4th unconference creative classroom

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Programme 10.00-10.10 10.10-10.20

Irene Pateraki Angeliki Kougiourouki

Brussels Greece


Petra Bohackova


Najoua Slatnia

Czech Republic Tunisia

10.40 - 10.50

Marika Emese Cimpean


10.50 - 11.00

Cristina Iulia Gila


11.00 - 11.10 11.10 - 11.20

Vesna Kostić Nahile Ateş

Serbia Turkey

11.20 - 11.30

Aurelia Berusca


11.30 - 11.40

Sakine Rüzgar


11.40 - 11.50

Lamia Büsra Yesil


11.50 -12.00

Josefina Gaspar Martin


12.00-14.00 14.00 - 14.10

Višnja Vasiljević


14.10 - 14.20

Imen Taktak Marzouk


14.20 - 14.30

Clara Elizabeth Báez


14.30 - 14.40

Martina Supančić


14.40 - 14.50

Μaria Georgiadou


14.50 - 15.00

Natalia Tzitzi


15.00 - 15.10

Antonietta Calò


15.10 - 15.20

Zehra Nur Konak


15.20 - 15.30

Natavan Badalova


Opening Ancient Island: The voice of our ancestors Legend Jeopardy eTwinning and cultural collaboration Herit@ge matters: eTwinning and cultural heritage Step back into History preserve our cultural heritage My Ancestors, My Pride! eTwinning project/ You are the light of our culture project eTwinning Project - Folk Festival eTwinning project /Unesco World heritage in my country and city WonderLand Project - Dot in Different Cultures eTwinHeritage Games Project Lunch Break Top Ten Disappearing Treasures of Europe eTwinning project: Every Child is an artist En busca del Patritesoro? No me dig@s! UNESCO Heritage Connects Europe "Together without barriers" eTwinning project 'A world of 'famous' difference' eTwinning project The Heritage we share Our Cultural Heritage With The Montessori Method My History is my pride

15.30 - 15.40

Anna Maria Sganga Forero


n Italy

De ismo a ismo...no serรกs mas el mismo - Vanguards Discussion - Closing

24 March, 10.00-15.30 CET Link to the Unconference: https://eun2.adobeconnect.com/creativeclassroom/

Description of the Workshops

Ancient Island: The voice of our ancestors: Pupils from 3 countries became journalists and made a research on intangible Cultural Heritage, interviewing their parents and highlighting valuable practices related to healthy habits that our ancestors had.

Legend Jeopardy: The aim of the eTwinning project was to get in touch with history of participating countries via telling legends. We played a game based on a framework of Black stories together.

eTwinning and cultural collaboration: Two collaborative cultural products created by international groups of students in 2 eTwinning projects: ÂŤAnatomic@rtÂť and "New vision of the world / Nueva visiĂłn del mundo". These products enhance and promote the cultural heritage of the different participating countries.

Herit@ge matters: eTwinning and cultural heritage: Good practices in creating innovative and collaborative content - on cultural heritage - through eTwinning projects.

Step back into History - preserve our cultural heritage: Good practices in eTwinning projects. The eTwinning project Serving humanity from old times to now promote history of the Hospitaller`s order and their cultural heritage left in Rhodos, Cyprus, Malta. The students created different stories and have reconstituted the life of medieval knights and the way of life. The pupils in the project understood the importance of preserving and protecting historical monuments and cultural heritage.

My Ancestors, My Pride!: Our project aims to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, remembering our ancestors and the sacrifices they made to free the country.

eTwinning project/ You are the light of our culture project: Turkey, Azerbaijan, Romania is the eTwinning project with partners. The aim of the project is to establish the relationship between different cultures; city history, folk song, play, food, rhyme, accent, folk dances, nickname, legend, mania, ninnid wedding, henna.

eTwinning Project - Folk Festival: Folk Festival hold in Bucharest as a final outcome of the project. Folklore is a Cultural heritage of each country and Europe heritage too. We have to promote our folklore as our roots which define our identity as a people.

eTwinning project /Unesco - World heritage in my country and city: The aims of project: Be able to present UNESCO world heritage sites in your city in English. * Raise students’ awareness of the importance of preserving world heritage sites * Use digital tools to make presentations with pictures and text. We did an activity heritage place of my city where is Istanbul. These places are Maiden Tower, Galata Tower and Blue Mosque.

