Direct TV Brand Guidline

Page 1

Using brands over backgrounds


Contents Branding for Leadership

When (and when not) to promote sub-brands

DIRECTV™ MotherBrand

Using the tagline

Introducing DIRECTV™ Sub-brands

Using DIRECTV™brands in text


Inappropriate brandmark usage


DIRECTV™ “mother brand” specifications


electronic art


using the “mother brand” with tagline


clear space & minimum size





sub brands: black and white & reverse versions


clear space & minimum size

DIRECTV™Internacional When printing a brand over a background tint or color, it’s important to avoid creating an environment that competes with the brand or that causes the brand to vibrate or fade out. The best solution is to choose background colors from the DIRECTV™ secondary color palette. When a non-palette background color is called for, always choose colors that complement DIRECTV primary colors and offer a different contrast value.

Sub-brand brandmark specifications

If the color is dark, use a reverse brand containing a white field. If the color is white, print it using a positive standard brand.


When working with a photograph, be certain the brandmark reads perfectly – or reconsider your layout. Avoid printing the brandmark over any detailed or high contrast areas in a photograph.


Using colors Using brands over backgrounds


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Branding for leadership Dear Colleagues: At Galaxy Latin America, our mission is to establish and maintain absolute leadership in the directto-home markets in which we operate, in order to exceed our customers’ expectations and maximize the return of our shareholders’ investments. We intend to do that by providing the highest quality, innovative entertainment and educational services from around the world and by delivering those services with state-of-the-art technology. As the satellite television leader in the U.S., Japan, and Latin America–with more than five million subscribers worldwide –the DIRECTV™ brand is internationally recognized. Maintaining the integrity of our brand is critical to the achievement of our mission. Consistent branding practices– as set forth in the guidelines that follow–help to ensure the DIRECTV brand’s integrity and, therefore, Galaxy Latin America’s success. To provide tangible support for our brand promise–DIRECTV is the best source of entertainment for the entire family–we’ve developed a new branding structure that defines the DIRECTV brand through a “mother brand” and a variety of sub-brands. The guidelines that follow are designed to help you communicate that brand structure in your sales efforts. Please note that these guidelines do not include any reference to the internet, video packaging specifications or legal requirements by programmers and other third parties. Keep these guidelines handy and refer to them often in order to keep your sales efforts and your communications on track toward success. Regards

Tony Lyra Vice President Marketing, Sales and Distribution Galaxy Latin America, LLC

D I R E C T V™ “ m o t h e r b r a n d ” The DIRECTV™ “mother brand” is the single source of a diverse range of programming which is delivered by the DIRECTV sub-brands described in the following pages. The mother brand symbolizes a range of services and viewer options available only through DIRECTV:

• DIRECTV highly customized options individualize viewing, giving the viewer unprecedented choice and control. • DIRECTV unrestricted access eliminates artificial boundaries of time, space, and geography making the viewer truly a world citizen, 24 hours every day. • DIRECTV appeals to the family and the individual in the family. It confers a measure of prestige upon those who have it and use it.

The DIRECTV mother brand is the only identifier you should use in non-subscriber communications, such as advertisements directed to a general audience.

Branding for leadership Dear Colleagues: At Galaxy Latin America, our mission is to establish and maintain absolute leadership in the directto-home markets in which we operate, in order to exceed our customers’ expectations and maximize the return of our shareholders’ investments. We intend to do that by providing the highest quality, innovative entertainment and educational services from around the world and by delivering those services with state-of-the-art technology. As the satellite television leader in the U.S., Japan, and Latin America–with more than five million subscribers worldwide –the DIRECTV™ brand is internationally recognized. Maintaining the integrity of our brand is critical to the achievement of our mission. Consistent branding practices– as set forth in the guidelines that follow–help to ensure the DIRECTV brand’s integrity and, therefore, Galaxy Latin America’s success. To provide tangible support for our brand promise–DIRECTV is the best source of entertainment for the entire family–we’ve developed a new branding structure that defines the DIRECTV brand through a “mother brand” and a variety of sub-brands. The guidelines that follow are designed to help you communicate that brand structure in your sales efforts. Please note that these guidelines do not include any reference to the internet, video packaging specifications or legal requirements by programmers and other third parties. Keep these guidelines handy and refer to them often in order to keep your sales efforts and your communications on track toward success. Regards

