e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Ahmad Abdullah*1 , Hujaef Ahammed*2 , Md. Mizanur Rahman*3
*3ElectricalAndElectronicsEngineeringDepartment,DaffodilInternational University,Dhaka,Bangladesh.
Village agriculture is very important in Bangladesh. In emerging nations like our own, agriculture has a significant impact on national GDP. Basically, because of our current circumstances, the monsoons, which are agriculture'sprimarysourceofwater,areinsufficient.Theirrigationsystemisusedinagricultureasasolution to this issue. In this technique, the agricultural field will receive water depending on the type of soil. In agriculture, there are two factors to consider: the soil's moisture content and its fertility. There are already a variety of irrigation options available to lessen the demand for rain. An electrical power on/off schedule controls this kind of method. The use of IOT to create a smart irrigation system is covered in this article. Our method uses hydropumps to regulate multiple pumps at once, which saves time and energy. This system will haveasignificantimpactonthenationaleconomyifweimplementit.
Sensors are crucial parts of numerous applications, including those that monitor traffic flow, weather conditions, building safety and security, and many others. They are also used in many different sectors for process control. For example, it is necessary to measure the temperature, humidity, and pressure when monitoringtheweather.Asaresult,sensorshavealwaysbeenchargedwithperformingthisrole.Climateand weather have a significant impact on human life. It is known that six factors, including ambient temperature, radiation, air flow, humidity, activity level, and clothing thermal resistance, have a significant impact on a person's ability to maintain a comfortable body temperature (ISO 7730, 1984; Bu et al., 1995). These inexpensive,dependableelectronicsensorsarenowbetterabletomonitorenvironmentalconditionsthanksto technologicaladvancements.
Usingsensorsforindoorclimateandenvironment,KangandPark(2000)andOdlyhaetal.(2000)havecreated monitoring systems based on the aforementioned factors. Monitoring temperature and relative humidity has proventobemoreeffectivewhenthesesensorsarecombinedwithadatagatheringsystem(Moghavvemietal., 2005). Using capacitive based sensors, Ong et al. (2001) and Defenses and Wise (2005) proposed wireless sensingmicrosystemsforenvironmentalmonitoring.Surfaceacousticwaves(SAW)deviceswerefirstusedas pressuresensorsin1994byBuffetal.andastemperaturesensorsin1993byVlassovetal.However,because some of these systems include fabrication procedures and the usage of on chip transmitter circuits, they are highlyexpensiveandcomplicatedinnature.Ourgoalistodevelopanautomaticirrigationsystemandirrigation databasethatwillbeasmarttoolforfarmers.Usingthismethod,wecanalsocheck thequalityofthesoiland theweather.Wecanstate"Ourcountrywillgeneratemoreharvesteveryyear"soeasily.
Background & Problem Statement
In today's information and technology driven world, weather monitoring and forecasting are crucial for planninghumanactivities.Forexample,planninghumanactivitiesinagriculture,whereandwhentoplantand wait for harvest, in our social lives, where and when to hold events, and in transportation, how safe it is to travelbyland,air,orwater,alldependonweather,whetherit'sahelporahindrance.Withtheuseofsensors and telecommunication, it is now possible to monitor and analyze weather conditions without requiring the user to exert much effort or human interaction. Certain weather situations can be identified or anticipated using weather monitoring systems before they actually occur. However, wire weather monitoring systems enable users to view these systems online or remotely without having to be present physically. In contrast to
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2036]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
weather forecasting, the system uses weather sensors to sense the climatic conditions and analyzes the patternstoprovideamorepreciseprediction.Dataissensedacross apredetermineddistancebywire,andthe results are shown on an LCD panel. It can identify a number of meteorological factors, including temperature, humidity, wind speed, and wind direction. By integrating the numerous sensors on the microcontroller, it is possibleforoneweathermonitoringstationtoperceiveavarietyofweathersituations,whichlowersthecost of building a weather monitoring station that can only evaluate a specific kind of weather condition. Farmers maybenefitfromthequickgrowthofmorecropsthankstoautomaticwatering.
