EL PUENTE Newsletter of the Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez Volume 24, Number 01, Year 2010 In this issue Revised rules for traffic control devices in the MUTCD 2009 P.1 Commercial and bus drivers banned from texting while driving P.2 MASH 2009 replaces NCHRP350 for new road safety hardware P.3 Center news
Transportation week at UPRM
Training workshops & seminars P.10 Meet the trainer
Message from the editor
Revised rules for traffic control devices in the MUTCD 2009 States must adopt the 2009 National MUTCD as their legal State standard for traffic control devices within two years. Visit mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov for details. The new version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) was released on December 16, 2009. The MUTCD is the national standard for all traffic control devices used in all streets, highways, bikeways, and private roads open to public travel, ensuring the uniformity of traffic control devices across the nation to help reduce crashes and traffic congestion. “Safety is this Department’s top priority” declared Ray LaHood, U.S. Transportation Secretary, during the release of the comprehensive update of the MUTCD. “These new and updated standards will help make our nation’s roads and bridges for drivers, construction workers and pedestrians alike”. The MUTCD 2009 promotes the “complete streets” concept, an effort to ensure roads accommodate all types of travel modes, not just the automobile. Among the new and updated requirements include brighter, larger, and more legible highway signs, adding different lane markings for non-continuing lanes, extending walk times for pedestrians at intersections, better pavement markings for bike lanes, use of high visibility garments by road workers, adding overhead lane use control signs in multi-lane roadways, expanding the use of flashing yellow arrow signals, and identifying electronic toll lanes. This article presents some of the main changes in the MUTCD 2009 related to pavement markings and traffic signals. Previous editions of EL PUENTE presented the proposed changes in Part 2 Signs and Part 6 Temporary Traffic Control. (article continues in page 4)
New Technical Resources in our Library: ● AASHTO Manual for
Assessing Safety Hardware ● FHWA Comprehen-
sive Intersection Resource Library DVD ● FHWA Manual on
Uniform Traffic Control Devices 2009 ● FHWA Red-Light Run-
ning Handbook ● FHWA Sign Retrore-
flectivity Toolkit CDROM
The Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center is part of a network of 58 centers through the United States that comprises the Local Technical Assistance Program (LTAP) and the Tribal Technical Assistance Program (TTAP), which enable local governments, counties, and cities, to improve their roads and bridges by supplying them with a variety of training programs, an information clearinghouse, new and existing technology updates, personalized technical assistance, and newsletters.
Commercial and bus drivers banned from texting while driving Twenty states, Washington, D.C., and Guam have already approved laws banning texting while driving for all drivers. The use of cell phones and other electronic devices while driving is a significant and growing concern, particularly since it has increased exponentially in recent years.
The FMCSA is working on additional regulatory measures to avoid the use of electronic devices while driving that will be announced in coming months.
Research indicates that texting while driving represents an even greater risk than talking on a cell phone. Texting while driving involves a convergence of visual, manual, and cognitive distractions that make this practice especially hazardous and potentially deadly. The federal government enacted a ban on all large commercial trucks and bus drivers from sending text messages while at the wheel to tackle distracted driving, which claims thousands of lives on roads each year. This federal rule is applicable to all interstate drivers of Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMV’s) subject to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations. The prohibition was announced on January 26, 2010 by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and was immediately putted on effect. Drivers violating the ban could lead to civil or criminal penalties such as fines of up to $2,750.
Types of Distractions
"We want the drivers of big rigs and buses and those who share the roads with them to be safe." said Secretary LaHood during the announcement of the initiative. "This is an important safety step and we will be taking more to eliminate the threat of distracted driving."
Visual taking your eyes off the road
President Obama also signed the Executive Order 13513 Federal Leadership on Reducing Text Messaging While Driving, effective December 30, 2009, directing all federal employees and contractors to not engage in text messaging while:
Manual taking your hands off the wheel
Cognitive -
you’re doing
Nearly 6,000 people died and more than 500,000 were injured in 2008 in crashes involving a distracted driver in the United States.
