in vivo July 2008
July 2008
Issue 03
Issue 03
Barcelona BioMed kicks into high gear for spring Who can resist the lure of spring in Barcelona? Not many, it would seem, as not a free seat was to be found at the Barcelona BioMed scientific conferences held in April and May.
Joining forces to beat cancer The Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) and IRB Barcelona have signed an agreement to fund a research project to unravel the molecular mechanisms that govern metastasis of breast cancer to the lung.
From the bottom up ... and the top down PhD students have recently been rolling up their sleeves to help carve out the future of IRB Barcelona’s International PhD programme. A committee of Group Leaders has also been busy giving them a hand. Page 3
Page 2
Page 2
The gift of solidarity IRB Barcelona received a very special visit in May. Marta Prous (left) and friends came to present the Institute with money collected from fifty anonymous individuals who want to contribute to the fight against cancer. Page 4
Deciphering protein crystal structures
Twenty-two hundred years later
IRB Barcelona's 2007 Annual Report has just been released. Get your copy from the Office of Communications & External Relations or online at
Strumming it up with Elena Rebollo
Cancer research for all ages
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
Joining forces to beat cancer AECC and IRB Barcelona launch collaboration miles and handshakes were the order of
how these alterations arise and
the day as representatives from the Scien-
what occurs inside a tumor
tific Foundation of the Spanish Association
cell that confers it the capacity
Against Cancer (AECC) and IRB Barcelona
to migrate and grow in a new
met on April 7 to mark the beginning of a
environment are crucial in the
very special relationship. The two organiza-
fight against this disease.
tions signed an agreement through which the
Photo: J. Pareto
(From left to right) Roger Gomis, managing director of IRB Barcelona’s MetLab and coordinator of the project, Francisco González-Robatto, president of AECC and its Scientific Foundation, Joan Guinovart, IRB Barcelona Director, and Isabel Oriol Diaz de Bustamante, vice-president of AECC and its Scientific Foundation.
AECC will fund a research project aimed at
The research will be funded
unravelling the molecular mechanisms that
with 300,000 euros over three
govern metastasis of breast cancer to the
years. Each year the Scientific Foundation of
and boost cancer research of quality in our
the AECC, whose mission is to contribute to
country with the goal to improve the future
the training of researchers and to strengthen
prospects of cancer patients.”
Chosen through an open competition, the
cancer research, launches an open call for
project –to be undertaken in IRB Barcelona’s
grant proposals and selects four for funding.
MetLab– addresses the study of the alterations that occur in cells during metastasis, the pro-
After thanking the AECC for its support of scientific research at IRB Barcelona, Joan
Guinovart recalled the importance of philan-
cess by which a tumor spreads from one or-
Robatto, president of AECC and its Scien-
thropy for strengthening science in Spain.
gan to another. Since 90% of all cancer deaths
tific Foundation, “once again, the Scientific
“To win the fight against cancer all strata of
are caused by metastasis, knowledge about
Foundation of the AECC seeks to support
society must be involved.”
fee breaks later, the events were declared a success and conference-goers returned home with knowledge of the latest discoveries in their fields under their belts, some new contacts, and pleasant memories of a fruitful and enjoyable time in Barcelona. Participants during the IRB Barcelona BioMed Conferences Targeting and Tinkering with Interaction Networks (left) and Metastasis Genes and Functions (right) at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans.
Since its inception in 2006, the Barcelona BioMed series of scientific conferences
Barcelona BioMed kicks into high gear for spring
have quickly gained renown among scientists worldwide for the high-quality and unique opportunity they provide. Each conference
ho can resist the lure of spring in Bar-
design to meet and discuss the networking
brings together 20 speakers selected from
celona? Not many, it would seem, as
of complex biological systems. Hot on its
among leading international researchers in a
not a free seat was to be found at the Bar-
heels was “Metastasis Genes and Functions,”
highly focused think-tank atmosphere. Ad-
celona BioMed scientific conferences held in
organized by IRB Barcelona Adjunct Di-
ditional participants, selected on the basis of
April and May. First, “Targeting and tinker-
rector Joan Massagué and Tyler Jacks, from
their scientific experience, are invited to join.
