IronWifey - March 2018 - The Written Word - Issue 10

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As iron sharpens iron, so one woman sharpens another. March 2018, Issue 10 The Written Word Issue Founder, Editor, & Designer: Micayla Robertson Contributing Writers: Elsonia Swarts


Joanne Christian Ncediwe Mdlulwa Denise Dandridge Chriscynthia Calhoun



AUTHOR: ELSONIA SWARTS Guest Interviews: Adebosoye Olagbegi




Whitney Holman Kayla Constant Shruthi Parker Veranique Parker Printed by:



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Minuteman Press Cincinnati, OH 45236












LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Thank you for reading the "Written Word" issue of IronWifey Magazine. In the beginning, was the Word of God. The Word was God and The Word was with God Everything we know and read in the Bible comes from God. It was thought, spoken, and written to us in order to order our steps according to His Will. As you read this issue, I pray that you gain a desire to dive deeper into the written word of God. Reading His Word brings wisdom and knowledge, peace, and rest. It lifts every burden and supplies every need. It answers every question and speaks to every person. It corrects every wrong and handles every situation. When we read the Word, we don't just gain knowledge and understanding, we gain relationship and comfort. By spending time in the Word, we are really spending time with our Father! So why not read? Why not meditate? Why not hide the Word in our hearts day and night? Why not carry the Word (Lord) with us everywhere we go. He was here in the very beginning and His story is what we live everyday. May the written word of God bless you and keep you! This issue contains full audio interviews that can be heard via the IronWifey podcast. Wherever you spot this logo, visit: for more information.

With Love,

-Micayla Founder & Editor in Christ, IronWifey Magazine

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. JOHN 1:1Â (KJV)



AUTHOR OF LIFE By: Elsonia Swarts


God, Who am I that you deem me worthy to write about you When you are the author of all times You have made me a little lower than the angels (Psalm 8:4) Yet you crown me with honour and glory I am the clay and you are the potter (Psalm 144:3) Create in me an unshakable faith and an unbreakable trust for your word I am the canvas and you are the artist Paint your word on the tablet of my heart (Proverbs 3:3) So that I may meditate on it day and night (Joshua 1:8) You have bestowed authority upon me (Psalm 8:6) Yet, you are the King above all kings (Psalm 95:3) Lord, guide me in your truth and use me as a vessel for your word In Jesus Name, Amen.






By: Joanne Christian

Do you recall picking up a good book, and not being able to put it down? How the character in the story jumps off the pages and pulls you in. When you look up, you realize that hours have passed by and the book is finished.

I feel this way when I read the Bible. After reading a few passages, the Bible begins to read me and speak to the story written within me. It’s as if it can see straight through me or was written with me in mind. The Word of God cuts to the core, but it cuts in order to heal. It’s purpose is to comfort the afflicted, but it also afflicts the comfortable. It may seem bitter because it convicts us; but it is sweet like honey and does us much good. When I ingest its stories it repairs and fills my soul. The Word of God cannot be separated from the God of the Word. They are one and the same. One story that I believe sums this up is when Ezekiel took of the scroll and ate it. Like him, we also must feed on the Word of God for it is the Bread of Life, which is Jesus Himself.

Then God told Ezekiel, “Fill your stomach with this,” he said. “And when I ate it, it tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth” (Ezekiel 3:3).

It’s funny how we can read a book on how to cook, but until we begin practicing it, we’ll not gain an understanding of how to bake a delicious cake. A good starting point in taking daily action on reading the Word of God is starting with Proverbs. It consists of thirty-one chapters that give you a message of wisdom every day. Having the knowledge of something is good, but having the wisdom on how to practice or act on that knowledge is altogether different. In Proverbs 4:5 Solomon equates wisdom with not turning away from the words of God. It is the source of all truth. It states,

“Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth.”

The Word of God is better than any novel I’ll ever read. It contains real events, places, and people which come alive for me, because it is living and active and cuts down into the innermost parts of my mind and soul. In the Word it says, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever” (Isaiah 40:8). As you grow in your faith in God and love for Him, you will begin to have a burning desire to read, study, learn, and meditate on His Word.

The sweet honeycomb is calling. The milk is ready. Flip open that leather cover, pop open that app, and taste and see—for yourself—that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8). One thing about the Word of God, it’s never finished. The story continues and a new lesson is revealed.