Using a cell phone while driving, whether it’s hand-held or hands-free, delays driver's reaction as much as having a blood alcohol concentration of .08%.
Younger and inexperienced drivers under 20 years old have the highest proportion of distraction-related fatal crashes.
Drivers who send and receive text messages take their eyes off the road for an average of 4.6 seconds out of every 6 seconds while texting. At 55 miles per hour, this means that the driver is traveling the length of a football field, including the end zones, without looking at the road.
Drivers who text while driving are more than 20 times more likely to get in an crash than non-distracted drivers.
Driving a vehicle that is owned, leased, or rented by the government.
Driving privately-owned vehicles whilst on official government business.
Visit www.distraction.gov to learn about the U.S. DOT safety strategies, such as the “PUT IT DOWN” national campaign to combat distracted driving.
Using electronic equipment supplied by the government to text while driving any vehicle.
Sources: U.S. DOT 14 -10 News Release and distraction.gov
taking your mind off what
Safety facts and stats on distracted drivers
MASH 2009 replaces NCHRP350 for new road safety hardware The NCHRP report 350 was published in 1993 to provide full-scale crash testing criteria and safety performance assessment for road safety hardware. There were 17,818 fatal roadway departure crashes in the United States in the year 2008, resulting in 19,794 fatalities . 2008 Road Fatalities in the United States
The impact speed for single-unit truck tests is increased from 80 km/h to 90 km/h to better distinguish the TL-4 test from TL-3.
The small car impact angle is increased from 20 to 25 degrees to match the impact angle used with light truck testing.
The impact angle for length-of-need testing of terminals and crash cushions is increased from 20 to 25 degrees to match that for longitudinal barriers.
The impact angle for oblique end impacts for gating terminals and crash cushions is reduced from 15 to 5 degrees.
The critical impact point for the small car terminal test is defined as the point where the terminal behavior changes from redirection to gating.
24% 47% 10% 2% 17% Non roadway departure
Run-off road right
Run-off road left
Unknown roadway departure
A roadway departure crash is defined as a nonintersection crash which occurs after a vehicle crosses an edge line or a center line, or otherwise leaves the traveled way. One of the engineering strategies often used to reduce the severity of run-off-road crashes is the installation of proper road safety hardware. The AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH), in effect since May 2009, presents uniform guidelines for crash testing permanent and temporary highway safety features and recommends evaluation criteria to asses test results. MASH is an update to and supersedes the NCHRP Report 350 for the purpose of evaluating new safety hardware devices. MASH does not supersede any guidelines contained within the AASHTO Roadside Design Guide. Some of the major changes in test matrices, test vehicles, and evaluation criteria are summarized.
Changes in Test Matrices
Length-of-need tests with the pickup truck are required to meet occupant risk criteria.
Longitudinal channelizers are added as a category and a test matrix is recommended.
Changes in Test Vehicles
The 820C vehicle (820 kg small car) is replaced by the 1100C (1100 kg small car).
The 2000P vehicle (2000 kg pickup truck) is replaced by the 2270P (2270 kg pickup truck).
The single unit truck mass increases from 8,000 kg to 10,000 kg.
The light truck test vehicle must have a minimum center of gravity height of 28 inches.
(article continues in page 9)
Revised rules for traffic control devices… MUTCD formatting Paragraph numbering and paragraph cross references were added to the MUTCD. Metric dimensions were removed from the text. Metric conversions are now provided in an appendix.
Section 3B.04 White Lane Line Pavement Markings and Warrants A new Standard requires that dotted lines, rather than broken lines, shall be used for separating non-continuing lanes from through lanes at:
Lane drops at intersections and interchanges
Auxiliary lanes
Deceleration and acceleration lanes
Part 1 General Several definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations were revised or added to Part 1. Table 1A-2 indicates the abbreviations for messages in portable changeable message signs.
