5. mednarodna konferenca Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010
5th international conference Social responsibility and current challenges 2010
Maribor, 11. - 12. marec 2010
IRDO - In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti Preradovi~eva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor info@irdo.si www.irdo.si
Zbornik prispevkov je sestavljen iz dveh delov - tiskani del zbornika s povzetki prispevkov in zgo{~enka s celotnimi prispevki predavateljev. Sklepi konference so objavljeni na spletni strani www.irdo.si.
Urednika: Anita Hrast, ddr. Matja` Mulej Zalo`il: IRDO - In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti / zanj Anita Hrast Grafi~no oblikovanje, tehni~na ureditev in produkcija: Hiper Design - Uro{ Zupan~i~ s.p. (naslovnica, zgo{~enka), Dorado Design - Kristijan Bla`i~ s.p. (zbornik) Za verodostojnost besedil odgovarjajo avtorji sami. Prispevki niso lektorirani.
Izdajo zbornika je podprla Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS.
CIP - Katalo`ni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knji`nica, Ljubljana
316.613:159.947.23(082) 174(082) MEDNARODNA konferenca Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa (5 ; 2010 ; Maribor) Narava in ~lovek : zbornik povzetkov prispevkov = Nature and humans : conference proceedings abstracts / 5. mednarodna konferenca Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 = 5th International Conference Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 2010, Maribor 11.-12. marec 2010 ; [urednika Anita Hrast, Matja` Mulej]. - Maribor : IRDO - In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti, 2010 ISBN 978-961-91828-8-8 1. Gl. stv. nasl. 2. Social Responsibility and Current Challenges 3. Hrast, Anita 250155008
dr. Danilo TĂźrk, predsednik Republike Slovenije ^astni pokrovitelj konference
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
1 Predgovor .......................................................................................... 9 2 Program ............................................................................................ 11 2.1 2.2 2.3
Program konference...................................................................................................... 11 Programski odbor ........................................................................................................ 13 Organizacijski odbor .................................................................................................. 14
3 Povzetki referatov predavateljev........................................................ 17 3.1
Plenarna predavanja, 1. dan ....................................................................................................17 3.1.1 Ali varujemo naravo odgovorno? ..................................................................................18 3.1.2 Ohranitev narave, sonaravni razvoj - ali za{~ita ~love{tva? ............................................18 3.1.3 Natura 2000 - omre`je za naravo in ljudi......................................................................19 3.1.4 Transdisciplinarnost in ohranjanje narave ......................................................................20
Skrb za naravo ........................................................................................................................21 3.2.1 Vidik biolo{ke raznolikosti pri planiranju alternativ vodnih zajetij - primer ohranitve hidro-morfologije pri soto~ju Save in Krke ....................................................................22 3.2.2 Vzroki, da v Bosni in Hercegovini manjka ekosistemski pristop ........................................23 3.2.3 Biodiverzitet endemnih razvojnih centara u podru~ju Hercegovine (zapadni Balkan) kao doprinos ciljevima 2010 ..............................................................23 3.2.4 Mo`nosti razvoja obmo~ja nature 2000 z ekoremediacijami ........................................24 3.2.5 Biotska raznovrstnost v izobra`evalnem programu naravovarstveni tehnik........................25 3.2.6 Ume{~anje poslovnih con v prostor z vidika ohranjanja narave in razvoja ......................26 3.2.7 Vloga kazalcev in znanstvenega raziskovanja v sonaravnem trajnostnem razvoju ............27 3.2.8 Biotska raznovrstnost 2010: le malo razlogov za praznovanje ........................................27
Ekonomija in primeri iz prakse ................................................................................................29 3.3.1 Varstvo okolja pri izgradnji velikih infrastrukturnih objektov - primer izgradnje HE na spodnji Savi ......................................................................................30 3.3.2 Zagotavljanje dobrega stanja okolja pri obratovanju in vzdr`evanju velikih hidroelektrarn (HE) ............................................................................................30 3.3.3 Sistem vodenja kot osnova dru`bene odgovornosti podjetja TE[......................................31 3.3.4 Dru`bena odgovornost pri prostorskem planiranju elektroenergetskih omre`ij ..................32 3.3.5 Dru`bena odgovornost podjetij na primeru dobre prakse - CPM d.d. ..............................33 3.3.6 Okoljska odgovornost kot konkuren~na prednost malih in srednje velikih podjetij ............33 3.3.7 Podpora lokalnim pobudam: izku{nje projekta Polok ......................................................34 3.3.8 Standard dru`bene odgovornosti ISO/DIS 26000:2009 in skrb za okolje ......................35 3.3.9 ^love{tvo je na prekretnici med samo-uni~enjem in sporazumom o pre`ivetju: obnoviti oblast vseh ......................................................................................................36 3.3.10 Uvajanje ~istej{ih tehnologij na Premogovniku Velenje ..................................................37 3.3.11 Youri - nova pot do inovacij: mladi talenti ustvarjajo re{itve, da skrbijo za naravo............38
[tudentska sekcija....................................................................................................................39 3.4.1 Dr`avljanstvo podjetij kot dru`bena odgovornost............................................................40 3.4.2 Kako zeleno je ogla{evanje? ........................................................................................40 3.4.3 Koncept dru`bene odgovornosti v sferi javnega naro~anja - zeleno javno naro~anje in zelena delovna mesta ..............................................................................41 3.4.4 Biolo{ki sistemi kot vodniki za trajnostne in okolju prijazne inovacije ..............................41 3.4.5 Trojni izid kot pristop v mednarodnem kontekstu ............................................................42 3.4.6 Odpadki - problem dru`be? ........................................................................................43 3.4.7 Vloga »zelenega managementa« pri uveljavitvi koncepta dru`bene odgovornosti ............43 3.4.8 Izobra`evanje za trajnostni razvoj s pomo~jo E-gradiva Okolje in Trajnosti razvoj ..........44
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
3.4.9 Podjetni{ka racionalnost za trajnostni razvoj podjetja ....................................................45 3.4.10 Vizija kot instrument za pribli`evanje dru`beno odgovornemu podjetju (vklju~no z naravo) ......................................................................................................46 3.5
Plenarna predavanja, 2. dan....................................................................................................47 3.5.1 Vizija geo-kulture ........................................................................................................48 3.5.2 Dobro po~utje ljudi pod vplivom ~love{ke skrbi za naravo: Indeks sre~nega planeta..........................................................................................................48 3.5.3 Prispevek okoljske ekonomike k razumevanju in re{evanju problema redkosti dobrin ............................................................................................................49 3.5.4 Zelena paradigma dru`bene odgovornosti v prihodnosti ................................................50 3.5.5 Novosti na podro~ju dru`bene odgovornosti na ravni EU ..............................................50
Raba in zloraba narave ..........................................................................................................53 3.6.1 Analiza proizvodne linije kot sredstvo, da bi upo{tevali splo{ne u~inke upravljanja odpadkov na naravo in dru`bo ..................................................................54 3.6.2 Informacijski sistem podjetij za obvladovanje problemov skrbi za naravno okolje ............54 3.6.3 Vpliv zelenih davkov na rast indeksov okolja in blaginje ................................................55 3.6.4 Ocena prispevka ohranitve zelenega okolja h kakovosti mestnega prostora (primer Mashada, Iran) ................................................................................................55 3.6.5 Obvladovanje tveganja su{e za sonaravno uporabo virov vode za kmetijstvo v provinci Golestan (primer mesta Gonbad-e-Kavous) ....................................56 3.6.6 Razvoj turizma v za{~itenih obmo~jih - blagoslov ali prekletstvo? ....................................56 3.6.7 Skrb za okolje v obliki skrbnega obvladovanja recikla`e vozil ........................................57 3.6.8 Ocena pripravljenosti pla~ati za izbolj{anje kakovosti zraka ..........................................58
Prihodnost narave in narodov ..................................................................................................59 3.7.1 Sociolo{ki vplivi ve~anja zelenih obmo~ij v mestih na prebivalce ....................................60 3.7.2 Virtualno u~enje za sonaravno trajnostno Evropo?..........................................................61 3.7.3 Predstavitev knjige: Sustainable Strategies in Travel & Tourism ........................................62 3.7.4 Razvoj spletnih strani za obve{~anje javnosti in elektronsko demokracijo kot prispevek k dru`beni odgovornosti, vklju~no s skrbjo za naravo ................................62 3.7.5 Pot nazaj k naravi vodi od védenja proti zavedanju - ali zmoremo? ................................63 3.7.6 Soo~enje s kompleksnostjo ~love{ke odgovornosti ..........................................................64 3.7.7 Harmoni~na dru`ba kot resni~na skrb za naravo ..........................................................65 3.7.8 Trendi dru`bene odgovornosti na Kitajskem ..................................................................65 3.7.9 Prepre~itev ~ezmernosti in zloma: obvladovanje virov Zemlje ..........................................66
Predstavitev projektov, dogodkov, objave v zborniku ................................................................67 3.8.1 Oglji~ni odtis za organizacije ......................................................................................68 3.8.2 Projekt »odprta knjiga« kot primer dobre prakse okoljskega vidika dru`bene odgovornosti ................................................................................................68 3.8.3 Dru`bena odgovornost malih in srednje velikih gospodarskih dru`b ..............................69 3.8.4 [ola za dru`beno odgovornost podjetij - izobra`evalno orodje za spodbujanje DOP pri vsakdanjem delu ..........................................................................69 3.8.5 Krilca, dru`beno odgovorna darila, vklju~ujejo skrb za naravo ......................................70 3.8.6 Za ve~ celovitosti, dru`bene odgovornost in inovativnost poslovanja: slovenska nagrada za dru`beno odgovornost Horus ......................................................................71 3.8.7 Objave o dru`beni odgovornosti v slovenskih medijih (2006-2009) ................................72 3.8.8 Dru`beno odgovornost podpirajo dru`beno odgovorni odnosi z javnostmi ....................72 3.8.9 Skrb za naravo - Pal~ek in Ekoliza ................................................................................73 3.8.10 Celostna ekologija - Krepitev zavesti za ohranitev narave in ~loveka................................74
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Referati predavateljev v celoti (na zgo{~enki) ................................75
Reference predavateljev ..............................................................76
Sklepi konference ........................................................................93
Organizatorji, sponzorji, donatorji… ............................................94
Objave ........................................................................................96
^lanstvo v in{titutu IRDO ..........................................................................................................96
Nagrada HORUS ....................................................................................................................98
Akcija o~istimo Slovenijo V ENEM DNEVU ................................................................................99
Zahvala ....................................................................................100
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
International documents about (corporate) social responsibility (C)SR speak of six main areas to which (C)SR applies: honest consideration of co-workers, (business) partners – market, broader society, and natural environment, contribution to business excellence, and to peace in the modern World. All of them are considered a cost that might be postponed, if possible, because it is deemed to create no profit. I belong to those who do not believe it, once I use my systems-thinking approach that helps me to apply the law of requisite holism by linking several essential viewpoints in synergy rather than a single one only: - Honest consideration of co-workers prevents dissatisfaction and resulting bad work, strikes, bad public opinion that diminishes market demand for the company, etc. - Honest consideration of (business) partners prevents the same kinds of trouble with people outside the corporation, etc. - Honest consideration of the broader society prevents the same kinds of trouble as well as riots, terrorism, life on barricades, etc. Inside this group there is also charity; it might cause cost with no coverage, but hence it is usually coupled with marketing advertisement and thus covered, too. - Honest consideration of humans' natural environment seems to be more questionable at the first sight only, again. For millennia humankind has been using it nature around our-selves as a tool to satisfy our needs. Now this causes a lot of medical and similar cost, etc that could be prevented with (C)SR. Researchers with a more holistic and long-term view published some data that are astonishing to many, as follows. These data express radically changed conditions and require (C)SR: • Since 1820, after the 3 (three) % per-millennium growth before industrialization, the growth reached 5500% (fifty five times) in less than two centuries; humankind is now facing three bombs – population, ecology, and resources, but is though using shallow information versus available deep knowledge and wisdom (Targowski, 2009). • Since 1820 there are 6 times more humans of the Planet Earth, every person using on average +5 times more energy, having 17 times more wealth, and 1.000 times more mobility, travelling today about 40 kilometers a day. We can no longer afford to emit every hour four million tons of CO2 in our air by burning fossil fuels, cut 1.500 hectares of wood, and add 1.7 millions tons of nitrogen by mineral dunging in our soil, like humankind is doing today. (Kajfe`-Bogataj, 2009). She adds well: History is full of belated responses to early warnings. • Since 1945, in six decades only, humankind has grown 2.5 times, and its economy and consumption of natural resources grew 7 (seven) times. But the Planet Earth has not grown and is becoming critically depleted (Bozicnik et al., 2008; Brown, 2008; Dyck, Mulej et al, 1998; Ecimovic et al., 2002; Ecimovic et al., 2007; Korten, 2009; Plut, 2009; Stern, 2006, 2007; Taylor, 2008; Wilby, ed., 2009; etc.). • The Copenhagen agreement failed anyway (Omladi~, 2009; etc.). The most influential ones want to keep their short-term benefits at the detriment to the long-term troubles. One-sided measurement of economic success belongs to their bases/excuses. (N.B.: References are available with me.) Organizers of this conference, the IRDO Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, and its partners, quoted elsewhere in this book of proceedings, and under auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia, decided to add another warning. I read all contributions very carefully and I am glad to be able to say that our authors are covering much more ground by adding many more viewpoints than we have hoped for at the beginning of our work for the 5th IRDO conference. I learned very much from all of them, and I am looking to receive additional information, knowledge, and educational influences over my values, culture, ethic, and norms in the course of the conference. 9
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
Indirectly, at least, this conference is contributing also to chances for steps toward business excellence and peace in the World. Every feature is made of many components as pieces in synergy. As an involved person I wish to thank all conference participants, but especially Anita Hrast and Dr. Miriam Gali~i~ for their more than extraordinary contributions making this conference a wonderful experience. I cannot quote all their team members and hidden coworkers for technical reasons, but I am very grateful to all of them as well. Matja` Mulej 03 March 2010
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
2 PROGRAM 2.1 PROGRAM KONFERENCE 1. dan: 11. marec 2010 URA
8:30 - 9:00 9:00 - 9:45 9:00 - 9:05
Registracija udele`encev UVODNI NAGOVORI Pozdravne besede: ~astni pokrovitelj dr. Danilo Turk, predsednik RS Uvodne besede predstavniki ministrstev: Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, Ministrstvo za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve predstavniki ministrstev Pozdravne besede v imenu organizatorjev zasl. prof. ddr. Matja` Mulej, predsednik IFSR, Strokovnega sveta in{tituta IRDO in Programskega odbora konference Dobrodo{lica [tajerske gospodarske zbornice, gostiteljice konference mag. Aleksandra Podgornik, direktorica [tajerske gospodarske zbornice
9:05 - 9:20
9:20 - 9:25
9:25 - 9:30
9:30 - 13:00 9:30 - 10:00 10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00
11:00 11:15 13:00 14:00
11:15 13:00 14:00 16:30
PLENARNO ZASEDANJE Ali varujemo naravo odgovorno? mag. Robert Turk, Mojca Toma`i~, dr. Mirjam Gali~i~, Zavod RS za varstvo narave Ohranitev narave, sonaravni razvoj - ali za{~ita ~love{tva? prof. dr. Mihael J. Toman, Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehni~na fakulteta Oddelek za biologijo, Slovenija Natura 2000 - omre`je za naravo in ljudi dr. Peter Skoberne, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Slovenija Transdisciplinarnost in ohranjanje narave Gregor Torkar,, EGEA, Zavod RS za varstvo narave, Slovenija, Sue L.T. McGregor, Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada Odmor za kavo KRATKA PREDSTAVITEV VZPOREDNIH PREDAVANJ Odmor za kosilo VZPOREDNA PREDAVANJA, RAZPRAVE A. Skrb za naravo Vidik biolo{ke raznolikosti pri planiranju alternativ vodnih zajetij - primer ohranitve hidro-morfologije pri soto~ju Save in Krke Zoran STOJI^, mag. gradbeni{tva, mag. okoljskega in`enirstva, Geatech d.o.o., Vesna PLANIN[I^-KOLAR, mag. prostorskega in urbanega planiranja, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor Naravna raznovrstnost ob podnebnih spremembah - napovedi in management prof. dr. Sulejman Red`i}, Univerza v Sarajevu, Fakulteta za naravoslovje, Bosna in Hercegovina Mo`nosti razvoja obmo~ja Nature 2000 z ekoremediacijami Prof. dr. Ana Vovk Kor`e, Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Mednarodni center za ekoremediacije, Prof. Dr. Danijel Vrhov{ek, Limnos, Ljubljana Biotska raznovrstnost v izobra`evalnem programu naravovarstveni tehnik Tatjana \urasovi~, prof., Biotehni{ka {ola Maribor, Sta{ka Buser, univ.dipl.ing., [olski center [entjur Ume{~anje poslovnih con v prostor z vidika ohranjanja narave in razvoja Sonja Rozman, Metod Rogelj (oba: Zavod RS za varstvo narave Matej Kotnik (Ob~ina Lukovica) Vloga kazalcev in znanstvenega raziskovanja v sonaravnem trajnostnem razvoju Dr. Emira Be~i}, Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Zagreb, Croatia, Dr. Jadranka [varc, Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia 11
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
B. Ekonomija in narava: primeri Varstvo okolja pri izgradnji velikih infrastrukturnih objektov - primer izgradnje HE na spodnji Savi Silvester Jer{i~, direktor projekta izgradnje HE na spodnji Savi, HESS d.o.o. Bre`ice Zagotavljanje dobrega stanja okolja pri obratovanju in vzdr`evanju velikih hidroelektrarn (HE) Bla` Pi{ek, B.Sc.E.E., Savske elektrarne Ljubljana d.o.o. Sistem vodenja kot osnova dru`bene odgovornosti podjetja TE[ mag. Jo`e Borovnik, Termoelektrarna [o{tanj d.o.o., dr. Slavko Plazar, POSSI d.o.o. Dru`bena odgovornost pri prostorskem planiranju elektroenergetskih omre`ij mag. Ale{ Kregar, mag. Marko Hrast, Elektro-Slovenija, d.o.o. Dru`bena odgovornost podjetij na primeru dobre prakse - CPM d.d. Martna Semi~ Okoljska odgovornost kot konkuren~na prednost malih in srednje velikih podjetij mag. Nina Rustja Podpora lokalnim pobudam: izku{nje projekta Polok Aidan Cerar, Marko Peterlin, In{titut za politike prostora Standard dru`bene odgovornosti ISO/DIS 26000:2009 in skrb za okolje Blanka Kaker, Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje, Slovenia ^love{tvo je na prekretnici med samo-uni~enjem in sporazumom o pre`ivetju: obnoviti oblast vseh mag. Martina [umenjak Sabol, predsednica SLOBIOM Vloga kazalcev in znanstvenega raziskovanja v sonaravnem trajnostnem razvoju dr. Emira Be~i}, Ministrstvo za znanost, {olstvo in {port, Zagreb, Hrva{ka, dr. Jadranka [varc, In{titute za dru`bene vede Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Hrva{ka Uvajanje ~istej{ih tehnologij v Premogovniku Velenje dr. Simon Zav{ek, Sergej Jamnikar, mag. Ludvik Golob, Janja @ula, Bo`ena Steiner, Premogovnik Velenje, Slovenija [tudentska sekcija (podiplomci): Dr`avljanstvo podjetij kot dru`bena odgovornost mag. [tefka Gorenak, Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede, Celje, Slovenija Kako zeleno je ogla{evanje? Anita Hrast, IRDO, Mateja Kocjan, Zavod RS za varstvo narave Koncept dru`bene odgovornosti v sferi javnega naro~anja - zeleno javno naro~anje in zelena delovna mesta mag. Borut Ambro`i~, Umetnostna galerija Maribor, Slovenia Biolo{ki sistemi kot vodniki za trajnostne in okolju prijazne inovacije mag. Elvis Kenik, Univerza Karla in Franca, Gradec, Avstrija Trojni izid kot pristop v mednarodnem kontekstu Eva Kau~i~, podiplomska {tudentka, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta, Slovenija Odpadki - problem dru`be? Anja Kostev{ek Kriminolo{ki vidik podnebnih sprememb Sanja Alaber Vloga »zelenega managementa« pri uveljavitvi koncepta dru`bene odgovornosti Barbara Frank Izobra`evanje za trajnostni razvoj s pomo~jo E-gradiva Okolje in Trajnosti razvoj Mojca Kokot, Nina Globovnik, ERM center, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija Podjetni{ka racionalnost za trajnostni razvoj podjetja V.pred. mag. Tja{a [trukelj, docentka Dr. Mojca Duh, docent Dr. Jernej Belak, in zasl. profesor DDr. Matja` Mulej, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta (EPF), Slovenija Vizija kot instrument za pribli`evanje dru`beno odgovornemu podjetju V.pred. mag. Tja{a [trukelj in zasl. profesor DDr. Matja` Mulej, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta (EPF), Slovenija 12
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
15:00 - 15:15 16:30 - 17:00
Odmor za kavo Razprava in sklepi 1. dne konference
19:00 - 21:00
VE^ERNI PROGRAM, BREZPLA^NA PREDAVANJA ZA [IR[O JAVNOST NARODNI DOM MARIBOR Meje gospodarskega razvoja in podnebne spremembe, brezpla~no predavanje po licenci The Climate Project (Al Gore) Vida Ogorelec Wagner, direktorica, Umanotera Geopunkturni krogi - projekt dialoga z Zemljo Marko Poga~nik in Bojan Brecelj
19:00 - 20:00
20:00 - 21:00
2. dan: 12. marec 2010 URA
8:30 - 9.00 9:00 - 11:00 9:00 - 9:30
Registracija udele`encev PLENARNO ZASEDANJE Vizija geo-kulture Marko Poga~nik, umetnik in publicist Dobro po~utje ljudi pod vplivom ~love{ke skrbi za naravo: Indeks sre~nega planeta v.pred.mag. Simona [arotar @i`ek, ddr. Matja` Mulej, zasl. prof., Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta (EPF), Amna Poto~nik, Mariborska razvojna agencija, Slovenija Prispevek okoljske ekonomike k razumevanju in re{evanju problema redkosti dobrin red. prof. dr. Jo`ica Knez-Riedl, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta (EPF), Slovenija, Slovenija Zelena paradigma dru`bene odgovornosti v prihodnosti doc. dr. Davorin Kralj, ART- K Poslovno svetovanje, Slovenia Novosti na podro~ju dru`bene odgovornosti na ravni EU Metka [toka Debevec, sekretarka, Ministrstvo za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve, Sektor za individualna delovna razmerja in socialno partnerstvo Odmor za kavo KRATKA PREDSTAVITEV VZPOREDNIH PREDAVANJ Odmor za kosilo VZPOREDNA PREDAVANJA, RAZPRAVE C. Uporaba in zloraba narave Analiza proizvodne linije kot sredstvo, da bi upo{tevali splo{ne u~inke upravljanja odpadkov na naravo in dru`bo mag. Hannes Klampfl-Pernold, Dr. Ulrike Gelbmann, In{titut za sistemske vede, inovacijske in sonaravnostne raziskave, Univerza Karla in Franca, Gradec, Austrija Informacijski sistem podjetij za obvladovanje problemov skrbi za naravno okolje prof. dr. Habil. Jorge Marx Gomez, Univerza Oldenburg, Nem~ija Vpliv zelenih davkov na rast indeksov okolja in blaginje Mohsen Tabarraei, Maryam Tabarraei, Maryam Moghimi Ocena prispevka ohranitve zelenega okolja h kakovosti mestnega prostora (primer Mashada, Iran) Naser Shahnoushi, Marzieh Motallebi, Sara Yazdan Bakhsh, Niloofar Ashktorab, Oddelek za kmetijsko ekonomiko, Fakulteta za kmetijstvo, Ferdowsi Univerza, Mashhad, Iran Obvladovanje tveganja su{e za sonaravno uporabo virov vode za kmetijstvo v provinci Golestan (primer mesta Gonbad-e-Kavous) Naser Shahnoushi, Samane Shahhosein, Kamran Davari, Oddelek za kmetijsko ekonomiko, Fakulteta za kmetijstvo, Ferdowsi Univerza, Mashhad, Iran, Ali Darijani, Oddelek za kmetijsko ekonomiko, Fakulteta za kmetijstvo, Gorgan Univerza, Iran
9:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 11:00
11:00 11:15 13:00 14:00
11:15 13:00 14:00 16:00
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
15:00 - 15:15 16:00 - 16:30 14
Razvoj turizma v za{~itenih obmo~jih - blagoslov ali prekletsvto? doc. dr. Sonja Sibila Lebe, vodja {tudija turizma, Univerza v Mariboru, Ekonomskoposlovna fakulteta (EPF), Slovenija Skrb za okolje v obliki skrbnega obvladovanja recikla`e vozil prof. dr. Zbigniew Klos, Dr. Robert Lewicki, Poznanska tehnolo{ka univerza, Fakulteta za strojni{tvo in transport, Poljska Ocena pripravljenosti pla~ati za izbolj{anje kakovosti zraka Naser Shahnoushi, Sara Yazdan bakhsh, Niloofar Ashktorab, Marzieh Motallebi, Oddelek za kmetijsko ekonomiko, Fakulteta za kmetijstvo, Ferdowsi Univerza, Mashhad, Iran D. Bodo~nost narave in ljudi Sociolo{ki vplivi ve~anja zelenih obmo~ij v mestih na prebivalce Mohsen Tabarraei, BaratAli Khakpour, Maryam Tabarraei, Iran Virtualno u~enje za sonaravno trajnostno Evropo? dr. Gerald Steiner, dr. Filippina Risopoulos, Univerza Karla in Franca, Gradec, Austrija Predstavitev knjige: Sustainable Strategies in Travel & Tourism dr. Mark Esposito, [ola za Management, Grenoble Razvoj spletnih strani za obve{~anje javnosti in elektronsko demokracijo kot prispevek k dru`beni odgovornosti, vklju~no s skrbjo za naravo zasl. prof. dr. Robert G. Dyck, Javne in mednarodne zadeve, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, ZDA Pot nazaj k naravi vodi od védenja proti zavedanju - ali zmoremo? mag. Vesna Kova~i~, DOBA FAKULTETA, Slovenia Soo~anje z zapletenostjo dru`bene odgovornosti Helmut K. Loeckenhoff, samostojni raziskovalec, Nem~ija Harmoni~na dru`ba kot resni~na skrb za naravo dr. Leo Semashko, predsednik, Zdru`enje za globalni harmonijo (GHA), direktor, Javni in{titut za tetrasociologijo, St. Petersburg, Rusija. Trendi dru`bene odgovornosti na Kitajskem Chris Pothaar, Richrad Hsu, John Solomon, Mihela Hladin, Ina Kukovi~, Kitajska, ZDA, Slovenija Predstavitev projektov, dogodkov, objave v zborniku Oglji~ni odtis in zelena pisarna [pela Kern, vodja projektov, Umanotera Projekt »odprta knjiga« kot primer dobre prakse okoljskega vidika dru`bene odgovornosti Igor Klan~nik, mag. Borut Ambro`i~ Dru`bena odgovornost malih in srednje velikih gospodarskih dru`b Dr. Jernej Letnar ^erni~, dr. pravnih znanosti, Max Weber post-doktorski raziskovalec, Evropski univerzitetni in{titut v Firencah (European University Institute) [ola za dru`beno odgovornost podjetij - izobra`evalno orodje za spodbujanje DOP pri vsakdanjem delu Maja Re~nik, direktorica izobra`evanja, SPEM Komunikacijska skupina Krilca, dru`beno odgovorna darila, vklju~ujejo skrb za naravo Gaja Brecelj, projektni mened`er, Umanotera, Slovenska fundatcija za sonaravni razvoj Za ve~ celovitosti, dru`bene odgovornost in inovativnost poslovanja: slovenska nagrada za dru`beno odgovornost Horus Anita Hrast, ddr. Matja` Mulej Objave o dru`beni odgovornosti v slovenskih medijih (2006-2009) Tatjana Novak, Anita Hrast Skrb za naravo - Pal~ek in Ekoliza Sgerm Dragica Celostna ekologija - krepitev zavesti za ohranitev narave in ~loveka Amrit S. [orli Odmor za kavo Razprava in kon~ni sklepi konference
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
2.2 PROGRAMSKI ODBOR ddr. Matja` Mulej, zaslu`ni profesor, Ekonomsko-poslovna fakulteta Univerze v Mariboru in predsednik strokovnega odbora IRDO, predsednik Programskega odbora konference, dr. Mirjam Gali~i~, Zavod RS za varovanje narave, Magdalena Tovornik, vi{ja svetovalka predsednika RS za politi~ne zadeve, ~lanica strokovnega odbora IRDO, Meta [toka Debevec, sekretarka na Ministrstvu RS za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve, ~lanica Skupine predstavnikov za dru`beno odgovornost v Direktoratu za zaposlovanje in socialne zadeve pri Evropski komisiji, dr. Darij Kraj~i~, izr. prof., direktor, Zavod RS za varovanje narave, prof. dr. Mihael J. Toman, Biotehni{ka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani, dr. Bo{tjan Kos, Ministrstvo RS za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano, dr. Robert Dyck, zasl. prof., Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, USA, dr. Mark Esposito, izr. prof., direktor programa MIB, profesor mened`menta in obna{anja, Grenoble School of Business, Francija, prof. dr. Roger Haw, Ansted University, British Virgin Islands, and Malaysia, dr. Helmut Löckenhoff, samostojni raziskovalec in gostujo~i profesor, Nem~ija, dr. Filippina Risopoulos, Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Avstrija, dr. Michael Schaller, Sustainable University, Graz, Avstrija, dr. Gerald Steiner, izr. prof., Karl-Franzens Universität Graz, Avstrija, dr. Nadya Zhexembayeva, podpredsednica UN Global Compact Slovenia in profesorica sonaravnega razvoja, IECD Bled, [ola za mened`ment, Vida Ogorelec Wagner, direktorica, Umanotera, slovenska fundacija za sonaravni razvoj, dr. Leo Semashko, predsednik, Zdru`enje za globalni harmonijo (GHA), direktor, Javni in{titut za tetrasociologijo, St. Petersburg, Rusija.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
2.3 ORGANIZACIJSKI ODBOR Anita Hrast, direktorica IRDO in sopredsednica organizacijskega odbora konference, Mateja Kocjan, naravovarstvena svetnica, odgovorna za odnose z javnostmi, Zavod RS za varstvo narave, sopredsednica organizacijskega odbora konference, Angelca Ademovi~, direktorica Creditexpress d. o. o. in podpredsednica Sveta zavoda in{tituta IRDO, mag. Aleksandra Podgornik, direktorica [tajerske gospodarske zbornice, mag. Aj{a Vodnik, izvr{na direktorica, Ameri{ka gospodarska zbornica, mag. Vinko Kurent, podpredsednik [tajerske gospodarske zbornice, direktor Mikrodata GIS d. o. o., ~lan Strokovnega sveta in{tituta IRDO, Stanko Obradovi~, direktor Medis-M d. o. o. in predsednik Sveta zavoda in{tituta IRDO, Polona Marin~ek, in{titut IRDO in SSDO dru{tva PRSS, Lidija Novak, predsednica sekcije SSDO Slovenskega dru{tva za odnose z javnostmi (PRSS), Mirjana Mladi~, vodja marketinga, Narodni dom Maribor, ~lanica Strokovnega sveta in{tituta IRDO.
