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CLASS The Lizard Kings--a radical gang that claims the twentieth-century rock star Jim Morrison is a poet and god-like figure--are attacking helpless citizens and defacing property throughout lower Manhattan. You decide to intervene by:@3attacking the gang and stunning them with white noise grenades and taser guns and issuing a warning that next time you'll send them to 'the other side.'@decking into the net to retrieve all the songs and lyrics of The Doors' and The Beatles' songs and then convincing the gang that The Beatles were far more talented. Agreeing, the Lizard Kings change their name to The Yokos.@sneaking into the gang's lair and stealing a pair of leather trousers (which the Lizard Kings stole from Manhattan's Hard Rock Cafe) that belonged to Morrison thus hurting their morale.@1 @2 @3 The recent unification of North and South Dakota has left a radical group of South Dakotans quite unhappy. The leader of the group comes to Manhattan and offers to pay you a hefty sum to formulate a plot that will bring North Dakota to its knees. You:@3deck into cyberspace and manipulate North Dakota's government payroll database so that all civil service employees receive paychecks for 200,000 dollars on payday, thus creating financial chaos in the state.@assemble a home-made Electrical Storm grenade that will detonate at the opening session of the unified Dakota's parliament.@kidnap Bogart Fench, the newly elected Governor of Dakota, and hold him for ransom until the boundaries between the Dakotas are reestablished.@2 @3 @1 A former colleague, Toby Foo, asks you to dinner. After an expensive sushi dinner, Toby excuses himself but does not return from the men's room. Realizing that he has walked out on the bill, you seek revenge by:@4decking into the cybernet and transferring an ample sum from Toby's account to yours and then erasing Toby's entire savings account record to teach him a lesson.@waiting for Toby outside his Greenwich Village flat and socking him in the jaw with a set of sizzle knucks.@jury-rigging a flash grenade and placing it in Toby's mailbox to surprise him in the morning.@inviting Toby to dinner at the Geisha Bar where you have hired the Ranters to greet him and show him the error of his ways.@2 @1 @3 @1 Stopping in the Cafe Voltaire for a late supper and a stiff drink, you are approached by a beautiful woman who asks if she can join you. After dinner, you make your move. She hesitates. 'I only date men of substance,' she says. 'What do you do for a living?'@3'I'm the meanest bad-ass in this city,' you say, stroking the handle of your 9mm Anarchist's Special. 'I make my own rules and others live by them.'@'They call me the master of cyberspace. I can break, corrupt, and manipulate any computer system in existence.'@You smirk, saying, 'I'm the fastest talker, the slickest grifter, the most skilled thief, and the finest jury-rigger this city's ever seen. Watch your earrings, doll, or I may just swipe 'em.'@1 @2 @3 You score a hot program for the mid-town mafia, but the snakes pay you only half of what they promised--and they have the nerve to smile about it. You smile back, but no one stiffs Ransom Stark and gets away with it. In retaliation, you:@3begin to leave, then pull a concealed laser pistol from the inside of your sleeve and fire away.@wait, then, on your system at home, hack around for their financial accounts at various institutions, and start creating insufficient funds.@wait, then break into their headquarters in the abandoned Trump Tower, steal back the program, and sell it to a rival family.@1 @2 @3 They say that there is no more justice, no real government, only the governing power of TransTechnicals, the megacorporation that owns New York City. Your only

defense against this vast power owning you as well is to:@3take on the security robodrones that protect TransTechnicals' Brooklyn headquarters and gain entrance to the information that can be found within.@deck into the network they created and steal every byte of data that seems important.@collect what company information you can through contacts on the inside and sell it to rival foreign corporations for a profit.@1 @2 @3 At 3:00 a.m. on a hot night in the city that never sleeps, you can't seem to get any rest. There's nothing good on the holovision screen, so to put the time to good use, you:@3deck into the net, exploring areas of the matrix that you usually don't have time to cover during a job.@finally put together all those spare computer parts you've accumulated over the last few months and build a new decking unit.@keep surveillance on your neighbors across the alley who have been engaging in a lot of suspicious activity lately. Later, they may have to pay you to keep your mouth shut.@2 @3 @1 After programming a security system for a local pawn shop, the owner says he's short on cash and can only reimburse you in trade. You're angry, of course, but if you can't have cash, you would prefer to have:@3the sinusoidal pulse gun you've had your eye on.@an upgrade to your decking unit, allowing you to remain in the net longer.@a top-of-the-line decoder, giving you quick entry to most of the common security systems in the city.@1 @2 @3 A cab drops you off at the ruins of a mini mall in a deserted area of Queens. You arrive unarmed, as your clients demanded, with the program they've arranged to buy. From across the parking lot, you see your clients ready to do more than conduct business. You:@3tap into the communication line in an old phone booth nearby and manage to get the fire department sent out there on an emergency call.@construct a crude weapon from a nearby scrap heap.@pull out a .44 machine pistol. Nobody tells you to leave your weapon at home.@2 @3 @1 As a kid growing up on the lower east side, you always had the initiative to make a few bucks for the arcade by finding jobs around the neighborhood. Usually, you:@3picked up spare parts and trashed the neighborhood garbage bins for scraps of info, then sold them to the curious old man in your apartment building.@busted into your apartment building's phone system and made calls to your friends in Jersey on your neighbors' phone bills.@acted as lookout for the older kids in the neighborhood. You were known for keeping your mouth shut even after being beaten up by rivals.@3 @2 @1 As a teenager, you sometimes lifted a few wallets at Grand Central during rush hour to get some extra cash. You were only able to get a purchase or two off of each victim's cashcard before it was reported stolen and rendered useless. Because of that, you would:@3immediately hack into the cardholders' bank files and transfer funds into your own account as soon as you got the card.@pick their pocket, then replace their card with a useless card. It took longer for them to notice.@club them over the head when you ripped them off, slowing down their response time.@2 @3 @1 Many times you have hooked up a cybergenetic surgeon friend with potential clients. Now she owes you a favor and offers to let you borrow one of her specialties for a few weeks. You select:@3a cyberlimb with a retractable blade feature and knuckles that could crush steel.@a sensory augmentation chip that enhances observation with infrared vision.@a neuro chip that allows the bearer to maintain identity cohesion in cyberspace indefinitely.@1 @3 @2 New York News Center Six has discovered that a clone of their star news anchor has been made and will soon be appearing on the rival Channel 12 Fractal News complete with an enhanced hair transplant. News Center Six has commissioned you to put an end to this. You:@3follow the clone home from the station one night and eliminate him cleanly and quickly.@wait until he's hooked up to the neuroteleprompter during the show, then throw a data spider containing a language-debilitating bio-virus