WonderLand Project - Dot in Different Cultures: Mascot robots Dash and Dot join a series of activities in partner schools. In one module of the project, students teach Dot about different cultures working in transnational groups. We have French, Spanish, Turkish and German Dot. Students research about traditional foods, iconic structures in the country, dresses, music and dances. They find out how to collaborate while searching for what the cultural heritage is.

eTwinHeritage Games Project: The aim of this project is giving students the opportunity to find out European cultural heritage expressions -both material and immaterial- around Europe, let them have their voice and choice to create -collaboratively in transnational teams- their own Heritage Galleries in order to be visited by the school community and finally create their own games based on their findings- both digital and board games- to play with their partners and for the school and local community to take part in the games too.

Top Ten Disappearing Treasures of Europe: The aim is to create our own red book of disappearing treasures of Europe. Students are presenting in short form (Trading cards, on the Padlet) their suggestions of the treasures that are left behind and need to be protected. We have more categories: animals, plants, monuments, crafts, customs, natural resorts, moral values. Then the students will vote for the Top ten and international teams will create a web site of the project.

eTwinning project: Every Child is an artist: One of the most important activity of the eTwinning project "Every child is an artist" is the Cultural heritage. In fact, we will express our ways of living including customs, practices, places, objects, artistic expressions and values. The aim is consisting in presenting our cultural heritage with

our lovely and artistic manner (poem, song, piece of theatre, digital presentation). We will talk about the cultural heritage of the other partners of the project. The cultural heritage is achieved through 2 live events and some digital outputs prepared by our artists (our students)

En busca del Patritesoro? No me dig@s!: 2 eTwinning projects based in the Cultural Patrimony. The aim is to let pupils, across images, to recognize places and to learn how to respect persons and new realities of different countries of Europe. The partners involved are: Bulgaria Italy and Poland.

UNESCO Heritage Connects Europe: The aim of the project is to promote cultural heritage of our own and to learn about the heritage of different countries by using many different web tools.

"Together without barriers" eTwinning project: This is a project about inclusion and as we all know, cultural diversity is a precondition for establishing inclusive conscience. Greece and Turkey will explore the culture of each other, the groups of people suffering from exclusion, such as refugees and they will create a collaborative animation. During the unconference, we simply present how a shared ppt in google drive gives to the students the opportunity to present their teams, ask questions about their cultural heritage, answer to their partners questions, evaluate and being evaluated.

'A world of 'famous' difference' eTwinning project: The presentation will be about an eTwinning project by the same title which, based on Cultural Education, it focused on diverse cultural and creative expressions of 4 European countries including traditions as ell as literary and musical works. The project aimed at (1) pointing to the fact that the participating countries may be different in many respects but culture and sports, among many other aspects of society, can serve as common ground (2) enabling pupils to understand the importance of and adhere to shared values. The project was awarded the first Prize (age category 5-12) at the National eTwinning Competition 2017.

The Heritage we share: All the activities aim to promote and share examples of tangible, intangible and natural cultural heritage by the cooperation in international groups of students (Italy-Poland-Slovenia and Germany.

Our Cultural Heritage With The Montessori Method: The Montessori method is one of the most effective teaching methods, advocating learning by doing and living. We aimed to teach our students in the of 4-9 age range using this method to teach our cultural heritage as determined by UNESCO. Our project work; virtual tours, three dimensional models and visits.

My History is my pride: The aim of the project presentation is the exchange of information of the running project and how to organise cooperation and collaboration between students and teachers.

De ismo a ismo...no serås mas el mismo – Vanguards: Literary and artistic project in Spanish language conceived to show the main ideas of the avant-garde era in Europe, its new art and the multitude of its isms and creations and its influence in literary currents.

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