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3 Povzetki referatov predavateljev 3.1 Plenarna predavanja, 1. dan
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
3.1.1 ALI VARUJEMO NARAVO ODGOVORNO? Robert Turk, MSc, Mirjam Gali~i~, PhD, and Mojca Toma`i~ Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Dunajska cesta 22, Ljubljana All e-addresses: name.surname@zrsvn.si Povzetek: Prispevek obravnava odgovornost dele`nikov glede varovanja narave. Zajema dva primera nacionalnih in lokalnih na~rtov in strategij z vidika, koliko aktivno podpirajo trajnostni razvoj. Upo{tevaje dr`avno zakonodajo in veljavne smernice Evropske unije za varovanje narave ter cilje CBD 2010 in 2012, se prispevek osredoto~a na vpra{anje na{ega zavedanja o pomembnosti ohranjanja narave in na to, koliko je neskladnosti znotraj glavnih odlo~itvenih organov in njihovih politik, ko gre za varovanje okolja in trajnostno sonaravno rabo naravnih virov. ^etudi na~ela takega razvoja latentno obstajajo v nekak{ni splo{ni zavesti, analizirani primeri ka`ejo, da sta zavest in odgovornost dokaj {ibki, ko gre za prehod od besed k dejanjem. Klju~ne besede: varstvo narave, ohranjanje narave, (sonaravni) trajnostni razvoj, biolo{ka raznovrstnost, Natura 2000, vpliv na okolje, okoljski problemi, prostorsko planiranje, turizem
DO WE PROTECT NATURE RESPONSIBLY? Abstract: The paper deals with the responsibility of stakeholders concerning nature conservation. It addresses two cases of national and local plans and strategies in terms of their active support to sustainable development. Considering national legislation and the current EU nature conservation policies, as well as the CBD 2010 and 2012 goals, the paper concentrates on low awareness and inconsistency within the main decision making bodies and their policies in terms of nature conservation and sustainable use of natural resources. In spite of a sort of latent general presence of sustainable development principles, the analysed cases point to a relatively weak awareness and low responsibility when it comes to concrete activities and actions. Keywords: nature protection, nature conservation, sustainable development, biodiversity, Natura 2000, environmental impact, environmental problems, spatial planning, tourism ----------------------------------------
3.1.2 NATURE CONSERVATION, SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OR PROTECTION OF MANKIND Mihael J. Toman University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Dept. of Biology Abstract: Studies and researches of the interrelationships among and between different organisms, and between them and all aspects (biotic and no-biotic) of their environment are fundamental basis for nature conservation and sustainable development. Term eco- is widely spread to different human activities and therefore basically no more correctly understandable. Sustainable development became a political concept and emphasized strongly in the world conservation strategy. The main question is: Is sustainability for nature or only for mankind? It is a development that seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability to meet those of the future. Anthropocentric view has too many influences in such concept. Environment protection is much more than political declarations concerning climate changes, freshwater quality, greenhouse effects, toxic substances in water and land environment and global pollution and loading as a whole. It means maintaining matter cycling and energy flow in different ecosystems without calculations what is beneficial for humans. We often understand nature in one side of the river and humans on the other side. Ethical principle of our responsibility is a key question for Nature and human survive in the future.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
3.1.3 NATURA 2000 - OMRE@JE ZA NARAVO IN LJUDI Dr. Peter Skoberne Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Dunajska 48, SI-1000 Ljubljana peter.skoberne@gov.si Povzetek: Varovanje narave je o~itna skupna tema Evropske unije, saj se narava ne briga za politi~ne meje. Pomembno je imeti skupne cilje, ki jih podpira skupna zakonodaja. To omogo~ata direktivi o pti~ih in habitatu. Dr`avam ~lanicam EU dajeta, ~etudi je okvir glede ciljev trden, nekaj prostosti, ko gre za pravni prenos in uporabo. Med klju~nimi stebri politike za skupno ohranjanje narave v EU je omre`je Natura 2000, ki naj pomaga dose~i ugoden status za ohranjanje `ivalskih vrst in habitatskih tipov evropskega pomena. Tak pristop se nekoliko razlikuje od obstoje~ih prijemov za ohranjanje narave in lahko ~esto vodi v nesporazume. Zato ustvarja okoli{~ine za sumni~ava in negativna stali{~a do Nature 2000, katera se lahko raz{irijo tudi na ohranjanjwe narave nasploh. Glede na to se je pojavila vrsta 'mitov' o Naturi 2000. [ibko sprejemanje resno ote`ko~a u~inkovito uresni~evanje. Zato je primerno komuniciranje, ki zajame vse dele`nike, bistveno. Vsako obmo~je Nature 2000 je svojstvena kombinacija tipov habitatov in `ivalskih vrst, zato mora biti pristop h komuniciranju in kasnej{emu uresni~evanju 'buti~en'. Dejavno sodelovanje in enotno razumevanje ustvarja ob~utek lastni{tva pri dele`nikih, kar pomeni tudi ve~jo odgovornost za obvladovanje obmo~ij Nature 2000. Klju~ne besede: omre`je obmo~ij Natura 2000, komunikacija, socialna plat, dru`bena sprejemljivost
NATURA 2000 - NETWORK FOR NATURE AND PEOPLE Abstract: Nature protection is an obvious common issue in the European Union as nature does not care about political borders. It is important to have a common goal backed by a common legislation. That is achieved by the Bird and Habitat Directives. Directives are giving to the Member states despite the firm frame of the goals some freedom in legal transposition and implementation. One of the key pillars of the common nature conservation policy in the Union is the Natura 2000 network aiming to achieve favourable conservation status for species and habitat types of the European importance. This approach differs slightly from the existing nature conservation tools and can be in many cases misunderstood. This creates an environment for suspiciousness or negative attitude towards Natura 2000 that can be spread even to nature conservation in general. A series of 'myths' about Natura 2000 have been developed in this respect. Low level of acceptance is a serious drawback for an efficient implementation. Thus proper communication, involving all relevant stakeholders, is essential. As each Natura 2000 site is a unique combination of species and habitat types, approach in communication and later implementation is a 'boutique' one. Active participation and common understanding creates a feeling of ownership of the stakeholders and this means higher responsibility for management of Natura 2000 sites, too. Keywords: Natura 2000 network, communication, social aspects, social acceptance
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
3.1.4 TRANSDISCIPLINARNOST IN OHRANJANJE NARAVE Gregor Torkar EGEA, Institution for Nature, Slovenia
& Sue L.T. McGregor Mount Saint Vincent University, Canada Povzetek: Varstvo narave obravnava problematiko konfliktnih odnosov med ~lovekom in naravo. Varstvo narave v Sloveniji se je v za~elo kot gibanje v katerem so sodelovali posamezniki razli~nih znanstvenih disciplin in drugih skupin v civilni dru`bi. Kje je varstvo narave dandanes in kak{na je njegova prihodnost? Naravovarstveniki v Sloveniji so ve~inoma naravoslovci, predvsem biologi in gozdarji. Vse pogosteje so nemo~ni pri re{evanju kompleksnih naravovarstvenih problemov varstva narave, ki potrebujejo dru`boslovna, ekonomska, upravljavska, izobra`evalna, komunikacijska in druga znanja. Cilj prispevka je opozoriti na nujnost uvajanja transdisciplinarnosti pri ohranjanju narave, da bi s tem ubla`ili to neravnovesje mo~i. Trans-disciplinarnost je zelo obetavno globalno gibanje, ki spodbuja nov pristop k osvajanju znanja. Vklju~uje dialog med naravoslovjem, dru`boslovjem in humanistiko, kot tudi dialog s civilno dru`bo, kjer se problemi vsakodnevno `ivijo. @eli si podreti zidove med znanstvenimi disciplinami in civilno dru`bo z namenom odkrivati nove vrste znanja. Ta znanja nastajajo skozi kompleksne in integrirane vpoglede ter v procesu medsebojnega u~enja. To poosebljeno znanje se ustvarja na relacijah med znanstvenimi disciplinami in dru`bo. [tirje stebri (aksiomi) transdisciplinarne metodologije - multiple ravni resni~nosti (ontologija), logika vklju~ene sredine, rasto~a kompleksnost (epistemologija) in integralna konstelacije vrednot (aksiologija) - ter njihova vloga pri preoblikovanju konceptov varstva narave so podrobno predstavljeni. Transdisciplinarnost nam lahko pomaga zagotoviti u~inkovito prihodnost na podro~ju ohranjanje narave in pomaga naravovarstveni stroki v Sloveniji povrniti kompetence pri re{evanju kompleksnih naravovarstvenih problemov. Klju~ne besede: ohranjanje narave, transdisciplinarnost, sodelovanje
TRANSDISCIPLINARITY AND NATURE CONSERVATION Abstract: Nature conservation is concerned with human-nature interface problems. It started as a movement that involved individuals from different scientific disciplines and other groups in society. Where is the nature conservation science today? What is its future? Researchers that work in nature conservation in Slovenia are mostly natural scientists, primarily biologists and foresters. More and more often, they are powerless to solve increasingly complex problems of nature conservation, because of their lack of social, economic, management, educational, communication and other skills. The aim here is to demonstrate the urgent need for trans-disciplinary approach in the conservation of nature, in order to mitigate this power imbalance. Trans-disciplinary approach is an extremely promising global movement that promotes a new approach to the creation of human knowledge. It includes dialogue among the natural sciences, social sciences and humanities as well as with civil society, where the problems of the world are lived out on a daily basis. By removing the walls between the disciplines and civil society, we enable new types of knowledge to emerge through complex and integrated, mutually learned insights. This embodied knowledge is created in the spaces between the disciplines and society (the fertile middle ground). There are four pillars (axioms) of the transdisciplinary methodology - multiple levels of Reality (ontology), the logic of the included middle, emergent complexity (epistemology), and integral value constellations (axiology). These axioms are explained in this paper as is the role each plays in reframing our conception of the conservation of nature. Transdisciplinarity can ensure that we attain an efficient and grounded future for nature conservation. As well, transdisciplinarity better ensures that Slovenian natural scientists regain their power to solve increasingly complex, nature-human interface problems. Key words: nature conservation, transdisciplinarity, partnership
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Vzporedna predavanja, razprave, 1. dan 3.2 Skrb za naravo Care for nature
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
Vesna PLANIN[I^-KOLAR Landscape Architect, M.Sc., Regional and Urban Planning, Ministry for environment and Spatial Planning vesna.planinsic-kolar@gov.si Povzetek: Na~rtovanje na povodju predstavlja izziv glede vodne direktive in podnebnih sprememb ni~ manj pa tudi varstva narave. V prispevku je predstavljen postopek na~rtovanja hidroelektrarne Bre`ice na spodnji Savi, ki je zasnovan na splo{nih okoljskih ciljih, ki jih je potrebno vklju~iti v najzgodnej{i fazi na~rtovanja da bi se izognili poslab{evanje stanja okolja. Razkorak med tehni~nim razumevanjem zasnove akumulacijskega bazena ter okoljskimi cilji je v smislu uskladitve temeljna dilema na~rtovanja. Razumevanje medsebojnega odnosa obeh plati je predpogoj za realen prostorski na~rt. V tak{nih okoli{~inah so na~rtovalci pri{li do spoznanja, da je primerjava prostorskih variant posega klju~ni pristop na podlagi katerega se sprejmejo kakovostne odlo~itve in izpelje optimizacija umestitve v prostoru. V Sloveniji je obravnava variant regulirana s prostorsko in okoljsko zakonodajo. Variante posega bodo torej preu~ene v postopkih celovite presoje vplivov na okolje in priprave dr`avnega prostorskega na~rta. Kljub temu, dokaj jasnemu zakonodajnemu izhodi{~u pa je delovni postopek pogosto od primera do primera precej razli~en. V primeru akumulacijskih bazenov za hidroenergetske namene, je obravnava variant {e toliko bolj pomembna. V prispevku so analizirani nekateri slabi primeri na~rtovanja hidroelektrarne Bre`ice. Tekom izdelave okoljskega poro~ila v postopku celovite presoje vplivov na okolje so presojevalci dosegli da so bile kljub zadr`kom v poro~ilu obravnavane ustrezne variante, ki so vklju~ile primer poglobitve v obmo~ju soto~ja Save in Krke pod pregrado hidroelektrarne. Prikazan je pregled primerjave variant s stali{~a vplivov na okolje v okviru tehni~ne izvedljivosti za pripravo prostorskega na~rta s priporo~ili. Klju~ne besede: variante posega, prostorsko planiranje, vodni viri, biolo{ka raznovrstnost
BIODIVERSITY ASPECT IN RESERVOIR PLANNING ALTERNATIVES - A CASE OF HYDRO-MORPHOLOGY CONSERVATION AT THE CONFLUENCE OF SAVA AND KRKA RIVERS Abstract: River basin planning presents challenge in regard to the water directive and climate change as well as nature conservation directives. The paper presents planning process of Hydropower Plant Bre`ice at the lower Sava River taking into account overall environmental goals, demonstrating the importance of their integration into the planning process in order to avoid deterioration of environment. Divergence between technical understanding of reservoir projects and environmental goals as those of nature protection is recognised to be the cornerstone of planning process. Understanding the basis of interactions of both sides becomes an essential prerequisite for viable project implementation. In such circumstances it has been recognised, that comparison of alternatives would be key method, which enables sound decision and planning optimisation. In Slovenia alternatives are regulated by spatial planning and environmental legislation. The location alternatives should be explored during the strategic environmental assessment and preparation of the spatial plan. However, working approach very often differs considerably with varying results. Concerning reservoirs, specifically for hydropower development, a need for alternative is even more evident. Drawbacks of bad practice are offered in the matter of the Hydropower reservoir at Bre`ice. During Strategic Environmental Assessment-SEA Consultants succeeded to enforce elaboration of alternatives in environmental report, while limiting dredging of river bottom at the confluence. An outline how consultants have endeavoured to integrate the findings of alternative comparison in technical frameworks for further preparation of the spatial plan decision with recommendations will conclude the paper. Key words: alternatives of proposals, planning, water resources, biodiversity
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
3.2.2 VZROKI, DA V BOSNI IN HERCEGOVINI MANJKA EKOSISTEMSKI PRISTOP Dr. Senka Barudanovi}, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sulejman Red`i}, Full Prof. Sabina Traki}, ass. Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo E-mail: sbarudanovic@email.com; redzic0102@yahoo.com; strakic@email.com Povzetek: V povojnem obdobju v Bosni in Hercegovini naravne habitate in ekosisteme ogro`ajo ne-sonaravne razvojne dejavnosti. Zlasti mo~ne so v energetiki, saj planirajo izgradnjo hidrocentral na zelo svojstvenih habitatih kanjonov in ekosistemov sotesk BiH. Teza o nadome{~anju (’zelena proizvodnja energije namesto uporabe fosilnih goriv) je zelo nevarna za biolo{ko raznovrstnost BiH. Drugi vzroki, da se le-ta izgublja, tudi mo~no vplivajo na dana{nji mened`ment narave BiH in ustvarjajo {ibke mo`nosti, da bi uporabili ekosistemski pristop pri planiranju in sonaravni rabi biolo{ke raznovrstnosti. Klju~ne besede: biolo{ka raznovrstnost; vzroki; Bosna in Hercegovina
UNDERLYING CAUSES OF THE LACK OF ECOSYSTEM APPROACH IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA Abstract: In the post-war period in Bosnia and Herzegovina, natural habitats and ecosystems are under attack of different non-sustainable developmental activities. Particularly strong are activities in the field of energy sector, where the construction of hydropower facilities is planed on very specific habitats of the canyon and gorge ecosystems of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Replacement thesis ("green energy production instead of fossil fuels consumption“), is one of the great risk of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s biodiversity. Other under-laying causes of biodiversity loss also strongly influence the management of the nature of Bosnia and Herzegovina today, producing poor possibilities for applying of ecosystem approach in planning and sustainable use of biodiversity. Keywords: biodiversity, ecosystem approach, underlying causes, Bosnia and Herzegovina ----------------------------------------
Dr. sci. Sulejman Red`i}, Full Professor, Corr. Member of ANUBiH 1 Dr. sci. Senka Barudanovi}, Assoc. Professor 3 Dejan Kulijer, BSc in Biology 1 Sabina Traki}, BSc in Biology
CEPRES – Center of Ecology and Natural Resources, Facultry of Science University of Sarajevo Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 National Museum of BiH, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina sredzic@pmf.unsa.ba; sbarudanovic@email.com; dkulijer@gmail.com; strakic@email.com
Povzetek: Kao i mnoge zemlje u tranziciji tako i Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) se nalazi u vrlo slo`enoj ekonomskoj, pa i politi~koj situaciji. Svakim danom raste broj nezaposlenih, sve je vi{e siroma{nih ljudi. Dr`ava nastoji rje{iti problem kroz intenzivnu privatizaciju koja je ~esto nepravedna i dugoro~no {tetna. Poku{avaju se na}i odr`iva rje{enja u generiranju dobiti u oblasti prirodnih resursa ({umarstvo, sporedni {umski proizvodi, ljekovite divlje biljke, lov, hidro-energetski sector, energija vjetra, nagla{ena ekspolatacija mineralnih i fosilnih resursa). Zbog toga su veoma ~esti oblici prekomjerne upotrebe prirodnih resursa. U isto vrijeme se izbjegavaju zakoni i op}e zakonske mjere u postizanju odr`ive prakse. Sve to dovodi do ozbiljnog gubitka temeljnih prirodnih vrijednosti (biolo{ke,
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
geo-morfolo{ke i hidrolo{ke raznolikosti). Svakodnevno nestaju biljne i `ivotinjske vrste i vrijedna stani{ta. S druge strane, BiH je jedna od rijetkih zemalja koja jo{ uvijek ima sa~uvane pojedine dijelove prirodne raznolikosti visokih vrijednosti. To su prije svega razvojni endemni centri u kanjonima mnogih rijeka, te visokoplaninska karstna podru~ja. Da bi se sa~uvale njihove vrijednosti neophodno je uspostaviti adekvatan sistem za{tite, a u skladu sa lokalnim razvojnim potrebama i me|unarodnim kriterijima (IUNC, Natura 2000). Kao jedan od oblika bolje prakse je uspostava za{ti}enih podru~ja. Ekolo{ki i konzervacijski prihvatljivi pristupi ovakvoj praksi demonstrirani su na primjeru razvojnog endemnog centra u kompleksu planina Prenj-^vrsnica-^abulja u Hercegovini (Zapadni Balkan) kao primjeru biolo{kog bogatstva, te sve zna~ajnojoj „vru}oj ta~ki” biodiverziteta u podru~ju Mediterana. Klju~ne rije~i: Natura 2000, IUNC, za{ti}ena podru~ja, vru}e talke biodiverziteta, ekolo{ka konzervacija, vegetacija, flora
THE BIODIVERSITY OF ENDEMIC DEVELOPMENT CENTERS IN THE AREA OF HERZEGOVINA (W. BALKANS) AS A CONTRIBUTION TO TARGETS 2010 Abstract: Like many countries in transition and Bosnia and Herzegovina is builted in a very complex economic and even political situation. Every day increases the number of unemployed, more poor people. State tries to solve the problem through an intensive privatization, which is often unfair and long-term harmful. Trying to find viable solutions to be generated in the field of natural resources (forestry, secondary forest products, medicinal wild plants, hunting, hydro-power sector, wind energy, highlighted exploitation of mineral and fossil resources). Therefore are very common forms of excessive use of natural resources. At the same time to avoid the laws and general legal measures in achieving sustainable practices. All this leads to serious loss of basic natural values (biodiversity, hydrological and geo morphological diversity). Daily disappearing plant and animal species and valuable habitats. On the other hand, Bosnia is one of the few countries that still preserved some parts of the natural diversity of high value. These are primarily endemic development centers in many river canyons and high mountain karst areas. To preserve their value, it is necessary to establish an adequate system of protection, in accordance with local development needs and international criteria (IUCN, Natura 2000). As one of the better forms of practice is the establishment of protected areas. Conservation and environmentally friendly approach to this practice were demonstrated on the example of a development center in the complex endemic mountain Prenj-^vrsnica ^abulja in-Herzegovina (Western Balkans) as an example of biological resources, and all significant biodiversity hot point in the Mediterranean region. Keywords: Natura 2000, IUNC, protected areas, biodiversity hotspots, ecological conservation, vegetation, flora ----------------------------------------
3.2.4 MO@NOSTI RAZVOJA OBMO^IJ NATURE 2000 Z EKOREMEDIACIJAMI Dr. Ana Vovk Kor`e, redna prof., Univerza v Mariboru, Filozofska fakulteta, Mednarodni ERM center in oddelek za geografijo FF Ana.vovk@uni-mb.si
Dr. Danijel Vrhov{ek, redni prof., Limnos, dani@limnos.si Povzetek: Naravni kapital, ki ga dolo~ajo naravne vrednote, biotska raznovrstnost, naravni viri, ekosistemske storitve in zemlji{~a, je najve~ji prav na zavarovanih obmo~jih in obmo~jih Nature 2000. Za trajnostni napredek teh obmo~ij je potrebna povezava naravnega kapitala {e z ekonomskim in socialnim, sicer vsaj dolgoro~ni napredek ni mogo~. V raziskavi Vrednote, vrednosti in razvojni potenciali obmo~ij varovanja (Lampi~, Mrak, 2008) je poudarjen pomen ustreznega upravljavskega na~rta, ki naj bi dolo~il klju~ne razvojne potenciale tovrstnih obmo~ij. Po izku{njah z Regionalnimi razvojnimi programi statisti~nih regij ni dovolj, da take programe imamo, nujno morajo povezani z lokalnim okoljem. Kot smo ugotovili v {tudiji Natura 2000 in vklju~evanje javnosti, je lokalno prebivalstvo pobudnik za zagon procesno usmerjenih aktivnosti. Pomembni so konkretni koraki udejanjanja trajnosti, kar pa je mogo~e z ekoremediacijami (ERM). ERM namre~ posnemajo delovanje narave in imajo zato visoko dru`beno sprejemljivost. Isto~asno pa so ERM sistem za zagon ~love{kega, socialnega in ekonomskega
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kapitala, ki se povezuje z naravnim. Dejanske razvojne mo`nosti zavarovanih obmo~ij so odvisne od prepleta vseh vrst kapitala: bolj kot so med seboj povezani, ve~ja je mo`nost za dejanski napredek. ERM so tako na eni strani preventivna za{~ita zavarovanih obmo~ij in na drugi sistem sanacije delov okolja z uporabo naravnih zakonitosti. S tem se naravni kapital dodatno {~iti in bogati, saj je med ~lovekovimi dejavnostmi in naravo t.i. toleran~na cona. Ta cona omogo~a tudi v Natura 2000 dejavnosti, ki so skladne s specifi~nostmi lokalnega okolja. V prispevku bodo prikazani ERM sistemi za vzpodbujanje sonaravnega napredka na zavarovanih obmo~jih. Klju~ne besede: Natura 2000, ekoremediacije, samooskrbnost, lokalna skupnost
DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR NATURA 2000 AREAS CREATED BY USING ECOREMEDIATIONS Abstract: Natural capital is determined by natural values, biodiversity, natural sources, ecosystem services and land. This capital is the greatest on protected or Natura 2000 areas. To achieve sustainable progress of these areas, we need to connect natural potential with economic and social; otherwise, the long-term progress is impossible. Values, worth and development potential of protected areas (Lampi~, Mrak, 2008) is a research that emphasizes the importance of appropriate management plan that would determine the essential development potential of such areas. According to the experiences of Regional development programmes, it is not enough if such programmes (or management plans) are designed solely by professionals; they need to involve the initiative from the local community. In our study Natura 2000 and public participation we found that local community often provides an initiative to start process-directed activities. Concrete steps of realization are essential and they can be carried out by using ecoremediations (ERM). Namely, ERM imitate the functioning of nature and are therefore highly acceptable in the community. ERM are also a system to start off human, social and economic capital, which is connected to the natural one. The actual development opportunities of protected areas depend on the interconnection of all capitals. The more connected they are, the more possible are the actual steps forward. ERM serve as preventive protection of the protected areas and also as an improvement of some parts of the environment in a natural way. By using ERM the natural capital gets additionally protected and enriched, since there is a zone of tolerance between human activities and nature. This zone enables the activities within Natura 200 areas which are only possible because these areas are protected by using ERM. This article presents ERM systems used to encourage co-natural development in the protected areas. Keywords: Natura 2000, ecoremediation, self-sufficiency, local community ----------------------------------------
Sta{ka Buser, B.A. (eng.) High-School Centre [entjur Povzetek: Izobra`evalni program Naravovarstveni tehnik je nastal kot rezultat projekta prenove izobra`evalnih programov, ki ga sofinancira Evropski socialni sklad. Program je dve leti pripravljala skupina za naravo-varstvo v okviru Konzorcija biotehni{kih {ol Slovenije. Z vidika kvalifikacijske strukture dejavnosti varstva naravnih in kulturnih vrednot in varstva okolja v programu zasledimo strukturiranost po dejavnostih: skrb za biotsko raznovrstnost, skrb za vodo, zrak, zemljo, hrup, skrb za kulturno dedi{~ino, obnovljivi viri energije, recikliranja razli~nih materialov, biolo{ka predelava odpadnih voda. Med na~eli strate{ke usmeritve programa so tudi obnova degradiranega okolja s tehnolo{kimi postopki ter uporabo ekoremediacij. Klju~ne besede: Izobra`evalni program, naravovarstveni tehnik, biotska raznovrstnost, varstvo naravnih vrednot, varstvo kulturnih vrednot, obnovljivi viri energije, ekoremediacije, varstvo okolja
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BIODIVERSITY IN NEW EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM NATURE CONSERVATION TECHNICIAN Abstract: The new educational program Nature conservation technician is a result of the project aimed at renovation of educational programs; it is founded by the European social fund. The program was prepared by a group of nature conservative professionals in the frame of Consortium of the biotechnical schools of Slovenia. From the viewpoint of qualification structure covering activity of preserving and developing the natural and cultural values and the protection of the environment, we can trace in the program the following structure of activities: care for biodiversity, water, air, earth, noise, cultural heritage, renewable energy, recycling different materials, and biological recasting of waste water. In the principles of direction of the program there are also renovation of degraded environment with technological procedure and the use of eco-remediations. Key words: Educational program, Nature conservation technician, biodiversity, protection of natural resources, protection of cultural resources, renewable energy resources, environmental protection.
3.2.6 UME[^ANJE POSLOVNIH CON V PROSTOR Z VIDIKA OHRANJANJA NARAVE IN RAZVOJA Sonja Rozman, B.Sc. Biology Metod Rogelj, B.Sc. Biology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation, Regional Unit Kranj E-mail: [sonja.rozman;metod.rogelj]@zrsvn.si
Matej Kotnik, Major of Municipality Lukovica E-po{ta: matej.kotnik@lukovica.si Povzetek: Gospodarski razvoj v zadnjih letih je narekoval vedno ve~je potrebe po novih obmo~jih za poslovne, obrtne in industrijske dejavnosti. Investitorji si `elijo svojo dejavnost umestiti v bli`ino prometnih povezav in stran od mestnih sredi{~. V devetdesetih je pri{lo tudi do drobljenja nekdanjih velikih ob~in na majhne. Vsaka ob~ina pomemben vir financiranja vidi v izgradnji poslovno-industrijskih con. Kot primer bomo prikazali jugovzhodni del Ljubljanske kotline. To obmo~je je namre~ zelo dobro prometno povezano, le`i v sredi{~u Slovenije in v bli`ini glavnega mesta Ljubljane. Naravne danosti za na~rtovanje poslovnih dejavnosti so odli~ne, saj gre za ravninski svet. Posledica tega je na~rtovanje vedno novih obmo~ij za poslovno dejavnost, {e posebej logisti~ne centre. Te`ava pa je v tem, da si vsaka ob~ina `eli svojo poslovno cono. Zaradi velike gostote poselitve ter najbolj{ih kmetijskih zemlji{~ v okolici za razvoj poslovnih dejavnosti ostanejo le {e obmo~ja, ki niso bila primerna za intenzivno kmetijstvo in naselja. To pa so ostanki gozdov in mokri{~a, torej deli z najve~jo biotsko pestrostjo na obmo~ju. Analiza stanja prostora na obravnavanem obmo~ju je pokazala, da sistem prostorskega na~rtovanja in financiranja ob~in ne zagotavlja trajnostnega razvoja na vseh podro~jih rabe prostora, ~eprav je trajnostni razvoj strate{ki cilj Slovenije. Del re{itve problema bi bil lahko v regionalnem pristopu k prostorskemu planiranju. Klju~ne besede: poslovne cone, varstvo narave, razvoj, prostorsko na~rtovanje
BUSINESS AREAS PLANNING IN VIEW OF NATURE CONSERVATION AND DEVELOPMENT Abstract: During the last two decades, new business areas driven by the economic growth have been continually emerging in Slovenia. The splitting of old municipalities which took place in the 1990s resulted into a large number of new smaller municipalities. Each of them understands the building of new business areas as an important source of income, and therefore encourages them. This situation has led into what we understand as an excess of business areas, which are not optimally positioned. As an example, the number and the spatial distribution of business
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areas in the eastern part of Ljubljana basin will be analysed. This part of Slovenia is characterised by its statecentral position, the vicinity of the capital, the flatness of the territory, and very good transportation links. But there are also a high population density, and an intensive agricultural land use in the area. Therefore, investors want to place the new business areas in those parts where the existing settlements and arable land can be avoided. Unfortunately, these remaining “empty” parts are typically either residual forests, or wetlands, both being the most valuable biodiversity resorts. We are arguing that the current “municipal” spatial planning system and financing system of municipalities does not contribute to the sustainable development, which is one of the Slovenian strategic goals. A more balanced multi-sector business areas planning, which would take into account different factors and would be based also on the regional approach, could contribute to the solution of the problem. Key words: business area, nature conservation, development, spatial planning ----------------------------------------
3.2.7 THE ROLE OF INDICATORS AND SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH IN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Dr. Emira Be~i} Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Zagreb, Croatia emira.becic@mzos.hr
Dr. Jadranka [varc Institute of Social Sciences Ivo Pilar, Zagreb, Croatia jadranka.svarc@pilar.hr Abstract: This paper presents an overview of the progress in the development of indicators of sustainable development (SDI) and scientific research in sustainable development (SD). The analysis of the indicators is based on the national set of sustainable indicators developed in recent time by different developers with focus on the EU level in comparison with other regions in the world. Key challenges include (1) comparability and aggregation variability of SDI in relation to the quality of data determined by the sustainable development policies; (2) impacts and reflections of compiled SDI on different kinds of user needs; and (3) contribution of R&D to sustainability. Keywords: Sustainable development, Statistics, Indicators, Measurement, Challenges, ----------------------------------------
3.2.8 BIOTSKA RAZNOVRSTNOST 2010: LE MALO RAZLOGOV ZA PRAZNOVANJE Mag. Breda Ogorelec, sekretarka Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor, Ljubljana E-po{ta: breda.ogorelec@gov.si Povzetek: Od leta 1992 dalje je bila na svetovni, evropski in dr`avni ravni sprejeta vrsta dokumentov, ki zavezujejo k zmanj{anju ali celo zaustavitvi upada biotske raznovrstnosti. Podatki o stanju ka`ejo, da se v tem ~asu hitrost izginjanja rastlinskih in `ivalskih vrst ter ekosistemov ni zmanj{ala, temve~ celo pove~ala. Vzroki so {tevilni, eden klju~nih naj bi bil, da ekosistemske usluge niso ekonomsko vrednotene. Spra{ujemo se, ali bo zado{~al izra~un vrednosti v denarju, ki ga prina{a {tudija Ekonomika ekosistemov in biotske raznovrstnosti - TEEB, ali pa bo potrebno spremeniti prevladujo~i model gospodarskega razvoja. Klju~ne besede: biotska raznovrstnost, varstvo okolja, podnebne spremembe, ekonomsko vrednotenje, ekosistemske usluge.
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BIODIVERSTITY 2010: REASONS TO CELEBRATE ARE SCARCE Abstract: Since 1992, numerous documents aimed at reduction or even halt of biodiversity loss were adopted at world, European or national level. Data reveal that the pace of loss of plant and animal species and ecosystems was not reduced, but even escalated. Reasons are numerous. The main reason is supposed to be the fact, that ecosystem services are not economically valued. We ask ourselves whether values which the TEEB (Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) study is supposed to bring, will be sufficient, or should humankind undertake a new model of economic development. Key words: biodiversity, environmental protection, climate change, economic evaluation, ecosystem services.
