Fizzwig Designs
Mother’s Day: The day to celebrate all Mother’s
on the
March this
we discover
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the publication. Views of contributors
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and will result in a minimum
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Contributions by 5th of month preceding publication. Every effort has been made to present all
accurately, however no
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Worried about the cost of living crisis? ‘The Willows’ addresses the financial impact

Sohal Healthcare fully appreciates the dire current financial climate and the severe impact it is having on everyone, and an obvious consideration is when contemplating placing a loved one into private residential care. So this is why

Sohal Healthcare The Willows

Sohal Healthcare is a family-owned group of care homes established for over 20 years. We provide support to older people including those with the onset of acute dementia.

• 66 Large fully furnished bedrooms, all offering en-suite facilities

• 24 - hour care for the elderly and those living with the onset of acute dementia

• Our vision is for residents to treat the home as there own, where family and friends are always welcome

• Hair Salon, Cinema, Coffee shop, Library, Communal Lounges with Grounds and a Courtyard

• Nutritious, healthy, freshly prepared meals, catering for specific dietary requirements

• Dedicated team of care assistants and activity coordinators

• We support our residents to pursue personal goals and interests as independently as possible

we have decided to do our part by offering a 12-month placement for the price of 11 – a huge financial saving.

Sohal Healthcare are a family-owned company, that have been providing care for the elderly and for those living with dementia for over 20 years. Their cultural values are very much based upon the concept of offering a ‘home from home’ environment, to minimise the stress and anxiety that comes from having to place a loved one into the hands of a care home and the obvious levels of uncertainty that this can have upon family members.

Their vision is for residents to treat the home just as their own, where friends and


family can visit anytime, and always made to feel welcome. To decide for themselves daily what they would like to do and to be supported to do so in all aspects from care to social activities. In every way they are looked after by a dedicated team, from care assistants to a skilled creative activities coordinator.

Sohal Healthcare exists to be recognised as being “The Care Home of Choice” when having to make that agonising placement decision, from being warm, welcoming, and approachable, to regularly communicating with family members as to the wellbeing of their loved ones.

“At Sohal, we listen, we learn, and we evolve, we are a family that cares for and supports the elderly members of your family”

For all enquiries or further information, please contact us:

T: 01473 372166

E: thewillows@sohal.healthcare


Registered address: 57 Crabbe Street, Ipswich, IP4 5HS

— Advertorial —
Willows, 57 Crabbe Street,
before the end of April ’23 and save *£5200 for the first year!
Ipswich IP4 5HS Phone: 01473 372166 www.sohal.healthcare *terms & conditions apply

This year’s Suffolk Walking Festival’s 16day programme offers over 70 delightful walks over 350 miles across Suffolk’s beautiful landscapes.

Tide Mill launches eco warrior workshops

Walk with an archaeologist in the Valley of the Kings at very heart of an Anglo-Saxon Kingdom.

Explore the heart of The Brecks in a unique landscape of gorse-covered sandy chalk soils characterised by purple heathland, tall pines and rare wildlife. Uncover the hidden history of West Stow Country Park. Discover the Island of Secrets on the mysterious Orford Ness. Experience Spring Wildlife at RSPB Minsmere. Meet the Blyth Otter Group watching estuary birds at Hen Reedbeds. Learn about the poet Edward Fitzgerald.

Spectacular riverside walks include a River Orwell Ramble, a Martlesham Meander, and Waldringfield Wander along the River Deben. You can also try some Japanese Shinrin-yoku Forest Bathing. And, there’s starlit adventure on a woodland night exploration at Sutton Hoo. The brand new four-day Challenge Walk will take you through five beautiful medieval Wool Towns in South Suffolk!

Back this year are the ever-popular Walk n’ Water River trips with a boat in Sudbury; an exclusive walk with Sweep the sheepdog on Orford Ness; a twilight safari in an ancient woodland; and the intriguing stories of ancient smugglers and shipping routes on Dunwich Heath.

Lots of walks for everyone, heritage trails, and foraging walks including cream teas.

The Festival kicks off at Thornham Walks on Saturday 13 May with refreshments and five launch jaunts. It then runs every day until 28th May. Tickets are on sale from early March. Visit suffolkwalkingfestival.co.uk for more details of the programme, sign up to regular newsletters, and your buy tickets early!

Woodbridge Tide Mill has been demonstrating renewable energy for centuries, and now, with the help of a grant from SHARE Museums East supported by the Art Fund, plans to spread the word. The grant will allow it to establish an environmental student group which is interested in environmental issues.

The Mill’s Education Lead, Tassa Deparis is driving the initiative. Tassa says, “We hope the workshops will encourage young eco-warriors in the issues that matter to them. We want the legacy, the location and the active role the Tide Mill plays today to inspire them, but ultimately, we want the young people to have the opportunity to lead and have a voice in their community. We want to foster a long-lasting relationship between the young warriors and the Tide Mill, hoping they feel a space for them there.“

It is also hoped that the Eco Warrior Workshops will rebuild the number of school visits to those prior to the pandemic and broaden the age range of school visitors.

John Carrington, Chair of Trustees comments, “Environmental change is one of the most important issues affecting the world. The Tide Mill is in a special geographic location to be able to demonstrate both the changes in the environment via our new weather centre and the power of renewable energy via the mill itself and the new water driven micro generator. Involving schools in our work will visibly demonstrate the changes and the opportunities linked to climate change. It will help understanding by the students involved.”

L E I S U R E L E A R N I N G E V E N I N G C O U R S E S : L A N G U A G E S , R E A D I N G R O O M & L I B R A R Y D A Y T R I P S & G U I D E D W A L K S A R O U N D I P S W I C H C R E A T I V E A R T W O R K S H O P S L E C T U R E T A L K S 2 C A F E S H I S T O R Y , M U S I C , A R T , F I T N E S S & M O R E
1 5 T A V E R N S T R E E T & 1 3 T O W E R S T R E E T I P S W I C H w w w . i p s w i c h i n s t i t u t e . o r g . u k S p r i n g t e r m e n r o l m e n t s t a r t s 2 8 t h M a r c h 2 0 2 3 5 High Street, Wickham Market, Suffolk IP13 0RA Telephone: 01728 746263 www.revett.co.uk
Ipswich Institute

Landscape Rebels exhibition: See how our world has changed

Now open at Christchurch Mansion in Ipswich, the Landscape Rebels exhibition invites you to explore how human impacts, including the climate crisis, are changing our landscape.

Go on a journey through art, natural history, global stories and more, seeing how our world has changed over time, how that change has affected our natural world, and how this has been depicted by artists and makers.

find out more, visit: www.landscape-rebels.co.uk Free admission Landscape Rebels CHRISTCHURCH MANSION, IPSWICH
until 16 April 2023 art meets the climate crisis © The National Gallery, London LAST CHANCE TO SEE

Warm welcome awaits –whatever the weather

Despite the beautiful sunshine as I write this, it is cold and still the time to stay indoors and craft…or come along to one of our workshops where you will be guaranteed a warm welcome.

Turning a disaster into an exciting future

In 2020, during the height of the pandemic, Ipswich Croquet Club (ICC) was made homeless. However, the Club was determined not to be beaten.

After much searching and several disappointments, the Suffolk Agricultural Society at Trinity Park came to the rescue with a 1.6 acre area in a corner of the Suffolk Showground’s car park.

ICC has turned this meadow into what will become one of the largest fine turf lawns in Suffolk. The Club’s objective is to create a championship facility and a vibrant and inclusive club fit for the 21st century.

The Croquet Association (Croquet England’s governing body) has given its blessing and invested heavily in this ambitious project. When finished, there will be four full sized croquet courts, a club pavilion, equipment store, toilets, a remote controlled watering system, and plenty of parking. ICC will move to its new home on Saturday, 1st April when it will open its doors to new members. Croquet is played by people of all ages and backgrounds and is one of the very few sports that offer genuine gender equality.

Interested? ICC arranges free taster sessions for all would-be members. For further information please contact Martin Brown, at croquetclub. ipswich@gmail.com, or telephone 07780 704 792.

Suffolk Book League

We still have some red sticker bargains around the shop so take a good look and see what you can find. We are having a sort out of our workshop space and have some items – mainly stamps at the moment - that may have only been used once but could be just what you want.

We stock a variety of ink and ink pads so there should be something for you all…. acrylic ink, Indian ink, and coloured ink for the artists. For the crafters we have distress ink pads, oxide distress ink pads, dye ink, permanent ink, chalk effect ink, pigment ink and alcohol ink… All producing varying effects and using different techniques.

We can offer a wide range of paint too… For artists we have oil, acrylic and water colour tubes and sets and again for the crafters and hobbyists we have acrylic, fabric, enamel, sprays, chalk effect, metallic and satin. There are different ranges of brushes too from 39p upwards.

We have a new beading class on a Saturday each month as well as a new knitting class on a Tuesday so, if you would like to come along and give these crafts a try, then sign up. These are just two of the many workshops which we offer so check the website or call in for more information.

We pride ourselves on our customer service and knowledge of our products so some in and see us!

A reminder that Craftability’s opening times remain at 9.30 – 4.00 Monday to Saturday.

On Wednesday 8th March the Suffolk Book League welcomes the writer Natasha Brown. After studying Maths at Cambridge University, Natasha spent a decade working in financial services. She then had a radical career change, developing her 2021 debut novel Assembly after receiving a London Writers Award in the literary fiction category. Assembly appeared on many ‘Best of 2021’ lists. It was longlisted for the Desmond Elliott Prize, shortlisted for the Folio Prize, the Betty Trask Award, the Goldsmiths Prize (for work that ‘breaks the mould or extends the possibilities of the novel form’) as well as the Orwell Prize (for ‘political fiction’). Doors open at the Ipswich Institute Reading Room & Library 15 Tavern Street IP1 3AA at 7pm with the event starting at 7.30pm. Tickets, £5 for Suffolk Book League members, £10 for non-members and free student passes can be obtained via the League’s website www.suffolkbookleague.org/ Students with a pass will need to show ID on the door.

Science Lab


Over the past few years river cruising has seen a huge increase in interest, so what is a river cruise and is it right for you?

A river cruise is like lots of city breaks rolled into one, but without the hassle of getting yourself from one place to the next. It’s a little like a fabulous hotel stay, except your hotel travels with you.

It’s a little like a touring holiday, except that the road is one of the world’s most beautiful waterways and you can leave the driving.

Win: Follow Your Dreams money jar River Cruising

On a river cruise you will see lots, and do as much or as little as you like, dine on fabulous food, sail through towns, cities and countryside. On board you won’t find all-singing, all-dancing entertainment. What you will find is a daily menu of either enriching talks, cooking demonstrations or performances. You can also look forward to plenty of time – and space – to unwind. On the sun deck, in the lounge or even on your own private balcony where you can sit back, relax and enjoy the views.

Deben Travel are able to arrange your river cruise and via a number of the world’s leading cruise lines you could join your cruise by coach, rail or air from a local airport. River cruising is not just about the European waterways however, you can also explore China and The Yangtze, Vietnam and Cambodia on The Mekong, Myanmar (Burma) on The Irrawaddy and lots more.

Titan Travel are renowned for being experts in the river cruise market but Deben Travel can offer pretty much all cruise lines including Ama Waterways, APT, Emerald, Riviera Travel, Scenic, Tauck, Uniworld and many more.

If you would like help planning your River Cruise many are now on sale up to 2024. Contact Deben Travel at team@debentravel.co.uk, call them on 01394 615620, or pop in to 25 The Thoroughfare, Woodbridge.

Everyone’s talking about it and everyone’s feeling it. Those three little words – cost of living – have already become the buzz words of 2023. Stretching the weekly budget has called for many to be nifty and thrifty when allocating those precious pounds. The world of pre-loved clothing has exploded, giving those only-worn-once designer threads a new home at a fraction of the cost and the fan base for Britain’s much -oved multitasking skincare cream, My Little Sudocrem, is growing by the day.

“I love a bargain buy and love helping others to save money too,” says Kathryn Wright, CEO of DiscountVouchers.co.uk. “With everyone feeling the pinch at the moment, rethinking our beauty buys is a great way to cut back on spending but without necessarily sacrificing quality. My Little Sudocrem is the perfect example of a great all-round skincare product at an affordable price.”

My Little Sudocrem has been specifically formulated by Sudocrem for soothing and preventative use. Its clinically-proven formulation soothes and protects delicate skin, forming a barrier against irritants and allowing the skin to maintain its natural and healthy condition. Whether it’s patches of flaky, dry skin from exposure to colder weather or even just red irritated skin, My Little Sudocrem can handle the lot. Use it on your hands, face, feet - you name it. It’s a budget-buy wonder!


Ipswich24 has teamed up with My Little Sudocrem to give you the chance to win x3 pots of My Little Sudocrem, along with a ‘Follow Your Dreams’ money jar. To be in with a chance of winning this great prize just send your name, address and a contact telephone number to; Sudocrem Follow Your Dreams, 12A Britannia Road, Ipswich, IP4 4PE or you can enter online at www.ipswich24.co.uk. The closing date for entries is Friday 31st March 2023.

Q. What does My Little Sudocrem’s clinically-proven formulation do for delicate skin?


Stonham Barns Park March at

Along with the many attractions and activities at Stonham Barns Park there are great events in March.