Tony Lyra Vice President Marketing, Sales and Distribution Galaxy Latin America, LLC

D I R E C T V™ “ m o t h e r b r a n d ” The DIRECTV™ “mother brand” is the single source of a diverse range of programming which is delivered by the DIRECTV sub-brands described in the following pages. The mother brand symbolizes a range of services and viewer options available only through DIRECTV:

• DIRECTV highly customized options individualize viewing, giving the viewer unprecedented choice and control. • DIRECTV unrestricted access eliminates artificial boundaries of time, space, and geography making the viewer truly a world citizen, 24 hours every day. • DIRECTV appeals to the family and the individual in the family. It confers a measure of prestige upon those who have it and use it.

The DIRECTV mother brand is the only identifier you should use in non-subscriber communications, such as advertisements directed to a general audience.

I n t r o d u c i n g D I R E C T V™ s u b - b r a n d s DIRECTV™ sub-brands perform a variety of important functions. They identify and define discrete sectors of our programming, adding meaning, importance, and value to individual programs and to the DIRECTV brand itself. And they help our customers understand and enjoy our portfolio of channel offerings. These sub-brands are intended primarily for subscriber communications. They should be used in communications to non-subscribers as part of the sales efforts only when their relationship to the mother brand can be explained in detail by a salesperson.

DIRECTV™ CINE CLUB is the sub-brand name of our pay per view (PPV) movie channels. It encompasses our PPV movies and international film festivals only and replaces the CINE DIRECT name. The DIRECTV CINE CLUB sub-brand does not include non-movie offerings purchased using PPV. For example, though Disney Weekend is purchased through PPV, it is still part of the DIRECTV KIDS sub-brand. DIRECTV™ SPORTS, the sub-brand banner under which all sports programming is presented, includes sports channels such as ESPN, CNNSI, as well as DIRECTV exclusive season offerings like Spanish and Italian soccer, Pase NFL, and Play Ball.

DIRECTV™ SHOWS is the sub-brand that offers concerts, theatrical premieres, and other exciting performances. Replacing the name DIRECT EVENT, this new sub-brand encompasses shows such as Janet Jackson, Riverdance, and CATS.

DIRECTV™ AUDIO, encompasses up to 35 commercial-free music channels. It does not include any music video channels, such as MTV. When referring to DIRECTV AUDIO content, always mention Music Choice.

DIRECTV™ ADULTO contains our adult programming channels such as Playboy TV, AdulTVision and Venus in countries where these channels are available.

DIRECTV™ OPERA is the sub-brand for our exclusive offering of selected opera performances.

DIRECTV™ CLIMA, created exclusively for DIRECTV, includes local, regional, and international weather forecasts.

DIRECTV™ CINEMA is the sub-brand name for all basic and premium movie channels, not including PPV channels or special international film festivals.

DIRECTV™ KIDS is the sub-brand for channels devoted primarily to children’s programming, including the exclusive Disney Weekend and CL@SE.

DIRECTV™ INTERNACIONAL brands DIRECTV international array of broadcast channels, including, for example, Germany’s Deutsche Welle and Italy’s RAI.

DIRECTV™ NOTICIAS includes all DIRECTV channels whose primary focus is news. Examples include CNN International and BBC World.

DIRECTV™ VARIEDADES brands viewers’ channels whose varied programming is not accounted for by other DIRECTV sub-brands.

DIRECTV™ CULTURA includes channels perceived as cultural and educational in focus, including some examples like Animal Planet, People+Arts and Discovery Channel.

DIRECTV™ NACIONAL is the brand created for local channels in each country with local programming.

DIRECTV™ RADIO will feature local radio stations from around the world with programming that includes news, features, talk shows and other content, as well as music.

DIRECTV™ AUDIO, encompasses up to 35 commercial-free music channels. It does not include any music video channels, such as MTV. When referring to DIRECTV AUDIO content, always mention Music Choice.

DIRECTV™ ADULTO contains our adult programming channels such as Playboy TV, AdulTVision and Venus in countries where these channels are available.

DIRECTV™ OPERA is the sub-brand for our exclusive offering of selected opera performances.

DIRECTV™ CLIMA, created exclusively for DIRECTV, includes local, regional, and international weather forecasts.