The color PURPLE was assigned to identify lanes restricted to use only by vehicles with restricted electronic toll collection accounts.
This Standard applies to freeways, expressways, and conventional roads. A compliance date of 12/31/2016, or resurfacing, whichever occurs first, is established for replacing any existing broken lane lines for these conditions with dotted lane lines.
Part 3 Markings
Section 3B.16 Stop and Yield Lines
Section 3A.02 Standardization of Application
New Standards and Guidance were added to indicate the use of Stop and Yield lines.
Section 1A.12 Color Code
The MUTCD clarifies that the temporary masking of markings no longer applicable to road conditions is to be “approximately the same color as the pavement” to avoid road user confusion as to which path to follow.
Stop lines shall not be used at locations where drivers are required to yield.
Yield lines shall not be used at locations where drivers are required to stop in compliance with a traffic control device.
Yield (or Stop) lines and Yield Here To (or Stop Here For) Pedestrians signs should not be used in advance of crosswalks that cross an approach to or departure from a roundabout as these lines would be too close to the yield lines and yield signs at the entry to the circulatory roadway and could be confusing to road users.
Stop and Yield lines may be staggered longitudinally on a lane-by-lane basis to improve drivers’ view of pedestrians and sight distance for turning vehicles, and to increase the turning radius for left-turning vehicles.
Section 3B.01 Yellow Centerline Pavement Markings and Warrants A new Standard clearly prohibits the use of a single solid yellow line as a center line marking on a two-way roadway.
(continues from page 1)
Section 3B.17 Do Not Block Intersection Markings
B. an ADT of 15,000 vehicles per day or greater, with a raised median or refuge island.
A section was added with provisions for the use of markings to indicate it is illegal for a driver to block an intersection. Four markings alternatives are authorized, including word messages, a white box, and a cross-hatching.
A new Chapter 3C titled Roundabout Markings was added that includes updated practices for pavement markings at single-lane and multi-lane roundabouts, including lane lines, edge lines, yield lines, crosswalk markings, and pavement word, arrow, and symbol markings. Example of Markings for Single-lane Roundabout
Section 3B.18 Crosswalk Markings New Guidance statements are added reflecting the results of recent safety research studies. At locations controlled by traffic control signals or on approaches controlled by STOP signs, crosswalk lines should be installed where engineering judgment indicates they are needed to direct pedestrians to the proper crossing path. At locations across uncontrolled approaches, an engineering study should be performed before installing a crosswalk marking. Factors to consider include the number of lanes, the presence of a median, the distance from adjacent signalized intersections, the pedestrian volumes and delays, the average daily traffic (ADT), the posted speed limit, or 85th percentile speed, the geometry of the location, the possible consolidation of multiple crossing points, the availability of street lighting, and other appropriate factors. New marked crosswalks alone, without other substantial measures to reduce speeds, shorten crossing distance, enhance driver awareness of crossing, and/or provide active warning of pedestrian presence, should not be installed across uncontrolled roadways with four or more travel lanes, speed limits exceeding 40 mph, and either:
A new Chapter 3D Markings for Preferential Lanes consolidates all the information about markings for special types of restricted-use lanes, such as bicycle lanes, bus only lanes, HOV and HOT lanes, electronic toll lanes, and other forms of managed lanes. Information is added about longitudinal pavement markings for buffer -separated left-hand and right-hand side preferential lanes, and for counter-flow preferential lanes on divided highways. Additional new chapters include Chapter 3E, Markings for Toll Plazas, to increase pavement marking uniformity at toll plazas and Chapter 3J, Rumble Strip Markings, to address the proper use of markings in combination with transverse and longitudinal rumble strips.
Part 4 Highway Traffic Signals Section 4C.04 Warrant 3, Peak Hour Indicates that a signal installed based only on this warrant should be traffic-actuated and may be operated in flash-mode during the hours when the warrant is not met.