On Friday 3rd until Sunday 5th there is ‘The Big Weekend’ which is a FREE to enter event that showcases many of the fantastic shows happening during the year. With live music, dance and comedy alongside previews of the 2023 show calendar. See classic and American cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles, historical reenactment groups, dogs, fishing, model railways, plus there will be have-a-go axe throwing and archery, and much more.

On Sunday 19th March a new Model Railway Show will be arriving, see the amazing skill and love put into recreating the beauty and wonder of trains and railways in fantastic detail. And finally, weather depending, every Sunday the Stonham Car Boot will be back, see if you can find a bargain. There is always lots to keep you busy at Stonham Barns Park. The Owl Sanctuary has over 90 birds of prey, meerkats and red squirrels. The Teapot Pottery has beautiful hand-crafted teapots for sale or spend a few hours painting your own. The Golf Park has eight different golfing activities to enjoy, including adventure golf. The fishing lakes for a relaxing couple of hours fishing. The retail village which has over 40 shops and businesses selling gifts, crafts, books, pictures & frames, paddle boards, crystals, clothes, toys, furniture, hair & beauty treatments, homewares, holidays, hot tubs, antiques, dog food and accessories, sweets, and lots more. You will also find a post office, convenience store and garden centre.

For the younger ones in your family take a visit to the soft play barn with sensory room, where they can run, jump, climb, and explore to their hearts content or you could let them jump and play on the FREE bouncy pillow, enjoy a train ride or visit the seasonal fairground.

If you are feeling hungry during your visit there are two great places to eat, Café 24 with its fabulous home cooked food and the Teapot Tea Room with speciality tea and coffee and delicious homemade cakes and pastries. With so much to do why not stay in the holiday park. You can choose to take your own tent, caravan, or motorhome or hire a fully furnished luxury bell tent, a cosy cabin made for two or a fully furnished holiday home. The holiday park has full camping facilities along with a bar and clubhouse which is open for anyone to use. If you want to stay at Stonham Barns Park again and again, why not purchase your very own holiday home to use 11 months of the year.

This is a ‘dog friendly’ site and open seven days a week. Whether you stay in the holiday park or visit for the day, Stonham Barns Park always has lots to keep you busy.

For more information visit their website: www.stonhambarns.co.uk or their social media pages.


The importance of an up-to-date Will

The importance of having a professionally drafted, up-to-date Will cannot be overstated. There has long been an assumption amongst younger generations that you really only need to make a Will if you have a huge fortune or when you reach old age.

This simply isn’t the case; anyone who wants to ensure that their wishes are carried out after death should make a Will, particularly if they have young children or own a property.

Recent research has shown that 70% of parents in the UK have not appointed a legal guardian to take care of their children if they die whilst their kids are under 18. Making a Will allows you to set out who you would like to look after your children should the worst happen to both of their parents. Without this, it would be up to a court to decide who should have legal responsibility for them. Godparents do not automatically have a right to become the child’s legal guardian.

Remember to review your Will every few years particularly when circumstances change such as the birth of a baby or moving house. Marriage, divorce or the death of a loved one can create various complications and even invalidate your Will so a review would almost certainly be needed.

Engaging a Solicitor who is experienced in Will drafting can ensure that you receive the best advice which takes into account your circumstances, family, assets, any Inheritance Tax planning advice needed. At Prettys their Wills process includes an initial meeting at which they take time to get to know what’s important to you and your family. Prettys will then provide you with a draft Will and letter of explanation before making any amendments needed and a second meeting to finalise the Will and oversee the signing formalities. Their Wills service also includes secure storage of your documents. Charges start from £300 plus VAT for a straight-forward, single Will and they are happy to meet with clients in-person at their modern offices in the centre of Ipswich or online.

Please call on 01473 232121 to discuss further or book an appointment.

Ipswich Phoenix Running Club is a group of amazing friends doing what they do best… Running, supporting other and having fun!

Ipswich Phoenix Running Club meet at Copleston Sports Centre at 7pm every Thursday. There is ample parking available onsite as well as toilets inside the main Sports Centre. The Club’s sessions take place on the grass field all year round, where you will be through a pre-approved interval session led by the Club’s fantastic and fully qualified coaching team. The sessions are suitable for all abilities, running around a set out area. No-one is left behind and everyone encourages each other.

The Club also puts on events throughout the year, meeting at park runs with coffee and cake after and social runs midweek and occasionally weekends.

Ipswich Phoenix Running Club welcomes new members. Come along and meet them and try a session. There is no charge or obligation to join, just pop along on a Thursday evening – your first three session are free!

Ipswich Phoenix Running Club is an all-inclusive club, so whether you’re starting your running journey, looking to improve or an established athlete, there is something for everyone at this friendly running club. Membership prices start from £5 for the year, plus £1 for every session you attend thereafter if you wish to join.

To find out more visit www.ipswichphoenix.org.uk/ find them on Facebook: Ipswich Phoenix Running Club or email Secretary@ipswichphoenix.org.uk

Ipswich Phoenix Running Club are more than happy to help and answer any questions or queries you might have.


A Mother’s work is NEVER done

Mum’s of those aged 65+ are working harder than ever!

Mother’s Day is fast approaching and around the UK, many mums are hoping for a day off. An increasing number of mums are aged 85+ and still juggling the demands of babysitting, cooking meals for their children, washing their clothes and doing the family shop.

According to national polling on behalf of Clintons, mums of children aged over 65 often remain involved with all elements of their children’s lives. This involves everything from cooking them meals (12%), doing their shopping (12%), washing and ironing their clothes (10%) to cleaning their house (11%). Perhaps surprisingly, 7% of mums with kids aged 65+ will cook them a meal at least 10 times per month. Older mothers are equally involved with looking after younger generations and family pets. Of those adults aged 65+, 8% will ask mum to look after their children and 7% will ask their mums to walk the dog or look after family pets on a regular basis.

Sales data shows that Grandmother specific captions now account for one-in-10 of all cards sold for Mother’s Day. Nans, Grandmas, Grannies and Grandmothers are honoured with over 70 different card designs this year. Cards from grandchildren as well as those for great-grandmothers have also been introduced.

Nicola Miller, Buying Director at Clintons, said, “The age of retirement appears to have little impact on mums of today. Senior mums often take on a dual role. Aside from their important relationship with grandchildren, many continue to actively support their own sons and daughters well into their 60’s and beyond. It won’t be long before we’ll have to introduce cards for great-great-grandmothers on Mother’s Day.”

Ideally, every day should be Mother’s Day as we give thanks to the person that brought us kicking and screaming - literally - into the world. Alas, it’s not. So, we all have to make do with just once a year stopping to remember the untold sacrifices and unconditional love that only a mother can provide.

In the UK, that day is next marked on Sunday 19th March. The day always falls on the fourth Sunday of Lent, and three weeks before Easter Sunday. The middle Sunday of Lent has long been associated with mothers; as on that day - Laetare Sunday - it was traditional for people to return home to their mother church.

Mothering Sunday - or, the more common (and Americanised), Mother’s Day - was formalised in the UK in the early 20th Century when a vicar’s daughter named Constance Smith read a newspaper report of a campaign in America to celebrate such a day across the Atlantic.

Today it’s estimated that close to £1.5billion was spent on Mother’s Day last year (including retail and non-retail - dining out for example - spend). It’s clearly big business. It is generally found that mothers aren’t bothered about receiving a lavish gift on the day. Rather, they’d happily spend time with their children instead.


11 enquiries@bypassnurseries.co.uk • www.bypassnurseries.co.uk 0 1 4 7 3 3 1 0 6 0 4 F i n d u s a t : L O N DO N R OA D , CA P E L S T. M A RY , I P S W I C H , I P 9 2 J R OPENING HOURS Sunday 10 00-4 00pm Monday-Saturday 9 00-5 30pm Thursday 9 30-5 00pm I n S t o r e • G i f t s fo r M u m • M i n i B e a u t y & M a s s a g e Tre a t m e n t s • Creative & Fun Workshops for both adults and children • W i d e R a n g e o f P la n te d A r ra n ge m e n t s a n d G i f t s f o r M u m A f t e r n o o n Te a s a t T h e B l u e b e l l Te a ro o m

Come discover Landguard at Open Day

What’s going on

at Landguard in 2023? Come and have a look!

Head to Felixstowe on Saturday 18th March 2023 for the Landguard Open Day. Enjoy a cuppa and a quick peek to see how you could get involved in everything that’s going on at Landguard Fort, Felixstowe Museum and the Landguard Nature Reserve.

The Open Day runs from 11am to 3pm. There is no admission charge, and a complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits await. Have a little look around and chat with some of the great team of friendly volunteers. There are so many things that they are doing and so many things that you might enjoy helping with. As much or as little of your time as you can spare can make a big difference - it’s all valuable!

Inside or outside, meeting and talking to the public or helping with admin, archives or research. Marketing, events, retail, refreshments, maintenance, guiding and nature reserve tasks such as bramble control, grass cutting and access repair… so many things to choose from but all of them very important. No previous experience required! It’s also worth noting that volunteering is a great way to help your own wellbeing.

“From day one I was made to feel very welcome. What a great bunch of people! This is such a rewarding environment to be in and everyone is so friendly. Being able to play a small part… gives me a great sense of pleasure and achievement”. Volunteer Steve W.

So, what have you got to lose? Come down for a quick pre-season visit, a chat and a cuppa. There’s no pressure! They look forward to seeing you at Landguard - it’s a very special place.

• For more information, please contact the Landguard Trust on 01394 444458 or email landguardenquiries@eastsuffolk.gov.uk www.discoverlandguard.org.uk

March into Friendship, with the Oddfellows

Yes, Spring is just around the corner! Time to forget gloomy days and to re-emerge from winter hibernation!

The Ipswich Oddfellows have lots of varied events and gettogethers for you to enjoy. They are the perfect excuse to getup-and-go! The Social team plan meetings that appeal to a wide audience from a simple coffee morning to activities, talks, lunches and bingo. The friendly group have arranged a visit to Christchurch Mansion to view the art exhibition “Landscape Rebels”. One member said, “I’ve seen it advertised but haven’t got round to going. March 15th at 10.30am is a definite date in my diary now”.

Do you have happy memories of pirate radio and Radio Caroline? Guest speakers from Felixstowe and Offshore Radio will give an audio visual presentation to re-kindle those fond memories on March 27th at 1.30pm

A visit has been organised to “It’s Rocket Science” in Claydon for a fun afternoon of experiments on 29th March. Do you remember science when you were at school? (or perhaps you’d rather not!) Join the group and find out!

Ipswich Oddfellows meet at The Oddfellows Hall in High Street Ipswich. Guests are welcome to come along and experience the friendship on offer. To find out more please contact the Branch secretary Lynne phone 01473 251867 or email ipswich.branch@oddfellows.co.uk. See facebook.com/ oddfellowsipswich

Established in 1810, the Oddfellows is one of the largest and oldest friendly societies in the UK, with near 39,400 members across 103 branches nationwide. Oddfellows is a non-profit mutual run by it’s members for the members, and they do their best to improve the quality of people’s lives through friendship, care and charity. It costs from £25 a year to join as a member and become part of this friendly society.

Ann’s all about making friends... Give your local Oddfellows a try Contact Lynne on 01473 251867 lynne.wyatt@oddfellows.co.uk We get together, chat and enjoy friendship The Oddfellows is the trading name of The Independent Order of Odd Fellows Manchester Unity Friendly Society Limited, incorporated and registered in England and Wales No. 223F. Registered Office: Oddfellows House, 184-186 Deansgate, Manchester M3 3WB Ref 1983 forLooking friendshipalocal group? OddfellowsIpswich 12 Care Assistants Wanted alternatively email easternhub@cahs-group.co.uk For more info call our team on 01376 440348 Our care services include: • Personal Care • Meal Preparation • Medication Support • Domestic assistance For You: As a Care Assistant working for Westminster Homecare, you will benefit from: • 3-day induction training paid at £9.50 ph. • Competitive pay rate • Mileage paid at 30p per mile • £250 Refer a Friend Bonus • Fully funded training and development - NVQ 2, NVQ 3 and more specialist training Our Services: We offer Care in the Community. This means providing care at the Service Users home. Free DBS No experience needed

Ivan Cutting set to step down Two Sisters Arts Centre re-opens

Ivan Cutting is to step down as Artistic Director of Eastern Angles, the company he helped found in 1982.

In a statement, Cutting said, “I always intended to hand in my badge once the company had secured its new Arts Council NPO award for the next three years and had settled into its new home, the Eastern Angles Centre. Over the years I have worked with a vast array of people who have helped make the company the success it is today, and whose hard work and dedication I have depended on so often. It has been a privilege to work with them and to serve the communities of this vast and varied region.”

Eastern Angles, formed by five actors living in Suffolk, quickly made a name for itself on the rural touring circuit for its focus on an East Anglian sense of place and the use of documentary theatre techniques, which Cutting freely admits he copied from Peter Cheeseman’s work at the New Vic in Stoke-on-Trent. “People used to wonder whether we would run out of subjects,” says Cutting. “They don’t say that anymore”. The company toured to all four corners of the British Isles until its work in East Anglia expanded and took up more time. From the 90s onwards Cutting and his team began to

produce large scale shows like The Wuffings performed in “the largest potting shed in Europe” and a series of new plays in the Hush House on the former Bentwaters Airbase. These days the company boasts of its ability to turn any space indoors or outdoors into a large auditorium with raked seating, a geodesic dome, and extensive sound and lighting rigs, whilst its touring circuit covers an area from Brentwood to Cromer and Peterborough to Lowestoft.

