3rd Creative Classroom Group unconference Presentations Part 1

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All the presentations of the event which took place at 29th April 2017 Creative Classroom Group

The May Creative Classroom Group Challenge! Be part of it with your students!!!

What is the Mannequin Challenge?  It is a new online trend which sees people uploading

videos of them looking as though they've been frozen in time. Once the clip has been recorded, social media users are sharing the footage with the hashtag #MannequinChallenge.  Teenagers from the USA started off the viral movement and most clips have the music by Rae Sremmurd’s Black Beatles featuring Gucci Mane playing in the background.

Many famous people followed this trend!

ï‚— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=az1QhQZOUbI

So, why not in eTwinning?  At 9th May we celebrate Europe Day the annual    

celebration of peace and unity in Europe In the Creative Group, we will celebrate this day with a video, created by you and your students! Deadline: 28th May 2017 Age of students participating: 4-19 years old Age of teachers: all ages are allowed 

Instructions:  Grab a camera that can record video. A stabilizer will make everything look      

better, but it’s not required. Gather your students who will participate in the video Choose one of the two themes for the challenge (described in the next slide) Get everyone to freeze in a fun position and hold still as best they can. It will be nice to have the eTwinning logo in your display. Hit record on your camera and have fun filming your scene. The video should not exceed 60 seconds!!! When your video is ready upload it in youtube or vimeo and complete the form: https://goo.gl/forms/G5IX4Ing181Wx8Ps2

Themes: Classroom theme: Ask your students to freeze while they are showing us what they do in the class during the day. A nice way to have classes around Europe. Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtR5DaXIap8 2. Monument theme: Choose a famous monument/place of interest in your place and film your students there. It will be nice to have videos in European landmarks! Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYtK-nzTxiQ 1.

Music:  Music is another great addition to your video  We will use the rap/techno and rock versions of

Europe’s anthem but as the purpose is to create a common video, all the videos sent to me should not have sound!!!  You can of course create one with sound, if you want to have it for you!  Music links: Rock version, Techno version, Hip Hop version

Additional info!  In case you don’t want to have the faces of your

students in the video, you can become creative by using masks, try different shoots e.g. back, not closeups but please don’t blur the video analysis!  Send the plain video without texts or graphics  Send the video without music  All participating students and teachers will receive a certificate of participation

The European Mannequin Challenge needs participants from all countries! Will we make it? Will our students accept this challenge? Will YOU?

Teresa Lacerda (teresalacerda@hotmail.com) Agrupamento de Escolas de Pรณvoa de Lanhoso Portugal

ESC, a global challenge  ESC = Education for a Sustainable


 KA2 Erasmus + & eTwinning project  Start: October 2014  End: August 2017  https://twinspace.etwinning.net/1699/

Who is ESC team?  7 schools / 7 countries:  Lycée Boisjoly-Potier, Le Tampon, Reunion Island, France  I.I.S.S. Panetti Pitagora, Bari,


 Béri Balogh Ádám Katolikus Gimnázium, Kollégium és Óvoda, Tamási,


 Agrupamento de Escolas de Póvoa de Lanhoso,


Romania Instituto de Ensenanza Secundaria de Llerena, Llerena, Spain

 Liceul Tehnologic “Sfantul Pantelimon”, Bucharest, 

 Şehit Ömer Halisdemir Anadolu Lisesi, Ankara,


Project aims  This project looks to the future and to the following

inspiring trends in the 21st century skills for life and the targets for the European Union (EU) in 2020:  [2]Climate change and energy sustainability.  [4]Fighting poverty and social exclusion.

Learning Scenarios  The oldest students create materials and plan

activities to improve with young students.

 During the Learning, Teaching, Training activities

(LTT) students plan and divide the tasks.

 In each country, students, divided in international

groups, work in collaboration. They use usually:  Google Drive;  TwinSpace Foruns.