ing with interaction networks”, organized by
the Massachusetts Insitute of Technology in
The series is organized in collaboration with
IRB Barcelona group leader Patrick Aloy and
Cambridge, USA. Their event brought to-
the BBVA Foundation, and is generously
Rob Russell, from the European Molecular
gether laboratory and clinical experts to dis-
hosted by the Institut d’Estudis Catalans in
Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germa-
cuss the genetic determinants and molecular
the heart of downtown Barcelona. Next up?
ny, gathered leading minds in the world of
mechanisms of cancer metastasis. Nearly 400
“Morphogenesis and Cell Behaviour”, to be
interactions, pathways, networks and drug
participants, six conference days and ten cof-
held on October 6-8, 2008.
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
From the bottom up
... and the top down, too
PhD students unite to create Student Council
he best initiatives are often ones that start from the ground up. PhD activities
t’s not only the students who have been getting down to business…
IRB Barcelona Group Leaders have
at IRB Barcelona are no exception to this, and
also jumped on board and have revised
students have recently been rolling up their
and reformed the official IRB Barce-
sleeves to help carve out the future of IRB
lona PhD Programme Committee.
Barcelona’s International PhD Programme. The committee, which is formed by one Group Leader from each Programme and chaired by IRB Bar-
started to think of ways to share ideas and
celona Director Joan Guinovart, is
experiences and build stronger links among
charged with overseeing all academic
the student community, which now numbers
issues relating to the institute’s PhD
around 170. They also wanted to establish ties
activities. One of their first challeng-
with the Institute’s management, so that they
es will be to address the recommenda-
Photo: S. Sherwood
Things began bubbling in the summer of 2007, when a handful of PhD students
could better communicate their interests and gain support to launch new activities. Soon the idea of a student-organized symposium was born, and a small group formed to plan the event. Several brainstorming sessions later, an unofficial student council began to take shape. Discussions among students showed, however, that in order to have broad support
tion made by IRB Barcelona’s External Advisory Board at their meeting in November 2007 to strengthen PhD and educational activities at the Institute. Measures to be taken include increas-
(Left to right) IRB Barcelona PhD students Jordi Vallès, Gavin Whissell, Duarte Mesquita and Anna Arnal.
the council would need to be officially elect-
ing interactions between students, postdocs and senior researchers, designing an introductory theoretical course and lab rotations for new PhD
ed. Administration welcomed the initiative
out the details of how to set up the Council.
students, organizing an interpro-
and asked students to select candidates for an
They also discussed plans for the student-run
gramme Lab Day, and overseeing is-
official Student Council.
symposium to take place in 2009, training
sues related to Thesis Advisory Com-
courses and rotations for new students, and
mittees. The group will meet monthly
Ten students, two from each programme
thesis advisory committees. In a follow-up
to discuss the best ways of approach-
and all from different laboratories, mostly
meeting, the students gathered ideas for the
ing these and future initiatives, and
in the second and third year of their PhDs
upcoming events, listed issues to discuss with
will rely on the help of Clara Cami-
(Anna Arnal and Gavin Whissel for Oncol-
administration, and decided how to distrib-
nal, IRB Barcelona’s Academic Offi-
ogy, Marta Lloret and Duarte Mesquita for
ute the Council's work among themselves.
cer, to implement them. They’ll also
Cell and Developmental Biology, Laura
meet periodically with the Student
Regué and Jordi Vallès for Molecular Medi-
Regular news from the Student Council
Council to ensure there is good com-
cine, María Moreno and Jordi Mas for Chem-
will soon be available on the IRB Barcelona
munication between the two groups.
istry and Molecular Pharmacology, and Di-
intranet. If you have questions or ideas, or
ana Martinez and Amelie Stein for Structural
would like to participate in any of the IRB
and Computational Biology) were appointed
Barcelona PhD student activities, get in touch
to the Council, and on May 6, they held their
first official meeting. Together with IRB Barcelona Director Joan Guinovart and Aca-
Amelie Stein
demic Officer Clara Caminal, they hashed
Who’s on board? Ferran Azorin (Cell and Developmental Biology), Modesto Orozco (Structural and Computational Biology), Xavier Salvatella (Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology), Carme Caelles (Molecular Medicine), Roger Gomis (Oncology)
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
Research ablaze
ow would you feel if years of your research went up in
flames? Carlos Spichiger, Romina
The gift of solidarity
n May, IRB Barcelona received a very special visit. Marta Prous, Teresa
Areny and Katy Álvarez came to present the Institute with money collected from
PhD students at the Austral Uni-
about fifty anonymous individuals who
versity of Chile in Valdivia, lost their
want to contribute to the fight against can-
work in a fire that devoured the Fac-
cer. The real story began some months
ulty of Science in a matter of hours.