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3.3 Ekonomija in primeri iz prakse Economy and cases
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3.3.1 VARSTVO OKOLJA PRI IZGRADNJI VELIKIH INFRASTRUKTURNIH OBJEKTOV - PRIMER IZGRADNJE HE NA SPODNJI SAVI Silvester Jer{i~ HESS d.o.o. Bre`ice silvester.jersic@teb.si Povzetek: Izgradnja hidroelektrarn na spodnji Savi je eden ve~jih energetskih projektov v Sloveniji. Ta projekt ima vplive na okolje in v tem ~lanku so predstavljeni osnovni podatki o projektu, vplivi na okolje, aktivnosti in ukrepi varovanja okolja, odgovorni akterji ter nekatere dejansko izvedene aktivnosti in ukrepi varovanja okolja. Klju~ne besede: hidroelektrarna, projekt, vplivi, okoljske zahteve, aktivnosti in ukrepi varovanja okolja
ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION AT LARGE INFRASTRUCTURE CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS - LOWER SAVA RIVER HYDROPOWER PLANTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Abstract: The lower Sava river hydropower plants construction is one of the biggest ongoing power generation projects in Slovenia. This project has environmental impacts and this paper is presenting some basic project facts and figures, environmental impacts, environmental requirements, actions and measures for environmental protection, responsible parties and some real executed environmental protection actions and measures. Key words: hydropower plant, project, impacts, environmental requirements, actions and measures for environmental protection
3.3.2 ZAGOTAVLJANJE DOBREGA STANJA OKOLJA PRI OBRATOVANJU IN VZDR@EVANJU VELIKIH HIDROELEKTRARN (HE) Bla` Pi{ek, B.Sc.E.E. Savske elektrarne Ljubljana d.o.o. Gorenjska cesta 46, 1215 Medvode, Slovenia E-mail: blaz.pisek@sel.si Povzetek: Zavezanost standardu ISO 14001 (Sistemi ravnanja z okoljem) pomeni {irok nabor aktivnosti povezanih z zagotavljanjem dobrega stanja okolja pri procesih obratovanja in vzdr`evanja velikih HE. Osnovno izhodi{~e je upo{tevanje in izpolnjevanje vseh pogojev, povezanih z okoljem, iz zakonodaje, dodatno pa aktivnosti obsegajo ukrepe, ki izhajajo iz prostovoljnih sprejetih obveznosti, ali obveznosti, dogovorjenih s posameznimi lokalnimi skupnostmi, dru{tvi itd. Okoljske aktivnosti tako obsegajo predvsem spremljanje okoljskih parametrov, upo{tevanje problematike vodne flore in favne v umetnih energetskih vodnih zadr`evalnikih, smotrno izrabo obnovljivega energetskega vira ter gradbenih objektov, skrbno ravnanje z odpadki in izpolnjevanje zahtev podpisanih koncesijskih pogodb za rabo vode za proizvodnjo elektri~ne energije glede vidika varstva okolja. Klju~ne besede: okoljske aktivnosti, obratovanje in vzdr`evanje velikih hidroelektrarn, ravnanje z odpadki
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ASSURANCE OF GOOD ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS DURING OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF LARGE HYDRO POWER PLANTS (HPPS) Abstract: Commitment to standard ISO 14001 (Environmental Management Systems) means a wide range of activities related with assurance of good environmental conditions during processes of operation and maintenance of large HPPs. The basic point is to comply with and fulfill all environmental conditions related to legislation and also all voluntarily commitments mutually agreed with local communities, societies, etc. Environmental activities include, first of all, monitoring of environmental parameters, due consideration of flora and fauna problems arising in artificial water retention reservoirs for energy production, effective use of renewable energy sources and civil structures, waste management and fulfillment of signed concession contracts covering water exploitation for electricity generation taking into consideration the aspect of due environmental protection. Keywords: environmental activities, operation and maintenance of large hydro power plants, waste management ----------------------------------------
3.3.3 SISTEM VODENJA KOT OSNOVA DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI TERMOELEKTRARNE [O[TANJ D.O.O. (TE[) Jo`e Borovnik, MBA, dr. Slavko Plazar joze.borovnik@te-sostanj.si ; slavko.plazar@siq.si Povzetek: Danes ni skoraj nobenega dvoma ve~, da so se organizacije zna{le v okolju, ki je vedno bolj odprto - globalno oziroma internacionalizirano, zato se zavedajo, da bodo svoj tr`ni dele` pridobila ali obdr`ala le s konkuren~nimi prednostmi. Mnogo se jih zato odlo~a za pridobitev certifikatov iz serije ISO 9000 in ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001 in ISO 27001, katerih temeljni cilj je skrb za kakovost, okolje, varnost in varovanje informacij in s tem zagotovilo dobrega vodenja organizacije. Tak{na nalo`ba se kmalu obrestuje, saj pridobitev navedenih certifikatov ne zagotavlja le kakovostnega, okoljsko prijaznega in varnega izdelka ali storitve, temve~ organizaciji omogo~a ve~jo skrb in nadzor nad notranjim in zunanjim okoljem ter podro~ji, ki so povezana z dru`beno odgovornim ravnanjem in trajnostnim razvojem organizacije. Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost, standardi kakovosti, skrb za okolje
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AS BASE OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF STEAM POWER- STATION [O[TANJ D.O.O. (TE[) Abstract: Today there is almost no doubt any more, that organizations appear in environment which is open more globally and internationally. That is why they keep in mind, that they will gain their market share or keep it only with competitive advantages. Many of those organizations decide to gain certificates from series ISO 9000 and ISO 14001, BS OHSAS 18001 and ISO 27001 with the basic goal to care for quality, environment, safety and belay of information; all this is assuring good management of organization's development. Such investment yields benefit soon, because acquisition of the listed certificates doesn't assure only quality, environment-friendly and safe product or service; the organization is also provided with better control over internal and outside environment and fields, which are connected with socially responsible behaviour, incl. sustainable development of organization. Key words: Social responsibility, Standards of quality, Care for environment
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3.3.4 DRU@BENA ODGOVORNOST PRI PROSTORSKEM PLANIRANJU ELEKTROENERGETSKIH OMRE@IJ M. Sc. Ale{ Kregar Elektro - Slovenija, d. o. o., Ljubljana E-mail: ales.kregar@eles.si
M. Sc. Marko Hrast Elektro - Slovenija, d. o. o., Ljubljana E-mail: marko.hrast@eles.si Povzetek: Elektri~na energija je nujno potrebna za delovanje gospodarstva in za zagotavljanje `ivljenjskega standarda prebivalstva. Uporabnost elektri~ne energije je raznovrstna. Tehnolo{ki razvoj omogo~a vse u~inkovitej{o izrabo primarnih virov energije in hkrati zahteva vse ve~jo porabo elektri~ne energije. Uporaba elektri~ne energije je sorazmerno ~ista in povzro~a malo {kodljivih u~inkov na okolje. Pretvarjanje drugih oblik energije v elektri~no energijo povzro~a razli~ne vplive na okolje. Sedanji sorazmerno nizki stro{ki transporta omogo~ajo pretvarjanje fosilnih goriv in jedrskega goriva v elektri~no energijo blizu sredi{~ potro{nje. Pretvarjanje teh goriv v elektri~no energijo je podrejeno potrebam potro{nikov. Obnovljivi viri so pogosto nizke gostote, so ~asovno spremenljivi in so odvisni od okolja. Ker prostorska in ~asovna razporeditev obnovljivih virov ne sovpadata s sredi{~i in ~asom potro{nje, lahko pri~akujemo pove~anje potreb po graditvi elektroenergetskih omre`ij. Graditev, obratovanje in vzdr`evanje elektroenergetskih omre`ij povzro~ajo vplive na okolje, vplivajo na dru`beno sprejemljivost in imajo ekonomske posledice. Pri ume{~anju novih delov in rekonstrukcijah obstoje~ih delov elektroenergetskih omre`ij je potrebno zadostiti mnogim zahtevam, pri ~emer so si nekatere med seboj nasprotujo~e. To zahteva dolgotrajna usklajevanja, pri ~emer najbolj{a re{itev pogosto ni enoumno dolo~ljiva. V referatu obravnavamo s stali{~a dru`bene odgovornosti nekatere primere tako nasprotujo~ih si meril za dolo~itev najbolj{e re{itve. Na koncu podajamo nekaj mo`nih predlogov in priporo~il. Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost, elektroenergetska omre`ja, prostorsko na~rtovanje
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE SPATIAL PLANNING OF THE ELECTRICITY NETWORKS Abstract: Electricity is essential for the functioning of the economy and the maintaining of the population living standards. The usefulness of electricity is heterogeneous. Technological progress allows for more efficient use of all primary energy sources, while increasing electricity consumption. Use of electricity is relatively clean and causes few adverse environmental impacts. Converting other forms of energy into electricity causes several environmental impacts. The current relatively low transport costs allow for conversion of fossil fuels and nuclear fuel near the centers of electricity consumption. Converting these fuels into electricity is subordinated to the needs of consumers. Renewable energy sources are often low density, unsteady, and dependent on the environment. The spatial and temporal distribution of renewable resources does not coincide with the centers of consumption and the time of consumption, therefore increasing demands for the construction of electricity networks can be expected. The construction, operation, and maintenance of electricity networks cause environmental impacts, impact on social acceptance, and economic consequences. In the spatial planning of the new parts and renovation of the existing parts of electricity grid it is necessary to meet many requirements, some of them conflicting with each other. This requires a long-lasting reconciliation of views and unambiguously the best solution is often not identifiable. In the paper we deal with the position of social responsibility, especially concerning the humans natural environment, and in some cases with conflicting criteria for the determination of the best solution. Finally we give some possible suggestions and recomendations. Key words: social responsibility, electricity networks, spatial planning, nature conservation
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
3.3.5 DRU@BENA ODGOVORNOST PODJETIJ NA PRIMERU DOBRE PRAKSE CPM D.D. Martina Semi~, B.A. (civil construction), M.S. (business) E-po{ta: tina.semic@gmail.com Povzetek: Danes morajo biti podjetja ne samo ekonomsko uspe{na in u~inkovita, temve~ tudi dru`beno odgovorna. Vedno bolj se utrjuje zavedanje, da sta dobro in odgovorno poslovanje zelo povezana. To strategijo zasleduje tudi Cestno podjetje Maribor - CPM d.d., ki se zaveda pomena odgovornega in okolju prijaznega poslovanja. V ta namen so skrb za okolje vklju~ili v svojo dolgoro~no poslovno strategijo in vsakodnevne poslovne procese. Osredoto~ili so se predvsem na podro~je recikliranja in lo~evanja odpadkov, var~evanje z energijo in oddajanje odpadne embala`e podjetju SloPak d.o.o. Dru`bena odgovornost podjetij je relativno nov pojem. Vendar se njegov pomen vztrajno pove~uje, saj postaja javnost vse bolj osve{~ena. Tega se zaveda tudi CPM d.d., ki v svoje poslovne strategije vklju~uje vse vidike dru`bene odgovornosti (okoljevarstveni, socialni, ekonomski). Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost podjetja, varno in zdravo okolje, konkuren~nost, ugled podjetja, trajnostni razvoj
CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE CASE OF GOOD PRACTICECPM D. D. Abstract: Nowadays firms must not only be economically viable and efficient, but also socially responsible. There is a growing awareness that is a strong connection between a successful business and a responsible one. This strategy is pursued by Road Company Maribor - CPM d.d., which recognizes the importance of a responsible and environmentally friendly business. Therefore, it has incorporated this issue into its long-term business strategy and its day to day business processes. It has focused mainly on recycling and separating waste, saving energy and delivering packaging waste to the company SloPak d.o.o.. CSR is a relatively new concept. However, its importance is steadily increasing, because the public is becoming more aware of it. CPM d.d. is aware of that and therefore incorporates all aspects of social responsibility (environmental, social, economic) into its business strategy. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, safe and healthy environment, competitiveness, reputation of the company, sustainable development
3.3.6 OKOLJSKA ODGOVORNOST KOT KONKUREN^NA PREDNOST MALIH IN SREDNJE VELIKIH PODJETIJ mag. Nina Rustja Poslovno svetovanje in marketin{ke dejavnosti Nina Rustja s.p., Novo mesto E-po{ta: nina.rustja@amis.net Povzetek: Mala in srednja velika podjetja (v nadaljevanju MSP) se manj zavedajo in posve~ajo okoljskim trendom, zakonodajam in tr`nim prilo`nostim, ki iz njih izhajajo. Ve~krat podcenjujejo vpliv lastnega poslovanja na okolje, ki je s stali{~a podjetja res majhen, vpliv celotnega sektorja MSP pa je precej{en. Okoljsko odgovornost MSP ovirajo tudi pomanjkanje ve{~in, ozave{~enosti in (~love{kih) virov v podjetju, zato se okoljskega mened`menta ve~inoma lotevajo reaktivno in ne proaktivno. Primerno zasnovana okoljska zakonodaja lahko spodbudi v podjetjih inovacije, ki zni`ajo celotne stro{ke proizvoda ali pove~ajo njegovo vrednost. Tovrstne inovacije pomagajo podjetjem, da svoje vire izkoristijo bolj produktivno. Namen prispevka je prikazati na~ine, kako lahko MSP pove~ajo svoje konkuren~ne prednosti na podlagi okoljske odgovornosti, ter analizirati, kak{na okoljska zakonodaja je potrebna, da bi spodbudila inovacije, produktivnost virov in konkuren~no prednost MSP. Klju~ne besede: MSP, odgovornost, okolje, konkuren~na prednost, zakonodaja.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY AS COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES Abstract: Many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are often less aware of, and careful about, environmental trends, regulations or the market opportunities available to them. SMEs tend to underestimate their environmental impacts, which may be small on a company-by-company basis, but are considerable when looking at the SME sector as a whole. Internal barriers, such as a lack of skills, awareness and (human) resources, further hamper environmental responsibility. As a result SMEs are reactive rather than proactive when dealing with environmental management. Properly designed environmental standards can trigger innovations that lower the total cost of a product or improve its value. Such innovations allow companies to use a range of inputs more productively. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the ability of SMEs to create a competitive advantage by adopting environmental responsibility and to analyze what kind of environmental regulation is needed to promote innovation, resource productivity and competitiveness in SMEs. Key words: SMEs, responsibility, environment, competitive advantage, regulation. ----------------------------------------
3.3.7 PODPORA LOKALNIM POBUDAM: IZKU[NJE PROJEKTA POLOK Marko Peterlin, MSc, Aidan Cerar, In{titut za politike prostora Ljubljana, Slovenia [marko.peterlin; aidan.cerar]@ipop.si Povzetek: Prispevek temelji na projektu PoLok - podpora lokalnim pobudam, katerega prijavitelj in vodilni partner je In{titut za politike prostora. Projekt PoLok povezuje pobude in ljudi, ki dejavno sodelujejo pri ustvarjanju prijaznih sosesk. Namen projekta je opolnomo~iti lokalne pobude za soodlo~anje pri urejanju njihovega `ivljenjskega prostora s pomo~jo vklju~evanja v procese odlo~anja na lokalni ravni. Glavne dejavnosti projekta so seminarji, delavnice in spletna stran. Delavnice so bile namenjene konkretnim lokalnim pobudam, seminarji naslavljajo {ir{o tematiko, relevantno na nacionalni ravni. Posledica desetletij trajajo~ega nizkega zaupanja, neprimernih na~inov na~rtovanja, disfunkcionalne zakonodaje in pretirano poudarjene vloge investitorjev v prostorskem na~rtovanju je tudi pove~ujo~a se vrzel med lokalnimi pobudami in institucijami. Pri{lo je celo do tega, da je slabo sodelovanje med institucijami in lokalnimi pobudami oziroma prebivalci resna ovira v implementaciji raznih projektov prenove. O~itno se ka`e potreba po novih mehanizmih vklju~evanja lokalnih prebivalcev v prostorsko na~rtovanje, na lokalnem in nacionalni ravni, sicer lahko na tem podro~ju pri~akujemo {e ve~ konfliktov. Ti namre~ prizadenejo vse dele`nike, prebivalce, institucije in konec koncev tudi investitorje. Dolgoro~no sodelovanje vseh vpletenih v prostorsko na~rtovanje (lokalnih prebivalcev, uprave, investitorjev in profesionalcev) predstavlja najbolj{i na~in izbolj{anja kvalitete `ivljenja na lokalni ravni in izpolnjevanja pri~akovanj vseh vpletenih. V projektu se je izkazalo, da obstaja o~itna potreba po vmesnem organu, ki bi povezoval prebivalce, upravo, investitorje in profesionalce. To je bila tudi vloga, ki so jo udele`enci v projektu najve~krat pri~akovali od partnerjev, ki so projekt vodili. Klju~ne besede: Prostorsko na~rtovanje, lokalne pobude, institucije, participacija na lokalni ravni, projekt PoLok
SUPPORTING LOCAL PARTICIPATION: LESSONS FROM THE POLOK PROJECT Abstract: The paper is based on the project PoLok - support for local initiatives, initiated and lead by the Institute for spatial policies. The project brought together initiatives and people actively participating in the creation of resident-friendly neighborhoods. The objective was to empower local initiatives in order for them to become involved in planning the area in which they live, through participating in decision-making processes. The main tools of the project were: workshops - dealing with local initiatives, usually focused on particular urban issues; seminars - addressing broader issues relevant also at the national level. Due to decades of low trust, inappropriate ways of planning, dysfunctional legislation and un-proportionally emphasized role of the investors in spatial planning, the gap between local
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
initiatives and institutions has been increasing. Lately this has been imposing quite an obstacle in several urban regenerations and new projects as well. Therefore new methods of including local residents in spatial planning are clearly needed - on the local and national level, otherwise more conflicts in the field of urban planning could be expected, which would eventually negatively affect all the related stakeholders. Long-term collaboration of all participants in a spatial planning process - including residents, local and national administration, investors, and professionals - provides the most efficient means of improving the quality of life and meeting the expectations of all parties involved. Through the implementation of the project it became evident, that an intermediary body, which would stand in between the local residents, administration, investors and professionals, is needed. This was also the role that was attributed to the partners carrying out the project by various participants in spatial planning processes. Key words: spatial planning, local initiatives, institutions, local participation, PoLok project ----------------------------------------
3.3.8 STANDARD DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI ISO/DIS 26000:2009 IN SKRB ZA OKOLJE Blanka Kaker Slovenski institut za kakovost in meroslovje blanka.kaker@siq.si, www.siq.si Povzetek: V prispevku bo najprej predstavljen prispevek ISO (International standard organization - Mednarodne organizacije za standardizacijo) na podro~ju dru`bene odgovornosti (DO) ter trajnostnega razvoja in najbolj znani standardi. Podrobneje bo predstavljen standard ISO 26000, ki je septembra 2009 iz{el kot predlog (ISO/DIS). Osnutek standarda predstavlja mednarodni konsenz o tem, kako DO, koncept, o katerem se razpravlja ve~ kot 20 let, razumeti in uporabiti v organizacijah vseh vrst v javnem in zasebnem sektorju. Standard opisuje na~ela DO in sicer: odgovornost, transparentnost, eti~no vedenje, spo{tovanje interesov vseh dele`nikov, zakonitost, spo{tovanje mednarodnih norm in ~lovekovih pravic. Zajema klju~na podro~ja gospodarskih, okoljskih ter dru`benih vplivov organizacije ter za vsako klju~no podro~je navaja, kak{ni so vplivi, kak{na je njegova povezava z DO, kateri so pomembni principi, prakse in pri~akovanja. Odlo~itve in dejavnosti organizacij imajo vedno vpliv na okolje, ne glede na to, kje se nahajajo. Ti vplivi so lahko povezani s tem, kako organizacija izrablja `ive in ne`ive vire, od lokacije organizacije, nastajanja odpadkov in onesna`evanja, ter posledic dejavnosti, proizvodov in storitev za naravne habitate. Da bi zmanj{ale vplive na okolje, morajo organizacije sprejeti celovit pristop, ki upo{teva gospodarske, socialne in okoljske posledice svojih odlo~itev in dejavnosti. Okoljska odgovornost je predpogoj za pre`ivetje in blaginjo ljudi ter je tesno povezana z drugimi vpra{anji DO. Organizacija lahko pri tem uporablja razli~ne tehnike iz serije standardov ISO 14001, kot so: okoljsko vrednotenje delovanja, izra~unavanje in poro~anje o koli~ini emisij toplogrednih plinov, ocena `ivljenjskega cikla, oblikovanje za okolje in okoljsko ozna~evanjem. Klju~ne besede: mednarodni standari, ISO/DIS 26000, okoljska odgovornost, okoljska orodja, okoljsko poro~anje, dru`bena odgovornost
STANDARD ISO/DIS 26000:2009 (CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY) AND THE ENVIRONMENT Abstract: The paper will first present the contribution of ISO (International standard organization) in the field of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and sustainable development and best known standards. The ISO 26000 standard will be presented, which was released in September 2009 as a proposal or draft (ISO / DIS). The draft standard represents an international consensus on how social responsibility, a concept that has been hotly debated for over 20 years, might be interpreted and applied across organizations of all types in both public and private sectors. Standard describes the principles of CSR, namely: accountability, transparency, ethical behavior, respect for the interests of all stakeholders, legality, respect for international norms and human rights. It covers key areas of economic, environmental and social impacts of the organization and indicates for each key area what are the
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
impacts, what is its connection with CSR, which are important principles, practices and expectations. The decisions and activities of organizations invariably have an impact on the environment no matter where they are located. These impacts may be associated with the organization's use of living and non-living resources, the location of the activities of the organization, the generation of pollution and wastes, and the implications of the organization's activities, products and services for natural habitats. To reduce their environmental impacts, organizations should adopt an integrated approach that takes into consideration the economic, social, and environmental implications of their decisions and activities. Environmental responsibility is a precondition for the survival and prosperity of human beings. Environmental matters are closely linked to other CSR's core subjects and issues. Relevant technical tools from the ISO 14000-series of standards should be considered in the implementation of operations such as environmental performance evaluation, greenhouse gas emissions quantification and reporting, life cycle assessment, design for the environment, and environmental labeling. Key words: international standards, ISO/DIS 26000, environmental responsibility, environmental tools, environmental reporting, corporate social responsibility
3.3.9 ^LOVE[TVO JE NA PREKRETNICI MED SAMO-UNI^ENJEM IN SPORAZUMOM O PRE@IVETJU: OBNOVITI OBLAST VSEH Gustav R. Grob, Founder of the World Circle of Consensus CMDCadn and the International University for Life, Chairman of the ISO,Committee on energy systems analyses and Executive Secretary, International Sustainable Energy Organization ISEO, Geneve info@uniseo.org
Martina [umenjak Sabol, M.Sc., Vice-President, ISEO and President SLOBIOM, Jarenina info@slobiom-zveza.si Povzetek: Avtorja svarita z opozorilom na sedanje globalne gospodarske navade, ki temeljijo na enostranskosti in zato na neodgovornosti namesto na dru`beni odgovornosti vseh, ki odlo~ajo, za lastne `ivljenjske pogoje. Predlagata ve~ bistvenih ukrepov, namenjenih inoviranju sedanje ru{ilne prakse. Ukrepe {tejeta za pogoje pre`ivetja ~love{ke civilizacije. Klju~ne besede: neodgovornost, kriza virov, pre`ivetje, ~love{tvo, sonaravna trajnostna energija
HUMANITY IS AT A TURNING POINT BETWEEN SELF-DESTRUCTION AND CONSENSUS ABOUT SURVIVAL: REPOWERING THE GLOBE Abstract: Authors are launching a warning about the current global economic practices that are based on one-sidedness and hence irresponsibility rather than on social responsibility of all decision-makers for their own life conditions. They are suggesting several crucial measures aimed at innovation of the given destructive practice. These measures are considered preconditions of survival of humankind's civilization. Key words: irresponsibility, resource crisis, survival, humankind, sustainable energy
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3.3.10 UVAJANJE ^ISTEJ[IH TEHNOLOGIJ NA PREMOGOVNIKU VELENJE dr. Simon Zav{ek, Sergej Jamnikar, mag. Ludvik Golob, Janja @ula, Bo`ena Steiner Coal Mine Velenje, Slovenia Povzetek: Po dokaj dolgem obdobju, ko je bil premog kot energent v primerjavi z nafto in zemeljskim plinom nekonkuren~en in zaradi tega manj zanimiv, se njegov pomen v zadnjem ~asu spet ve~a. Razlogov je ve~, in sicer: cena na enoto energije, razli~na razpr{enost globalnih zalog in razmerje med svetovnimi zalogami in porabo. Prednost pred konkurentoma mu zagotavlja razvoj novih, okolju bolj prijaznih tehnologij uporabe premoga, tako imenovanih ~istih premogovnih tehnologij (Clean Coal Technologies). Zaradi uvajanja in uporabe novih modernih tehnologij (BAT) bo, kljub ve~ji rabi obnovljivih virov in ve~ji energetski u~inkovitosti, mogo~e {e precej ~asa ohranjati znaten dele` oskrbe z elektri~no energijo iz premoga. Nove ~istej{e premogovne tehnologije bodo v bodo~e igrale klju~no vlogo pri zagotavljanju zadostnih koli~in proizvedene elektri~ne energije, tako po svetu kot tudi v EU in doma. Ker se v Premogovniku Velenje kot dru`beno odgovornem podjetju zavedamo problemov, ki jih predstavljajo emisije toplogrednih plinov (TGP), smo `e leta 2007 ustanovili razvojni projekt, ki je ciljno in razvojno naravnan v aplikacijo najbolj{ih tehnologij, ki bodo prispevale k racionalizaciji procesa pridobivanja premoga, zagotavljanju ve~je varnosti in humanosti ter re{evanju okoljskih problemov. V prispevku bodo obravnavani in prikazani na~rti za podro~je ~iste proizvodnje, predelave in izrabe premoga, ki v okviru proizvodnje elektri~ne energije zagotavljajo pogoje za prenos znanj, rezultatov raziskav in tehnologij v prakso. ^eprav je pojem ^iste premogovne tehnologije glede na definicijo veliko {ir{i, pa razvojni projekt na Premogovniku Velenje v tej fazi vsebuje tri pomembnej{e sklope, in sicer: razplinjevanje lignita, zajem, transport in skladi{~enje CO2 in podzemno uplinjanje premoga. Z realizacijo navedenih sklopov se nameravamo pribli`ati ciljem, ki jih obsegajo ^iste premogovne tehnologije in pomenijo izbolj{anje u~inkovitosti ter okoljske sprejemljivosti pridobivanja lignita, njegove predelave in izkori{~anja. Klju~ne besede: premog, najbolj{e tehnologije, energetska u~inkovitost, razplinjevanje, zajem, transport in shranjevanje CO2, podzemno uplinjanje premoga.
INITIATION OF CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES IN THE VELENJE COAL MINE Abstract: For a rather long period, coal was non-competitive as an energy product in comparison to oil and natural gas and because of that less interesting. In the last time it is rising again. Major reasons for that are: energy price per unit, abundant and geographically dispersed fossil fuel, and relationship between worldwide supplies and consumption. Competitive against rivals is development of new coal technologies which are ecologically friendlier. We called it CCT (Clean Coal Technologies). In spite of higher use of renewable sources and increasing energy efficiency and new best available technologies (BAT) it will be possible to keep a considerable share of electrical supply from coal power plants. CCT will be in future a key submission at assuring sufficient amount of produced electrical energy worldwide, in European Union, and locally. At Coal Mine Velenje we are aware that greenhouse gases emissions are a problem. Therefore we established research project in 2007. Its target is the use of best technologies that will contribute to rationalization of processes of production of coal, to assuring of higher safety and humanism, and solving of environmental problems. Clean productions, processing and utilizations of coal are treated and shown plans in contribution. Plans are in the framework of production of electrical energy and assure conditions for transfer of knowledge, results of researches, and application of technologies in practice. Concept of CCT is much wider in its definition. The research project in Velenje Coal Mine contains three more important round-off components in this phase of its development: degasification of lignite; capture, transport and storage of CO2; and underground gasification of coal. We want to reach our targets with realization of these measures that comprise CCT: improvement of efficiencies and environmental acceptability of production of lignite, its processing, and utilizing. Keywords: coal, best available technologies, energy efficiency, degasification, capture, transport and storage of CO2, underground gasification of coal.
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3.3.11 YOURI - NOVA POT DO INOVACIJ: MLADI TALENTI USTVARJAJO RE[ITVE, DA SKRBIJO ZA NARAVO Mag. Dr. Iris Straßer STRASSER & STRASSER Consulting GmbH is@strasser-strasser.at / www.strasser-strasser.at Povzetek: “JUVI Jugend.Verantwortung.Innovation” (nem{ka kratica za mladino, odgovornost in “YOURI”) je poseben podprojekt projekta Verantwortung zeigen! - povezuje {ole in podjetja. Tim zelo talentiranih dijakov nekega izbranega {olskega programa, npr. Zvezne srednje tehni~ne {ole, razvija povsem nove zamisli in re{itve za neko nalogo, katero je zadalo podjetje. Dijaki prebijejo en teden v podjetju, ves ~as skrbi za njih tim projekta Verantwortung zeigen! Program YOURI si izvedli zelo uspe{no petkrat v obdobju 2008/2009. Zadnje leto je YOURI soo~il mlade talente z nalogi skrbi za naravo. - Verantwortung zeigen! Je regionalna poslovna pobuda v ju`ni Avstriji. Pobudo je dalo in dejavnost usklajuje podjetje STRASSER & STRASSER. Povezuje podjetja in neprofitne organizacije pri raznih dejavnostih, pomaga jim pri anga`iranju glede dru`bene odgovornosti podjetij (DOP) in sonaravne trajnosti ter usklajuje ve~ regionalnih medsektorskih projektov. STRASSER & STRASSER je vodilno podjetje glede regionalne pobude in nudi nenehne prilo`nosti, da ljudje pridobivajo in izmenjujejo izku{nje glede DOP; ponuja tudi nekaj novih re{itev, da si partnerji podjetja izbolj{ajo svojo dru`beno in okoljsko odgovornost. [tirje primeri ka`ejo, kako imajo podjetja korist od ustvarjalnih, v~asih celo samosvoje misle~ih dijakov, ki posve~ajo pozornost dkrbi za naravo in izbolj{evanju svoje in njihove sonaravne trajnosti. Vedno gre za tim odli~nih dijakov neke srednje {ole v Avstriji, ki so ga povabili, naj razvije nove in inovativne re{itve za te`ke naloge, s katerimi se je podjetje prisilno soo~iti. Prvi primer ka`e podjetje iz industrije cementa, ki i{~e gradbene materiale, ustrezne novemu podnebju. Drugi primer omogo~a vpogled v zamisli, ki so jih mladi ljudje predstavili v imenu podjetja, ki izdeluje in tr`i cevi po vsem svetu. Dijaki so poskusili iznajti okolju prijazen na~in recikliranja plastiko, lito centrifugalno in okrepljeno s steklenimi vlakni. Nadalje bo avtorica pokazala, kako je tim 14 mladih strokovnjakov razvil zelo celovit program, da bi zni`ali porabo energije, za veliko neprofitno organizacijo na Koro{kem. Zadnji prikazani primer zajema dijake, ki so razvili koncept za 'elektri~no oko', kar je pripomo~ek za opazovanje porabe energije, za neki oblastni organ za energijo na [tajerskem. Klju~ne besede: okolje, inovacija, mladi talenti, Koro{ka, dobre izku{nje
YOURI - A NEW WAY TO INNOVATION: YOUNG TALENTS CREATE SOLUTIONS TO CARE FOR NATURE Abstract: “JUVI Jugend.Verantwortung.Innovation” (a German acronym for youth, responsibility, and innovation “YOURI”) is a special sub-project of Verantwortung zeigen!, that connects schools and companies. A team of the most talented students of a particular school programme (e.g. Federal Secondary College of Engineering) develops completely new ideas and solutions to a task the company has given. The students spend a week at the company, with full-time coaching by the Verantwortung zeigen! team. YOURI has been carried out very successfully 5 times in 2008/09. Within the last year some “YOURI”-projects confronted the young talents with nature-caring missions. Verantwortung zeigen! is a regional business initiative in southern Austria, initiated and coordinated by STRASSER & STRASSER that connects companies and non-profit organizations in various activities, facilitates their engagement concerning corporate social responsibility and sustainability and coordinates several regional cross-sector projects. The leading company of the regional initiative STRASSER & STRASSER gives continuous opportunities to share experience in CSR and also offers some new solutions for their partners to improve their social and environmental responsibility. Four examples point out how companies benefit from creative, sometimes even free-spirited, ideas of the students addressing care for nature and improving their sustainability. Each time a team of excellent students of a higher school in Austria was invited to develop new and innovative solutions for difficult tasks that the company is forced to deal with. The first example shows a company of the cement industry, searching for new climate proofing building materials. The second example will give insight, which ideas young people presented in behalf of a company that manufactures and markets Pipe Systems worldwide. The students tried to find an environmentally friendly way to recycle the waste of centrifugally cast glassfibber reinforced plastics which are used for the production of the pipes. Then Straßer will show, how a team of 14 young experts developed a comprehensive program to reduce the energy input for a large non-profit organisation in Carinthia. And finally the case will be shown how students have developed concepts for an “electricity-eye”, a monitoring system to reduce the power consumption in households in behalf of a Styrian power authority. Keywords: environment, innovation, young talents, Carinthia, good practise.
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3.4 [tudentska sekcija Student section
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3.4.1 CORPORATE CITIZENSHIP - SOCIAL AND ECOLOGICAL RESPONSIBILITY Mag. [tefka Gorenak Fakulteta za komercialne in poslovne vede, Slovenija gorenak.stefka@siol.net Abstract: Research on corporate social responsibility (CSR) provides much of the foundation for conceptualizations of corporate citizenship (Altman 1998b; Waddock 2001). For at least five decades, scholars of CSR have attempted to find and develop a constructive relationship between business and society. According to the social contract, corporations have responsibilities to stakeholders beyond the sole pursuit of profit. For, if corporations fail in their responsibility to enhance community life in general, then the institution of business risks both economic survival and social legitimacy. Corporate ethics implies a critical assessment of discourses and practices in organizations. It starts from a moral sociology, from the existential, organizational life as it is perceived within the organization, from the ethical parts used by organizational members. Top ten corporate values (integrity, honesty, justice, equality, objectivity, loyalty, devotion, respect, prudence, tolerance) are what one may generally observe expressed in most corporate codes of ethics. The concept of corporate citizenship is closely linked in terms of social and environmental issues and in terms of ten values that constitute the basis of such social and environmental concerns. Corporate citizenship implies an ethical leadership, which is both visionary and globalising (Dion 2001). Ethical leadership is a kind of leadership that allows us to meet the challenge of assuming responsibility for the predicament of the other. It is a kind of leadership by which we can create the social, political, economic, cultural conditions required for living together. It is a type of leadership concerned with solidarity. Morally proactive leadership is critical for successful corporate citizenship. The proactive companies focus on the importance of CSR and its management inside and outside the global company. It also looks closely at management of corporate citizenship in a welfare state. Keywords: corporate citizenship, corporate social responsibility, corporate values, ethical leadership, ecology, nature. ----------------------------------------
3.4.2 KAKO ZELENO JE OGLA[EVANJE? Anita Hrast direktorica in{tituta IRDO, anita.hrast@irdo.si
Mateja Kocjan naravovarstvena svetnica, Zavod RS za varstvo narave, mateja.kocjan@zrsvn.si Povzetek: Tako produkcija, kot tudi ogla{evanje izdelkov in storitev sta v sodobnem svetu `e tako obse`na, da preka{ata zmo`nosti potro{nje izdelkov in storitev ter sprejemanja oglasov pri potro{nikih. [umi/motnje so veliki, zato podjetja vlagajo v ogla{evanje velike zneske. V prispevku se avtorici spra{ujeta o povezavi med dru`beno odgovornostjo in odnosom do okolja, tudi na podro~ju ogla{evanja. Zanima ju, kako je z etiko ogla{evanja ter kako vodenje vpliva na samo ogla{evanje v odnosu do varstva okolja in narave. Klju~ne besede: ogla{evanje, oglasi, dru`bena odgovornost, okolje, narava, zakonodaja, etika, marketing, ekologija
HOW GREEN IS ADVERTISING? Abstract: Production of products and services as well as their advertising in contemporary world are so extensive, that they outmatch humankind’s capabilities of consumption and their acceptance at customers. Noise/disturbance is big; that’s why companies spend great money for advertising. In this paper authors are asking themselves about connection between social responsibility and its relation to environment, including in advertising. They reflect on the advertising ethics and how management influences advertising in relation to environment and nature protection. Key words: advertising, ads, social responsibility, environment, nature, legislation, ethics, marketing, ecology
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
3.4.3 THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY WITHIN THE SPHERE OF PROCUREMENT - GREEN PROCUREMENT AND GREEN JOBS Borut Ambro`i~, jun., M.A. Abstract: Green procurement is at the forefront of a state or society's social responsibility (SR). The environmental element of corporate SR is also becoming increasingly important in the public sphere at national, regional and local levels. Government tends to reduce the public sector's negative impact on the environment. The public sector is one of the main users of information technology devices, vehicles ... and electricity consumers in Europe. Green procurement covers encouraging the development of environment-friendly products and services, efficient use of public finances and, ultimately, good examples (good practice) for business (private) sector and consumers. With the introduction of instruments regarding green public procurement, the public sector would become one of the key players in reducing energy, water, and raw materials consumption, and environmental impact, conserving natural resources and biodiversity, and combating climate change. Cooperation with the companies developing eco products and services, identifying business opportunities, and establishing themselves as a sustainably-oriented, competitive, and socially responsible businesses, is also important, for generating new green jobs. The economic element plays the leading role, taking into account the lifetime costs of those goods and services that are the subjects of green procurement, and achieving significant resource savings whilst, at the same time, implementing the environmental component of CSR. Examples of good practice show that the green procurement as a systematic process should be guided by predetermined steps in order to achieve environmentally friendly results. This is the most (correct) method of achieving resource savings, taking into account the life-time costs of the goods or services, and the environmental characteristics. Key words: green procurement, social responsibility, eco products, public sector/finance, environment-friendly. ----------------------------------------
3.4.4 BIOLO[KI SISTEMI KOT VODNIKI ZA TRAJNOSTNE IN OKOLJU PRIJAZNE INOVACIJE Elvis Kenik, M.A. Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria elvis.kenik@uni-graz.at Povzetek: ^eprav so inovacijski proces in okoljevarstvene te`ave pomembne kot {e nikoli prej, je ve~ina inovacij {e vedno neuspe{nih oziroma {kodljiva za okolje. Ekosistem je zelo dinami~en in kompleksen sistem in zaradi tega je dolgoro~na napoved u~inka trajnostnega razvoja inovacij skoraj nemogo~a, vsekakor pa je glavni cilj bodo~ih inovacij prav ta. Organizacije in in{titucije porabijo veliko denarja in ~asa, isto~asno pa spregledajo obstoje~e inovacije v biolo{kih sistemih. Evolucija razvija trajnostne inovacije uspe{no `e ve~ kot 3.8 milijard let in uspe{no lo~uje u~inkovite od neu~inkovitih. Od ~loveka ustvarjeni sistemi in ekosistemi so si zelo podobni, tako da je prevzem re{itev iz enega sistema v drugega v obliki analogij zelo primeren. Razodetje podobnosti med obema sistemoma v interdisciplinarni literaturi bomo v tem ~lanku podprli s primerom dobre prakse in prakti~nim konceptom. Ta ~lanek ne usmerja na mo`en izkoristek naravnega napredka, temve~ na mo`en pouk za ~loveka. Prav tako pa namiguje, da evolucijski razvoj ni omejen samo na ekosistem. Klju~ne besede: trajnostni razvoj, analogije, ekosistemi, sistemske analize, evolucijska ekonomija, inovacije
BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS AS GUIDANCE FOR SUSTAINABLE AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY INNOVATIONS Abstract: Although innovative progress and environmental issues are more important than ever before, most innovations still fail or pollute and harm the environment. The environment is extremely dynamic and complex and it is therefore
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
almost impossible to predict the degree of sustainability yielded by individual innovations in the longer term. However, environmental sustainability is the primary objective of many future innovations. Although a lot of money and time have been spent, existing natural innovations in biological systems are often overlooked by organizations and institutions. Evolution meant that sustainable solutions had efficiently developed for over 3.8 billion years, separating the inefficient from the efficient. Artificial and biological systems are similar to the extent that solutions can be analogically adapted. Literature reviews from various disciplines will reveal the similarities, while further case study and concept will substantiate the theoretical approach. This paper does not indicate what humanity can extract from nature, but what humanity can learn from it. It also suggests that evolutionary development is not confined to biological systems. Keywords: Sustainability, analogy, biological systems, Bio-mimicry, systems analysis, environmental economics, innovation ----------------------------------------
3.4.5 PRISTOP S TROJNO PODLAGO V MEDNARODNEM KONTEKSTU Eva Kau~i~, B. S. Economics, M.S. Student University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business E-mail: eva.kaucic@uni-mb.si Povzetek: Dolgo je bila za poslovni svet pomembna samo ena podlaga - finan~na. Sprememba razmer in mnogo {ir{i pogled na poslovni uspeh podpirata razvoj zamisli o trojni podlagi (TP). Ima tri razse`nosti: ekonomsko, okoljsko in socialno. Vse tri so enako pomembne. Zato njihova uporaba v poslovanju ne sme dajati prednosti nobeni razse`nosti zamisli. Zamisel se je razvila iz idej o sonaravni trajnosti, sonaravnem trajnostnem razvoju in dru`beni odgovornosti. Danes imajo podjetja opraviti z veliko okoljskih vpra{anj s klju~nim pomenom za dru`bo. Podjetja uporablja TP, da bi doseglo izbrane namene, ki omogo~ajo veliko korist njim in drugim. Sicer naleti podjetje pri tem na veliko ovir, toda prednosti TP so dosti ve~ od te`av, na katere naleti. Ker globalizacija zelo nara{~a, prispevek poudarja tudi povezavo med globalizacijo in TP. Podjetja se lahko u~inkovito in uspe{no pove`ejo z drugimi in si izmenjajo izku{nje, ko uporabijo sodobno opremo in sodoben pogled na svoj uspeh. Tako sodelovanje zmore zrasti v strate{ka partnerstva med zemljepisno oddaljenimi podjetji; to pomaga omiliti globalne te`ave, vklju~no z okoljskimi in socialnimi. Klju~ne besede: okoljska problematika, globalizacija, uspeh, trajnost, concept trojnega izida.
THE TRIPLE BOTTOM LINE APPROACH IN THE INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT Abstract: For a long time for business world only one bottom line was important, the financial one. Changed circumstances and different, much broader view on business success support the development of the concept of triple bottom line (TBL). It has three dimensions: the economic, environmental, and social ones. All of them are of equal importance. For that reason, the implementation into the business has to be done without preferring only one dimension of the concept. TBL was developed from ideas of sustainability, sustainable development, and social responsibility. Nowadays, companies are dealing with many environmental issues being of crucial meaning for the society. By implementing TBL companies want to reach certain aims which enable many benefits for them and others. Besides, companies confront many obstacles, but advantages of the concept of TBL are much bigger than difficulties they meet. Because of increased globalization the paper emphasizes the connection between the globalization and TBL approach, as well. Companies can successfully and efficiently connect with other companies and share experiences with them by modern technology and contemporary view on their success. This kind of cooperation can grow into strategic partnership between geographically distant companies, helping to milder global problems, also the environmental and social ones. Key words: environmental issue, globalization, success, sustainability, the triple bottom line.