into his system, putting him out of a job.@convince News Center Six to offer a large bribe, then, using the lure of money, success, and avoidance of pain, convince him to form a team with the original anchor on Six.@1 @2 @3 Your friend Tyrell has been exhibiting in the fashionable Brooklyn art district. You always found his work tiresome until you saw the piece that changed your mind about Persecution, the current subgenre of performance art. In it, the audience watches as:@3an unsuspecting volunteer is asked painful personal questions, then is stalked through a virtual maze and subjected to small electrical shocks until the audience witnesses a confession.@Tyrell 'chokes on consumerism' as he consumes the bankcards he has slyly pickpocketed from every member of the audience.@Tyrell decks volunteers into the net, doses them with hallucinogens, covers their arms in tatoos and immerses them in lukewarm water, then awaits their reactions when they deck out.@1 @3 @2 After being maimed by a nanoshredder, you face your own death and are offered the possiblity of cloning . Your body and personality can be copied, but your memories will not be your own. For a price you can choose a computer-generated past. You prefer to:@3roll the dice and take whatever random memories the computer gives you. You don't want to start your new life saddled with debt.@opt to start life over again implanted with the 'memories' of the spy novel hero you idolized as a child.@be decked into the net one more time, so that your identity can be dispersed, and hope that the new you can return to the matrix and resassemble the pieces.@3 @1 @2 At Central Park's Great Lawn, you see Darnth Garnell, one of the best of the oldtime security decoders. When he couldn't keep up with the technology, he couldn't get work. Now he's reduced to living in the shacks of the camps, barely surviving. To help, you:@3use your contacts to find him some temporary work.@hook up a few electrical and water lines to the village, then hack into the Heat Council to grant them the utilities free of charge.@score him and his neighbors some necessities--food, clothes, building supplies, weapons--to keep them on their feet for a while.@1 @2 @3 Times are tough in 2094 New York. But there are some things you would never go without, and there are sacrifices you are willing to pay for them. You would even:@3freelance for megacorp TransTechnicals rather than sell your decking unit.@be hired by a jealous husband to trail an unfaithful wife rather than sell your .44 and be unarmed.@work in a silicon chip-producing sweat shop rather than give up the computer system it took you years to build from parts.@2 @1 @3 You've always said that computer games were more fun when you were a kid. Sure, they were simpler, even crude, but you would often spend your last ten dollars to play your favorite:@3Virtual Spy, which allowed you to engage in adventures of espionage and national security.@Matrix Master, which allowed you to explore a simulation of the not-fully-designed cyberspace.@any old game for a few rounds. You would then attempt to bust into the machine and score the tokens stored inside.@1 @2 @3 As an alternative to the pablum on mainstream holovision, you and a group of friends have managed to create your own cult production and broadcast it nightly to any member of the public who wishes to unscramble it on their own set. The show often consists of:@3spreading information that TransTechnicals wants kept secret, including plans for new technology and the locations of secret data clusters in the net.@shock holofilms that show new methods of violence never before seen by the jaded public.@you showing the audience what is needed to rig up their own pirate broadcasts.@2 @1 @3 Ten years ago, a friend died and was put in cryonic storage. Before she went, she asked you to take care of her CyberHog, her prized antique Harley. You recently sold the bike for parts. Now a cure for her disease has been discovered. She's being thawed out. You:@3try to buy back the parts and reassemble the bike before she returns.@hack into an insurance

company and grant her a hefty death benefit. The money may ease the pain of her loss and get her off your back.@tell her what you did. If she gives you a hard time, threaten to put her back on ice.@3 @2 @1 While on a subway train from Brooklyn to Manhattan, the car you're riding in is taken by terrorists. They explain that they are former TransTech employees and they've had it with the establishment. They will hold you hostage until their demands are met. You:@3befriend them just to get close enough to attack with the array of high-tech weaponry you always take along when taking the subway.@jury-rig the car door to open as soon as you arrive at the next stop, then slip away.@bargain with them, offering to use your skills, if the hostages are let go, to break into TransTech's areas of cyberspace and do some real harm.@1 @3 @2 Your friend Benny swears by the benefits of smart drugs, and he always insists on making his own to assure purity and freshness. Before you go out one night, you agree to let him mix you a quick drink containing:@3a vasopressin supplement to give you a memory boost, making any cyberspace venture infinitely more productive (but leaving you mentally incompetent when you return.)@milacemide, giving you an alert mind and an articulate edge when cutting a deal (but leaving you numb and listless when it wears off.)@a nootropic home brew of his own that gives you a temporary boost of physical energy and strength (and a first class headache in the morning.)


Virtual Violence advertises a President's Day special: Thirty percent off any of their 'Carnage in Cyberspace' series. Excited, you:@4purchase time in the 'Bread and Circuses' virtual which simulates gladiatorial combat in imperial Rome.@purchase time in the 'Relentless Aerial Slaughter' virtual which allows you to run bombing raids on China of 2023.@purchase time in the 'Cities of Evisceration' virtual which thrusts you into a series of ambushes by gangs armed with laser and bio-weapons and juiced on adrenaline effectors.@purchase time in the 'Unprovoked Massacre' virtual, a multiplayer virtual in which you rack up points by shooting your way through civilian refugee camps.@19 23 1 2 #@21 14 #@21 22 1 2 #@20 # While exploring a WELL in cyberspace, you activate an intrusion countermeasure electronic that seals you in the WELL. You:@3realize that friends of yours will trace you to the WELL if you do not return in a few hours and resign yourself to waiting.@examine the WELL's architecture until you become familiar with the algorithms used in its programming. Reprogram the WELL's ICE so that it releases you.@introduce into the WELL's programming whatever viruses and programs are currently in your decking unit's memory in an attempt to crash the WELL.@26 2 #@14 25 #@25 # Using an address you lifted from the pocket of a drunken TransTechnicals middle manager, you deck into the cybernet and are surprised to find yourself in TransTechnicals' Notional Labs cyberspace. You:@4copy to your decking unit's memory the software that powers an Azrael Soul Box.@copy to your decking unit's memory the software that powers a level-four cloak.@locate the source code and documentation for the virtual architecture of TransTechnical's cyberspace and study it for as long as you dare remain in this area.@leave quickly for fear of being apprehended by security. Resolve to sell the address as soon as you are able.@26 #@27 #@25 26 27 #@7 #9 25 26 27 While in a night club, anarchist/entreprenuer Chiba Acheba offers to sell you a place in one of several illegal role-playing games conducted in cyberspace. Each, however, has potential dangers, so choose carefully. You:@3elect to participate in the 'Sherlock