before when Marta contacted IRB Barce-
The experience was traumatic. “What
lona through its general mailbox. In her
was most shocking was to see scien-
email she explained that some friends and
tists with years of experience crying
family were planning a get together to pay
inconsolably,” says Spichiger.
tribute to her sister Susanna, who had
Photo: A. Alsina
Bertinat and Rodrigo Gatica, three
Marta glancing through the storybook.
died from cancer two years earlier after a
and were taken on a guided tour of IRB
IRB Barcelona has recently do-
seven-year battle against the disease. “Su-
Barcelona by its director, managing di-
nated 10,000 dollars to help in the re-
sanna wrote tales and we've published one
rector and external relations team. Their
construction of the faculty and will
called En Joan i la Joana,” a beautiful sto-
message was clear: “You can show people
host Spichiger, Bertinat and Gatica
rybook for the youngest members of the
that through small initiatives like this one
family. “We plan to give people copies of
you can also help to advance research. We
the storybook in exchange for a contribu-
have all done our bit to continue the fight
tion and we want to donate the money we
against cancer.” To keep this initiative go-
collect to your center,” Marta wrote in her
ing we are making the storybook available
email. No sooner said than done. In April
through our website. We warmly thank the
they held the get together ‘Turn Susanna’s
supportive gesture of these remarkable
story into the seed of research’.
women. For more information www.irb-
The inside of the Austral University of Chile after the fire. During their visit to IRB Barcelona, the three emissaries stopped by the Met-
from September until the completion
Sònia Armengou
Lab, where they spoke to researchers,
of their PhD studies. “The level of publications at the university is going to fall dramatically, and the loss is going
Deciphering protein crystal structures
to put us back a few years and stand us at a disadvantage with researchers from other centers,” says Spichiger. With a commendable dose of optimism, they say that the exceptional facilities at IRB
inding the perfect crystal on the door asking for help
Barcelona to join efforts to
can take weeks, months, to crystallize a protein and
expand the range of services for scientists and advance
ones get it in two days, but The platform has recently
research in crystallography.
for lost time and they feel lucky to be
that's an exception,” says
“Our future plans include
hosted by the Institute and by a city
launching new collaborations
like Barcelona. Asked what lessons can
Pous. He's been recently
with research groups and re-
be learnt from the experience in Chile
hired by IRB Barcelona to
they immediately answer “Keep back-
work at the Automated Crys-
up copies!”.
tallography Platform of the
of requests,” explains Ali-
Barcelona Science Park. His signed an agreement with
cia Guasch, manager of the
mission is to handle requests IRB Barcelona and the Insti-
Automated Crystallography
from researchers who knock tute for Molecular Biology of
Tanya Yates
Photo: R. Solà
even years. “I've seen lucky collect X-ray diffraction data.
Barcelona will enable them to make up
cruiting students to help us with the increasing number
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
Twenty-two hundred years later
genesis and cell interactions in development
Greek colonists. A few hundred years
and cancer helped all the participants to get
later, during the Punic Wars, Empúries al-
a wider view of the main scientific questions
lied with Rome, and Publius Cornelius
being addressed in the different labs. Presen-
Scipio initiated the conquest of Hispania
tations tackled work in model systems as di-
from this city in 218 BC. Twenty-two hun-
verse as yeast, mice, frogs and flies.