Written Word M A P By: Ncediwe Mdlulwa

Without the word of God we are unable: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” -John 1:1

To form a relationship with God To have light shed on our darkened ways To live the life that is pleasing unto God

God WAS and IS the word The word reveals who God is God is the Author of the word The word reveals an account of the existence of Jesus Christ in the beginning of time

“But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him” -Hebrews 11:6

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God”. -Hebrews 12:2 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me." -John 14:6

The Power of God’s spoken word reveals: The creation of the universe The origin of the human race The beginning of sin and suffering in the world, God’s way of dealing with humanity “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1 (KJV)


It is teaches us life principles: The fruits of the spirit Love Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Faithfulness Gentleness Self-control “In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight” -Proverbs 3:6


Meditation in the word is another opportunity to know God better. Because He is Emmanuel “God with us we" are given assurance that we are not alone. We can speak, walk and stand fearlessly through the word “It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” -Deuteronomy 31:8

The written word depicts: An account of who God was and is to come An account of what God has done God as the main character in the bible God’s leadership and how he has helped and continues to help his people How God judges and punishes those who do wrong The word of God conveying stories of faith How to help keep that faith burning and alive God’s consuming fire and sweet perfume; Aroma “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing” -2 Corinthians 2:15

His word is a tool that protects, guides and teaches us to To pray To converse To connect with God "Blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." -Luke 11:28


The word of God connects the branches (The People) to the TRUE vine (God). Any other Vine is a FALSE one. “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener”. -John 15:1

The written word allows us to see the light The written through the word word allows of God:us to see the light through the word of God: “And God said, "Let there be light," and there “And God said, "Let was light” -Genesis 1:3there be light," and there was light” -Genesis 1:3 “Your “Yourword wordisisaalamp lampfor formy myfeet, feet,a alight lightononmy my path” -Psalms 119:105 path”. -Psalms 119:105

The word word of of God God is is what what makes makes the the book book of of The Genesis to to revelation revelation Genesis He said said let let there there be be light light and and indeed indeed ,it ,it was was so so He The word word of of God God is is the a lamp, The lamp,that thatshines shinesbright brightso that all human beings could shine and rise so that all human beings could shine and rise The word word is is light light and and aa source source of of awakening awakening The bringing the the unconscious unconscious mind mind to to bringing consciousness consciousness The word word of of God God is is aa weapon weapon and and anchor anchor so so The that He He could could be be the the shield shield to to those those who who take take that refuge in in him, him, refuge

The word is a life changing tool, a problem solver, a reminder of who God is in our lives "But the salvation of the righteous is of the Lord: he is their strength in the time of trouble." -Psalms 37:39




While the beauty of the Written Word is that it can be read over and over again, reading God's word alone isn't enough. In order to apply it to our lives we must hear it, read it, practice it, write it, and write all of our

By: Denise Dandridge

It is said that the "eyes are the windows into the soul." If this 16th century proverb is accurate then written words could be considered the vibrant, timeless stones on the path that leads into the innermost boundaries of a person's heart, mind and inner being.

Oxford dictionary defines words as single distinct elements of speech or writing. They are units of language and principal carriers of meaning. Words can build up, tear down, placate or agitate. They can inspire, motivate and entice or bewilder and subdue. They are vessels of communication all based on the stroke of a pen or stylus and/or whispered and spoken in a specific moment in time.

The Bible, known as the Written Word of God, is a compilation of 66 books and or letters written by over 40 individuals. These divinely inspired passages breathed out by God and captured by man, guide us, comfort us, correct us and teach us. Although it was written over 1500 years ago the life applications and principles of God's Word are still just as pertinent and suitable today as they were in Moses's time. The pages of the Bible are filled with solutions that encompass every emotion, feeling, situation and/or challenge known to man.

In the words of Pastor Dick Bernal of Jubilee Christian Church in San Jose, CA, "The Bible is a book of progressive movements involving seasons and transitions".

thoughts regarding it down in order to engage the Bible more deeply.

"Study this Bible of instruction continually, meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it, only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do". -Joshua 1:8 NLT

I can recall in my not so recent past frantically searching the Bible for scriptures that would comfort me during trying moments in my life. I would write on index cards my prayers and the emotions or challenges I was experiencing and then research the Bible for scriptures and direction. This became a practice that I have adopted into my daily spiritual life, allowing me to no longer feel frantic. I would immerse myself completely, meditating on God's word until it became so deeply entwined in my thought process that I was able to replace negative thinking with thoughts and words that fostered hope, love and faith. I removed all doubt and worry and allowed the Holy Spirit to enter my heart and mind and restore me through the blood of Jesus Christ.