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3.4.6 ODPADKI - PROBLEM NA[E DRU@BE? Anja Kostev{ek, univ. dipl. ekon. E-mail: anja.kostevsek@gmail.com Povzetek: Dru`ba se vedno bolj zaveda okoljskih problemov. Trajnostni razvoj lahko ponudi mo`nosti, da re{i negativne u~inke ~love{kega delovanja in postavi nove temelje razvoja ~love{ke dru`be. »Utoniti v lastnih odpadkih« - to je alternativa. Pri zdaj{nji stopnji porabe odpadki postajajo ekolo{ki, socialni in ekonomski izziv za ves svet. Rast koli~ine odpadkov je povezana z rastjo bruto doma~ega proizvoda. Razvijajo~im se dr`avam grozijo velike koli~ine odpadkov, saj je ekonomska rast v teh dr`avah vi{ja kot v razvitih dr`avah. V prispevku primerjamo stopnjo implementacije Direktive o ravnanju z odpadki (Direktiva 2006/12/EC) v zakonodajni okvir posameznih dr`av (Avstrije, Nizozemske, Slovenije) ter primerjamo razlike v na~inih ravnanja z odpadki, metod pri recikliranju odpadkov, koli~ini proizvedenih odpadkov in novih predlogih za zmanj{anje odpadkov. Implementacija direktive o ravnanju z odpadki v zakonodajni okvir posameznih dr`av je bila uspe{no izvedena, vendar zaznavamo velik problem pri prakti~ni izvedbi. Politika ravnanja z odpadki na ravni EU ima potencial prispevati k zni`evanju negativnih okoljskih u~inkov rabe virov. U~inkovito rabo virov lahko dose`emo tako, da prepre~imo nastajanje odpadkov in promoviramo recikliranje in ponovno uporabo odpadkov, kar bo privedlo k ohranjanju naravnih virov potrebnih za trajnostni razvoj. Dru`ba bi naj stremela k ni~elni produkciji odpadkov, kjer le`i poudarek na novih smernicah za proizvodnjo in porabo. Klju~ne besede: ravnanje z odpadki, Direktiva o ravnanju z odpadki (Direktiva 2006/12/EC), vrste odpadkov, okoljski problemi
WASTE - PROBLEM OF OUR SOCIETY? Abstract: Society is more aware of ecological problems. Sustainable development has the potential to solve negative aspects of human activity and reveal new standards of development. »To drawn in our wastes« - this is our alternative. With the current levels of consumption, waste is becoming an environmental, social, and economic challenge for the whole world. The increasing amount of waste is connected with the GDP growth. It threatens the developing countries where economic growth is much higher than in the developed countries. In the paper we study the stage of implementation of Waste Directive (Directive 2006/12/EC) in different EU countries (Austria, Netherlands and Slovenia) and compare differences in waste management, methods of recycling, amount of produced waste, and the new waste prevention recommendation. The implementation of Waste Directive into the legislation of each country is excellent, but we noticed a huge problem in their practical actions. EU waste policy has the potential to contribute to reducing the overall negative environmental impact of resource use. Preventing waste generation and promoting recycling and recovery of waste will increase the resource efficiency of the European economy and reduce the negative environmental impact of use of natural resources. This will contribute to maintaining the resource base, essential for sustained economic growth. The aim of our society should be zero waste management, where the emphasis is on new patterns of production and consumption. Keywords: waste management, Waste Directive (Directive 2006/12/EC), types of waste, environmental problems ----------------------------------------
3.4.7 VLOGA »ZELENEGA MANAGEMENTA« PRI UVELJAVITVI KONCEPTA DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI Barbara Frank, B.A. (fine arts) Head of business unit Poravnava d.o.o. Koper, postgrad. management student FMKP barbara.frank1@gmail.com Povzetek: Dru`bena odgovornost je ne samo prilo`nost za podjetja, ampak tudi pogoj za uravnote`eno dru`bo. Za uspe{nost podjetja je vsekakor potrebna povezanost med posamezniki, a pred pusto ustvarjanje dobi~ka za delni~arje kot edini cilj podjetja, prihaja dru`bena odgovornost podjetja, ki je postala osrednja tema sodobnega
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
razvitej{ega dela svetovnega gospodarstva. Slovenski managerji se zgledujejo po tujih in tako se podjetja pri nas `e usmerjajo v poslovanje, ki bo pozitivno vplivalo na ekonomsko, zakonsko in eti~no podro~je. [e veliko bo potrebno prevetriti, da bo t.i. »zeleni management« preplavil ~loveka, podjetje, socialno okolje. Ko bo zavedanje pomembnosti dru`bene odgovornosti postalo na~in `ivljenja in razmi{ljanja, bo to za~etek novega obdobja. Klju~ne besede: Dru`bena odgovornost, »zeleni management« v okolje, dru`beno odgovorno podjetje, sanacija okolja, javni sektor
THE ROLE OF "GREEN MANAGEMENT" IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Abstract: Corporate social responsibility is not only an opportunity for businesses, but also a prerequisite for a balanced society. The interaction between individuals is certainly necessary for the company to succeed, but shareholders profit is no longer the only aim of the company; before this comes social responsibility, which has become a central theme of contemporary more developed part of the global economy. Slovenian managers are inspired by foreign companies; as a result they lead companies into business that is going to leave a positive impact on the economic, meaning legal and ethical sphere. Anyway, there is still much more to be done for so-called "Green management" to flood the human, enterprises, social environment. Once the awareness of the importance of social responsibility becomes a way of life and thinking, this will open a new period. Keywords: Social responsibility, "green management", socially responsible enterprise rehabilitation of the social environment, public sector
3.4.8 IZOBRA@EVANJE ZA TRAJNOSTNI RAZVOJ S POMO^JO E-GRADIVA OKOLJE IN TRAJNOSTNI RAZVOJ Mojca Kokot, Nina Globovnik International Eko-remediation centre, Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor E-mail: mojca.kokot@uni-mb.si, nina.globovnik@uni-mb.si Povzetek: V Sloveniji je okoljska zavest razmeroma nizka in s tako zavestjo bomo te`ko dosegli dru`bo, odgovorno do okolja. Izobra`evanje za trajnostni razvoj ima pri tem pomembno vlogo in bo najbr` uspe{no na podlagi kriti~nega mi{ljenja in izkustvenega u~enja pri mladih. Z aktivnim delom bodo dijaki sami oblikovali svojo odgovornost do okolja, jo prena{ali na svoje star{e in vrstnike in tako krepili okoljsko odgovornost dru`be. Na obmo~ju Republike Slovenije ne obstaja veliko aktivnih gradiv za trajnostni razvoj. Na Filozofski fakulteti UM se zavedamo pomena aktivnega izobra`evanja za trajnostni razvoj. V okviru Mednarodnega centra za ekoremediacije smo skupaj z ministrstvom za {olstvo in {port na podlagi u~nega na~rta za Okoljsko vzgojo in trajnostni razvoj razvili E-gradiva Okolje in trajnostni razvoj. Namenjena so srednje{olcem in ostalim ljudem. V prispevku vam predstavljamo E-gradiva za okolje in trajnostni razvoj. Z njim dijakom pribli`amo pomen trajnostnega razvoja in izpostavimo najpogostej{e okoljske te`ave sveta in Slovenije s pomo~jo sedmih poglavij, ki so: Kompleksnost okoljskih problemov in trajnostni razvoj, @ivljenjski slog, potro{ni{ke navade in trajnostni razvoj, Okoljski problemi in trajnostni razvoj v doma~em kraju, [ola kot okolje in uveljavljanje trajnostnega razvoja, Okolje in trajnostni razvoj v Sloveniji, Okolje in trajnostni razvoj v mednarodnem merilu ter Trajnostni pristop k okoljskim problemom. Glavni cilj E-gradiv je, da u~enci s pomo~jo gradiva in nalog oblikujejo odgovoren odnos do okolja, v katerem `ivijo. Klju~ne besede: izobra`evanje, izkustveno u~enje, trajnostni razvoj, E-gradiva, ekoremediacije
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EDUCATION FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WITH E-LEARNING ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Abstract: In Slovenia there is a relatively low environmental awareness and with that consciousness it will be difficult to achieve an environmentally responsible society. Education for sustainable development might be successful on the basis of critical thinking and experiential learning by young people. Students are going to establish with active work their responsibility to the environment and they will carry this responsibility to their parents and with that, they will affect the environmental responsibilities of the society. In the Republic of Slovenia there is not a lot of active material for sustainable development. Faculty of Arts, University of Maribor, is aware of the importance of active learning for sustainability, and therefore the International eco-remediation centre of the Faculty of Art with Ministry of education and sport has developed E-materials Environment and Sustainable Development. They are intended mainly for secondary schools, as well as others. In this paper E-materials for environment and sustainable development are presented. In them students through seven chapters get a closer look to the importance of sustainable development and the most common environmental problems of the world and Slovenia are highlighted; they are: the complexity of environmental problems and sustainable development, lifestyles, consumer habits and sustainable development, environmental problems and sustainable development in home town, school as environment and promotion of sustainable development, environment and sustainable development in Slovenia, environment and sustainable development in world and sustainable approaches to environmental problems. The main objective of E-materials is that students using these materials and tasks set up a responsible attitude towards the environment in which they live. Keywords: education, experiential learning, sustainable development, E-materials, eco-remediation ----------------------------------------
3.4.9 PODJETNI[KA RACIONALNOST ZA TRAJNOSTNI RAZVOJ PODJETJA Senior Lecturer M. Sc. Tja{a [trukelj, Assistant Professor Dr. Mojca Duh, Assistant Professor Dr. Jernej Belak, and Emeritus Professor DDr. Matja` Mulej University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business (EPF), E-mail: tjasa.strukelj@uni-mb.si; mojca.duh@uni-mb.si; jernej.belak@uni-mb.si; mulej@uni-mb.si Povzetek: Podjetje je vpeto v dru`beno okolje in etika podjetja prehaja iz instrumenta za ustvarjanje dobi~ka v pogoj za to. Torej moramo raz~leniti podjetni{ko racionalnost, ki bi lahko (p)ostala neeti~na, na tehni~no, ekonomsko ter dru`benoekonomsko (odgovorno) racionalnost. Iz tega izhaja, da lahko podjetje dolgoro~no pre`ivi le, ~e je u~inkovito, usmerjeno v dobi~ek in ~e ravna eti~no. Te tri delne racionalnosti so soodvisne in se medsebojno pogojujejo, pogosto pa so tudi v nasprotju. Zato prihaja njihovo usklajevanje v sredi{~e podjetni{kih odlo~itev. Skrb za naravo se mora vklju~evati. Klju~ne besede: politika podjetja, etika podjetja, u~inkovitost, uspe{nost, dru`bena odgovornost, narava
ENTREPRENEURIAL RATIONALITY FOR ENTERPRISE'S LONG-TERM SURVIVAL AND DEVELOPMENT Abstract: Enterprise is a part of social environment and enterprise ethics is changing from instrument for profit making into condition for it. Thus we have to divide the entrepreneurial rationality, which could become/remain unethical, in technical, economic, and social-economic (responsible) rationality. Hence it follows that enterprise's long-term survival depends on efficiency, effectiveness and ethical behaviour. These three partial rationalities are mutually interdependent and conditioned, but are frequently also opposing each other. This is why their adjustment is becoming a central point in developmental strategic decisions. Care for natural environment must be included. Keywords: enterprise policy, enterprise ethics, efficiency, effectiveness, social responsibility, nature
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3.4.10 VIZIJA KOT INSTRUMENT ZA PRIBLI@EVANJE DRU@BENO ODGOVORNEMU PODJETJU (VKLJU^NO Z NARAVO) Senior Lecturer M. Sc. Tja{a [trukelj and Emeritus Professor DDr. Matja` Mulej University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business (EPF) E-mail: tjasa.strukelj@uni-mb.si; mulej@uni-mb.si Povzetek: Politika podjetja opredeljuje temeljne, splo{ne in dolgoro~nej{e zna~ilnosti podjetja in je pomemben upravljalnovodstveni instrument, od katerega so odvisni razvoj, delovanje in obna{anje podjetja kot institucije interesno povezanih ljudi in premo`enja. Politika podjetja izhaja iz vizije - izhodi{~a za planiranje ustanovitve in razvoja podjetja - in vizijo tudi vklju~uje. Kljub temu, da vizije i{~emo, oblikujemo in razvijamo ter da sta ~asovnost in popolnost vizije relativni, bomo v na{em prispevku izhajali iz razli~nih opredelitev vizije ter sku{ali razviti plansko metodologijo za njen zapis, da bi bila le-ta usmerjena tudi v dru`beno odgovorno ravnanje podjetja, vklju~no s skrbjo za naravo kot okolje ljudi. Klju~ne besede: vizija, politika podjetja, dru`bena odgovornost
VISION AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR BECOMING A SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE ENTERPRISE (INCLUDING NATURE) Abstract: Enterprise policy defines the basic, general and long-term organizational characteristics and presents an important management instrument on which development and operation of an enterprise (as institution of interest link-up people and property) depends. Enterprise policy results from vision - starting point for start-up and developmental enterprise planning - and also incorporates vision. In spite of the facts, that we are searching and forming and developing visions the covered period and wholeness of which are relative, in our discussion we will originate in different definitions of vision; we will try to develop planning methodology for vision, in order to direct vision towards social responsible enterprise behaviour, including the care for nature as humans' crucial environment. Keywords: vision, enterprise policy, social responsibility; nature
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3.5 Plenarna predavanja, 2. dan
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3.5.1 VIZIJA GEOKULTURE Marko Poga~nik, artist and writer E-mail: pogacnik@mail.ljudmila.org Povzetek: Krize v odnosu do narave in Zemlje, ki jo ~love{tvo dandanes do`ivlja v obliki podnebnih sprememb, ne bo mogo~e prerasti, ~e bistveno ne spremenimo svojega odnosa do planeta. Bistvo spremembe je v tem, da ~lovek Zemljo prepozna kot doslej neprepoznano vrsto ve~razse`nostne zavesti, sposobne komuniciranja in sodelovanja. Iz odnosa nadrejenosti in podrejenosti prehajamo v odnos partnerstva z Zemljo in naravo kot enakovrednima subjektoma razvoja na planetu. Prispevek se ukvarja s vpra{anjem, kako je kvantni preskok v odnosu do Zemlje mogo~e dose~i, in zarisuje vizijo Geokulture kot kulture odgovornosti do vseh oblik `ivljenja na Zemlji in do njene holografske celote, ki vklju~uje tudi na{e ~love{ko bistvo. Klju~ne besede: Zemlja kot oblika zavesti, mo`no partnerstvo med ~love{tvom in naravo, Geokultura
VISION OF GEO-CULTURE Abstract: It will not be possible to transcend the crisis experienced nowadays nature in the form of climate changes by humanity in relationship to nature and the Earth, if the basic relationship with the planet is not changed. The essence of change could be formulated in terms of recognizing the Earth as a kind of a multidimensional consciousness, hitherto unrecognized, that is capable of communication and collaboration. From the relationship characterized by superiority and inferiority complex we move towards partnership with Earth and nature as equal partners of development upon our planet. The theme of the contribution is the question, how it is possible to achieve the quantum leap in relationship to the Earth. It presents the vision of Geoculture as a culture of responsibility towards all forms of life upon the Earth and towards its holographic whole that includes our human essence. Key words: the Earth as a form of consciousness, the possible partnership between humanity and nature, Geoculture ----------------------------------------
3.5.2 HUMAN WELL-BEING UNDER IMPACT OF HUMAN CARE FOR NATURE: HAPPY PLANET INDEX M.A. Simona [arotar @i`ek, Sen. Lect., University of Maribor, EPF, simona.sarotar-zizek@uni-mb.si
DDr. Matja` Mulej, Prof. Emeritus, University of Maribor, and IRDO, mulej@uni-mb.si
Amna Poto~nik, Maribor Development Agency, Slovenia; amna.potocnik@mra.si Abstract: Humans are multilayered entities. Well-being as a complex construct is more than the absence of illness or pathology. Well-being has subjective and objective dimensions. It can be measured at the level of individuals, or organizations, or society and it accounts for elements of life satisfaction that cannot be defined, explained or primarily influenced by economic growth. Measures can be used for raising the awareness and resulting action of raising well-being. Many studies indicated significant life benefits for people with high subjective well-being. Thus, the interventions to increase subjective well-being are important, not only because people feel good about themselves; they have more positive work behavior and exhibit other desirable characteristics. The environmental conditions have direct impact on quality of human life and on their actual choices (where to live, work), they affect human health and wealth (through climatic variations, natural disasters). Research and measurement of environmental conditions leave some question open: are we asking the right questions, by linking quality of life measurement with the impacts of and on the environment? Shall we count the polluters (only) or also the people
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exposed to the pollution, the health impacts of it and consequently the impact on public spending (by assuring the basic medical treatment, general health insurance etc)? The answer is complex, but solution is closer, if we keep in mind, that there is only one interconnected story of Earth and its inhabitants and theirs well-being. Happy Planet Index can help us understand this, if it matches the Law of Requisite Holism. Key words: humans as multilayered entities, well-being, quality of life, awareness, environmental conditions, HPI ----------------------------------------
3.5.3 PRISPEVEK OKOLJSKE EKONOMIKE K RAZUMEVANJU IN RE[EVANJU PROBLEMA REDKOSTI DOBRIN Dr. Jo`ica Knez-Riedl, full professor University of Maribor, Faculty of Business and Economics Maribor E-mail: jozica.knez@uni-mb.si Povzetek: Redkost dobrin je osrednja tema tradicionalne in okoljske ekonomike. Obe raziskujeta, zakaj se pojavlja redkost dobrin in kako se da razre{iti. Razlogov za redkost je ve~ in poka`ejo se v porastu prepada med ~love{kimi potrebami in razpolo`ljivimi viri. Okoljska ekonomika je pozorna na interakcijo med ljudmi in naravnim okoljem. Tako raziskuje, kako ljudje spreminjajo svoje naravno okolje s svojimi dejavnostmi (tehnologija, obseg, lokacija, stranski vplivi) in s svojim odnosom do narave nasploh. To se da videti v tem, da postaja naravno okolje blago, in v prekomerni porabi naravnih virov. Okoljska ekonomika obravnava naravno okolje kot vir, ki nudi razne vrste storitev `ivljenjskega pomena za ljudi in vsa bitja. V takem kontekstu se da identificirati dodatne razloge, zakaj ostajajo ~love{ke potrebe nezadovoljene in je kakovost `ivljenja pa tudi bodo~nost ljudi in vsega planeta v nevarnosti. Prispevek prika`e nekaj pogledov na redkost in na kratko omenja nekaj s tem povezanih zamisli, ki prispevajo k re{evanju problemov in so hkrati ekonomske in okoljske narave. Okolja ekonomika je veda v razvoju, prou~uje zato poti do odlo~itev, ki so hkrati dolgoro~no prijazne do narave in ekonomsko zdrave, in to na mikro in makro ravni, zadnje ~ase pa tudi na globalni. Klju~ne besede: zamisli za re{evanje problemov, eko-sistemske storitve, okolja ekonomika, ~love{ke potrebe, naravno okolje, redkost
THE CONTRIBUTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS TO UNDERSTANDING AND SOLVING THE PROBLEMS OF THE SCARCITY OF GOODS Abstract: Scarcity of goods is the main subject of traditional and environmental economics. They both investigate why scarcity of goods emerges and how the issue of scarcity can be solved. There are several reasons causing scarcity, resulting in the increasing gap between human needs and the available resources. Environmental economics puts attention to the interaction between humans and natural environment. Thus, it investigates how humans are transforming their natural environment, both by their activities (technology, scale, location, externalities), as well as by their attitude to the nature, in general. It can be seen in the so-called commodifying of natural environment and over-consumption of natural resources. Environmental economics treats natural environment as a resource, which offers different types of services, being of life-importance not only to humans but to all beings. In this context additional reasons why human needs remain unsatisfied and the quality of life, as well as future of humans and the whole planet, are threatened, can be identified. The paper presents some views on scarcity and shortly mentions some related concepts contributing to the solving of the problems, being both of economic and environmental nature. As an evolving scientific discipline environmental economics explores the ways for far-reaching environment-friendly and, at the same time, economically sound decisions, on both macro and micro level, and, recently, on global level. Key words: concepts for problem solving, ecosystem services, environmental economics, human needs, natural environment, scarcity
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3.5.4 ZELENA PARADIGMA DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI V PRIHODNOSTI dr. Davorin Kralj ART- K Poslovno svetovanje, MARIBOR davorin.kralj@amis.net Povzetek: Strategija ohranitve sveta prina{a v na{a razmi{ljanja o okolju vrsto zanimivosti in novosti, ki bodo za Slovenijo nemajhnega pomena, z vedenjem, da re{evanje okolja ni samo problem s podro~ja biologije, fizike, kemije itn., ampak predvsem vpra{anje novih vrednot in eti~nega opredeljevanja zanje. Varovanje okolja je tako sestavni del gospodarske, socialne in ekonomske politike, ki vklju~uje interdisciplinarni pristop. Bistveno na podro~ju varstva ~love{kih pravic je pravica bivanja v zdravem okolju in dol`nost varovanja tega okolja za doseganje trajnostnega razvoja. Zaradi tega je pomembno, da podjetje ohrani zmo`nost stalnega spremljanja organizacijskega modela ravnanja z okoljem podjetja z namenom, da: • ugotavljamo, kako odgovorno podjetje obvladuje in ravna z okoljem v primerjavi z njegovimi konkurenti, in • analiziramo raven organizacijske u~inkovitosti z vidika kriterijev poslovanja in ravnanja z okoljem. Spremljanje stanja okolja in poro~anje doma~i in mednarodni javnosti ter institucijam je v Sloveniji novo, pomembno podro~je iz evropske okoljske zakonodaje. Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost, kultura, ravnanje z okoljem, zelena paradigma
GREEN PARADIGM OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN THE FUTURE Abstract: The World Conservation Strategy is bringing various points of interest and novelties for our consideration concerning the environment. These novelties are going to be of great importance for Slovenia, which always thinks of its future goals and the path that will lead to them. They announce that environmental problems are not only a matter of biology, physics, chemistry, etc. but above all a matter of new ethical values and readiness to support them. Protecting the environment is an integral part of economic, social and economic policy, which includes interdisciplinary approach. Essential to the protection of human rights is the right of residence in a healthy environment and duty to protect the environment for achieving sustainable development. For that reason it is important that company retains its ability of ongoing monitoring of organizational model from viewpoints of environmental management in order to: • Realize, how responsibly the company controls and operates its relations with environment compared with its competitors, • Analyze the level of organizational efficiency of environmental management from the viewpoints of business and environmental criteria of funning business. Key words: environment, organizational culture, environmental management, social responsibility, green paradigm ----------------------------------------
3.5.5 NOVOSTI NA PODRO^JU DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI NA RAVNI EU Metka [toka Debevec Ministrstvo RS za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve Povzetek: V prispevku so predstavljene nekatere aktivnosti na podro~ju DOP, ki so v okviru EU potekale v preteklem letu. V prvem delu so podrobneje opisane ugotovitve petih delavnic, ki jih je na temo razkrivanja/poro~anja podjetij o DOP aktivnostih organiziral Direktorat za podjetni{tvo pri Evropski komisiji. Delavnice so bile posebej organizirane za posamezne dele`nike na podro~ju DOP, to je podjetja, sindikate in druge predstavnike zaposlenih, medije, potro{nike in civilno dru`bo, investitorje in predstavnike oblasti. V drugem delu pa so predstavljene ugotovitve in zaklju~ki s konference »Protect, Respect, Remedy«, ki jo je v ~asu svojega predsedovanja EU organizirala [vedska. Klju~ne besede: Evropska unija, Dru`bena odgovornost podjetij, leto 2009
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NOVELTIES CONCERNING SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY ON THE EUROPEAN UNION LEVEL Abstract: The presentation gives a short review of discussions and conclusions reached during some CSR-related events on the EU level in 2009. There are conclusions reached in the five workshops on company disclosure, organised by DG Enterprise for the five stakeholders groups (enterprises, investors, trade unions, civil society, consumers and media, and for the public authorities.) The second part is about the debate and conclusions of the CSR Conference »Respect, Protect, Remedy« held in Stockholm during the Swedish EU presidency. Key words: European Union, Corporate social responsibility, Year 2009
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Vzporedna predavanja, razprave, 2. dan 3.6 Raba in zloraba narave Use and abuse of nature
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3.6.1 PRODUCT LINE ANALYSIS AS A MEANS OF CONSIDERING OVER-ALL EFFECTS OF WASTE MANAGEMENT ON NATURE AND SOCIETY M.Sc. Hannes Klampfl-Pernold, assistant Institute for Systems Science, Innovation & Sustainability Research (ISIS), University of Graz, Austria email: hannes.klampfl-pernold@uni-graz.at
Dr. Ulrike Gelbmann, assistant professor Institute for Systems Science, Innovation & Sustainability Research (ISIS), University of Graz, Austria email: ulrike.gelbmann@uni-graz.at Abstract: Even a stable, sophisticated waste management has extensive positive and negative effects on society and nature. These need to be measured, depicted, and deliberated carefully. In doing so, waste industry assumes responsibility for society, and nature and takes into account the prosperity of privately-owned waste management enterprises. This paper presents an approach to analyzing triple-bottom-line sustainability of waste industry by applying the method of “product line analysis”. It comprises a two-dimensional life-cycle analysis describing ecological, economic, and social impacts of a product. We modify the instrument by replacing the typical lifecycle of a product by the EU framework directive on five-waste-hierarchies, supplemented by the category of transportation, as one dimension and a variety of sustainability-relevant categories as the other dimension. This structure supports systematic, structured analysis of the nature-relevant, social, and economic effects of a re-gion's waste management activities. The approach was applied to the Styrian waste management system - the results of the case are referred to in the paper and give a first hint at the validity of the tool. Key words: environmental protection, sustainability assessment, life-cycle-analysis, waste management ----------------------------------------
3.6.2 INFORMACIJSKI SISTEM PODJETIJ ZA OBVLADOVANJE PROBLEMOV SKRBI ZA NARAVNO OKOLJE Jorge Marx Gómez Department of Business Informatics I, Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg, Germany marx-gomez@wi-ol.de Povzetek: Informacijski sistemi nudijo bistveno podporo vodstvu podjetja, ko gre za obvladovanje problemov skrbi za naravno okolje, s pogojem da so sodobni in dovolj celoviti, da zadovoljijo vse bistvene informacijske potrebe s sprejemljivimi stro{ki in pravo~asnim zagotavljanjem podatkov in informacij, ki iz njih izhajajo. CEMIS 2.0 je podjetni{ki okoljski upravljavski informacijski sistem, ki izpolnjuje tak smoter. Obi~ajni tradicionalni pristop k tem vsebinam podjetni{kih informacijskih sistemov daje mnogo manj celovito podlago za odlo~anje o odpadkih in drugih okoljskih vpra{anjih. Klju~ne besede: CEMIS 2.0, informacijski sistem, podjetje, upravljanje
NEXT GENERATION OF CORPORATE ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS - CEMIS 2.0 Abstract: Information systems offer a crucial support to corporate environmental management, if they are contemporary and holistic enough to cover all essential information needs with an acceptable cost and real-time provision of data and resulting information. The Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems - CEMIS 2.0 serves such a purpose. With the usual traditional approach to these contents of corporate information systems a much less holistic information basis for decision making on waste and other environmental issues is available. Key words: CEMIS 2.0, enterprise information system, environmental management
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3.6.3 THE IMPACT OF GREEN TAX ON PROMOTION OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND WELFARE INDICES Mohsen Tabarraei Maryam Tabarraei Maryam Moghimi Abstract: Achieving the growth and development is dependent on the efficient and correct use of resources. It is not possible to realize the goal of social welfare promotion without addressing sustainable development. Environment protection and reduction of harmful effects of the economic activities on environmental conditions of human life in the frame of sustainable development concept deserves a change/innovation in the approach to resource allocations in order to gain the maximum economic efficiency. Environmental tax (Green Tax) is one of the new tools used to implement the measures of sustainable development in the process of economical activities. In the present study, the experiences of other countries as well as modern methods of collecting green taxes have been studied. Then, after obtaining the necessary literature and basic data including Social Accounting Matrix of Iran and the information necessary for the model from valid sources, in the frame of a Calculable Comparable General Equilibrium suitable for the Iranian economic structure using the software GAMS, analysis of the impact of green tax on promotion of environmental and welfare indices has been considered in several different scenarios. Keywords: Green Tax, Social Accounting Matrix, environmental, welfare ----------------------------------------
3.6.4 ESTIMATION OF PRESERVATION VALUE OF URBAN GREEN SPACE (CASE STUDY: MASHHAD, IRAN) Naser Shahnoushi, Marzieh Motallebi, Sara Yazdan Bakhsh, Niloofar Ashktorab Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University, Iran naser.shahnoushi@gmail.com Abstract: Preservation of urban green space is one of the most important issues that decision makers need to deal with. These days, economists believe that people’s participation in solving cities problems is one of the best and fast ways to remove urban difficulties. In this study an assessment of the preservation value of Mashhad’s - Iran’s second biggest city’s - green space will be discussed. Basic method of this article is based on estimation of individual's willingness to pay (WTP) for obtained benefits of preservation of green space. In order to estimate the model, Logit Regression Model is used, which estimated parameters being based on Maximum Likelihood. The result will help policy and decision makers to understand the value of urban green space for people and cities inhabitants. Key Words: Urban Green Space, Mashhad, Willingness to Pay, Logit Model, Policy
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Naser Shahnoushi, 2Samaneh Shahhossein Dastjerdi, 3Ali Darijani, 4 Kamran Davari, 5Mohsen Tabaraei and 6Sara Yazdan Bakhsh
Associate Professor of Department of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 2 MSc. Student of Department of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 3 Assistant Professor of Department of Agricultural Economics, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Iran 4 Associate Professor of Department of Water Engineering, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 5 Assistant Professor of Department of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 6 MSc. Student of Department of Agricultural Economics, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 1 shahnoushi@um.ac.ir, 2 shahhosseini64@yahoo.com, 3 Darijani@gav.ac.ir, 4 k.davary@gmail.com, 5 mtabaraei@yahoo.com, 6 sa.yazdanbakhsh@gmail.com Abstract: The preventive measures (drought risk management) that can mitigate drought effects, not only include very low cost compared to indemnity costs, but also lead to reduction of costs that are spent after drought occurrence. According to the importance of drought risk management, besides droughts assessment and prediction of their occurrence probabilities, the study provides measures of drought risk management for mitigating farmers vulnerability in future drought periods and sustainable use of water resources in the Golestan province. Since agricultural sector of Gonbad-e-Kavous county has witnessed the biggest loss in this province (about 900 million U.S dollars in 2007-08 drought year), the present study focuses on this county. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) and Markov chain method were used to assess and predict the probability of drought occurrence. Also a record of Gonbad rain gauge station in central district of Gonbad-e-Kavous county during 1967-2008 was used. Through the method of Markov chain, the probability of drought occurrence was estimated to be more than the probability of wet years in the long run in this county with high accuracy in the early years of the periods. Thus, practical measures in short, mid, and long runs were presented to deal with drought event and also sustainable use of region water resources. Therefore, it is necessary for regional planners and policymakers, with emphasis on methods of drought risk management, to put their efforts to mitigate the effects of this event on agricultural sector and provide needful outline for sustainable use of water resources. Keywords: Drought Risk Management, Markov Chain, Agriculture, Sustainability of Water Resources, Gonbad-e-Kavous, Golestan ----------------------------------------
3.6.6 RAZVOJ TURIZMA V ZA[^ITENIH OBMO^JIH - BLAGOSLOV ALI PREKLETSTVO? Dr. Sonja Sibila Lebe, Assistant Professor Head of the study field Tourism, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business SonjaSibila.Lebe@guest.arnes.si Povzetek: Leta 2004 je bil v SV Sloveniji ustanovljen Krajinski park Gori~ko. Pred ustanovitvijo je lokalno prebivalstvo izrazilo veliko zaskrbljenost zaradi pri~akovanih {tevilnih omejitev, ki jih prina{a razglasitev varovanega obmo~ja. Veliko ukrepov je bilo sprejetih, ki bi naj razblinili strahove mati~nega prebivalstva in jih seznanili s pozitivnimi platmi `ivljenja v krajinskem parku. Med prebivalstvom je bila izvedena anketa za namenom, da zazna obseg omenjenih strahov in mnenja in odnos Gori~ancev do ustanovitve parka. Pet let po ustanovitvi parka je bila anketa, tokrat v bolj strnjeni in skraj{ani obliki, ponovljena, njen namen pa je bil ugotavljati zadovoljstvo lokalnega prebivalstva s sedanjim `ivljenjem v parku. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta po petih letih zadovoljstvo z `ivljenjem na obmo~ju krajinskega parka in stopnja optimizma med prebivalstvom narasli. Kar je ostalo nespremenjeno, je spisek ukrepov, ki jih smatrajo intervjuvanci za nujne za vzpodbujanje razvoja podjetni{tva. Klju~ne besede: Krajinski par Gori~ko, razvoj turizma, ekologija, podjetni{tvo, kmetijstvo, napredek, omejitve
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TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN PROTECTED AREAS - A BLESSING OR A CURSE? Abstract: In 2004, in the North-Eastern part of Slovenia the Nature Park Gori~ko was established. Prior to its establishment, the local inhabitants expressed a lot of fears concerning expected restrictions due to their area's protected status. Several measures were taken to show to the locals the positive parts of living in a nature park. An opinion poll was conducted in order to specify the fears and to check their attitudes towards the park. Five years after the nature park establishment, a shorter and slightly modified version of the same questionnaire was used to test the contentedness of the local population with their present living conditions. Its results showed that after six years of living in the park, the contentedness to live in a protected area, as well as the level of optimism of the local population has risen. What remains unchanged is the list of measures the interviewees consider crucial to encourage the development of entrepreneurship. Key words: Gori~ko Nature Park, tourism development, ecology, entrepreneurship, agriculture, progress, restrictions ----------------------------------------
3.6.7 SKRB ZA OKOLJE V OBLIKI SKRBNEGA OBVLADOVANJA RECIKLA@E VOZIL Zbigniew Klos, Professor, Ph.D. (Eng), D. Sc. Robert Lewicki, Ph.D. (Eng.) Poznan University of Technology, Faculty of Machines and Transport, POLAND e-mail: zbigniew.klos@put.poznan.pl Povzetek: Recikla`a vozil je lahko ena od mo`nosti, da bi pomembno zmanj{ali ru{ilne ~love{ke dejavnosti. Na Poljskem sili rasto~e {tevilo izrabljenih vozil, da se s tem problemom ukvarjajo natan~neje. [tudija, o kateri poro~a ta prispevek, zajema razne vidike recikla`e avtov na Poljskem. Analiziramo starostno sestavo tam registriranih avtov, uvozno statistiko in druge podatke o poljskem trgu avtov na osnovi predvidevanj o izrabljenih avtih. Spoznamo glavne probleme recikla`nega omre`ja. Analiziramo razne scenarije, ki jih prou~imo podrobno, da bi spoznali, kako se bo spreminjalo {tevilo avtov, recikliranih na Poljskem v bodo~e, in kak{ne bodo posledice za naravno okolje. Uporabljamo za izra~une svojstveno metodo - LCA in Ecoindikator 99. Klasificiramo glavne vplive na okolje in opredelimo ekolo{ke posledice povpre~nega recikliranja avtov v poljskih razmerah. Izidi ponazorijo, kako velike so okoljske posledice problema recikla`e avtov. [tudija potrjuje, da je LCA lahko metoda, ki pomaga ovrednotiti okolje posledice procesov z izrabljenimi avti, in nudi mo`nosti, da bi izbolj{ali recikla`ni proces. Klju~ne besede: izrabljena vozila, okolje, recikla`a, skrb