Photos: M. Brigg
mpúries was founded in 575 BC by
dred years later, seventeen PhD students, eighteen postdocs and six Group Leaders of
During the evening, social activities or-
the Cell and Developmental Biology Pro-
ganized by PhD students and postdocs con-
gramme travelled to this unique place by
tributed to building ties among researchers
the Mediterranean sea to hold their third
of neighboring labs. This combination of
Programme retreat.
science and social activities has surely helped the whole community to boost their feeling of belonging to the Cell and Developmental Biology Programme. Congratulations to all
heated discussions with long coffee breaks
the participants and we look forward to the
to share the latest scientific results of all the
4th Programme retreat in 2009.
Photos: M. Brigg
During two intensive days, the participants combined scientific presentations and
labs in the Programme. Discussions on topics such as chromatin regulation and centrosome structure, cell biological aspects of morpho-
Marco Milán - Programme Coordinator
*What is it like working as a programme secretary at IRB Barcelona?
Martha Brigg
Vanessa Llobet
Natàlia Molner
Eva Poca
Sara Martorell
Programme Secretary, Cell & Dev. Biology
Programme Secretary, Struct. & Comp. Biology
Programme Secretary, Molecular Medicine
Programme Secretary, Chem. & Mol. Pharmacology
Programme Secretary, Oncology
“Well, I guess in some
“Actually, our job is quite
“Being a programme sec-
“My day could be de-
“We programme secretar-
ways it feels like peeping
amazing. We deal with
retary is like having sev-
scribed as a mixture of
ies are multitasking or-
through a keyhole when
many different tasks and
eral jobs. Sometimes I
extremely urgent, impor-
ganic compounds with a
there's no light. Or at
get to work with a lot of
feel like a chef struggling
tant and regular day-to-
complex structure to face
least no light for me! It's
people, from PhD stu-
to cook to perfection or
day issues. The trick is
a wide range of peculiar
probably the closest a lit-
dents, principal investiga-
like an economist pursu-
to find the balance. My
situations in micro and
erature student will get to
tors or even Nobel Prize
ing clear accounts. Other
job involves contact with
macro environments. Like
the world of science. No
winners to institute di-
times I feel like an actor
a potpourri of people
other biological macro-
doubt, the part I enjoy the
rectors, financial manag-
ready to improvise, like
of distinct nationalities
molecules, we have struc-
most is being surrounded
ers, warehouse workers,
a firefighter making sure
working in different fields
tural functions, such as
by people with different
cleaning ladies ... We are
safety reigns in situations
and institutions. The dy-
being proactive, English-
backgrounds because in
expected to have answers
of risk, like a researcher
namics and demands of
this context striving to
looking for clues, and at
the people I serve guaran-
creative. We usually work
communicate effectively
which is one of the best
times even like a philoso-
tee that each day is differ-
behind many biological
is a big challenge.”
aspects of the job.”
pher searching for truth.”
ent. I never get bored!”
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
FACES TO NAMES Elena Rebollo.
Research Associate, Cell Division Laboratory, IRB Barcelona
“You wouldn't believe how many scientists are fond of an instrument and are good at it” ANNA ALSINA
Elena Rebollo (Madrid, 1968) starts her second life when she gets off work. “I'm really addicted to science, but if I could start a new life I wouldn't mind swapping research for music,” she says. An expert in cell division with a promising career, Rebollo has been really busy this year accompanying the Orchestra of Guitars of Barcelona in a series of concerts at the Poliorama Theater. Next year, she'll cross the Atlantic ocean with some of her guitar peers to tour the United States. - How long have you been playing guitar? “I grew up surrounded by music. My dad used to play mandolin when I was little and he bought me my first Spanish guitar when I was six. I haven't stopped playing since.” - How did you end up in science? “I knew I wanted to be a biologist since I was seven. I still remember my mom's face when I told her. She flipped out. Choosing my professional path was a hard decision to make, mainly because I had equal feelings about science and music. Somewhere along the way I just happened to get hooked to science and decided to make it my career.”
Elena Rebollo (front) before a concert at the Poliorama Theater in Barcelona.
