Creative Use of Web 2.0 Tools

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“Creative use of Web 2.0 Tools” Creative Classroom Group

April 2012 1

“Creative use of Web 2.0 Tools”

This short edition has been created after the expert talk we organized with the compliments of our colleague Robert Connings. A short presentation of some Web 2.0 tools and how they can be used in a creative way!

Index: 1. Tripwow, Assimina Lambrakou…………………………………………….3 2. Wiki, Assimina Lambrakou……………………………………………………4 3. JigZone, Cornelia Melcu………………………………………………………..6 4. Showbeyonnd and Pen io, Marie-Hélène Fasquel………………..7 5. Glogster EDU, Renata Raicheva……………………………………………10 6. WebQuest, Teodora Cosma…………………………………….…………..11 7. Glogster, Miguela Fernandes……………………………………………….13 8. Voicethread, Irene Pateraki………………………………………………….15


“Creative use of Web 2.0 Tools”

1. Tripwow Name of teacher: Assimina Lambrakou Country: Greece Age of pupils: 12-15 Web 2.0 Tool: Tripwow Link of the tool: Description of the tool: it’s a web2.0 tool that let me add photos from several pages of mine even my computer So, it’s easy to collect and add photos using folders from my facebook profile or flickr etc. I can add any music using tripwow’s library or my music on my computer! I can add descriptions under my photos saying a few things about them I can use this tool for many reasons as to make a presentation of myself or my country’s places even my school or neighborhood!


Description of the activity: we have a project in collaboration with a Polish school that’s about “our local pearls of nature” There we had to present ourselves using a collaborative and interactive tool As I had tried tripwow before this project and found it rather easy and amusing, I decided to show my pupils how it works So, I arranged two lessons inviting any student that wanted to learn to join me after school’s lessons After it, Chris, my student of grade C, used tripwow to present himself to the other pupils in the project Then, he helped two more students to do the same. And one of them helped another one and so on! The only thing I had to do again is to show again the way to post informations under the photos! The step was made!!! My students worked on it and made the polish pupils do the same! 3

Link to the activity: Chris: Alexia: Elena: Alexandra: Elena:

Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? I think this tool has helped us to work creatively because: Each student searched to find photos. chose which ones to use and why. students learned to upload music videos. also learned to make long videos. students learned to upload video on twinspace blog . and also .. They became teacher one of the other helping to create tripwow video using photos from facebook they contact with their polish classmates was easy and pleasant tool we were pleased with the outcome and offer

2. Wiki Name of teacher: Assimina Lambrakou Country: Greece Age of pupils: 12-15 Web 2.0 Tool: Wiki Link of the tool: Description of the tool: is a highly collaborative tool in which every student can register individually or in groups to work parts of a job can be listed separately on pages that are made by the students or their teacher each time resulting a new element at work, students can correct or add it into their page the work as a whole, like a journal divided into thematic sections Tips: you’d have to save your work and continue! Otherwise some of the details and informations would be deleted as you simply save! 4

Description of the activity: In geography’s lesson in the second grade, we study all about the Mediterranean Sea. I always wanted to gather information on all these different issues into a single job where all my students would work. So I prepared the room and I put the question in class. Through discussions we found our sides of the issue which I added as separate pages to the wiki. I also added some of my very own that I liked to analyze! For example: Alexandria of Konstantinos Cavafy and Kostis Moskof. I made pages and invited students to join the program. We have previously divided into groups and each group had undertaken to edit one or more subjects. Work progressed nicely as we had an appetite that I care to stoke in with my own enthusiasm. We didn’t complete the project but I think that our interdisciplinary work was successful

Link to the activity: Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? In most schools in Greece, the work is done outside the school, at home This means that students are forced to find common free time to work together which is quite difficult and unenforceable as each of them has many other extracurricular activities In addition, to work as a team, should go to the home of one another sometimes in some neighborhoods as it is the school I work, parents do not allow their children this locomotion out of fear So! The wiki has allowed us to cooperate creatively overcoming these considerable difficulties See! cooperation sometimes and in some societies is not only a matter of tools to use as problems arising from the structure and culture of local and national society! Concluding I would like to say that our wiki offered us all the possibilities that I analyzed in its description

Photos/Screenshots: I have no photos or screenshots of the way we worked but you can find some in the wiki * sorry, but is all in greek!!! 