THE CARE FOR ENVIRONMENT BY RATIONAL VEHICLES RECYCLING MANAGEMENT Abstract: Recycling of vehicles may be one of the possibilities significantly diminishing the destructive human activities. In Poland, a growing number of end-of-life vehicles forces us to look closer on that problem. The study presented in the paper concerns the different aspects of car recycling in Poland. Age structure of used cars registered in Poland, import statistics and other data concerning Polish car market are analyzed on the background of forecasted number of end-of-life vehicles. The main problems of development of the recycling network are identified. Different scenarios, which are characterized in detail to define changes in the number of cars recycled in Poland in the future, and environmental consequences of these scenarios, are analyzed. The specific method - LCA and Ecoindicator 99 - are used for calculations. The main environmental impacts are classified and ecological consequences of the average car recycling in Polish conditions are defined. Results illustrate the scale of environmental consequences of car recycling problem. They can support activities oriented towards finding the most rational environmental solutions. The study confirms also that the LCA tools may be helpful in evaluation of environmental consequences of end-of-life processes and potential suggested improvements in recycling processes. Keywords: environment, care, end-of-life vehicles, recycling
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Naser Shahnoushi, 2Sara Yazdan Bakhsh, 3Niloofar Ashktorab, 4 Marzieh Motallebi, 5M. Tabarae
Associate and Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran. M.Sc. student of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran 1
naser.shahnoushi@gmail.com 2 sa.yazdanbakhsh@gmail.com 3 nilo.ashk@yahoo.com 4 marziehmotallebi@yahoo.com 5 mtabaraei@yahoo.com
Abstract: Cities are the most objective symbols of interaction between man and environment; along with the increasing population and the progress of urbanization and industrialization and environmental deterioration, public's desire for improved air quality is increasing. Mashhad, as the biggest religious town in Iran, is the second air polluted city after Tehran. There are more factors contributing to the air pollution in Mashhad. The main reason for the high air pollution in the city is the exhaust pollution from the motor vehicle and aging transport sector. This paper presents results of an empirical study recently conducted in Mashhad aimed at estimating the public’s willingness-to-pay (WTP) for improved air quality. A statistical technique known as contingent valuation method (CVM) model is used here. According to the results of this research, paying more attention to Mashhad environmental issues is recommended. The results will help policy makers to investigate public’s tendency to improve air quality and get the policy makers represent the ways and suggestion to reduce air pollution. Key words: air pollution, Contingent valuation Method (CVM), Willingness to Pay (WTP), Mashhad
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3.7 Prihodnost narave in narodov Future of nature and nations
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3.7.1 SOCIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF URBAN GREEN SPACE EXPANSION ON CITIZENS Mohsen Tabarraei BaratAli Khakpour Maryam Tabarraei Abstract: Green spaces induce a social air into the urban environments and give them a natural look. They also render the rough and industrial spaces in the cities into relaxing and graceful ones. Green spaces establish a tight relation between the members of the society and natural surroundings thus making them more tolerable. This is essential for a society that is to remain sustainable. Creation of better social interactions between the citizens in different urban zones, getting familiar with some of social indices (norms, values, micro cultures etc), socialization of individuals, and resolving of loneliness are amongst the most important sociological effects of the green spaces. Based on the results obtained, 88% of the citizens (Mashhad, Iran) (average) believe that the green spaces, especially parks (on any levels) have a great effect on promotion of the social interactions and relations. From the viewpoint of those citizens who believe that the parks do not have any effects, the neighborhood parks with 18% and the zone parks with 6.6% show the most and the least amount of effect, respectively. Among the citizens who believe that the parks do have effects, the zone parks with 93% and the neighborhood parks with 81% show the most and the least amount of support, respectively. The results of the test indicates the significance of the green space effect on the promotion of the social interactions and relations in all kinds of parks at a confidence level of 99% so that in all parks the values of the test in respect with the comparison of increase or decease is significant at a confidence level of 99% and this shows that at a confidence level of 99%, in all parks, the expansion of green spaces causes a promotion of the social interactions and relations amongst the citizens. Keywords: Sociological Effects, Green Space, Mashhad, zone parks
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3.7.2 VIRTUALNO U^ENJE ZA SONARAVNO TRAJNOSTNO EVROPO? Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gerald Steiner - Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research, University of Graz, Austria, gerald.steiner@uni-graz.at Dr. Filippina Risopoulos - Sustainable University Graz, Sustainable University4U, Austria, filippina.risopoulos@uni-graz.at Ass. Prof. Dr. Eftichios S. Sartzetakis - University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece Dr. Benjamin Kratzoglou - Head of Environmental Education Program, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Friedrich Zimmermann - Chair of the Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Austria Dr. Susanne Janschitz - Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Austria Dr. Sophia Gregou - University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece M.A. Erato Kostopoulou - University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece Prof. Dr. Rietje van Dam-Mieras - Utrecht University, Netherlands Dr. Joseph Leinders - Utrecht University, Netherlands Ass. Prof. Dr. Ron Cörver - Open University, Netherlands Dr. Joop de Kraker - Open University, Netherlands Dr. Judith Pizzera - Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Austria M.A. Johanna Ehetreiber - Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Austria M.A. Elisabeth Görsdorf - Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Austria Elisabeth Suklje - Institute of Geography and Regional Science, University of Graz, Austria Prof. Dr. Gerd Michelsen - Head of the Institute of Environmental and Sustainability Communication, Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany Dr. Matthias Barth - Institute of Environmental and Sustainability Communication, Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany B.A. Laura Henderson - Department of Environmental Education, Charles University, Czech Republic M.A. Martin Zahradnik - Department of Environmental Education, Charles University, Czech Republik Povzetek: Sonaravni trajnostni razvoj ne potrebuje le voljnosti, da se vklju~imo v sonaravno trajnostno delovanje, ampak tudi primeren u~ni proces za vse dejavnike na vseh ravneh dru`bene organizacije, zato da bi omogo~ili u~inkovitost obna{anja, usmerjenega v sonaravno trajnost. Za pove~anje obsega sistemov, s katerimi imamo opraviti v svojih vsakdanjih `ivljenjih, je zna~ilno sodelovanje z ljudmi iz poslovnega in akademskega sveta in raznih delov dru`be, ki ne `ivijo samo v na{ih doma~ih krajih in de`elah, ampak tudi v oddaljenih krajih po vsem svetu. Zato je potrebno raz{iriti u~no platformo preko meja, ki jih omogo~a osebni stik. V prispevku predstavljamo projekt 'Virtualni kampus za trajnostno sonaravno Evropo (VCSE)', ki temelji na e-u~enju, zato omogo~a pouk o sonaravni trajnosti med akademskimi ustanovami in med njimi in ostalo dru`bo kot vzajemen proces. Klju~ne besede: Sonaravni trajnostni razvoj, e-u~enje, u~enje v osebnem stiku, visoko {olstvo, sistemsko razmi{ljanje
VIRTUAL LEARNING FOR A SUSTAINABLE EUROPE? Abstract: Sustainable development not only calls for the willingness to engage in sustainable acting, but it also requires appropriate learning processes of actors at all level of society to enable effective sustainability oriented behavior. The increased scope of systems we have to deal with in our daily lives is characterized by collaboration with people from the business and academic world and various parts of society, not only situated only in our hometowns or home countries, but at remote places all over the world. This calls for extended learning platforms in extension of face-to-face learning approaches. Within this paper the “Virtual Campus for a Sustainable Europe” (VCSE) project is introduced as an e-learning based approach that not only enables sustainability learning among academic institutions, but also between academia and society as a mutual process. Keywords: Sustainable development, e-learning, face-to-face-learning, higher education, systems thinking
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3.7.3 PRESENTATION OF THE BOOK: STRATEGIES IN SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL AND TOURISM Dr. Mark Esposito Grenoble Ecole de Management Professor, Dr Mark Esposito, examines Sustainable Strategies in Travel and Tourism in his e-book "Strategies in Sustainable Travel and Tourism" - an e-book in line with the latest Apple IPad launch. The e-book was inspired by some of the current trends in the industry of ecological dimensions and awareness. Looking more closely to the example of NGOs, Dr. Mark Esposito explores the nuances of one of the leading industries in the world, Tourism. The e-book explores the potential of the socio-economic catalysts that Travel and Tourism represent and move into the exploration of sustainable tourism as part of a strategy for prosperity. An overview on the main trends, the current opportunities rising from the eco-friendliness initiatives and the quality certifications merge into this practical manual, which addresses its focus to operators, managers of the hospitality industry and students, who look at Tourism as a complex dimension of competitiveness in today's global economy. The e-book also presents guidelines on responsible tourist behavior, as a way to offer incentives and awareness of those patterns, which help create a sustainable strategy for the preservation of nature through responsible travel. The sales of the e-book will support the Slovenian IRDO (Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility). Dr Mark Esposito said: "I decided for the e-book as it is in line with the trend of having podcasts, videos, text and files on digital format. Furthermore, as we have all seen with Apple's Ipad's launch, it is a symptom of the digitalization of our times and communicative skills. "My choice for the e-book format was also because it is environmentally friendly, has a low production cost and it can be sold to a much lower price. As it is for a philanthropic purpose, the price is of 10 Euros to support the research funds of IRDO, and such an attractive price could have not been possible with a traditional paper copy. "Many business schools today are using digital copies as they tend to enlarge the libraries capacity without requiring more physical space. It is a good trend and a complement to the diffusion of knowledge in a more "agile" and "downloadable" way." The e-book format is in line with Grenoble Ecole de Management's expertise in Management of Technology and Innovation. Published in Slovenia by IRDO (ISBN 978-961-91826-9-7). To purchase please click here: http://irdo.si/ The book is now also featured in the United Nations website of the ACUNS: http://www.acuns.org/booksbyacu/ sustainablestrategiesintravelandtourism ----------------------------------------
3.7.4 COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND E-DEMOCRACY WEBSITE DEVELOPMENT AS A SUPPORT TO SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, INCLUDING HUMAN CARE FOR NATURE Dr. Robert G. Dyck Emeritus Professor, Public & International Affairs, Virginia Tech. 5428 Crossings Lake Circle, Birmingham, AL 35242, USA. Email: bobdyck@vt.edu Abstract: Anticipating the continued erosion of analytical print journalism, Community Information Websites may well become the preferred medium for interactive local communication on a broad range of policy issues, involving an increasingly recursive, complex network of government, private sector, non-profit, and individual activities. Participative fractal analysis and design should be utilized in such website design, to facilitate inter-scale linkages, adaptive contingency planning, and more resilient policy outcomes. Planning for resilience will provide, in addition, a vehicle for teaching social responsibility, including planning for sustainability. Community Information Websites would neither be affiliated directly with local government nor be primarily political in purpose. But E-Democracy Websites, locally analogous to Move-On and Tea Party Websites, would provide for political advocacy. Together, such websites would complement and support E-Government Websites, which include local government activities such as online payment of fees, automated filing of permits and applica-
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
tions, automated water meter reading, laptops in patrol cars, etc. All three types of websites are necessary for sustainable local community development, but Community Information and local E-Democracy Websites generally are not as well developed as E-Government Websites, and thus merit special emphasis. They also help us to save nature by reducing use of paper, related use of water and equipment, transportation services, waste, etc. Key Words: Community Information, E-Democracy, and E-Government Websites; Inter-Scale Linkages; Participative Fractal Analysis and Design; Planning for Community Resilience and Sustainability; Saving Nature; Teaching Social Responsibility and Sustainability. ----------------------------------------
3.7.5 POT NAZAJ K NARAVI VODI OD VÉDENJA PROTI ZAVEDANJU - ALI ZMOREMO? Vesna Kova~i~, M.S. DOBA FAKULTETA, Maribor, Slovenija vesna.kovacic@doba.si, www.fakulteta.doba.si Povzetek: Pogosto sli{imo, da smo ljudje v razvitem svetu zaradi svojega na~ina razmi{ljanja in `ivljenja vse bolj odtujeni od narave. Ali to pomeni, da nam je narava tuja? Da, lahko bi tako rekli. Predvsem so nam postali tuji principi delovanja narave in njeni zakoni. Velikokrat delujemo v nasprotju z njimi, kar se kon~a z uni~ujo~imi posledicami tako za ~loveka kot za naravo. Pa ne samo to. Odtujeni smo tudi drug od drugega. Ali to pomeni, da smo drug drugemu tujec? Da, tako se vedemo. Izrek ~lovek ~loveku ~lovek danes pogosto ne dr`i. V svojem okolju smo nemalokrat pri~a nasilju med ljudmi, diskriminaciji ene skupine nad drugo in izkori{~anju ~loveka po ~loveku. A `al to {e ni vse. Odtujenost dobiva {e globlje razse`nosti. Odtujeni smo celo od samega sebe. Ali to pomeni…? Da, samim sebi smo tujci. Zakaj? Kaj nas je privedlo do sem? Pravzaprav je vzrok preprost, pozabili smo odgovor na tri klju~na vpra{anja: Kdo smo? Kaj nas dela ljudi? Kaj je namen na{ega `ivljenja? Vemo, da smo ljudje, vendar se tega premalo zavedamo. V prispevku razmi{ljamo o tem, kako ljudje dojemamo pojma védeti in zavedati se. Besedi, ki sicer izhajata iz istega besednega korena, imata razli~en pomen. Védeti, {e ne pomeni se tega tudi zavedati. Menimo, da se ~lovek danes preve~ ukvarja z védenjem in posledi~no premalo s svojim zavedanjem. Po na{em mnenju vodi pot nazaj k naravi, soljudem in samemu sebi prav od védenja proti zavedanju. Klju~ne besede: narava, odtujenost, védenje, zavedanje
THE WAY BACK TO NATURE LEADS FROM KNOWING TO AWARENESS - ARE WE ABLE TO DO IT? Abstract: We hear very often, that due to our way of thinking and way of life people in modern world are more and more alienated to nature. Does this mean that nature is strange to us? Yes, we could say so. Most of all the principles of how nature works and its laws became strange to us. We act very often in contrast of them, which ends with devastating consequences for the humans as well as for nature. And not just that. We are alienated also from each other. Does this mean we are strangers to each other? Yes, we behave in this way. Homo homini homo/lupus; human is a human/wolf to the human. Humaneness is often not present nowadays. Very often we witness violence among people, discrimination between groups of people and exploitation of people. And sadly this is not all. The alienation gets even greater extensions. We are alienated even from ourselves. Does this mean…? Yes, we are strangers to ourselves. Why? What brought us here? Actually, the reason is simple; we have forgotten the answer to three key questions: Who are we? What makes us human? What is the purpose of our lives? We know that we are humans, but we are not aware of that enough. In the article we think about how people comprehend the concept of knowing and being aware. Two words that derive from the same basis have different meanings. Knowing does not necessary means being aware of things. We believe, that people are too much concerned with the knowing these days and consequently not enough with the awareness. We believe the way back to nature, other people and to ourselves leads from knowing to awareness. Keywords: nature, alienation, knowing, awareness
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
3.7.6 SOO^ENJE S KOMPLEKSNOSTJO ^LOVE[KE ODGOVORNOSTI ^LOVE[TVO IN NARAVA Helmut K. Loeckenhoff Independent Research, Backnang, Germany Loeckenhoff.HellK@t-online.de Povzetek: Povzemimo na kratko Gregoryja Batesona (Bateson 1972) slavni izrek: Ljudje in narava tvorijo potrebno enotnost. Kadar se spra{ujemo o vzrokih in razmi{ljamo o teh dejstvih, najdemo razli~ne odgovore. Najpogosteje navajajo evolucijo. ^love{ka bitja so se razvila od fizike telesa do fiziologije, do zavesti in navzgor do semio-dinamike miselnih stvaritev; sledila so na~elom, ki dolo~ajo razvoj v naravi nasploh. Vse od svojega izvora so ljudje nelo~ljiv del narave. Narava in ~lovek sta enako sestavini kozmi~ne, geolo{ke in biolo{ke sfere, ki so soodvisne in se skupaj razvijajo. Dejansko notranje in zunanje okolje ljudi sta povezana v vse povezujo~ih naravnih sistemih, ki tudi sledijo skupnim na~elom. Skupen razvoj, ki ga vse bolj oblikuje semioti~na dinamika, ki zajema smiselnost in smotrnost, se odvija na ravni kulture, kar zajema jezik, ideologije in verska prepri~anja. Skupaj vsi tu kulturni dose`ki - Karl Popper jih je imenoval Svet III - so izoblikovali ~love{ko razumevanje samih sebe v njihovem svetu, kulturne variacije ~love{ke identitete. - Vpogled v krepko zapletenost in zavest o njej tvorita najosnovnej{i pogoj, da se razvije ~love{ka odgovornost za naravno ravnovesje. Ker so izvori in dejanske okoli{~ine `ivljenja odvisni od narave, se ~love{ka odgovornost sama po sebi poka`e kot odnos visoke zapletenosti in dinami~ne zavesti. Izka`e se za dinami~no medsebojno vplivanje med lastnimi te`njami narave k samo-organiziranju in med zavestno, usmerjano in ciljno ~love{ko politiko. Klju~ne besede: ljudje, narava, zavest, razvoj, semiotika, soodvisnost
MEETING THE COMPLEXITY OF HUMAN RESPONSIBILITY HUMANKIND AND NATURE Abstract: Let us paraphrase Gregory Bateson's (Bateson 1972) famous dictum: Humans and nature form a necessary unity. When asking for the causes and reasoning relating to this fact, different answers are given. The most cited one refers to evolution. Human beings evolved from body physics to physiology, to consciousness, and up to the semiodynamics of mental constructs, following the principles which determine the development of nature in general. From their very origin humans are an integral part of nature. Both nature and humankind are embedded in the cosmo, geo-, and biosphere, mutually dependent and co-evolving. The actual inner and outer environments of human beings are entailed in the overarching systems of nature, following again the shared principles. Increasingly formed by the dynamics of semiosis, that is of meaning and purposefulness, co-evolvement takes place on the cultural level, implying language, ideologies, or religious convictions. In sum these cultural artefacts - K. Popper named them World III - shaped the self-understanding of humans in their world, the cultural variations of human identity. - The insight into and the awareness of the intricate entanglement constitutes the foremost condition to develop a human responsibility for natures balance. As the origins and the actual life conditions are determined by nature, human responsibility in se thus reveals a highly complex and dynamic conscientious relationship. It turns out as a dynamic interplay between nature's own tendencies to self-organisation versus conscious, guided and targeted human policy. Key words: humans, nature, consciousness, development, semiotics, interdependence
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3.7.7 HARMONI^NA DRU@BA KOT RESNI^NA ^LOVE[KA SKRB ZA NARAVO Dr. Leo Semashko Global Harmony Association (GHA) President, Director, Public Tetrasociological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia. E-mail: leo44442006@yandex.ru, Website: www.peacefromharmony.org Povzetek: ^lovekov odnos do narave je odvisen of dru`bene kakovosti civilizacije. Industrijska civilizacija obravnava naravo izkori{~evalsko; brez premisleka zlorablja naravo za trenutni dobi~ek. Vodi naravo in skupaj z njo ~love{tvo v uni~enje. Harmoni~na dru`ba zmore biti edina alternativa. Ustvarja prednost dru`bene usklajenosti, tudi z naravo. Ta prioriteta nadome{~a prioriteto dobi~ka. Prvo znanstveno vizijo harmoni~ne dru`be predstavlja skupna knjiga mnogo avtorjev 'Harmoni~na dru`ba' (Globalno zdru`enje za harmoni~nost GHA, St. Petersburg, 2009, 255 strani), ki je objavljena na spletni strani: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379. Knjiga razkriva pojavne oblike, opredelitev, neogibnost, znanost in razmi{ljanje o harmoni~ni dru`bi. Miselna podlaga za tako civilizacijo je 'tetra-filozofija', njena znanost je 'tetra-sociologija'. Dru`beni dejavniki take civilizacije so harmoni~ni sferni razredi prebivalstva vsake dr`ave in ~love{tva v celoti. Ta civilizacija ustvarja harmoni~no demokracijo sfernih razredov, ki si med seboj delijo pol na pol zakonodajno in izvr{no oblast na vseh ravneh: globalni, dr`avni, regionalni in lokalni. Klju~ne besede: harmoni~na civilizacija, industrijska civilizacija, narava, tetra-filozofija, tetra-sociologija
HARMONIOUS CIVILIZATION AS A TRUE HUMAN CARE FOR NATURE Abstract: The human relation to nature is defined by social quality of a civilization. The industrial civilization treats the nature predatorily; it thoughtlessly exploits nature for the sake of momentary profit. It conducts nature to destruction and together with it also to humanity's destruction. The harmonious civilization can be the only alternative. It creates the priority of social harmony including harmony with nature. This priority replaces the profit's priority. The first scientific vision of a harmonious civilization is presented in the collective book of the Global Harmony Association (GHA) “Harmonious Civilization” (St.-Petersburg, 2009, 255 pages) which is published also on the website: http://peacefromharmony.org/?cat=en_c&key=379. This book unfolds the features, definition, inevitability, science and thinking of a harmonious civilization. Thinking of this civilization is Tetraphilosophy and its science is Tetrasociology. Social actors of this civilization are harmonious sphere classes of the population of each country and humankind as a whole. This civilization creates harmonious democracy of the sphere classes which divide fifty-fifty among themselves legislative and executive power at all levels: global, national, regional, and local. Key words: harmonious civilization, industrial civilization, nature, tetraphilosophy, tetrasociology ----------------------------------------
3.7.8 TRENDI DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI PODJETIJ NA KITAJSKEM Mihaela Hladin, Richard Hsu, Ina Kukovic, Chris Pothaar China Povzetek: Da bi bolje dojeli dru`beno odgovornost podjetij na Kitajskem, bomo pogledali, kako se je DOP razvijala in do`ivljala priznanje na Kitajskem, in to, kako se uresni~evanje DOP tam razlikuje od prakse drugod po svetu. Prou~ili bomo, kako izhaja pobuda za DOP bolj iz nuje kot iz katerih koli drugih razlogov. Primerjamo lahko uporabo okoljskega prava in razvoj DOP, saj sta oba sestavini drug drugega in oba dokazujeta, kako pristop 'od spodaj navzgor' je in bo bistven za njuno uresni~itev. Zanimivo je tudi pripomniti, da je ena od kitajskih posebnosti to, da delujejo na veliko in hitro; to se lahko zgodi tudi v tem primeru, toda opredelitev DOP, znana z zahoda, ne bo nujno ustrezala. Na koncu pogledamo model socialnega podjetni{tva in njegovo prisotnost na Kitajskem v lu~i tega, za kar verjamemo, da bi njegova naslednja oblika. Klju~ne besede: DOP, Kitajska, zgodovina, reguliranje, pristop od spodaj navzgor, socialno podjetje
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
TRENDS OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN CHINA Abstract: In order to get a better perception of Corporate Social Responsibility in China, we will take a look at how CSR has been developed and acknowledged in China, as well as how the implementation is distinct from elsewhere in the world. We'll also examine how CSR is being encouraged more out of necessity than for any other reason. We can draw a comparison between environmental law implementation and CSR development, as one is part of the other and both prove how a “bottom up” approach is and will be essential to its realization. It is also interesting to note that one of China's special characteristics, doing things fast and big, can happen in this case also, but in doing so may not fit the definition of CSR as we know it in the West. At the end, we also look at the social business model and its presence in China, in terms of what we believe the next form will be. Key words: CSR, China, history, regulation, bottom-up approach, social enterprise ----------------------------------------
3.7.9 PREPRE^ITEV ^EZMERNOSTI IN ZLOMA: OBVLADOVANJE VIROV ZEMLJE Arthur Lyon DAHL International Environment Forum, Geneva, Switzerland Povzetek: Ekologija populacije vseh vrst `ivih bitij, vklju~no z ljudmi, nas u~i, da preve~ na primer ljudi lahko vodi do zloma take populacije. Mnogi avtorji so v teku zgodovine in znanosti posku{ali dose~i, da bi ljudje razumeli ta naravni zakon. A slednji je videti za mnoge ljudi prezapleten, da bi ga razumeli in ubogali. Zato so sodobne vrednosti ljudi nevarne za pre`ivetje ljudi. Problemi, ki jih identificirajo znanstveniki, lahko postanejo huj{i zaradi {ibkosti politi~nih sistemov, mednarodnih in narodnih, in zaradi neobvladanega globaliziranega gospodarstva, v katerem ~love{tvo ne obvladuje {pekulacije in korupcije. Izbolj{anje globalnega upravljanja naravnega okolja ljudi in svoje sposobnosti obvladovati vire Zemlje je tako klju~en del katere koli re{itve. Prepre~itev ~ezmernosti in zloma je izziv na{ega ~asa. Klju~ne besede: ekologija populacij, ljudje, kompleksnost, sodobne vrednote, ~ezmernost, zlom
PREVENTING OVERSHOOT AND COLLAPSE: MANAGING THE EARTH'S RESOURCES Abstract: Population ecology of all species, including humans, teaches us that too much of e.g. human race may lead to its collapse. Many authors, over history and science, have been trying to make humans understand this natural law. The latter seems to be too complex for most to comprehend and obey. Thus, the modern humans' values are dangerous for humans' survival. The problems scientists identify can be made worse by the weaknesses in the political systems internationally and nationally, and the unmanaged globalized economy where speculation and corruption are out of control. Improving global environmental governance and our ability to manage the Earth's resources is thus a key part of any solution. Preventing overshoot and collapse is the challenge of our time. Key words: population ecology, human, complexity, modern values, overshoot, collapse
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3.8 Predstavitev projektov, dogodkov Presentation of project, events
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3.8.1 OGLJI^NI ODTIS ZA ORGANIZACIJE [pela Kern Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj E-po{ta: spela@umanotera.org Povzetek: Podnebne spremembe vedno bolj ogro`ajo ~love{tvo. Splo{no sprejeto je dejstvo, da imajo izpusti toplogrednih plinov, ki jih povzro~ajo dejavnosti ljudi, negativne vplive na okolje, predvsem na podnebni sistem. Najpomembnej{i toplogredni plin, ki ga ustvarjajo ~love{ke dejavnosti, je ogljikov dioksid (CO2). Prakti~no vse ~love{ke dejavnosti povzro~ajo izpuste CO2, posledica teh pa so podnebne spremembe. Z uporabo elektri~ne energije, proizvedene v termoelektrarnah na fosilna goriva, s se`iganjem plina ali kurilnega olja za ogrevanje, z vo`njo v avtomobilih z bencinskimi ali dizelskimi motorji je vsakdo med nami odgovoren za emisije CO2. Nadalje je vsak izdelek ali storitev posreden vzrok izpustov CO2, saj je energija potrebna tako za njihovo proizvodnjo kot za transport, uporabo in odlaganje, oziroma uni~enje. Vse to lahko povzro~a tudi izpuste drugih toplogrednih plinov, zato je klju~nega pomena, da se resno lotimo obravnave celotnega spektra na{ih vplivov, ~e `elimo ~im bolj zmanj{ati u~inke podnebnih sprememb. Se{tevek vseh emisij toplogrednih plinov, ki jih neposredno ali posredno povzro~ajo ~lovek, organizacija, dogodek ali proizvod, imenujemo oglji~ni odtis. Dolo~itev oglji~nega odtisa posamezne organizacije je lahko prvi korak v na~rtovanju zmanj{evanja emisij, ki jih povzro~a. Klju~ne besede: oglji~ni odtis, izra~un oglji~nega odtisa, oglji~ni odtis za podjetja, CO2 emisije, emisije toplogrednih plinov, zelena pisarna, eko pisarna, skrb za okolje, okolju prijazna pisarna, zeleni akcijski na~rt, nizkooglji~na dru`ba, okoljsko komuniciranje
CARBON FOOTPRINT FOR ORGANIZATIONS Abstract: Climate change is increasingly recognised as a major challenge. It is widely accepted that the greenhouse gas emissions caused by humans, have a negative impact on the environment. The most important greenhouse gas, arising from human activity, is carbon dioxide (CO2). Virtually all human activities cause the CO2 emissions that lead to climate change. By using electricity generated from fossil fuel power stations, burning gas for heating, or driving a petrol or diesel car, every person is responsible for CO2 emissions. Furthermore every product or service that humans consume indirectly creates CO2 emissions; energy is required for their production, transport and disposal. These products and services may also cause emissions of other greenhouse gases. Understanding and addressing the full range of our impact is crucial for the effects of climate change to be minimized. The total set of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event, or product is commonly called their carbon footprint. Establishing the carbon footprint of an organization can be the first step in a program to reduce the emissions it causes. Key words: carbon footprint, carbon footprint for organization CO2 emissions, GHG emissions, green office, eco office, environmental management systems, green action plan, sustainable activities, low carbon society, green business challenge, environmental communication
3.8.2 ODPRTA KNJIGA - OPEN BOOK" AS A GOOD PRACTISE EXAMPLE OF CHARITY AND ENVIRONMENT ASPECTS OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Igor Klan~nik, Mag. Borut Ambro`i~, Rozvita Pfeifer, Peter Hronek, Andrej Ivanu{a Abstract: The project "OPEN BOOK" is an international humanitarian project, the primary goal of which is to strengthen and maintain connection between Slovenians abroad and their homeland, as well as their consolidation and preservation of ethnic, linguistic and cultural identity. At the same time this project symbolizes openness and honesty of people who donate, while illustrating the possibility of education and awareness, to build new connections not only on symbolic level. The Project is an international project of Rotary club Maribor Park (RC MB - Park). RC MB - Park is a voluntary, independent and non-profit association of individuals promoting and developing the awareness, that helping others is an honourable thing to do. The main objective of Rotarians is to "help others" in
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
their daily personal and professional lives, take care of environment and support the preservation of cultural and historical heritage. The project consists of two parts. In the first part we collect books for the Slovenes and people with Slovenian roots living in U.S. The second part of our socially responsible project includes the opening of renovated walking paths in the Maribor Park, which represents the continuity of Rotarian mission in relation to the Maribor Park of Maribor. "DIVINUM DARE, HUMANUM ACCIPERE" (To give is divine, to receive is human) is a slogan in which we want to show our concern and responsibility for maintaining and strengthening the Slovenian word among Slovenes around the world, arrange new contacts with Slovenians in the U.S., show concern and responsible action regarding to local environment and our socially responsible behaviour. This socially responsible approach presents a useful model for application almost anywhere. Key words: good practice examples, environmental aspects of social responsibility, environmental care, Rotary, and to help others. ----------------------------------------
3.8.3 DRU@BENA ODGOVORNOST MALIH IN SREDNJE VELIKIH GOSPODARSKIH DRU@B Jernej Letnar ^erni~, dr. pravnih znanosti, Max Weber post-doktorski raziskovalec, Evropski univerzitetni in{titut v Firencah Povzetek: Uveljavljanje dru`bene odgovornosti malih in srednje velikih gospodarskih dru`b se lahko precej razlikuje od prakse velikih podjetij. Opredelitev pojma je sicer enaka, a delovanje je bolj lokalno, osredoto~eno na dobrodelnost, skrb za zaposlene, odzive na zahteve poslovnih partnerjev in dr`ave ter varovanje naravnega okolja. Pobude prihajajo tudi od javnih nagrad, kot je HORUS, druge nagrade in od certifikatov. Avtor predlaga nekaj nadaljnjih pobud in ukrepov. Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost, mala in srednja podjetja, HORUS, naravno okolje
SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES Abstract: Implementation of social responsibility of smaller and medium-sized enterprises can crucially differ from the practice of large ones. The term is defined equally, of course, but the action is more local, concentrated on charity, care for employees, responses to demands of business partners and government, and protection of natural environment. Initiatives come also from public prizes such as HORUS, other awards, and certificates. The author suggests several further initiatives and measures. Key words: social responsibility, small and medium-sized enterprises, HORUS, natural environment ----------------------------------------
3.8.4 [OLA ZA DRU@BENO ODGOVORNOST PODJETIJ (DOP) - VZGOJNI PRIPOMO^EK ZA SPODBUJANJE DOP V VSAKDANJEM DELU Maja Re~nik SPEM Communication Group, Gregor~i~eva 39, Maribor e-mail: maja.recnik@spem.si, ww.spem.si Povzetek: [ola za dru`beno odgovornost podjetij (DOP) je izobra`evalni program, ki so ga izoblikovali, da bi ponudili znanje, kako uporabljati orodja in tehnike (DOP) v razli~nih organizacijskih podro~jih. To je bil pilotski program in dobil je podporo mnogih zelo razli~nih praktikov v podjetjih in v javnem sektorju ter nevladnih organizacijah
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kot mo`nost, da bi kdo za~el kariero glede DOP. [ola usposablja za razumevanje raznih modelov in prakse DOP, ki se razvijajo v Sloveniji in po svetu, da bi profesionalci za DOP bili sposobni izbolj{ati odnose organizacij do njihovih dele`nikov, dru`be in naravnega okolja. Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost podjetij, izobra`evanje, te`nje glede dru`benih in okoljskih tem
SCHOOL FOR CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY - AN EDUCATION TOOL FOR STIMULATING CSR IN EVERYDAY WORK Abstract: School for Corporate Social Responsibility is an education programme, which was designed to offer knowledge of using tools and techniques of CSR in different organizational fields. That is how this was a pilot programme and was supported by wide range of practitioners in companies and in public sectors and NGO as a possibility for starting a CSR career. The School initiates understanding of different CSR models and praxis that are developing in Slovenia and globally, that is how the CSR professionals will be able to improve the organization's relationship to its stakeholders, society and to the environment. Keywords: corporate social responsibility, education, trends on social and environment topics ----------------------------------------
3.8.5 KRILCA, DRU@BENO ODGOVORNA DARILA, VKLJU^UJEJO SKRB ZA NARAVO Gaja Brecelj, univ. dipl. fran. in soc. kult. Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj E-po{ta: gaja@umanotera.org, spletna stran: www.krilca.si Povzetek: Prvi slovenski katalog dru`beno odgovornih daril Krilca, darila s ~arobno mo~jo, je Umanotera, Slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj, predstavila leta 2007. Krilca predstavljajo inovativen koncept eti~nega obdarovanja, ki so ga prvi~ vpeljali v Veliki Britaniji v dobrodelni organizaciji The Charities Advisory Trust. Vsako darilo iz kataloga predstavlja dobro delo ali podporo za izbrani dru`beno odgovoren projekt, kot je izobra`evanje otrok v Gani, ohranjanje tropskega de`evnega gozda v Ekvadorju, razveseljevanje otrok s slovenskimi Rde~imi noski - klovni zdravniki, itd. Krilca ponujajo enostavno mo`nost dru`beno odgovornega obdarovanja, ki prina{a navdihujo~e trajnostne rezultate. Tovrstna darila s podporo posameznikom in koristnim projektom predstavljajo majhen korak proti bolj{emu svetu. Klju~ne besede: dru`bena odgovornost, obdarovanje, filantropija, eti~na in trajnostna darila, varstvo okolja, socialna pravi~nost
KRILCA, SOCIALLY RESPONSIBLE GIFTS, INCLUDE CARE FOR NATURE Abstract: The first Slovenian catalogue of socially responsible gifts Wings, Gifts with Magic Powers (Slovenian: Krilca, darila s ~arobno mo~jo) was presented in 2007 by Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development. Krilca follow the innovative concept of ethical presents, which was first introduced in U.K. by The Charities Advisory Trust. Each gift from the catalogue represents a good work or other support for a specific socially responsible project, such as education of children in Ghana, preservation of tropical rainforest in Ecuador, support for Slovenian red nose clown doctors, etc. Krilca offer a straightforward possibility for ethical gift giving which renders fascinating sustainable results. By helping individuals and supporting beneficial projects, Krilca represent small steps towards a better world. Key words: social responsibility, gift giving, philanthropy, ethical and sustainable gifts, environmental protection, social justice