Learning Scenarios – change the focus

Fullan & Langworthy, 2014:3

Fullan, M., & Langworthy, M. (2014). How New Pedagogies Find Deep Learning. Find Deep Learning, London: Pearson. In http://www.michaelfullan.ca/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/3897.Rich_Seam_web.pdf

Learning Scenarios – Process  Inspiration:  BYOD  Challenge:

A sustainable usage of Energy

 Learning with peers

 Steps:  Research  Didactic resources production  Implementation  Share results Attewell, J. (2015). BYOD - Bring Your Own Device. A guide for school leaders. Belgium: European Schoolnet. In http://fcl.eun.org/documents/10180/624810/BYOD+report_Oct2015_final.pdf

Learning Scenarios – An example Target students: Primary school – fourth grade. “Teachers”: Biology students of the last year of secondary level. Class Plan: Summary, aims, methodology, didactic resources and evaluation.

A sustainable usage of Energy


A sustainable usage of Energy

Elekatch Padlet in https://padlet.com/catarina_afonsopeixoto/en ergiaebiave

Play Store


Learning Scenarios – Evaluation  Kahoot - https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/bf489afc-f13c-4cec-933b-fe1671856dcc  Plickers  Written test – before and after the

A sustainable usage of Energy

class about energy (immediately and one month after)


A sustainable usage of Energy

Waste management

With ICT

With ICT http://bit.ly/LScomTIC

Without ICT http://bit.ly/LSsemTIC


Without ICT http://bit.ly/RSUsemTIC

The primary school students involved in the study answered a pre-test and a post-test and the highest rate was

observed among those who used the mobile devices.

Learning Scenarios – Conclusion  Learn in collaboration;  Help young students to learn;  Discuss about creative methodologies in classroom  Prepare their future in University:  Plan work;  Make Scientific articles and posters;  Evaluate their own work;

 Develop an active citizenship.



Teresa Lacerda teresalacerda@hotmail.com

Nicolaita Cristina Gheorghe Magheru School Caracal, Romania



FALL CHALLENGE  We helped our students get

out in nature and enjoy the wonder of the changing seasons with the Fall STEM Challenge activity. Students collected fallen leaves each leaf , then they created leaf creatures ( example leaf squirrel, leaf eagle, leaf frog…)

Code week/Hour of code ď‚— In 2016, EU Code Week took place between 15 and 23

October and we organized various activities in our schools and joined it alltogether. Some of the activities were, using www.code.org for starting coding, preparing a poster for this activity using web 2.0 tools, creating an interactive intro video about Coding, organizing a seminar /workshop, organizing Hour of Code certificate hours at our school both for school teachers and students.


 Eratosthenes experimet


 ExoMars/Comets

Augmented reality activity ď‚— Augmented Reality

activity allowed teachers and students to extend the physical world with a virtual overlay. We used www.quiver.com and www.aurasma.com for this activity

Experiments, experiments‌

Experiments bank‌  We created an

experiments bank all together and shared with public. In this activity, each partner school should choose an experiment and share all their documents in related padlet and create a STEM experiments bank.

Web 2.0 tools bank

Dissemination- EGU-GIFT

A compound dance by using figures of different cultures Catrina Luminita Mihaela

Parts of the project: ď‚— 1- Get to know each other,

2- Introducing each country's own dance figures and making a project presentation about the history/story of the local dance. Introduction of the traditional costumes. Mentioning the symbolic means of the figures.

ď‚— 3- Exchanging dance

figures and expect each country to perform the dance figures of the other countries, sharing the activities using the internet tools. 4- Making up a common dance with the partners and forming a common video.

The posters made by our students for the project to be voted:

Three countries involved: Italy, Turkey and Romania 10 members/ teachers

102 pupils

By Theodora Chandrinou Fine Arts Teacher and Artist Greece

This project is designed for students from 10 to 16 years old. The profile of the project is based on active experiential learning. We are going to probe the interdisciplinary and integrated perspective on Environmental Education in relation with Visual Arts Education. Through our project we are going to underline the value of Aesthetic culture on shaping a healthy coexistence of people in the modern environment and create critical thinking personalities.

eTwinning project: Recycling through art https://twinspace.etwinning.net/16688/home

 Pedagogic objectives - Important aims of the project are:

• Environmental sensitization. To motivate children and help them become creative and active on the topic. • For the students to comprehend the relation of interaction of people and their energies in relation to the environment. • To learn about ways of protection and improvement of Environmental problems through Recycling. • The exploitation of Fine Arts Education in the Aesthetic physique through the use of different materials. • To increase the students imagination and creativity by using different techniques and materials, as well as the freedom of expression. • To help children get familiarized with foreign languages. • The growth of dexterities personal and social, through the collaboration and the communication, aiming at the creation of conscience of “active citizens”. • To create critical thinking personalities, through art education and transformative learning process.

 Activities:

• “Introduction to our project”, we are going to use the safe Twin Space platform for exchanging the activities. • “We present ourselves” – we use mixed techniques. • “We learn about Recycling”. Children receive knowledge and search for information about the topic and create educational material. • “The recycling tree”. We are going to create imaginary sculptures on the shape of a tree and put on our messages. • “The students organize and present works”, use the project method to learn, about the topic and share knowledge with the others. • “Art creations and emotions”. It is going to become the bases for the Teachers to apply Emotional Education. Our students are going to use recyclable materials, such as papers, aluminium, plastic bottles, glass, to create dolls and puppets. With those toys we will present theatrical games in classroom. • “Seasonal creations and ideas”. • “A game”. • “Interactive events and exchanging of materials”.

We had a beautifull collaboration!!!

 Results:

• We created a TwinSpace open to public and a blog . For our students’ to present their creations: videos, audios, presentations etc. • Seasonal creations and exchanging of materials through digital form archieves and traditional post. • We are going to organize exhibitions in our School event Halls and events open to School community and to public. Also, we are going to participate in interactive activities in collaboration with other Schools in national and international level.

 Evaluation:  Recycling through art is an innovative eTwinning project designed for

students from 10 to 16 years old. The profile of the project is based on active experiential learning. We tried to probe the interdisciplinary and integrated perspective on Environmental Education in relation with Visual Arts Education. Through our project, we underlined the value of Aesthetic culture on shaping a healthy coexistence of people in the modern environment and create critical thinking personalities.  The activities were based on the national Greek project of Environmental education: «Η Ανακύκλωση συναντά την Τέχνη» («Recycling meets Art”), that was realized in the 20th primary School of Ilion, Athens, Greece, under the supervision of Theodora Chandrinou.

 Spain joined the project thanks to my friend Esperanza Caro who

accepted to become the leader partner and a beautiful journey started. Italy also joined in and Irene Confalone became an ideal partner.  All the participating teachers did their best for the completion of the project, for the students’ benefit. We realized the activities in a friendly atmosphere and the collaboration with all the participating students from Greece, Spain and Italy has been excellent.  Students played a leading role throughout the project. They willingly collaborated with their Teachers (leaders-instructors, teachers of different subjects, specialists etc.). They were active members from the first until the last feedback activities of the project and of self evaluation as well. The results prove that the project has been successful and the students’ performance has been of high level.

ď‚— First of all, we gave each and every group of students the ability to

create their own web-page. The greater part of their work has been put up on the internet in the twin-space platform. We considered it to be safe and with great potential, enabled the communication of pupils with students from other schools in their country and also with teachers and students of the foreign countries. Our twin-space platform (pages, mail, chat room, project diary) has fully covered us on the on-line communications we had made and for exchanging project materials. ď‚— For our communication, a variety of media were used such as telephone calls between the project leaders Theodora Chandrinou and Esperanza Caro, traditional post for exchanging materials, wishes and creations and our personal email accounts and facebook. Many different ICT tools were also used: padlet, slide share, issuu, video presentations uploaded on you tube and vimeo, painting programs, answer garden, word and PDF archives, internet exploring, airpano, wix account, etc.