Holmes' scenarios even though they require fairly lengthy interactions in cyberspace to complete them.@elect to participate in the 'King's Musketeers' scenarios even though they require a fair amount of travel through cyberspace to complete them.@elect to participate in the 'Hacker Crackdown' scenarios.@26 #@27 #@25 # Hassan Nouri, a young man of eighteen, begs you to mentor him in the art of decking and the ways of cyberspace. After much demurring, you give in and agree to teach him. The first thing that you teach him is:@4a series of meditation techniques and limited martial arts training to teach him concentration and control, useful abilities when confronted with the chaos of cyberspace.@a number of tricks and strategies you have learned over the years to help evade the watch of TransTechnicals security.@how to escape from a data cage.@ways to hack a memory chip to allow for increased decking unit storage capacity without a hardware upgrade.@26 #@27 #@6 25 #27 @25 # Avarice Savings Bank suspects a Syrian narcotics ring of employing deckers to launder money through accounts in its bank. They hire you to stop it. You:@3hook your body to an intravenous vitamin flow and deck into cyberspace intent on remaining in the net as long as it takes to discover evidence of the Syrian cyberpresence.@deck into the bank's data cluster at regular intervals and cloak your presence within the cluster's file structure, from which you can ambush the Syrians.@merge into the cluster a program of your own design that will attach a distinct signature to any denomination of money greater than fifty dollars that is removed or added to an account. The signature will act as a tracer.@26 #@27 #@25 # Years ago you worked for TransTechnicals as part of cyberspace security. You hated your job, but were good at it. What you did best was:@3apply your sensitive powers of perception to pierce the cloaks of outlaw data angels.@surf the matrix as a patrolling security presence, all the while learning about the structures of cyberspace.@attack rogue data angels with DisperWare designed to shred the rogue's data structure and scatter it throughout the net.@27 14 #@25 12 14 #@26 # While in cyberspace you meet a data angel whose body was murdered while he was decked in, leaving him trapped in the matrix. His Soul Box is decaying. He pleads for your assistance. You:@3transfer his consciousness into a Dragon Soul Box so that his data structure remains intact while you try to help him.@copy your level three and four cloaks into his data structure so that he can avoid TransTech security until you can help him.@pay a virtual scenario producer to patch this cyberlost's data angel into a virtual realty construct of Manhattan, thus providing him with familiar perceptual input.@26 #@27 #@25 # Known as the Virtual Louvre, the Merlou-Ponty Museum of Art and Perceptions houses the finest collection of virtual artwork. An anarchist's virus is causing the art to morph into undesired shapes. You are hired to investigate. You:@3implant cloak-piercing software of your own designed into the museum's matrix in hope of isolating the virus so that you can purge it.@install integrity-fortifying intrusion countermeasure electronics into the matrix of each work of art despite objections by the curator that this will change the meaning of each piece.@draw upon your experience working for TransTech security to install your own data angel into the museum's programming, alerting you the instant the virus makes its presence felt.@27 #@26 #@25 14 # While in cyberspace you encounter a barely perceivable data angel of a decker who is imprisoned in a maximum security prison for various information charges. He is using a crude decking unit smuggled to him. He appeals to you for help escaping from prison. You:@3locate the prison's data clusters and, under the protection of level four cloaks, deactivate the locks and alarms on this prisoner's cell.@transfer your consciousness from cyberspace to the prison computer and then to the processor in the lock on this prisoner's cell door. Spring the lock and prisoner.@deck into cyberspace, melt the intrusion countermeasure electronics

protecting the prison's data clusters, disable the security systems, then lead a party of mercenaries in an attack on the prison.@27 18 #@26 18 #@27 26 9 6 20 # After years of trying you pierce the barrier beyond TransTechnicals' cyberspace and gaze into the Great Endlessness of the global network. You:@3are driven to the edge of madness by the infinite arrays of data and constantly shifting visual input you encounter. You hastily retreat into TransTech cyberspace and mark your location for future use.@mark your position, exit the network, hit up the fences in Manhattan for the most sophisticated soul box you can obtain, and then launch yourself into the beyond.@are confident in the soundness of your data structure and your ability to surf the network and plunge ahead into the unknown.@12 25 #9 @26 9 10 #@26 25 9 10 # A data angel named Master of Disaster is somehow weakening your identity integrity every time you deck into the net. It looks like he's made it his mission to disperse you. You don't know what his story is, but he has become a real threat. You:@4get yourself a better grade of soul box to protect you from him, spending a lot of money you normally wouldn't have to.@track down his real-world identity through your network of contacts on the outside. Then you settle things the old fashioned way-with laser pistols and sizzle knucks.@track down his real-world location, hack into his system, and send the guy a virus.@find your way into TransTechnicals Cyberspace Security and add him to their hit list of violators and insurgents.@26 #9 @21 19 9 #@25 #@27 # A friend who explored forbidden areas of TransTech's cyberspace has been snared in a data cage. Her body, hooked up to her decking unit, will rot while her consciousness remains locked in cyberspace. Keeping her on life support is expensive. To help, you:@4attempt to cloak yourself in the net to approach and release her, even though it means risking your own safety.@hack into her family's financial records and give them the means to support her until you can find a way to free her.@track down the security watchdog who caught her and persuade him through bribery and intimidation to release your friend.@realize that she simply took the gamble that all deckers take and lost. It's not up to the rest of you to pick up the pieces.@27 9 18 #@25 #@11 13 #@12 #9 26 While in the net, you jack into TransTechnicals' Notional Labs. You discover chips that can be added to a deckers' consciousness, enhancing skills. You only have enough room in your decking unit to take one chip back with you. You choose:@4the language chip. You'll be multilingual and able to work deals with virtually anyone in New York.@a chip that enhances your senses, increasing your observation and reflexes.@a chip that enhances your decking integrity, allowing you to stay in the net as long as you want, without fear of your consciousness breaking up.@a chip with a function you are unsure of. It is labeled simply 'FOR LEVEL ONE CLEARANCE PERSONNEL ONLY.'@13 12 #@14 3 #@26 #@9 # A foreign industrialist will pay you well to obtain nanotechnology designs from TransTechnicals. A simple job, save for a difficult decision. The only way to get the classified designs will mean selling out your contacts--your friends for years--at TransTech. You:@4ask your friends to give you the plans, assuring them of confidentiality, then sell the plans and lose the friends. Life is tough.@stage a break-in at the nanotechnology lab, clearing your friends of any responsibility.@attempt to enter Notional Labs' well-guarded cyberspace well, risking your own safety.@sell the industrialists nanodesigns from another engineering associate of yours and pass them off as TransTechnicals' work.@13 15 #7 @4 18 #@27 9 18 #@7 4 # Sometimes the jobs that don't pay are the most rewarding. Sticking it to the corporate establishment gives you such satisfaction. Your favorite is:@3a novice hacker's staple--tapping the communication lines of public figures and selling the tapes to mainstream broadcasters who pay big.@breaking into the TransTech security system and nuking your friends'