Its biggest hits have included Waterland (dir Hettie Macdonald), David Copperfield (dir Ivan Cutting), and most recently The Ballad of Maria Marten (dir Hal Chambers), although a personal favourite of Cutting is Parkway Dreams, the story of the Peterborough Development Corporation. “People said ‘We didn’t think we were going to like a play about town planning, but we loved it’”. Cutting relishes this audience reaction as it backs up his personal mission to ‘Take people on the journey they didn’t know they wanted to go on’.

In 2008, after one of the first Arts Council nights of the long knives, Eastern Angles were threatened with a cut to its funding as East

New season at Mercury Theatre

Colchester’s Mercury Theatre opens it’s new season with Run Rebel in a co-production between Mercury and Pilot Theatre, the award-winning company that brought Noughts and Crosses and The Bone Sparrow to the Colchester stage.

Tessa Walker directs the world première adaption of Manjeet

Mann’s Carnegie Medal-winning young adult novel, combining physical theatre and visual effects, and opening 2nd March, running until 4 March.

Opening next is a new Mercury Production of They Don’t Pay? We Won’t Pay!, Deborah McAndrew’s adaptation of Dario Fo’s Sotto paga? Non si paga!. Directed by Ryan McBryde, this ferociously funny political farce asks what lengths people will go to when they’re desperate to survive. The production opens on 22nd March, and runs until 31st March.

Next, Mercury Creatives alumni Mia Jerome brings a new Mercury Original to the stage in her uplifting children’s show The Instrumentals. As part of a UK tour, the show features soulful music, seventies grooves and innovative puppetry. The Instrumentals celebrates the way people hold memories, running in Mercury’s Studio Theatre from 30th May to 3rd June.

• For more information and to book tickets visit the Box office at www.mercurytheatre.co.uk

Anglia was deemed sub-regional, but the company fought back and embraced the city of Peterborough, where it now has a satellite base and second venue, The Undercroft. Cutting, 69, grew up in Ipswich, studied Drama at Bristol University and is about to direct a new translation of two medieval plays for his final project with Eastern Angles. Medieval Miracles will tour to East Anglian village halls, community centres, studio theatres and its own Sir John Mills theatre between March to May, finishing at the Peterborough Celebrates Festival. The Artistic Director will step down in November 2023 in the hope that a successor will be in place by September.

A fuller statement from Ivan Cutting is available on easternangles.co.uk/ news

The Two Sisters Arts Centre reopen for the new season on Friday 3rd March, 7pm with a packed evening featuring jazz from The Phil Veacock Trio, a specially written song from Triangle.

The evening will also see the unveiling of the specially commissioned art installation by special guest Radio Caroline’s Stephen ‘Foz’ Foster

On Saturday 11th March 7.30pm

Stephen Amer (Rogue Shanty Bouys/The Testosta Tones) brings Song Sung Blue - A tribute to the life and music of Neil Diamond.

Friday 17th March 7.30pm is drama with Brother Wolf & James Hyland performing Silver & Gold - their take on Robert Louis Stevenson’s classic novel Treasure Island.

Friday 24th March 7.30pm its indie folk with Rosewood - three members of the popular Hosepipe Band bring originals and classics from their folk repertoire. And on Friday 31st March 7.30pm there’s jazz with the guitars of Stringfellows.


Friday 3rd – 7.00pm (£14/£12)

GRAND RE-OPENING with Special Guest STEPHEN “FOZ” FOSTER Art commission unveiling and Jazz from THE PHIL VEACOCK TRIO

Saturday 11th - 7.30pm (£14/£12)


The Music of Neil Diamond

Friday 17th – 7.30pm (£14-£12)


Friday 24th - 7.30pm (£14/£12)

Folk Night with ROSEWOOD

Friday 24th -7.30pm (£14/£12)

Jazz Guitar Quartet STRINGFELLOWS


Ipswich Chamber Choir - Bach Passion Cycle

The second in the Ipswich Chamber Choir’s four-part cycle of Bach’s settings of the Gospels’ passion narratives, the John Passion is perhaps more intense than the later Matthew Passion, bringing together biblical texts with operatic arias, theatrical choruses and meditative chorales. Ipswich Chamber Choir Welcomes Mark Padmore as Patron.

“I am very impressed that the Choir are undertaking such a great Bach project and I would be delighted to act as patron.” Mark Padmore Mark Padmore’s mastery of the role of the Evangelist in the St Matthew and St John Passions has gained worldwide recognition and Ipswich Chamber

Medieval goes modern

After 40 years of touring theatre across the East of England, this spring Eastern Angles is reigniting the region’s buzzing 15th century theatre scene with Medieval Miracles.

This double bill of one-act plays promises to bring double the devils, double the tricks, and double the fun to venues across East Anglia this spring.

“East Anglia was the Broadway or West End of the 15th Century English theatre” once said a stage historian, and Eastern Angles have picked two of its biggest hits to stand centre stage in their 2023 spring tour. Speaking about the show, co-writer and Director Ivan Cutting said, “This was popular theatre at its best when people watched and laughed at sometimes quite shocking tales of contemporary scandal and daring new versions of traditional biblical myths”.

First up, The Trails of Mary & Joseph, it’s the Nativity story but not as you know it. And then there’s Mankind, the country’s most popular comedy of the 1490’s, retold as a boisterous story of a climate conscious young man tempted by three mischievous devils to leave his allotment and behave very badly.

With live music, comic twists and a sense of ridiculous, Eastern Angles bring two very old plays right up to date.

With performances in theatres, community centres and village halls across the East of England from 16th March to 20th May, Medieval Miracles is sure to be coming to a venue near you this spring.

To find out more and book your tickets visit www.easternangles.co.uk or phone the Eastern Angles Box Office on 01473 211498.

Choir are delighted to have him as patron of their Bach Passion Cycle. Mark says, “It is some of the greatest music ever written: there is such richness in the writing. Bach heard the John Passion only four times, each time making revisions to the score. It’s not just beautiful music but a meditation on suffering. Our job is to communicate the ideas behind the piece and to capture that in live performance. Alongside the drama of the passion, Bach’s wonderful music offers comfort and solace.”

With Ipswich Chamber Choir, conductor Benedict Collins Rice, and International performers The Geldart Ensemble and soloists from Amici Voices.

The Geldart Ensemble leader Rachel Stroud

Rachel Ambrose Evans Soprano

Helen Charlston Alto (BBC New Generation Artist)

Oscar Golden Lee Tenor

Edmund Saddington Bass

Rachel Stroud, “I’m hugely looking forward to this performance. We are arranging to borrow viola d’amores to play one unique aria in the St John which should be very special - it’s not often performed on original instruments as they’re quite rare.”

Amici Voices’ Oscar Golden Lee returns after his wonderful storytelling as evangelist in ICC’s St Mark Passion last March as does sonorous bass Edmund Saddington. Ipswich Chamber Choir will welcome soprano Rachel and alto Helen for their first visit to them for what the Choir feels will be a very special evening.

St John Passion takes place on Saturday 25th March at 7pm at St Mary-leTower Church Ipswich. Pre-concert supper and parking available. For more information visit www.ipswichchamberchoir.org.uk


J. S. Bach St John Passion St Mary-le-Tower Church, Ipswich, IP1 3BE Saturday 25th March at 7.00pm Tickets £20; Students £5; 18 & under free www.ipswichchamberchoir.org.uk or from Musicworld Ipswich Woodbridge Violins and Choir Members With International Performers Amici Voices and e Geldart Ensemble
Ambrose Evans Soprano
Collins Rice – Conductor
Helen Charlston Alto
Evangelist, Tenor
Oscar Golden Lee
Edmund Saddington Bass
groups among the country’s leading
in this
Enjoy a PRE-CONCERT SUPPER at e Ipswich & Su olk Club at 5.00pm. Two courses with co ee and parking next door to the church. Tickets £45 (including concert) from ipswichchamberchoir@gmail.com 14

85th year for Ipswich Gang Show

Once again local members of Scouting and Guiding will be performing their annual ‘Gang Show’.

Celebrating 85 years, the show has entertained audiences throughout that time. Based on an idea by Ralph Reader, the show with the help of a talented production team, has evolved into the modern, fast paced, and fun variety show that it is today.

The fifty strong cast is drawn from members of local Scout, Guide, Explorer, Ranger and Cub units who, along with their volunteer leaders, rehearse from November until Easter. Behind the scenes, as with every show, there are many more people…

The scenery and props are made by a team of adults and all the costumes are sewn by a

small group. They have a very experienced lighting and sound team and they along with a brilliant group of musicians ensure that the show is of a high standard.

So, what is a Gang Show? Already mentioned it is based on an idea by Ralph Reader and is a variety show suitable for all the family. There is no theme running through the show instead it is a series of song and dance items, comedy numbers and good all-round entertainment. Listen out this year for songs by Abba and Ed Sheeran, be impressed by the dancing of the girls (who are not part of a dance group just members of Guiding and Scouting) and do look out for Robin Hood and his group of ‘men in tights’. If you haven’t watched a Gang Show for a number of years you will be amazed at the changes that have taken place.

So ‘The Gang’s All Here’ will you be?

• The Gang Show will be at Great School Theatre, Ivry Street, Ipswich from 12th until 15th April 2023. Tickets available online at www.ipswichgangshow.org.uk or in person at Craftability, Ipswich

The UK’s No.1 classical vocal quartet, are back with another exhilarating tour - G4 LIVE!

The G4 LIVE 2022 tour has been extended into 2023 due to popular demand, with a further 40 shows across the UK between April and August. This tour extension sees the boys perform in many towns and cities that they’ve never performed in before!

Having exploded into the industry and the public’s hearts back in 2004 on the first series of the X-Factor, G4 continue to blow people away, year after year, with their unique style and impactful harmonic vocals, which are incomparable to any other. They have to be heard live to truly appreciate the power and passion of their voices!

Expect to hear G4’s classic hits of Bohemian Rhapsody, My Way, Nessun Dorma and Creep plus recent heart-stopping tracks from their latest G4 ‘Love Songs’ album as they leave audiences screaming for more.

G4 Live will be at the Mercury Theatre in Colchester on 13th June. Tickets are now on sale and already selling fast. Visit www.g4official.com for a full list of tour dates and to book tickets.

R e g i ste re d c h a r i t y n u m b e r 305661 A v a r iet y s h o w fo r a l l t h e f a m i l y

See West End musical in Suffolk

Kaleidoscope Entertainment is excited to announce that the stage recording of the award-winning, West End hit Heathers: The Musical will be coming to cinemas nationwide for a onenight-only special event on 28th March.

Based on the 1989 cult classic film starring Winona Ryder and Christian Slater, the musical adaptation follows Westerberg High student Veronica Sawyer, whose dreams of popularity finally start to come true when she’s taken under the wings of the three beautiful, yet impossibly cruel Heathers. But when mysterious new kid, teen rebel J.D arrives in town, Veronica realises that whilst it might kill to be a nobody, it’s murder being a somebody… Fans of the musical are in for some Big Fun as the live recording, captured in its original London home, The Other Palace, features some of the incredible 2022 cast including musical star Ailsa Davidson as Veronica Sawyer, Simon Gordon as J.D., Maddison Firth as Heather Chandler, Vivian Panka as Heather Duke, Teleri Hughes as Heather McNamara. The recording also stars Mhairi Angus as Martha Dunnstock and Vicki Lee Taylor as Ms. Fleming / Veronica’s mum. The cast is completed by Liam

Doyle as Kurt Kelly, Rory Phelan as Ram Sweeney, Andy Brady, as well as Oliver Brooks, Jermaine Woods, Benjamin Karran, Chris Parkinson, Eleanor MorrisonHalliday, Mary-Jean Caldwell, Hannah Lowther and May Tether. How very. Excited about the UK release Director Andy Fickman said “Directing Heathers The Musical has been a career high for me. So, when we got a chance to film the Stage Capture at our beloved theatre in London where it all began - The Other Palace - that was an even bigger high - and thanks to our partners at Bill Kenwright Studios, Village Roadshow and now Kaleidoscope we get a chance to share that the magic at cinemas all across the UK - I can’t stop smiling and I hope audiences feel the same way!”

Heathers: The Musical will be at Empire, Ipswich and The Riverside, Woodbridge for one night only on 28th March. Book your tickets here: heathersmusicalfilm.co.uk

The Bootleg Beatles are delighted to announce their Spring 2023 tour of the UK – the band will visit eighteen cities, tickets are available now from venues or www.ticketmaster.co.uk.

From ‘Love Me Do’ to ‘Let It Be’, from the Cavern to the Apple rooftop, from black and white to psychedelic technicolour, the world’s Premier Beatle band returns to take you on a whistle-stop journey through the most vibrant revolutionary and divisive decade of all - the Swinging Sixties.

It’s all here…the iconic mop tops and the Chelsea boots, the Vox amps and the Chesterfield suits. Each tiny vocal inflection and each witty Beatle quip, all meticulously studied on this Magical Mystery trip.

With a little help from their orchestral ensemble and featuring a special set to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the ‘Please Please Me’ LP, this multi-media show is an absolute must-see for Beatle fans of all ages. It’s not the Beatles but you simply won’t believe it.

