29 comics

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Nina, what’s the news for today?

Everything is just as usual, Tim. People are going crazy over this new model of the 46S chip; terrorists had stolen the DNA data of millions of users and created clones; the Bolshoi Theatre will host a concert of holograms...

Everything is so boring, Nina.

You need to relax, Tim. And now I have to show you the commercial reel because you haven‘t paid the anti-advertising fee.

“A holiday in the wilderness,... ...only for the price of a thousand manhours.“

But Tim, you have only fifteen hundred manhours on your account. You‘ll have to “like” advertising posts for the new few years in order to get things square!

I don‘t care! I‘ve never got out of this iron city!

Nina, book me a ticket! This is just the thing I need.

Tim, now we are going to make you an injection, and you will wake up in the tropics. Remember that you can‘t turn off the “Nina” system, otherwise you will be punished!

Yes, yes, I‘ve got it. Hurry up!

Nina, 9 days have passed. It will end tomorrow, what a pity...

Tim, I hope you didn‘t forget that you have to watch today‘s dose of advertisement... Attention! A forced shutdown of the system!

Leave me alone!

I have to file a report to administrator regarding your refusal! I will just shut you down! Don‘t do that!

What the hell? Where am I?

Tim Carter! You have violated the user agreement. All information regarding you has been erased, from now on you work for “Nina” corporation, and your number is BOT – 2983457683. Proceed to generating “likes” and commentaries at once!

Oh my God!

For making an attempt to escape you will receive the following punishment – you are going to watch our advertisement even during sleep! I like it!

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