criminal records.@prankstering--especially shutting down the megasystems of corps that tout claims of invulnerability.@25 4 15 #@25 4 #@25 6 # In exchange for scoring him a few electronics for his lab, you are offered one of his cybergenetic enhancement prototypes: a neurochip that enhances the decking experience. For now, his device can only enhance one feature of a deck. You prefer:@3the shadow chip, which allows the decker to explore virtually any area of cyberspace while remaining undetected.@the ying yang chip, which eliminates the threat of consciousness dispersion.@the ICEchip, allowing the decker to penetrate most lower-level cybersecurity.@27 #@26 #@27 18 # TransTechnicals is sponsoring the colonization of Mars. You have a chance to get in on the plans for the net between Earth and the colony. It could be profitable but it's risky and experimental; the matrix isn't stable yet. You could end up lost in the net forever.You:@3take the challenge, but commission an expert to build the most advanced decking unit possible, insuring your consciousness' safety, but costing a fortune.@wait until the matrix is stable. You will miss out on building a lucrative business early, but will keep yourself in one piece.@avoid the net, but capitalize on it by selling exclusive decking units to the colonists.@26 9 #@26 #9 @6 13 #9 Virtual sex on the net is always a pleasant diversion. Lately, however, there's been talk of you in certain cybercircles. It seems you've built quite a name for yourself and some are willing to pay you for your skills. When you start getting offers, you:@3decline. You just wouldn't feel right about it.@accept. Then, during it all, acquire the access codes of your partners, enabling you to return later and hack into their systems and gain possibly valuable information.@dupe your cyberpersonality in the net, so that you can have multiple clients and make some real money.@7 #@4 27 #@6 #7 You've always told yourself that if you knew you were about to be busted for your litany of hacking crimes, you would orchestrate your own death, get yourself a new identity, and start another career. You always planned to go about it by:@3staging a violent death for yourself, complete with signs of a bloody struggle.@becoming the opposite of your former self. Since you lived as an intellectual, you plan to cyberenhance your physical form and become a killing machine for hire.@making sure you never even existed, erasing all records bearing your name. When your work is done, no one will have proof that you ever were alive.@4 #@16 1 #12 @25 27 4 # Hackers are being busted all across the city as part of TransTechnicals' cybercrackdown. You have been accused of countless crimes, so you immediately:@3contact the press and start a media circus, delivering speeches against the tyranny of TransTech, rallying the public for the right to public information.@pay off the judge.@hack into TransTech's security through a friend's computer and eliminate the evidence against you.@13 12 6 #@11 #@27 25 4 # As a kid, you always enjoyed prankstering every year during the big Electronic Lifestyle Show at Javitz Center. You were most proud of:@3ruining General Circuitry's 'GC & America: We Care' exhibit by replacing their promo video with footage of the military weaponry they manufacture being used by kids.@rigging 'We Allow the Public to Enter--Briefly' day by programming the admission booths not to deduct the fee from guests' bank cards.@setting off EMP grenades when the show was being covered by the local press, rendering all the electronics useless.@4 #@16 25 4 #@16 24 # In cyberspace, you always:@3explore the net as a larger-than-life personality, gaining respect and building a reputation for yourself as a risk taker.@enter the net under a different identity to avoid having your activities traced.@assume another decker's personality in the net, pinning the responsibility for your illegal actions on a different sucker every time you deck.@6 9 #@27 4 #@4 #9 fferent sucker every time you deck.@6 9 #@27 4 #@4 #9 #9


eturning home on foot from a late night out, you foolishly take a short cut through the Greenwich Village warrens and are accosted by a Rage Gang looking for violence. You:@4set your white noise blaster at its widest setting and stun your attackers with an ear-splitting force blast.@flash them a big, sinister smile. This is the moment you've been waiting for. Activate your sizzle knucks and electric truncheons and wade into them.@hurl two Rainbow hallucinogen-inducing grenades into their midst and stroll past them as they cower in fear from hallucinatory horrors.@convince them that you are extremely wealthy and will pay them well if they don't attack you.@21 #@19 1 3 #@24 21 #@13 15 12 # You are hired by a Kansas-Missouri hydroponics combine to steal experimental chemical fertilizers being stored in a heavily guarded laboratory on the upper west side of Manhattan. You:@4use a Doppleganger to create holograms of yourself with which to lure the guards from the building so that you can swiftly break in without notice.@climb behind the wheel of an armor-plated, rocket-launching, machine gun-equipped Battle Wagon and storm the lab's front gate, all guns blasting away.@under cover of night, you dress in black, slip by the guards, pick a window lock, and enter the laboratory.@plant a series of time-detonated hallucinatory grenades, EMP charges, and white sound bombs that will simultaneously disable the human and cyber elements of the security system.@21 4 3 #@9 20 21 #@18 4 3 14 #@24 21 12 # You attend an illegal weapons sale in an abandoned and forgotten subway station along the now-defunct Manhattan-Flushing line. You:@4purchase an Undershaft sinusoidal pulse gun.@purchase a Klaw implant, four retractable, razor sharp claws protruding from apertures installed over the knuckles.@purchase the Treadware Deluxe Field Medical Kit complete with computer-generated triage hologram, capillary effectors, and nanotech-driven self-suturing catgut.@purchase a shoulder-carried tool kit designed for effecting equipment repairs in the midst of combat.@21 14 #@23 19 #@17 #@16 # An upstart Irish crime 'family' is attempting to wrest part of the lucrative Morph Code trade from the Yakuza. The Irish organization hires you to send a message to the Yakuza. You:@4use an infrared targeting implant and a Krupps combat rifle to assassinate a high-ranking member of the Yakuza.@use powerful explosives of your own devising to blow up a Yakuza-owned Morph Code research laboratory in Jersey City.@deck into cyberspace and introduce a virus into a Yakuza data cluster that holds a Morph Code inventory.@infiltrate the Manhattan Yakuza and gather information that will help the Irish crime 'family' to seize part of the Morph Code trade.@21 14 20 #@24 12 16 #@26 27 25 #@12 13 15 9 11 #7 Sable Pagel, a fruit merchant of your acquaintance enters your favorite bar, the Abyss, and falsely accuses you of addicting his daughter to hallucinogens. You:@4threaten the man with a bowie knife causing him to withdraw his accusation and apologize to you.@ask no questions and hit him with the full amperes of your Krupps taser gun.@think fast in order to avoid violence and persuade Pagel that you are innocent of what he accusses you.@set aside the weapons you carry and challenge Pagel to unarmed combat as a non-lethal way of settling the matter.@23 19 #@21 #7 @13 12 15 7 10 #@19 1 7 # A South Bronx software fence named Wickion Perdue is rumored