Farmersinthecurrentsystemmustgoaconsiderabledistancetoturnonthehydropump,whichcoststhema lotoftime.Farmersoccasionallyfailtoturnofftheirmotorsintime,wastingalotofwaterand electricity.Thus, theymustpayanadditionalelectriccharge.Oursystemhasthecapabilitytoresolvethisissue.
The goal of this project is to develop an automatic irrigation system using IOT that can: Gather information from many sources, including information on soil moisture, temperature, and weather. If the data is low on moisture,anLCDwill showthemoisturelevel andpumpstatus.Also,itsentinformationtoourdatabase.Our appswillreceiveatriggerfromthedatabase,allowingustoquicklyseetheconditionofthepump.
Wire with weatherconditionsobserving framework considers weather patternsto bepreciselyanticipated to take into consideration legitimate preparation of occasions or exercises which depend on climate as a central point. It is basically better compared to a weather conditions estimating framework which includes broad investigation, computations and picking the right weather conditions figure models that best foresee the climate.4Weatherconditionsestimatingframeworksaretypicallyuntrustworthybecauseofthetimecontrast between when the weather conditions is really anticipated and when it comes into stage. The utilization of a wire with weather conditions observing framework kills the issues of people collaborating straightforwardly with the frameworks, or doing all the significant work in foreseeing the climate. Escalated information investigation, handling and computations are finished by the framework all things considered, consequently, eliminatingtheissuesofhumanblundersandgivinganeasytounderstandframeworkthatpermitsclientswith little abilities of working a specialized gadget, the valuable chance to work the checking framework. The weather conditions observing framework can detect different weather patterns and permits the client to get data about weather patterns through LCD Show, permitting the client to have fractional control of the framework without being in a similar area as the framework. In situations where a weather conditions estimating framework will foresee precipitation in the entire of a city or city, though, it downpours in just a specific level of the area, adds to the lack of quality of the framework .The weather conditions checking framework will, nonetheless, foresee the climate, covering a more modest distance which will give better preciseoutcomes.Theycanfillinasanopenairunittodetectecologicalweatherpatternsorasanindoorunit togivedataaboutthegenuinefeeloftheclimateortemperaturefeelofgear.TheWeatherPackweatherstation monitoringsystem.TheWeatherRackweathersensors(anemometerandwindvane)acquiredweredesigned tomeasurewindspeedandwinddirection.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328. It contains everything needed to support the microcontroller. The software was customized for the function of the weather station monitoring wind speedandwinddirection.
Node MCU
Basically, NodeMCU is Lua Interpreter, so it can understand Lua script easily. When we write Lua scripts for NodeMCU and send/upload it to NodeMCU, then they will get executed sequentially. It will not build a binary firmwarefileofcodeforNodeMCUtowrite.ItwillsendtheLuascriptasitistoNodeMCUtogetexecuted.
In Arduino IDE when we write and compile code, the ESP8266 toolchain in the background creates a binary firmwarefileofthecodewewrote.AndwhenweuploadittoNodeMCUthenitwillflashallNodeMCUfirmware with newly generated binary firmware code. In fact, it writes the complete firmware. That’s the reason why NodeMCU does not accept further Lua scripts/code after it is getting flashed by Arduino IDE. After getting
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2037]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
flashed by Arduino sketch/code it will be no more Lua interpreter and we get errors if we try to upload Lua scripts.TostartagainwithLuascript,weneedtoflashitwithNodeMCUfirmware.
Selection of Sensors

