Learning DIary- Module 1

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Irene Pateraki Greece

A course by the European Schoolnet Academy

Table of Contents 1. My introduction 2. My school Context 3. Module 1: Questions to be answered: -Why do I want to use tablets? In other words what is the added benefit in general and more importantly what is the benefit for my own situation. -What do I need to consider at a more broader, whole-school level when using tablets? -What do I need to consider at a classroom level when using tablets? 4. Module 1: Things to remember

1. My Introduction I am a kindergarten teacher with a Masters degree in Education. I have worked in public kindergarten schools from 2003- 2010 and 2013-14. For the last 5 years I’m member of the Greek NSS and I’m seconded in the Ministry of Education For the last seven years I have been the administrator of the eTwinning Group “Creative Classroom”, where I try to involve and activate teachers by organizing expert talks, campaigns, activities, competitions etc. I love new Technologies and when I was teaching I was always trying to involve my students on ICT activities. Now, I ‘m trying to help my colleagues to implement such activities with their students.

2. My School Settlement As I’m not working in a school this year, I will talk about the school I was working last year. It’s a kindergarten school with 2 classes, 3 teachers and 50 students. It has a wifi connection and one very old computer to each classroom that cannot be connected to the Internet. There is one more computer at the office for the administration of the school. As there was a WIFI connection, I was bringing my laptop at school to work with my students and sometimes I also brought my iPad. At first we used them as tools for presenting videos, photos but later we tried to use them. Of course, not an easy task when you have 25 students. However, we organized small projects and all kids had the opportunity to play with applications, take photos and work in groups of 3 with an iPad or a laptop.

3. Module 1: Questions to be answered -Why do I want to use tablets? In other words what is the added benefit in general and more importantly what is the benefit for my own situation.

I have used only one Tablet last year and I saw how learning can be fun for young students, how students can be motivated, be more creative, learn by doing, working collaboratively.

Picture 1: made with bubble.us mindmap tool

-What do I need to consider at a broader, whole-school level when using tablets? As I know it’s difficult to equip my school with tablets, as there is no financial support. I need to ask the contribution of parents. This means I have to take into account the following: They are only 5, why do they need a Tablet? They are expensive; our kid will stay at school only this year, what will happen when he/she leaves? I don’t want him to bring the one we have home, he may damage it They don’t need tablets at school; they have to do practical things at that age. I don’t think all teachers know how to use them. So, these are the main concerns that parents may think and we should be prepared to answer! This means a good planning.

1. I have first of all to inform my colleagues and explain to them the importance of that approach. Spend some hours to show them basic uses, what are the benefits ` and have their support. 2. Then, organize a short project with my students, using different materials and methods. One of the activities will be based on my iPad. Record the project and create a short video to present it to the parents with the methods and outputs. 3. Organize a meeting with the parents and explain them the importance of Tablets in kindergarten as a way of personalized learning, preparing kids for the future, allowing them to be involved in their own learning by having fun. Then, I will show them some examples and lastly present our project work. 4. In that way, I will answer most of the questions they have. As for practical issues: I will explain to them that there are Tablets which are not so expensive. We can start by buying 3 the first year and continue this every year until the class is fully equipped. In that way, we will have the time to organize our space and resources step by step.

-What do I need to consider at a classroom level when using tablets? As we are talking about a kindergarten class we have to consider different issues: Rules: students at the age of 5 need simple rules about the use of tablets at school. It is good to involve them when we set the rules and decide together. Write a list of do’s and dont’s and put it in the place we keep the tablets. Space: Decide a place where we will work with our tablets, taking into account connectivity and deciding on a cosy place where students can also work collaboratively. Allow, on special occasions, use tablets outside the classroom Applications: Decide on the applications we will use and offer training to our students Pedagogical Approach: combine tablets with other kind of activities/pedagogical methods

4. Module 1: Things to remember Videos: AS Andalusian kindergartens introduce tablets among its teaching methods Tablets for Kindergarten Students

Top 10 Reasons to Use Technology in Education: iPad, Tablet, Computer, Listening Centers Articles: Touch and Grow: Learning and Exploring Using Tablets

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