International Renaissance Foundation Digest 2011

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International Renaissance Foundation Digest 2011

The EU will cooperate with Ukrainian civil society Government warned against modernization at the expense of human rights Sounding the Alarm: Protecting Democracy in Ukraine Ukrainian civil society needs European legislation Political news covers government activities most Economy is the main concern of Ukrainian protesters Ukraine lost to Moldova and Georgia in the pace of European integration Ukraine has fully implemented only 2 out of 78 EU priorities More than 200 events took place due to the Day of Europe in Ukraine Consulates of Belgium, Netherlands, and Spain are most "demanding" when issuing visas The perception of Russia in Ukraine, Romania, and Moldova Experts deny advantages of Ukraine’s accession to the Custom Union Legal Empowerment of the poor: promoting justice, developing communities, reducing poverty NGOs will monitor public procurement in Ukraine Work of university admission committees was not transparent "StopPain" campaign launched in Ukraine Ukrainian Roma to be provided help building homes Roma in Ukraine don’t have passports due to lack of awareness and funds and distrust of the authorities Ukraine's museum community unites for the sake of reforms

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