DIRECTV™ CINEMA is the sub-brand name for all basic and premium movie channels, not including PPV channels or special international film festivals.

DIRECTV™ KIDS is the sub-brand for channels devoted primarily to children’s programming, including the exclusive Disney Weekend and CL@SE.

DIRECTV™ INTERNACIONAL brands DIRECTV international array of broadcast channels, including, for example, Germany’s Deutsche Welle and Italy’s RAI.

DIRECTV™ NOTICIAS includes all DIRECTV channels whose primary focus is news. Examples include CNN International and BBC World.

DIRECTV™ VARIEDADES brands viewers’ channels whose varied programming is not accounted for by other DIRECTV sub-brands.

DIRECTV™ CULTURA includes channels perceived as cultural and educational in focus, including some examples like Animal Planet, People+Arts and Discovery Channel.

DIRECTV™ NACIONAL is the brand created for local channels in each country with local programming.

DIRECTV™ RADIO will feature local radio stations from around the world with programming that includes news, features, talk shows and other content, as well as music.

When (and when not) to promote sub-brands DIRECTV™ sub-brands should be promoted only in communications intended for existing subscribers and prospective subscribers at the point of sale where they can be fully explained by a DIRECTV sales representative. They must never appear in communications directed to a non-subscriber audience, such as advertisements.

Use “mother brand” brandmark

Using the tagline Building awareness of the DIRECTV™ brand depends on correct and consistent use of the “mother brand“ and tagline. The following standards apply to all DIRECTV communications.

Use sub-brand brandmark

Point of sale Kiosks Posters Flyers/Take one’s Standees Premiums Sales material used by salesperson*

yes yes yes yes yes yes

no no no no no yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes

no no no no no no

Non-subscriber Print advertisements Billboards TV Commercial Radio Direct Mail Promotions

• Use the tagline only with the "mother brand," never with the sub-brands. • Never use the tagline without the logo.

Subscriber** Welcome kit Newsletters Statement stuffers Direct Mail Premiums Print Guide On-air/Cross Channel Communication

• The DIRECTV™ tagline, “The world is yours”, is the only tagline you may use in marketing communications.

** This is the only exception in the Point of Sale category because there is interaction between the consumer and the salesperson to mitigate any confusion. ** Mother and sub-brand brandmarks may be used together or by themselves.

• Always include the tagline as part of the "mother brand" signature in all marketing communications, such as advertisements. In materials where the “mother brand” is not a signature, using the brandmark without the tagline is permitted. • Never use the tagline as part of a phrase or sentence in text. Never write, for example, “When you use DIRECTV, the world is yours.”

When (and when not) to promote sub-brands DIRECTV™ sub-brands should be promoted only in communications intended for existing subscribers and prospective subscribers at the point of sale where they can be fully explained by a DIRECTV sales representative. They must never appear in communications directed to a non-subscriber audience, such as advertisements.

Use “mother brand” brandmark

Using the tagline Building awareness of the DIRECTV™ brand depends on correct and consistent use of the “mother brand“ and tagline. The following standards apply to all DIRECTV communications.

Use sub-brand brandmark

Point of sale Kiosks Posters Flyers/Take one’s Standees Premiums Sales material used by salesperson*

yes yes yes yes yes yes

no no no no no yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes yes yes yes

no no no no no no

Non-subscriber Print advertisements Billboards TV Commercial Radio Direct Mail Promotions

• Use the tagline only with the "mother brand," never with the sub-brands. • Never use the tagline without the logo.

Subscriber** Welcome kit Newsletters Statement stuffers Direct Mail Premiums Print Guide On-air/Cross Channel Communication

• The DIRECTV™ tagline, “The world is yours”, is the only tagline you may use in marketing communications.

** This is the only exception in the Point of Sale category because there is interaction between the consumer and the salesperson to mitigate any confusion. ** Mother and sub-brand brandmarks may be used together or by themselves.

• Always include the tagline as part of the "mother brand" signature in all marketing communications, such as advertisements. In materials where the “mother brand” is not a signature, using the brandmark without the tagline is permitted. • Never use the tagline as part of a phrase or sentence in text. Never write, for example, “When you use DIRECTV, the world is yours.”