1. SoilMoisture Foregettingwaterinfoissoil
Positioning the sensor
Figure1showstheproperplacementoftheSoilMoistureSensor.Theprongsshouldbeorientedhorizontally, butrotatedontotheirside,likeaknifepoisedtocutfood, sothatwaterdoesnotpoolontheflatsurfaceofthe prongs.

Thehorizontalorientationofthesensorensuresthemeasurementismadeataparticularsoildepth.Theentire sensorcanbeplacedvertically,butbecausesoilmoistureoftenvariesbydepth,thisisnotusuallythedesired orientation. To position the sensor, use a thin implement such as a trenching shovel to make the pilot hole in the soil. Place the sensor into the hole, making sure the entire length of the sensor is covered. Press down on the soil along either side of the sensor with your fingers. Continue to compact the soil around the sensor by pressingdownonthesoilwithyourfingersuntilyouhavemadeatleastfivepassesalongthesensor.Thisstep isimportant,asthesoiladjacenttothesensorsurfacehasthestrongestinfluenceonthesensorreadings.
Removing the Sensor
Whenremovingthesensorfromthesoil,donotpullitoutofthesoilbythecable.Doingsomaybreakinternal connectionsandmakethesensorunusable.
Volumetric Water Content
In very simplified terms, dry soil is made up of solid material and air pockets, calledpore spaces. A typical volumetric ratio would be 55% solid material and 45% pore space. As water is added to the soil, the pore spaces begin to fill with water. Soil that seems damp to the touch might now have 55% minerals, 35% pore space and 10% water. This would be an example of 10% volumetric water content. The maximum water content in this scenario is 45% because at that value, all the available pore space has been filled with water. Thissoilisreferredtoasbeingsaturated,becauseat45%volumetricwatercontent,thesoilcanholdnomore water.
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2038]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Optional Calibration Procedure
Itisnotusuallynecessarytoperformanewcalibration whenusingtheSoilMoistureSensor.TheSoilMoisture Sensor has a stored calibration that will give good results. If, however, very accurate readings are needed, a calibration using the sample soil type to be measured is recommended. Two methods are described below. Method1isfasterandeasier,butpotentiallylessaccuratethanMethod2.

Calibration Method 1: Two Point Calibration
1. Drythesoilinadryingovenat105˚Cfor24hours.
2. Obtainawater tightcontainerthatislargeenoughtofullyinsertthesensorwithroomforatleast2cmon allsides.Aplasticshoeboxorsimilarworkswell.
3. Whencool,breakupanylargeclodsuntilallsoilfitsthrougha5mmscreen.
4. ConnecttheSoilMoistureSensortotheinterfaceandstartthedata collectionprogram.
5. Pour the soil into the container and position the sensor as shown. The prongs should be oriented horizontally, but rotated onto their side like a knifepoised to cut food so that water does not pool on the flatsurfaceoftheprongs.
6. Pressdownonthesoilalongeithersideofthesensorwithyourfingers.Continuetocompactthesoilaround thesensorbypressingdownonthesoilwithyourfingersuntilyouhavemadefivepassesalongthesensor.
7. Addmoresoilontopofthecompactedsoilsothatthesensorisburiedatleast3cmbelowthesoilsurface.
8. Compactthesoilagainusingaclenchedfist.
9. Enterthecalibrationroutineofyourprogram.Keepthisfirst calibrationpointandassignavalueof0.This represents0%volumetricwatercontent.

11.Determine the approximate volume of soil used. This can be done by packing it into a large, graduated beaker.
13.Obtainavolumeofdistilledwaterthatequals45%ofthevolumeofthesoil.If,forexample,youused3500 mLofsoil,youwouldobtain1575mLofdistilledwater.
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
15.Positionthesensorinthewetsoil,againmakingsurethesensoriscompletelycoveredandthatthereareno gapsbetweenthesoilandthesensor.