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
3.8.6 ZA VE^ CELOVITOSTI, DRU@BENE ODGOVORNOSTI IN INOVATIVNOSTI POSLOVANJA: SLOVENSKA NAGRADA ZA DRU@BENO ODGOVORNOST HORUS Anita Hrast, direktorica in{tituta IRDO, in zasl. prof. ddr. Matja` Mulej, predsednik Strokovnega sveta in{tituta IRDO Povzetek: 3. junija 2009 je bila v Sloveniji prvi~ podeljena Slovenska nagrada za dru`beno odgovornost Horus. Strokovna komisija pod vodstvom mag. Franca Ho~evarja, svetovalca predsednika republike za socialno in zdravstveno varstvo ter humanitarna vpra{anja, je v okviru pilotnega projekta podelila tri nagrade v kategorijah majhna, srednje velika in velika podjetja. Horus 2009 so prejeli Informa Echo, d.o.o. v kategoriji majhna podjetja, ATech elektronika d.o.o. v kategoriji srednje velika podjetja in Trimo, d.d. v kategoriji velika podjetja. Nagrajenci so za nagrado prejeli kiparsko delo z izklesanim kozmogramom avtorjev Marka in Marike Poga~nik. 11 podjetij - finalistov se je potegovalo prvi~ za nagrado, ki je bila namenjena podjetjem, ki se tudi v ~asu gospodarske krize zavedajo dru`bene odgovornosti na razli~nih podro~jih svojega delovanja in jo vklju~ujejo v strate{ko vodenje ter poslovanje podjetja. Nagrade so bile podeljene v okviru 4. mednarodne konference »Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2009 z naslovom Delo - most za sodelovanje: odnosi do zaposlenih in razli~nih starostnih generacij«, ki jo je organiziral In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti IRDO, njen ~astni pokrovitelj pa je bil predsednik dr`ave, dr. Danilo Türk. Klju~ne besede: nagrada, dru`bena odgovornost, podjetja, dele`niki, komuniciranje, vodenje, okolje, zaposleni, skupnost, trg, inoviranje
TOWARD MORE HOLISM, SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND INNOVATIVENESS OF BUSINESS: SLOVENIAN AWARD FOR SOCIAL RESPOSIBILITY HORUS Abstract: On 3 Juny 2009 Horus, the Slovenian Social Responsibility Award was handed for the first time. The expert commission under Franc Ho~evar, M.A., advisor of the President of the Republic of Slovenia for social and health protection and humanitarian issues, worked in the pilot project HORUS and handed three awards in cathegories of small, medium-sized, and large enterprises. Informa Echo, d.o.o. received HORUS among small enterprises, ATech elektronika d.o.o. among the medium-sized ones, and Trimo, d.d., among the big ones. The award had the form of original sculptures with carved cosmograms by Marko and Marika Poga~nik. 11 finalists-enterprises ran for the award for the first time. HORUS was devoted to enterprises that in the crisis times do not forget about social responsibility in various areas of their activity, and include it in their strategic management and business practice. HORUS awards were granted in the framework of the 4th international conference »Social Responsibility and current challenges 2009, with the topic Work – bridge for cooperation: relations toward employees and different age groups«. The conference was organized by the Institute for development of social responsibility IRDO under the auspicies of the conference honorary sponsor – the president of Slovenia Dr. Danilo Türk. Key words: award, social responsibility, enterprise, stakeholders, communication, management, environment, employees, community, market, innovation
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
3.8.7 OBJAVE O DRU@BENI ODGOVORNOSTI V SLOVENSKIH MEDIJIH (OD LETA 2006 DO LETA 2009) Tatjana Novak, direktorica Press Clipping d.o.o. tatjana.novak@pressclip.si
Anita Hrast, direktorica in{tituta IRDO anita.hrast@irdo.si Povzetek: Od leta 2006 dalje podjetje Press Clipping na pobudo In{tituta za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti IRDO sistemati~no spremlja objave besedne zveze »dru`bena odgovornost« v slovenskih medijih. V prispevku prikazujemo na osnovi statisti~nih podatkov, kako pogosto je bilo objavljanje te teme v medijih glede na njihovo zvrst, avtorje, frekvenco in ~asovni razvoj v obdobju od. 1.6.2006 do 31.12.2009. Zbrani podatki prikazujejo, da {tevilo objav nara{~a, kar pomeni, da se tudi v slovenskem okolju pojavlja na razli~nih podro~jih vse ve~ zanimanja za koncept dru`bene odgovornosti. Klju~ne besede: mediji, dru`bena odgovornost, komuniciranje, kliping, analiza, statistika
MEDIA PUBLICATIONS ABOUT SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN SLOVENIAN MEDIA (IN 2006 – 2009) Abstract: From 2006 on Press Clipping company (according to IRDO - Institute for the Social Responsibility Development initiative) systematically has been observing evolution of the publication of the wording “social responsibility” in Slovenian media. In this paper we shortly present, according to statistical data, how often this topic has been published in media, regarding their type, authors, frequency, and growth over time in the period 1st June 2006 – 31st December 2009. The collected data present a growing number of publications including the wording ‘social responsibility’, which means that in different fields of Slovenian society a growing interest for social responsibility concept appears. Key words: media, social responsibility, communication, clipping, analysis, statistic ----------------------------------------
3.8.8 DRU@BENO ODGOVORNOST PODPIRAJO DRU@BENO ODGOVORNI ODNOSI Z JAVNOSTMI Slovensko dru{tvo za odnose z javnostmi Sekcija za spodbujanje dru`bene odgovornosti Lidija Novak, predsednica sekcije Ugled podjetij oziroma organizacij ter njihova dru`bena odgovornost sta mo~no povezana. Z dru`beno odgovornim ravnanjem si organizacije gradijo ugled. Ta pa je mo~no povezan s pravilnim komuniciranjem organizacije kot celote, ki presega zgolj komuniciranje njenih dru`beno odgovornih ravnanj. Zato je dru`bena odgovornost disciplina, ki zahteva ustrezno pozornost tudi znotraj stroke odnosov z javnostmi. Ena pomembnej{ih nalog stroke odnosov z javnostmi namre~ je, da organizacijam pomaga razumeti in upravljati dru`bene teme, ki zadevajo njihove javnosti . V Sloveniji smo na za~etku te poti. Nagrada Horus, ki sta jo PRSS in IRDO lani prvi~ podelili, je zagotovo pomembna spodbuda in hkrati tudi merilo, kako uspe{ni smo pri uvajanju koncepta dru`bene odgovornosti. V Slovenskem dru{tvu za odnose z javnostmi (PRSS) `e ve~ let deluje Sekcija za spodbujanje dru`bene odgovornosti. Njena temeljna naloga je dvigovanje ravni dru`bene odgovornosti v slovenskih podjetjih in drugih organizacijah, {e posebej med ~lani PRSS in stroko odnosov z javnostmi. V Sekciji za spodbujanje dru`bene odgovornosti `elimo raziskati raven dru`bene odgovornosti v slovenskih podjetjih in drugih organizacijah ter skupaj s sorodnimi organizacijami postavljati in skrbeti za uvedbo standardov
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
dru`bene odgovornosti, komuniciranja in poro~anja o dru`beni odgovornosti podjetij. Prispevati `elimo tudi k bolj{emu razumevanju koncepta dru`bene odgovornosti v slovenskih podjetjih in organizacijah ter jih spodbujati k dru`beno odgovornem ravnanju. ^eprav je dru`bena odgovornost v vsaki organizaciji interdisciplinarna domena in odgovornost ve~ strokovnih podro~ji, verjamemo, da naj pobudo pri njenem upravljanju v prvi prevzamejo strokovnjaki odnosov z javnostmi. Zato v sekciji svoje ~lane osve{~amo in jih vzpodbujamo k {irjenju koncepta dru`bene odgovornosti v podjetjih in organizacijah, kjer so zaposleni, jih izobra`ujemo, predvsem pa jim predstavljamo prilo`nosti, ki jih dru`beno odgovorno ravnanje prina{a za podjetja in organizacije. Vabimo vse, ki `elite sodelovati, da se nam pridru`ite na kak{nem od prihodnjih sre~anj Sekcije za spodbujanje dru`bene odgovornosti, na katere vas bomo pravo~asno povabili. Pi{ite nam na e-naslov: ssdo@piar.si. Pi{ite nam tudi, ~e `elite prejemati aktualne informacije s tega podro~ja. Slovensko dru{tvo za odnose z javnostmi - PRSS je strokovno, nepridobitno, prostovoljno in samostojno nevladno krovno nacionalno zdru`enje strokovnjakov za odnose z javnostmi in komunikacijski mened`ment. Povezuje vse, ki se ali pa se `elijo dejavno ukvarjati z odnosi z javnostmi, organizacijskim komuniciranjem in komunikacijskim mened`mentom. Slovensko dru{tvo za odnose z javnostmi omogo~a ~lanom, da izra`ajo, oblikujejo in uresni~ujejo svoje posebne interese in cilje s podro~ja stroke odnosov z javnostmi, organizacijskega komuniciranja in komunikacijskega mened`menta. PRSS razvija in uveljavlja stroko o odnosih z javnostmi, strokovno usposablja in povezuje ~lane, spodbuja izmenjavo izku{enj, znanstvenih in strokovnih dose`kov v dr`avi in v mednarodnih okvirih ter se enakopravno vklju~uje v delo tujih strokovnih in{titucij in v mednarodne projekte. Ob tem skrbi za zagotavljanje strokovnosti in kakovosti dejavnosti odnosov z javnostmi v korist ~lanov dru{tva ter celotne dru`be. Vabimo vas, da postanete ~lan Slovenskega dru{tva za odnose z javnostmi. Poleg strokovnega, povezovanja, imajo ~lani dru{tva veliko koristi, ne glede na to, ali so ~lani le krovnega dru{tva (PRSS) ali tudi njegovih posameznih sekcij. Vsaj 10 razlogov (in {e 2 za povrh), zakaj morate biti zraven: • 40 brezpla~nih dogodkov, ki jih organizira PRSS po vsej Sloveniji. • Za 20 odstotkov cenej{a kotizacija za Slovensko konferenco o odnosih z javnostmi (www.skoj.si). • 10 do 20-odstotni popusti na kotizacije podobnih dogodkov partnerjev PRSS. • 10-odstotni popusti pri nakupih strokovne literature GV Zalo`be, 20-odstotni popusti na PR Zbirko. • Brezpla~na pravna mnenja s podro~ja stroke. • Brezpla~no spremljanje medijskih objav s podro~ja stroke. • Brezpla~no prejemanje edine strokovne revije s podro~ja odnosov z javnostmi PiarNaKvadrat. • Brezpla~en dostop do strokovne literature iz knji`nice dru{tva. • Mo`nost tekmovanja za nagrade PRSS - Prizma, Papirus, Primus, Horus, Prostovoljec leta. • Sofinanciranje izdaje knjig ~lanom PRSS. • Sofinanciranje podiplomskega {tudija ~lanom PRSS. • Mo`nost mednarodnega strokovnega povezovanja v okviru sekcije IABC Slovenija, IPRA, CERP … Prepri~ajte se. Obi{~ite spletno stran PRSS (www.piar.si) in se nam pridru`ite. ----------------------------------------
3.8.9 SKRB ZA NARAVO - PAL^EK IN EKOLIZA Dragica SGERM, diplomirana vzgojiteljica pred{olskih otrok, Osnovna {ola Ludvika Pliber{ka Maribor Povzetek: V naravi se ni~ ne dogaja naklju~no. Na{ naravni obstoj je bil samoumeven, dokler nas niso za~ele ogro`ati posledice na{ega izkori{~anja narave. Odnos do narave je bil in je {e danes v veliki meri napa~en – ru{ilno enostranski. Zato je potrebno, da se ~im prej zavemo in prispevamo svoj dele` k ohranitvi naravnega ravnovesja. Da se ne le spra{ujemo, kako kakovostno bomo `iveli, temve~ tudi, kako bomo `iveli, da bomo ohranili `ivljenje. Pri tem igra pomembno vlogo na{ odnos do narave. - Tak{no razmi{ljanje me je spodbudilo, da bi na razumljiv in dostopen na~in to podro~je predstavila najmlaj{im – pred{olskim otrokom in u~encem prve triade. S pomo~jo pravljice Pal~ek in Ekoliza (ki je tik pred izidom) sem jim pribli`ala skrb za ~isto okolje in prispevala kamen~ek v mozaik skrbi za naravo. Klju~ne besede: narava, odpadki, lo~evanje, ohranjanje
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
CARE FOR NATURE – »PAL^EK« AND »EKOLIZA« Abstract: In nature, nothing happens at random. Our natural existence has been self-evident until we became threatened by the consequences of our own exploitation of nature. Our relationship towards nature was and still is largely incorrect – destructively one-sided. This is why it is necessary to realize and contribute towards the preservation of natural balance. It is not enough to ask ourselves how to provide quality in life; we also need to deal with the question how to preserve life. Our relationship towards nature has an important part in all this. These thoughts motivated me to introduce these problems to our youngest – preschool children and first triad pupils – in a comprehensible and approachable way. My fairytales “Pal~ek” and “Ekoliza” (which is about to be published very soon) introduce the care for clean environment to the children. With these fairytales I try to contribute a small stone to the mosaic of our concern for nature. Key words: nature, waste, separation, preservation. ----------------------------------------
3.8.10 CELOSTNA EKOLOGIJA Krepitev zavesti za ohranitev narave in ~loveka Amrit S. Sorli Scientific Research Centre Bistra, Ptuj Povzetek: Rezultati raziskave Celostna ekologija ka`ejo, da racionalna analiti~na izku{nja sveta ne more razre{iti ekolo{kih problemov dana{njega svata. Za ohranitev `ivljenja moramo za~eti s sistemati~nim razvojem ~lovekove zavesti, ki daje izku{njo globoke povezanosti z naravo in ljudmi. Ta sinteti~na izku{nja je temelj trajnostne dru`be, ki bo `ivela v so`itju z naravo. Klju~ne besede: racionalna izku{nja, analiti~na izku{nja, zavestna izku{nja, sinteti~na izku{nja, razum, zavest
INTEGRAL ECOLOGY Rising Consciousness for Preserving Nature and Man Abstract: Result of research on the subject of Integral Ecology shows that rational analytic experience of the world cannot resolve ecological problems of today world. In order to preserve life we have to raise systematically human consciousness which offers experience of deep connectedness with nature and other human beings. This synthetic experience is the ground for sustainable and peaceful society which will live in cohabitation with nature. Key words: rational experience, analytic experience, conscious experience, synthetic experience, mind, consciousness
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
4 Referati predavateljev v celoti (na zgo{~enki) Prispevke avtorjev si v celoti oglejte na zgo{~enki.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
5 REFERENCE PREDAVATELJEV Mag. Borut AMBRO@I^ ml. Mag. Borut AMBRO@I^ ml. je magister pravnih znanosti (s podro~ja Delovnega prava in socialne varnosti na Pravni fakulteti univerze v Mariboru) in znanosti o okolju (s podro~ja okolja na Politehniki v Novi Gorici). Je avtor razli~nih strokovnih ~lankov na temo varstva okolja, dru`bene odgovornosti, delovnega prava in socialne varnosti in podro~ja davkov in financ (Revija Denar, Dav~no - inan~na praksa, Podjetje in delo, Kapital, itd). Bil je gostujo~i predavatelj na Pravni fakulteti univerze v Mariboru, Univerzum Minerva v Mariboru, honorarni predavatelj na DOBI v Mariboru. Je predsednik Rotary kluba MARIBOR - PARK v Mariboru in ustanovni ~lan Rotaract kluba Maribor. Svoje dru`beno odgovorno poslanstvo opravlja tudi kot Zastopnik pacientovih pravic za podro~je mesta Maribor. Je predsednik Komisije za mladinska vpra{anja v Mestni ~etrti Center v Mariboru in ~etrtni svetnik. Je imetnik licence za »CSR expert«, LSPR - London SChool of Public Relations in Varuh gorske narave. Kot organizator ali udele`enec je bil v preteklosti dejaven na mnogih mednarodnih konferencah in seminarjih (FKPV - Fakulteta za poslovne in komercialne vede, PZS - Planinska zveza Slovenije, RCI Rotary Club International, IRDO - In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti, [GZ - [tajerska gospodarska zbornica, ZGM - Zdru`enje gospodarstvenikov Maribora). Trenutno zaposlen kot vodja tr`enja pri Umetnostni galeriji v Mariboru. Niloofar Ashktorab M.Sc. student of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. Tel: 0098 711 2296421, E-Mail: nilo.ashk@yahoo.com PERSONAL DETAILS: Sex: Female Date / Place of Birth: 16.02.1987 / Shiraz, Iran Nationality: Iranian EDUCATION: 1993 - 2000: Primary and Secondary School, Shiraz, Iran 2000 - 2004: High School, Shiraz,Iran 2004 - 2008: Under graduate (Bachelor's degree) studies, Agricultural Economic, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. 2008 to present: Graduate (Master's degree) studies, Agricultural Economics with emphasis on agricultural development and policy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashad, Iran. PROJECT RESEARCHES: 2006: Estimation of beef demand function in Iran PUBLICATIONS: 2008: “using wastage of food industry in livestock food” 2010: “Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality Improvements (Case study: Mashhad, Iran)”, accepted to present in The 5th IRDO international conference, Maribor, Slovenia Dr. Senka Barudanovi} Dr. Senka Barudanovi} is Associate Professor at the University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Science, lecturing and researching the fields of human ecology, environmental policy, environmental planning and plant ecology. She has got 20 years of working experience in the field of ecology and management of nature in BiH. In the Department for Biology she teaches students of undergraduate and postgraduate studies giving special emphasis to the management and use of biological/ecological knowledge in bosnia-herzegovina's society today. Dr. Barudanovi} was co-ordinator of National biodiversity strategy project in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Currently, she is member of SBSTTA Bureau for CEE region in Convention on Biodiversity. Dr. Emira Becic Dr. Emira Becic is head of unit for analysis of national research policies at the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of Croatia in Directorate for Science. She is active in the Croatian Negotiating Team for Accession of Croatia to European Union (member of team in the Chapters: 20 and 22). She is member in the Eurostat WG Education and Training Statistics and STI WG and national correspondent for the Helsinki Group Women in Science. Within FP 7 activities she is the national validator for the METRIS network; and for the MASIS network. Her research interests include: research and innovation policies with a particular focus on business sector; sustainable development indicators; and regional foresight. Jernej Belak Jernej Belak, born on Dec., 7, 1976, in Maribor, Slovenia, is an assistant professor at The Department for Strategic Management and Enterprise Policy at the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Maribor, Slovenia. He is also a director of non-profit institution MER Evrocenter for Management and Development. In his master and doctoral dissertations he dealt with the problems of business ethics and its implementation. Embracing this topic he published several articles and attended various scientific conferences.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
MBA Jo`e Borovnik MBA Jo`e Borovnik, B.A. in mechanical engineering, employee of TE[ d.o.o [o{tanj as representative of management for integrated quality management system, established introductions of individual standards within TE[ as a leader of projects, consisted of system of direction of quality round demands SIST ISO 9001:2008, of system of treatment with environment round demands SIST ONE ISO 14001:2004 and systems of direction of safety and of health round demands OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO/IEC 27001:2005. External analyst for ISO 9001, of system of treatment of environment in line with ISO 14001 and safety and health management systems according to BS OHSAS 18001, gained certificates "INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGER" and "INFORMATION SECURITY AUDITOR«. Gaja Brecelj Gaja Brecelj, univ. dipl. francistka in sociologinja kulture. Leta 2005 se je Umanoteri, Slovenski fundaciji za trajnostni razvoj, pridru`ila na mestu vodje projektov, kjer je najprej prevzela del projektov triletnega programa za krepitev nevladnega sektorja v Sloveniji, imenovanega 'Dobra dru`ba – Izkoristimo potencial nevladnih organizacij'. Po koncu programa je prevzela druge projekte trajnostnega razvoja, nazadnje projekt Krilca, darila s ~arobno mo~jo. Aidan Cerar Aidan Cerar is a sociologist trained at the university of Ljubljana and Universität Lüneburg. Currently he has been working on his PhD studies. He had been cooperating with the Urban Planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia and the British Council. Now he is a researcher at the Institute for Spatial Policies. Hi is mainly involved in international projects dealing with urban regeneration and civic participation in spatial planning. He has also been cooperating with Prima architects as an adviser in architecture competitions. Ali Darijani (Ph.D.) Assistant Professor Marital Status: Married Field of study: Economics of Production & Agricultural Management Position held: Head of Department of Agricultural Economics, Academic member Address: Department of Agricultural Economics, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, Basij Square, Gorgan, Iran Tel-Fax: +98 (0171) 4426845, +98 911 965 4565 e-mail: Ali.Darijani@gmail.com, Darijani@gau.ac.ir Research Interests: - Economic aspects of environmental evaluation - Productivity and efficiency analysis - Modeling and optimizing (mathematical programming and econometrics approaches) - Policy analysis, Marketing, Risk management Educational Background: University: University of Tehran, 2000-05, Economics of Production & Agricultural Management Research Program: University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 2004-05, Environmental Economics MSc.: University of Tehran, 1997-99, Agricultural Economics BSc.: Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, 1993-97, Agricultural Economics Thesis: Ph.D.: Evaluation of Environmental and Technical Efficiencies of Livestock Slaughterhouses in Tehran Province MSc.: A Survey of Depositors' View and Factors Affecting the Amount of Household Bank Deposits BSc.: Agricultural Credits and the Status of the Banking Systems in Iranian Agriculture Dr. Kamran Davary Dr. Kamran Davary, now an associate professor and head of the department of Water Engineering in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, was born in 1959, and has joined the FUM faculty since 1989. He received his Ph.D. degree from the department of Bio-systems and Agricultural Engineering of McGill University (Montreal, Canada) in 2001. To date, Dr. Davary has supervised 24 graduate theses. His research interest is in "water resources management", "agro-hydrologic modeling" and "irrigation management"; and is the author of more than 31 refereed journal papers in these areas. Also, he has about 15 years of experience as a consultant engineer, where he was involved in many real-life problem-solving issues. Dr. Mojca Duh Dr. Mojca Duh, is an assistant professor of Enterprise's Policy, Strategic Management and Business Planning at Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Maribor. She is head of the Department of Strategic Management and Business Policy. Her main research interests include particularities of development and management of family businesses; she published research findings on family enterprises in numerous research papers, articles and in the book entitled “Family enterprise: Development and Developmental Management”. She
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
participated with research papers at several national and international conferences; she is (co)author of scientific and professional articles, and several chapters in books. She is a member of the research group Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Slovenia and Slovenian Entrepreneurship Observatory. Tatjana \urasovi~ Tatjana \urasovi~ je profesorica biologije in kemije, svetnica. Dodiplomski {tudij je kon~ala na Pedago{ki fakulteti v Mariboru in je za svoje diplomsko - raziskovalno delo prejela Perlachovo nagrado Univerze v Mariboru za najbolj{o raziskovalno nalogo na podro~ju naravoslovja. Kon~uje magisterski {tudij na Biotehni{ki fakulteti v Ljubljani na oddelku za biologijo, podro~je ekologija rastlin. @e 15 let je zaposlena na Biotehni{ki {oli v Mariboru, kjer pou~uje biologijo in strokovne module v novem izobra`evalnem programu Naravovarstveni tehnik: Ekosistemi, ekoremediacije in izvajanje del v prostoru, Tehnologije obnovljivih virov, Gospodarjenje z naravnimi viri ter je vodja programskega u~iteljskega zbora izobra`evalnega programa Naravovarstveni tehnik. Sodeluje v {tevilnih evropskih projektih Ministrstva za {olstvo: Inovativni pristopi pri pou~evanju; Biotehni{ka podro~ja, {ole za `ivljenje in razvoj;Biotehni{ka podro~ja, najbolj u~e~a se okolja - Priprava novega vi{je{olskega {tudijskega programa Naravovarstveni in`enir in Naravovarstveni tehnik ter 12 poklicnih standardov na podro~ju varstva naravnih vrednot. Predava na {tevilnih dr`avnih in mednarodnih kongresih, simpozijih in konferencah, kakor tudi objavlja znanstvene in strokovne ~lanke v revijah Acta Biologica, Proteus, Biologija v {oli. Robert G. Dyck Dr. Robert G. Dyck is Emeritus Professor of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech. His recent papers include “A New Fractal Metric for Social Responsibility,” published in the CD Proceedings of the 4th IRDO (2009), and “Democracy and its Imperatives for a New Social Contract,” for the 3rd IRDO, published as a chapter in an E-Book by Bozicnik, Ecimovic, and Mulej, Sustainable Future, Requisite Holism, and Social Responsibility (2008). In The New Science of Sustainability (2008), Dyck develops new systems approaches for sustainable politics, economics, and the environment, based on fractal geometries. His “Fractal Planning for Integral Economic Development” was published in Kybernetes, 35, 7-8 (2006). Dr. Dyck holds degrees from Oberlin College, MIT, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Pittsburgh. He also holds the Document of Honour, University of Maribor, Slovenia, awarded in 1999 in recognition of his collaborative work over 15 years with faculty at the University of Maribor, including publication of Self-Transformation of the Forgotten Four-Fifths (1998), with Matjaz Mulej and Coauthors. Dr. Dyck's current address is: 5428 Crossings Lake Circle, Birmingham, AL 35242, USA. His email address is: bobdyck@vt.edu. Mark Esposito Mark Esposito, PhD is Associate Professor of Management & Behavior at the Grenoble School of Management in France and Affiliate Professor for the Microeconomics of Competitiveness Network (MOC), Institute of Strategy & Competitiveness, Harvard Business School. As part of his research activities he heads the Institute of Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsible Practices at the Boston Business School. Working in guest professorships has been paramount for his professional career as he has been focusing since 2005 almost exclusively on the training of executives from Europe, North and South America and Asia. In 2005, Dr Esposito initiated cooperation with UNESCO and is now an advisor with the educational unit in Thailand as well as an affiliated member of the Academic Council of the United Nations System (ACUNS). His encounter with the AIAER (All Indian Association for Educational Research) that year ignited a series of co-joint projects with the institutional members. This created collaborative scenarios for cooperation and knowledge management within the region. He is the co-author of the book: "Sustainable Future of Mankind" co-written with several illustrious authors among which a Nobel Nominee in 2007 and he currently involved the publication of a book on the "Laws of Communication" with other academicians with Wiley. Barbara Frank, Prof. of fine arts Barbara Frank is a professor of fine arts, studying at the Faculty of Education in Maribor. During study she was receiving a scholarship for gifted students of Municipality of Maribor. After graduation, she enrolled in postgraduate study of management, Faculty of Management Koper. She now attends II. year of study. Between 2003 and 2009 she had 23 separate and group art-painting exhibitions in Slovenia and abroad. In year 2009 she became member of IRDO. dr. Mirjam Gali~i~ Mirjam Gali~i~ je doktorica fizikalnih znanosti, doktorirala je s temo s podro~ja pulzarske astronomije. Na Zavodu za varstvo narave je trenutno zaposlena na delovnem mestu visoka naravovarstvena svetnica, v ~asu od februarja 2009 do januarja 2010 je opravljala naloge vr{ilke dol`nosti direktorja zavoda. V letih 2005-2007 je vodila enega doslej najve~jih slovenskih naravovarstvenih projektov, sofinanciranih s sredstvi Evropske unije (finan~ni program LIFE) z naslovom Natura 2000 v Sloveniji - upravljavski modeli in informacijski sistem. Eden od rezultatov projekta je tudi Naravovarstveni atlas, informacijski sistem, v katerem so zbrani dr`avni naravovarstveni podatki, ki so preko spleta dostopni naj{ir{i javnosti. Je avtorica {tevilnih ~lankov, v preteklosti je tudi prevajala, predvsem dela s podro~ja poljudnega naravoslovja.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Dr. Ulrike Gelbmann Dr Ulrike Gelbmann is a researcher and lecturer in sustainability, innovation and technology management at the Institute for Systems Science, Innovation, and Sustainability Research, University of Graz. Her research is especially on implementation and measuring of CSR, seen as sustainability management, in SMEs. She also has a focus on waste management, especially on sustainability in w aste management. She has been part of many scientific and science-to-practice projects on both CSR and waste management. Selected publications: Gelbmann U (2010). 'Establishing Strategic CSR: An Austrian CSR Quality Seal to Substantiate the Strategic CSR Performance of SMEs' Sustainable Development, accepted Gelbmann U (2010). 'Comparative Analysis of Innovative CSR-Tools For SMEs' International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development, accepted. Ludvik Golob, M.Sc. In 2009 finished his master degree study at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljubljana at the field of management and organisation. On the other hand his original profession is mining engineer and he works for the Coal Mine Velenje as manager assistant, dealing with research and development department. He is a member of different expert project groups concerning introduction of BAT technologies into mining practise. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jorge Marx Gómez Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jorge Marx Gómez studied Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering at the University of Applied Science of Berlin (Technische Fachhochschule). He was a lecturer and researcher at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg where he also obtained a PhD degree in Business Information Systems with the work Computer-based Approaches to Forecast Returns of Scrapped Products to Recycling. In 2004 he received his habilitation for the work Automated Environmental Reporting through Material Flow Networks at the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg. From 2002 till 2003 he was a Visiting Professor for Business Information Systems at the Technical University of Clausthal. In 2005 he became a Full Professor of Business Information Systems at the Carl von Ossietzky University Oldenburg. He is the chair of the department Very Large Business Applications. His research interests include Environmental Management Information Systems, Material Flow Management Systems, Federated ERP-Systems, Environmental Data Warehousing, Recycling Program Planning, Disassembly Planning and Control, Life Cycle Assessment, Simulation and Neuro-Fuzzy-Systems. [tefka Gorenak [tefka Gorenak serves as senior lecturer for international marketing, economics, purchasing in intercultural management at the Faculty of Commercial and Business Sciences. She is associated to the IRDO (Institut for development of corporate social responsibility) Maribor. During last 20 years she served as: head of import-export department and purchasing manager in the production and trade companies. At the same time she has been cooperating with many educational institutions and consulting companies as lecturer consultant or trainer for more than 15 years. In her doctoral dissertation she discovers the interdependence of culture and values by the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the Slovenian business practice as well as how it supports the competitiveness of companies and local communities and regions in Slovenia and abroad. Gustav R. Grob Fellow of Energy Institute (F.EI); Swiss Institute of Automation & Control (SGA); Swiss Electrotechnical Association (SEV); Instrument Society of America (ISA); Initiator and Chairman of several Energy Committees of ISO; President CMDC / World Sustainable Energy Coalition (WSEC); Co-founder & Executive Secretary of International Sustainable Energy Organization, Geneva (ISEO); Board Member of International Energy Foundation (IEF); Initiator of the World Clean Energy Conferences, Geneva, proclaiming the Global Energy Charter for Sustainable Development at UN Conference on Environment & Development (UNCED), Rio de Janeiro; speaker at UN Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD); UNFCCC Climate Conferences; IEA-IIASA Energy Modeling Workshops; Chairman CLEAN ENERGY 2000, Geneva; Chief-Editor of the “Blueprint for the Clean, Sustainable Energy Age”; speaker at UN Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg (WSSD), UN-ECE Energy Conferences, REAsia 2004 & 2006, RENEWABLES 2004, Bonn. ENVIRONMENT 2005 at Abu Dhabi, Energy & Transportation Xi’an 2005; keynote speaker at “Energy Gamble” Symposium by Diplomatic Academy and at the Globalization Conference in Vienna. Industry career: Power expert BBC (now ABB), VP Gebauer (formerly OTIS Elevators), Logistic expert Du Pont de Nemours International, Applied Power-ENERPAC, Dean SGS-Redwood Petroleum School, DELPHI High Tech Consultancy, President and CEO, International Clean Energy Consortium (ICEC). Mihela Hladin Being born and raised in Slovenia, one of the world's smallest countries, gives one a bit of stubbornness. Maybe this is why Mihela has always been intrigued by challenges that “cannot” be overcome. An unusual combination of business sense, compassion and idealism, Mihela turned her eye to environmental issues in China in 2006. Drawing on experience from Slovenia's environmental recovery, she soon saw the potential for bottom-up change. At the end of 2007 she founded Greennovate, a social business that is constantly pushing traditional barriers, integrating sustainable concepts into business and community practices in China.
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In a country full of talent, she is inspired by the way that people in China embrace new ideas. The next "cannot" in Greennovate's way is shifting the focus from “Made in China” to “Made GREEN in China” through the recently established MaGiC platform. Anita Hrast Anita Hrast, univ. dipl. komunikologinja, je ustanoviteljica in direktorica In{tituta za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti IRDO, podiplomska {tudentka na Fakulteti za dru`bene vede Univerze v Ljubljani, raziskovalka, vpisana v evidenco pri ARRS, in so-predsednica Strokovnega sveta Slovenskega zdru`enja managerk in managerjev nevladnih organizacij. Bila je ustanoviteljica in direktorica in{tituta IRDO (od 2004 dalje), soustanoviteljica in sekretarka dru{tva Ozara, Slovenija - Nacionalno zdru`enje za kakovost `ivljenja (1994-2000), direktorica marketin{ke agencije Verus (2003-2004), avtorica oddaje in novinarka v razli~nih medijih (1989-1995), direktorica ogla{evanja, vodja projektov v PR in marketin{kih agencijah, produktna mened`erka v Zalo`bi Forum Media (razvoj novih izdelkov). Raziskuje in objavlja prispevke s podro~ja dru`bene odgovornosti in marketinga v razli~nih revijah in na slovenskih ter mednarodnih znanstvenih konferencah, sodeluje v projektu CSR - Code to Smart Reality pri GZS OZ Maribor. Raziskuje in razvija nove pristope v komuniciranju, nove projekte in storitve za razli~ne naro~nike (podjetja, mediji, posamezniki) ter se povezuje s {tevilnimi slovenskimi in mednarodnimi organizacijami, strokovnjaki, predvsem z namenom razvoja in uveljavljanja dru`bene odgovornosti. M. Sc. Marko HRAST Marko HRAST received the B. Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Faculty of Electrical engineering University of Ljubljana in 1988 and M. Sc. degree in economics from Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana in 2002. He is certified engineer, member of the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, Slovenian National Committee and International Council on Large Electrical Systems (CIGRE), where he is an observer member of Technical Cometee B3 (Substations). He is author or co-author of several papers on Slovenian and international sessions of CIGRE in the area of Substations and HV lines. Till 2001 he worked in the area of maintenance and asset management of electrical transmission system. From 2001 to 2008 he worked as head of Investment Projects dep. in Slovenian Transmission System Operator. Currently he is director of Transmission division inside Slovenian Transmission System Operator (ELES). Richard Hsu Shanghai born, Richard Hsu followed his family to Hong Kong, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and Switzerland. After his architectural studies, HSU worked in US, Europe, Japan and Asia, in advertising / branding / design for a number of clients… The New York Times, Bank of America, Sotheby's, Boeing, Sony, Johnson & Johnson, The Partnership for a Drug Free America, Warner Music, Shiseido, Nike, Heineken, Wieden+Kennedy, IBM, ... HSU opened a brand consultancy company in Shanghai - h+ branding in 2006. He believes in learning and pushing the limits in these areas : creative and design thinking / education / China talents / China branding / China originality / synergy and harmony between business and art / development of love brands / do good projects. He has lectured regularly at universities in US, Berlin, Malaysia, Shanghai including Yale University, New York University, Berlin Hochschule der Kunste, Columbia University, Shanghai University, Donghua University... Sergej Jamnikar Finished Mining Studies at the University of Ljubljana - Faculty of natural sciences and engineering in 2004. He is employed at Premogovnik Velenje (Coal-Mine Velenje) as Hydrogeologist and part time in research Clean Coal Technologies group. From 2006 on he is a PhD student at Ecotechnology courses at International Post-graduate School (Jo`ef Stefan Institute) and working on Mine gas drainage research. Silvester Jer{i~ Silvester Jer{i~ se je rodil leta 1964 v Bre`icah in do{tudiral mo~nostno energetiko na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Mariboru. Sedaj zaklju~uje magistrski {tudij gospodarskega in`enirstva na Univerzi v Novi Gorici. Po kon~anem {tudiju se je zaposlil v Termoelektrarni Brestanica, kjer je najprej deloval na vzdr`evanju, nato na sistemih vodenja kakovosti in ravnanja z okoljem po standardih ISO in vodenju projektov. Zadnja leta je vklju~en v projekt izgradnje HE na spodnji Savi, najprej preko zagotavljanja in kontrole kvalitete in nazadnje kot direktor projekta. Blanka Kaker Blanka Kaker, university graduate chemist is since October 2005 product manager for environmental management systems in the Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology (SIQ). She had more than twenty years of experience in a large metallurgical company, where she was responsible for the establishment and administration of management systems. She is the lead auditor for quality management systems, environmental management systems and management systems of safety and health at work and lecturer at SIQ courses. She is also the assessor for the recognition of the Republic of Slovenia for business excellence.