A. an ADT of 12,000 vehicles per day or greater, without a raised median or refuge island; or PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER
(continues on next page)
Revised rules for traffic control devices… Section 4C.05 Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Two new criteria replace the former two criteria in the MUTCD, based on a combination of vehicular and pedestrian volumes for either 4hours or a single peak hour, and only one of the criteria needs to be met. The net effect of the revisions is that this warrant is slightly easier to meet with lower pedestrian volumes on streets with high vehicle volumes, but it is slightly more difficult to meet on streets with low vehicle volumes. In addition, signals based only on Warrant 4 (pedestrian volume) or Warrant 5 (school crossing) should also con trol th e min or street or driveway. Section 4D.04 Meaning of Vehicular Signal Indications The definition of “Intersection” was reviewed (Sect. 1A.13), indicating that at a location controlled by a traffic signal, these areas shall also be part of the intersection: •On approach: area beyond stop line or crosswalk •On departure: area extending to far side of crosswalk Clarified meanings of flashing yellow and flashing red (circular and arrow) signal indications (including for pedestrians) and the use of flashing circular red as beacons supplementing another device are included in this section. A flashing yellow arrow indication in a separate signal face is included as an optional alternative to a circular green for permissive left-turn movements. The flashing yellow arrow has a high level of understanding and correct response by left-turn drivers and a lower failcritical rate than the circular green. A new option is added allowing the use of a flashing red arrow for permissive turn movements, but only in circumstances where an engineering study determines that each succes-
(continues from page 5)
sive vehicle must come to a full stop before making the turn permissively. It is clarified that a flashing green signal indication, countdown vehicular signals, or similar displays intended to provide a “pre-yellow warning” interval are specifically prohibited because they lengthen the “dilemma zone” and thereby result in increased crash rates. Section 4D.07 Size of Vehicular Signal Indications Twelve-inch diameter indications are required for all new traffic control signal faces, except for six special circumstances. A “grandfather” clause for existing 8-inch signal indications not covered by the new Options allows retaining the indications for the remainder of their useful life. Section 4D.11 Number of Signal Faces on an Approach A clarification is included that two signal faces are required for a straight-through movement if it exists, even if it is not the major movement on the approach. This ensures that the straightthrough movement, or major signalized turning movement in absence of a straight-through movement, contains redundant signal faces, in case of one of the signal faces fails. A Guidance is also added about the number, location, and design of signal faces at intersections where approach speeds are 45 mph or higher (shown in figure below).
A Guidance recommends that the same design and layout provisions should also be for be considered for any major urban or suburban arterial street with four or more lanes, even if the speeds are less than 45 mph. Section 4D.13 Lateral Positioning of Signal Faces A new Standard requires that if an overhead signal is installed for a dedicated turn lane, the separate turn face shall be located over the turn lane. A Guidance is added that circular green indications for permissive left-turns should not be located over or in front of the left-turn lane. Sections 4D.17 to 4D.20: Signal indications for left turns The new MUTCD removed provisions that allowed the use of separate left-turn signal faces that include circular green indications for permissive turns.
indication in a protected-only mode left turn signal face, and no LEFT TURN SIGNAL signs are required. New sections and figures are added in order to enhance understanding of the correct application of the relatively complex requirements and options for turn signals. Section 4D.26 Yellow Change and Red Clearance Intervals A Standard is added to indicate that the durations of the yellow change interval and, when used, the red clearance interval, shall be determined using engineering practices. The compliance date for this standard is 12/31/2014 or when timing adjustments are made. Section 4E.06 Pedestrian Intervals and Signal Phases The new MUTCD provides a change in the relationship of the display of the flashing upraised hand to the display of yellow change and red clearance intervals. New requirement indicates a minimum 3 second “buffer� interval between the end of the pedestrian change interval (flashing UPRAISED HAND display) and the release of any conflicting vehicular movements. During the buffer interval, a steady UPRAISED HAND must be displayed. The sum of the time of the pedestrian change interval and the buffer interval shall not be less than the calculated ped clearance time. The recommended walking speed for calculating the pedestrian clearance time is reduced from 4 feet per second to 3.5 feet per second.