3. JigZone Name of teacher: Cornelia Melcu Country: Romania Age of pupils: 8-9 Web 2.0 Tool: JigZone Link of the tool: Description of the tool: JigZone is an online Jigsaw Puzzle where you choose the level of difficulty from a simple 6 piece cut to a challenging 247 piece cut. You can upload your photos and make them into jigsaw puzzles that you can share with others. You can also embed jigsaw puzzles into your own web pages and blogs or send a puzzle postcard. Tips: Using JigZone is great for young children projects because it is suitable for their age and they really have fun and like puzzles. It is very useful for adapting learning to the small pupils and for developing playful project/teaching activities. Description of the activity: I have used several times JigZone in some of my projects. The last activity is related to a project based on Multiply Intelligence Theory of Howard Gardner- What a Wonderful World. The children used the TANGRAM for recognizing and describing the shapes and then they made a dog. They took photos and used them for creating a puzzle using JigZone. They played the game and had a lot of fun! This activity was delivered to the class for developing the mathematical intelligence.

Link to the activity:

Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? I think children should be motivated for learning and using games brings them joy and make them to pay attention and have fun. Mathematics is sometimes boring but we could turn it into a relaxing and interesting topic if we relate it to reality.


4. Showbeyonnd and Pen io Name of teacher: Marie-HÊlène Fasquel Country: France Age of pupils: 15-20. Web 2.0 Tool : Showbeyonnd and Pen io

Link of the tool:

Description of the tool: is the easiest way I know to publish online content. I use it for my computer lab lessons to guide my students & provide instructions & links. Here is an example:

Showbeyond is a multimedia slidecast creator, online publishing platform and story sharing community. With Showbeyond, you can easily grab your images, add your sound and text to create multimedia stories. Then, you can share your stories with friends or post to blogs and social networking sites.

Tips: Both websites are extremely easy tools but you can watch the following video tutorial to learn how to use showbeyond:

Here are pen io tutorials : 7

Description of the activity: lesson plan Hello!!! Today, we are going to discover a new website: ShowBeyond (a tool to create great looking ********************************** presentations/videos). Here is the link to the website: *************************** Here is the video I created for you (about London, with some of the pictures I took during our trip): You can use this tutorial: ***********

TASKS: ******* 1- Watch my story And 2- Answer the question (describe the slides) on 8

3- Watch the tutorial (ShowBeyond) 4- & now you can create your own story about an English-speaking city in a pair or in a bigger group. You need to: * choose 1 or 2 partners * choose a city * find photographs (creative commons) * prepare questions * make your ShowBeyond video! 5- Then we'll share the stories & each student will choose the story he/she wants to talk about. 6- You will use to record yourself. Looking forward to your comments & presentations!!!!

Link to the activity: Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? The students will have to be creative to make their own Showbeyond slidecasts. They will need to write text, choose pictures, choose a song & combine them all together to make an interesting slidecast. They will use ICT & English & will learn about new web 2.0 tools.



5. GlogsterEDU Name of teacher: Reneta Raicheva Country: Bulgaria Age of pupils: 7- 11 Web 2.0 Tool: Glogster EDU Link of the tool: Description of the tool: Glogster EDU is a collaborative online learning platform for teachers and students to express their creativity, knowledge, ideas and skills in the classroom.

Tips: You can make posters and share your ideas on them. Description of the activity: “Let’s make a poster for St Valentine’s Day”. Pupils use this tool to upload some photos, images and music in order to stress the matter of celebration. Then, they send each other postcards, listen to love songs, change small gifts, candies and chocolates.

Link to the activity:

Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? I hope that my pupils will like this activity because it will give them an opportunity to share your works using a creative platform and tool. They can learn more about St Valentine’s Day /14 th February/ and share ideas of this celebration with their friends. It would be useful and valuable for them. Photos/Screenshots:


6. WebQuest

Name of teacher: Teodora Cosma Country: Romania Age of pupils: 10 - 15 11

Web 2.0 Tool: WebQuest. Link of the tool: Description of the tool: Zunal WebQuest Maker is a web-based software for creating WebQuests in a short time without writing any HTML codes. A WebQuest, according to, is an inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from the web. These can be created using various programs, including a simple word processing document that includes links to websites.

