Launch a career serving the public or become more valuable to your public-sector employer with a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Administration. Students may choose from two areas of specialization.
Emergency Planning and Management
Gain the credentials and skills to play a key role in local, state and federal emergency planning. Students will acquire a foundation in multi-agency incident command, emergency services policy, organizational administration, public finance and ethics.
I˜°˛˝˜ R˛˙ˆˇ S˘˝˘ˆ C ˆ ˆ 1-866-792-4772 | www.irsc.edu
Hands-On Training: Florida Hope Emergency Management Exercise Indian River State College hosted students from across the country for a domestic disaster training exercise in March 2019. This immersive exercise exposed students to an epidemiological response and mass-casualty response and provided them an opportunity to be involved in a victim’s information center. During the three-day exercise, students trained for response roles that used and tested skills associated with confict resolution, disaster triage, emergency response coordination and adaptation under pressure.
(Rev. 4/13/2021)
Program Code:
Program Title:
Bachelor of Science in Public Administration: Emergency Planning and Management Concentration
Admissions Criteria:
A.A. or A.S. Degree graduates from any regionally accredited institution may apply.
Common Prerequisites:
CGS1060 or CGS1100, ECO2103 or ECO2023, POS1041
Foreign Language Requirement:
Students who have not taken two years of the same foreign language in high school must complete two semesters or 8 credit hours of the same foreign language at the college level to meet the foreign language requirement.
Capstone Guidance:
Students must have permission from Department Chair and see an advisor to register for Capstone course (PAD4879). Students must also have completed the foreign language requirement, all General Education courses, all Technical Core courses and all upper-division core courses. Due to the demands of the Capstone course, registration in the final semester is limited to 12 credits.
Program Lead:
John Donahue
772-462-7077 Note: each online course requires at least one proctored exam.
Indian River State College does not discriminate on the bases of race, color, national origin, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, marital status, veteran status, or genetic information in its programs and activities.
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