Paula from Tasmania
holiday. Before its cancellation this year, Joanna told me that her husband, a sailor was going to sail in the Sydney to Hobart race.
Joanna Nell once again writes a refreshing and positive take on living later life.
Joanna is also a doctor, interested in exploring ageism and how people in residential care are out of sight and out of mind, primarily because of our reluctance to talk about ageing. The novel uses humour to address issues relating to aged care, the good and those that need to be improved.
In her book ‘The Great Escape from Woodlands Nursing Home’ her protagonist Harriet Bloom, who as her name suggests is still ‘blooming’ at close to ninety years old, is still enthused by her career as a nature journalist. In fact it is by pursuing a story that leads to a fall and subsequent deployment to residential aged care. Falls are the factor that separate a person from a formerly independent existence and residential care. The sudden end of her independence sees Harriet yearning for escape. While she is in the home she meets fellow resident Walter Clements also seeking an escape and a return to home once he masters his mobility scooter and achieves his licence. Harriet and Walter are introduced to ‘The Night Owls’ club a nocturnal event run by nurse Bronwyn for those who do not wish to retire to bed too early. The night owls are a successful until the unconventional nurse is dismissed from the home. It is up to the residents to get the progressive nurse re-instated. When I spoke to Joanna she told me of her association with Tasmania, a book conference she attended a couple of years ago as well as enjoying a family 74 | THE IRISH SCENE
For instance it’s often said that a nursing home is the best place to fall down and this becomes common in a very understaffed industry. On a lighter note there is the complaint that the coffee in nursing homes is always cold! For the most part, residential care is not tailored to the individual and ideally it should seek to maintain as much independence as possible, something that is very important for the dignity of the human person. Some improvements that could be made are the option of providing doctors in residential care, so residents do not have to visit acute care in hospitals. ‘THE GREAT ESCAPE FROM WOODLANDS NURSING HOME’ BY JOHANNA NELL IS OUT NOW. PUBLISHED BY HACHETTE.
ANOTHER WINNER ALBUM FROM DANIEL It’s the evening after the running of the first COVID effected Melbourne Cup in Australia so it’s an appropriate day to talk to another winning formula that is Daniel O’Donnell. Having a chat with Daniel is like having a conversation with family or friends, such is the welcome he gives to all those he meets and remembers. He tells me he saw my name on the interview schedule and was looking forward to our chat.