IRDO 14th International Scientific and Business Conference - CALL FOR PAPERS

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DEADLINES: • 29 January 2019 – Call for Papers • 31 March 2019 – Abstracts submission • 10 May 2019 – Full papers submissions • 1 June 2019 – Conference program announcement • 20-21June 2019 – Conference event Official language: English CONFERENCE VENUE: University of Maribor Rector’s office Slomškov trg 15 SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia, EU FURTHER INFORMATION: e-mail:


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, The main theme (file rouge) of the IRDO 2019 conference is to provide a broader insight in what researchers, educators and managers can and should do to embed the social responsibility in their activities. We will: • Discuss the methods to develop the concepts of social responsibility further to get in line with the state of art and the requisite holistic development in the social, ecological and business environments, setting special focus on reflexive behaviour, interdependence and creative cooperation. • Elaborate cases of socially responsible behaviour in companies, government and non-governmental organisations, or active citizenships. The aim is to give example on how to rethink standard processes from multiple perspectives and to integrate socially responsible behaviour. • Report on measurements, measuring methods and results, related to social responsibility that support planning, implementation and optimisation of socially responsible behaviour. By sharing their experiences, either theoretical or practical in nature, the participants will help finding the right path to socially responsible behaviour in business organisations and, most importantly, in people. That is why we kindly invite you to share your insights with other authors and discussants, including scientific & other researchers, top consultants, other experts and experienced practitioners, joining this conference as attendees and/or as contributors of a paper. Young presenters participating in the educational processes are most welcome.

Please do not hesitate to report about your work on different topics of our conference! Looking forward to enjoy your company at the 14th IRDO conference in Maribor, Slovenia! With kind regards, Anita Hrast, M.Sc. General Manager at IRDO - Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility

MatjaĹž Mulej, Ph. D., Ph. D., Prof. Emeritus, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, and IRDO, Head of the IRDO Expert committee and Head of the IRDO Scientific-research centre board; President of the IRDO conference Program committee;

PROGRAM SUMMARY Social responsibility (SR) means one’s responsibility to influence ethically to society, i.e. humans and nature (ISO 26000 by ISO, 2010; EU, 2011), both: the directly and indirectly, the short-term and long-term, the ‘here and now’ and the broader impact. Its three basic concepts are responsibility, interdependence and holism, replacing careless, self-sufficient and one-sided behaviour – to enable survival of humanity and humans. Sustainable Development means human development that fulfils long-term needs of humanity and at the same time sustains the ability of natural systems to provide natural resources and ecosystem services upon which society and economy depend (the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs). It is a crucial part of socially responsible efforts. Science and Research tackles the basic motives, which are new bases of human survival, and the related scientists’ motives and has hence very much to do with SR and SD both in individual, business and socio-economic terms: SR prevents costs and abuse in science, too. Education is the process of learning and teaching, the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits develops new abilities, required to make a change. Business is an organization or economic system where goods and services are exchanged for one another or for money (an organization or enterprising entity engaged in commercial, industrial or professional activities) to meet human needs. Some tools and methods within and beyond ISO 26000 can and should support efforts for a socially responsible behaviour in science, research, education and business as well as in private and leisure parts of life, and especially in politics.

THE FRAMEWORK OF THE CONFERENCE In today’s world there are many social contradictions and negative features; several authors (e.g. Schwab, 2016; Piketty, 2013) expose the urgency of more suitable and rapid responses to the quick development of science and technology. This development makes people face now challenges that are important for human further sustainable development and existence. The response must be systemic, i.e. requisitely holistic, therefore interdisciplinary in order for humans to prevent the negative consequences of the 4th industrial revolution and to improve the prevailing socio-economic system in terms of a holistic social responsibility. Science supports the technological, economic, environmental and social areas that must be dealt from various viewpoints in an interdisciplinary way, including the related changes in the information system as the basis for decision-making and supervision. This tackles the work in science and the application of its results in practice crucially. The importance and breadth of the indicated content invites your contributions from various areas of both practice and science. Therefore, the following indicated conference content provides only framework information for authors. Tools and methods of interdisciplinary creative cooperation support this crucial effort. We invite you kindly to come to our conference and report about your theories, suggestions and experiences.

SUGGESTED CONFERENCE TOPICS We are looking for Economic, Environmental, Social, Personal and Political aspects of Social responsibility and Sustainable Development in:

A. Theoretical aspects of Social, Personal and Corporate SR • Societal Social Responsibility (responsibility of government, of parliament, of law institution...) • Research development in the field of social responsibility and from the viewpoint of social responsibility and sustainable development • The role of people in social responsible behaviour of organisations and societal bodies • The reflexive behaviour theory • The research implications on research, professional, social and ecology level • Impact of science on environmental policy and its social responsibility • The implications of technology in social responsible behaviour • Social responsibility of scientists, institutions, enterprises and other organizations to the local and global social and natural environment in terms of applied science • Viability of the organisations and social responsibility • Cross-Country Diversity in social responsibility concerning applied science • Political and legislation aspects concerning (applied) science • Regional aspects concerning (applied) science • Developing interdependence and creative cooperation