The Bootleg Beatles are at the Ipswich Regent Theatre on Wednesday 29th March. To book tickets visit the Box Office at www.ipswichtheatres.co.uk


Have your Event or Gig Listed Free!!*

Post: 12A Britannia Road, Ipswich IP4 4PE

Every Monday

New Horizons Club for older people, St Audry’s Club, Melton, 10am-2.30pm. Further information tel. 07514 364752

Warm Space at Whitton Baptist Church, 209 Highfield Road, Ipswich, IP1 6DH. 9.30-12pm. Free refreshments.

Badminton, Sidegate Lane Community Centre, 7.30-10pm, £2.50, over 18s only. Tel: 07711 811748

Line Dance Class: Improver to Intermediate, 7.00pm, Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Rd, Ipswich. Bookings or more information contact Louise, 07941 069881 Woodbridge Citizen’s Advice, Woodbridge Library, 10am-noon. Independent and provides free, confidential and impartial advice to everybody.

Bumba Adult & Senior Fitness Class -

9.30 & 10.30am. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Rd, Ipswich. Bookings via “Bookwhen.com/Bumba” or 07450


Weekly Healing, Cedars Spiritualist Church (19 Main Rd, Kesgrave IP5 1AQ) from 7-9pm exc Bank Holidays. Further details thecedars46@gmail.com

Tea Dance with Teresa. 2-4 pm, at Sidegate Lane Community Centre, Ipswich, IP4 4HZ. With refreshments. £3.00pp members. 01473 422427.

Every Tuesday

Ipswich Reggae Choir. Come and join the fun with this reggae singing group. £3 a week. John Mills Theatre, Gatacre Rd, Ipswich, 7-9pm, all welcome, call Pat: 07533 867445

Craft Group. The Salvation Army, Queensway 10-12noon. £1.50 per session. Refreshments and lunch available at extra cost. Everyone welcome. For more details please call 01473 710721 or email ipswich.priory@ salvationarmy.org.uk

Carpet Bowls at Martlesham Community Hall, Felixstowe Road, IP12 4PB, 1.304pm. £2 per session (first 2 free) inc. tea and biscuits. Contact Sheila 01473 636608 – or just turn up!!!

Memory Lane Cafe, The Meeting Place, Limerick Close Ipswich IP1 5LR 11-2pm. For people living with dementia and their carers. Contact Tina on 07742 300293

Charity Bingo Night, Woodbridge Community Hall, Station Rd, Woodbridge, IP12 4AU. 7.45pm9.45pm. More information call 01728 660766

Co-op Senior Singers, friendly group singing a wide variety of songs for pleasure. No audition required. 10.0011.30am at the West Suffolk College, formerly the Co-op Education Centre, Fore Street, Ipswich, IP4 1JW. Contact Vera on 01473 879817.

Arts & Crafts Group, Castlehill Community Centre, 1.30-3.30pm. £2 per session. Call Lois on 07951 779271

Short Mat Bowls in a friendly and local location at the Pinewood Community Centre, Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich 10am12pm £4.00 members and guests.

Tea Dance at Sidegate Lane Community Centre, Ipswich, IP4 4HZ, 2-4pm, £3.00pp members. 01473 422427. Easy parking.

Every Wednesday

Lunch Club, The Salvation Army, Queens Way 12.30. Main course, dessert and cup of tea £5. Everyone welcome. Please call 01473 710721 to book in advance.

Anyone for Bridge? Woodbridge Library

3.45-5.15pm, £2 per person

Every Thursday

New Horizons Club for older people, St Audry’s Club, Melton, 10am-2.30pm. Further information tel. 07514 364752

Kurling and Boccia. Ipswich

Oddfellows, 37 High St Ipswich, 10m, £2.50 members. 01473 251867

Co op Senior Singers, friendly group singing wide variety of songs. All welcome aged 55 plus. 10-11.30am, during term time, West Suffolk College, formerly known as the Co-op Education Centre, Fore St, Ipswich. Info call Vera Manning on 01473 879817.

Line Dance Class: Improver to Intermediate, 7pm. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Road, Ipswich. Bookings or more information contact Louise07941 069881

Bingo Club, Dumbarton Road Hall, 2-4pm, entrance fee £1. Tea & coffee served. Info: Chris on 01473 404190

Every Friday

Reading Round - a book group with a difference! Ipswich County Library, Northgate St, Ipswich, 1.45pm till 3.15pm. FREE. Book a place, contact louise.millar@rlfeducation.org.uk

Ipswich Juggling Workshop, Handford Hall School Dome, Gatacre Rd, Ipswich, 7pm. £3 a session. Over 15s and up to any age. Beginners welcome Carpet Bowls at Martlesham Community Hall, Felixstowe Road. 1.30-4pm. £2 per session (first 2 free) inc. tea and biscuits. Contact Sheila 01473 636608 – or just turn up!!!

Art for fun, The Salvation Army, Queensway 10-12noon. £2.50. Everyone welcome. Call 01473 710721 or email ipswich.priory@salvationarmy.org.uk

Baby Boppers: Movement & Music for ages 1-4, every Friday 9.15am10am, Copdock Village Hall. Contact dancefituk@mail.com / 07516 332915.

Chess Club at Woodbridge Library, 4.30pm. Contact library for further info Knitting Group, Woodbridge Library, 2pm - 4pm. Expert to beginners, sewing to crochet, come and share your knowledge or pick up some tips.

Short Mat Bowls at Pinewood Community Centre, Hawthorn Drive, Ipswich IP8 3SL, 10am-12pm £4 members and guests. Tel 07785 236726 or 07808 628945

Sequence Dancing at Sidegate Lane Community Centre, Ipswich. IP4 4HZ. 7.30-9.30pm. Members £3 each

Every Saturday

Mannings Weekend Market, Mannings, Felixstowe Seafront, 10-4pm.

Every Sunday

Parham Airfield Museum, 11am5pm, free admission & parking, WW2 artefacts, unique museum about Britain’s secret resistance army with replica, underground bunker, www.parhamairfieldmuseum.co.uk

EVENTS guide

Car Boot, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Rd, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to www.stonhambarns.co.uk or call 01449 711111

Mannings Weekend Market, Mannings, Felixstowe Seafront, 9-5pm.

Wed 1st March

Talk: Oak Trees, Sailing Boats and the Boatyards of the East Coast at 2.15pm. Orwell DFAS, Tower Hall, Broadlands Way IP4 5SU. All welcome. Guests £6.

Fri 3rd-Sun 5th March

The Big Weekend, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info go to www.stonhambarns. co.uk or call 01449 711111

Fri 3rd March

Live Music: Texas Tornadoes C&W. Licensed bar, cooked food 7-9pm, £5 Members, £6 Non-members. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Road, Ipswich, IP1 4AB, 8-11pm.

Sat 4th March

Live Music: Power House, 8pm start, Felixstowe Trades & Labour Club, 182 High Road West, Felixstowe

Wed 8th March

Talk: Further Artefacts from a Personal Collection. Suffolk Industrial Archaeology Society meeting. Ipswich Transport Museum, Cobham Rd, Ipswich, 7.30pm

Thurs 9th March

Ipswich RSPB Group Indoor Meeting. RSPB Minsmere - 75 years of Conservation Success, illustrated talk by Ian Barthorpe. Rushmere St Andrew Church Hall, The Street, Rushmere, Ipswich. 7.30pm. Admission: Local Group members £3 (Cons apply). NonMembers £5. U18s free.

Fri 10th March

Live Music: Karaoke. Felixstowe Trades & Labour Club, 182 High Road West, Felixstowe, 8pm. www.ftalc.co.uk

Sat 11th March

Annual Orchid Show, St Michael’s Church, Martlesham Heath. Entry £1.50, 10am-4pm

Live Music: Chelse Francis, Felixstowe Trades & Labour Club, 182 High Rd West, Felixstowe, 8pm

Ipswich RSPB Local Group Field Meeting to Melton and the River Deben for waders and wildfowl. Meet 9.30am, Melton Riverside car park. IP12 1LR. 2-3 hours. 2-3 miles. Contact 01473 258791. No charge. All welcome.

Pre-loved clothing Sale, Humber Doucy Lane, IP4 3PD 11am to 4pm. Free entry and car parking. Refreshments available.

iao Fresh Start New Beginnings, in association with Dot & Do Dah and Cake & Revolution WI

Tues 14th March

Talk: Enhancing Your Garden, Felixstowe Garden Club, Old Felixstowe Community Centre, Ferry Rd, Felixstowe, 7pm. Info: Jayne 01394 211739

Wed 15th Mar

Community Cuppa. Social group for over 65’s. The Meeting Place, Limerick Close, Ipswich, 2-4pm. More info from Tracey 01284 334516

Fri 17th March

Live Music: M T Allan C&W, licensed bar, cooked food 7-9pm, £5 Members, £6 Non-members. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Road, Ipswich, IP1 4AB, 8-11pm.

Sat 18th March

Live Music: Low Rider, Felixstowe Trades & Labour Club, 182 High Rd West, Felixstowe, 8pm

Live Music: Soul Project, Country & Western. Licensed bar, cooked food 7-9pm, £3 Members, £6 Non-members. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Road, Ipswich, IP1 4AB, 8-11pm.

Sun 19th March

Model Railway Show, Stonham Barns Park, Pettaugh Road, Stonham Aspal, IP14 6AT. More info www.stonhambarns. co.uk or call 01449 711111

Mon 20th March

Talk: Shining the Light on Lightship LV18. At Greenfinch Church Hall, Greenfinch Avenue, Ipswich. 7.30pm, entry £3. 01473 405116

Tues 21st March

Ipswich RSPB Local Group Midweek Walk round Holywells Park. Meet at 10.30am at Stable Block off Cliff Lane. IP3 0PG. Approx 2hrs. Tel 01473 258791. No charge. All welcome.

Sat 25th March

Live Music: Rachel Foskett, Felixstowe Trades & Labour Club, 182 High Rd West, Felixstowe IP11 9BB, 8pm Coffee Morning, 10am-12 noon St Mary’s Church Room, Bramford. Bacon rolls, hot dogs, scones, sausage rolls etc. Sale of books, jigsaws, DVDs and more. iao church maintenance

Live Music – John O Shea, (ex Moochers) Reggae & Ska, £5.00/£7.00 on door, 7pm-Midnight. Westgate Ward Social Club, 01473 406679

The 11th Ipswich Scout Group are holding a recruiting ‘drop in’ session for new Cub Scouts 8 to 11 years and Adult volunteers to help start a new Beaver Scout Section for 6 to 8 year olds. Find out more at the Scout Hall in Chesterfield Drive IP1 6RW between 10am and 1pm.

Wed 29th March

Talk: A Passion for Speed - (Air). The story about Mrs Victor Bruce an aviator who achieved remarkable achievements for a woman of the 1920s & ’30s. Ipswich Citadel, Salvation Army, 558 Woodbridge Road, Ipswich, 7.30pm, entrance £2.50. (Non-members £4)

Fri 31st March

Live Music: Warren De Witt C&W, licensed bar, cooked food 7-9pm, £5 Members, £6 Non-members. Rosary Conservative Club, Bramford Road, Ipswich, IP1 4AB, 8-11pm.

*Submissions listed subject to space availability. –No responsibility can be accepted for cancellation of events, if in doubt contact the event organiser before travelling.
You can find even more events on our website - www.ipswich24.co.uk


Cat owners admit they are baffled by their pet’s behaviour –including how they ignore their scratching posts, eat one brand of food above another and bring in dead animals.

A poll of 2,000 cat owners revealed 47 per cent ‘don’t get’ their furry friend - with 87 per cent feeling stumped by their quirky behaviours. The feline’s superpower of being able to differentiate the opening of a treat packet over a salad bag is what confuses them the most. While their persistent clawing of furniture instead of scratching posts and random outbreak of five-minute ‘zoomies’ also featured on the top 20 list of weirdest cat traits. Despite their strange ways, 65 per cent wouldn’t change a thing about their fluffy friend, with 53 per cent finding most things they do hilarious.

The research was commissioned by Wisdom Panel in an effort to bring us closer to these fascinating felines. Partnering with The Scratching Post rescue charity during a time when abandonment cases are at an all-time high, the DNA testing company has launched the world’s first catwalk for cats as fashion week draws to a close. It showcases their diversity and beauty while inspiring cat adoption - because no one does a catwalk like a cat.

Susan Delaney, founder of The Scratching Post, said, “The past few months have been incredibly challenging for rescue charities. Shelters have always struggled with abandonment, however the cost-of-living crisis has definitely contributed to more people having to part ways with their pets. Adoptions have also been impacting, reducing by 40 per cent since pre pandemic levels, which unfortunately is causing rehoming centres to hit crisis point. It was fun to showcase the personalities of our cats that are available for adoption, whilst also celebrating global fashion weeks.”

Other bizarre cat behaviours baffling Brits include their obsession with empty boxes, why they lie down on clothes you’ve laid on the bed to wear – and their fussiness over food brands. The mystery of how they can suddenly go from cuddling to ‘attack mode’ with seemingly no warning also appeared on the list.

More than half believe each cat has many different personalities with 52 per cent wishing they could speak with their cat if it somehow managed to learn their language. And according to the OnePoll study, almost half go as far as ‘meowing’ back as a way of communicating.

Georgina Richardson, head of Wisdom Panel UK, said, “Each feline catwalk

model was tested with our new DNA kits - screening for 70+ breeds and populations, 45+ genetic health conditions, blood type and 25+ physical trait tests. We were thrilled to have ITV This Morning’s vet Dr Scott Miller present the results at the event, uncovering the unique traits and genetic makeup of each rescue cat. We really want to encourage potential cat-owners to consider adoption and to do it properly by DNA testing them first in order to truly understand them.”

