IX International Olive Oil Competition Armonia Trophy 2015 - Southern Hemisphere

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RULES OF THE CONTEST Art. 1 IRVEA - Istituto per la Ricerca e la Valorizzazione delle Eccellenze Agroalimentari and International Extravirgin Oliveoil Agency in collaboration with the Italian Academy of Cooking, the Accademia Maestri Pasticceri Italiani, the National Academy of Olives & Olive Oil, Instituto della Grasa of Siville (ES), Mercacei (www.mercacei.com), announce the 9th International Olive Oil Competition “ARMONIA” to award the Trophy IRVEA Art. 2 The goals of the contest are: a) To stimulate olive growers and oil producers to improve the quality of their product and to promote the harmonization of flavors through the use of highquality extra-virgin olive oil in combination with food in the schools of gourmet cooking and gastronomy and in restaurants in Italy and abroad; b) To promote the knowledge and appreciation of healthful and nutritional properties of highquality extra-virgin olive oils and of the Mediterranean diet in schools of all types, particularly in gourmet cooking and gastronomy schools and in restaurants in Italy and abroad; c) To encourage the study of high-quality extra-virgin olive oils to increase the numbers of olive oil tasters internationally and with the collaboration of Italian and international universities and research institutes, through the organization of courses and development of educational materials with the Elaioteca Internazionale (olive oil tasting and study room) in the International Cooking Schools in New York, Toronto, Montreal, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Sao Paulo do Brasil and Seoul. Art. 3 High-quality extra-virgin olive oils of any origin, Italian or international may be submitted to the “ARMONIA” contest. The application must be correctly prepared and submitted within the indicated time frame. Art. 4 Within the date specified in Art. 6, individual producers or co-operatives wishing to enter their product into the contest must forward the extra-virgin oil samples, together with completed application form (by DDT - Delivery Duty Trade). This will be applicant’s own expense and must be received within the

date specified in Art.6 at the following address: Contest Secretary “Armonia”- Trophy IRVEA via Nursina 2, - 06049 - SPOLETO (PG) Italy, Ph. + 39 011 195 67218 Mob. +39 347 49 13 924 - +39 338 53 94 663 - Fax +39 0743 778608 Skype: internationaleoliveoilagency e-mail: info@oliveoilagency.org Each oil, entered must be accompanied with the following: a) Correctly completed application form, typewritten or clear block letters. Illegible applications will not be considered. b) Each oil entered should be packaged in 6 (six) 500 ml glass bottles (or equivalent volume), ensuring that they are well sealed and correctly labeled. c) Certificate of chemical (however analyses will be executed in our laboratories). d) Technical Information form filled out completely for each oil entered in the contest e) Copy of receipt of payment of contest entry fee (Refer Art.7). All above documentation must be enclosed in a single sealed envelope delivered with the oil samples. (In order to expedite the paperwork, it is recommended to send a copy of all documents by fax to +39 0743 778608). All entries not rigorously adhering to the contest rules will be excluded from participation. Art. 5 The organizers decline responsibility for entries arriving after the contest deadline, total or partial loss of application materials in transit, chemophysical or organoleptic changes of the samples due to temperature change, and breakage or other problems during transit. Extravirgin






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Shipping and other expenses related to transit, such as customs fees, are the responsibility of the entrant individuals or businesses. In order to avoid problems with shipping and delivery, it is advisable to carefully follow the guidelines in the attached “Suggestions for shipping”. From the delivery to the contest secretary until the presentation of samples to the contest jury, it is the responsibility of the organizers to keep samples properly in order to preserve their integrity. Art. 6 The submission and selection of competing oils will be run in to separate