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Eva Kau~i~ After graduating at secondary school ([kofijska gimnazija Antona Martina Slom{ka Maribor) she entered the Faculty of Economics and Business at University of Maribor in 2006. Three years later, in 2009, she graduated in program International Business Economy with a degree thesis title The meaning and problems of te triple bottom line approach in the international context. In 2009 she entered postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business in University of Maribor. Mag Elvis Kenik Profile: Researcher in the fields of innovation and creativity management, bioeconomics, multicultural management (leadership), cybernetics and synergies Key areas: Market research and analysis, strategy development (marketing), system thinking, transdisci plinary complex problem solving and sustainable development Education: PHD still in progress, Sociocybernetics; Thesis: Companies culture as basis for collaborative creativity Mag.rer.soc.oec. Multicultural Management and Innovation Management; Thesis: Einfluss des Managementstiles auf das Innovationserfolg eines Unternehmens Personal: Date of birth:16 January 1981 Nationality: Slovenia Address:Rospoh-del 46D, SI-2351 Kamnica, Slovenia, +386 41 290 589, elvis.kenik@uni-graz.at [pela Kern [pela Kern, univ. dipl. ing. `ivilske tehn. in ing. kem. tehn. je vodja projektov v Umanoteri, Slovenski fundaciji za trajnostni razvoj, kjer ima vlogo strokovne vodje projekta RITUALI - eko pisarna. V letih med 1999 in 2003 je v okviru svojega dela v oddelku za kakovost McDonald's Slovenija d.o.o. vzpostavljala sistem HACCP in sistem ravnanja z odpadki v restavracijah McDonald's v Sloveniji. Od leta 2003 se je kot strokovni vodja podro~ja za `ivilstvo ukvarjala z ocenjevanjem in certificiranjem sistemov vodenja na SIQ-ju. Opravljen ima te~aj za vodilne presojevalce za sistem ISO 22000:2005 in ISO 9001:2000. Mag. Hannes Klampfl-Pernold Born 1980 in Graz/Austria. Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Master degree in Management and International Business at the University of Graz. Research activities in the field of waste management, innovation and sustainability management. Teaching on issues relating to environmental economics and sustainability management. Scientific member and PhD student at the Institute for Systems Science, Innovation & Sustainability Research. Igor KLAN^NIK Igor KLAN^NIK je izredni podiplomski {tudent na Fakulteti za dr`avne in evropske {tudije (s podro~ja dr`avne uprave). 13 let je deloval kot predstojnik posebne organizacijske enote Univerze v Mb, Dom za podiplomce in gostujo~e profesorje ter Univerzitetnega {portnega center Leona [tuklja. Trenutno zaposlen kot svetovalec v Komisiji za prepre~evanje korupcije Republike Slovenije. Kot vodja mnogih humanitarnih projektov v preteklih letih, to svoje poslanstvo nadaljuje kot aktivni ~lan Rotary kluba MARIBOR - PARK in vodja aktualnega projekta ODPRTA KNJIGA - OPEN BOOK. Deluje tudi kot predavatelj s podro~ja poslovnega protokola. Zbigniew Klos, Professor, Ph.D. (Eng), D. Sc. Zbigniew Klos is a Professor at Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland, where he obtained in 1979 his Ph.D. in mechanical engineering as well as his D.Sc. (habilitation) in 1990. Since 2002 he is Full Professor at PUT, Faculty of Machines and Transport. Main scientific interests of Zbigniew Klos are: development of LCA methodology, ecological criteria for technical objects and processes, TQM introduction to enterprises, corporate culture models and innovation issues. Main positions held by Zbigniew Klos (actual bolded): - Vice-Dean for Education at Faculty of Machines and Transport, PUT (1993-1996), - chairman of Editorial Board of PUT Scientific Works, series: Machines and Transport (since 1997) - head of Doctoral Studies at Faculty of Machines and Transport (1997-2008) - Vice-Dean for Development and International Co-operation at the Faculty of Machines and Transport, PUT (19992005 and again since 2008), - chairman of Committee for Wielkopolska Quality Award (since 1998), - member of Editorial Board of International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment (since 2002), - Editor of Eco-Engineering (LCA), Scientific Problems of Machines Operation and Maintenance (Polish quarterly edited in English - since 2008) Dr. Jo`ica Knez-Riedl Dr. Jo`ica Knez-Riedl is Full Prof. at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, lecturing and researching the fields of business economics, environmental economics, managerial economics, economics of projects, creditworthiness of a firm, and corporate social responsibility. Pedagogically she is engaged at both
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undergraduate and postgraduate levels, including MBA and specialists studies (also at Economic faculty of University of Rijeka, Croatia). She is a member of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Management of SMEs at the Faculty of Economics and Business Maribor, a member of the Chair of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics and the chair of postgraduate studies of Entrepreneurship and innovation at the same faculty. She is author and co-author of scientific and professional monographs, published in Slovene, English and German language, of several cited articles in international scientific reviews, and of papers at international conferences (over 60 papers). Her work relates to the innovation in the context of business economics, entrepreneurship, creditworthiness of a firm, corporate social responsibility and environmental economics. She is actively participating in several professional associations and seminars for managers, auditors and entrepreneurial consultants, providing them with the latest research findings also via e-learning. Further, she is a member of project team of several projects, focused on innovation, SMEs, strategic management, performance and corporate social responsibility among SMEs. She is writing and teaching, besides in Slovene, in English, German and Croatian language. Mateja Kocjan Mateja Kocjan, univ dipl. biol., LSPR (London School of Public Relations) dela na podro~ju odnosov z javnostmi v naravovarstvu. Njeno podro~je dela zajema delo z novinarji, priprave komunikacijskih strategij, priprave dogodkov povezanih z naravovarstvom, organizacije strokovnih sre~anj, ekskurzij. V letu 2009 je za~ela s ciklom naravovarstvenega filma in tako smo na enem kraju v mesecu in pol v Sloveniji prvi~ videli skoraj vse filme, ki obstajajo na temo naravovarstva. Vzpostavila je pomembno javno-zasebno partnerstvo s turisti~nim podjetjem in ob~ino v povezavi z Zavodom RS za varstvom narave, kjer se sedaj od vsake prodane smu~arske karte iz dveh slovenskih smu~i{~ denar namenja za varstvo narave. Je predavateljica na Londonski {oli za odnose z javnostmi, poleg podro~ja odnosov z javnostmi se strokovno ukvarja tudi s podro~jem turizma in biodiverzitete. Anja Kostev{ek Anja Kostev{ek je univerzitetna diplomirana ekonomistka. Ukvarja se s pripravo projektov za mala in srednja podjetja. V okviru Evropskega virtualnega seminarja (EVS) sodeluje s {tudenti iz drugih evropskih dr`av pri okoljskih temah za dru`beno odgovorno prihodnost. V nadaljevanju bi `elela svoja znanja izpopolnjevati na podro~ju varstva okolja, saj jo zanima podro~je energetske u~inkovitosti, alternativnih virov energije, spremljanje okoljskih vplivov in nasploh varstvo okolja. Ravno iz tega razloga je postala ~lanica In{tituta IRDO. Mojca Kokot Mojca Kokot je diplomirala na Filozofski fakulteti leta 2008 iz geografije in zgodovine. Oktobra 2009 je postala mlada raziskovalka na oddelku za geografijo na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru in {tudentka Interdisciplinarnega {tudija varstva okolja na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Kot mlada raziskovalka se ukvarja z razli~nimi podro~ji, kot so ekoremediacije, trajnostni razvoj obmo~ij, revitalizacija urbanih in industrijskih obmo~ij in priprava inovativnih gradiv za izobra`evanje na podro~ju okoljevarstva. Sodelovala je pri oblikovanju vsebin na projektu E-gradiva za Okolje in trajnostni razvoj, ki je potekal v okviru Ministrstva za {olstvo in {port ter Mednarodnega centra za Ekorememdicije Filozofske fakultete. V okviru doktorske naloge bo raziskovala mo`nosti revitalizacije industrijskih obmo~ij s pomo~jo ekoremediacij. Matej Kotnik Matej Kotnik je od leta 2002 `upan Ob~ine Lukovica. V letu 1995 je postal pod`upan in je vodil pripravo prvega prostorskega plana takrat nove Ob~ine Lukovica, kjer se je prvi~ po {tudiju urbanizma na Fakulteti za arhitekturo, sre~al z izvajanjem teorije v praksi. V prehodnem prostoru, kot je to Lukovica, se je pri prostorski problematiki potrebno sre~evati z vsemi mogo~imi problemi od avtoceste, dr`avne infrastrukture, {iritve kamnolomov, varovanja narave, obnova naravnih in izgradnja umetnih vodnih povr{in, migracijskih tokov, mo~nega priseljevanja. Vesna Kova~i~ M.S. Vesna Kova~i~ M.S. has finished post-graduate studies at University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business. She has gained many years of practical experiences in the field of organizing, project management, business informatics and quality systems with cooperation in numerous projects in big, medium as well as small companies. She is employed as lecturer on the faculty, as external auditor for quality systems at Slovenian certification authority and as professional co-worker in an accounting firm. She participated in foundation of a company for education, consultation and mediation and within that organized an expert strategic meeting of Slovenian Energy Exchange representatives. As an extern auditor for quality systems according to standard ISO 9001 she cooperates with Slovenian Institute of Quality and Metrology. At Doba Faculty of Applied Business and Social Sciences Maribor she teaches Project Management and Team work as well as Electronic commerce; in the area of business informatics she is holder of the subject Management Support Systems and in the area of organizing holder of the subject Organizing and Management for the studies in Serbia. As a guest she also lectures her practical experiences to students at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business.
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Dr. Davorin Kralj Dr. Davorin Kralj completed his undergraduate studies at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (1987) and post-graduate study at the University of Maribor- Faculty of Organizational Sciences, in the area of Integral Quality Management (1991) and also post-graduate master’ study program Management and Organization - MBA at Faculty for Economics and Business in Maribor (2008). In 2009 he holds a Ph.D. in the field of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. In 2006 he started his second doctoral study program at the Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana. His main teaching and research areas include organizational sciences, environmental management and sustainable development. He has authored or co-authored various scientific papers and environmental patents. He has been awarded numerous certificates and awards. In 2008, have been distinguished with the silver award during the China Association of Inventions and IFIA International Federation of Inventors' Associations, the silver award during the International Jury of IENA 2008 and award of the Best Eco Inventor during the WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization. M. Sc. Ale{ Kregar Ale{ KREGAR received the B. S. degree in electrical engineering from Faculty of Electrical engineering University of Ljubljana in 1984 and M. Sc. degree in economics from Faculty of Economics University of Ljubljana in 2009. He received diploma in Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Context from London School of Public Relations in 2009. He is certified engineer, member of the Slovenian Chamber of Engineers, Slovenian National Committee and International Council on Large Electrical Systems (CIGRE). He is author or co-author of several papers on Slovenian and international sessions of CIGRE in the area of System Environmental Performance. He participated in the preparation of the Slovenian National Energy Program and Development Scenarios for Slovenia to 2035. Till 1992 he worked in the area of electrical systems design in thermal and nuclear power plants and from that time on he worked in the area of preparation works, coordination of the interests of different stakeholders, local communities and land owners for new transmission overhead-lines. Ina Kukovic Born in Slovenia, she grew up in the industrial city of Velenje, where she experienced environmental degradation and its influence on quality of life: she saw first-hand the harm man can do to nature and how it takes a very long time to heal. That led to an interest in environmental and sustainability issues, starting with a research paper on the level of lead in local soil and fauna in the SASA region (1997). Believing that better regulation can help make change happen, she studied Law on Faculty of Ljubljana (graduated 2008). Her thesis compared environmental law and its implementation in the EU and China, and her interest in China's rapid growth and many environmental issues prompted her to research the topic from the legal perspective. She drew the conclusion that bottom-up change and understanding of the issues, not just new rules, were needed. That's why, in 2008, she joined Greennovate, a social enterprise focused on the environment in China. In 2009, she founded her own company in Slovenia, trying to build a bridge between continents and culture for a better understanding and action towards a more responsible society. Martina Semi~ Martina Semi~ je magistrica ekonomskih in poslovnih ved (smer: Management, organizacija in ~love{ki viri, modul A: Management in organizacija poslovanja). Je tudi VS diplomirana in`enirka gradbeni{tva (smer: Prometno-hidrotehni~na). V podjetju CPM d.d. je zaposlena kot tehnolog – kalkulant. Dr. Sonja Sibila LEBE Dr. Sonja Sibila LEBE is assistant professor and head of the study field tourism at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business. She is engaged in lecturing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She is a member of AIEST (International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism), member of the Board of Experts of the Slovene National tourism organisation, co-chair of the ATMC (Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference) and president of the Board of Experts of the Multidisciplinary Research Institute Maribor. She is author and co-author of scientific and professional monographs and articles in Slovene and international scientific and professional journals, and (co)author of several conference papers. She was project leader of several national and international tourism projects and project leader of several strategic documents for the field of tourism, among others Strategy of cultural tourism for Slovenia, Strategy of gastronomy development in Slovenia, Strategic guidelines for introducing eco-management into Slovene hospitality firms, Model for human resources in tourism etc. She is evaluator of strategic documents at national level (Development plan for Slovene tourism for the period 2007-2011, evaluation for the years 2007 and 2008) and reviewer of papers for seven international journals. She is known for her consulting work with tourism firms, especially in the field of eco-management and tourism marketing. Her work relates to cultural tourism, destination management and sustainable tourism development, with a stress on rural destinations. She is writing and lecturing, besides in Slovene, in six additional languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Croatian).
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Sre~ko Sorli Amrit Diploma in geodesy in 1980 at University of Ljubljana. In 2000 founding SpaceLife Institute in Italy. Researcher on the subject of time, gravity, cosmology, consciousness, integral ecology. From 2007 research fellow of Scientific Research Centre Bistra, Ptuj. Mag. Dr. Iris Straßer Mag. Dr. Iris Strasser Studied business economics at the University of Graz and graduated in 1991. After doctor degree in 1993 her first employment as management consultant was at TPA Horwath. In 1999 together with her husband she founded STRASSER & STRASSER Consulting. Straßer is married and mother of 3 children. Special qualifications: expert for sustainability, social responsibility and social innovation on behalf of public authorities, institutions and companies, facilitating to benefit from social development with efficient and profitable as well. Her references are: National/international projects in cooperation with companies and non-profit-organisations and with the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber and the Federation of Austrian Industry. Studies and evaluations concerning education, labour, childcare, family and social affairs on behalf of the government of Carinthia, of Federal Ministry for Family Affairs and of Federal Ministry for Social Affairs. Her current position is Managing director of STRASSER & STRASSER Consulting, Head of the regional initiative “Verantwortung zeigen!” [“Showing responsibility!”] and a cross-company CSR-network in South Austria. Jernej Letnar ^erni~ Jernej Letnar ^erni~ is a Max Weber Postdoctoral Researcher at the European University Institute and an Adjunct Professor at New York University in Florence. He completed his Ph.D. on Corporate responsibility for fundamental human rights in 2009 at the School of Law, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom. Jernej is fluent in seven languages and he has written a number of articles and research studies in Slovene, English and Swedish on human rights law, international law, European Law and human rights and business. Jernej is a member of the International Human Rights Committee of the International Law Association. Robert Lewicki, Ph.D. Robert Lewicki is Lecturer at Poznan University of Technology (PUT), Poland, where he obtained in 2004 his M.Sc. in mechanical engineering as well as his Ph.D. in 2009. Robert Lewicki's main scientific interests are: LCA methodology, ecological criteria of technical objects (specially vehicles) and recycling issues. Positions held by RoberLewicki: - member of Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines (since 2005) - Society “Car Recycling Forum” board member (since 2006) - member of Vintage Vehicles Club of Foundation for Protection of Old Military Objects (since 2008) Dr. Hellmut K. Löckenhoff Dr. Hellmut K. Löckenhoff was born in 1932 in Germany. After the classical high-school education he graduated in business economics with an interdisciplinary Ph.D. Thesis. His fulltime job was controller in electronics industry. In parallel he was teaching as a guest-professor for many years at universities in several countries. Since his retirement in 1994 he has been an independent researcher on systems approach to Pragmatic Philosophy, Epistemology, Trans-disciplinary approach, Complexity, Modelling/Simulation, Bio-semiotics (Life), Entrepreneurship, Societal Guidance and Control, Innovation, and Shamanism. He has continued to teach as guest-professor at several universities. He lives in Backnang, Germany. Dr. Arthur Lyon Dahl Arthur Lyon Dahl has Bachelor of Arts (A.B.) in Biological Sciences with Departmental Honors, Stanford University, California, 1964. He is Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) in Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1969. SUMMARY OF EXPERIENCE: Five years scientific research and curatorial experience, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Eleven years residence in the South Pacific, three years residence in Africa and twenty years in Europe as adviser to governments and international organizations in ecology, conservation and environmental management. Thirty-five years programme management and administrative experience in the planning, organization and evaluation of international multi-disciplinary programmes of research, observation, and environmental assessment and management Sue L.T. McGregor, PhD Professor Sue L.T. McGregor, PhD is a Canadian home economist (40 years) and consumer educator and the Interim Doctoral Program Coordinator in the Faculty of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, Nova Scotia Canada. Her work pushes the boundaries of consumer studies and of home economics philosophy and leadership from integral, transdisciplinary, transformative and moral imperatives. In regards to integral and transdisciplinarity, she is the inaugural Associate Editor, Social Sciences, for the newly launched Transdisciplinary Journal of Engineering and Science (sponsored by TheATLAS, 2010). She is a member
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of CIRET in France (International Center for Transdisciplinary Research), and is working with Dr. Russ Volckmann (Editor) on a series about leadership and the transdisciplinary university, for the Integral Leadership Review journal (2010). Her forthcoming book on Consumer Moral Leadership (Sense Publishers, 2010) contains ‘ first of’ chapters on integral consumption and transdisciplinary consumption. She published a paper on consumer scholarship and transdisciplinarity in the International Journal of Consumer Studies (2007). Dr. McGregor has delivered keynotes or talks about transdisciplinarity in Germany, Malta, Slovakia, Bermuda and United States. In 2009, she was awarded the TOPACE International Award for distinguished consumer scholarship and educator, at the Consumer Citizenship Network (CCN) conference in Berlin. This award recognized her scholarship about transdisciplinarity and consumer citizenship education. Marzieh Motallebi I, the undersigned, Marzieh Motallebi, born on March 21, 1982, graduated in the field of Agricultural Economics, Master's Degree Program (Msc), from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad (Iran), admitted to the university with rank 10 through the nationwide entrance examinations in 2004, holder of rank 1st among the students admitted to the university, Master's degree program with G.P.A.: 17.87 and rank 2nd among students admitted to the university in 2000, bachelor's degree with G.P.A.: 17.19. Thesis: 1- M.Sc. thesis: Estimation and evaluation of greenhouse gases emissions in dairy farms in Razavi Khorasan province and recognition of the effective factors (case study: Mashhad). Evaluated and approved by the thesis committee as: excellent. 2-Bachlor thesis: estimation of silk production function and its marketing in Khorasan province of Iran. Evaluated and approved by the thesis committee as: excellent. English Knowledge: Score band of IELTS examination is 7. Recent Researches: "The study on shadow price of Greenhouse Gases Emission in Iran: case of Dairy Farms", Research Journal of environmental Sciences 3(4):466-475-2009. (ISI) . "Causality between financial development and economic growth in Iran", World Applied Science Journal 4(5):736-470, 2008. (ISI). "Estimating the greenhouse gases emission and the most important factors", Journal of Applied Sciences, 8(23).4468-4471, 2008. (ISI). "Application Pesaran and Shin Method for Estimating Iran's Import Demand Function", Journal of Applied Sciences, Journal of applied sciences 9(6).1175-1179, 2009. (ISI). "Government Monetary and Fiscal Policies Effect on Economic and Social Duality in Iran", World Applied Science Journal 5(3):290-294,200. (ISI). "Reinvestigation the Factors Influencing of Farmers Investment of Razavi Khorasan Province on Sol Conservation". Agricultural Sciences and Technology Journal, Vol: 21. No.2, 2008. "Government Monetary and Fiscal Policies Effect on Economic and Social Duality", Accepted and Presented in International conference of Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED) in Japan, 2007. "The Effect of Trade Liberalization on Water Resources Pollution in Iran: (Case Study Rice)", Accepted and Presented in International conference of Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED) in Slovak, 2009. "The impact of liberalization on agricultural import in Iran", Accepted and Presented in International conference of Society for Global Business and Economic Development (SGBED) in Slovak,2009. "Focusing on silk economical Production in Torbat-e-hydarieh", Accepted as presentation in the First National seminar on Production, Sorting and Export of Silk. Torbat-e-Heydarieh city-Iran- 2009. Prof. ddr. Matja` Mulej Retired from University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics & Business, Maribor, as Professor Emeritus of Systems and Innovation Theory. +1.400 publications in +40 countries. Visiting professor abroad for15 semesters. Author of the Dialectical Systems Theory (see: François, 2004, International Encyclopedia) and Innovative Business Paradigm for catching-up countries. Tatjana Novak Tatjana Novak je direktorica in solastnica podjetja Press Clipping d.o.o., z ve~ desetletnimi izku{njami na podro~ju spremljanja medijev. Je predsednica Media Intelligence Group in ~lanica Executive Committee Svetovnega zdru`enja kliping agencij FIBEP. Kot vodilno krmilo na podro~ju spremljanja in analiziranja medijev v Adriatic regiji v zadnjih 15-tih letih je tudi solastnica {tevilnih podjetij v regiji in priznana predavateljica s podro~ja spremljanja in analiziranja medijev doma in v svetu. Mag. Breda OGORELEC Mag. Breda OGORELEC je bila raziskovalka na Urbanisti~nem in{titutu Slovenije (1985-1998), vodila je MATRA projekt v podporo ustanovitvi regijskega parka Sne`nik (1998-1999), sodeluje pri komunikacijski podpori Naturi 2000 v Sloveniji. Je avtorica knjig Urbanisti~ni predpisi pred ustavnim sodi{~em (1997) ter Komuniciranje z javnostjo - priro~nik za urbaniste (1995) ter 26 znanstvenih in strokovnih ~lankov. Bila je urednica strokovne revije Urbani izziv (1989-1992), ureja elektronski bilten eNatura in ve~ spletnih strani, med njimi www.natura2000.gov.si in www.biotskaraznovrstnost.si.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Vida Ogorelec Wagner After a first degree in Architecture from the University of Ljubljana, Vida took a Master of Fine Arts from the Academy of Art College in San Francisco. On her return to Slovenia she became Public Relations Manager for the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in Ljubljana. Having been introduced to environmental activism in San Francisco, Vida then left the Ministry to establish Umanotera, the Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development, which rapidly became the most active and influential environmental NGOs in Slovenia. She also developed skills in facilitation, became a certified facilitator in 2002, and established her own business - Modra Communication and Facilitation Ltd. - in 2003. In 2005 she returned to Umanotera as managing director and in 2006 she was a trainee of The Climate Project, Nashville to deliver Al Gore's slide show on Climate Change that the film An Inconvenient Truth was based on. Marko Peterlin Marko Peterlin, IPoP, is initially trained as architect and urban planner at the University of Ljubljana and later obtained a Master's Degree in architecture and urban culture from the Technical University of Catalonia in Barcelona. He is now a spatial planner focusing on spatial and urban development policies and strategic planning. His work experiences include cooperation in a number of INTERREG projects, ESPON projects and applied research projects on the national level in Slovenia. His practical experience with institutional and political aspects of Member States stems from the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of Slovenia, where he collaborated in many working groups on the national and European level. In the years 2004-2005 he was also the responsible person for the ESPON Contact Point for Slovenia. Through the work for the Slovenian EU Presidency and contributions to a number of studies for the Comission he gained in-depth knowledge of the EU cohesion and regional policy. Rozvita Pfeifer Rozvita Pfeifer is Professor of German and English. After 17 years of active work in the field of education, she began an active career in business. Today she leads a company, which deals with services to the development of new insurance products, actuarial calculations and computer applications for insurance and pension companies as the national pension fond ZPIZ. She is also manager of a company, which deals with the development of ICT products and implementation services in the field of information (tele) communications technology. She takes up the final phase of a master's degree in the field of management and since 2009 she is an active member of the RC-Maribor Park. Bla` Pi{ek Bla` PI[EK, B.Sc.E.E. is a university graduated engineer of electro-technical sciences (power engineering). Employed in the company of Savske elektrarne Ljubljana, Gorenjska 46, 1215 Medvode, he acts in the function of head of development office. He works also as environmental protection officer and within this function he coordinates maintenance of environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2004 (SIST EN ISO 14001:2005). He is member of professional organizations SLOCOLD (Slovenian National Committee of Large Dams) and SLOKO CIGRE CIRED (Slovenian Committee of Electric Power Engineers). Within his profession he has been dealing mostly with design engineering, professional supervision and projects implementation in the area of fossil-fuel power plants and power plants exploiting renewable energy sources along with hydro energy generation facilities positioning in space. Vesna Planin{i~-Kolar M.Sc. Vesna Planin{i~-Kolar M.Sc., is a landscape architect and regional urban planner. In the year 1986 she finished her studies at the University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty - Dept. of Landscape Architecture and at 1994 she was awarded master degree. Ms Planin{i~-Kolar has started her career as a researcher. Today she is heading department of Strategic Environmental Assessment at the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. Dr. Slavko Plazar Dr. Slavko Plazar is manager of advisory company of POOSI and member of project cooperating at introduction of SUVI in company TE[ d.o.o. Management experience and experiences at management and maintenance of systems of quality, treatments of environment and of safety are gained as consultant manager in business system of Coal mine Velenje. A management analyst for mentioned systems for SIQ for many years. Leader of assessment for EFQM model since 1995. In 2008 he gained certificates "INFORMATION SECURITY MANAGER" and "INFORMATION SECURITY AUDITOR«. Amna Poto~nik, MBA student Although by heart from the “real world” of comparative literature, steped to the path of “hard facts” of journalisem, then turned on the cross-road to programme and project management in the so-called accession period, dwelling into the cross-border development, permanently searching for novelty in the world of regional development and the miraculous world of progress, but still shocked with the instant truths spreeded through the various fields of economy.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Marko Poga~nik Trained as academic sculptor, Marko POGA^NIK lives in [empas, Slovenia. During the years 1965-71 he worked in Conceptual Art and Land Art as member of OHO group. After 1971 he works in the field between art and ecology. He has developed a method of Earth healing called “lithopuncture” (Earth acupuncture) coupled with the language of cosmograms. Lithopuncture works stand realised in different countries of Europe, USA, Brazil, Ecuador, South Africa and Kazakhstan. He is president of the Association for Coexistence of Human Beings, Nature and Environment from Ljubljana. In 1991 he was awarded with the national Pre{eren Award and in 2008 with Jakopi~ National Award for Visual Arts. His books in English include Touching the Breath of Gaia, How Wide the Heart, Sacred Geography. He designed the official coat of arms and the flag of the Republics of Slovenia. Chris Pothaar Chris Pothaar found his calling as an educator; at Greennovate he facilitates in putting the tools for sustainable development in the hands of those who can use them best. He helps companies to build capacity among their employees and plan and implement green initiatives. He also develops and teaches materials for environmental education in schools and universities as part of Greennovate's outreach programs. Chris got his start in the environmental field working in industrial wastewater treatment after completing his degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Toronto and he continued this work in China, shortly after moving to Shanghai in 2006. More recently he studied Strategic Sustainable Development from Blekinge Institute of Technology. He believes that sustainable development in China is ready to move beyond end-of-pipe solutions and is committed to making it a reality. Maja Re~nik Maja Re~nik is education director in SPEM Communication Group. She has graduated at the Faculty of Economics and Business in Maribor. As a PR assistant she has been involved in the communication projects and in later she has been working as head of project organization on more than 20 public relations project as Bank Austria Creditanstalt, San Paolo IMI, Henkel, KBC, Prevent. Since 2001 she has been education director of London School of Public Relations the SE European region developing programs in the area of management public relations, public affairs and corporate social responsibility. Dr. Filippina Risopoulos Filippina Risopoulos is Assistant Professor at the Institute of Geography and Regional Science at the Faculty of Environment, Regional and Educational Sciences, University of Graz. She has a PhD in Arts and Humanities (Further Education). She teaches students in the field of “Human Communication” and “Systemic Management” at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences and her current work deals with sustainable development in the field of transdisciplinary knowledge transfer and added values for a regional development. Her research interests include communication and language interactions applied in social and economic fields based on systems thinking. Metod Rogelj Metod Rogelj je univerzitetni diplomirani biolog in visoki naravovarstveni svetnik. Od leta 1995 je zaposlen na Zavodu RS za varstvo narave in od leta 2002 vodja Zavoda RS za varstvo narave, Obmo~na enota Kranj. Kot vodja skupine za strokovni razvoj Zavoda RS za varstvo narave re{uje najzahtevnej{e strokovne in metodolo{ke naloge s podro~ja varstva narave. Je avtor prispevkov na temo varstva narave objavljenih v razli~nih zbornikih, ~lan svet ZGS OE Bled in Kranj ter ~lan odbora za okolje in infrastrukturo pri Regionalnem razvojnem svetu Gorenjske. Sonja Rozman Sonja Rozman je univerzitetna diplomirana biologinja. in vi{ja naravovarstvena svetovalka. Od leta 2002 je zaposlena na Obmo~ni enoti Kranj Zavoda Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave. Njeno glavno podro~je dela je strokovno usmerjanje pri na~rtovanju posegov in dejavnosti v naravo, in sicer tako v postopkih prostorskega na~rtovanja kot v postopkih Celovite presoje vplivov na okolje ter pridobivanju naravovarstvenih in okoljevarstvenih soglasij. Opravlja tudi druge zahtevnej{e naloge s podro~ja varstva narave. Sodelovala je pri ve~ naravovarstvenih projektih. Je vi{je{olska predavateljica za predmete Varovanje naravnih vrednot in biotske raznovrstnosti in Trajnostni razvoj z izbranimi poglavji biologije. M.Sc. Nina RUSTJA M.Sc. Nina RUSTJA has a university undergraduate degree in Political Science (International Relations) and a master's degree in Entrepreneurship. She dedicated her undergraduate and master's thesis to corporate social responsibility in Slovenia. Her research work was awarded twice with the Krka Prize. She was employed for two years in the marketing department of Trimo, Trebnje and has been running her own business for marketing consulting for small enterprises since 2007.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
Dragica Sgerm Diplomirana vzgojiteljica pred{olskih otrok, zaposlena v O[ Ludvika Pliber{ka Maribor, trenutno kot druga u~iteljica v 1. razredu. Dokler je delala v vrtcu in {e prvi leti zaposlitve v {oli, je bila vodja {tudijske skupine za vrtce pri Zavodu RS za {olstvo, OE Maribor (skupaj 6 let). Je avtorica strokovne knjige oz. publikacije: Poslu{am, sli{im, izgovarjam (O[ Ludvika Pliber{ka Maribor, 2002). Izdala je tudi dve leposlovni knjigi za otroke: Marjetice (zbirka pesmi, samozalo`ba, 2004) in Mavri~ni pal~ek (pravljica, samozalo`ba 2006). Slednje delo je tudi zre`irala in z otroki nastopala za star{e in zunanje sodelavce, na sre~anju osnovno{olskih gledali{kih skupin Z odra na oder in u~ence. Objavljala je v revijah Otrok in dru`ina in Zdrav vrtec. Izdelala je ra~unalni{ko didakti~no igro s podro~ja glasbe za mlaj{e osnovno{olce, ki jo je predstavila v [oli za ravnatelje. V ~asu zaposlitve v vrtcu je bila skoraj vsako leto mentorica pripravnicam, v {oli pa je bila v {olskem letu 2008/2009 mentorica pripravnici T.K. Tri leta je bila mentorica prakse dijakinjam smeri pred{olska vzgoja na 3. Gimnaziji Maribor, kjer je {est let (d0 2008) sodelovala v komisiji pa peti predmet poklicne mature. [tiri leta je sodelovala pri tekmovanju Turizmu pomaga lastna glava. Dve leti (2007/2008 in 2008/2009) je bila mentorica mladim raziskovalcem. Obe raziskovalni nalogi sta na ob~inskem tekmovanju prejeli zlato priznanje, na dr`avnem pa bronasto. Samaneh Shahhossein Dastjerdi Education: Education_Level_1: Agricultural Economics, Tehran University, Iran, 2006 Education_Level_2: Agricultural Economics, University of Ferdowsi, Mashhad, Iran, 2009 Title of Thesis: Drought Risk Management in Agricultural Sector of Golestan Province (A Case of Gonbad-e-Kavous County) Teaching Experience Economics of Management, undergraduate National Journals Shahhossein Dastjerdi, S., and Shahnoushi, N. 2010. Investigating Affective Factors on the Barley Area using Rational and Adaptive Expectations Models. Agricultural Economics and Development Journal. It will be published in spring, issue 69. National Conferences Kohansal, M.R., and Shahhossein Dastjerdi, S. 2008. An Analysis of the Effects of Feed Ingredient Price Risk on Selection of Optimal Feed Ration for Dairy Cattle. The 3rd Congress on Animal Science, 15-16 October. Mshhad, Iran. Naser Shahnoushi Foroushani Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Mashhad, Iran positions - Head of Agricultural Economics Department, Mashhad Ferdowsi University - Head of Economic Research Group, Iran-Mashhad - Member of Board, Iranian Agricultural Economics Society (IAES) - Head of Production and Agricultural Economics Committee, Iranian Agricultural Experts Organization - Secretary of the Sixth Agricultural Economics Conference, Mashhad, Iran Academic qualifications 1988 Isfahan University, Iran B. Sc in Economics M.Sc in Agricultural Economics Shiraz University, Iran 1992 2003 Tehran University, Iran PhD in Agricultural Economics Thesis topics M. Sc: Economic Analysis of Investment on Farms with Emphasis on Agricultural Machinery in Fars Province, Iran PhD: The Effects of Drought on the Agriculture Sector and Economy of Iran: Estimation using a Macro econometric Model I have a PhD in agricultural economics with emphasis on agricultural development and policy. Currently I have directed the thesis of M.Sc students in my department mainly on water economy and drought. I deal with macroeconomics in my research and lectures too. The courses that I have been taught since 1993 are: Microeconomics, Production Economics, Macroeconomics1&2, Agricultural Economics, Management and Accounting, Agricultural Production Insurance, Accounting of Agricultural Firms, Computer Application in Agricultural Economics, Project Appraisal, Econometrics, Agricultural Development and Policy to B. Sc students and Macroeconomics, International trade and Agricultural Development and Policy to M.Sc students. I have many paper publications but the recent papers include: "An Examination of the Relationship between Food Prices and Government Monetary Policies in Iran": Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, US, No.2 (2009). "The economic impacts of drought on the economy of Iran: An integration of linear programming and macro econometric modeling approaches": Ecological Economics, No. 68 -4.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