17.Your sensor is now calibrated for this soil type. If you are using LoggerPro3, you can save the calibration directlyonthesensor.Ifnot,youmaywanttorecordthecalibrationvaluesforfutureuse.
CalibrationMethod2:Multiple PointCalibration
1. Obtainandnumber12dryingjars.Thejarsmustbeabletowithstandthe105°Ctemperatureofthedrying oven.
2. Weighandrecordthemassofeachjar.
3. Prepare the dry soil by breaking up large clods until all soil fits through a 5 mm screen. Note: The soil shouldbefairlydry,butdoesnotneedtobeoven dryforthismethod.
4. Obtainawater tightcontainerthatislargeenoughtofullyinsertthesensorwithroomforatleast2cmon allsides.Aplasticshoeboxorsimilarworkswell.
5. ConnecttheSoilMoistureSensortotheinterfaceandstartthedata collectionprogram.
6. Pourthesoilintothecontainerpositionofthesensorasshown.Theprongsshouldbeorientedhorizontally, butrotatedontotheirside likeaknifepoisedtocutfood sothatwaterdoesnotpoolontheflatsurfaceof theprongs.
7. Pressdownonthesoilalongeithersideofthesensorwithyourfingers.Continuetocompactthesoilaround thesensorbypressingdownonthesoilwithyourfingersuntilyouhavemadefivepassesalongthesensor.
8. Addmoresoilontopofthecompactedsoilsothatthesensorisburiedatleast3cmbelowthesoilsurface.
9. Compactthesoilagainusingaclechedfist.
10.Enter the calibration portion of the data collection program and record the voltage reading from the sensor. Note: In this method, entering the calibration portion of the program is used only to obtain a raw voltagereadingfromthesensor.Youwillnotbecompletingatypical2 pointcalibrationinthesoftware.
a. Insertthesamplingcylinderfullyintothesoil.
b. Removethesoilcore.
c. Dispensethecoreintoadryingjar.
d. Weighandrecordthemassofthejarplussoil.
e. RepeatStepsa dfortwoadditionalcoresamples.
13.Decide on a standard volume of distilled water that will increase the water content by 3 to 10% for each measurement.Ifyouareunsureabouttheamountofwatertoadd,measurethevolumeofsoilyouareusing. Useavolumeofdistilledwaterequalto5%ofthevolumeofthesoil.
14.AddonealiquotofdistilledwatertothesoilintheamountdecideduponinStep13.Toavoidclumping,add thewaterinsmallamounts,mixingthoroughly.
15.Replace the sensor in the soil. Press down on the soil along either side of the sensor with your fingers. Continue to compact the soil around the sensor by pressing down on the soil with your fingers until you havemadefivepassesalongthesensor.
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
19.RepeatSteps11 18twomoretimesforatotaloffourlevelsofwatercontent.
a. Placethejarsinadryingovenfor24hoursat105˚C.
b. Allowthesamplestocooluntilthesoiltemperatureisnearambient.
c. Aftercooling,weighthesoilsamplesagaintodeterminedryweight.
22.Calculatethegravimetricwatercontent,w. wheremisthemassandthesubscriptswandmrefertowaterandminerals.
b. Calculatethebulkdensity,ρb. whereVt isthetotalvolumeofthesample.
c. Calculatethevolumetricwatercontent.
Thedensityofwater,ρw,is1g/cm3 .
Soilsamplingvolume(Vt) 16.1cm3
Soilsampleinitialweight(withjar) 84.065g
Driedsampleweight(withjar) 81.113g
Jarweight(tare) 57.894g
Massofwater(initial dryweight)(mw) 2.952g
Massofdrysoil(dry tareweight)(mm) 23.219g
22.Construct a calibration curve by graphing volumetric water content vs. the corresponding sensor output voltageatthat water content.Thereis an experiment fileinLoggerPro(version3.4.5or newer) set up for thispurpose.Itisnamed“SoilMoistureCalibration,”andcanbefoundintheSoilMoistureSensorfolderin theProbes&Sensorsfolder.Alternatively,youcanopenanewfileinLoggerProwithnosensorsconnected andtypethevaluesintothedatatable.
24.Connectthesensorandstartyourdata collectionprogram.
26.Your sensor is now calibrated for this soil type. If you are using LoggerPro3, you can save the calibration directlyon the sensor. If usingLabQuest or a calculator,youmay want to record thecalibration valuesfor futureuse.
Soil Moisture Sensor Specifications
0to45%volumetricwatercontentinsoil(capableof0to 100%VWCwithalternatecalibration)
Accuracy ±4%typical
13 bitresolution(using SensorDAQ): 0.05%
12 bitresolution(usingLabPro, LabQuest,LabQuestMini, 0.1%
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2041]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
10 bitresolution(usingCBL2): 0.4%
Power 3mA@5VDC
Operatingtemperature 40°Cto+60°C
Dimensions Dimensions:8.9cm×1.8cm×0.7cm(activesensorlength5 cm)
Care and Maintenance
Slope:108%/volt Intercept: 42%
Do not wrap the cable tightly around the sensor for storage. Repeatedly doing so can irreparably damage the wiresandisnotcoveredunderwarranty.
Repair Information
If you have watched the related product video(s), followed the troubleshooting steps, and are still having troublewithyourSoilMoistureSensor,contactVernierTechnicalSupportatsupport@vernier.comorcall888 837 6437.Supportspecialistswillworkwithyoutodetermineiftheunitneedstobesentinforrepair.Atthat time,aReturnMerchandiseAuthorization(RMA)numberwillbeissuedandinstructionswillbecommunicated onhowtoreturntheunitforrepair.
Toimprovehumanlives,telecommunicationtechnologiesareexpandingandaddingmoreinnovativefunctions. AnARDUINONANOwillbeusedinthisproject.
Defining of ARDUINO
An Arduino is actually a microcontroller based kit which can be either used directly by purchasing from the vendororcanbemadeathomeusingthecomponents,owingtoitsopensourcehardwarefeature.Itisbasically used in communications and in controlling or operating many devices. It was founded by Massimo Baozi and DavidCuatrilloesin2005

