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CONCEPT Given the theme of neon tribal I picked images out from pinterest that links to my personal ideas of the theme and linked it to how I want the fashion show concept to look like. This collage brings together a bright, floral show, using only coloured light to brighten up a space. To incorporate the tribal theme I have used florals to really make the space aesthetically pleasing for images to be taken.

This image shows the kind of idea I had in mind. I would incorpo-

rate flowers, neon lights and hair dressing equipment dangling

from the ceiling to create an installation that the models walk around. As shown on the next page the models will not walk on

the typical t-shaped catwalk but they will walk round the shape of the room. This incorporates the guests into the show creating an aesthetically pleasing area for good images.


Here is a diagram of how I want the runway and design of the room to look like. Models will walk around the edge of the room showing of the

designs from the fashion design and jewellery students. Initially I was thinking of creating a mound of flowers, hairdressing equipment and lights however I think it will look better with the pieces hanging from the ceiling.

stage runway

runway Entrance


SPATIAL LAYOUT Scattered around the area will be real and fake

flowers and light decorations, on tables, on the floors. To really make the space floral and

lit up. Some images here are inspiration from places I’ve visited like Next had these fake

flower ornament that could be used on tables around the event to really add to the colour of

the room. Neon light strips I’ve found on amazon could be bought and placed on these tables and around the floor to light up the area.

PHOTO - BOOTH & INSTAGRAM One idea I had includes a way of promoting the work of Wigs & Warpaint

and SHU Fashion students. In the space there will be a dedicated area

for a photobooth that includes the

floral backdrop and also neon lights. I was thinking that the camera could

have a changeable film where neon

films can cover the camera changing the col-

our of the images to bring in the neon theme. The images would then be posted onto a

W&WXFMAC instagram account tagging people and hashtags to share the night with

everyone. This enables people to learn more

about the salon and SHU fashion students can share these images on their event review.

FASHION SHOW SCHEDULING I have done the schedule for the fashion show to show how the night will unfold. Doors will open at 7:15pm allowing guest to settle into the space. At this point guest will only be allowed in the upstairs foyer part as the runway will be getting set up. Refreshments will be handed around including food and drinks at

7:30pm. Around 7:50pm doors into the main room will open for people to take their seats for the show. The room will be dark except for neon lights. The fashion

show commences at 8:00pm where the fashion design students will showcase their ‘White Collection’ and then The SHU jewellery students will also. All hair

and make up will be done by the Wigs & Warpaint crew before hand. Once the fashion show is over more refreshments will be available. At 9:15pm celebratory

talks from the Wigs & Warpaint crew will commence. Afterwards the main area

will be cleared and the DJ will begin allowing for a night of celebratory dancing.


HAIR STYLING IDEA For the hair I used pinterest images as inspiration including the images on

the previous page. I wanted to link the tribal and neon together but also incorporate florals into the styling like the image below. I was thinking of

twisted braids and back combed styled hair, with neon coloured and floral bobbles and clips. I think this kind of hair styling will be in keeping with my

concept of the fashion event. Also the bright colours would go well with the white garments made by the fashion design students.

W&WXSHU EVENT DAY On Saturday 14th April the event took place. Unfortunately the event was quite disorganised and at times I felt quite unprofessional. As it was a collaboration I understand that it is sometimes hard to communicate fully to each teams. As the SHU team we were asked to help out with as much as possible and were allocated times to arrive to help out. I joined in with installation team to help with hanging posters etc. When we got there most of the installation was completed however I didn’t feel as though it fitted with our ‘neon tribal’ theme. Except for our own images that we had hung around the space. There didn’t seem to be a schedule of when the models were to be on stage so we were a little unsure about when we needed the models to start getting ready. We were told the show was to start at 7:30pm however it wasn’t until 8:20pm that it actually started. Our part in the show worked well and looked good on stage with the neon lights and images projected on them. Overall, I think the event went well however the planning and preparation was quite disorganised.

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