- But you never stopped playing ... “I always find the time to play guitar when I get home after work, even when I'm back late after having struggled with an experiment. It's a very addictive hobby because it helps me evolve a lot. Music and science have many things in common. You wouldn't believe how many scientists out there are fond of an instrument and are good at it! Music is full of science. It's pure math, hertz and creativity.” - Science can also be frustrating at times. How do you handle monotony? “I'm pretty good at it because I'm a very stubborn person. I think one of the keys to why scientists don't get bored with monotony is
that we're always looking for answers. When I'm doing dozens and dozens of crosses in Drosophila, not only do I accept monotony as part of the process of searching for truth, I also know that each repetitive step will get me closer to my goal of finding, for instance, how a tumor forms in vitro. I think getting along with repetition in our daily work is a pretty common skill in scientists. In a way, we have a certain masochistic component, otherwise we couldn't survive doing this. But it's definitely very rewarding.” - Do you have trouble turning the switch off when you get off work? “I'm getting better at it thanks to the guitar, it helps me disconnect. Sometimes frustration can affect my mood though. When I get stuck working on something, my brain can't shut down until I fall asleep. Of course having a partner who's also a scientist doesn't help me disconnect (she laughs). The truth is that I've come up with really good ideas many times at home.” - Have you ever felt an urge to run to the lab at night? “Not yet, I can still wait until the next day, but I'm a night owl ... Give me time!”
This past May, the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia awarded IRB Barcelona the Josep Trueta prize for best scientific research. The prize was presented to the head of the study, IRB Barcelona Director Joan J Guinovart, for the contribution to elucidating the pathogeny of Lafora disease and to discovering a new mechanism of neuronal lesion. The work was a joint collaboration between the groups on metabolic engineering and diabetes therapy, and on developmental neurobiology and regeneration.
AWARDS & HONORS IRB Barcelona Principal Investigator and Coordinator of the Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Programme Ernest Giralt was appointed a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona in June. Giralt's work focuses on the synthesis and structural elucidation of peptides.
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
IN BRIEF Appointed secretary of state IRB Barcelona Principal Investigator Màrius Rubiralta was recently appointed secretary of state for the Department of Universities of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Rubiralta, who leads a group within the Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Programme, has served in the past as director of the Barcelona Science Park and as vice-chancellor of the University of Barcelona.
The 6 th Live Research fair attracts over 1,500 visitors
Training future leaders A group of more than 30 students from the Master in Science Leadership and Management programme at the Pompeu Fabra University visited IRB Barcelona to learn about the Institute's organization and management strategy. The working visit started with an introductory talk by the director and the managing director of IRB Barcelona and was followed by an open discussion and a guided tour of the Institute's research laboratories and facilities.
Participating centers: IRB Barcelona, Centre for Genomic Regulation, Institut Municipal d’Investigació Mèdica, Institut de Ciències del Mar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer, Universitat de Barcelona, Institut Químic de Sarrià, Institut Català d’Oncologia , Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya. Photo: PCB
The 6th edition of ‘Live Research’ attracted
scientific vocation among young students.
over 1,500 visitors who were interested in
The event was held in the Movistar Marquee,
putting their research skills to work through
a multimedia venue located next to the Park.
hands-on sessions. The fair, held annually,
The hurdles of grant writing Tips and advice from a senior scientist on how to write grant proposals was the focus of a working lunch held on May 7 at IRB Barcelona. Ten postdocs attended the event, organized by Ernest Giralt, Coordinator of the Chemistry and Molecular Pharmacology Programme.
Trip to the Pyrenees More than 70 researchers from the Structural and Computational Biology Programme travelled to a remote location in the Pyrenees in May to hold their first programme retreat. Working sessions were combined with adventure activities such as rafting and horse riding in the wild.
showed the general public some of the proj-
This year’s edition involved more cen-
ects currently being performed by scientists
ters and groups than the previous year and
working at several research centers and insti-
showed projects from extremely diverse dis-
tutes in Barcelona. This fair is a unique ini-
ciplines such as genetics, oceanography, ro-
tiative since it allows the communication of
botics, bioengineering, medicine, computer
‘live science’ by bringing participants directly
science and archaeology. Visitors had a chance
into contact with researchers to get first-hand
to find out about the latest breakthroughs in
information about the methods being used
biocompatible materials and their potential
in their studies. Each stand is designed like
to regenerate human tissue, how skin cancer
a small lab, where visitors can practice with
can be detected and the differences between
real research instruments and interact with
healthy and tumor cells, the methods that ar-
scientists to learn about their projects.
chaeologists use to reconstruct the past, the challenges faced by scientists who study the
‘Live Research’ is part of the science out-
human genome, how computer science can
reach programme ‘Research in Society’, run
help to recover brain functions, and the strat-
by the Barcelona Science Park and supported
egies used to manage spills at sea. See more on
by the Social Programme of Caixa Catalunya.
