International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)
e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue:11 | NOV 2024
p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Development of a Smart Seed Sowing Machine for Enhancing Agricultural Productivity Kilje Pradip1, Prof. V. D. Dhanke2, Prof. S. S. Mane3 1U.G. Student, 2,3 Assistant Professor
Department of mechanical engineering, Shree Tuljabhavani College of Engineering Tuljapur. ---------------------------------------------------------------------***--------------------------------------------------------------------with challenges—they are expensive, less accessible in India, Abstract - Agriculture is a critical component of India's and often have complex designs. These machines usually feature separate seed storage compartments for each distributor, increasing their cost. Additionally, their bulky size and weight make them difficult to transport.
economy, with seed sowing being a fundamental activity in farming. Seed sowing involves placing seeds in rows, ensuring uniform spacing between them, covering the seeds with soil, and applying proper compaction for optimal germination and growth. To address the rising demands of a growing population and rapid industrialization, modernizing agricultural practices is essential. This modernization not only enhances operational efficiency but also boosts productivity.
1.1 Traditional Sowing Techniques:
Traditional sowing methods, often reliant on tractors or animal labor like bullocks, can be expensive and less practical for small-scale farmers. To overcome these challenges, a costeffective seed sowing machine has been developed. This innovation simplifies the seed planting process, making it more accessible and beneficial for small-scale farmers, ultimately improving productivity and reducing manual labor requirements. Key Words: seed sowing machine, seed spacing, feed rate, crop, fabrication , etc.
The agricultural sector is experiencing rapid advancements in the modern era. Crop planting involves embedding seeds into the soil, scattering them across the field surface, or transplanting seedlings under favorable soil moisture and temperature conditions. For optimal crop yield, it is crucial to plant seeds accurately—at the appropriate time, depth, and spacing. The depth of seed placement often depends on soil moisture and the ability of seeds to sprout effectively.
Impact Factor value: 8.315
Plough and Drop Method: A plough creates furrows while seeds are manually dropped, sometimes using a funnel attached to the plough.
Dibbling: Small holes or slits are made using a stick or tool, and seeds are placed manually.
Multi-Row Seeding: These devices, operated manually by experienced farmers, allow for multiple rows to be seeded simultaneously.
1.2 PROBLEM STATEMENT To address the growing demand for food in the future, farmers must adopt advanced techniques that optimize seed sowing and ensure minimal losses. Traditional seed sowing methods, as well as inefficiencies in modern equipment, present several challenges
India's economy relies heavily on agriculture, and progress in this sector directly contributes to improving the nation's economic well-being. However, Indian farmers face several challenges, including labor shortages and reliance on traditional farming techniques. These issues emphasize the need for innovative solutions to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and ensure sustainable farming practices. Farming with outdated or inefficient equipment often requires significant time and effort, leading to higher labor costs. Modernizing operations such as seed sowing and fertilization through improved machinery is essential for efficiency. Traditional seed sowing machines, however, come
Manual Broadcasting: Seeds are scattered by hand across the field.
While these methods are widely practiced, they are labor-intensive and time-consuming. Introducing compact, cost-effective, and user-friendly seed sowing machines can help address these issues, making farming more efficient and accessible for small-scale farmers.
© 2024, IRJET
Seed Placement Issues: Proper seed placement is crucial for achieving optimal crop yields. Delays in seed delivery through pipes or manual methods can disrupt the precision of planting, leading to uneven growth patterns and reduced yields. This issue becomes pronounced when soil conditions, such as compaction or moisture variability, are not properly addressed during sowing.
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