A Standard is added that prohibits the use of a protected-only mode left-turn (or right-turn) phase that begins or ends at a different time than the adjacent through movements unless an exclusive left (or right) turn lane is provided. The Option of using a circular red i n d i ca ti on in a protected-only mode turn signal face is deleted. A red arrow is the only allowed red
A Guidance added that the total of the walk phase and pedestrian clearance time should be enough to allow a pedestrian to walk from the pedestrian detector to the opposite edge of the traveled way at a speed of 3.0 feet per second. New installations of pedestrian signals must use pedestrian countdown displays, except where the duration of the pedestrian change interval is 7 seconds or less. The PR-LTAP Center will be offering seminars to discuss the main changes in the MUTCD. Check the seminar calendar at our web page to know dates and locations. (Information Source: FHWA MUTCD Team)
Center news Superb participation of UPRM Students and PR-LTAP Center Directors at the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C. A delegation of nine students, the PR-LTAP Center Directors and two other professors from the Civil Engineering and Surveying Department of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez (UPRM) participated in the 89th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) held from January 10 to 14, 2010 in Washington, D.C. The TRB Meeting reunites annually around 10,000 professionals from around the world that share the new developments and research in transportation related topics. The students’ participation to TRB was sponsored by the Dwight David Eisenhower Transportation Fellowship of the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The 2009-2010 UPRM Eisenhower Fellowship Recipients are: Carlos Calero, Jeannette Feliciano, Ivelisse Gorbea, Alvin Nieves, Máximo Polanco, Zaida Rico, Liza Ríos, Reinaldo Silvestry y Víctor Uribe.
The UPRM students visited the headquarters of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and shared with fellow students from other ITE Student Chapters and ITE officials and members.
UPRM group at ITE headquarters. From left: Ivelisse Gorbea, Héctor Santiago (FHWA), Liza Ríos, Reinaldo Silvestry, Paul Eng -Wong (ITE International President), Jeannette Feliciano, Zaida Rico, Ray Davis (ITE) and PR-LTAP Directors Benjamín Colucci and Alberto Figueroa.
From left: Henry Murdaugh (Eisenhower Fellowship Administrator), Víctor Uribe, Jaime Rivera (UPR-Río Piedras), Máximo Polanco, Carlos Calero, Alvin Nieves, Reinaldo Silvestry, Zaida Rico, Jeannette Feliciano, Liza Ríos, Ivelisse Gorbea and Dr. Benjamín Colucci.
Zaida Rico presented at the meeting her research titled Organizational Factors in Transit Services as part of the Innovative Doctoral Transportation Research session, where studies and new advances in the transportation field are exposed by doctoral students. Jeannette Feliciano presented her poster titled Driver Eye Movement during Merging Maneuvers into Incoming Highway Traffic showing her research results conducted during her participation in the Summer Exchange Program between the University of Rhode Island and the UPRM.
Another visit made by the UPRM Eisenhower Fellows included the facilities and laboratories of the FHWA Turner Fairbank Highway Research Center located in McLean, Virginia. Eng. Jorge Pagán Ortíz, Director of Research and Development of Infrastructure, accompanied the UPRM delegation to visit four of the laboratories of the Center. This federal highway research center is one of the most important in the American nation, with 24 laboratories that perform advanced researches for the development of road infrastructure in the US.
The UPRM group had the opportunity to meet researchers and scientists (in the above photo with Paul Tremont), learn about recent studies being conducted at Turner Fairbank and about the opportunities and challenges in transportation research.
MASH 2009 replaces NCHRP350…
(continued from page 3)
The option for using passenger car test vehicles older than 6 years is removed.
Maximum roll and pitch angles are set at 75 degrees.