Arduino’s processor basically uses the Harvard architecture where the program code and program data have separatememory. Itconsistsoftwo memories Programmemoryand the data memory. Thecode isstored in theflashprogrammemory,whereasthedataisstoredinthedatamemory.TheAtmega328has32KBofflash memoryforstoringcode(ofwhich0.5KBisusedforthebootloader),2KBofSRAMand1KBofEEPROMand operateswithaclockspeedof16MHz.
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2042]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752
AtypicalexampleofanArduinoboardisArduinoUno.ItconsistsofATmega328 a28pinmicrocontroller.

Power Jack: ArduinocanbepoweredeitherfromthepcthroughaUSBorthroughexternalsourcelikeadaptor orabattery.Itcanoperateonanexternalsupplyof7to12V.Powercanbeappliedexternallythroughthepin VINorbygivingvoltagereferencethroughtheIORefpin.
Digital Inputs: It consists of 14 digital inputs/output pins, each of which provide or take up 40mA current. Some of them have special functions like pins 0 and 1, which act as Rx and Tx respectively, for serial communication, pins 2 and 3 which are external interrupts, pins 3,5,6,9, 11 which provides Pwm output and pin13whereLEDisconnected
@InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2043]

e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752
Program an Arduino
The most important advantage with Arduino is the programs can be directly loaded to the device without requiringanyhardwareprogrammertoburntheprogram.
Thisisdone becauseof the presence ofthe 0.5KB of Bootloader whichallowsthe programto be burned into thecircuit.AllwehavetodoistodownloadtheArduinosoftwareandwritethecode.
The Arduino tool window consists of the toolbar with the buttons like verify, upload, new, open, save, serial monitor. It also consists of a text editor to write the code, a message area which displays the feedback like showingtheerrors,thetextconsolewhichdisplaystheoutputandaseriesofmenusliketheFile,Edit,Tools

