Unit 8 the interwar period

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ISABEL GARCÍA-VELASCO teachermsisabel.com

WHAT ARE WE GOING TO STUDY IN THIS UNIT? 1. The Weimar Republic in Germany 2. The roaring twenties 3. The Wall Street crash and the Great Depression 4. The rise of totalitarianism


Hello! In this Unit we will continue working with this different methodology, called flipped classrooms! 3


Now, we’ll watch this video and will takes notes using the Cornell method.


TIMELINE Is time to add the new events that I’ve mentioned in the video to Tiki Toki, remember that, a brief description of the event and a picture are required.


After First World War, issues of debt repayment and reparations troubled relations between the Allies and defeated Germany. The U.S.sponsored Dawes (1924) and Young (1929) Plans offered a possible solution to these challenges. Investigate and summarize the content of both plans.


Apart from the economic plans, some treaties were signed to maintain peace between the Allies and the defeated countries, these treaties were: Rapallo (1922). Locarno (1925). Briand-Kellog (1927). Investigate and summarize the content of these treaties. 7

Create a timeline in your notebook with the following events:

Apart from the political affairs, during the ‘20s took place many other outstanding events that marked people’s lives.

Download and print the timeline. Template via AICLE Junta Andalucía. 8

Summarize the Wall Street crash using the following template .

Template: Via AICLE Junta AndalucĂ­a.


Camp EE.UU. 2012.

Hooverville. EE.UU. 1933 10

Did you know that Hitler was named man of the year by Time magazine in 1938? Why do you think that the magazine’s editor named him?

Adolf Hitler | Apr. 14, 1941 11

Memory cards Now, using Goconqr create flashcards that will help you to study and remember the main terms of the unit.


That’s the end of this unit!

Any questions? You can find me at: ✗ ✗

@teachermsisabel contactme@teachermsisabel.com


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