Truck box attachments on test vehicles are required to meet published guidelines.
External vehicle crush must be documented using National Automotive Sampling System (NASS) procedures.
The subjective criteria for evaluating exit conditions are eliminated; reporting the exit box evaluation criterion is required.
Documentation on vehicle rebound in crash cushion test is required.
Changes in Evaluation Criteria
MASH Implementation Plan The windshield damage evaluation and the occupant compartment damage evaluation use quantitative, instead of qualitative, criteria. Windshield damage criteria is applied to permanent support structures, in addition to work zone traffic control devices. All evaluation criteria will be pass/fail, eliminating the “marginal pass”.
Transportation Week at the UPR-Mayaguez is an annual celebration held to disseminate the importance of transportation for our quality of life. This event is free of charge and is open to all the community. The event organizers are the Student Chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers and the PR-LTAP Center.
Traffic Safety — Tuesday, April 27 Different exhibitions, simulations, theatrical plays, interactive talks, and information booths from different safety-related organizations will be presented at the UPR-Mayaguez Students’ Center and the Angel F. Espada Parking Lot from 9 AM to 4 PM.
All highway safety hardware accepted prior to the adoption of MASH using criteria contained in NCHRP Report 350 may remain in place and may continue to be manufactured and installed. The highway safety hardware accepted using NCHRP Report 350 criteria does not require being retested using MASH criteria. However, new highway safety hardware not previously assessed must utilize MASH for testing and evaluation.
Activities on April 28-30 will be held at the Civil Engineering Auditorium at UPR-Mayaguez or at the CIAPR-Chapter House in Miradero, Mayaguez.
Sustainability in Transportation — Wednesday, April 28 Transportation Infrastructure — Thursday, April 29 Workforce Development in Transportation — Friday, April 30 Visit our webpage www.uprm.edu/prt2/ for a complete list and schedule of activities and organizations participating during UPRM Transportation Week.
Training workshops & seminars
10-hr. OSHA Accreditation for Safety in Areas of Road Construction
Instructor: Mr. Omar López, ARTBA Instructor This seminar will be offered in four different locations Dates: April 12-13, 2010, Place: CIAPR-Mayagüez, Hours: (Apr. 12) 8:00AM-4:00PM, (Apr. 13) 8:00AM-1:00PM Dates: April 15-16, 2010, Place: AMA-San Juan, Hours: (Apr. 15) 8:00AM-4:00PM, (Apr. 16) 8:00AM-1:00PM Dates: April 19-20, 2010, Place: St. Thomas, Hours: (Apr. 19) 8:00AM-4:00PM, (Apr. 20) 8:00AM-1:00PM Date: April 22-23, 2010, Place: St. Croix, Hours: (Apr. 22) 8:00AM-4:00PM, (Apr. 23) 8:00AM-1:00PM
Construction Engineering Management
Instructor: Dr. Francisco Maldonado, UPR-Mayaguez Date: April 21-22, 2010, Place: CIAPR-Mayaguez, Hours: 8:30 AM—4:30 PM
Changes in the New Version of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices MUTCD 2009
Instructor: Dr. Alberto M. Figueroa Medina, UPR-Mayaguez Date: April 28, 2010, Place: University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez, Civil Engineering Auditorium, Hours: 1:00-4:30 PM For more information about our seminars and how to register please contact: Ms. Grisel Villarrubia at (787) 834-6385 or at grisel.villarubia1@upr.edu or visit our website at www.uprm.edu/prt2.