Tips: WebQuest for differentiated activities. Description of the activity: The title of that webquest is “The Pythagorean Theorem”. I designed this webquests to be an effective use of student time by being organized and focused on using information instead of searching for it. These two factors contribute to ensuring that students remain on task while online. This webquest extend the students' thinking to the higher levels of Bloom’s taxonomy; analysis, synthesis and evaluation. Also, the webquest support a variety of instructional and cognitive practices such as critical thinking and problem solving through authentic assessment, cooperative learning, scaffolding and technology integration. This webquest is reflective, fluid, and dynamic. I incorporate this webquest into instruction to conclude the unit “Metric relations in the triangle”, as a culmination activity. Also, the webquest may be used for foster cooperative learning through collaborative activities with a group project. I use this webquest to encourage the independent thinking and to motivate students; thus increasing learning. Finally, this webquest can be designed to help enhance students’ technological competencies, too. As a tool for the differentiating instruction, I have gathered some links about the Pithagorean Theorem and at the evaluation part I’ve attached the chart:"Know/I want to know//I learned/How I learned?". I've recommended students to attach other materials related to this theorem, which they have consider interesting and useful in the learning activity. Students can then utilize the appropriate information for their abilities in order to complete the webquest. Link to the activity:

Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? This webquest activity is a useful tool for enhancing the development of transferable skills and helping students to bridge the gap between school and "real world" 12

experiences. In the same way, this webquest provide a practical way for students to acquire information, debate issues, participate in meaningful discussions, engage in role play simulations, solve problems, and, perhaps most importantly, become connected and involved learners.





Photo 1. Pythagoras (born about. 580 BC - AD approximately. 495 BC) was a Greek philosopher and mathematician. Photo 2. One way to demonstrate the Pythagorean Theorem: Photo 3. Application of the Pythagorean Theorem.

7. Glogster Name of teacher: Miguela Fernandes Country: Portugal Age of pupils: 16 – 18 (9th grade – students from vocational courses) Web 2.0 Tool: Glogster – digital posters Link of the tool: Description of the tool: Allow you to create an interactive poster online and share it with friends. Mix Images, Text, Music and Video. Tips: Allow students to use all media thay want 13

Description of the activity: We have 2 poster. One related with the safety use on computer. Other with their favorite band. I only gave the students a tip how glogster work and they have done all the work.

Link to the activity:

Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? Because students have to choose information to be synthetized and use creatively the graphical effects. I was really surprise with the results considering that some of them can´t even read fluently. And glogster is in English so they had to manage to understand it.

eTwinning Project activity: e-Safety4eTwinners

Photos/Screenshots: Favorite band

Computer safety 14

8. Voicethread Name of teacher: Irene Pateraki Country: Greece Age of pupils: 5-6 years old Web 2.0 Tool: Voicethread Link of the tool: Description of the tool: A VoiceThread is a collaborative, multimedia slide show that holds images, documents, and videos and allows people to navigate slides and leave comments in 5 ways - using voice, text, audio file, or video . Tips: You can make only 3 free Voicethreads for free with one email. 15

Description of the activity: In the project “Celebrating International Days for a Special Reason” we decided to make an online dictionary for the International Mother Language Day. As we were 7 partner countries, we agreed to ask from children to decide on 7 words that they would like to learn in their partners’ languages. Then, they drew the words and we uploaded all drawing in Voicethread. After that, each partner school created an account and logged in the place where all drawings were uploaded. Children recorded the words in their language and the result was on online dictionary where children can listen and learn how their partners say some words in their language. It was also a nice opportunity to make comparisons, as some words have slight differences in the pronunciation. The languages that we used are: Greek-PolishEnglish-Hungarian-Italian-Welsh-Romanian. Link to the activity: Why do I think that I used this tool in a creative way? I believe that this tool helped children be creative as they worked during the different stages of the activity: from deciding the words, making the drawings, uploading the drawings and recording the words. Instead of having only a written version, where most children of kindergarten age cannot read, this tool gave them the opportunity to learn in a funny and interactive way just by c licking on the clouds with their partners’ flags. Photos/Screenshots:

Drawing 1: Dolphin (Greek drawing)


Drawing 2: Family (Italian drawing)


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