● ProgramswritteninArduinoareknownassketches.Abasicsketchconsistsof3parts
● ThesketchissavedwithInoextension.Anyoperationslikeverifying,openingasketch,savingasketchcan bedoneusingthebuttonsonthetoolbarorusingthetoolmenu.
● Thesketchshouldbestoredinthesketchbookdirectory.
● Chosetheproperboardfromthetoolsmenuandtheserialportnumbers.
● Click on the upload button or chose upload from the tools menu. Thus the code is uploaded by the boot loaderontothemicrocontroller.
● digital Read(pin):Readsthedigitalvalueatthegivenpin.
● digital Write (pin,value):Writesthedigitalvaluetothegivenpin.
● pin Mode (pin,mode):Setsthepintoinputoroutputmode.
● analog Read(pin):Readsandreturnsthevalue.
@InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2044]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
● analog Write (pin,value):Writesthevaluetothatpin.
● serial. Begin (baudrate):Setsthebeginningofserialcommunicationbysettingthebitrate.
Technical Specification of Arduino Microcontroller
Microcontroller ATmega328
Architecture AVR
OperatingVoltage 5V
ClockSpeed 16MHz
AnalogI/OPins 6
Technical Specification of General
InputVoltage 7 12V
DigitalI/OPins 20(ofwhich6providePWMoutput)
PWMOutput 6
PCBSize 53.4×68.6mm Weight 25Kg
● VIN:TheinputvoltagetotheArduinoboardwhenit'susinganexternalpowersource(asopposedto5volts fromtheUSBconnectionorotherregulatedpowersource).
● 5V: The regulated power supply used to power the microcontroller and other components on the board. This can come either from VIN via an on board regulator, or be supplied by USB or another regulated 5V supply.
● GND:Groundpins.
Inputs and Outputs
● Serial:0(RX)and1(TX).Usedtoreceive(RX)andtransmit(TX)TTLserialdata.Thesepinsareconnected tothecorrespondingpinsoftheATmega8U2USB to TTLSerialchip.
● PWM:3,5,6,9,10,and11.Provide8 bitPWMoutputwiththeanalogWrite()function.
● SPI: 10 (SS), 11 (MOSI), 12 (MISO), 13 (SCK). These pins support SPI communication, which, although providedbytheunderlyinghardware,isnotcurrentlyincludedintheArduinolanguage.
● LED:13Thereisabuilt inLEDconnectedtodigitalpin13.WhenthepinisHIGHvalue,theLEDison,when thepinisLOW,it'soff.
● Reset.BringthislineLOWtoresetthemicrocontroller.Typicallyusedtoaddaresetbuttontoshieldswhich blockthemontheboard.
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2045]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
The reader will learn about the system's building blocks in this chapter as well as how the hardware componentsareintegrated. ItexplainshowtheLCDisconnectedandhowthesensorsareinterfacedwiththe microcontrollerontheArduinoboard.
● CenterTappedTransformer
● Resistor
● VariableResistor
● Capacitor
● Diode
● VoltageRegulator
● Transistor
● DCBattery
● SoilMoistureSensor
● VaroBoard
● Switch Center tapped Transformer
The operation and theory behind a Centertapped transformer is very similar to a normal secondary transformer.Aprimaryvoltagewillbeinducedintheprimarycoil(I1andI3)andduetomagneticinductionthe voltage will be transferred to the secondary coil. Here in the secondary coil of a center tapped transformer, therewillbeanadditionalwire(T2)whichwillbeplacedexactlyatthecenterofthesecondarycoil,hencethe voltageherewillalwaysbezero.

Ifwecombinethiszeropotentialwire(T2)witheitherT1orT2,wewillgetavoltageof12VAC.Ifthiswireis ignored and voltage across T1 and T2 is considered then we will get a voltage of 24V AC. This feature is very usefulforthefunctionofafullwaverectifier.Letusconsiderthevoltagegivenbythefirsthalfofthesecondary coilasVaandthevoltageacrossthesecondhalfofthesecondarycoilasVbasshowninthediagrambelow
As we know the voltage across the coil depends on the number of turns on the primary and secondary coil. Usingtheturnsratioformula,wecancalculatethesecondaryvoltageas:
Va=(Na Nb)*Vp
Na Nb
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2046]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752

● Step downCentretappedTransformer

● InputVoltage:220VACat50Hz
● OutputVoltage:24V,12Vor0V
● OutputCurrent:1A
● Verticalmounttype
● Lowcostandsmallpackage
A resistor is an electrical component that limits or regulates the flow of electrical current in an electronic circuit.Resistorscanalsobeusedtoprovideaspecificvoltageforanactivedevicesuchasatransistor.
Variable Resistor
A resistor restricts current flow in an electrical circuit without switching the current off. A variable resistor allows more control over current flow by changing the amount of resistance. When resistance increases in a variable resistor, the amount of current that is allowed to flow in a circuit decreases. Two basic components makeupvariableresistors.Theresistivematerialisthefirstcomponentandiscalledtheelement.
Figure: VariableResistor
The second component, called the wiper or brush, is used to set the resistance, and is often controlled with a knob or sliding switch. There are several different kinds of variable resistors. At Future Electronics we stock many of the most common types categorized by Type, Number of Turns, Tolerance, Rated Power, Nominal Resistance and Packaging Type. The parametric filters on our website can help refine your search results dependingontherequiredspecifications.ThemostcommonsizesforRatedPowerare250MWand500MW. We also carry variable resistors with Rated Power up to 37 W. Variable Resistors can be Potentiometer, TrimmerorTurnsCountingDialtype.VariableResistorscanbefoundin:
@InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2047]
Figure: Resistore ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752
● Audiocontrol
● Television
● Motioncontrol
● HomeElectricalAppliances
● Oscillators
The capacitor is a component which has the ability or “capacity” to store energy in the form of an electrical charge producing a potential difference (Static Voltage) across its plates, much like a small rechargeable battery.
Figure: Capacitor Diode

