Unconscious and Surrealism

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Modernity and After The Surrealists drew from Freud's concept of the unconscious when making artworks. Critically discuss your understanding of the term ‘unconscious’, incorporating up to six images that deal with the way Surrealists were inspired by Paris as the capital of modernity.

by Irina Csapo

In the beginnings of the 1920's, the artistic community in Paris, the most fashionable capital of Europe, found itself in what constituted the realms of a new type of modern fantasy, enthusiastically called Surrealism. The newly emerged expression of this particular modern art form became by all means a heterogeneous movement, fnding its favour amongst various arts of the century (Briony, 1993). Surrealism, in its ultimate expression, was a movement that sought intellectual mobility and “active commitment to ideals”(Cardinal, 1970, p. 32). Above all, it questioned life and its borders of reality, and it brought in new methods of thinking and behaviours deeply rooted in the notions of the unconsciousness. These new ideas and methods were seen as a righteous attempt to free man from societal bondages and unleash the free and raw powers of creativity to grasp life in a refreshing manner. This is to say that liberty, the most sought after quality of the surrealist concept, could be achieved by acknowledging desire (Cardinal, 1970). My focus in this essay will be cast on some of the most important mechanisms and notions that comprise surrealism, and which will be further illustrated in the criticism of six images. Their selection is rather subjective and they have been chosen for their relevance and beauty of example. “Man, that inveterate dreamer” (Breton, 1969, p. 3) with whatsoever lucidity he has left, must travel back in his childhood, in the times were no boundaries and the “greatest degree of freedom of thought”(p. 4) dwelled harmoniously in his soul. This argument serves to defne the notion of desire, “the expression of man's most personal self” (Cardinal, 1970, p. 35), a central generic term within Surrealism, that explains the forces within man which inhibitions and social-context prevent from being unleashed (Cardinal, 1970). The purest intentions of Surrealism, were, in fact, to celebrate the resurrection of man's desires within his unconscious state to consciousness, in an attempt to rehabilitate man as an integral being, as it was before the Modern Ages, when the logic of emotion was preferred to the logic of idea (p. 36). In their endeavours to give the expression of truth to their art, the surrealists found their inspiration in many of Freud's motifs, more specifcally, the concept of dream and the unconscious (Briony, 1993). Dreams, as a starting point in their art, are what Freud calls “a peculiar state of mental activity and a “liberation of the spirit from the power of external nature and freeing of the 1

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