U s i n g D I R E C T V™ b r a n d s i n t e x t The DIRECTV™ brandmark is our most prominent visual symbol. It represents our company, our programming and our system equipment. Be sure to protect this important asset by adhering to the following points when using our brandmark in text:

• When text includes the DIRECTV™ name, it must appear in upper case letters.

Inappropriate brandmark usage If we want our audiences to respect our brandmark and the company and services it stands for, we must treat it with respect ourselves. Therefore:

• The DIRECTV™ symbol, the cyclone design, and the brandmark typography are the three components of the DIRECTV brandmark. They form a single unit whose individual elements must never be separated.

correct • When using sub-brands in text, set the DIRECTV™ name and the sub-brand name in upper case letters, as in 'DIRECTV CINE CLUB,' but never, 'CINE CLUB OF DIRECTV.'





• Never use the DIRECTV brandmark or sub-brands or any of their singular components in text – either in a headline or in body copy. incorrect • Always include the trademark (™) following the first use of the DIRECTV name. The trademark may be dropped in subsequent uses of the DIRECTV name within the same communication. • It is mandatory to identify DIRECTV™ as an official trademark of DIRECTV International, Inc. on any marketing communication that utilizes the DIRECTV brandmark or sub-brand. The following disclaimer must appear on every communication of this type: DIRECTVTM and the cyclone design are registered trademarks of DIRECTV International, Inc.



U s i n g D I R E C T V™ b r a n d s i n t e x t The DIRECTV™ brandmark is our most prominent visual symbol. It represents our company, our programming and our system equipment. Be sure to protect this important asset by adhering to the following points when using our brandmark in text:

• When text includes the DIRECTV™ name, it must appear in upper case letters.

Inappropriate brandmark usage If we want our audiences to respect our brandmark and the company and services it stands for, we must treat it with respect ourselves. Therefore:

• The DIRECTV™ symbol, the cyclone design, and the brandmark typography are the three components of the DIRECTV brandmark. They form a single unit whose individual elements must never be separated.

correct • When using sub-brands in text, set the DIRECTV™ name and the sub-brand name in upper case letters, as in 'DIRECTV CINE CLUB,' but never, 'CINE CLUB OF DIRECTV.'





• Never use the DIRECTV brandmark or sub-brands or any of their singular components in text – either in a headline or in body copy. incorrect • Always include the trademark (™) following the first use of the DIRECTV name. The trademark may be dropped in subsequent uses of the DIRECTV name within the same communication. • It is mandatory to identify DIRECTV™ as an official trademark of DIRECTV International, Inc. on any marketing communication that utilizes the DIRECTV brandmark or sub-brand. The following disclaimer must appear on every communication of this type: DIRECTVTM and the cyclone design are registered trademarks of DIRECTV International, Inc.



D I R E C T V™ “ m o t h e r b r a n d ” s p e c i f i c a t i o n s • The stature of the DIRECTV brandmark must never be compromised. When signing an advertisement, never reduce it to a mere component of another illustration or associate it with visual or graphic treatments in poor or questionable taste.

The DIRECTV™ brandmark has been created in the four versions shown on this page: • • • •

Positive Positive Reverse Reverse

color black and white color black and white.

To determine which version to use, refer to ‘Using brands over backgrounds’

electronic art incorrect


• Avoid brandmark treatments that include caricatures or puns or that compromise the distinctiveness of DIRECTV.



Electronic files for these brandmarks exist in a few forms only. They are specially drawn pieces of original artwork. Do not create new elements or type or alter these files in any way. There are various colors and sizes in which these brandmarks may appear. These issues will be addressed throughout the rest of these guidelines.

D I R E C T V™ “ m o t h e r b r a n d ” s p e c i f i c a t i o n s • The stature of the DIRECTV brandmark must never be compromised. When signing an advertisement, never reduce it to a mere component of another illustration or associate it with visual or graphic treatments in poor or questionable taste.

The DIRECTV™ brandmark has been created in the four versions shown on this page: • • • •

Positive Positive Reverse Reverse

color black and white color black and white.

To determine which version to use, refer to ‘Using brands over backgrounds’

electronic art incorrect


• Avoid brandmark treatments that include caricatures or puns or that compromise the distinctiveness of DIRECTV.