A diode is a specialized electronic component with two electrodes called the anode and the cathode. Most diodesaremadewithsemiconductormaterialssuchassilicon,germanium,orselenium.
Figure: Diode
Voltage Regulator
Usually, we start with an unregulated power supply ranging from 9volt to 12volt DC. To make a 5volt power supply, IC 7805 voltage regulator as shown in figure has been used Voltage sources in a circuit may have fluctuationsresultinginnotprovidingfixedvoltageoutputs.AvoltageregulatorICmaintainstheoutputvoltage at a constant value. 7805 IC, a member of the 78xx series of fixed linear voltage regulators used to maintain such fluctuations, is a popular voltage regulator integrated circuit (IC). The xx in 7805 indicates the output voltageitprovides.7805ICprovides+5voltsregulatedpowersupplywithprovisionstoaddaheatsink.

Figure: PinDiagramofIC7805
LCD Display
LCD(Liquid Crystal Display)screenis an electronic displaymodule and find a wide range of applications. A16x2 LCD displayis very basic module and is very commonly used in various devices and circuits. A 16x2 LCDmeansitcandisplay16charactersperlineandthereare2suchlines.
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
4.9.1 Pin Description
Pin No Function Name
Ground(0V) Ground
Supplyvoltage;5V(4.7V 5.3V) Vcc
3 Contrastadjustment;throughavariableresistor VEE
4 Selectscommandregisterwhenlow;anddataregisterwhenhigh RegisterSelect
5 Lowtowritetotheregister;Hightoreadfromtheregister Read/write
Sendsdatatodatapinswhenahightolowpulseisgiven Enable
8 DB1 9 DB2 10 DB3 11 DB4 12 DB5
8 bitdatapins
BacklightVCC (5V) Led+

BacklightGround(0V) Led
A bipolar transistor is a semiconductor device commonly used for amplification. The device can amplify analogordigitalsignals. It can also switch DC or function as an oscillator. Physically, a bipolar transistor amplifiescurrent,butitcanbeconnectedincircuitsdesignedtoamplifyvoltageorpower.
www.irjmets.com @InternationalResearchJournal There are two major types of bipolar transistor, calledPNPandNPN. A PNP transistor has a layer of N type semiconductorbetweentwolayersofP typematerial.AnNPNtransistorhasalayerofP typematerialbetween two layers of N type material. In P type material, electric charges are carried mainly in the form ofelectrondeficienciescalledholes.InN typematerial,thechargecarriersareprimarilyelectrons.
Figure: LCDDisplaye ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Figure: TransistorPindiagramwithSymbol OP Amp
Avoltagecomparatorisanelectroniccircuitthatcomparestwoinputvoltagesandletsyouknowwhichofthe two is greater. It's easy to create a voltagecomparator from anop amp, because the polarity of theop amp'soutputcircuitdependsonthepolarityofthedifferencebetweenthetwoinputvoltages.

Figure: OP AmplifierComparatorModeWorking Application
ComparatorCircuitWorkingandApplications.Generally,inelectronics,thecomparatorisusedtocomparetwo voltages or currents which are given at the two inputs of the comparator. That means it takes two input voltages,thencomparesthemandgivesa differential outputvoltageeitherhighorlow level signal.