to possess Incubus, a legendary program capable of countering any ICE in cyberspace. He is now the target of much of the cyberunderground, the Yakuza, and TransTechnicals. You:@4locate the nervous Perdue and offer your services as a bodyguard in exchange for thirty-five percent of the profit he receives for the sale of Incubus.@use a neural canon to stun him and take Incubus for yourself.@jury-rig a portable, multidirectional force field projector that Perdue can wear as protection. Offer him the force field and your services for fifty percent of his profit for selling Incubus.@accept a lucrative bounty from TransTechnicals to hunt Perdue down and bring him to TransTech headquarters.@15 14 12 20 21 #@21 #7 @16 12 20 21 15 #@20 21 14 #7 While making a rare visit to the Cafe Voltaire, you learn that a radical group called the Kafka Conspiracy is plotting to introduce a perceptual distortion generator into the virtual architecture of TransTechnicals' cyberspace. You:@4report what you have learned to the director of TransTechnicals' External Security Division in the expection of receiving a reward or at least being contracted to neutralize the Kafka Conspiracy.@engage the conspirators in heated debate over the morality of their anarchic agenda.@suggest that lauching a physical attack on TransTech's headquarters in Brooklyn would be more effective and offer, for a fee, to train them in armed terrorism.@maneuver close to one of the conspirators and place a listening device of your own fashioning on his clothing, thus enabling you to keep tabs on his activities in the event you might profit from them in the future.@15 #6 7 8 @15 13 12 #@15 12 #7 8 @4 3 5 16 # Queen Elizabeth IX of England begins a visit to Manhattan where she will preside at the groundbreaking ceremony for what will be TransTechnicals' new corporate headquarters. The ceremony could be a magnet for terrorism. You:@4take part in an anarchist plot to sneak into the Queen's suite at the Hellfire Club, located in the Plaza Hotel, and kidnap her royal highness.@hire on with TransTechnicals for a generous sum as a sharpshooter protecting the Queen during the groundbreaking ceremony.@hire on with TransTechnicals for a generous sum as a stage guard during the ceremony. Duties consist of standing on the stage and swatting a truncheon at anyone who comes close.@stand in line for her autograph.@4 18 14 13 #7 @20 19 #@19 10 1 2 #7 @7 #19 3 In a bar brawl, you and your friend Lash Givens encounter superior numbers of Rage Gangers. You:@4decide that survival is the better part of valor and run like heck.@offer the leader of the gang a sizeable number of credits if he and his friends back off.@use blades, short-range energy weapons, and years of combat experience to counter their superior numbers.@despite the risks involved, consume a potentially dangerous combination of Red Lifters, Hero Makers, and Breathers to increase your strength, recklessness, and endurance respectively.@2 #9 6 @11 15 13 #9 6 10 @23 21 12 14 6 #@1 2 9 19 #12 14 7 4 A TransTechnicals External Security team is chasing you through Manhattan, looking to arrest you for past offenses against the megacorp's profitability. You:@4take to the rooftops and escape your pursuers through a series of reckless leaps from roof to roof.@keep running until you exhaust your pursuers.@lead them into a several-block area of abandoned buildings where you force them to search house by house, thus enabling you to pick them off one at a time.@lead them into your favorite bar, the Abyss, where you are able to rally some friends to your aid in fighting off your pursuers.@3 2 4 9 #@2 #@2 4 14 12 9 #@6 13 12 # A young member of the Flux Riders gang is running amok near Wall Street under the effect of an excess of Red Lifters, Breathers, and speed. Since the Flux Riders is your old gang, you decide to get involved. You:@4talk him into participating in a series of repetitive, but strenuous tasks in an attempt to exhaust some of his seemingly unlimited energy.@consume lesser amounts of similar narcotcs and attempt to engage him in non-lethal combat in the

hope of stopping him before he is seriously hurt.@attempt to knock him unconscious with a combination of white sound and neural disruption grenades.@with great sadness, realize that he is beyond help and use a bullet to put him out of his misery.@12 6 9 7 #@1 2 19 #12 7 @24 #@20 14 # The Seans, an upstart Irish crime family, are moving in on the Ranters' turf in Hell's Kitchen. The Ranters are fighting back with force, and the streets are turning into bloody battlegrounds. The Seans hire you for assistance. You:@3go to the Ranters' hangout and vandalize their cyberhogs which are parked outside. When the Ranters rush outside to investigate, you attack them with an Undershaft laser rifle while shouting threats in Gaelic.@challenge the leader of the Ranters to unarmed combat on behalf of the Seans.@While the Ranters are out, sneak into their hangout, plant a home-made bomb that will destroy the location, and paint bleeding shamrocks on a wall near the location.@21 #@9 19 1 #@16 24 4 # While wandering through the streets of Manhattan after midnight, you are knocked cold by a blast from a powerful stun gun. When you regain consciousness, you find yourself in a locked cell. Two new recruits of the Strident Zugs are verbally abusing you. You:@4reach into your boot, pull out a small flash bomb, and toss it outside the cell. The explosion stuns the two, and you are able to pick the lock and attack them in their state of disorientation.@retrieve hidden shurikens from your boot and hurl them at the two Zugs. You pick the lock of your cell and escape.@beg the Zugs to let you go because of your serious illness. You then fake a violent seizure. When the Zugs open the cell to check your condition, you surprise attack them and cut their throats with your hidden knife.@retrieve your 9mm anarchist's special from a hidden compartment in your leather jacket, fire it at the two Zugs, pick the lock, and escape.@18 24 19 #@23 18 #@13 19 23 #@20 18 # While walking the streets on your way to see your friend Lash Givens, you hear hysterical screams coming from an alley. You turn the corner and find a young woman being attacked by a strange palefaced man with an evil smile. You:@4pull your .44 caliber machine pistol out and threaten to mow down the attacker unless he surrenders.@fire your dream blaster at the man. When he is momentarily stunned, sweep in, knock the rogue unconscious, and rescue the woman.@shout to the attacker that he is rigged with explosives and that if he makes a sudden move, he will explode. As the attacker stands confused, you hurl a shuriken into his eye and sweep in to rescue the woman.@fire a wrath ray at the pale-faced attacker and render him unconscious.@15 20 #@21 19 #@13 12 23 #@22 # As you sit in the Abyss having a quiet drink, a fight breaks out near the restrooms. A bald, fat man slams another man's head off the holo-vid jukebox. When the victim's girlfriend tries to intervene, the fat man begins to attack her. You stand up and:@4walk past, ignoring the fracas, and enter the restroom. On your way out, you stop, feigning concern, and pick the pockets of the fat man's victims.@grab the fat man's arm, twist it behind his back, and snap it, kicking him two or three times for having the nerve to hit a woman.@approach the fat man from behind, zap him with a taser gun that leaves him momentarily stunned, and then slice his hamstrings with your bowie knife.@wait until the fat man is finished pummeling his victims and then try to convince him to join you on your next dangerous mission. When he resists, offer him a cash payment for his services.@5 #9 @19 9 1 #@20 23 9 #@15 11 #@A religious cult leader has taken hostages and fortified his retreat camp, turning it into an armored compound. He claims that God has told him he must sacrifice a hostage every hour. You are hired to intervene. You:@4don an inertial dispersion suit, take the wheel of an armored battle wagon, smash through the compound's gates, and rush the entrance with your grenades and energy weapons in hand, hoping to target the cult leader.@rig a 2 million watt speaker system that will blast a hideous combination of white noise and