 The pedagogical aims cognitive and meta-cognitive have been

    

achieved. Personal, social skills and aesthetic values were succeeded. There has not been any denial on the part of the pupils to do the suggested activities, which is a remarkable fact! On the contrary there have been: Suggestions for collaboration Initiative and free expression Active membership and critical, constructive dialogue we aimed at cultivating the above thanks to the foreign languages involved. Artistic expression and desire to display the results (e.g. exhibitions, web pages, blogs). Innovative ideas and activities shared covering many different subjects in a creative way such as robotics and Art recycling creations.

 A very important part of our success and completion of the project, is

the reinforcement of behavioral defense on pupils with problems of intrapersonal behavior, lower self-esteem and learning difficulties. We made deductions through our results, in our effort to practically infuse the project, exchange good practices and achieve better communication among the countries. In order to open the project to the society we made our twinspace pages created and the project diary also used, visible to everyone.  I wholeheartedly wish to thank all my colleagues, each and every one separately, who honored the project: “Recycling through Art” with their participation and made it a success.

We invite you to visit our twin space pages, open to everyone on the Internet.

https://twinspace.etwinning.net/16688/pages/page/119310 

Our activities were shared through the Teachrs and students blogs:

 

http://blogs.sch.gr/arteducate/2016/06/30/recycling-through-art/ http://arteducate.wixsite.com/art-and-recycling

               

And all the twin space pages open to public: Our e Twinning project: Recycling through art Our Project Label Blog for the Greek Schools presentations Our School - 20 pr. School of Ilion, Athens - Greece We present ourselves - Grade 6 -20th pr. Sch. of Ilion, Athens - Greece We present ourselves - Grade 5 -20th pr. Sch. of Ilion, Athens - Greece We present ourselves, grade 4 - 20th primary School of Ilion, Athens - Greece "The Smiling Children" Create and Collaborate Our School - 14 of Ilion , ATHENS - GREECE We send frienship messages - 14th primary School of Ilion, Athens - Greece Our school- San José-Madrid We present ourselves - School San José Our school: Divina Pastora -Madrid and we present ourselves We present ourselves - School Divina Pastora italy: our school and we presend ourselves

We invite you to visit our twin space pages, open to everyone on the Internet.

                       

The name of our international group Interaction Christmas events Ecology gifts from recyclable materials- Educational Material We recycle, create and share for the day of friendship Cooperative ties Italy- Greece- Spain Friendship - Amistad - Amicizia - Φιλία Wall painting - eTwinning Friendship Η ΦΙΛΙΑ ΠΟΛΥΤΙΜΟΣ ΣΥΜΜΑΧΟΣ ΣΤΗ ΖΩΗ ΜΑΣ Lets talk about Friendship through Art-20 pr. Sch. of Ilion, Athens - Greece New Technologies embrassing eTwinning FRIENDSHIP interactive creations - posters & art-works Safe Internet campaign in Greece - interaction among Schools Recycled material and art creating together Somos Solidarios -Divina Pastora / Colegio San José Τέχνη και Συναισθηματική Αγωγή - Art and Emotional Education Art creations and emotions Emociones-Divina Pastora “The students organize and present works - Recycling Campaign” The students organize and present works -The surface of Mars Artistic creations with recycled materials The RECYCLING Alphabet Why Do Recycle ? English subject - 20th pr. School of Ilion, Athens, Greece Recycling through art in the english class-14th primary school of ilion, Greece

                         

“Creative Workshop for Making Easter Large Candles” - creations and collaborations Easter greek celebrations in the school Symbols of Easter Musical Instruments - Greece Recycled Musical Instruments- Madrid ICT - 14th Primary School of Ilion Land Art etwinning collaborations LAND ART -14TH PRIMARY SCHOOL OF ILION - GREECE LAND ART -20TH PRIMARY SCHOOL OF ILION - GREECE Land Art creations from Italy Land Art creations from Madrid-Spain We work together and Exchange materials by traditional post "A pleasant surprise" RECYCLING UNITES US THE RECYCLING TREES - Greek Schools Art collaboration ART UNITES US Celebrations of May 1st Day of May - we share flowers Day of Mother-Greece , Spain, Italy The works of the Art Masters inspire the children - Antoni Gaudi The works of the Art Masters inspire the children - Theofilos - Greece We love Games Create games with recycled material Events and activities Diversity celebtrations in the Schools Diversity in school -Madrid

      

All together we can do the best - thankfull message –Greece Summer wishes Paricipating Teachers Evaluate the eTwinning Project "Recycling through Art" Students evaluate the project - Greece - Spain - Italy eTwinning project "Recycling through Art" results presentation Evaluation Questionnaires Our feedback activities

We thank all the participants students and teachers, the School dirrectors and the teachers for their cooperation that helped our project success and we thank a lot the Greek eTwinning team and “Creative classroom group”!

