International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Ms. Harshada D. Parde1 , Ms. Rutuja L. Shinde2 , Ms. Pratiksha N. Garad3, Ms. Gauri K. Waghmare4
Prof. Sachin D. Pandhare5
1,2,3,4 Student, 5Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, SMSMPITR, Akluj, Maharashtra, India ***
Abstract –
Thispaperpresentsthedevelopmentandimplementationof an advanced college enquiry chatbot, utilizing Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques to address the escalatingstrainoncollegeresourcesduetotheincreasing volumeofstudentinquiries.Ashighereducationinstitutions experience growing numbers of prospective and current students seeking information, traditional methods of handling these inquiries have proven inefficient. The proposed chatbot is designed to alleviate this issue by providing immediate, accurate, and contextually relevant responsestofrequentlyaskedquestionsrelatedtovarious aspects of college life, including courses, admissions, scholarships, and campus facilities. By employing sophisticated AI algorithms and NLP models, the chatbot effectively interprets user queries in natural language, offering personalized and real-time assistance. This approach not only streamlines the process of information retrievalbutalsosignificantlyenhancestheuserexperience by reducing the time students spend searching for information and improving overall website usability. The chatbotrepresentsaninnovativesolutiontooptimizecollege resource management while delivering seamless and interactive support to students, thus contributing to the efficiency and effectiveness of campus communication systems.
Key Words: Student Helper Chatbot Web-based Application, HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT, MySQL
Thecollegeadmissionsprocesshaslongbeenacomplexand time-consuming task, both for prospective students and collegestaff.Withanincreasingnumberofstudentsseeking information on courses, admissions criteria, scholarships, and campus facilities, the pressure on traditional support resourceshasneverbeenhigher.Collegewebsites,although providing valuable resources, are often insufficient in managing the growing volume of inquiries in an efficientandtimelymanner.Asaresult,theexistingsupport structuresarestretchedthin,makingitdifficultforcollege staff to address all inquiries in a timely and personalized manner. This imbalance can lead to frustration among studentsandincreasedworkloadsforcollegestaff.
Toaddressthischallenge,theimplementationofacollege enquirychatbotpoweredbyNaturalLanguageProcessing (NLP) presents a promising solution. NLP, a subset of ArtificialIntelligence(AI),focusesonenablingmachinesto understand, interpret, and generate human language in a way that is both meaningful and contextually accurate. A chatbotusingNLPtechniquescanbeemployedtointeract withusersinnaturallanguage,effectivelyansweringawide range of questions related to admissions, academic programs,scholarships,campusfacilities,andmore.Thisnot onlyreducesthestrainoncollegestaffbutalsoensuresthat studentsreceiveaccurate,prompt,andrelevantinformation atanytimeoftheday.
The college enquiry chatbot is specifically designed to comprehend and process user queries using advanced AI algorithms.Unliketraditionalchatbots,whichmayrelyon predefined responses, this AI-driven system is capable of understanding complex queries, providing tailored and dynamicanswers,andcontinuouslyimprovingitsaccuracy throughmachinelearning.Byleveragingthesesophisticated capabilities, the chatbot enhances user experience by reducing search times, improving website navigation, and makingtheprocessofobtaininginformationmoreseamless andefficientforprospectivestudents.
Inadditiontoenhancingtheuserexperience,theintegration of this AI-driven chatbot contributes significantly to improvingtheusabilityandefficiencyofthecollege’sonline resources. The chatbot can answer frequently asked questionsinreal time,guidestudentsthroughapplication processes, and reduce the need for human intervention, whichcanbeespeciallyhelpfulduringpeakperiodssuchas applicationdeadlinesorenrollmentseasons.
Theprimaryobjectiveofthiscollegeenquirychatbotisto streamlinetheadmissionsandregistrationprocessforboth prospective students and college staff. By providing comprehensivecollegeinformation,ensuringeasyaccessto information, minimizing query resolution time enabling effective communication, and simplifying the user experience,thechatbotaimstoreducethetimeandeffort required for students to enroll, while also improving the efficiencyofcollegeadmissionsprocesses.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
A college inquiry chatbot powered by NLP algorithms can revolutionize the way colleges interact with students. By understanding and processing natural language, it can providereal-time,personalizedresponsestoqueriesabout admissions,courses,campuslife,financialaid,andmore.The chatbot can automate tasks like application tracking, fee payments,andscheduling,whilealsoansweringfrequently askedquestions24/7.
Ref. No. Reference paper Name
Author Name Method
[1] collegeenquiry chatbot AshwiniPatil Inthispaperregarding the college. The interaction between computer and human will be easily understand when we use NLP. Smart bot, interactive agents, digital assistants, education and intelligentconversation entities are all terms usetodescribechatbot.