(2009). "Government Monetary and Fiscal Policies Effect on Economic and Social Duality in Iran": World Applied Sciences Journal, No. 5-3, (2008). "Accession to WTO and agricultural market integrations in Iran": International conference on WTO AND ITS IMPACT ON DEVLOPING COUNTRIES, India (2007). "Government Expenditure and Revenue Relation and Fiscal Sustainability in Iran": The 10th international conference of the society for global business and Economic Development (SGEBED), Japan (2007)."Comparative advantage analysis of main crops in Khorasan province" published in Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Recourses (JASNR) Vol.14, No 4 (2007). " Determining relative advantage of industrial and melon ground product, vegetables and oilseeds in Khorasan province" Agricultural Sciences & Technology Journal Vol.20 No.4 (2006) :125-141. The recent books that I translated to farsi include: Sustainability assessment (2007), Agricultural and rural products marketing (2006), Range economics (2006) that published in Ferdowsi university of Mashahad publication. And also the some recent researches include: "Potential capacities estimation for provincial revenues" (2007). "Investigating the role of craft and technical training in sustainable and productive jobs of Razavi Khorasan province" (2007). "Determining the level of development for Mashhad regions" (2007). Peter Skoberne, PhD Finished PhD in Biology at the University of Ljubljana (2001), since 1978 working in nature conservation, recently mostly on the Habitats Directive and Natura 2000 scientific background and implementation, history of nature conservation, threatened plant species (co-author of the national Red Data Book on Vascular Plants). He is employed as a Secretary at the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning and guest teacher at the University of Ljubljana. He is author or co-author of several scientific articles, books, editor or co-editor of different publications in the field of nature conservation in Slovenia. He has a managed database of about 130.000 photos. Bo`ena Steiner Finished study at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana. Employed in the Coal Mine Velenje for 33 years, mostly in the area of HRM and HRD. Author and co-author of several HR project such as communication system, safe and healthy at work, learning organization. Responsible for the project Social responsibility in Coal Mine Velenje. Dr. Gerald Steiner Dr. Gerald Steiner is Associate Professor at the Institute of Systems Sciences, Innovation and Sustainability Research at the University of Graz in Austria. His fields include systems theory, creativity management, innovation management, entrepreneurship, design methodology, sustainable development, transdisciplinarity, product development, and stakeholder management. He is also lecturer at various other institutions such as at the Institute of Industrial Design at the School of Media and Design in Graz (ranked among the best design schools worldwide according business week) and visiting professor at the University of Maribor, the University of Venice and the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. His work was awarded nationally and internationally several times such as with the best-paper award of the WDSI (Western Decision Sciences Institute) and with the Daimler Chrysler Alpen-Adria Research Award. As consultant and speaker he served multi-nationals and public organizations as well, including UNESCO, Magna, Kiska Creative Industries, AC-Styria and many others. His e-mail adress is: gerald.steiner@uni-graz.at Zoran Stoji~ Zoran Stoji~ graduated at Ljubljana Hydraulic Engineering Faculty where he has got Masters of Science in Environmental Engineering and at the IHE in Delft, The Netherlands. During studies he specialized in the field of Water Engineering and continued practicing in the Environmental Engineering arena. Mr. Stoji~ has successfully managed numerous environmental problems for local and European clients. His responsibilities range from consultancy in preparation of water protection legislation, design of major water management schemes, environmental statements, and technical assistance to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning, to the project team leadership and management of medium sized environmental engineering company. He shares strong relation regarding water issues with his colleagues. Mr. Stoji~ professional history is related to the Danube Basin, where he actively participated in resolving of the Mura River water resources development and a series of studies related to the management issues of Sava River. Martina Sumenjak Sabol Graduation in economics at University of Maribor in 1972. 1972 to 1985 assistent and lecturer at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Maribor. Graduation with Master’s degree at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Zagreb in 1979. Since 1972 cooperation with nutrition expert Dr. Johann Georg Schnitzer, Germany, regarding organic farming, healthy nutrition and sustainable development in general. In 1986 – 1989 cooperation with Prof. Dr. Jost Krippendorf, University of Bern. From 1989 becoming involved in biomass and other renewable energy in cooperation with Dr. August Raggam ,TU of Graz. 1991 and 2000 active participation in the World Clean Energy Conference in Geneva, organized by sustainable energy pioneer Gustav R. Grob.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
I organized the first Slovenian International Conference on Biomass in 1994, the second one in 1996, and the third one in 1998. In 1997 I established the Slovenian Biomass Association. In 2000 and 2001 I organized seven regional conferences in Slovenia and many other meetings on regional and local levels. In 2001 the Ljubljana Declaration for Biomass and other Renewable Energy Sources for the South-Eastern European Region was formulated. Since 2001, in cooperation with the Slovenian National Council and related ministries, I organized yearly international and national conferences. Since June 2004 I am Vice-President of the International Sustainable Energy Organization , ISEO and since 2001 Co-editor and Photographer of THE BIOENERGY INTERNATIONAL journal published in Stockholm. Simona [arotar @i`ek, MSc. Finished M.Sc. studies in Economic and Business Sciences in 2000. She is employed as a senior lecturer in HRM on University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics & Business, Maribor. She is author or co-author of articles in several international and Slovenian journals and on scientific and expert conferences. Metka [toka Debevec Metka [toka Debevec je diplomirana ekonomistka, ve~ino delovne dobe zaposlena na Ministrstvu za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve,oziroma njegovih predhodnikih. Ves ~as je delala na podro~ju socialnega dialoga in dogovarjanja s socialnimi partnerji (o politiki pla~, sklepanje kolektivnih pogodb za javni sektor; vse od osamosvojitve Slovenije je bila zadol`ena tudi za pripravo in sklepanje socialnih sporazumov, pri ~emer {e vedno sodeluje). Dru`bena odgovornost podjetij sodi v njeno delovno podro~je zadnja tri leta, odkar je ~lanica Skupine visokih nacionalnih predstavnikov za dru`beno odgovornost podjetij pri Evropski komisiji. V tej vlogi se udele`uje rednih sestankov komisije ter konferenc in drugih sre~anj na to temo, kjer pridobiva nove izku{nje, znanja in informacije. Ministrstvo RS za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve je znotraj vlade zadol`eno za koordinacijo priprave nacionalnega poro~ila o javnih politikah na podro~ju dru`bene odgovornosti, kar tudi sodi med njene neposredne zadol`itve. M. Sc. Tja{a [trukelj M. Sc. Tja{a [trukelj, born on May 16th, 1971, in Maribor, Slovenia; is a senior lecturer for Business Policy, Strategic Management, Enterprise Culture and Ethics, and Business Planning at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Strategic Management and Business Policy, Maribor, Slovenia. Her postgraduate education includes titles Master of Science (of University Maribor, Slovenia) and KMU - Diplom HSG (SME Intensive Study Program of University St. Gallen, Switzerland). She prepares doctoral thesis (dissertation) on subject Innovation of Business Policy Planning and publishes in field of her research. She is (co)author of articles in several (inter)national journals and conferences. She does also advisory work in business praxis, is a member of editorial board of MER Journal for Management and Development, Slovenia (1999-), a member of SME Intensive Study Program Graduate Association of University St. Gallen, Switzerland (1998-), a member of IMTA - International Management Teachers Academy Alumni Association of IEDC - Bled School of Management, Slovenia (of CEEMAN - Central and East European Management Development Association) (2006-), and a member of IRDO - Institute for Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Slovenia (2009-). Prof. Dr. Sulejman Red`i} Prof. Dr. Sulejman Red`i}, professor of Ecology and nature protection at the Department of Biology of the Faculty of Science, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. He is a manager of the Center of Ecology and Natural Resources and head of Session of Ecology and environmental protection. He is a corresponding member of Academy of Sciences and Arts of Bosnia and Herzegovina. He published extensively on Ecology, Botany, Environmental protection, Natural Resources. He has also tremendous experience in project management, especially related to the above scientific disciplines and related information systems. (More details: http//www.anubih.ba/membership/corresponding members/redzic) Dr. Jadranka [varc Dr. Jadranka [varc is a senior research fellow at the Institute of social sciences, Ivo Pilar, Zagreb. Her research interests are in the area of science and innovation policy and social evaluation of the Croatian innovation system. She is the national correspondent for the ERAWATCH and METRIS project and the task leader within the WBC-INCO.NET project. Mohsen Tabaraei B. S. degree in Food Industry course, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, 1985, Mashhad, Iran M. S. degree in Agricultural Training and Extension course, College of Agriculture, Tehran University, 1995, Tehran, Iran
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Ph. D. degree in Agricultural training and Extension course, Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, 2004, Moscow, Russia Scientific university level: Assistant professor Place of employment: Agricultural Economy Group, Faculty of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad Executive responsibility: Chief of Mashhad University Press since 1988 Recent research activities: 1. Reinvestigation the Factors Influencing on Farmer’s Investmen of Razavi Khorasan Province on Soil Conservation Agricultural Sciences & Technology Journal Vol. 21, No, 2, 2008 2. Estimating Demand Function of processing Industries Credit in Razavi province Agricultural Sciences & Technology Journal Vol. 21, No, 2, 2008 3. Factors affecting the acceptance of agricultural extension programs with regards to process of agricultural development Case study: Wheat farmers in mashhad Journal of Economics & Agricultural development Vol. 23, No, 1, 2009 Recent Research plans: 1-The study of the approach of the students of agriculture to working in rural regions and the influential factors Research deputy of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad – 2004 2-The study of the location of small industries in rural development with the emphasis on food industry of Khorasan Razavi Province Research deputy of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad – 2006 Translation activity: 1-Agricultural extension: A.w.Van den Ban & H.s.Hawkins With cooperation of Dr. Asalollah Zamani Pour; Ferdowi University of Mashhad Publication press, No 470, 2006 2-Entereproeneurship A Contemporary Approach , fifth Edition : Donald F. Kuratku, & Richard M. Hodgetts With cooperation of Ebrahim Amel Mehrabi ; Ferdowi University of Mashhad Publication press, No 406 First Publish 2004 & second publish, 2008 Mojca Toma`i~ Mojca Toma`i~ je univerzitetna diplomirana geografinja in sociologinja kulture ter vodja celjske obmo~ne enote Zavoda Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave. Deluje predvsem na obmo~ni ravni. Celoten ~as slu`bovanja na Zavodu se je intenzivneje ukvarjala s prostorom ter ume{~anjem vsebin varstva narave v prostorske akte na vseh nivojih ter vodami, natan~neje z ume{~anjem malih energetskih objektov na vodotoke. Je soavtorica ve~ prispevkov na temo na~rtovanja v prostoru ter ume{~anja malih energetskih objektov na vodotoke. Bila je nosilka in vodila je koordinacijo nalog pri pripravi strokovnega predloga za Krajinski park Ponikovski kras, katerega rezultat je ustanovitev zavarovanega obmo~ja. Posebno pozornost posve~a izobra`evanju in ozave{~anju naj{ir{ega kroga, s posebnim poudarkom na odra{~ajo~i mladini. Konkreten rezultat dela so tudi tri pou~ne in zanimive zlo`enke Zavoda »Na obisku v naravi«, »Na obisku ob morju« ter "Na obisku v gorah«. Gregor Torkar Gregor Torkar je as. dr. znanosti s podro~ja varstva naravne; zunanji sodelavec ZRC SAZU in Univerze v Ljubljani. Najve~ svojega ~asa in truda usmerja v naravovarstveno ozave{~anje in izobra`evanje, predvsem mladih. Je ~lan mednarodnega zdru`enja Partnership for Education and Research about Responsible Living in ob~asni gostujo~i predavatelj na Faculty of Forestry and Wildlife Management, Hedmark University College, Norve{ka. Poleg znanstvenega dela se veliko posve~a tudi aplikacijskim naravovarstvenim in edukacijskim projektom. Je avtor razli~nih osnovno{olskih u~benikov in drugih strokovnih gradiv ter predsednik Dru{tva za ohranjanje naravne dedi{~ine Slovenije. mag. Robert TURK Robert Turk je magister biolo{kih znanosti in vodja piranske obmo~ne enote Zavoda Republike Slovenije za varstvo narave. Je nacionalni koordinator Protokola o posebej zavarovanih obmo~jih in biotski raznovrstnosti Sredozemlja Barcelonske konvencije in ~lan izvr{nega odbora zdru`enja upravljavcev sredozemskih morskih zavarovanih obmo~ij MedPAN. Je pobudnik in vodja {tevilnih konkretnih projektov in mednarodnih sodelovanj na podro~ju ohranjanja narave. Organiziral je dve mednarodni sre~anji na temo ohranjanja morske biotske raznovrstnosti v severnem Jadranu in uredil izdajo prispevkov. Je soavtor knjig Slovenski Mediteran ter Ogro`ene vrste in habitatni tipi v Slovenskem morju. Kot avtor in soavtor objavlja strokovne ~lanke na temo morske biotske raznovrstnosti in ogro`enih vrst ter poljudne ~lanke na temo zavarovanih obmo~ij, trajnostnega razvoja in razumne rabe naravnih virov.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Prof. dr. Ana Vovk Kor`e Prof. dr. Ana Vovk Kor`e, prof. geo.: je univerzitetno habilitirana redna profesorica za podro~je geografije in dela na podro~jih ekoremediacije, ekologije, regionalnega trajnostnega razvoja. Izobra`evanja in sodelovanja z javnostjo. Vodi projekte s podro~ja vklju~evanja ekoremediacij v izobra`evalne sisteme, priprave inovativnih razvojnih programov in strategije razvoja pode`elja in urbanih obmo~i z ekoremediacijami (kot so Ekoremediacije v Sloveniji, Razvoj obmo~ij Nature 2000 z vklju~evanjem javnosti, Slovenija Evropska vodna u~na pot, Trajnostni razvoj ob~ine Selnica in drugi). Je avtorica ve~ u~benikov za slovenske in hrva{ke {ole, vodi mednarodne seminarje in razvija inovativne pristope za izobra`evanje. Je ~lanica mednarodnih in slovenskih zdru`enj (Global Water Partnership, European Society Soil Conservation, Geographical Association). Na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Mariboru je ustanovila in je vodja Mednarodega centera za ekoremediacije, Pisarne za okoljsko informiranje in Terenskega laboratorija, za analize vode in prsti. Sara Yazdan bakhsh M.Sc. student of Agricultural Economics, College of Agriculture, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran. EDUCATION: 2004 - 2008: Under graduate (Bachelor's degree) studies, Agricultural economic, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashad, Iran. 2008 to present: Graduate (Master's degree) studies, agricultural economics with emphasis on agricultural development and policy, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashad, Iran. PROJECT RESEARCHES: 2006: NDIVIDUAL'S WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR IMPROVING URBAN GREEN SPACE IN MASHHAD-IRAN PUBLICATIONS: 2008: “The Comparison of impact of Foreign Direct Investment on economic growth in different countries” 2010: “ESTIMATION OF WILLINGNESS TO PAY FOR AIR QUALITY IMPROVEMENTS (Case study: Mashhad, Iran)”, accepted to present in The 5th IRDO international conference, Maribor, Slovenia 2010: “DROUGHT RISK MANAGEMENT FOR SUSTAINABLE USE OF AGRICULTURAL WATER RESOURCES IN GOLESTAN PROVINCE, IRAN (Case of Gonbad-e-Kavous County)”, accepted to present in The 5th IRDO international conference, Maribor, Slovenia Dr. Simon Zav{ek Finished Ph. D. studies at University of Ljubljana - Faculty of natural sciences and engineering in 2004. Since 1983 works for Coal Mine Velenje as research engineer in the field of hydrogeology, geomechanics and research. After finishing master study in 2003, works as a project manager of different domestic and international projects (EUREKA). From 2008 works as a project manager of the Clean coal technologies in the R&D department. Janja @ula Finished study at University of Ljubljana - Faculty of natural sciences and engineering, course geology in year 2006. She works for Coal Mine Velenje and is member of a Clean Coal Technologies research team. She is involved in research activities which are in connection with safe lignite exploitation, lignite degasification, mine gas (CH4, CO2) capture and storage etc. As co-author of several professional Slovenian and international articles on topic of clean coal technologies and lignite sorption experiments she already participated at many mentioned experiments.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
6 SKLEPI REFERENCE Sklepi konference so objavljeni na spletni strani www.irdo.si. Oglejte si jih! Po{ljite nam tudi va{e predloge za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti na naslov: info@irdo.si. Skupaj zmoremo ve~!
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
V sodelovanju z: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Evropsko akademijo znanosti in umetnosti, Salzburg Mednarodnim zdru`enjem za sistemsko raziskovanje (IFSR) Zavodom RS za varstvo narave Javno agencijo za raziskovalno dejavnost RS Slovenskim dru{tvom za odnose z javnostmi [tajersko gospodarsko zbornico Ameri{ko gospodarsko zbornico Narodni dom Maribor Umanotera, slovenska fundacija za sonaravni razvoj Dru{tvo za marketing Slovenije Slovensko zdru`enje managerk in managerjev nevladnih organizacij Ministrstvom za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve Ministrstvom za okolje in prostor RS Biotehni{ko fakulteto Univerze v Ljubljani United Nations Global Compact Slovenia Mestna ob~ina Maribor
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
N.K.V. d.o.o.
Napredek si zagotovite z znanjem. Komptence razvijate v praksi. Voditi vas nau~imo mi. NKV - mednarodno izobra`evalno-svetovalno podjetje: www.nkv.si, info@nkv.si
CVETLI^ARNA PRI SLAVIJI DEJAN ROJKO S.P. IZOBRA@EVALNI CENTER PIRAMIDA MARIBOR Keksarna Brodnjak d.o.o. ELLEGI d.o.o. - BAR 2000 SLA[^I^ARNA ROMANSA d.o.o. Restavracija Niagara Toti rotov` d.o.o.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
8 OBJAVE 8.1
^LANSTVO V IN[TITUTU IRDO POSTANITE ^LAN IN[TITUTA IRDO TUDI VI ali va{e podjetje, organizacija, ustanova
Povezani smo bolj, kot si mislimo. Na{a dejanja imajo posledice –dobre in slabe. Odvisno od ~loveka in narave… Morda nas v prihodnje lahko re{i le dobra mera modrosti, odgovornosti/po{tenja in usklajenega delovanja. Zato vas kot posameznika oz. podjetje, organizacijo vabimo v na{o dru`bo, med ~lane in{tituta IRDO – In{tituta za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti. V sodobnem svetu namre~ velja, da uspe{na in razvojno usmerjena podjetja in posamezniki podpirajo strokovne in raziskovalne institucije, saj s tem izra`ajo svoj del dru`bene odgovornosti, ker to koristi tudi njim samim. Dru`bena odgovornost pomeni, da se v {ir{em in o`jem lastnem interesu trudimo delati v dobrobit ljudi preko meja, ki jih predpisuje zakonodaja. Pre`ivetje narave in s tem ~love{tva, vklju~no z organizacijami vseh vrst, tudi podjetij, je od tega odvisno v veliki meri. Postanite ~lan in{tituta IRDO tudi vi ali va{e podjetje, ustanova, organizacija. Skupaj lahko naredimo ve~, {e zlasti pri izmenjavi informacij, strokovnih pogledov, prakse in izhodi{~. Sedaj zdru`ujemo `e ve~ kot 50 ~lanov, od tega dobro polovico kolektivnih. Med njimi so Telekom Slovenije, Luka Koper, Mimovrste, MIEL Elektronika, Socius, Creditexpress, Medis-M, Mikrodata GIS, [tajerska gospodarska zbornica, Ob~ina Duplek, Umetnostna galerija Maribor, ZSSS Podravja, SKEI TAM, Premogovnik Velenje, Termoelektrarna [o{tanj, Tovarna olja Gea, GARANT-ZAVAROVANJE, Izobra`evalno razvojni zavod Univerzum Minerva, Mariborska knji`nica, KOGAL Karli Udovi~i~ s.p., N.K.V., Pro anima, … Med posamezniki so tako {tudenti, kot ~lani uprav ter predsedniki najve~jih slovenskih podjetij, organizacij in ustanov. Vsi ti se zelo zavedamo pomena dru`bene odgovornosti! In{titut IRDO smo na civilno pobudo ustanovili leta 2004 z namenom raziskovati in promovirati dru`beno odgovornost v Sloveniji in v tujini. V ta namen izvajamo {tevilne aktivnosti, ki jih podrobneje predstavljamo v prilogi in na spletnih straneh in{tituta www.irdo.si. Vljudno vabljeni, da prispevate k bolj{i dru`bi po svojih mo~eh tudi vi! Bodimo skupaj manj sebi~ni iz sebi~nih razlogov! Kako postanete ~lan in{tituta? V in{titut IRDO se lahko v~lanijo vsi po{tenjaki – pravne osebe iz gospodarstva in negospodarstva (kolektivno ~lanstvo) in ljudje kot posamezniki (individualno ~lanstvo). ^lan in{tituta IRDO lahko torej postane vsakdo s pla~ilom simboli~ne ~lanarine, ki se obnavlja z vsakim koledarskim letom, z upo{tevanjem dogovora o sodelovanju ter pravic in obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz ~lanstva. Vi{ino ~lanarine dolo~i Svet in{tituta IRDO. Ko podpi{ete pristopno izjavo za ~lanstvo v IRDO oz. dogovor o kolektivnem ~lanstvu, pla~ate sorazmerni del ~lanarine za teko~e leto od teko~ega meseca pristopa v ~lanstvo dalje. Vsak ~lan in{tituta prejme ~lansko potrdilo s ~lansko {tevilko, s katero uveljavlja ~lanske ugodnosti. Izpolnite prilo`eno Pristopno izjavo (iniividualni ~lani) ali Dogovor o kolektivnem ~lanstvu (podjetja, ustanove, druge organizacije) in nam jo ~imprej po{ljite na info@irdo.si ali clani@irdo.si. Ugodnosti in pravice ~lanov In{titut IRDO svojim ~lanom omogo~a naslednje pravice in ugodnosti: • sodelovanje pri oblikovanju programa dela in razvoja in{tituta IRDO, • promocija ~lanov in njihovih projektov/dejavnosti na spletnih straneh, na konferencah ter v izbranih strokovnih in drugih publikacijah in{tituta IRDO, • sodelovanje na tematskih razpravah v povezavi z dru`beno odgovornostjo, ki omogo~ajo izmenjavo izku{enj ~lanov in{tituta IRDO med seboj in vabljenih gostov, • brezpla~en dostop do redno a`urirane baze primerov dobre prakse s podro~ja dru`bene odgovornosti vseh {tirih osnovnih vsebin (po opredelitvi Evropske unije) – po{tenost do sodelavcev, partnerjev, {ir{e dru`be in naravnih pogojev za `ivljenje in dobro po~utje ljudi - in poslovne odli~nosti ter miru na svetu, • brezpla~na udele`ba na letnem sre~anju ~lanov in{tituta in objava vseh ~lanov v publikaciji sre~anja, • brezpla~no prejemanje e-novic in{tituta (e-informacije o aktivnostih ~lanov in{tituta, aktualnih dogodki v Sloveniji in tujini, poro~anje o aktualnih temah…), • brezpla~en dostop do virov informacij na portalu in{tituta IRDO (informacijski portal za ~lane, partnerje in javnost z aktualnimi informacijami, povezavami, primeri dobre prakse, novicami ~lanov in drugimi novostmi), • potrdilo o ~lanstvu v in{titutu IRDO za teko~e leto, • dodatni popusti pri uporabi storitev in izdelkov in{tituta:
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Dejavnosti in{tituta • posvetovanja • poslovno svetovanje • izobra`evanje (delavnice, seminarji, konference) • publikacije in{tituta • ogla{evanje (portal, sponzoriranje projektov) • raziskave • projekti • drugo
Popust v % 20% 15% 15% 15% 15% 10% 10% Po dogovoru
Kategorije ~lanstva in vi{ina ~lanarine za leto 2010 (predlog je potrdil Svet zavoda IRDO, na seji dne 17.12.2009) Vi{ina ~lanarine je dolo~ena po posamezniku oz. glede na velikost podjetja, kot sledi iz naslednje preglednice: Kategorija ~lanstva [tevilo zaposlenih podjetje ali ustanova A. ^lan – pravna oseba A1 mikro podjetje, ustanova, organizacija 0-9 zaposlenih (tudi s.p.) A2 malo podjetje, ustanova, organizacija 10-49 zaposlenih A3 srednje veliko podjetje, ustanova, organizacija 50-249 zaposlenih A4 veliko podjetje, ustanova, organizacija 250 in ve~ zaposlenih B ^lan – fizi~na oseba B1 posameznik B2 {tudent (tudi podiplomski), upokojenec (50% popusta na kategorijo B1) C ^lan - simpatizer D Kompenzacijski ~lan – partner (pravne osebe, interesna zdru`enja)
Letna ~lanarina v EUR neto (2010) 120 240 600 1.200 60 30 0 kompenzacija
Opombe: • Davek na dodano vrednost ni vra~unan v znesku ~lanarine. • Letno ~lanarino za naslednje leto dolo~a Svet in{tituta IRDO na svoji redni seji pred iztekom koledarskega leta. • Letna ~lanarina se obra~una sorazmerno za {tevilo mesecev ~lanstva v teko~em koledarskem letu, s pri~etkom od meseca v~lanitve v in{titut IRDO (za nove ~lane). Pla~a se v enkratnem znesku. • Mo`nost pla~ila ~lanarine je tudi v obliki kompenzacije (pomo~ v materialnih sredstvih ali storitvah in{titutu, po dogovoru in glede na potrebe in{tituta). • Sredstva, zbrana iz ~lanarine, se uporabljajo za sofinanciranje dejavnosti in{tituta IRDO v skladu z letnim programom dela ter za razvoj in promocijo dru`bene odgovornosti v {ir{i javnosti. • ^lan simpatizer nima glasovalne pravice in ne more prejeti vseh ugodnosti ~lanov (popusti…), lahko pa je prisoten na sre~anjih ~lanov in sodeluje z in{titutom glede na svoje mo`nosti. • Kompenzacijski ~lan – partner ima enake pravice kot redni ~lan. ^lanarina se poravna s kompenzacijo. Obveznosti ~lanov Obveznosti ~lanov in{tituta IRDO so: • sprejem dogovora o sodelovanju z in{titutom IRDO, • spo{tovanje eti~nih na~el dru`bene odgovornosti, • pla~ilo letne ~lanarine, ki jo Svet zavoda in{tituta IRDO dolo~i vsako leto posebej, • glede na mo`nosti in interese aktivno sodelovanje pri delu in{tituta IRDO, • in aktivna prisotnost na letnem sre~anju ~lanov in{tituta IRDO. Prenehanje ~lanstva ^lanstvo preneha veljati, ~e ~lan kr{i norme, ki veljajo v in{titutu, moti ali {koduje delu in aktivnostim in{tituta IRDO, ali zamuja s pla~ilom ~lanarine za ve~ kot mesec dni po zapadlosti pla~ila. ^lan lahko izstopi iz in{tituta IRDO tudi na lastno `eljo in sicer tako, da o tem pisno obvesti in{titut IRDO. ^lan ima pravico odpovedati ~lanstvo en mesec pred potekom enoletnega ~lanstva. Varovanje podatkov In{titut se zavezuje, da bo s podatki o ~lanih ravnal v skladu z dolo~ili Zakona o varstvu osebnih podatkov (Uradni list RS {t. 59/99, 57/01 in dopolnitve) in da podatkov o ~lanih v nobenem primeru ne bo posredoval tretji osebi.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
Kam poslati pristopno izjavo za ~lanstvo v in{titutu? Vabimo vas, da izpolnite prilo`eno prijavnico ~imprej in nam jo po{ljete: • po el. po{ti: clani@irdo.si, • po faksu: 02 429 71 04, • ali po klasi~ni po{ti na naslov: IRDO – In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti, Preradovi~eva 26, 2000 Maribor Vse dodatne informacije v zvezi s ~lanstvom so vam na voljo po el. po{ti: clani@irdo.si ali na GSM 031 344 883.
Veselimo se sodelovanja z vami v vzajemno korist in dru`beno dobro!
NAGRADA HORUS Kandidirajte za
Slovensko nagrado za dru`beno odgovornost HORUS 2010! Ste dru`beno odgovorno podjetje? Predstavite svoj primer dobre prakse in tako krepite va{ ugled v javnosti! IRDO - In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti in PRSS - Slovensko dru{tvo za odnose z javnostmi 25. marca 2010 `e drugo leto zapored v sodelovanju s podpornimi partnerji objavljata razpis za podelitev Slovenske nagrade za dru`beno odgovornost – Horus 2010. Razpis je namenjen podjetjem, ki tudi v ~asu krize poslujejo dru`beno odgovorno, organizatorji pa `elijo tako poiskati in nagraditi celovite pristope k dru`beni odgovornosti.
Poslanstvo nagrade Poslanstvo nagrade Horus je spodbujati celovitost v razmi{ljanju, inovativnost v delovanju in odgovornost pri poslovanju slovenskih podjetij. Z nagrado `elimo opozoriti, da je za vsako dejanje najprej odgovoren posameznik, ki deluje v organizaciji in izven nje. Vsi posamezniki, ki jih nekdo vodi, sestavljajo u~inkovito, odgovorno ali pa neodgovorno organizacijo, podjetje, dru`bo, v kateri smo vsi soodvisni. Nagrada krepi zavedanje o pomenu dru`bene odgovornosti za nas vse in promovira primere dobre prakse v javnosti ter tako spodbuja podjetja k bolj odgovornemu in u~inkovitemu poslovanju.
Sodelujte tudi vi! Nagrada je namenjena podjetjem, ki se zavedajo dru`bene odgovornosti na razli~nih podro~jih svojega delovanja, tako v odnosu do okolja, do svojih zaposlenih in drugih déle`nikov podjetja ter pri razvoju izdelkov in storitev in jo vklju~ujejo v strate{ko vodenje ter poslovanje podjetja.
Klju~ni datumi Razpis: 25. marec 2010 – 15. september 2010 (rok za oddajo prijavnice) Prijave in informacije: nagrada.horus@irdo.si, www.horus.si Razglasitev nagrajencev in podelitev nagrade: Ljubljana, november 2010
Kontakt IRDO - In{titut za razvoj dru`bene odgovornosti Preradovi~eva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor spletno mesto: www.horus.si e-po{ta: nagrada.horus@irdo.si telefon: 031 344 883
Podporni partnerji projekta: Zdru`enje Manager, Zdru`enje delodajalcev Slovenije, [tajerska gospodarska zbornica, ~asopis Dnevnik, revija Kapital, Slovensko zdru`enje ZN za trajnostni razvoj, Ameri{ka gospodarska zbornica, Dru{tvo za marketing Slovenije.
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 ÂťNARAVA IN ^LOVEKÂŤ - zbornik prispevkov
aprila aprila aprila aprila
se bo s tvojo pomo~jo pisala zgodovina. ne bomo ~istili samo pred svojim pragom. se bomo dru`no zabavali. ne sme{ manjkati!
Pomagaj polep{ati Slovenijo. Pridru`i se projektu: http://www.ocistimo.si Potrebujemo tvojo pomo~. Skupaj nam bo uspelo!
Namen projekta: Najve~ja okoljska akcija v Sloveniji 17. aprila 2010 bo v Sloveniji organizirana najve~ja prostovoljna okoljska akcija v zgodovini Slovenije. Prostovoljci bodo do pomladi po vsej Sloveniji iskali divja odlagali{~a in jih locirali na zemljevidu, spomladi pa bodo s ~istilno akcijo ta divja odlagali{~a tudi o~istili komunalnih odpadkov. Poleg tega bodo o~istili tudi okolice {ol, vrtcev, naselij in sprehajalnih poti. Akcija se bo zaklju~ila z zabavnimi dogodki v treh ve~jih mestnih sredi{~ih, namenjenimi vsem sodelujo~im in {ir{e.
Cilji projekta: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
17. aprila 2010 zdru`iti 200.000 prostovoljcev in izpeljati najve~jo okoljsko akcijo v Sloveniji doslej, izdelati prvi digitalni register in nacionalni zemljevid z lokacijami ~im ve~jega {tevila divjih odlagali{~, odstraniti najmanj 20.000 ton ilegalno odvr`enih odpadkov, zdru`iti vse ekolo{ke akcije, ki potekajo v spomladanskem ~asu na en datum in s skupnim namenom, ozave{~anje in izobra`evanje o izbolj{anju odnosa do ravnanja z odpadki.
Zgled: Let's do it Estonia 2008 Projekt O~istimo Slovenijo v enem dnevu! je narejen po zgledu projekta Let's do it, Estonia!, ki je v Estoniji potekal leta 2008. Na dan ~istilne akcije, 3. maja 2008, se je v Estoniji zbralo 50.000 prostovoljcev (4 % prebivalstva), ki so odstranili 10.000 ton smeti v samo v petih urah (v obi~ajnih okoli{~inah bi dr`ava za to potrebovala tri leta in ve~ kot 22 milijonov evrov). Zaklju~ne zabave se je udele`ilo 120.000 ljudi. Ve~ na uradni spletni strani http://www.teeme2008.ee/?setlang=eng Projekt se {iri tudi na druge evropske dr`ave (Portugalska, Romunija).
Organizatorji: dru{tvo Ekologi brez meja Projekt O~istimo slovenijo v enem dnevu! je neprofitne in nepoliti~ne narave, pravno formalno pa deluje pod okriljem dru{tva Dru{tvo Ekologi brez meja, ki je bilo ustanovljeno marca 2009 z namenom organizacije okoljskih projektov. Dru{tvo Ekologi brez meja Sostrska cesta 27E, 1261 Ljubljana Dav~na {tevilka: 30944929 Mati~na {tevilka dru{tva: 4008804000, UE Ljubljana Transakcijski ra~un: SI 56 0201 0025 8264 309, odprt pri NLB Smo zavezanci za DDV. Kontakt: info@ocistimo.si
V in{titutu IRDO vabimo vse ~lane, partnerje in udele`ence te konference, da se akciji skupaj pridru`imo!
5. mednarodna konferenca: Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010 »NARAVA IN ^LOVEK« - zbornik prispevkov
9 ZAHVALA Zakonodajni okvir delovanja ljudi je bistven, a ni celovit, zato dru`bena odgovornost sega preko njegovega okvira prostovoljno. Tudi tokratna konferenca v organizaciji in{tituta IRDO in so-organizatorjev ka`e, da povzro~a dru`bena odgovornost ve~ koristi kot stro{kov, vsaj na dalj{i, a tudi na kraj{i rok. Na primer po{ten in primerno celovit odnos vplivnih ljudi do: - sodelavcev - prepre~uje odpore, nejevoljo, stavke ipd in motivira za ustvarjanje; - partnerjev - prepre~uje zlorabe in ve~a zanesljivost ipd; - {ir{e dru`be - prepre~uje nemire vse do terorizma in vojn, podpira nevladne dejavnosti itd; - narave – prepre~uje in zmanj{uje potrebe po zdravljenju, ipd. Ko smo konferenco z junijskega termina, ki je bil v veljavi za {tiri konference in{tituta IRDO doslej, prestavili na mar~evskega in temu navkljub podrli vse svoje rekorde, {e sami nismo mogli verjeti, da je to mogo~e. Letos je v primerjavi z lanskoletno konferenco ponovno ve~je {tevilo avtorjev prispevkov, predavateljev, dr`av in udele`encev, vsekakor pa tudi so-organizatorjev. Zelo nas veseli, da se je jeseni na nas obrnila ga. Mateja Kocjan z Zavoda RS za varstvo narave in povedala, da bi na naslednji konferenci Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa `eleli sodelovati tudi njihovi strokovnjaki. In ker smo vsi del narave in zato so-odgovorni za njeno stanje, smo se odlo~ili, da naravi posvetimo leto{njo konferenco. Zato nas iskreno veseli, da smo lahko z vami ustvarili konferenco in razpravljali o naravi ter okolju kot enem izmed {tirih klju~nih podro~ij dru`bene odgovornosti po definiciji EU. Svet dobiva {e eno pomembno opozorilo in pobudo, kako zagotoviti bodo~nost ~love{tvu, vsakomur izmed nas kot bistvenih delov narave. 5. mednarodno konferenco Dru`bena odgovornost in izzivi ~asa 2010: narava in ~lovek smo ustvarili vsi na tem spisku, za kar se vam v imenu in{tituta IRDO iskreno zahvaljujemo: - ~astni pokrovitelj, dr. Danilo Türk, predsednik RS, ter v njegovem imenu ga. Magdalena Tovornik in mag. Franc Ho~evar, predsednikova svetovalca, - strokovno-interesne organizacije, ustanove so-organizatorice konference: Evropska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Salzburg, Mednarodno zdru`enje za sistemsko raziskovanje (IFSR), Zavod RS za varstvo narave, Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS, Slovensko dru{tvo za odnose z javnostmi, [tajerska gospodarska zbornica, Ameri{ka gospodarska zbornica, Umanotera, slovenska fundacija za trajnostni razvoj, Dru{tvo za marketing Slovenije, Slovensko zdru`enje managerk in managerjev nevladnih organizacij, Narodni dom Maribor ter Ministrstvo za delo, dru`ino in socialne zadeve, Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor RS, Biotehni{ka fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani ter United Nations Global Compact Slovenia, - ~lani Programskega in Organizacijskega odbora konference (zahvaljujemo se {e posebej dr. Mirjam Gali~i~, Mateji Kocjan, Metki [toka Debevec, mag. Aleksandri Podgornik), - ~lanom in sodelavcem in{tituta IRDO (hvala {e posebej Angelci Ademovi~ in Mirjani Mladi~ ter njunim sodelavcem in Jasni @aler), - ~lanom produkcijske skupine (Uro{ Zupan~i~, Kristijan Bla`i~, Dora Kreitner), - vsem sofinancerjem, sponzorjem in donatorjem ({e posebej Press Clippingu), - vsem predavateljem in avtorjem, ki ste s svojim znanjem in izku{njami stkali to konferenco ter njen zbornik, - udele`encem konference in vsem tistim, ki razumete, da je potrebno za ve~ dru`bene odgovornosti in s tem ustvarjalnega, celo inovativnega, in zato prijetnega `ivljenja storiti ve~ osebno in v skupinah, kjer delujemo ter tako prispevati k ohranitvi skupnega dobrega in pogojev za na{ obstoj. Iskrena hvala vsem, ki ste kakorkoli pomagali pri tej konferenci in ob njej!
Anita Hrast, direktorica in{tituta IRDO in predsednica Organizacijskega odbora konference
Matja` Mulej, predsednik Strokovnega sveta in{tituta IRDO in Programskega odbora konference