IX International Olive Oil Competition Armonia Trophy 2015 - Southern Hemisphere

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GENERAL PRESENTATION IRVEA - Istituto per la Ricerca e la Valorizzazione delle Eccellenze Agroalimentari and International Extravirgin Oliveoil Agency announce the 9th International Olive Oil Competition “ARMONIA” to award the Trophy IRVEA The goals of the contest are: * To stimulate olive growers and oil producers to improve the quality of their product and to promote the harmonization of flavors through the use of high-quality extra-virgin olive oil in combination with food in the schools of gourmet cooking and gastronomy and in restaurants in Italy and abroad; * To promote the knowledge and appreciation of healthful and nutritional properties of highquality extra-virgin olive oils and of the Mediterranean diet in schools of all types, particularly in gourmet cooking and gastronomy schools and in restaurants in Italy and abroad; * To encourage the study of high-quality extra-virgin olive oils to increase the numbers of olive oil tasters internationally and with the collaboration of Italian and international universities and research institutes, through the organization of courses and development of educational materials with the Elaioteca Internazionale (olive oil tasting and study room) in the International Cooking Schools in New York, Toronto, Montreal, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Sao Paulo do Brasil and Seoul. High-quality extra-virgin olive oils of any origin, Italian or international may be submitted to the “ARMONIA” contest. The application must be correctly prepared and submitted within the indicated time frame. Companies should send at their own expense no. 6 bottles for each sample participant accompanied by the required documentation in the “Contest Rules” to the Award Secretariat “Armonia” - Trophy IRVEA (via Nursina 2 - 06049 Spoleto - PG, Italy) The fee for participating in the contest is € 126,00 for each type of oil. Payment (all banking expenses on charge of the company sender) must be made prior to submitting the entry form, to which proof of payment must then be attached, either by direct bank transfer with the following information clearly indicated:

Bank: Banca Popolare di Spoleto ABI: 05704 - CAB: 21801 - CIN G BIC: BPSPIT3S - IBAN: IT39G0570421801000000015174 c/c : 000000015174 intestato a : OLIVEOIL AGENCY Causale: Contributo IRVEA/ Armonia 2015

PRIZE * “Trophy IRVEA”

Awarded to the First and Second top oils in the final rankings originating from the two hemisphere in each of the categories of fruitiness: Light, Medium, Intense. The next 10 oils following the second in the final rankings of each category will receive a “Gran Mention Diploma”. * Oils with the best chemical composition a “Trophy” will be awarded to the 3 (three) oils with the best chemical composition, plus 5 “Gran Mention Diploma” for oils originating from each hemisphere * Special recognition “PACKAGING & COMUNICATION”: Competition aimed at assessing the communicative impact of the packaging and label graphics for all the participating oils. * Introduced in previous editions of the competition, during the award ceremony of Trophy IRVEA, will be held the competition “Armonie in Cucina”, in which will compete through the creation of dishes made with the winners oils, looking for the best combination food-oil, the best chefs of Italian Cooking Schools participating at the “Oleum Sapiens” project.







Olive Oil Restaurant

All participants will be notified in advance of the dates when the prizes will be awarded, also via press and in other international media publications. All oils entered in the competition can, by previous request, participate in the program of development and promotion of extra-virgin olive oils of excellence in the Elaioteca Internazionale and in the Cooking Schools in Italy, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Sao Paulo and Seoul. The program will be implemented in Italy and abroad by the contest secretary.

Reserved to the Secretariat

APPLICATION FORM The undersigned (Name and Surname)____________________________________________________________________ as holder/legal representative of the firm ________________________________________________________________ town_______________________________________________________ post code________________________________ address ____________________________________________________ Country__________________________________ TAX or VAT or Business no. ________________________________ mob__________________________________________ phone_________________________________________ fax___________________________________________________ e-mail___________________________________________web________________________________________________ producer of the extra virgin olive oil_____________________________________________________________. APPLIES FOR participation in the 9th International Contest “ARMONIA” of the sample described above, attaching all documents as required by Art. 4 of the Contest Rules; The undersigned, ______________________________________________, having read, understood, and duly noted the award rules, and declares: • That he/she will accept the judgement of the tasting panel and jury, and understands that only the list of award winning oils will be released (scoring of other samples will not be published) • That he/she agrees to deliver olive oil samples and complete documentation (see Contest Rules, Art. 4) to the contest secretary prior to September 26, 2014 for the Southern Hemisphere production and February 11, 2015 for the Northern Hemisphere production. • That he/she understands that incomplete documentation will excludes any entry from the contest • That he/she gives consent for the use of information regarding his/her firm for the objectives of the contest (D.lg. N.196/2003), for promotion and diffusion within and beyond the European Union and internationally. The receipt of the deposit of € ____________________ by direct bank transfer (all banking expenses on charge of the company sender) Clearly indicate name of firm and reason for the payment) to: Bank: Banca Popolare di Spoleto ABI: 05704 - CAB: 21801 - CIN G BIC: BPSPIT3S - IBAN: IT39G0570421801000000015174 c/c : 000000015174 credit to : OLIVEOIL AGENCY Cause: Contributo IRVEA / Armonia 2015

Legal Representative


___________________________________ (date)






Olive Oil Restaurant

____________________________________ (clear signature with company stamp)

Reserved to the Secretariat

TECHNICAL INFORMATION FOR OIL SAMPLES The undersigned (last and first names) ___________________________________________________________________ owner or legal representative of ________________________________________________________________________ headquartered at ______________________________________ province _______________ postal code_____________ State__________________________ telephone____________________________ fax_____________________________ e-mail______________________________________________ web_____________________________________________ Grower



Declares that the quantity of oil in the lot from which the present sample was taken weighed Kg __________ AREA OF PRODUCTION: State_____________________________ Region ________________________ Province _________________________ Locality________________________ Altitude __________________________ Numbers of tree__________________ Age___________________ Area of Olive Grove (ha)____________________________________________________________________ AGRONOMICAL INFORMATION: Variety__________________________ %______________ Variety__________________________ %______________ Variety__________________________ %______________ Variety__________________________ %______________ TOTAL=100 Field cover






Carica di Frutti




Harvest date ______________________________________________________________________________ Method of harvest

By hand

Mechine aided


Yield per hectare in metric tons _______________________________________________________________ EXTRATION SYSTEMS ESTRCTION




Olive Oil Restaurant

2 phase

3 phase







Legal Representative A

______________________________________ (date)

______________________________________ (clear signature with company stamp)

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