[2] collegeenquiry chatbot Kakumani manasa Inthispaperregarding the college, the informationmaybelike “howmanybranchesin college?”,“whatarethe coursesofferedbythe college?”, “how many students per each branch?”.Which used Natural Language Processing(NLP) libraries and Artificial Intelligence Language(AI) to have conversation with humans. The interaction between computer and human will be easily understand when we useNLP.
[3] An interactive chatbot for college enquiry.(2023) Karimali implemented an chatbotisacomputer software that , when conversedwiththrough text or voice replies. Smart bot, interactive agents, digital assistants, education and intelligent conversation entities are all terms use to
[4] AI college enquirychatbot system.(Feb 2023)
[5] Chatbot for college enquiry.(Mar 2021)
Gokul R, KalaivaniS
describe chatbot .This chatbot was created usingAIalgorithmsthat analyzeuserrequest.
In this paper we present a college enquirychatbotsystem designtoprovideweak andefficientresponses tostudentqueries.The chatbotwasbuildusing NLP and machine learningalgorithm.
Geethu Wilson’s
[6] Interactive Chatbot for CollegeEnquiry
Geethu Wilson’s study focusesondevelopinga CollegeEnquiryChatbot thatusesalgorithmsto interpret and understand student queries. This webbased chatbot is designed to provide immediateanswersto students'questionsby analyzing their input and responding in a waythatmimicshuman interaction. It helps students by quickly retrieving relevant information, such as notices and announcements, without the need for manual searching. By automaticallybrowsing and delivering up-todate notifications, the chatbot significantly reduces the time studentsspendlooking for information, enhancingtheiroverall experience.
MinaRafik’s Mina Rafik’s study focuses on developing anInteractiveChatbot for College Enquiry aimed at assisting university students withtheirinquiries.The chatbot uses artificial intelligenceandnatural languageprocessingto recognize and understand student queries, providing accurate and timely
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
responses. The study involves creating a systemarchitectureto managecommunication andensurethechatbot delivers appropriate replies. An experimentalcampaign wasconductedtotest the system's effectiveness and feasibility,verifyingits ability to efficiently supportstudentsinthe educationaldomain.
[7] RUBONCollege
Chatbot(May 2021)
Mayur Pawar’s
[8] CollegeEnquiry
Chatbot(Mar 2020)
The chatbot system analyzes and understands user questions, providing responses as if a real personwereanswering. Itservesasareal-time assistantforadmission seekers, especially in the context of higher education institutions inIndia,wheresetting uplivesupportcanbe challenging.Thesystem featuresauser-friendly graphicalinterfacethat allows students to register, log in, and access various help pages. Through these pages, students can interact with the chatbot,whichanswers questions related to collegeactivitiesusing advancedtechnology.
RishiKrishna’sstudyon the College Enquiry
Chatbot focuses on developing a system thatusesalgorithmsto interpret and understand student queries. This webbased application allowsstudentstoask questions through the chatbot, which then analyzestheinputand provides accurate, human-like responses. The system can also access and read text notices or PDF documents, helping students quickly find
[9] Intelligent Chatbot For CollegeEnquiry System (Apr 2022)
[10] Collegeenquiry bot.(2019)
relevant updates without wasting time searching. By using artificial intelligence, the chatbot efficiently answersquestionsand delivers up-to-date information about college activities and notices.
PranaliPatil Pranali Patil study on theIntelligentChatbot For College Enquiry System. The proposed chatbot will communicate in a human-like manner, giving users the impression of conversing with a person. It allows students to access college-related information anytime and anywhere by selectingspecificquery categories.Studentscan ask questions about admissions,faculty,and more. This system reduces the workload for college administrationandstaff by automating the process of answering studentinquiries.
KishorKumar Achatbotisacomputer program that uses auditory or textual methods to conduct conversations.Itstores information in its database to analyze queries and generate appropriateresponses. A college enquiry chatbot will be built using algorithms to understand student questionsandprovide answers via a web application. If an answer is invalid, the system can flag it, allowing the college administratortomodify ordeleteit.Thechatbot will provide information about faculty, college
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
[11] Collegeenquiry for student using AI chatbot
[12] Collegeenquiry chatbot(2021) Kusunam Nandini
websites, faculty interactions, and results, helping students find relevant detailseasily.
A chatbot is an AIpoweredprogramthat helps users by answering their questions, particularly inuniversitysettings.It uses natural language processing (NLP) to understand and respond to inquiries related to exams, admissions,academics, attendance,grades,and placements. The chatbot improves the user experience on universitywebsitesby offeringquick,accurate, and accessible information. By interacting through graphicalinterfacesor text-based systems, it provides a seamless, stateful service where data is saved across sessions, allowing studentstogetanswers withoutneedinghuman assistance.
