CLASS The Lizard Kings--a radical gang that claims the twentieth-century rock star Jim Morrison is a poet and god-like figure--are attacking helpless citizens and defacing property throughout lower Manhattan. You decide to intervene by:@3attacking the gang and stunning them with white noise grenades and taser guns and issuing a warning that next time you'll send them to 'the other side.'@decking into the net to retrieve all the songs and lyrics of The Doors' and The Beatles' songs and then convincing the gang that The Beatles were far more talented. Agreeing, the Lizard Kings change their name to The Yokos.@sneaking into the gang's lair and stealing a pair of leather trousers (which the Lizard Kings stole from Manhattan's Hard Rock Cafe) that belonged to Morrison thus hurting their morale.@1 @2 @3 The recent unification of North and South Dakota has left a radical group of South Dakotans quite unhappy. The leader of the group comes to Manhattan and offers to pay you a hefty sum to formulate a plot that will bring North Dakota to its knees. You:@3deck into cyberspace and manipulate North Dakota's government payroll database so that all civil service employees receive paychecks for 200,000 dollars on payday, thus creating financial chaos in the state.@assemble a home-made Electrical Storm grenade that will detonate at the opening session of the unified Dakota's parliament.@kidnap Bogart Fench, the newly elected Governor of Dakota, and hold him for ransom until the boundaries between the Dakotas are reestablished.@2 @3 @1 A former colleague, Toby Foo, asks you to dinner. After an expensive sushi dinner, Toby excuses himself but does not return from the men's room. Realizing that he has walked out on the bill, you seek revenge by:@4decking into the cybernet and transferring an ample sum from Toby's account to yours and then erasing Toby's entire savings account record to teach him a lesson.@waiting for Toby outside his Greenwich Village flat and socking him in the jaw with a set of sizzle knucks.@jury-rigging a flash grenade and placing it in Toby's mailbox to surprise him in the morning.@inviting Toby to dinner at the Geisha Bar where you have hired the Ranters to greet him and show him the error of his ways.@2 @1 @3 @1 Stopping in the Cafe Voltaire for a late supper and a stiff drink, you are approached by a beautiful woman who asks if she can join you. After dinner, you make your move. She hesitates. 'I only date men of substance,' she says. 'What do you do for a living?'@3'I'm the meanest bad-ass in this city,' you say, stroking the handle of your 9mm Anarchist's Special. 'I make my own rules and others live by them.'@'They call me the master of cyberspace. I can break, corrupt, and manipulate any computer system in existence.'@You smirk, saying, 'I'm the fastest talker, the slickest grifter, the most skilled thief, and the finest jury-rigger this city's ever seen. Watch your earrings, doll, or I may just swipe 'em.'@1 @2 @3 You score a hot program for the mid-town mafia, but the snakes pay you only half of what they promised--and they have the nerve to smile about it. You smile back, but no one stiffs Ransom Stark and gets away with it. In retaliation, you:@3begin to leave, then pull a concealed laser pistol from the inside of your sleeve and fire away.@wait, then, on your system at home, hack around for their financial accounts at various institutions, and start creating insufficient funds.@wait, then break into their headquarters in the abandoned Trump Tower, steal back the program, and sell it to a rival family.@1 @2 @3 They say that there is no more justice, no real government, only the governing power of TransTechnicals, the megacorporation that owns New York City. Your only