B. CSR applications • Socially responsible business behaviour • Social responsibility in business, government and non-governmental organisations • Social responsibility inducted by people and civil societies • Education for Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility • Interdependence and creative cooperation

C. Measurement tools and schemes for CSR • Instruments for Evaluating Performance of Corporate Social Responsibility (codes of conduct, management standards, reporting, labels, Social responsible investment, ...) • Responsibility Implementations of SR & SD in Business practice (GRI, ISO standards, Nonfinancial Reporting, ...) • Self-assessment tools, good practice examples, awards, recognitions, index... • Business benchmarking – performance measurement and targets, key performance indicators (KPIs) • Principles and Codes of Conduct, Guidelines for Management Systems and Certification Schemes, Social Rating Indices, Accountability and Reporting Frameworks • CSR Measurements sets, methods and models • Measuring CSR impact on society, ecology and business • Integrating CSR in business plans, activities and results • Interdependence and creative cooperation impacts

D. Youth and social responsibility • • • •

Learning social responsibility though social responsibility Redefining learning environment to integrate social responsibility Connecting the social responsibility learning and activities in the real world Sustainability in Higher Education

E. Other: Your suggestions for related topics about previous areas are welcome

CONFERENCE FEATURES • Eye-opening international Keynote speakers • WOSC and IASCY roundtables on: - WOSC 50 years: retrospective of Systems Thinking, Cybernetics and Social Responsibility - Systems Thinking, Cybernetics and Social Responsibility in the digital age - Cultural program and networking opportunities

PARTICIPANTS AND SPEAKERS AT THE CONFERENCE Prospective participants and speakers at the conference include: • Managers and leading staff of businesses, governmental, public, and NGO organizations • Information providers in businesses, governments and NGOs, research organizations, EU officials, PR professionals, etc. • Heads and educators at universities and other education organizations • Researchers, scientists and experts • Law creators, etc. • Students, Youth workers, Youth organizations • Journalists and other public opinion makers • Other interested individuals, also seniors and jobless persons.

CONTENT, SIZE, AND LANGUAGE OF YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions should tackle any of the topics suggested in the programme and related topics from viewpoints of theory or solutions concerning social responsibility (SR) and sustainable development. Especially welcome are concrete policies, strategies, tactics, case studies and proposals. Theoretical contributions should be based on practical experience and present the experience too, where existing. Paper abstracts should be up to 250 words long (12–15 lines) in English and should include up to 6 key-words. Please find the detailed sample matrix with technical instructions for formatting of papers in a separate file. Short Papers should be 2.500 - 3.000 words long (6–8 pages), in Times New Roman, letter size 12. Conference papers will be published in printed conference proceedings (abstracts) with CIP, ISBN/ISSN, and as an electronic book (full papers) in the IRDO book series “Social Responsibility”. Some of them may be offered for publication in scientific journals. Language: the official conference language is English. In case of only Slovene participants at some parts of the conference presentation is possible also only in Slovene language. Accepted contributions will be published in the complimentary: - book of abstracts and - e-book of short papers.