The College Enquiry Chatbotisaweb-based applicationdesignedto provide information about the college. It answersqueriesrelated tothecollege,suchas the number of branches, courses offered, and student distribution across branches. The chatbot usesNaturalLanguage Processing (NLP) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)tounderstandand respondtouserqueries in human language, enabling smooth communication betweenusersandthe system.Thechatbotcan be accessed from various devices (like computers,mobiles,or tablets) and provides information anytime
[13] Collegeenquiry chatbot using iterative Model(2018) PayalJain
andanywhere,making itan efficienttoolfor studentsseekingdetails aboutthecollege.
Thispaperproposesthe development of a chatbot designed to assist new undergraduatestudents at Jaypee Institute of Information Technology. The chatbot aims to help students understand and address various issues and questions they have during and after the admission process.Byusingastop words-based humancomputerinterface,the chatbotallowsstudents to communicate in natural English, providinganswersand supportspecifictothe college admission experience
ItdescribesthetechniqueusedinthisCHATBOTUSINGAIas wellastheplanningit.Thisdesignwillbecreatedusingthe most advanced technology that are currently used, which givesthewebsitemorecapabilityandproductivity.
Theplanningandworkflowforthedesignarecoveredinthis section.Theextensionwillbecreatedwiththehelpofmostly threelinesandthedatabaseprovider.
-TheHTMLextension.htmlandusedasframeworkforthe frontendinourproject.
-JavaScripttheoperation'sbackendfunctionalityisprovided byJavaScripttrain(extension.js).
- CSS used for the better graphical interface to the html extensions.
-PHPisaserversidescriptinglanguagethatisembeddedin HTML. It is used to manage dynamic content, databases, sessiontracking,evenbuildentiree-commercesites.
- For the database we implemented MySQL as database provider.
- XAMPP webserver areusedforapplicationtestingon a localhostwebserver.
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
TheStudentLoginfeatureallowsstudentstoaccesstheapp using a password sent to their mobile number, with the option to save the login credentials for future access. For adding a new student, the Admin initiates the process by enteringthestudent'sdetails.Thesystemthengeneratesan OTP (One-Time Password) and sends it directly to the student'smobilephoneforverification.Thisensuressecure andeasyregistrationforstudentsontheplatform.
1. OTP Authentication:
OTPauthenticationisa securitymeasurethatensuresthe identityoftheuserbysendingaunique,temporarycodeto the registered mobile number of the user (in this case, a student).Thecodeisusedforone-timeaccess,enhancingthe securityofthesystembyensuringthatonlythepersonwith thecorrectmobilenumbercanauthenticatetheiridentity.
2. User Receives OTP:
When a student tries to access the system, an OTP is generated automatically by the system and sent to the student'sregisteredmobilenumber.Thestudentthenenters thisOTPintothesystemtoverifytheiridentity.Thisprocess ensures that the person accessing the system is the legitimateuser.
3. Student Registration:
The Admin is responsible for adding the student to the system.Oncethestudent'sinformationisenteredintothe systembytheadmin,anOTPisgeneratedbythesystemand sent to the student's mobile number for verification. This ensures that the student’s registration is legitimate and connectedtoavalidmobilenumber.
The final step in this process is access control, which is achievedbasedonthesuccessfulOTPauthentication.Ifthe student enters the correct OTP received on their mobile device,theyaregrantedaccesstothesystem.IftheOTPis incorrectorexpires,thestudentwillnotbeabletoproceed, preventingunauthorizedaccessandmaintainingthesecurity ofthesystem.
3. Existing System
In the past, students and their parents faced significant challengeswhenseekinginformationaboutcollegecourses, fee structures, and the admission process. To gather such details,theyoftenhadtophysicallyvisitthecollege,navigate long processes, and spend considerable time waiting for responses. This traditional method was not only timeconsuming but also required considerable manpower to manageinquiriesandprovidethenecessaryinformation.
However,withtheadvancementoftechnology,theeducation system has undergone significant transformations. The traditionalapproachofcollectinganddisseminatingcourse informationmanuallyisincreasinglybeingreplacedbymore efficient, technology-driven solutions. Over time, various digital systems and devices have emerged to simplify the process,reducingtheneedforphysicalvisitsandthelaborintensiveworkinvolvedinmanaginginquiries.
As a result, students and parents no longer need to go throughthecumbersomeprocessofvisitingthecampusto obtaindetailsaboutcourses,fees,andadmissionprocedures. Modern technology, particularly through online platforms andautomatedsystems,nowenablesinstantaccesstothis information. This shift not only saves time but also eliminates the need for excessive manpower, allowing collegestostreamlinetheir operationsandfocus onother criticaltasks.
By leveraging these technological advancements, colleges cannowprovideinstantandaccurateresponsestoinquiries, making the process more convenient for students and parents while also optimizing administrative workflows. This evolution in the education sector highlights how technologyhasplayedapivotalroleintransformingtheway educational institutions manage and deliver essential information.