The top 20 things cats do that baffle their owners

1. How they can tell the difference between the treat packet opening and something that’s of no interest to them like a bag of salad

2. Why they ignore their scratching posts and go for the furniture instead

3. Why they get ‘zoomies’ at random times and seem to go absolutely mad for five minutes

4. Why they meow at you when you’re eating, seemingly asking for some of your food, and when you give it to them, they just ignore it

5. Why they constantly seem to try and get in places you don’t want them to, like cupboards or under the bed

7. Where they go when they’re out of the house

6. How they get comfortable sitting in really uncomfy looking places

9. Their obsession with empty boxes

8. Why they always seem to lie down on clothes you’ve laid out to wear

10. Why they suddenly go from purring and cuddling to ‘attack mode’

11. Why they’ll eat one brand of food and not another

12. Why they seem to lie on their back and ask for a tickle, then attack the tickler

13. What they get out of staring aimlessly out of the window for hours

14. Why they choose 3am as the optimum time to sprint around the house at top speed

15. Why they insist on bringing in dead animals

16. Why they stare at you for long periods of time

17. Why they try to fit themselves into a box of any size

19. How they can nap in such weird places

18. Why they seem to adore certain houseguests and hate others

20. Why they seem to get on with some cats, and not others



The UK is a nation of animal lovers, but with under half of the nation’s landlords advertising their properties as pet friendly, it can be difficult for renters to share in the joy pets bring.

Further to this, animal charities across the UK are experiencing an increase in the number of animals needing their support, with many owners citing housing issues as a reason for rehoming their pets.

Around one in ten of those owners calling Dogs Trust cite issues with housing as the reasons for needing to rehome their dog. This includes people being forced to move or downsize as rent prices increase, but are unable to find suitable, affordable pet-friendly properties. Meanwhile, Cats Protection says that last year it took in around 1,300 cats – the equivalent of at least three cats each day – due to landlords not allowing them in their properties, making it the eighth most-cited reason as to why cats are given up to the charity.

Both charities are now calling on the Government to introduce better protection for responsible renters with pets.

Currently, there are no legal rights for renters with pets, and landlords can refuse to rent to tenants with pets. The Government updated its Model Tenancy Agreement in 2021 to remove blanket bans on pets from the standard contract. Under this agreement, any restrictions on pet ownership must be ‘reasonable’, however, there is no legal requirement for landlords to use it. The Government has outlined plans to introduce better protection for tenants as part of its Renters Reform Bill, due to be put forward to Parliament in the next few months. Draft policies outlined last year included giving tenants the right to request a pet in the property which the landlord must consider and cannot unreasonably refuse.

Dogs Trust and Cats Protection have teamed up to give renters and landlords the following advice for renting with pets:

If you’re a renter:

- Start your search early – petfriendly rented housing can be hard to find, so start looking in good time if you know you’ll need to move. If an advert doesn’t mention pets, make an enquiry – some landlords may agree if they’re asked.

- Create a Pet CV so you can assure your prospective landlord that you’re a responsible owner and your pet is unlikely to cause a problem. This should include vet records to confirm your pet has been neutered,

microchipped, vaccinated and protected against fleas and other parasites. Cats Protection and Dogs Trust both offer a free a template Pet CV on their websites.

- If you’re moving, ask your landlord for a pet reference which you can show to a new landlord to confirm your pet hasn’t caused a problem in previous rental properties.

- Don’t be tempted to sneak in a pet without your landlord’s permission. You could lose your tenancy and be left in the stressful situation of having to find a new home for yourself and your pet at short notice, or even having to give your pet up to a rehoming charity. If your landlord has given you permission to keep a pet in your property, make sure you get it in writing. This will help prevent any problems from arising in the future. Make sure your pet has everything they need to ensure they are happy, settled and calm in your rented home. Cats will need access to a scratching post, litter tray and plenty of toys and activities to keep them stimulated. Dogs will need someone around for most of the day whilst they settle into their new environment. Their favourite cosy bed, and other familiar items, will help them to feel at home and providing their favourite toys and enrichment can help to prevent boredom. Just like their feline friends, dogs should always have access to fresh clean water. Sticking to a familiar routine of walks and meal times can help make any house move less disruptive for your pooch and you can check out the best new local walks together!

- Speak to Cats Protection (www. cats.org.uk) or Dogs Trust ( https:// www.letswithpets.org.uk) – both of which have a wealth of information available to help pet-owning tenants.

If you are a landlord:

- Advertise your property as ‘pets considered’ – that way you won’t put off prospective tenants and can decide on a case-by-case basis. If you use a letting agent, make sure they’re aware you’re happy to consider pets.

- Ask your prospective tenant to put together a ‘Pet CV’ to find out more about their cat or dog. It should include vet records so you can see the pet has been neutered, vaccinated and protected against fleas and other parasites.

- If possible, ask your new tenant to provide a pet reference from a previous landlord to

confirm their cat or dog has not caused any problems in the past

- The government updated its model tenancy agreement for landlords in 2021 to make well-behaved pets with responsible owners the default position for rented properties. Under the new agreement, rejections should only be made where there is good reason, such as in small spaces where it may be impractical to have a pet.

- If you think your property is not suited to pets, you may be surprised. There are many reasons why flats and apartments may be ideal for some cats – perhaps those who can’t go outside due to health conditions or disabilities, or those which simply prefer the indoor life.

- Remember – most owners consider their pet to be part of the

family, so it makes sense they’ll feel more settled in a rental property that allows pets. Cats Protection and Dogs Trust’s research shows that a pet-friendly rental is likely to attract people who may feel more settled and stay for longer.

To increase the availability of pet friendly properties, Dogs Trust has been providing advice and resources to pet owners, landlords and letting agencies for more than a decade through its Lets with Pets scheme. Cats Protection also operates its Purr-fect Landlords programme, which provides advice to tenants, landlords and social housing providers on how to conduct discussions aimed at keeping cats in rented properties, with further information available at www.cats.org.uk/purrfectlandlords


Is this the

most unwanted and unloved dog?

Poor Cody is back at the RSPCA after a run of bad luck.

The RSPCA is making a heartfelt plea across the country to find the perfect home for Cody - sadly thought to be currently one of the RSPCA’s most unwanted and unloved dogs.

Cody the little terrier has spent over 500 days in RSPCA care - almost all his life - and he’s been so close to finding his forever home - but sadly just keeps missing out.

He was rehomed by the RSPCA Suffolk Central branch towards the end of last year - but sadly his new owners returned him in November - making it his second Christmas without a family. And before that he had spent months meeting another potential adopter and getting to know them but was let down on the day of his adoption due to a change in circumstances.

Two year-old Cody has spent his second birthday and two Christmases with the RSPCA - and now staff are hoping that this year could bring the new home he so desperately needs.

Lucy Calver, kennel assistant at the centre said, “Poor Cody really could be described as our most unwanted and unloved dog - he just hasn’t found his forever home - despite getting so close so many times. He’s been rehomed once by us and has been rehomed twice before that - he was

returned to us in November meaning he spent his second Christmas at the centre. Every time I look at him my heart breaks that he still hasn’t found a home to call his own. He is a special boy and he does have some challenging behaviours which is why it has proven difficult to find him a home.

with one in his mouth, while his whole body wags with excitement! He’s incredibly intelligent and picks up new things very quickly so he’d love to continue with fun training in his new home.”

Cody has been assessed by a clinical animal behaviourist and he will be a good dog when he finds his right home. He has come leaps and bounds since first arriving and will make someone a great companion with the right love and support.

Cody would best suit a quiet, low populated area where there are fewer passing vehicles, people and dogs. This will ensure he copes better in the surrounding environment and set him up for success in his training (Cody’s behaviour report is available to read upon application). He loves long walks in the countryside and playing enrichment games at home.

“He really needs some experienced owners who can commit to ongoing reward-based training. He can become worried by unfamiliar people, dogs and some vehicles but has been responding well to his training. But he is such a fabulous little dog and we all know that he’ll thrive in the right home. He finds strangers frightening but once he gets to know you his true soppy side comes out! He’s super affectionate and really playful. He absolutely loves his toys and will often greet you

To find out more about sweet Cody please visit his at https://rspca-suffolkcentral.org.uk/dogs/ cody-2/ or contact the team on info@rspcasuffolkcentral.org.uk or 0300 999 7321.

RSPCA Suffolk Central branch is an independent charity that relies on donations. To help the team rescue, rehabilitate and rehome more animals, like Cody, please donate online: https://rspcasuffolkcentral.org.uk/donate/.

Open 7 Days A Week Call & Collect Service 731117 01449 673806 Blue Light Discount MAD ABOUT PETS

Are you mispronouncing these pooches names?

The rumours are true… humans simply don’t deserve dogs - we don’t even know how to correctly pronounce the names of certain breeds!

Luckily, the team at Preply have shed some light on this and provided a roundup of dog breeds that typically tend to get mispronounced, and how to correctly say the names.

Dachshund (daks-hund)

Yes, you’ve been pronouncing the breed of your favourite sausage dogs wrong all your life. Lots of people tend to go off the spelling with this one, saying ‘dash-und’ or ‘dash-hound’. However, we need to embrace the German roots of these dogs and refer to them as ‘daks-hunds’.

Weimaraner (vahy-muh-rah-ner)

Now, this breed is certainly a tongue-twister. Dubbed as ‘Gray Ghosts’, Weimaraners are known for their loyalty and obedience, and the least we can do for them is say their name right! The German accent really has to come out with this one, with the right pronunciation being ‘vahy-muh-rah-ner’.

Papillon (Pa-pee-on)

Meaning ‘butterfly’ in French, Papillons are certainly an underrated dog breed - just look at their beady eyes and fluffy, feathery ears! As suggested by the spelling, this breed typically gets mispronounced as ‘pap-ill-on’ but the correct way to say it is ‘pa-pee-on’.

Shih Tzu (she-dzoo)

It turns out that you don’t need to swear when saying the name of these adorable little lions. Contrary to popular belief, the right way of pronouncing this breed is actually ‘she-dzoo’.

Keeshond (Kay-shond)

Known for their iconic silver and black fur, Keeshonds are definitely high up on the list of standout dogs. They are also high up on the list of most mispronounced dog breeds, with many referring to them as ‘kee-shonds’, but rather they should be pronounced as ‘kay-shond’.

Information supplied by https://preply.com/

Rottweiler (rot-why-ler)

You may be shocked to find out these doggos have a spot on the list, but nonetheless justice needs to be served for Rottweilers. A lot of people pronounce this breed like it has the letter ‘k’ in the name (rock-wahy-lers). However, there is no ‘k’ and the correct pronunciation is ‘rot-wahy-ler’.

Bichon Frise (bee-shon free-zay)

French names can be quite difficult to pronounce, with our favourite furry Bichon Frises being an example of this. These dogs certainly do like to have their tongues out, which is why it makes sense for their name to roll off our tongue - with the correct pronunciation being ‘bee-shon free-zay’.


The topic of ‘Emotional connection’

Part of the mental health and wellbeing advice series

Why is connection important?

As adults, the need for emotional connection plays a key role in staying well. The loss of an emotional connection following bereavement, for example, can prevent a person moving on and establishing new relationships. Often, when our need for emotional connection is unmet we can find ourselves trying to control feelings of loneliness through comfort eating or chasing the buzz of emotional intensity instead.

How do you look after your mental health and wellbeing?

That’s the basis for a new campaign for 2023 which focuses on 12 ‘emotional needs’ – one for each month – to bring you practical tips, people’s stories, and support to keep you well.

Be Well, Feel Well: A healthier Suffolk in 2023 is a partnership between Suffolk Mind, Public Health and Communities and a range of community groups teaming up to focus on ways for you to be well throughout the year. Look out for a new article every month with information for how you can keep healthy, get the help you need and even save money.

Top tips to stay connected

l Relationship skills, like rapport building, are the key to building new connections and enriching the relationships we already have.

l Being curious and showing an interest in others is important. This includes being ready to learn about someone new, what makes them tick and what is important to them.

l If you’d like to do more to support others who may need someone to talk to, consider volunteering.

The Befriending Network

At the Befriending Network we recognise the value of having someone to spend time with, to talk to about our experiences, share knowledge and stories, confide in or simply have a laugh together. This can all happen at the same time. Emotional connection is the essence of what we do.

The Befriending Network supports people over the age of 60 across West Suffolk who can benefit from companionship. Befriending gives people something to look forward to and a renewed sense of self-worth at a time in their life when many feel they have nothing new to contribute to society.

There are many aims of befriending, such as combatting isolation and promoting independence but fundamentally it is about the joy of social interaction and making new friends.

‘We get on like a house on fire and have so much in common. She is often one of the only people I see and it really brightens up my week. She brings cake and we chat.’ Our volunteers come from all backgrounds and age groups, and we support volunteers who have health conditions and are unable to work but still have a great deal to offer.

‘Being a befriender has made me feel a sense a purpose when I was at times feeling like I had none. I fully benefit from this just as much as the person I was matched with. I didn’t realise how much this could bring to my life and I now don’t see it as voluntary work, it’s truly a friendship.‘ As befrienders, we are not social workers or medics, but this can be an advantage. On the face of it we are informal and light touch. To us at the Befriending Network, it is about relationships and a feeling of community.

Where can I find out more?





suffolkmind.org.uk Suffolk Infolink (scan QR code)

Small Change, Big Difference to dental costs!