Thank you eTwinning!!!!

Cornelia Melcu, primary school teacher, in School No. 9 ”Nicolae Orghidan” , Brașov, Romania My name is Cornelia Melcu and I am a primary school teacher in Brasov. This year, I teach 9 years old students. Additionally, I am a teacher trainer of Preparatory Class Curriculum, Google Application in Education Course and European Projects Course like eTwinning, ESERO and Space Awareness and a mentor to new teachers and students in university. I am an eTwinning, Scientix and ESERO ambassador too.

Links to the outcomes of the project:

https://twinspace.etwinning.net/12520/home http://gatestotheuniverse.blogspot.ro/

Partners from Romania, Poland, Portugal, Cyprus and Moldova




The students aged 7-9 years old discovered different aspects of space science and astronomy, working on the topic in English. They explored some aspects of science included in their curriculum, working in international groups.


- calculate with Rosetta, writing the travel diary, building Rosetta and Phillae, how to become an astronaut, making a spectroscope, the Solar System, famous astronoms and astronauts, life in space, an astronaut diary, etc.)

CURRICULAR INTEGRATION Language and Communication: talking about their partners living places and their traditions and habits; learning some basic words in their partners language related to the weather; creating stories; describing life in space and astronomical phenomena. Mathematics and Science: finding out about the Milky Way, the Solar System, the weather, the famous astronauts and astronomers; calculating, solving problems, making experiments and explaining specific natural phenomena related to Space. ICT lessons: creating and playing online games and quizzes, taking and editing photos, searching for specific information Art : making cards, posters, drawing and paintings; learning songs in Music PE: outdoor experiments Personal Development: finding solutions for problems and presenting their work to the audience

What did the students learnt? By working on this topic, our students are aware of the world around them; they think, learn and experiment with new STEM concepts. The project 'started where the children were', it was building on the ideas children brought with them to lessons and helping them to develop their understanding of scientific concepts related to the Universe. It helped them to understand the diversity of weather conditions and their responsibility for the environment.

The project benefits:

Pedagogical Innovation and Creativity Communication and exchange between partner schools Collaboration between partner schools Use of technology Results, impact and documentation

Project based learning brings school closer to reality

Theaching Stem is more than science

During the last three school years my school was involved in several STEM projects, part of Scientix community. The main goal of those projects was to develop basic STEM skills of our students based on project work integrated into the curriculum.

Thank you for your attention ď Š

Our European Day of Languages celebration Francisco Prendes Veiga @FPVMus IES Emilio Alarcos, Gijรณn (Spain)


Campus Het Spoor Mol (Belgium)

IES Emilio Alarcos Gijรณn (Spain)


Answergarden Symbaloo






Thank you for your attention

Olympia Lampaki Greece , PhD Candidate PE eTwinning Ambassador

Parents Parents usually participate in the schools with cultural diversities and immigrants. But their presence is nessesary in all types of schools.

WHY?  communicating  volunteering – help  family learning  decision-making  collaborating with the community  faciliators  stakeholders  influenting school profile  disseminating our project

HOW?  informing about project  meetings at school  giving active roles according to their specific    

qualifications (members in the twinspace) remote involvement (through websites) creating groups (social media) using them throught project inside and outside school environment using as technical supporters (taking videos, photos)



EXAMPLES -TUNISIA  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9K9qZnkkS1M  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whybt_D7THA

Local Authorities ď‚— eTwinning projects usually deal with

social local, national, european or international issues/problems. Its nessesary for projects to connect school communities with local communities. ď‚— Authorities are the authorized part of the communities. Also many parents are part of authorities and they have power to influence whole community.