elevator music until it drives the cultists out.@use a Ghost Jacket to scout out the cult leader's location, sneak into that area of the compound unnoticed, and wait until you can get a clear shot at the cult leader with your combat rifle.@act as a mediator and try to reason with the cult leader, hoping to rescue the hostages in a peaceful manner.@9 21 24 2 #@12 16 #@21 14 20 9 4 #@15 13 # Slyke and you have been bitter rivals for years; you've often had to put him in his place. Tonight, in his arrogance, he took five times the normal dose of red lifters to build strength for a street fight. Now he's freaking out on you, so you:@3administer what first aid you know.@carry him to Bellevue and strong arm the attending doctor into helping him immediately.@get out of there fast. Your rivalry was well known. If word got out that you were involved, his OD will get pinned on you, and you would never be trusted again.@17 #@1 10 #@3 #9 7 You're on the night train, returning from a weapons buy. The car is empty, save for a sleeping old man. The rear door opens and you see three of the Tempered Steels, a rival gang. You only have a pistol with two bullets, and the grenades you just bought. You:@3fire your pistol at two of them, then aim convincingly at the third, unnerve him, and get him to run off.@throw a skull slammer and run to the next car. It will stun the old man just as it will the gang members, but better him than you.@start bargaining with them for your life, allow them to get close, then put your gun to one's head until they all give up and run.@20 9 #@24 3 #7 @15 13 9 # Last night you stayed with a friend, a relatively new friend. In the morning, stepping outside for coffee, you are jumped by a big guy who isn't happy about who you've been making friends with. You are unarmed. You:@3start talking like there's no tomorrow.@give him the fist fight of his life if he decides to try something stupid.@run. Why should you risk your life for someone you barely know?@13 #@19 #@#9 Ever since you burned him on a deal, the CacheMan has been sending his thugs after you. This time, while drinking at Virtual Unreality, you've been sent a cybernetic metahuman with steel arms that look as if they could rip you in half. You:@3use an electrical storm grenade to stun him, even though it will shut down all the VR equipment and earn you another enemy--the bar owner.@fire your .44 machine pistol, though it only slows him down without killing him, then dart away when you empty your cartridge.@leave the bar. There's no glory in losing a limb just to save face.@24 #@20 3 #@12 #9 Even though the city government is a joke compared to the power of the TransTechnicals Corporation, it's still an inconvenience to get locked up for stunning a plainclothes cop with a taser gun. You've got some big meetings with clients coming up. To get out, you:@3pay off the guard.@befriend the guard, get him close, then slug him and take his security keycard to open the cell.@work on the relatively simple cell lock mechanism and slither away.@11 #@13 19 #@18 3 4 # Jack Finn has brought a load of psilo blossom back from L.A. and plans to make a fortune with it in New York. When people who bought from him start jumping off roofs, you realize it's bad junk. You could have a suicide epidemic on your hands. You:@4find Jack and threaten to wring his neck if he doesn't flush the stuff.@try to track down everyone who bought, warn them if it's not too late, then consider it out of your hands.@find the guy who mixed the stuff, work on mixing an antidote and distribute it.@let it go. Fools who do the stuff take that chance every time they do it. That's why you never mess with it.@10 19 #@7 2 #@17 7 #@#7 Nastogouri, who always has the latest in weapon technology, sold you a set of klaws. When you are attacked in the subway and whip them out in your defense, they barely hold up. For the money you paid, you should be able to handle a simple mugging. You:@3demand replacements.@return to him with what is left of the blades, then slice Nastogouri without killing him. You want to see his face light up every time you come back into his shop.@demand a new set of blades plus a .44 machine pistol and a few

Anarchist's Specials to make up for your pain and suffering.@realize that you should just stick to your old favorite--the street assault rifle--from now on.@#9 @23 #@15 #@20 # The leader of a powerful cult underground that, among other crimes, perpetuates the memory of country western music, must be eliminated. It's a tough hit; the leader is rarely, if ever, unattended by her groupies. It must be a clean job. You:@4infiltrate the group, adopting their ideals while resisting brainwashing, in order to get close to the leader and stab her while she and the group sleep.@get her coming out of the building, throwing a skull slammer grenade to stun everyone without killing them, then nail her with a .44.@trace her every move for weeks until you find her unattended, then strangle her quietly.@rig her vehicle with a timer bomb, killing her and any of the kids who are with her.@4 2 10 23 #@24 20 #@2 19 4 #@16 24 #7 4 You even surf the edge when eating out, ordering blowfish in a Japanese restaurant. After dinner, the owner comes out of the kitchen with a smug grin on his face. It's Sakimoto, a longtime enemy. He may have finally gained revenge by poisoning you. You:@3stab him with a chef's knife. Even if he didn't give the chef orders to serve you the toxic part of the fish, he has it coming just for thinking about it.@determine if he gave the orders by strangling him with an apron until you get a confession.@toss your dinner right in the wok to try to get it out of your system, then get to the hospital fast.@23 #@19 10 #@17 3 #9 You've been busted for selling small firearms--not the most serious of charges, but it could hold you back for a while. The cops want your whole purchasing connection, not just you. If you start naming names, you can get off clean. You:@3give them what they want and save your own hide, then manage a quick non-traceable transfer to the West Coast.@keep your mouth shut and go inside. Your connection will respect your loyalty and when you're out in a few months, he will surely throw some really big business your way.@get off by paying off the cops themselves.@4 #9 @10 6 #@11 # Coming from a buy, your ride breaks down in the Bronx one night while you have twp grand worth of weapons in the back. You probably only need ten minutes under the hood, but four young guys come up to you who don't look like they want to lend a hand. You:@4realize they're just kids and go easy on 'em, only threatening them with a laser gun until they scatter.@stun 'em with a thunder storm grenade from a distance, getting yourself a few minutes to start the ride and get out of there.@shoot at least one with a .44. That should make the rest of them run.@start talking and give them some of the guns as a peace offer.@7 21 #@7 24 #@20 #7 @13 15 # Harvey Feinstein died at your hand in the alley behind Geisha Bar. You were both arguing over something stupid, but since you're member of rival gangs, this could mean a full-fledged gang war. You've got to get rid of all traces of Harvey fast. You:@3get out of there and run like hell.@carry his body to the East River and fit him with a new pair of concrete shoes.@leave him on one of his gang's doorsteps. If war is inevitable, they might as well get shaken up from the start