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Matjaž Mulej, Prof Emeritus, PhD, PhD, University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Entrepreneurship and Business Economics, and IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, Maribor, Head of the IRDO Expert committee and Head of the IRDO Scientific-research centre board, President of the Program Committee, vice-president of IASCYS (International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences) Zdravko Kačič, Prof, PhD, Rector, University of Maribor(in request) , Zoran REN, Prof, PhD, Vice-Rector for Science and Research, University of Maribor(in request), Peter Glavič, Prof Emeritus, PhD, University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory for Process Systems Engineering and Sustainable Development, head of Slovenian Technology Platform Sustainable Chemistry, Vice-President of the Program Committee, Igor Perko, PhD., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia, Janja Hojnik, Prof, PhD, Vice-Rector for Quality, Human Resources and Legal Affairs, University of Maribor, Karl Müller, Prof, PhD, director of the Steinbeis Transfer Center, Vienna, and senior researcher at the University of Ljubljana, member of IASCYS (International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences), Vienna, Austria Stuart Umpleby, Prof Emer, Ph. D., President of IASCYS (International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences), George Washington University, Washington, D. C., USA Vladimir Lepskiy, prof, Ph. D, Institute of Philosophy, Russian Academy of Sciences Raul Espejo, prof, Ph. D, President of the World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC)and Director at Syncho Research Rado Bohinc, Professor, PhD, Chair for Organizational and Human Resource Management and Development, Research Centre for Comparative Law, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences & Association Academy for Social Responsibility Ljubljana, Urša Golob Podnar, Ph. D, Associate Professor, Chair of Marketing Communications and Public Relations, Centre for Marketing and Public Relations, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Studies Šime Ivanjko, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, and founder of the Institute for Insurance and Law in Maribor, Slovenia, Vesna Čančer, Prof. Ph. D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Editor-in-chief of “Our economy” – Journal of Contemporary Issues in Economics and Business Simona Šarotar Žižek, Assoc. Prof. Ph. D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of General Management and Organization Ana Vovk Korže, Prof. Ph. D., Ph. D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Arts, Head of the International Centre for Eco-remediations, Tjaša Štrukelj, Assist. Prof. Ph. D., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Department of Strategic Management and Company Policy, Head of the Project ‘Faculty of Economics and Business and Social Responsibility’ Živko Bergant, Assist. Prof. Ph. D., College of Accountancy, Ljubljana, Teodora Ivanuša, Assoc. Prof. Ph.D., Ph.D., Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Maribor, Slovenia, president of Slovenian Society for System Research, Anita Hrast, M.Sc., IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, Zhanna Belyaeva, Assoc. Prof. Ph. D., Prof. of Social Responsibility, Graduate School of Economics and Management, Head of Research Centre for Global Social Responsibility Excellence, Ural Federal University named for Boris Jelcin, Yekaterinburg, and EMBRI Country Director, Russia, Pierre Bricage, Prof Ph. D., International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), Vienna, and University of Pau, France, Alberto Canen, Prof Emer. Ph. D., Federal University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Helmut Loeckenhoff, Ph. D., Independent researcher, Backnang, Germany, Monty Lynn, Prof. Ph. D., Professor of Management, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, TX, USA, Gerald Steiner, Assoc. Prof. Ph. D., Prof. of Systemic and Sustainability Management, Donau University, Krems, Austria, and Harvard University, Boston, MA, USA, Jože Gričar, Ph. D., Professor Emeritus of the University of Maribor, Slovenia, Aleš Lamut, Ph. D., IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, Alfonso Reyes, Dean School of Engineering - Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Columbia.

ORGANISING COMMITTEE: • Anita Hrast, M.Sc., Head of IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility and Head of Organising Committee, • Iztok Slatinek, Department of quality and sustainable development, University of Maribor, Vice-Head of Organising Committee, • Igor Perko, PhD., University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Slovenia, • Joanna Bertoncelj, Department of quality and sustainable development, University of Maribor, • Aleš Lamut, Ph. D., IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, • Monika Rajšp, IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, • Kaja Bračič, student and volunteer at IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility, • Nomi Hrast, student and volunteer at IRDO Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility.

CONFERENCE FEE AND PAYMENT Conference will last two consecutive days – 20th and 21st of June 2019. FEES by types of participation, per participant

Regular registration

Early bird registration (until 20 April 2019)

Authors, University of Maribor members and IRDO members For the second and third paper: for each only the publishing fee Students, jobless persons and seniors (as authors) Conference fee for participants only (without papers)


150 €


100 €


40 €



The number of participants is limited, therefore you are kindly asked to register as soon as possible. Registration form is available online on the conference web site: Please send us your registration form ASAP on e-mail: Payment due Date: Registration fee should be paid to IRDO Institute until 10th of June 2019. Payment Information: Name: IRDO – Inštitut za razvoj družbene odgovornosti (Institute for the Development of Social Responsibility) Address: Preradovičeva ulica 26, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenia Reference: SR conference Maribor 2017 – participants’ name and surname Bank: Nova KBM d. d., Maribor Bank account: SI560 4515-0001074492; SWIFT KBMASI2X Payments confirmation: Participants will get original invoice as confirmation of their conference fee payment at the conference in Maribor.

Notes: The fee includes: lectures at the conference, proceedings, refreshments in breaks, lunch on the day of the conference. VAT is not included to the cited conference fee (IRDO is not VAT obligated). Hotel rooms are NOT included in fee, neither is travelling. Official language of the conference is English. Invited speakers in plenary sessions do not pay conference fee, but they pay their own accommodation and travelling costs. All other authors pay Conference fee as written in the table. Students and seniors have to identify their status. Based on your payment the invoice for fee will be issued. In case of cancellation before 10th of June 2018 – 70 % is refunded; after 10th of June 2019 no fee is refunded. Participants without papers must register with registration form and pay no participant fee. Accommodation: Conference participants arrange their stay in Maribor in advance on their own. For more information about accommodation possibilities click on: Hotels in Maribor.

FURTHER INFORMATION IRDO Institute, PreradoviÄ?eva ulica 26, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia, Europe, Web: E-mail: Phone: +386 (0)31 344 883






IN COOPERATION WITH (IN-REQUEST): • World Organisation of Systems and Cybernetics (WOSC) • International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences (IASCYS), Pau, France • European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Salzburg • • • • • • • •

CSR Europe Slovensko društvo za sistemske raziskave Slovensko združenje za kakovost in odličnost Štajerska gospodarska zbornica Združenje delodajalcev Slovenije Združenje Manager Mreža za družbeno odgovornost Slovenije Akademija za družbeno odgovornost

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