batches, each according to harvest period for the different zones of origin. This is to guarantee uniformity in the evaluation of the fresh oils Southern Hemisphere: Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, South Africa; submission of applications and oil samples in the period of July 25 through September 26, 2014. Northern Hemisphere: All other countries producing olive oil: submission of applications and oil samples from December 1 2014 through February 11, 2015. Art. 7 The fee for participating in the contest is â‚Ź 126,00 for each type of oil. Payment (all banking expenses on charge of the company sender) must be made prior to submitting the entry form, to which proof of payment must then be attached, either by direct bank transfer with the following information clearly indicated : Bank: Banca Popolare di Spoleto ABI: 05704 - CAB: 21801 - CIN G BIC: BPSPIT3S - IBAN: IT39G0570421801000000015174 c/c : 000000015174 intestato a : OLIVEOIL AGENCY Causale: Contributo IRVEA/ Armonia 2015 Art. 8 Samples of oil submitted to the contest will be anonymously subjected to a definitive pre-selection round by the First Tasting Commission, composed of a panel head and qualified judges. The Commission will use a form for the evaluation of sensory profile and ARMONIA specifically developed for the admission of the oils to the contest, attributing to each sample one of the following classifications: Extravirgin

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a) Light fruitiness, b) Medium fruitiness,






c) Intense fruitiness. IN T E R

Art. 9 The Coordinating Committee is composed of the groups organizing this contest who will nominate a panel leader to work with the jury and its members. In order to promote the diffusion of olive oil tasters, the Coordinating Committee will attempt to rotate tasters listed on the national register and to include female tasters.

With respect to the composition of the jury the decisions of the Committee are definite and final. Art. 10 The jury of the finalist will be constituted by an IOOC panel leader and experienced tasters, who are members of IOOC or MIPAF certified panels, registered on the National list of Technicians and Expert tasters of extra-virgin olive oils and possibly members of the National Academy of Olives and Olive Oil. Art. 11 The score assigned to each sample will be calculated from the arithmetic mean of the numeric scores given by the jury members. A notary, assisted by a Coordinating Committee delegate will oversee the official paperwork and ensure proper procedures are followed. To protect the prestige of the businesses participating in the 8th International Olive Oil Competition “ARMONIA” Trophy IRVEA, individual point scores of all samples will not be published. Contest participants may request that their submitted oils together with evaluation card showing relative sensory profile, be part of the Elaioteca Internazionale (olive oil tasting and study room), an innovative program of training and promotion, largely managed on-line, and oriented to promote knowledge and the proper use of extra virgin olive oil of excellence in the International Schools of High Cuisine, in trade organization of specialty food and in the restoration of high level, also through the Circuit of “Extra virgin Olive Oil Restaurants”, that involve Restaurant and Hotel of high level in New York, Toronto, Montreal, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Sao Paulo Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Seoul, Sydney and Singapore.







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Art. 12 In the 9th International Olive Oil Competition “ARMONIA”, a “Trophy” will be awarded to the 3 (three) oils with the best chemical composition, plus 5 “Gran Mention Diploma” for oils originating from each hemisphere, according to the division described in Art. 6. Awards will be presented on a date yet to be determined in May or June of 2015 on the contest of Trophy IRVEA. Art. 13 The “Trophy IRVEA” will be awarded to the First and Second top oils in the final rankings originating from the two hemisphere in each of the categories of fruitiness: Light, Medium, Intense. The next 10 oils following the second in the final rankings of each category will receive a “Gran Mention Diploma”.

Art. 14 The businesses producing the First and Second place oils in each category, awarded the “Trophy IRVEA” in the 8th International Olive Oil Competition “ARMONIA”, will have the right to advertise this achievement to the consumer. The contest secretary will make a special seal available to the winners for use in packaging the remaining oil in batches from which the prize winning oil was sampled. Within 15 days of the announcement of contest results, winners must inform the contest secretary how much oil remains unsold in each prize-winning batch. Art. 15 Introduced in previous editions of the competition, during the award ceremony of Trophy IRVEA, will be held the competition “Armonie in Cucina”, in which will compete through the creation of dishes made with the winners oils, looking for the best combination food-oil, the best chefs of Italian Cooking Schools participating at the “Oleum Sapiens” project. Art. 16 All participants will be notified in advance of the dates when the prizes will be awarded, also via press and in other international media publications. All oils entered in the competition can, by previous request, participate in the program of development and promotion of extra-virgin olive oils of excellence in the Elaioteca Internazionale and in the Cooking Schools in Italy, New York, Toronto, Montreal, Heidelberg, Tokyo, Sao Paulo and Seoul. The program will be implemented in Italy and abroad by the contest secretary.







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