Word reaches you that the Houston Matrix Rovers, a small, but committed cyberspace users group, possesses a Dill 2401 supercomputer with enormous memory, virtual effector/intender coprocessor, and conditionality chip. You:@4ask around Houston until you learn the location of the Matrix Rover's headquarters. Sneak into the Matrix

Rover's meeting place and steal the Dill 2401.@break into the Marix Rover's headquarters, open up the Dill 2401, and inventory the components with an eye toward acquiring them so that you can assemble your own version of the machine.@cultivate a friendship with a member of the Matrix Rovers and ingratiate yourself with the rest of the group until you gain admission to the meeting room. Case the meeting room so that you might later steal the Dill 2401.@hope that the Dill 2401 is linked to the cybernet. Deck into the net and access the Dill so that you can inventory its contents.@21 #@16 18 3 4 5 #@13 12 15 10 #7 8 @26 25 27 # When you need to earn extra money, you:@4fence hardware that you salvaged from the scrap yards and refurbished.@hire yourself out as a locksmith.@take to grifting by pulling small cons throughout the city.@assemble whatever weapons or hardware you can from the components you have on stock and then sell them.@15 13 16 #@18 #@13 12 15 #7 8 @16 15 12 # A group of teenage ragamuffins calling themselves the Skulks have been indiscriminately and recklessly stealing hardware, software, and narcotics throughout the west side of Manhattan. Sooner or later they are certain to be caught. You:@4cut a deal with the authorities whereby you tip them to the Skulks' activities in exchange for a modest reward and your choice of selected items from the Skulks' booty.@take the Skulks under your tutelage and instruct them in the ways of a patient, practiced scrounger, making them less likely to be arrested.@offer to act as their leader and protector in exchange for first rights to anything they scrounge or steal.@instruct them in the art of the con so that they might earn money in ways other than outright theft.@15 12 #7 8 @13 6 7 10 12 #@15 6 #7 8 @6 10 4 #7 9 Word reaches you that your former benefactor, Deirdre Tackett, is in need of a virtual effector/intender coprocessor to complete her current project. The item is extremely difficult to obtain on the street. You:@4arm yourself with an Ares assault laser, sawedoff shotgun, and kevlar jacket and attempt to break into TransTechnicals and steal the device.@spend day and night working the scrap yards, bartering, thieving, and conning in an effort to raise sufficient funds to allow you to purchase a virtual coprocessor should one become available on the black market.@break into the home of Mars Jazz, a wealthy dealer in rare and expensive stolen goods to examine his data bases to learn if he possesses a coprocessor.@deck into the cybernet and scan every bulletin board and visit every WELL that you are aware of in hope of gaining a lead on a coprocessor.@20 21 9 #12 6 @15 4 3 2 13 #7 8 @4 18 14 3 #@25 26 27 10 # TransTechnicals External Security begins a crackdown on scroungers in your part of Manhattan. You:@4halt all of your activities until the pressure is off.@confine all of your activities to the vastness of cyberspace where it is easier to avoid security than in Manhattan.@fall back on your contingency plan by finding work repairing firearms until the crackdown is over.@arm yourself with a neural-powered laser and an EMP emitter for protection should you be pursued by security.@12 #9 27 @25 26 27 10 #@12 16 20 #@22 21 #7 You discover a rich vein of useable hardware components in an Astoria scrap yard. To protect it from other scroungers you:@4recruit several friends to help you mine everything of use in exchange for a stake in the sale profits.@rig a series of traps and defenses involving explosive charges and holographs.@arm yourself with an Undershaft laser rifle and Electrical Storm grenades and camp out near your discovery for as many days as is needed for you to take what you find useful.@network together several unidirectional force field generators and illegally patch them into a nearby public junction box so that you can prevent people from searching through the area until you are finished with it.@6 15 13 #@24 16 #@21 24 9 #@16 # As a result of some deals gone rotten, you are in debt to a Rage Gang called the Hard Metals. They demand several cybernetic prostheses or promise to break your

legs instead. Unfortunately, you cannot afford even one prosthesis. You:@4consume a half-dozen Breathers and work for several days in a desperate attempt to fashion the limbs yourself from spare parts in your workshop.@in an act of desperate recklessness break into the laboratory of Julian Baerga, a cyberneticist of your acquaintance, and steal the needed limbs.@using parts salvaged from old holo-projectors and abandoned cars, you fashion a crude electromagnetic pulse emitter for use against the Hard Metals' prostheses.@you meet with the Hard Metals' leader and, after twenty minutes frantic talking, convince him to give you more time to come up with the prostheses.@2 16 #@4 18 3 #@16 #@13 15 12 # The Electronic Freedom Federation calls for a citywide day of defiance in which citizens of Manhattan are encouraged to commit anarchic acts in protest of TransTechnicals' monopoly control over cyberspace technology. That day, you:@4introduce into cyberspace a virus that causes the message 'Frag TransTech' to appear on the screen of every affected computer.@walk into a meeting room of the TransTech-sponsered Cyber City User's Group and begin firing nonlethal blasts from a Street Sweeper riot containment rifle over the heads of the membership.@barter with a local fence for a holograph projector and spend the day using it to project holographs of yourself into the paths of on-rushing traffic.@stand outside of the entrance to TransTechnicals' headquarters in Brooklyn and rhythmically chant for eight hours.@25 26 27 12 #@20 #@15 13 #@#12 Icarus Incorporation spreads word through the cyberunderground that it will pay generous bounties for tissue from human cerebral cortexes. You:@3are disgusted by the idea, but seduced by the money. You offer an intern at Bellevue hospital a hefty sum to grant you access to the morgue for a few minutes drilling and scooping.@hold a Bellevue surgical team at gunpoint as you demand a sample of the patient's cortical tissue.@spend the night in a friend's basement chemistry lab producing a substance that very much resembles cortical tissue and should deceive Icarus Incorp long enough for you to be paid.@11 15 13 #7 @20 #7 @2 12 17 16 # While drifting through lower Manhattan one evening, you discover in an alley a crate bearing the TransTechnicals' logo. The crate contains machinery that is foreign to you. You:@4take it back to your workshop and spend days disassembling it to learn its function.@anonymously contact a middle manager at TransTech and attempt to sell the device back to them. You insist on a high price, all the while keeping secret your ignorance of the device's purpose.@deck into cyberspace and begin accessing any sources known to you in search of information about the machine's purpose.@disassemble the machine and use the components you are familiar with in other projects.@16 12 #@15 13 12 #@25 26 27 #@16 # As you search through an unstable scrap pile one day, the pile shifts causing you to roll down the thirty-foot high pile of discarded metal and plastic. You badly injure your right leg. You:@3jury rig a Nightingale healing cast to keep your leg functioning until you can reach Bellevue Hospital.@mix a House Calls healing medicine from Vitacompound G and milacemine 27.@wrap a tourniquet around your leg, bandage it as best you can, and walk a grueling two miles to the nearest hospital.@16 12 #@17 #@2 3 # You suspect that someone has discovered one of the stashes where you store items you have scrounged. To protect the results of your labors, you:@3rig the location with trip wire alarms and a camera so that you can be alerted should someone violate the stash.@keep watch over the stash. Should someone approach and take an item, secretly follow them to their destination to learn if they possess the other missing items, then confront the person.@move the stash to a more secluded location.@16 12 21 #@4 3 2 14 #@12 # When 'trashing', rooting through garbage for a scrap of valuable information, you believe the greatest reward for this dirty job is discovering:@4a charge card account number with which you can make some quick