"The word of God, however, was not written to satisfy our curiosity; it was written to change our lives." -Howard G. Hendricks

God's Written word is so important in our lives because it provides principles for problem solving which unlock critical thinking skills. It removes the earthly contamination within each of us so that God's perfect will and purpose that he desires to sow into our lives can grow. It also gives us strength and power to stand against the strategies of the devil and his host of evil spirits. Everything about our lives is spiritual, so my prayer for you is this:

May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and endurance that comes from Christ. (2 Thessalonians 3:5) May he open your ears to hear clearly his voice, and reveal to you your purpose by teaching you how to read the blueprints drawn out in his Written Word. I pray that from his glorious, unlimited resources he will empower you with inner strength through his Spirit. (Ephesians 3:16). May God's Written Word that "will never pass away” (Matthew 24:35), give you knowledge which is the foundation of understanding, peace, joy, fulfillment and the tools necessary to stand firmly against Satan and speak power over your life. Amen.

God is author and finisher and his Written Word is vital for your survival.





What lead you to name your blog after yourself? My name means "the Crown has returned to the throne". Thinking about it in that moment the Holy spirit began to download in me that I was returning to the throne of God and I'm here to stay. I decided to name it Adebosoye because it was really depicting my journey. The way I write on my blog is always something that I've gone through or I'm going through; and I write it so that people can see my walk with God. So it's really showing God through my life. That's why I named it after myself.

What advice would you give someone




interested in following in your footsteps and starting a blog or embracing their calling?

Advice I would give is to seek God's face and be patient. A lot of times, we want to know what

God has called us to do right now and right away. The thing is, a lot of people want that, but they

don't want God in it. They want to run out and do it, without God's guidance. But first, God wants to be within you, before he wants you to go out

and speak on his behalf. So the first thing is get

with God, get closer to God, want God more than you want anything else and then walk out in whatever he wants you do. Walk in

whatever He's told you to do and let it come from spending time in his presence.

How has starting your blog helped you in your walk with Christ?

When I realized that God wanted me to preach, it

It helps me with accountability. Right now

wasn't something that I heard, it was something

my blog is not well known, but there's going

that I knew just from spending time in his

to come a time when I know that God has

presence. He will begin to reveal those things, so

called me to preach. So even as I write my

just get with God and read your bible and pray

blog and share it with people, I know that I


have to be accountable to the people I'm sharing my walk with. It also helps me to

To learn more about Adebosoye Olagbegi

think through things. As I mentioned,

and, listen to the full

whatever I write about is always surrounding

interview at

things I dealt with or I'm dealing with,. So, it helps me to think through what I'm going through and be able to see what I'm going through clearly! It just puts things into perspective.

What is the best advice you've ever received? The best advice I ever received comes from the sunday school song that says "Read your bible. Pray everyday." because nothing has turned my life around like reading my Bible and praying everyday. My relationship is anchored in that quiet time in His presence, so that's the best advice I've ever received.






What lead you to start your blog, "Flow

How does the Word of God encourage you to write?

and Favor"?

When I think about if I was a young Christian or someone

First, I really wanted to create a yoga blog, so

who doesn’t know God, I have to ask myself, would I turn to

I bought a domain, kicked off a website, and

my blog? Who am I to be writing about this kind of stuff? But

never got started. That was over two years

through studying and prayer there are so many instances

ago. Now, with the current concept of my

throughout the Word where God tells you that you do not

blog , I’ve been praying on it and pushing

need to be the biggest, the best, the loudest or the most

past the initial fear and awkwardness

experienced. If he could work through Noah, through

surrounding being an expert and I officially

Lazarus, and through Peter, why can’t he work through me? I

launched in January after 6 months of

feel like the blog is an opportunity for me to step outside of

contemplating and nerves. I just hope it can

my comfort zone and share how God wants us to all see the

be an intersection of faith, fitness and

glory; even those of us who don’t feel like the model A1

lifestyle, and everything that makes up me.


How did you choose the name for you

How do you sharpen other women in Christ?


By pushing past my fears and insecurities and sharing my

I wanted to bring forward my faith being a

posts despite my hesitations. The comments I receive to

big reason I do Yoga! Yoga is a way that I

things I was really nervous about posting have been

connect with God everyday. It’s a way that I

awesome; and if there is any way that what I say, or talking

clear my mind. It’s a way that I find myself

through my struggle or my growth or my journey can help

being my best self and I really just thought

someone else, then I’m going to keep doing it, because it’s

about grace and favor. Through God’s Favor

worth it.

