FA L C O N 2000EX
In the rarified air where the makers of large business jets compete, Dassault has always offered the widest selection. Now the Falcon family has a new fifth member in the Falcon 2000EX. This twinjet, based on the top-selling Falcon
2000 airframe, uses Pratt & Whitney Canada engines. It can sprint up to 3800 nautical miles
Getting there first is paramount. As your
FA L C O N 2000EX
business grows and reaches toward new Anchorage
international markets, so must your airplane.
at .80 Mach and fly shorter trips even faster.
Now you can sharply reduce your travel
Chicago All with a roomier cabin and a stingier fuel
Paris time by flying 3800 nm nonstop at .80 Mach.
New York
Even with headwind legs like... burn than anything else in the category.
Miami Dubai
> > >
Paris to New York Dubai to London Anchorage to Seoul
Of course, you can fly shorter trips like New York to Los Angeles, or across the Atlantic eastbound, at even faster speeds.
All performance data is preliminary and based on standard aircraft weights.
S達o Paulo
FA L C O N 2000EX
The widebody cabin of the Falcon 2000EX is a quiet, inviting environment. Consider its standup height of 6 feet
2 inches, its generous width of 7 feet 8 inches at shoulder height—the same large section as our flagship Falcon 900 series. In a Falcon, you can work, relax and move about the cabin with ease. And every amenity is at your fingertips, installed with ingenuity and craftsmanship by our very own completion center in Little Rock.
FA L C O N 2000EX
The Falcon 2000EX is endowed with a brand-new engine, the PW308C, developed specifically for this aircraft by Pratt & Whitney Canada. Remember the number 7000. Each PW308C delivers 7000 pounds of thrust on
takeoff (sea level, 30˚C), giving it 18% more power than the original
Falcon 2000. Impressively, its TBO (Time Between Overhauls) will be 7000 hours on entry into service. The Falcon 2000EX will climb to 41,000 feet in just twenty-one minutes. Fuel efficiency is another strong point, with a miserly TSFC of only 0.670 at 45,000 feet at .80 Mach. The PW308C uses Nordam’s new advanced single-pivot thrust reverser, which is more aerodynamic and designed for safe, reliable operation. PAYLOAD
VS .
MACH .80
8000 lb 6000
Reliability, warranty and service are hallmarks of the Pratt & Whitney reputation. The PW308C is optimized for ease of maintenance. Its IPPS (Integrated Power Plant System) warranty covers engines for 5 years or 3000 hours, and nacelles and thrust reversers for 5 years or 5000 hours. ESP (Eagle Service Plan) gives comprehensive maintenance insurance at reasonable hourly rates. An “On Condition” maintenance program is available, subject to local regulatory authority approval.
4000 2000 6 Passengers
0 1000
Standard aircraft with NBAA IFR reserves.
Range (nm)
FA L C O N 2000EX
Every Falcon cockpit is a command center par excellence, and the Falcon 2000EX is faithful to this standard. Its layout is spacious and ergonomically correct, easing fatigue. Large flat windows maximize your visibility. Integrated digital avionics (with optional head-up
guidance) improve the precision and efficiency of flight.
Falcons are famous for their flying qualities, their steady ride combined with silky smooth and fighter-like maneuverability. Their slow approach speeds and wide performance margins constitute a major safety advantage.
FA L C O N 2000EX
The RIGHT SIZE , RANGE and SPEED. And, the right time—because the order book is open now, for deliveries (following certification) starting in 2003. You may well say this big new Falcon embodies every feature you’ve wanted in a business jet. It’s a speedy, long-legged distance runner that can do 3800 nm at .80 Mach—and save you even more time on shorter trips that are your bread and butter. Its quiet and voluminous cabin belies the understated “ramp image” the Falcons traditionally represent. Best of all, like all Falcons, the 2000EX springs unmistakably from Dassault’s way of building fighter aircraft. Falcons are strong and agile. Their military heritage makes them regarded as the best designed, best built, best flying business jets at the top of the market.
DIMENSIONS Length Height Wing Span Cabin Height, Max. Cabin Width, Max. Passenger Cabin Length (Cockpit separator to baggage door) Total Cabin Volume (Cockpit separator to baggage door) Total Baggage Volume
66 ft 4 in. 23 ft 2 in. 63 ft 5 in. 6 ft 2 in. 7 ft 8 in. 26 ft 2 in. 1,024 cu ft 130.6 cu ft
WEIGHTS Max. Ramp Weight Max. Takeoff Weight Max. Landing Weight Max. Zero Fuel Weight Max. Fuel Basic Operating Weight Max. Payload Payload with Max. Fuel
40,900 lb 40,700 lb 38,300 lb 29,700 lb 15,970 lb 23,160 lb 6,540 lb 1,770 lb
PERFORMANCE NBAA IFR Range 6 Passengers, .80M, No Wind, NBAA IFR Reserves Balanced Field Length (SL, ISA) Initial Cruise Altitude (MTOW, ISA+10C) Max. Certified Altitude Normal Cruise Speed Approach Speed (VREF) Landing Distance (Typical Landing Weight)
3,800 nm 5,760 ft 41,000 ft 47,000 ft Mach .80 112 kt 2,633 ft
FALCON 2000EX WARRANTIES Major Airframe Components & Equipment Manufactured or Specified by Dassault Aviation Standard Avionics Engines APU Interior Completion and Exterior Paint Maintenance Labor
10 years or 10,000 flight hours 5 years or 5,000 flight hours 5 years or 5,000 flight hours 5 years or 3,000 operating hours 5 years or 2,000 operating hours 1 year or 1,000 flight hours 6 months or 500 flight hours
FA L C O N 2000EX You can learn more about the Falcon family by visiting our website at www.falconjet.com. Or, for more specific information on the new 2000EX, call us at the numbers shown on the back cover.
All performance data is preliminary and based on standard aircraft weights.