Electronic files for these brandmarks exist in a few forms only. They are specially drawn pieces of original artwork. Do not create new elements or type or alter these files in any way. There are various colors and sizes in which these brandmarks may appear. These issues will be addressed throughout the rest of these guidelines.

using the “mother brand” with tagline When necessary, the DIRECTV™ “mother brand” may appear with the tagline, “The world is yours.” As with the brandmark itself, always use the electronic files provided for this purpose.

clear space & minimum size To give the DIRECTV “mother brand” the prominence it deserves in any type of reproduction, surround it with a clear space equal to the height of the symbol. Type, graphic elements, or trimmed edges should not violate this space. The mother brand may be printed over or dropped out of a photograph, provided the edge of the photograph is outside the clear space. For more information on backgrounds, refer to “Using brands over various backgrounds.”









X x x x

x x

Do not apply the DIRECTV brandmark artwork smaller than 7mm in height. If using the tagline artwork, do not print it smaller than 12mm in height. Follow the same rules exactly for the reverse versions.

7mm 12 mm

Sub-brand brandmark specifications The 15 DIRECTV™ sub-brands are identified, individually and as a group, through a single unified look that makes use of the same type style and brandmark relationship used for the mother brand. The individual sub-brand brandmarks are original pieces of art and must not be altered in any way. Please use only the electronic files provided.

using the “mother brand” with tagline When necessary, the DIRECTV™ “mother brand” may appear with the tagline, “The world is yours.” As with the brandmark itself, always use the electronic files provided for this purpose.

clear space & minimum size To give the DIRECTV “mother brand” the prominence it deserves in any type of reproduction, surround it with a clear space equal to the height of the symbol. Type, graphic elements, or trimmed edges should not violate this space. The mother brand may be printed over or dropped out of a photograph, provided the edge of the photograph is outside the clear space. For more information on backgrounds, refer to “Using brands over various backgrounds.”









X x x x

x x

Do not apply the DIRECTV brandmark artwork smaller than 7mm in height. If using the tagline artwork, do not print it smaller than 12mm in height. Follow the same rules exactly for the reverse versions.

7mm 12 mm

Sub-brand brandmark specifications The 15 DIRECTV™ sub-brands are identified, individually and as a group, through a single unified look that makes use of the same type style and brandmark relationship used for the mother brand. The individual sub-brand brandmarks are original pieces of art and must not be altered in any way. Please use only the electronic files provided.

sub brands: black and white & reverse versions Black and white and reverse versions of DIRECTV™ sub-brands are available as electronic files—the only versions that should be used.

Using colors primary colors Used consistently, DIRECTV™ primary colors, blue and black, become associated with our name, our channels, our programming, and the quality of service we provide. In short, they become part of our identity. For this reason, no other colors may be used except as accents, as described below.

DIRECTV Blue In lieu of use Pantone 286 4/C: C-100 M-60 Y-0 K-6 Trumatch: Similar to 35-a1

secondary colors clear space & minimum size





Always surround sub-brands with a clear space equivalent to the height of the blue symbol in order to give them the prominence they deserve. Do not allow type, graphic elements, or trimmed edges to violate this clear space. A brand may be printed over or dropped out of a photograph, provided the edge is outside the clear space. For more information, see “Using brands over various backgrounds.” Never print sub-brands smaller than a height of 10mm in either standard or reverse versions.

The DIRECTV™ secondary colors have been derived from the colors used in the sub-brand brandmarks. DIRECTV secondary colors, shown at right, should be used as accents, never as primary identifiers, and should be matched as closely as possible to the formulas provided.





In lieu of use Pantone Yellow 4/C: Y-100 Trumatch: 12a

In lieu of use Pantone 235 4/C: C-3 M-100 K-42 Trumatch: 48-a7(+c3)

In lieu of use Pantone 145 4/C: M-47 Y-85 K-12 Trumatch: 8-b2

In lieu of use Pantone 2573 4/C: C-42 M-55 Trumatch: 39-d



Light Blue


In lieu of use Pantone 2665 4/C: C-77 M-100 K-18 Trumatch: 39-a3

In lieu of use Pantone 347 4/C: C-100 Y-100 Trumatch: 19-a

In lieu of use Pantone 298 4/C: C-70 K-6 Trumatch: 30-c1

In lieu of use Pantone 032 4/C: M-91Y-87

The formulas are intended for use in coated and uncoated print applications. PANTONE® are provided for reference purposes only.

PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

sub brands: black and white & reverse versions Black and white and reverse versions of DIRECTV™ sub-brands are available as electronic files—the only versions that should be used.

Using colors primary colors Used consistently, DIRECTV™ primary colors, blue and black, become associated with our name, our channels, our programming, and the quality of service we provide. In short, they become part of our identity. For this reason, no other colors may be used except as accents, as described below.

DIRECTV Blue In lieu of use Pantone 286 4/C: C-100 M-60 Y-0 K-6 Trumatch: Similar to 35-a1

secondary colors clear space & minimum size





Always surround sub-brands with a clear space equivalent to the height of the blue symbol in order to give them the prominence they deserve. Do not allow type, graphic elements, or trimmed edges to violate this clear space. A brand may be printed over or dropped out of a photograph, provided the edge is outside the clear space. For more information, see “Using brands over various backgrounds.” Never print sub-brands smaller than a height of 10mm in either standard or reverse versions.

The DIRECTV™ secondary colors have been derived from the colors used in the sub-brand brandmarks. DIRECTV secondary colors, shown at right, should be used as accents, never as primary identifiers, and should be matched as closely as possible to the formulas provided.





In lieu of use Pantone Yellow 4/C: Y-100 Trumatch: 12a

In lieu of use Pantone 235 4/C: C-3 M-100 K-42 Trumatch: 48-a7(+c3)

In lieu of use Pantone 145 4/C: M-47 Y-85 K-12 Trumatch: 8-b2

In lieu of use Pantone 2573 4/C: C-42 M-55 Trumatch: 39-d



Light Blue


In lieu of use Pantone 2665 4/C: C-77 M-100 K-18 Trumatch: 39-a3

In lieu of use Pantone 347 4/C: C-100 Y-100 Trumatch: 19-a

In lieu of use Pantone 298 4/C: C-70 K-6 Trumatch: 30-c1

In lieu of use Pantone 032 4/C: M-91Y-87

The formulas are intended for use in coated and uncoated print applications. PANTONE® are provided for reference purposes only.

PANTONE® is a registered trademark of Pantone, Inc.

Using brands over backgrounds

For more information For more detailed information—or for answers to questions not covered in this manual—please contact:


Rubens Taveira Director of Marketing 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Telephone: 954-958-3466 e-mail: Ianna Raim Special Projects 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Telephone: 954-958-3271 e-mail:


When printing a brand over a background tint or color, it’s important to avoid creating an environment that competes with the brand or that causes the brand to vibrate or fade out. The best solution is to choose background colors from the DIRECTV™ secondary color palette. When a non-palette background color is called for, always choose colors that complement DIRECTV primary colors and offer a different contrast value.


If the color is dark, use a reverse brand containing a white field. If the color is white, print it using a positive standard brand. When working with a photograph, be certain the brandmark reads perfectly – or reconsider your layout. Avoid printing the brandmark over any detailed or high contrast areas in a photograph.

To obtain electronic artwork—please contact: Dannielle Kukar Creative Services Manager 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Telephone: 954-958-3233 e-mail:

Using brands over backgrounds

For more information For more detailed information—or for answers to questions not covered in this manual—please contact:


Rubens Taveira Director of Marketing 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Telephone: 954-958-3466 e-mail: Ianna Raim Special Projects 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Telephone: 954-958-3271 e-mail:


When printing a brand over a background tint or color, it’s important to avoid creating an environment that competes with the brand or that causes the brand to vibrate or fade out. The best solution is to choose background colors from the DIRECTV™ secondary color palette. When a non-palette background color is called for, always choose colors that complement DIRECTV primary colors and offer a different contrast value.


If the color is dark, use a reverse brand containing a white field. If the color is white, print it using a positive standard brand. When working with a photograph, be certain the brandmark reads perfectly – or reconsider your layout. Avoid printing the brandmark over any detailed or high contrast areas in a photograph.

To obtain electronic artwork—please contact: Dannielle Kukar Creative Services Manager 2400 E. Commercial Blvd. Ft. Lauderdale, FL Telephone: 954-958-3233 e-mail:

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