2023 – the year everyone is looking for savvy ways to save money - from shopping pre-loved to growing your own and everything in between.

If there’s one thing that’s sure to hit the pocket it’s a dreaded trip to the dentist and that’s if you can get an appointment. A filling will cost anything from £65 with the NHS to £250 privately and a tooth extraction anything from £65 to a whopping £370.

DenTek are on a mission to help everyone take the best possible care of their smile and therefore reduce the likelihood of an unexpected dentist bill (saving those pennies for something far more exciting - like a holiday!)

Jennifer Hudson, Senior Brand Manager at DenTek says, “With the huge backlog of 43 million NHS dental appointments and soaring costs, it really pays to invest in the health of your teeth with a proper oral care routine. That means brushing twice a day, using interdental cleaners at least once a day and cleaning the tongue. Our message is “prevention is better than cure.” Although brushing your teeth may seem like a simple task, there is a proper cleaning routine to ensure teeth and gums are cleaned thoroughly. An electric toothbrush is well worth investing in if possible. They are more effective at removing plaque and bacteria from teeth and the built-in timers help you brush for the recommended time period.

77% of tooth decay starts between the teeth but only 31% of us clean between the teeth on a regular basis. A toothbrush alone cleans just 60% of the tooth. To hit the other 40% that the toothbrush can’t reach, oral hygiene products such as DenTek’s floss picks and interdental brushes are a must.

The tongue harbours approximately 50% of the bacteria in your mouth which can cause cavities and gum disease. The bottom line is that if you’re not

Long COVID sufferers urged to seek help

cleaning your tongue, you’re allowing bacteria to have a home in your mouth so the cleaner you keep your tongue the better! Simply use your toothbrush to brush the tongue surface for 15-30 seconds after brushing your teeth. Dr Quintus Van Tonder, Clinical Director at Zandielle Dental Clinic in Attleborough says, “Many common dental issues are preventable or at least delayable by cleaning your teeth and mouth effectively. Most people know to brush their teeth but too few include interdental and tongue cleaning. By adding these important areas to your oral hygiene routine, you will save both your money and your smile.”

Changing your dental routine habits to include interdental care is a small change that adds up and can save on the bigger cost of dental treatment. So brush up your oral care routine for 2023 and be sure to “clean between” – your smile and your wallet will thank you!


Ipswich24 has teamed up with DenTek to offer lucky readers the chance to win a bundle of DenTek Eco products, along with an ‘adventures are out there’ money box. To be in with a chance of winning this great prize just send your name, address and a contact telephone number to: Den Tek Adventures Competition, 12A Britannia Road, Ipswich, IP4 4PE or you can enter online at www.ipswich24.co.uk. The closing date for entries is Friday 31st March 2023.

Q. How much of the bacteria in your mouth does the tongue harbour?

chronic fatigue, loss of taste, muscle and joint pain, and ‘brain fog’ – the unofficial term for confusion, loss of concentration and memory issues.

Dr Peter Holloway, GP and Joint Clinical Lead at SNELCAS, said,

Clinicians in Suffolk and north east Essex are launching a media campaign to raise awareness of the symptoms of Long COVID and the treatment and support available. They’re concerned that the patients they are seeing in the Suffolk and North East Essex Long Covid Assessment Service (SNELCAS) are not fully representative of the population likely to have the condition.

Joint Clinical Lead at SNELCAS and respiratory physiotherapist, Sarah Fowler, said, “We know COVID-19 itself took a huge toll on people of minority ethnic heritage and people in deprived areas, but for some reason we are not seeing very many of these patients in our clinic. “We hope our campaign will reach those who may be suffering with symptoms they can’t explain and encourage them to come forward for the support we can give them to greatly improve their quality of life. Long COVID is the name given to a wide variety of symptoms which people continue to experience more than 12 weeks after catching COVID-19.

2,154 patients across Suffolk and north east Essex have been referred into SNELCAS to date, with symptoms including breathlessness,

“We encourage anyone who thinks they may have Long COVID to call their GP surgery. They should fully explain their symptoms to the receptionist, say how long they have had them and how long ago they were infected with the COVID-19 virus.

“The receptionist will make an appointment with a clinician who may look at the patient’s general health and order some tests to see if any other conditions might be making them feel the way they are as it is important to first rule those out.

“Long COVID can be extremely debilitating and patients referred into SNELCAS will receive help to manage their symptoms with the aim of recovering to the point where they can carry out their usual daily activities again.”

n A webpage has also been set up to support the campaign: https://sneewellbeing.org.uk/long-covid

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Beauty Banks’ useage up

The Beauty Gift Appeal was launched in partnership with Superdrug and Beauty Banks in December 2022 to help people living in hygiene poverty

Last Christmas, Superdrug and long-term charity partner Beauty Banks launched ‘The Beauty Gift Appeal’ encouraging those that could, to donate beauty and hygiene gifts to those that need them the most. The high-street brand and charity are now calling on people to donate any spare health and beauty gifts that they received to the appeal to help those living in hygiene poverty, as the charity expects to see higher than ever usage of their services over the coming months.

Beauty Banks saw an unprecedented increase in the need for donations throughout 2022, with usage up 80% compared to other years. It is estimated that up to eight million people could be living in hygiene poverty this winter, with an extra 320,000 people using food banks this year. And Beauty Banks have already seen an uplift in demand compared to this time last year.

Anyone wishing to donate any unused gifts or toiletries to the appeal can do so by dropping any gifts or hygiene products to a ‘Beauty Spot’ donation point in their local Superdrug store, with over 100 locations across the country.

Sali Hughes, Beauty Banks co-founder, said, “We all know that the current cost of living crisis has hit people really

hard and that hygiene essentials are urgently in need. We would ask that anyone that has any unwanted gifts this year to please donate to The Beauty Gift Appeal. We already saw the demand for help rise by 80% last year and our expectations are that needs will be even greater this year.”

Jo Jones, Beauty Banks co-founder, adds, “The organisations we support are under immense strain. They need more products, as they’re supporting more and more people than ever before, and they’re requesting donations more frequently because, of course, hygiene items run out. We rely on the generosity of individuals and companies like Superdrug to enable us to do what we do. It’s thanks to them we can support people in need to ensure no-one has to suffer the indignity of being unclean.”

Simon Comins, Chief Commercial Officer at Superdrug, said, “Customers that have any health and beauty gifts or products they’d like to donate can drop them in one of our 100+ collection points in Superdrug stores across the country. All donations will go to Beauty Banks to help support those in need during these challenging times.”

n You can find your local Beauty Banks store at: www.superdrug.com/storefinder#search-stores

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Washing and ironing hacks to save money

n As energy bills continue to rise and make a dent into our bank accounts, people are looking for as many ways as possible to save. Both running a washing machine and ironing are fairly energy consuming, so doing them both in one day is likely to whack up your usage. Luckily, Sam Whillance, a savings expert at Deal.Town has shared five money saving tips people can do when washing and ironing clothes.

1. Always use stain remover before a wash

There is nothing worse than taking an item of clothing out of the washing machine after a long cycle, only to see the stain still there. Therefore, before putting any stained items through the washing machine, always remember stain remover. If it is a stain from a beverage, whether it be tea, coffee, soft drinks or winestart by sponging or soak the area in cool water. Then, pretreat with either prewash stain remover, liquid laundry detergentor create a paste using a powder laundry product and water. This will prevent you having to put the same items through the wash again, causing you to use more energy.

2. Wash at 25C

The cooler the setting on the washing machine, the less energy the cycle will use. Alongside

prepping your stained clothes with remover, a 25C wash can in fact be extremely effective. Researchers at the University of Leeds found that clothes which are washed at 25C on a 30-minute cycle shed fewer microfibres into waste water and keep their colour for longer. People have been encouraged for years to wash their clothes on a colder cycle, and according to the Energy Savings Trust, washing clothing at 20C instead of 40C can save around 66% of the energy used for a full load.

3. Spritz with wrinkle releasing product

Wrinkle releasing products can help release any creases in your clothes and keep them in good condition. When clothes or towels dry without any moisture, they will go hard and crusty, not to mention this

will damage the microfibres, and eventually you will have to replace them. Fortunately, you can make your own wrinkle releasing product at home. Simply fill a spray bottle with two small cups of water, one teaspoon of hair conditioner, and one tablespoon of white vinegar. Then shake vigorously and spray onto your clothes until they are slightly damp, but not completely soaked. Then run your hands over the items, stretching and pulling the fabric until the wrinkles release.

4. Hang your clothes in the airing cupboard

Your airing cupboard is warm, which means it can be used to dry clothes. Delicates are also fine to involve here, and this is particularly good for long dresses, shirts and trousers that sit easily on hanger, simply hang items up and leave to

dry out. It is important to note here not to leave clothes that are too wet, as you want to avoid the risk of any dripping water coming in contact with electricals. Try to partly air dry clothes out on an airer before moving to the airing cupboard.

5. Press with a towel

Put your creased item on a flat surface and place a damp towel over the top. The dampness of the towel will easily eliminate any creases in the clothes. Press until you are happy the creases are gone, and then hang up to dry, whether that’s over a shower rail, an airer or on the line to dry out. Note that this trick works best with delicate garments, so if you are planning to wear a posh dress for a night out, try to pre plan this method the night before as it can be fairly time consuming.


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One-in-five youngsters never talked about money at home

n A poll of 1,000 16 to 21-year-olds revealed many had more frequent conversation about relationships (29 per cent), religion (24 per cent) and drugs (24 per cent) compared to money. With only 12 per cent saying money was one of the most frequently discussed ‘difficult’ topics at home. However, 81 per cent now think they would be more financially confident if they had more frequent conversations about cash at home.

access to that education, building their confidence, and equipping them with the tools they need to get excited about their futures.

More than a third (36 per cent) wouldn’t ask for their parent or guardians’ help when making decisions about money, with 26 per cent putting that down to their parents’ lack of confidence in their own finances. Despite this, 53 per cent wish their parents to be more involved with helping them make financial decisions.

The research was commissioned by the NatWest Thrive Programme, which is backed by England footballer Marcus Rashford and delivered in partnership with the National Youth Agency (NYA), which aims to raise the financial confidence of young people.

The King and Queen Consort met with young people from Norbrook youth club in Wythenshawe, Manchester and spoke with Alison Rose, NatWest’s CEO, In February to find out more about the programme.

Manchester United and England star Marcus Rashford said, “Money is a difficult topic to discuss, especially in underserved communities, being the root cause of most anxiety and stress.

“I was lucky that I had my mum, who worked as a bookkeeper, to guide my financial decisions and offer me a good understanding of how money worked.

“With ‘Thrive’ we wanted to make sure that all young people had

“I was so proud to see Their Majesties visit Wythenshawe and particularly, the Youth Centre and Youth Workers that played a huge role in my upbringing.

“I look forward to building upon our learnings from year one and continuing to build out the most effective Thrive programme for more children across the UK.”

The research revealed only 34 per cent of those surveyed had received any lessons about how to manage money in their money in school. While nine in 10 (89 per cent) agreed children should have some financial education before they reach 16.

And 64 per cent believe schools and educational institutions also have

the responsibility to upskill the next generation when it comes to money matters and personal finances. Nearly two in three (65 per cent) even said a lack of financial confidence could prevent them from achieving some of their life goals.

The study also found 75 per cent of young people are worried about how the rising cost of living will impact them. And of these, 79 per cent feel helpless as they don’t understand what they can do to protect their money.

Tiger McLeanParkinson, 17, a participant in NatWest Thrive, said, “NatWest Thrive has taught me that no matter your past

experiences, you can still make your dreams come true. It has made me really look at my future goals and given me the motivation to start making them a reality.”

NatWest have also announced the programme will double in size to reach more young people in England and transfer £2.92m of its apprenticeship levy to the NYA to support the training of 200 youth workers.

Alison Rose DBE said, “It’s critical that we involve young people in money conversations early on, so that we give them the confidence to make their own decisions and achieve their full potential.

“Providing young people with the opportunity to learn core skills, and giving them a solid grounding in personal finance is one of the key ways in which NatWest is enacting its purpose-led strategy, helping our customers and the communities we serve to thrive.”

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Air fryer recipes

The energy crisis has also caused a spike in sales of blankets and air fryers, as households attempt to keep bills down over the winter.

Air fryers are cheaper to run than a conventional oven and have become the latest ‘must-have’ kitchen gadget as shoppers look for a more cost-effective and energy-efficient way to cook due to the cost-of-living crisis.

The #AirFryerRecipes hashtag has had over 1.7 billion views on TikTok proving that users are looking for how to make the most of their new money-saving gadget. In light of this, the personal finance experts at NerdWallet have hunted down the best budget-friendly air fryer recipes on TikTok to help save you time and money in the kitchen:

Homemade Yorkshire puddings

What you’ll need:

- 100g plain flour

- 3 eggs

- 150ml milk

- Pudding moulds

- Drizzle of oil


1. Add the flour into a large mixing bowl and beat in the eggs until smooth.

2. Gradually pour in the milk and continue beating until the mixture is lump free.

3. Season the batter with a little salt and pepper.

4. Drizzle a small amount of oil into the pudding moulds, just enough to cover the bottom.

5. Heat the mould and oil in your air fryer at 200°C on bake for 3 minutes.

6. Then pour the batter into each pudding mould and fill about halfway.

7. Cook for a further 15 minutes at 200°C until they have puffed up and browned.

Tortilla wrap pizza

What you’ll need:

- Tortilla wraps

- 4 tbsp passata

- ½ tsp mixed herbs ( basil, oregano, or mixed Italian seasoning)

- 50g grated mozzarella cheese

- (Optional) additional toppings of choice


1. Place tortilla wrap in the air fryer to form the pizza base.

2. Mix the passata and dried herbs together and season with salt and pepper before spreading evenly onto the tortilla base, leaving a border around the edge.

