English Test - 1st Term (Ref.) FULL NAME:__________________________________________ GROUP:_________ 1) Vocabulary Rodea siete palabras: nombres referidos a partes del cuerpo, adjetivos para describir el pelo y los ojos y luego completa con ellas las oraciones. (7 pts)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
My best friend’s got glasses. My friend Megan’s got d______ hair. I’ve got white t______ . Mark’s got big e______ . Sam and Alex have got s______ hair. Sally’s got g______ e______ . She’s got f________ on her n______ . My teacher’s got l______ h______ .
2) Completa el vocabulario sobre la familia (10 pts) Male Female (1) g_ _ _ _f_ _ _ _r gr a ndmo t h er (2) br_th_r (3) s_ _t_r (4) c_ _s_n (5) _ _cl_ (6) _ _nt (7) f_t_ _r (8) m_t_ _r (9) s_n (10) d_ _g_t_r
3) Subraya la forma correcta del verbo have got. (10 pts) I haven’t / hasn’t got a white T-shirt. 1 2 3 4 5
June haven’t / hasn’t got 31 days. We ’s / ’ve got white teeth. Have / Has Simon and Maisie got dark hair? You’ve / You’s got short hair. He not / hasn’t got a rubber.
6 7 8 9 10
You and Tom haven’t / hasn’t got freckles. My brother has / is got red hair. She has got / Has she got glasses? Have I got / I’ve got a new MP3 player. Has Ruth got / Ruth has got a blue bike?
4)Empareja los pronombres personales con los correspondientes adjetivos posesivos. Luego subraya la opción correcta. (6 pts + 14 pts = 20 pts)) its his our their her your my
1 2 3 4 5 6
I my you ______ he ______ she ______ it ______ we ______ they ______ I / My ’ve got freckles on my nose.
1 I / My rubber is green. 2 He / His sister has got freckles. 3 We / Our haven’t got desks. 4 They / Their cousins are twins. 5 We / Our parents have got glasses. 6 Have you / your got his pen? 7 It’s / Its got three hundred pages. 8 They / Their brothers have got green eyes. 9 Lisa’s friend is you / your cousin. 10 You / Your T-shirts are blue. 11 Dad and I / my have got glasses. 12 They / Their are from Spain. 13 I / My best friend is from Portugal. 14 She / Her name is Ellen. 5) Subraya la forma correcta del verbo to be en cada caso y traduce debajo al español. (8 pts) 1. The boys is / are in the supermarket. 2. I is / am a student.
3. My friend Luis and I are / am Spanish. 4. The book are / is on the table. 5. The banks is / are in Baker Street. 6. My computer is / are new. 7. Ana and Pedro is / are good students. 8. The school and the supermarket is / are in that street. 6)Pon las frases del ejercicio anterior en negativa. (8 pts) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 7) Usa el artículo indeterminado a / an con los siguientes sustantivos . (12 pts) Orange _ ......................................... Ear _ ....................................................................... Pencil _ ......................................... Rubber _ ................................................................. Notebook _ ......................................Ice-cream _ ............................................................. Apple _ ........................................... Cat _ ....................................................................... Dog _ .............................................. Pen _ ....................................................................... Exam _ ........................................... Umbrella _ .............................................................. 8) Escribe estos números en inglés. (5 pts) 25= 78=
9) Responde a estas preguntas. (5 pts) What colour is the snow? What colour is the sky? What coulour are elephants? What colour is blood (=sangre)? What colour is the board? 10) Reading My big family My name’s Josh and I’m from England. I’ve got a big family: my mum and dad, my two brothers, my sister, two cats and me! My mum has got fair hair and blue eyes. My dad has got dark hair and brown eyes. My brothers are twins. They’ve got fair hair and brown eyes. My sister, Sally, has got dark hair and brown eyes. My hair is fair and I’ve got green eyes. Lee el texto. ¿Son estas oraciones verdaderas (TRUE) o falsas (FALSE)? (5 pts) Josh is American. F 1 2 3 4 5
There are six people in his family. ___ Josh has got a sister. ___ Sally has got fair hair. ___ His brothers and his sister haven’t got blue eyes. ___ His parents have got green eyes. ___