I’ve ended up where I am personally and

To learn more about Whitney Holman

professionally and helped lives, and I’m so

and FlowandFavor, listen to the full

grateful. The flow of Yoga and the grace

interview at

God is continually showing me favor, I thought was the perfect marriage for a title.

How has starting the blog helped your Christian journey? Before I started the blog I was using Instagram as a way to talk about faith and test the waters. I was kind of anxious about sharing my faith on social media but through time, writing captions, studying the Word and applying that to my yoga practice, it became a lot easier for me to get to a point where I could share, and share more freely!






What lead you to start your blog?

How has starting the blog helped your Christian walk?

English has always been something I was good at

It’s helped me a lot.; I think because of the detail I have to put

and I used to always carry a lot of journals. So from

into everything now. It grounds me and sends me back to the

8th grade through my Alvin Ailey days, I used to

basics of why I believe what I believe. One of my first thoughts

journal. It was my safe space. Prior to starting my

was what if someone doesn’t know Jesus and what if the words

blog, I had just started writing again. I would

I say are the first interactions they have had with someone that

post little things on Facebook or lessons that I had

believes in him? I just want to come across as personable,

learned that I thought would help someone

genuine and open. I want to be careful with the words that I put

else. When I entered the blogging world I wanted to

on there because five people can read the exact same thing and

make my blog an open book for anyone that might

take different meanings from it. So, I have learned to be very

comment, specifically women, whether mothers,

detailed as to how I come across and know that it is actually

daughters, sisters or just friends. No matter what

coming from the Holy Spirit and not just me trying to preach on

walk of life or no matter what they were going

the internet. I have had to hone in on why I believe and make it

through I just wanted them to know that they

a clear thought.

could "make it happen". My blog is still for that one person, I just don’t know how many "one persons"

What do you think of when you hear the phrase: “As Iron

might come across it.

Sharpens Iron, One Woman Sharpens Another”?

Sisterhood! I think it's so important because there is no other Why did you choose the name “Making it

group of people that are gonna get you like your girls get you;

Happen” for your blog?

especially when they are all on the same level of knowing

I attended the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre

God. Because it's awesome having that community of girls that

in New York which was my dream school. One of

will grow each other, strengthen each other, celebrate with each

my advisors in my third year, Freddie Moore, would

other and bless one another.

always say Make It Happen. So when we got to

To learn more about Kayla Constant

some challenging step or combination we couldn’t

and Making It Happen, listen to the full

get, or a piece we felt like we were going to die at the end of, Make It Happen. Either way that was always his response, so it stuck with me.

What advice do you have for someone interested in starting a blog? Blogging makes you accountable because once you start it you have to keep up with it. You have to find topics that will come across the best and that will reach people and have the effect they should; especially with the Holy Spirit putting his hands on it. I have to be able to tune in to Him which may take longer than a few minutes a day. It requires finding that quiet place, and just listening in, finding that peace with Him and letting something be inspired by it.

interview at






Please tell us about yourself?

What can readers find when they visit your blog?

I am a full-time blogger based in Austin Texas. I started

It’s a lifestyle blog that can help. Readers can come over to

my blog while my husband and I were living in

my blog and understand the mess that's in my mind. It's

London and my passion has always been writing,

categorized by day so Monday’s content may be about

photography, film and communicating with people.

love, relationships, and marriage. While Tuesday is travel, Wednesday is about food, restaurant reviews and recipes.

What lead you to start your blog?

Thursdays are thoughts, current events or opinions,

Six years ago, I started a blog called "Salt and Pepper".

Fridays are fashion, Saturday may be celebrations, and

It was a food blog. I wanted to be better at

Sundays are devotions and what the Lord has been doing

communicating my thoughts; whether it was about

in my life to see if anyone else can resonate and connect

restaurants I was eating at or the places I was going to

with that.

or the people I was meeting.While in London, I was thrusted into this world of culture, fashion and food in

What do you think of when you hear the phrase: “As

a place where Faith was something that was looked

Iron Sharpens Iron, One Woman Sharpens

down upon. So, it was the perfect time to write and


express myself. I thought to myself, what is the talent

I love it. Iron sharpening iron is just an incredible image. It

that God placed within me and what comes naturally?

really makes you think about why iron sharpens iron and

What came naturally for me was writing and that’s

what's the purpose of the iron. So I'm all about women

where the blog started.

helping each other in those ways and keeping each other

accountable. Teaching each other, listening to each other, Why did you choose the name “Thehonestshruth”?

ultimately speaking truth with compassion and having

I’m notorious for bad puns, like puns are my life. I

compassion, but still keeping to truth.

came up with the blog name, one, because I like puns, but also because a skill that I have is that I don’t struggle with being honest. I’m not a people-pleaser which can be a weakness, but I just see things a little more clearly. I don’t have an agenda about my thoughts, so when I’m writing It comes across with just that tone of honesty and authenticity.