3. Sprinkle the mozzarella cheese and any additional toppings onto the sauce.

4. Air fry at 200°C for just five minutes until the edges of the tortilla are crisp and golden and the cheese has melted.


Homemade chips

What you’ll need:

- 1 large potato per person

- 1 tbsp oil

- ½ tsp cajun seasoning

- ½ tsp garlic powder

- Salt and pepper


1. Rinse the potatoes before cutting them into batons. This can be done with the skin on or removed, depending on preference.

2. Place the chips into a large bowl and drizzle over the oil before sprinkling over the cajun, garlic, salt, and pepper, and mix until fully coated.

3. Cook the chips in the air fryer at 200°C for 22 minutes or until crispy on the outside but soft and fluffy on the inside.


Jacket potatoes

What you’ll need:

- Jacket potatoes

- ½ tbsp oil


- Toppings of choice

1. Pierce the potatoes all over and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes.

2. Drizzle oil over the potatoes and season with salt and pepper.

3. Air fry at 200°C for 20 minutes or until a sharp knife goes through the potatoes easily, turning half way through cooking time.

4. Serve with the toppings of your choice.

Chicken and stuffing wrapped in bacon

What you’ll need:

- 3 chicken breast

- 300g stuffing

- 300g bacon

Eggs on toast

What you’ll need:

- Two slices of bread

- Two eggs

- ½ tsp chili flakes

- ½ tsp parsley

- Salt and pepper

- Grated cheese (optional)


1. Spray the air fryer basket with some cooking spray and place both slices of bread in the air fryer.

2. Using the bottom of a spoon or glass, make an indent in the middle of each slice of bread and crack an egg in the center of each indent.

3. Sprinkle the chili flakes, parsley, salt, and pepper on top of the eggs before air frying for 10 minutes at 160°C.

4. If using cheese, sprinkle over the eggs during the last minute of cooking and then serve.


1. Using a sharp knife, cut a small pocket into the side of each chicken breast (be careful not to cut all the way through) then fill with the stuffing mixture.

2. Wrap each stuffed chicken breast with 2-3 rashers of bacon, making sure its tight enough to hold the chicken together.

3. Season and air fry for 17-18 minutes at 190°C or until the chicken is cooked throughout and the bacon is crispy.

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A study of 2,000 adults found 24 per cent have found mould in their property and 21 per cent are currently living with damp. While 20 per cent regular endure ‘excessive’ condensation. A further 42 per cent have reduced the amount they heat their home this winter due to the rising cost of energy - exacerbating the issue. Among the most common surfaces to be affected are windows (65 per cent), walls (61 per cent), and ceilings (43 per cent).

Despite it being such a big problem, 24 per cent are not confident they truly know why the likes of condensation, damp or mould occur. And a third struggle when it comes to reducing or removing such problems. As a result, those polled have ventilated areas when drying clothes indoors (34 per cent), kept lids on pans when cooking (29 per cent), and opened windows at night (23 per cent).

Others have invested in anti-mould spray (36 per cent), dehumidifiers

(36 per cent), and portable heaters (16 per cent). With 71 per cent having spent money in an effort to get rid of damp, condensation, or mould in the past 18 months – an average of £92. This is almost a quarter (23 per cent) of the £400 energy support households received from the Government. A spokesperson for Utilita Energy, which commissioned the study, said, “This latest research confirms the size of the problem. Affording to stay warm is hard enough as it is, without all the additional problems that come with having a damp home. Our nationwide rollout of free Bill Buster sessions has enabled us to hear first-hand from households who are struggling with various issues related to the cost of energy, condensation and damp were a common theme.”

The study also found renters seem to suffer more, with 34 per cent of them living with mould - compared to 22 per cent of homeowners. While 27 per cent of renters are suffering with damp in contrast to19 per cent of owners are. More than a third of tenants (35 per cent) reached out to their landlord for help or advice, only for 44 per cent to not hear back. This left them feeling frustrated (69 per cent) and helpless (43 per cent). It also emerged three quarters do not know their legal rights as a renter when it comes to damp. A fifth of everyone polled have struggled with condensation in the past 12 months more than ever before. And 44 per cent believe if increasing costs continue everyone will experience a similar issue at some point. More than half don’t think there has been enough help from the likes of the Government or councils to assist in the rising cost of energy this winter.

As a result of condensation specifically, 25 per cent have been forced to throw away soft furnishings such as cushions or blinds. While 23 per cent have had to replace clothes and 12 per cent have even relocated for good.

Common ways to see to the issue were wiping down surfaces to remove it and placing a heater near the affected area. While 19 per cent have even called in an expert to help. More than three quarters (79 per cent) polled via OnePoll aren’t aware of grants are available so they can improve their property to avoid damp, condensation and mould.

Utilita Energy’s spokesperson added, “Being a specialist Smart PAYG energy provider, around 75 per cent of our customer base are tenants, hence this awareness campaign. We hope landlords will take notice and be more forthcoming with support to avoid long-term damage.”


Are your heating bills going thru the roof?

If your home is loosing heat through both the windows and your roof, then this wasted energy could be costing you pounds, plus it also isn’t that great for the environment either.

So, what can you do?

It does not cost the earth to be energy efficient at Eastern Counties Home improvements Ltd. As they do not produce dramatic television campaigns, they can supply energy efficient windows for a much lower cost than many of the national double-glazing companies and are the perfect place for roofing solutions.

Eastern Counties is a registered installer of the Sarnafil Roof Assured roofing system. Whatever your flat roofing requirement Sarnafil Roof Assured will provide you with a solution that looks good and provides lasting performance, with minimum maintenance required.

Sarnafil flat roofing provides perfect roofing solution for homes and extensions, conservatories, balconies and terraces, dormers, porches and garages. Available in a range of colours, the weather resistant hard-wearing membrane provides value for money and can improve the thermal efficiency of your home.

The unique 1 ply membrane with a 40 year plus life expectancy and all installations carry a 15year manufacturer’s material guarantee. Sarnafil products were first developed in Switzerland in 1958, primarily for use on commercial and industrial buildings. Designed to cope with

temperatures ranging from -30°C to 120°C and to withstand all weather conditions. Sarnafil flat roofing provides perfect roofing solution for homes and extensions, conservatories, balconies and terraces, dormers, porches and garages.

Installing PVC-u Fascias, Soffits and Guttering not only saves time and money on maintenance but also adds crisp clear sight lines to enhance the look of any home as well as eliminating leaking, rusty gutters - a cause of damp.

At Eastern Counties they can install roofline products to houses, bungalows and flats, using the Easi Dec scaffolding system which complies with working at height regulations and ensures the installation is carried out in complete safety. Choose a similar look to your existing or go for something totally different, the choice as always is yours,

Eastern Counties use as standard the Eurocell range of fascia and soffit available in a flat profile or a sculptured profile, 10mm cappit board or 18mm Euroboard together with the Marshall Tufflex range of guttering systems available in half round square line or ogee, white, black or brown. Other colours of guttering are available upon request.

And, if it’s new energy efficient windows you require Eastern Counties Home improvements Ltd’s can help here too with their well engineered A rated windows achieve a U Value of 1.4W/m²K and will reduce energy consumption while looking

Portal Woodlands Conservation Group

On a chilly January morning, the main job was to ready the bird boxes for the coming breeding season. The boxes were checked to see if they had been nested in during the past year, cleaned out and given a lick of protective paint – wildlife friendly of course. We were very pleased to find that over 80% of the boxes had been used. Appropriately, one of our volunteers spotted the highly unusual bird’s nest fungus (Crucibulum leave). These are tiny cups, less than a centimetre in diameter, containing white egglike nodules that contain the spores.

Our next Volunteer work morning is Saturday 18th March from 10:00 to Noon, meeting at the Education Area. New volunteers of all ages and abilities are always welcome. No experience needed. For further information, please contact us at pwcg.martlesham@gmail.com, phone: 01473 612632 or visit our website: pwcg.onesuffolk.net or join our members’ Facebook Group by messaging Duncan Sweeting.

Stephen Corley, Chairman

good for years to come. They provide A rated energy efficient windows for no additional cost so you can minimise your impact on the environment while both saving money and enhancing the appearance of your home.

For more information about A rated windows and how it installing them in your home can help save you money on your heating bills or how the Sarnafil Roof Assured roofing system can enhance your home contact Eastern Counties Home improvements Ltd for a free no obligation quotation 01473 206299 or 01206 252393

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30 kitchen must-haves

n Jamie Oliver has revealed his ‘can’t do without’ cupboard essentials that will save you money when cooking during the current financial squeeze.

Chickpeas, beans or pulses, tinned tomatoes and flour were rated as key ingredients, while chilli sauce, curry paste and pesto were also said to be brilliant for transforming humble staples. In addition, he also tipped three essentials from the freezer – peas, sweet potato and garlic – as key ingredients for plenty of dishes. Using such items as a base for at least a week’s worth of delicious dinners, you could create meals from as little as 40p per head, and up to around £1.

The advice comes after research of 2,000 adults, commissioned by Tesco, revealed 43 per cent are planning to spend less on their essentials this year.

Chef Jamie Oliver, who has collaborated with the supermarket to create value-friendly store-cupboard

dishes to give shoppers inspiration, said, “Research shows many people are trying to find ways to spend less on their food shop this year and looking for ingredients that will make more meals for less. For that, the store cupboard is your best friend - it’s a brilliant library of non-perishable items that have the ability to make lots of delicious, nutritious meals on a budget.


Bread, flat breads and wraps




Baked beans




Chopped tomatoes and/ or tomato paste

Frozen vegetables

Cereal/muesligranola/ Soup

Porridge oats

Flour Stock cubes

Garlic and other herbs


Chocolate Beans

Frozen meat



“To highlight the wonderful ways these hard-working ingredients can help in the kitchen, I’ve teamed up with Tesco to share my store cupboard essentials. I’ve also included seven delicious recipes using them, that come in from just 40p per portion when you take advantage of the supermarket’s Low Everyday Prices, Clubcard Prices and Aldi Price Match.”

Lentils and other grains (e.g.: cous cous, bulgurquinoa, wheat, etc.)

Tinned fish


Pasta sauce

Frozen fish

Jam/ marmalade

Tinned vegetables


The Essex-born chef explains how items such as flour, lentils and tinned tomatoes can not only save you time, but also money when it comes to preparing meals for the family, as well as how much you could save by revisiting your store cupboard essentials.

The guidance was inspired by the findings of the study, which found increases in energy bills in colder months was the main reason respondents were looking to spend less on their food shop.

Of those looking to tighten their spending this year, 63 per cent were planning to do so by using up all the items in their cupboards, and 62 per cent will cook frozen items they already have.

To make their money go further, 37 per cent intend to plan meals and only buy what they need, the same percentage will sign up to loyalty schemes for discounts, and 31 per cent to reduced sections.

It also emerged bread, eggs, pasta and rice were consumers’ most essential items, alongside baked beans, either vegetable or olive oil and packet seasonings. And the low-cost dishes respondents default to when trying to save money are beans on toast, a jacket potato and soups. While stews, omelettes and pasta bakes are also popular. But 22 per cent of those polled, via OnePoll, always use ingredients in the same way, because they lack inspiration.

As a result, Jamie Oliver has suggested some new dishes to help those looking for inspiration on how to use up their store cupboard ingredients, including Sweet Potato and Pepper Tikka Masala, Spicy Store Cupboard Soup and Odds and Ends Arrabbiata Al Forno.

• For more information visit https://realfood.tesco.com/curatedlist/ jamie-olivers-store-cupboard-essentials.html


Would you break the law with a D.I.Y. repair?

Over a fifth of Brits admit they would complete home repairs themselves that are legally required to be carried out or checked by a registered tradesperson, reveals new research from Direct Line business insurance.

Completing certain gas and electrical work, such as fitting a new cooker, fuse box or circuits, must by law be carried out or checked by a registered electrician or Gas Safe registered engineer. Completing work that does not comply with building regulations is a criminal offence and could lead to a maximum fine of £5,000.

It is not just that people could be sued if they complete works themselves, tackling jobs that are designated for professionals and not following health and safety rules can cause serious injury and damage. Homeowners with uncertified installations could also face problems further down the line, as not having the necessary paperwork, could become an issue when selling a property, resulting in delays, extra expense or work needing to be redone.

More than two-in-five (42 per cent) UK householders carry out DIY work at home themselves instead of hiring a professional tradesperson to complete the job. As a result, 14 per cent have either hurt themselves or made a problem worse by tackling it themselves.

Of those who hurt themselves, 30 per cent slipped and fell. Nearly two-fifths (38 per cent) of people either cut themself or strained a muscle and 34 per cent burned themself. According to NHS data, there were 6,610 hospital admissions for injuries from falling from a ladder in the last year. Other DIY-related admissions include scaffolding (427), exposure to unspecified electric currents (187), contact with nonpowered hand tools (2,730), contact with powered hand tools (5,343) and contact with lawnmowers (438).

Starting a new Do-It-Yourself (DIY) project could cost UK households more money than it’s worth, as the cost to repair damage caused by at home DIY mistakes is on average £1,076.

