3rd Creative Classroom Group unconference

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3rd Creative Classroom Group Unconference 29 April 2017 10.00 – 16.00 Link to join: https://eun2.adobeconnect.com/r89u964sdra/ During this 6 hours events, participants can take ideas, discuss and see what other colleagues do at school. You can enter at any time of the event having in mind that access is limited to 100 people at the same time. At the end of the event, all the presentations and the recording will be shared in the Creative Classroom Group PROGRAMME Name



Short Description

10.00 - 10.10

Irene Pateraki


Opening of the unconference

Description of the unconference and presentation of the “European Mannequin Challenge” in the Creative Classroom Group

10.10 - 10.20

Teresa Lacerda

Portugal “Learning scenarios to improve education for sustainable consumption”

Learning scenarios were created and implemented with and without the use of mobile devices by Biology students of the last year of secondary level, involved in Erasmus + / eTwinning project "Education for Sustainable Consumption, a global challenge" and applied in classrooms of 3rd and 4th grade from primary level. The primary school students involved in the study answered a pre-test and a post-test being verified the highest rate between those who used the mobile devices.

10.20 - 10.30

Cristina Nicolaita

Romania ”STEM club”- eTwinning project

Tackling STEM subjects through eTwinning projects.

10.30 - 10.40

Catrina Luminita Mihaela

Romania The Glamour of The Dance

Our Project The glamour of the dance took part in our school and was a real challenge for our students to


take part in. The beauty of communicating through dance. Theodora Chandrinou Greece

10.50 - 11.00

Cornelia Melcu

Romania Open the Gates to the Universe

This is the title of the project awarded with MARIE CURIE annual prize this year

11.00 - 11.10

Francisco Prendes


Our European Day of Languages celebration

On Monday, September 26th, students from Belgium and Spain took part in a shared activity related to The European Day of Languages celebration. During the 55-minute lesson -created as an online event on eTwinning Live- they listened to an expert talk, took part on a live translation activity and shared online using different apps.

11.10 - 11.20

Olympia Lampaki


Integration of parents and Authorities into eTwinning projects

Example: Water Power project

11.20 - 11.30

Lamia Büsra YESIL



eTwinning Project which is awarded as a runner up in the 4-11 Age Category in 2017 European Prize List.

Coffee Break

small interval between sessions

11.30 - 12.00 Georgia

eTwinning project "Recycling through Art"

Our project “Recycling through Art” became a source of inspiration and motivated students using Art as a vehicle. Participating members worked as group cooperated, learned, created and enjoyed the project.

10.40 - 10.50

12.00 - 12.10

Manana Jakeli

eTwinning Project - Symbols, logos, and slogans, which unite people from all over the world; Interesting The Symbols of Ancient Georgia in Modern Time tool for storytelling - UDL Book Builder

12.10 - 12.20

Ispir Iuliana-Florentina Romania Project eTwinning - My first book

The project aims to identify, support and develop children's abilities in philology, plastic art, decorative art, computer design, action. It has provided the distance learning and creative development of the child. Participants have improved their knowledge of subjects (native and foreign languages, plastic arts, decorative and applied art, computer).

12.20 - 12.30

Alisa Dumanskaya


Project "Welcome to my marvellous city"

How to be successful in eTwinning project. Short presentation of the project that got European Quality Label

12.30 - 12.40

Juan Luis Muñoz Arbona


Let's sing together on Europe day

On Tuesday, May the 9th, pupils from a Spanish, Croatian and other schools that are about to join us,

will sing the European Union Anthem in different languages and with different music instruments. There're plenty of activities that will arise but a help from other previous eTwinning label winners will help for sure. We already have the approval of eTwinning to go ahead with the project and lot of ideas, however, you can surely help us to complete a successful activity. 12.40 - 12.50

Lazar Liliana

Romania Project: “Healthy food''

12.50 - 13.00

Josefa Martín


13.00 – 13.10 Marika Emese Cîmpean

"Going around town and beyond" A sustainable mobility eTwinning project: challenges for multidisciplinary teams in schools

Romania Celebrating eTwinning

Our project "Going around town and beyond" has been a challenge of the two multidisciplinary teams of teachers taking part. Which are these challenges? How to face them? What are the advantages of creating mirror teams in a project? In Romania, this year we celebrate 10 years of implementing eTwinning projects. My school organises a few activities we want to invite you all to participate. On Europe day, in partnership with our NSS, we will host a contest (for students) and a seminar (for teachers) „eTwinning - creativity and innovation”, where we would like to invite all the creative classroom teachers to participate (my school will offer certificates to all participants to this event - you can participate directly or posting your contribution on a Padlet -join the unconference for more details). Also, I will present our Reading` friends and Classroom management projects. My school celebrates eTwinning - join us, to celebrate together!

13.10 - 14.30

Lunch Break

interval between sessions

14.30 - 14.40


The project aims to identify, support and development children`s abilities in philology, fine art, decorative art, computer design, acting. It provides distance learning, self-realization and creative development of the child. Participants improve knowledge of subjects (native and foreign language, fine arts, decorative and applied art,

Natalia Grushko


computer) and implementing their own projects. That is the creation of the book and its promotion to the reader, getting applied knowledge of project management. Children aimed at developing the spiritual potential and receiving professional skills of a writer, journalist, artist, designer, software designer, actor, director, manager. 14.40 - 14.50 HOMEMADE POSTCARDS FOR THE EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES

The presentation of students' work. Some students present papers TwinSpace and talk about the importance of their involvement in project.

Dhurata Myrtollari


14.50 - 15.00

Nino Chkhetia

Georgia Food2explore

I'd like to present successful eTwinning project

15.00 - 15.10

Katalin nemeth

Hungary Edmodo

I'd like to present a tool, which is useful in education: the Edmodo.

15.10 - 15.20

Aurelia Berusca

Romania Project “ Music & Art - Integrated Arts Workshop” A workshop that try to bring children closer to art through a fun and creative manner. Music as part of the fine arts has always been correlated to the different artistic disciplines most prevalent in the world.

15.20 - 15.30

Maria Nica


15.30 - 15.40

Mirescu Mihaela

Romania eTwinning project "Jeunes et journalistes"

Presentation of the "Jeunes et journalistes " project on journalism

15.40 - 15.50

Maria Kosmidou


eTwinning project: Workout, Nutrition, Health, Wellness

Presentation of 2016-2017 project. Activities-results.

15.50 - 16.00

Bruna Giacosa


Live event

How to start and manage a live event


April 23, National sovereignty and children's festival celebration

We would like to share with you the events of the 23rt April National Sovereignty and Children's Day celebrated by the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk as a feast for the children,as a whole national celebration.

16.00 – 16.10 Selcen SAYIN-Funda MERİÇTEN


Edpuzzle and Realtime Board for eTwinning


I'd like to present you two useful tools in education and for etwinning project

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.