IRSC Assessment Centers are dedicated to providing professional and secure testing services that promote equal opportunity for academic success, personal growth and career development for students, faculty and our community.
Administered Exams:
• ACCUPLACER Next Generation
• Career Certifi cation
• College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
• Florida Civic Literacy Exam
• General Education Development (GED®)
• Industry Certifi cation
• Information Technology (IT)
• Pearson Vue Certifi cation Exams
• Postsecondary Readiness Test (P.E.R.T.)
• Tests of Adult Basic Education (TABE)
Our centers also provide proctoring services for faculty make-up exams and students in need of testing accommodations.
General Testing Procedures
• Make an appointment in person or online.
• Note the time and campus location of your appointment as testing center hours vary. Those who arrive late must reschedule.
• Plan ahead to ensure you have all necessary materials to complete your exam (scantrons, Gordon Rule book, pencils, pens, textbooks, etc.)
• Present a valid photo ID card in order to test. Acceptable forms of identifi cation include a driver license, state- or government-issued ID, school ID or passport.
• Place electronic devices, books and other materials in the designated area.
• Power off all cell phones. Electronic devices in the testing room or remote location is strictly prohibited.
• Read, sign and date the sign-in sheet prior to testing.
• Provide the name of your course and instructor’s name (for faculty-approved make-up exams).
• Comply with all requests from the proctors in a respectful manner.
• Refrain from talking to anyone other than the proctors.
• Turn in all testing materials (completed test, scantron, Gordon Rule book, notes and scrap paper) to the testing staff.
Note that children, food and drinks are not permitted.
Special Accommodation Testing
Students with approved testing accommodations from the IRSC
Of fi ce of Student Accessibility Services can choose between two options for proctored exams:
• Test at home using IRSC’s approved online proctoring service or
• Test in an IRSC Assessment Center by appointment.
Classes requiring proctored exams are proctored online by Honorlock—a remote proctoring service that offers students a secure and convenient way to take proctored exams online 24/7. For more information, visit https://honorlock.com/students/.
For more information, scan the QR code or contact the Testing and Certification Center nearest you.