Alison Traboulsi, Product Manager at Direct Line business insurance commented, “Trade based skills are a crucial part of the UK economy. As the

cost-of-living crisis worsens, it’s understandable that people may look to cut costs where possible, such as carrying out home improvements themselves. However, for safety reasons, some home improvement projects involving gas and electrics must be completed or checked by a registered professional.

“During difficult times, it’s important that people still look for professionals to do complex work rather than breaking the law or compromising their own health and finances. For those worried about cost, it’s always worth seeing if you could negotiate on price and it’s sensible to compare quotes from a few contractors, and check reviews online for service quality.”

Of those doing DIY, painting (71 per cent) is the most common type of home repair completed in the past three years. Other popular forms include putting up fittings (49 per cent), landscaping (28 per cent), installing fittings (19 per cent), plumbing (18 per cent), electrical works (15 per cent), tiling (14 per cent), and plastering (14 per cent).


Top 20 Unwanted Fruit and Veggies

Swipe right - a new tool is helping the nation to combat food waste by finding ‘soilmates’ for their leftover veg. www.soilmates.oddbox.co.uk

lets people choose the unwanted vegetables sitting in their fridge drawers and produces tasty and waste-free recipe suggestions which put them to good use.

It comes as a study of 2,000 adults found a fifth consider themselves a ‘fruit and veg snob’, with 21 per cent admitting they even discard certain items because of how they lookdespite being edible.

The average person throws away 10 per cent of fruit and veg away each week despite nearly a third (29 per cent) of their bill going on these items during their typical weekly food shop.

Oddbox, which is passionate about fighting food waste, created the dating inspired tool to rescue and match lonely fruit and veg together, and inspire adults to get creative in the kitchen.

Heather Lynch, head of impact for the fruit and veg delivery company, which also commissioned the study, said, “We want to change the destiny of thousands of vegetables, to help fight food waste and create tasty plates of food in the process.

“Not knowing what to do with leftover vegetables, or a lack of inspiration to turn them into delicious meals is one of the most common causes of food waste at home.

“‘Soilmates’ gives people the help they need to fight food waste in a fun and engaging way.”

Salad leaves, cucumber and tomatoes are among the most common items to be discarded with

38 per cent doing so as a result of them going out of date faster than they expected.

Nearly a sixth (15 per cent) only need to use a few products but can’t help that they come in a multipack – leading them to discard the not needed - while 28 per cent simply forget they are in the fridge. But encouragingly, only 12 per cent admit to buying things when they know it’s more than likely they won’t get eaten. Nearly seven in 10 (69 per cent) of those who do this claim the intentions are there while 47 per cent just want to appear healthy. Shamefully, 36 per cent only buy these healthy foods because they want their fridge to look colourful.

Of all those polled in the OnePoll study, making soup (43 per cent) was the most popular option for what to do with any ‘ugly’ fruit and vegetables while 23 per cent prefer to turn them into smoothies.

When thinking of the fruit and veg most likely to be uneaten, 28 per cent would refuse an artichoke and 21 per cent would turn their nose up at an avocado. Strawberries were voted the nation’s favourite food with potatoes, bananas and mushrooms following closely behind.

More than half (53 per cent) admit they need to eat more fruit and veg than they currently do as 55 per cent say they want more variety when it comes to their overall diet and meal planning. Nearly four in 10 (39 per cent) are guilty of often repeating the same recipes each week with 21 per cent saying they lack creativity in the kitchen.

However, 42 per cent don’t let innovation issues get in the way and will typically try to find a substitute if they are missing an ingredient. Oddbox is working with internet sensation and food-waste disruptor, Martyn Odell - otherwise known as ‘Lagom Chef’ - to demonstrate how easy it is to use up unwanted vegetables.

Martyn Odell said, “The new ‘Soilmates’ tool is an amazing way to reduce food waste and get people experimenting with fruits and vegetables they haven’t tried before.

“For example, something like beetroot isn’t on many people’s weekly food shop, but there are many ways to use them, from soups to salads, and ‘Soilmates’ will provide people with a range of recipes if they are unsure what to do.”

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Money saving tips

With inflation at a high, saving money may seem like an impossible task to some. Fortunately, there are methods to save small incremental amounts of money, which over time will begin to add up - this trend is dubbed as ‘microsaving’.

TikTok has seen a rise in popularity of financial and budgeting influencers across the platform, as well as viral budgeting trends, challenges and hacks. The hashtag #moneysavingtips has received a staggering 958.7 million views and #moneysaving challenge has been viewed 19.6 million times. With the growing popularity of everyday people turning to TikTok as their source for saving tips and tricks, trends expert Nick Drewe from Wethrift has provided a round up of the top microsaving hacks that are attracting attention online.

1p Savings Challenge

A new money saving hack has surfaced on TikTok with the hashtag #1psavingschallenge receiving one million views on the platform. This method lasts 365 days and the general premise is that you increase the amount you add to your savings by 1p per day. So, on the first day you will save 1p, 2p on the second day, 3p on the third day and so on until you complete the 365 days. If you commit fully to the challenge and see it through to the end, you will have £667.95 from saving these seemingly small daily amounts over the year.

Envelope Saving Challenge

With a whopping 104.3 million views the #envelopesavingchallenge hashtag is one of the most popular savings hacks on TikTok right now. The viral challenge sees users getting 100 envelopes and labelling them from one - 100. On day one of the challenge, they will add £1 to envelope one, on the second day £2 to envelope two, £3 on day three and so on. Despite the challenge focusing on 100 envelopes, many

people are opting for a smaller number in line with their own personal budgets, as the original challenge is designed to save participants £5,000 over 100 days.

Last Digit Hack

Another money saving hack that is circulating online is the last digit challenge. At the end of each day, check your bank balance and add the last digit to your savings account. For example, if your bank balance is £1,756, add £6 or 6p to your savings account depending on your own personal budget. By repeating this process on a daily basis, the money in your savings will soon begin to add up.

The Round-Up Hack

Another clever microsavings hack is the round up challenge. This involves rounding all purchases up to the nearest full number, and adding the difference to your savings. For example, if you were to spend £5.75 on your lunch, you would round this up £6 and transfer the 25p to your savings account. Over time, adding the difference to your savings from all of your purchases will soon increase without the need to transfer significant amounts.

52 Week Savings Challenge

Similar to the 1p savings challenge, but on a weekly basis rather than daily, this hack involves adding increasing amounts of money to your savings each week. On week one, you will add £1, £2 on week two, £3 on week three, and so on until you reach a full year. If you commit fully to the challenge, you should have saved £1,378 over the course of the 52 weeks. And with 1.3 million views on the TikTok hashtag #52weekmoneychallenge, it seems that many people are utilising this popular saving method.

No Spend Week Challenge

The #nospendweek hashtag has received 1.6 million views on TikTok - this hack is where you commit to a week of only spending on essentials such as groceries and travel to and from work. No spending should take place on any leisure activities or non-essential items, and is designed to encourage more mindful spending. From cutting out day-to-day expenses on things such as takeaways or going to a bar after work, you can assess how much you have saved at the end of the week. www.wethrift.com/target

The next Deben Flower Club meeting will be held on14th March at 7.30pm in Kirton, Church Hall, Church Lane, Kirton IP10 0PU.

Demonstrator Crystal Dyball from Aylsham will demonstrate “Junk and Jumble”. Crystal has become a well-known friend at the Club over the years and it is always a pleasure to welcome her back. Crystal’s beautiful arrangements will be raffled at the end of the evening. Tea coffee and biscuits will be available after the demonstration. Visitors are assured of a warm welcome. £6.00. email wa@sandlings. co.uk or telephone Sandy on 07910463158 for further information.

Flower arranging tip of the month.

Spring is a great time to practise arranging flowers without using floral foam. Daffodils, Tulips, Irises, Catkins, and twigs lend themselves to being arranged on a pin-holder (usually a metal base with sharp pins protruding from it which hold the flowers in place). Add a few large leaves at the base of the arrangement to give it visual stability.


Do you know seatbelt laws?

More than two-thirds of motorists believe drivers should be responsible for ensuring all their passengers wear seatbelts, according to new RAC research released to coincide with the 40-year seatbelt law anniversary. Currently, drivers only have responsibility to make sure they and any children in their vehicles are buckled up properly – with the latter potentially needing to be in a child car seat or booster seat depending on their age or height. The RAC’s research suggests this responsibility should be broadened to include all passengers, with a third of respondents also believing that drivers should be penalised in the event anyone they’re travelling with is caught not wearing a seatbelt and putting themselves at risk. With it being 40 years since it became mandatory for drivers to wear seatbelts in vehicles that had them fitted, the RAC’s research also found that a quarter of motorists believe the current law – where a driver can be fined up to £500 for not buckling up – is too lenient, with a clear majority of these (69%) thinking that those who break the

points for those driving without seatbelts.

law should pay both a fine and receive at least three points on their licences. This is something that may come to pass as the Government stated last Autumn it is considering the merits of introducing penalty

Four per cent of drivers – the equivalent of around 1.7m full driving licence holders in Great Britain – admit to driving without a seatbelt over the last 12 months, with around a fifth of these saying they don’t belt up at least half the time. In contrast, 7% of respondents admitted to not wearing a seatbelt

instances where drivers were either not properly restrained or were talking on handheld mobile phones.

RAC road safety spokesman Simon Williams said, “Forty years on from the introduction of what is undeniably one the most important road safety laws, it’s still the case that far too many people don’t wear seatbelts – something that’s a factor in around 30% of all road deaths each year. It’s also sadly the case that people are twice as likely to die in a crash if they’re not wearing one.

“The statistics are stark, yet some people are still prepared to take the risk and not wear a seatbelt. This obviously begs the question what can be done next. Today’s anniversary, perhaps, provides the ideal moment for the Government to show it’s serious about improving safety on our roads and put an action plan in place for getting more of us to buckle up in the first place.

when travelling as passengers in other vehicles. The law states there are only a few exceptions for not buckling up, including being medically exempt or when reversing a vehicle. When it comes to what drivers believe could improve compliance with the existing law and help keep everyone safe, around half would like to see those caught sent on dedicated ‘seatbelt awareness courses’ – akin to the sort of courses attended by those caught speeding – while more than a third favour either more police on the roads or the use of camera-based technology to catch people breaking the law in this way. In a trial of such cameras last month, National Highways spotted hundreds of

“For most people, getting into a car and putting on a seatbelt is second nature but it’s obvious more needs to be done to get those who haven’t developed this habit to change their ways. Our research shows drivers are clearly supportive of greater penalties, which we know the Government is considering. But arguably, toughening the law isn’t enough: drivers need to think there’s a good chance of being caught in the first place. If they don’t, there’s every chance they’ll carry on as normal – just as we see day-in, day-out with plenty of drivers still prepared to illegally use a handheld phone while behind the wheel.

“A national advertising campaign around the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt could also bring about a positive change in behaviour, and it’s something a quarter of drivers we surveyed said would improve compliance with the law.”

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n Ford's Focus with Daniel Ford

Over half of Championship teams have changed their manager this season as at the time of writing. Some have already made multiple managerial changes this season. So why are clubs pulling the trigger so easily? Does this Alan Sugar like way of dealing with managers actually work?

I think we have to start by looking at motivation. The reasons why clubs are sacking their managers varies but I think that there are some consistent themes. This season is similar to normal in that teams at the bottom tend to be more likely to sack their managers, as I write this all of the bottom six have switched bosses so far this season. Although expected this is still a larger amount than compared to previous years when typically, at least one or two of the teams down the bottom stick with their managers. As with so many things in football when trying to explain why this has occurred it comes back to money. Teams in the championship are struggling financially more than ever before and therefore owners are taking more risks in their managerial appointments tending to go for cheaper managers who often tend to be rookies. Of the managers who have taken charge of the current bottom six, six of the twelve were rookies and two others were managing in the championship for the first time. These risky rookie appointments tend to not work out and owners are losing patience quickly. The other reason for

this is that league one has never been tougher, spending restrictions are minimal in league one compared to the Championship and this means that powerhouses such as Ipswich, Sheffield Wednesday, Derby and Bolton have assembled very strong squads, so now getting relegated from the championship could mean a prolonged spell in the third tier.

Interestingly, the top end of the league has also seen a number of managerial changes as three out of the current top six have switched coaches so far this season. These three clubs, Middlesbrough, West Brom and Watford all had extremely high expectations at the start of the season and therefore took swift action when the teams did not look like they would meet these expectations. Therefore, another reason for the sackings is clubs where anything other than promotion will not do.

What is fascinating is that there are some clubs with long term managers and some of these (Millwall and Coventry especially) have improved year on year under their respective bosses. It does seem that putting long term faith in a manager provides stability that can be built on season by season, the problem is that in this current footballing world, owners want immediate success. So, expect the managerial merry go round to continue…


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Articles inside

n Ford's Focus with Daniel Ford

pages 37-38

Do you know seatbelt laws?

page 36

Money saving tips

page 35

Top 20 Unwanted Fruit and Veggies

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Would you break the law with a D.I.Y. repair?

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30 kitchen must-haves

page 32

Are your heating bills going thru the roof?

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page 30

Air fryer recipes

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One-in-five youngsters never talked about money at home

page 27

home Washing and ironing hacks to save money

pages 25-26

Beauty Banks’ useage up

page 24

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The topic of ‘Emotional connection’

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EVENTS guide

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