Block Diagram

Figure: BasicBlockDiagram
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2050]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Circuit Diagram

Figure: CircuitDiagram
Working Procedure
Forworkingwiththisprojectwehavemadetwoprototypes,ourfirstonefailedduetolessaccuracy.Finallywe designed a highly accurate system, in this system we use two sections, one for detecting wind speed and humiditywithtemperature,anotherfordetectingwindangle.
First section we used one IR transmitter and receiver for detecting wind speed. The 4 wind plate gives us rotation with respect to the wind and it detects every rotation of the pole. dht 11 &22 is a multiple humidity andtemperaturesensorthatgivesusweatherinformation.WeprintallofthoseintoaLCDdisplay.
Second section is for detecting wind angle A GY271 compass will detect wind angle and it send to microcontroller, micro controller process information and send to another microcontroller using rf transmitters, in receiver section rf receiver receive data from rf transmitters and it send data to another microcontroller,microcontrollerprocessdataandalcddisplaywindangle.
Weusesomeelectricaldevicessuchasresistor,capacitor,diode,variableresistor,voltageregulator,dcbattery, moisturesensor,andsomeLEDwithalloutputshownintheLCDDisplay.
Connecting Database
#defineFIREBASE_HOST"iot based irrigation.firebaseio.com"
@InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2051]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
#definemosture15 voidsetup(){ lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("automatic"); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("pump"); delay(2500);
Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(mosture,INPUT);
WiFi.begin(WIFI_SSID,WIFI_PASSWORD); Serial.print("connecting"); while(WiFi.status()!=WL_CONNECTED){ Serial.print("."); delay(500);
Serial.print("connected:"); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());
} intn=0; voidloop(){
Serial.print("setting/numberfailed:"); Serial.println(Firebase.error()); return; } delay(170);
Serial.print("setting/numberfailed:"); Serial.println(Firebase.error()); return;
} delay(100);
ResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2052]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752 www.irjmets.com
Serial.println(Firebase.getFloat("number")); delay(100);
Firebase.remove("number"); delay(10);
} if(buttonState==0)
{ Firebase.setString("message","PumpIsOff");
Program for Control Motor Speed
intanalogInPin=A0; intsensorValue=0; intoutputValue=0; inttransistorPin=3; voidsetup()
{ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(8,OUTPUT); pinMode(9,OUTPUT); pinMode(transistorPin,OUTPUT);
} voidloop()
{ sensorValue=analogRead(analogInPin)/4; outputValue=map(sensorValue,0,1023,0,255); analogWrite(transistorPin,sensorValue);
{ //example digitalWrite(8,HIGH); digitalWrite(9,LOW);
} else { digitalWrite(9,HIGH); digitalWrite(8,LOW); } delay(10);}
@InternationalResearchJournalofModernizationinEngineering,TechnologyandScience [2053]
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752
Any project's output is its result. A project's success is shown in the result. By doing several experiments, we determine whether this initiative was successful. The project's autonomous irrigation and moisture sensor waterlevel measurementareitsresults.Theautomaticsupplyofsufficientwater froma reservoirtofieldsor residential crops during agricultural seasons has been made possible by the construction of automatic irrigation control systems. When the pump is turned on and off, the LCD display output is displayed using a moisturesensorpump.
When Starting the system

When the pump is on…..
When Pump is off
● Mainadvantageofthisprojectistohelpfarmerswaterthefieldsintime.
● Farmercancheckwaterstatus
● Farmercancontrolmultiplepump

● Lowcost
● Real timeplant monitoring
e ISSN:2582 5208
International Research Journal of ModernizationinEngineering TechnologyandScience ( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )

Volume:04/Issue:09/September 2022 Impact Factor 6.752
Final Project Outlook
Figure: FinalProjectOutlook
The main goal of our project is to design, construct, and design analyze the circuit. Work on the project has alreadyfinished.Thecircuitthatwasbuiltisfunctioningquitewell.Aftercompletingaproject,weappliedthe concept by reading books, checking the internet, and talking with my teacher. Finally, wesolve this issue and finishmyproject.
The importance of weather monitoring has been emphasized throughout this project in order to carry out plannedactivitiesinanorganizedandcoordinatedmanneraspartofourdailyroutines.Additionally,wirewith weather monitoring has shown to be helpful in providing information about the weather of an environment exhibited on LCD display even when they are not present. The prototype was made to be adaptable so that it could fit several sensors to identify various weather conditions. By selecting the ARDUINO NANO as the least expensivecomponentofthesystem,itwasalsomadetobecost effective.Theprototypecouldproduceresults oftheweatherconditionssinceitwasdesignedwithfoursensorsfortemperature,humidity,airspeed,andair directionconnectedtotheARDUINONANO.
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