Text and Photography

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Photography and Visual Culture How does text shape the understanding of photographs? Analyse three different examples with reference to writings from the reading list. by Irina I. Csapo

It is often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. However, dare I ask then, can a thousand words worth a picture? Or even so, what is the relationship between words and images? Can one be separated from another? Such are the questions that I will try to answer in my further discourse, with focus on the relationship within the written word and its various concepts and the visual representation. Moreover, I will analyse three visual examples so that one may take a look on how these work. Nowadays, due to the mass communication mechanism, rarely are there to be encountered photographs in use that are not accompanied by writing. (Burgin, 1986, 51). This definitely proposes an acknowledged dependency on one another and an established coherent relation amongst them. In my opinion, images are like boats full of meanings floating on an agitated sea and it is up to the viewer to come and 'anchor' it to a solid ground through text and language. Written discourse of an image functions at some extent as an advocate in favour of the image, solidifying its status, argument and ultimately its right to exist and interfere with its medium. In order to make it more clearly it is necessary to follow a direction in this sense and therefore I have chosen 'semiotics' as a starting ground and also as a necessary tool to decipher whatever meanings and messages are to be created between the visual and the text. Naturally, 'the study of signs' referring to how it is roughly defined as (Chandler, 2007, 3), deals in this case with language as the main “interpreting system of all other systems, linguistic and non-linguistic” notes Chandler (2007), (cited in Beneviste, 1969, 239). Language is a social key code used in the maintenance and construction of social realities and it is therefore a vital element to decipher visual contexts and to properly understand whatever meanings they may carry. (Chandler, 2007, 153). In addition, another way of understanding an image through language would be the usage of 'ekphrasis', an obscure literary genre used in poems to describe works of visual art and it literally means “to make us see”. Ekphrasis is in terms “the verbal representation of visual representation”, describing or invoking the visual object, “giving voice to a mute art object”, or simply put “to make photographs auditory”. (Mitchell, 1994, 152). It is often practiced on radios, books (Roland Barthes

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