Usecasediagramsidentifythefunctionalityprovidedbythe system(usecases),theuserswhointeractwiththesystem (actors), and the association between the users and the functionality. Use cases are used in the analysis phase of software development to articulate the high-level requirementsofthesystem.
5. Workflow Explanation:
Chatbot with Contact NumberVerification and OTP
User Enters Contact Number:
Theprocessbeginswhentheuserinteractswiththechatbot byenteringtheircontactnumberintothechatbotinterface. This number could be used for various purposes, such as
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
verification,registration,oraccount-relatedinquiries.The chatbotcapturesthisinputtoinitiatethenextstep.
Upon receiving the contact number, the chatbot employs pattern matching techniques to verify that the entered number is in a valid format (e.g., checking for the correct numberofdigits,countrycode,andproperstructure).Ifthe formatisincorrect,thechatbotpromptstheusertore-enter the correct contact number. Once validated, the chatbot confirmsthevalidityofthenumberandmovesontothenext step.
Aftervalidatingthecontactnumber,thechatbotinitiatesthe OTP(One-TimePassword)generationprocess.Thesystem generatesaunique,time-sensitivecodethatwillbesentto the provided contact number. This OTP serves as a temporaryauthenticationkeyfortheuser,ensuringthatthe numberenteredbelongstotheuserandislegitimate.
ThegeneratedOTPisthensenttotheuser’scontactnumber viaanSMSorothermessagingservices,dependingonthe setup.ThechatbotnotifiestheuserthattheOTPhasbeen sentandprovidesinstructionsforitsuse.
TheuserreceivestheOTPontheirmobiledeviceandenters itintothechatbotinterface.Thechatbotpromptstheuserto input the code, ensuring that it matches the one sent previously. This step helps ensure that the user is the legitimateowneroftheenteredcontactnumber.
OTP Verification:
Once the user submits the OTP, the chatbot compares it against the generated code stored in its system. If the enteredOTPmatchestheonesenttotheuser,thechatbot verifies the user’s identity successfully. In case of an incorrect OTP, the user is prompted to retry entering the correctcodeortorequestanewOTPifnecessary.
Upon successful OTP verification, the chatbot can now provideaccesstotheintendeddataservices,suchasaccount registration, personalized assistance, or any other feature thatrequiresverification.IftheOTPisvalid,thechatbotmay proceed with further interactions, like answering user queries,providinginformation,orcompletingtransactions.If theverification fails(after multipleattempts),the chatbot may offer the user the option to restart the process or contactcustomersupport.
Aftercompleting the verificationprocess,the chatbot can end the interaction or continue offering other services as needed.Theuserisnowauthenticatedandcanproceedwith their intended activities, such as accessing services or engaginginfurtherchatbotinteractions.
The development of a college enquiry chatbot using NLP presents an opportunity to revolutionize the college admissions process by providing an efficient and userfriendly interface for prospective students. The chatbot’s abilitytounderstandnaturallanguageandprovideinstant responseswillalleviatetheburdenoncollegestaff,reduce waiting times and enhance the overall experience for students.ByleveragingthepowerofNLP,thechatbotwill offer accurate and personalized information ,fostering a positive impression of the college and increasing the likelihood of successful enrollments. Ultimately, the implementation of this innovative solution will lead to improved efficiency, customer satisfaction, and increased enrollmentratesforthecollege.
Wewouldliketoexpressourheartfeltthankstothosewho haveplayedapivotalroleinthecompletionofthisproject. First And foremost, we are deeply greatful to our project guide, prof.S.D.Pandhare, fortheircontinuousguidance, motivation, and support throughout the duration of this work. Their expert advice and encouragement have been invaluablefromstarttofinish.Wealso extendoursincere thankstoourHeadofDepartment,Prof.S.D.Pandhare,for their steadfast moral support and motivation, which have beencrucialinthesuccessfulcompletionofthisproject.
[1] CHATBOT BASED ON AI Information technology professors Ashwini Patil 2, and Diksha Gondane 3123 are from Nagpur/RTMNU in India. Volume 3, Issue 2 (MarchApril 2016), International Journal of Emerging Trends in EngineeringandBasicSciences(UEEBS),ISSN(Online)23496967)
[3] Karim ali, An interactive chatbot for college enquiry. (2023)
[4]GokulR,KalaivaniS,AIcollegeenquirychatbotsystem. (Feb2023)
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 11 Issue: 11 |Nov 2024 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
[6]MinaRafik, Aninteractivechatbotforcollegeenquiry. (2023)
[7] Mayur Pawar, RUBON college enquiry chatbot(May 2021)
[9] Pranali Patil, intelligent chatbot for college enquiry system(Apr2022)
[12] KusunamNandini,Collegeenquirychatbot.(2021)
[13] Payal Jain, College enquiry chatbot using iterative Model.