What motivates you to write? I have always written in journals and I have journals that date back to when I came to know the Lord. I think that written word is the way to make sense of the noise that is in my head with all the different stimuli, people, and the news. There is so much that goes on in our heads, and writing it out makes me feel like I can remove the chaos from it. I find that it's natural, it's easy and soothing and time flies when I'm writing.

To learn more about Shruthi Parker

and TheHonestShruth, listen to the full

interview at






What lead you to start your blog?

How has starting your blog helped your Christian

The first time I started my blog it was on Myspace


in 2005, and it was only to grab the attention of an

My writing definitely keeps me accountable and has held

ex-boyfriend. I wanted him to know how much I

me accountable on my Christian walk. Writing blogs keeps

loved him if my writing every turned into a book. I

me faithful to Him just like reading my bible. Only with

drifted away for a couple of years and started back

blogging, I am representing Christ publicly! It keeps me

up, but this time around I had a different purpose

honest and faithful because I know someone is reading my

and a different perspective: which was that I wanted

blogs. So, my accountability is to give them hope and to let

to share the Lord’s love and all of the incredible, yet

them know that if God can love me through my story, then

heart-wrenching moments he’s brought me through.

imagine how much he can love them through theirs. My

I wanted to share my story in hope that it would and

blogs also helped me see how much God has brought me

will inspire someone else, yet help me heal in the

through. I witness His forgiveness and that alone has helped

meantime by bringing God glory!

me immensely throughout my walk with Christ!

What motivates you to write?

What do you think of when you hear the phrase: “As

The Lord! It’s His constant love for me as a father

Iron Sharpens Iron, One Woman Sharpens Another”?

that motivates me to write. He pushes me when I’m

When I think of this phrase, God brings me to Ecclessiastes

discouraged, or feeling fear to share who I am, or

4:12. So, basically, I lift you up, you lift me up. I build you

what I’m going through. His love for me is what

up, you build me up. We sharpen each other!

gives me the strength to keep writing.

What can readers find when they visit your blog? Honesty, pain, redemption, and my love for the Lord. They can learn about who I am and what the Lord has brought me through, but they can also see all the imperfections in me. I’m hoping though, that they also see the beauty within my heart that I carry for the Lord.

What does surrendering look like in your life? Honestly, surrendering to me is just giving God full authority, full control, and absolute full access to every part of my life, every part of my heart, and just everything about me. It’s just letting Him really run my life and taking those burdens that aren’t necessary for me to carry and allowing Him to work out everything for His purpose, His good, and for the good of others!

To learn more about Veranique Parker and VPInspirations, listen to the full

interview at



Finding answers in the Written WordÂ





And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. -Luke 11:9 KJV The Word of God is simple. Every word, passage, verse, instruction, story, definition, law, commandment, song, poem, and prayer written in the Bible, is written: As is. It doesn’t have an age, education, race, religion, sex, nationality, or political requirement and it gives each of us simple instructions on “How To” do just about everything. How to live our lives according to the Word Ephesians 5:1-2

How to trust in the Lord Proverbs 3:5-6 How to forgive ourselves and others Luke 11:4

How to love others as Christ loves us. 1 John 4:7

How to push through trials Psalms 34:17

How to push past fear Psalm 34:7 How to find strength. Psalm 46:1-3 Proverbs 18:10

How to raise children. Ephesians 6:4 Proverbs 22:6 How to find a job. John 15:7 Psalm 90:16

How to be a wife and woman Proverbs 31: 10-31

How to not worry Philippians 4:6

From young to old, the Bible has served as a guide to navigate through life since its origin. We are all constantly searching for answers, but there really is no need to search. As I studied the Bible in search for answers to life’s challenges, I realized how knowledge and wisdom truly lie within its pages. Seeing that the Word originated in the very beginning, and that the Word was with God, and that the Word was God, we have always had all of the answers we were searching for because we've always had God. God endures forever and so does His Word . We don’t have to add anything to it, or take anything out of it to understand the content of its context. It’s as blatant and straightforward as it will ever be, and has always been available in our time of need. So, whenever you find yourself searching for answers remind yourself to turn to the written word. There, you will learn “how to” do exactly what you need to do. The Word of God is simple. It is up to us to apply the Word to our lives, as it is written.