purchases.@an incriminating letter or note with which you can bribe the addressee.@a discarded computer component.@a holophone number that you can hack into and catch some potentially incriminating conversation.@#7 @11 #@16 #@4 25 # You have been hired to steal a valuable print of an archaic container of soup from the Twentieth-Century Historical Art Collective. Once called the Museum of Modern Art, the Collective has barred the public from entering. To get in, you:@4sneak in during off hours and rig the security system to recognize your handprint ID as that of a Collective employee.@hack into the Collective's computer system, create an art 'purchase' by one of their frequent buyers, then show up as the courier, complete with official delivery orders.@convince a guard that you are an art student dying to see an exhibit and pay him off to let you in.@set off a gas leak in the building and set off the alarms, then slip inside amidst the confusion and panic.@16 4 #@25 4 #@4 11 #@16 4 3 # A wealthy cybergenetic surgeon, who specializes in cybersexual and cosmetic enhancements for the exclusive client, has hired you to acquire a Lipo 2200, a valuable, difficult to obtain surgical device. One of her competitors has the machine. You:@3rig the rival surgeon's office security code while you are forced to wait in one of his examination rooms, then return at night to snag the machine.@persuade the disgruntled and underpaid nurse of the rival surgeon to give you the office's security code in exchange for money and the promise of her boss's humiliation.@ask the rival surgeon for the Lipo 2200 promo holovideo and figure out how to assemble one yourself, using parts stolen from various hospitals.@16 18 4 12 #@11 #@16 12 4 14 # As a kid, when money was tight, you could always make a few quick bucks on the street by resorting to an old favorite:@3selling holographic timepieces with no circuitry inside.@playing three card monty.@picking pockets at the Port Authority station during rush hour.@4 13 #@3 4 13 #@5 3 4 # When desperate, you've run drugs from a supplier in Chinatown to various locations on the upper west side. The job pays fairly well, but to supplement your income you:@3raise the price slightly on each deal and keep the difference.@make off with one big score, feigning an attack with the help of a friend, then split the make.@switch the product with your own home-produced compound, sell it, and sell the real stuff to another dealer in the outer boroughs.@4 #@4 9 #@4 3 17 # If really hard up, you'll lift a few wallets, but only the honorable way--off the wealthy. On 5th and Park, one strange victim catches you in the act. His reflexes are lightning quick, his eyes stare into yours, and you feel yourself weaken, wanting to go with him. You:@4start talking fast, offering to give him all the wallets you lifted that day if he agrees to let you go.@reach for the blade you keep in your boot and slice him in the face.@use every ounce of strength to resist his will.@distract him, slither out of his grasp and run like hell.@13 12 10 #9 @23 9 #@1 10 #@3 #9 The NeoPagans have offered you an astronomical fee to bring them any one of the 19thcentury icons in St. Patrick's Cathedral. The money is just too good, but you know they're going to deface the thing in some twisted black ritual. You:@3turn down the job. There are some things you just will not mess with.@have an artist sculpt a forgotten 20th-century pop figure in a studded cape and pass it off as the icon. The NeoPagans were never in a church and won't know the difference.@snag the icon and sell it, then go to the St. Patrick's pastor and offer to track down the missing icon and bring it back for a price.@8 7 #@8 4 #@4 #8 7 The owner of Virtual Excess, a local psychedelic/occult shop, is pleased with the security system you've programmed for the shop. He wants to thank you by giving you a little extra in addition to your fee. You'll take anything except:@4milacemide because it makes you talk like a fool and lose your edge during deals.@yopo tabs because they cloud your perception of reality.@psilo blossom because it tends to make you sluggish.@red lifters because

you end up with lousy hand-eye coordination, unable to work with any computer parts.@13 15 #@14 #@3 #@16 # After you've finally earned the money to settle down and open your own CyberHog shop, servicing and selling antique Harleys, the neighborhood kingpin drops by to let you know that he expects a cut of the profits in exchange for 'protection.' You:@4bargain with the guy and talk down the cut to a percentage that you can live with.@tell him to go ahead and try it. You know just as many ways to kill a man as he does.@design the tightest security system you can for the shop and buy yourself a sawed-off shotgun.@give him a previously owned hog in good condition and tell him you expect that to be the end of it. If he hassles you, he'll discover that his brakes suddenly don't work.@15 #9 @10 9 #@16 20 #@11 16 # You stand to make some real money if the CyberKid, a newcomer in the Virtual Wrestling League, beats King Silicon in his next match. To assure yourself of the profit, you:@4bribe King Silicon to take a fall.@megadose the Kid with red lifters and hero makers, giving him inhuman strength and a maniacal recklessness. He'll be scary as hell and will take the match, but it may kill him.@slip a megadose of yopo tabs into King Silicon's water then watch him wig out during the match, unable to protect himself adequately.@pay off King Silicon's physician to replace his steroid injection with a nanomachine implant, destroying his balance and hand-eye coordination, costing him the match.@11 #@17 #7 @17 4 #7 @16 # During a heist at the Met, you and your associates left some evidence that was traced back to you Now your mug is all over the news. The group thinks you should all lay low for a while. You:@4keep the group in Manhattan until it blows over, staying in various hideouts you've maintained throughout the city just for this kind of thing.@decide that sneaking around would be an admission of guilt. Instead, you alert the news and start a media circus in which you claim the charges against you are discriminatory.@pay off the accusers before the investigation gets too far along.@break away alone and go into hiding out of state.@4 2 6 #@6 13 #@11 #@4 #6 The guys you hang with count on you mostly to:@4score guns and build them from parts when you need to.@get the dirt on any rivals, and if you're set to clash, find out their weapons, location, and plan.@be as intimidating as hell to any fools hassling you.@talk your way out of tight situations with cops.@16 20 #@4 #@10 #@13 # tight situations with cops.@16 20 #@4 #@10 #@13 #

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