IRB Barcelona's participation on page 8.
The fair seeks to bring research closer to society, to facilitate dialogue between researchers and members of the public, and to stimulate
Carme Pérez - PCB
July 2008
in vivo
Issue 03
SPOTLIGHT Cancer research for all ages What is colon cancer?” a teenager asks IRB Barcelona researchers Carme Cortina and Sergio Palomo. The scientists put their explanation skills to work and try to simplify the concept. Once he has a good idea, the young student puts on a pair of gloves and gets to practice with a pipette and real cancer cells. Like him, dozens of other curious visitors gathered around the exhibition stand of the Colorectal Cancer Laboratory during the 6th Live Research fair, held in April in Barcelona. - What kind of visitors stopped by? “All sorts of people, from 3 year-old kids to octogenarians. Some of the visitors were at first scared about colon cancer and were surprised to find out there are many things we can do to prevent it, such as good diet, exercise and early detection.”
NEW AT IRB BARCELONA Alexandre Puerto (Spain, 1978) is the new Head of Finance at IRB Barcelona. An expert in business management, he has a broad knowledge in auditing in the private sector and more than five years of experience working for international companies. “My immediate goals are to bring technical solutions to shorten administrative processes and to ensure scientists have access to the latest technology and equipment to support research,” he says. His main motivation is his belief that his work will contribute to science.
Cristina Lacasa (Spain, 1980) has joined the Cell and Developmental Biology Programme as the new research assistant of the Microtubule Organization group. Having just finished her doctoral studies at the Catalan Institute of Oncology, she was looking for a position in which she could combine technical work and research. She says she has nailed it and is happy to have made the change.
Guiomar Solanas (Spain, 1980) has recently joined the Colorectal Cancer Laboratory I in the Oncology Programme as a postdoctoral researcher. With the help of her research colleagues, she's working toward finding new molecular pathways to colon cancer. Guiomar, a biologist by training, finished her doctoral studies in colorectal cancer last year and is now determined to stay in this field for quite a while. She sees her move to IRB Barcelona as an opportunity to “learn and gain new responsibilities.”
Cortina (left) and Palomo (right) answering questions from visitors at the stand. Photo: A. Alsina
- What type of questions were you asked? “Many were about people they knew who had been diagnosed with a polyp, a benign growth in the rectum. We helped them understand why polyps don't necessarily have to lead to cancer. They also wanted to know whether colon cancer affected more men than women and the type of preventive actions they could take.” - How was the hands-on experience? “Some students were intimidated at first and didn't want to touch anything, but when they saw their peers looking through the microscope at cancer tissue sections and handling living cancer cells, their fear faded away. It was very motivating to see so many people interested in our research. Our stand was one of the most successful ones!”
Maximilian Becker (Germany, 1984) moved from Germany to Spain in 2007 after he graduated in biology to start his thesis work in a new cultural environment. He has recently joined the Structural Bioinformatics group, where he plans to finish his practical training toward his thesis on the identification of protein relations using text mining. He says he has adapted to the region very quickly. “I've been working to improve my Catalan for the past seven months.” He's not fluent yet, but he hopes one day he'll be able to master the language.
COMING SOON XXXI Congress of the Spanish Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Bilbao, September 10-13, 2008. Visit us at the IRB Barcelona stand Group Leaders and Facility Managers retreat, October 2-3, 2008 More info: Barcelona BioMed Conference: Morphogenesis and cell behavior October 6-8, 2008. More info:
Published by the Institute for Research in Biomedicine. Office of Communications & External Relations. Parc Científic de Barcelona. Baldiri Reixac, 10. 08028 Barcelona, Spain. Editor: Anna Alsina. Associate Editor: Sarah Sherwood. Contributors: Sònia Armengou, Marco Milán, Tanya Yates, Carme Pérez. Design: Aymerich Comunicació. Printing: La Trama. Legal deposit: B-30893-2008.