That, according as it is written, He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord.-1 Corinthians 1:31 (KJV)

And these things write we unto you, that your joy may be full. 1 JOHN 1:4 (KJV)






By: Chriscynthia Calhoun

As I got older, I would ask to read the stories just so I can look at the words and memorize them. The

When I was a child, the written word was a

library eventually became my "go to place" after I

magical vehicle that whisked me away to far off

read every Child Craft and World Book Encyclopedia

lands where I could be anyone, do anything, go

at home and every book I can get my hands on at

any place and usually ended up saving the day and

school. I would head up most of the classic childhood

becoming the conquering hero. As the eldest

series and then moved onto mysteries, crime stories

sibling of eight, I was tasked with a lot of duties

and romance when I became a teenager. Even then, I

that kept me busy around the house. Nevertheless,

realized that all of these genres could be found in the

I lived for the moments when I could sneak away


to my room and climb up on the top shelf in my closet to escape the noise and commotion of a full

At 18, my first year of college was spent at Miracle

house and read my newest adventure. Oh, don't get

Valley Bible College in Sierra Vista, Arizona. Even

me wrong, I loved movies and cartoons, but books

though it was more my mother’s desire for me to

and comics held a special place in my young heart.

attend than my own, I soon discovered a library full

It always seemed as if the words were enchanted

of books by Christian authors. My favorites included

and leapt off the page and emblazon themselves

authors like Grace Livingston Hill, C. S. Lewis, J. R.

across my mind, soul and spirit.

R. Tolkien, and scores of well-known evangelists, missionaries and ministers; including the founder of

When I was about 6 or 7 years old, my mother

the college A. A. Allen. As a matter of fact, this is

bought the most beautifully illustrated children's

where I became a more serious student of the Bible

Bible. She would gather us all into the living

because it was part of my curriculum. That year, my

room before bedtime and read us the most

view of Christians and religion was often tested; not

spectacular stories straight from the pages of the

only by my professors, but by my classmates as well.

Holy Scriptures. I remember being completely

Many of them, from all over the globe. Truly, I was

transfixed by the words and colorful drawings.

amazed by their worldview and the varied doctrines

Afterwards, the family would have some

that were very much a part of their life experience. At

extremely in-depth discussions about these tales,

any rate, the things I read, the people I met and all of

since mom always wanted to hear our impressions

my experiences there really helped to define my

of the stories. My mom was a big believer of

belief system and Christian walk going forward. In

quizzing us on verses from the Bible she felt were

those days, I was struggling to establish my own

important pearls of wisdom that would carry us

relationship with God without relying solely on my

through life. One of her favorite verses was 2

mother’s. Due to my own convictions, it became my

Timothy 2:15 (KJV):

deepest desire to obey God’s word and follow His teachings.

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly

“Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not

dividing the word of truth.

sin against thee” – Psalm 119:11 (KJV).

PAGE 26 That time away from my family taught me to pray about



Photo of Chriscynthia at Bible college, age 18

every decision, be quick to forgive and slow to anger, to never judge a book by its cover, and to laugh in the face of calamity. Even when one of my closest classmates there used a super strong home permanent on my very fine hair, which resulted in me gawking in horror as most of my precious locks went swirling down the drain. So, after I grieved (quickly) for the lost strands, we cut my hair into a short style and joked that I was suffering for Christ. Throughout my life, no matter what, when things got really tough, the written word of God gave me the muchneeded strength, impetus and endurance to trust that my Lord and Savior would make everything right.

Without doubt, the Bible is full of the wisdom of the Proverbs; rich in love, music and poetry of the Psalms, and replete with precautions, instructions and encouragement throughout. Even so, the most important assurance, for me, is that no matter what, the written word does not, will not and cannot erase itself. Selah!

“No matter what the situation I believe, I believe No matter what the circumstances I believe, yes I believe I stand on your word I stand on your promise I stand on your word

But the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the good news that was

I stand on your promise my soul says yes, my soul says yes…”

preached to you. - Peter 1:25 KJV

(I Stand On Your Word by Jonathan Butler)

For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven PSALMS 119:89 (KJV)

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