Why we need them? Promoting projects Be active part (social problems, sports, peace, immigrants, education etc)of eTwinning projects through interviews, videos, queries or their specific role (majors, directors, policemen etc)  Sponsoring projects activities inside and outside schools (theatre, music events, seminars, educational trips)  Disseminating projects (media, forum, events)  

How ?     

Sending parents to Authorities Sending official messages On site visits Giving them roles as “politicians”, “journalists”, “experts” in our projects Organizing projects according to communities΄needs




 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcshHqpISfQ  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcshHqpISfQ

EXAMPLES -ITALY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofjDvLgTenE

EXAMPLES -SPAIN ï‚— https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HblocFDUWvw

Lamia Büşra Yeşil Maria Savvopoulou


We imagined and built up a a virtual playroom together. Students communicated and played interculturally via different pedagogical methods.



My idol

Our Mascots

Web Tool : Postermywall

Web Tool : Tricider

We posted our mascots to a partner country.

Skype Meeting

Module 1

Journey Videos

are about planning a trip to a partner country.

Collaborative Mindmap

Final video link: http://bit.ly/2oZ303u

Kahoot Game About the Journey

Module 2 Our Traditional Games


Creating our own game

Module 3 Our Digital Games

VanGo Yourself

Quiver Flags

Karaoke Activity

Link for the video: http://bit.ly/2ophT0a

Digital Puzzle

Web Tool: Jigsaw Planet

Transnational teams

Coat of Arms

Team Discussions


Musica l Chairs

Chines e Whispe rs

Hang Him


Our Favourite Toys

Our favourite toys are collected in a 3d pop-up book.

Our Ideal Playrooms

Module 5 Final Reviews and Certificates


Created by Maria Savvopoulou

Any questions?

You can find me at  @lbusrayesil  lbusrayesil@gmail.com

11.30 – 12.00

The Elementary School NO. 4 Gradinita Dumbrava Minunata, Rm. Valcea, Romania, Ispir Iuliana

Objectives of the project implemented in the class

 Educate the child in the spirit of knowing the book  Developing a creative aesthetic sense  Collaboration  Integrating English into Learning Poetry

Collaboration  It was a good exercise in school preparation.  I also involved other kindergartens by designing a similar project

at a local level.

 There were joint meetings where the story was the main means

of communication.

 They shared dolls on their fingers, characters in stories.

Developing a creative aesthetic sense

ď‚— They learned to love the book, and to develop their creative

skills at all levels: reading by pictures (they were preschoolers), reading small texts (learning to read, preparing for school), making short stories of picture chips, replicating Texts of well-known authors, made drawings of texts from stories, creating their own pictures of stories.

Apolodor a traveling penguin, Gellu Naum

Cinderella, Fratii Grimm

Cinderella, Fratii Grimm

Cinderella, Fratii Grimm

Little Red Riding Hood, Charles Perrault

Little Snow-White, Fratii Grimm

The Goat with Three Kids, Ion Creanga

The Goat with Three Kids, Ion Creanga

The Goat with Three Kids, Ion Creanga

The Pig's Story, Ion Creanga

The Old Man's Daughter and the Old Woman's Daughter, Ion Creanga

The Ugly Duckling, Hans Christian Andersen

Images from activities

Educate the child in the spirit of knowing the book

 The innovation of this project was his successful integration into the


 We work at the kindergarten with weekly projects devoted to: seasons,

family, traditions, etc.

 So I gave each week the title of a reading.  For example: in the proverbs week - I took the lead as an exemplary

title: Nastratin Hogea and the full house, Antonn Pan.

The smart kid - Petre Ispirescu evaluation

It's the story of a widow who has taken a snake. The condition of the snake was: to be carried on the shoulders of the man, all his life. When he grew older, the man prayed for the snake to descend, but he did not want it. He was angry that nobody helped him, he demanded the judgment of the children who played the judges. The snake was judged by the children and killed.

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