Omar Lopez, a native of Ecuador, is a Spanish language specialist and safety training instructor for the American Road and Transportation B uil de rs As sociatio n (ARTBA). He is the lead instructor for ARTBA’s minority and disadvantaged worker training program, conducted under contract to the Washington, D.C. Department of Transportation. Fluent in both English and Spanish, Omar also provides translation services for the association’s publications and training materials. Before coming to ARTBA in early 2007, Omar served as a translator assisting with labor arbitration cases. He earned an associate law degree in Ecuador before moving to the USA, where he is now pursuing a degree in Business Administration. According to Omar, “promoting safety awareness through Spanish-language materials and training courses is a very rewarding job because it directly helps people who may not know how to work safely or where to go for help. It is gratifying working with ARTBA and transportation because I know there are workers who return home every day to their love ones safe and healthy because of what we do—and that is a very valuable reward.”
Meet the Trainer: Omar López EDUCATION AND TRAINING
MBA – Northern Virginia Community College (In progress)
School of Law - University of Loja, Quito, Ecuador (Associate law degree)
ESL – English as-a-Second Language NOVA
OSHA 500 Certified Instructor: OSHA 10 and 30 hours
National Safety Council Certified Instructor; Flagger Safety, First Aid-CPR
FHWA – NHI Advanced Work Zone Management and Design
Courses in Building Construction, Construction Management, and Cost Estimating.
Message from the Editor Welcome to our first edition of the EL PUENTE newsletter for 2010. We have decided to give our magazine a new face to keep it fresh and improve its reading. In this issue you will learn about the main aspects and changes for traffic control devices and crash protection roadside hardware included in the MUTCD 2009 and MASH, respectively. These manuals were published recently by FHWA and AASHTO, respectively, and both have major relevance to improve the safety of our highways and streets. In this issue, we added a new section titled “Meet the trainer” devoted to portrait our trainers to allow our readers to know about the excellent group of professionals serving our customers at the seminars in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Heading into its 24th anniversary this year, the PR-LTAP Center is more committed than ever to satisfy the transportation information needs of its local and state stakeholders. Tell us what you think about the magazine and share with us how we can improve it and what topics you would like to read about. Also, send us your requests about transportation technical information and training seminars by using the form below or writing to alberto.figueroa3@upr.edu or grisel.villarubia1@upr.edu. Thanks! Alberto M. Figueroa Medina, Ph.D., P.E.
Technical Information, Publication, Video or Training Request Form Please complete the following form:
NAME______________________________________________________________ TITLE _________________________________________________ MUNICIPALITY/AGENCY ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY_____________________________________________________ STATE ___________________ ZIP CODE______________________________ TELEPHONE__________________________ FAX _______________________________ E-MAIL ________________________________________
Help us keep updated our Mailing List by completing this form and sending it via FAX at (787) 265-5695. ADD ME TO THE MAILING LIST _______
Provide us with details of the situation, project, transportation issue, etc. that you seek information or technical assistance or request us a technical document, video or training/workshop manual from our transportation library. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS:___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Center’s staff welcomes all your comments and suggestions. To contact the Center, please send all correspondence to the following e-mail address or contact us at:
Phone: (787) 834-6385, Fax: (787) 265-5695, E-mail: gvilla@uprm.edu Website: http://www.uprm.edu/prt2/ PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER
PR LTAP Staff Benjamín Colucci Ríos Director Alberto M. Figueroa Medina Deputy Director Gisela González Program Administrator Grisel Villarubia Irmalí Franco Administrative Coordinators
EL PUENTE is published by the Puerto Rico Transportation Technology Transfer Center located at the Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying of the University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez.
Anthony Noriega Negrón Samuel E. Ortiz Angleró Mireya M. Quiñones Fernández Raymon Reyes Negrón Ismael A. Román Rivera Student Interns
EL PUENTE Newsletter VOL. 24, NO. 01, 2010
The opinions, findings, or recommendations expressed in this newsletter are those of the Center staff and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Highway Administration, the Puerto Rico Department of Transportation and Public Works, the Puerto Rico Highway and Transportation Authority, or the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Public Works.
EL PUENTE NEWSLETTER PUERTO RICO TRANSPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER CENTER University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying Call Box 9000, Mayagüez, PR 00681 787.834.6385 phone 787.265.5695 fax