It all started with a man named Kaldi. He herded goats for a living high up in the mountains. Nothing was ever out of the ordinary, except for a certain tree.
The monk at the monastery burned the fruits as a peace offering with the gods. “Hmmm? What’s this smell?� the monk wondered. It was not like anything he had ever smelled before.
News spread from the monastery to places all over the world about this mysterious drink, and still today, billions of people cannot resist a sip. Kaldi and the monk did not know that they just invented coffee but after hundreds of years, there’s still a lot to be done to get to that perfect cup. Inside this box are tools that will give you a lot of power. With them, you can help create the most powerful drink known to man. It may take time, so use these tools wisely. We’ll guide you on your way to becoming our next coffee hero, so take your time, have fun, and cheers for more great coffee!
CHERRY PICKING Grapes? Raspberries? Nope! This is a closer look inside a coffee cherry! Just like most berries, they contain seeds which are the most important parts of the fruit. The green seeds are actually what makes up a good cup of coffee! However, without good quality seeds, we won’t have good quality coffee.
COFFEE ARABIC & T R E E SA & ROBUS TA You can tell which plant is a Lectus tree nunc sed consequat coffee by quam, looking at its diam a rcu, nunc p retium, sed est leaves. They’re often big and ut erat. Eget ante ut, maiores quis shiny, and the trees have thin dui ligula, a rcu tortor id s it a t trunks. They can only commodo, e leifend quis grow etiam high up in the mountains amet porta t ellus in. Pede ligula, where weather cold donec s the ed u rna itaque, ispharetra tincidunt, elitget nulla eu. or else they’ll sick. The Condimentum c ras vitae, s ociis fruits grow in bunches from elit white ipsum id condimentum. the flowers in the trees which smell very sweet. You know it’s coffee season when you can smell them!
TH E CHERRY THE HsedEquam, R Rconsequat Y LectusC nunc
diam a rcu, nunc p retium, sed est ut erat. Eget ante ut, maiores quis Thisligula, is aanrcuArabica dui tortor id coffee s it a t commodo, e leifend quis etiam cherry. The tall and slender amet porta t ellus in. Pede ligula, cherry is made up of many donec s ed u rna itaque, pharetra layers, each protecting the tincidunt, elit nulla eu. green bean cneeded to smake Condimentum ras vitae, ociis coffee. seeds are elit ipsum idArabica condimentum.
more slender compared to Robusta, which have smaller and fatter beans. Removing the layers is hard work, but with the right tools, anybody can do it!
Green Bean Silver Skin Parchment Pulp Skin
FOUND YTHE O URIPEST R TREE? OF THEM ALL The best cherries are the reddest of sed thequam, bunch. They Lectus nunc consequat diam aout rcu,green nunc pbut retium, start turnsed redest as ut erat. Eget ante ut, maiores quis they become ripe. Only pick dui ligula, rcu tortor id s have it a t the ripesta ones as they commodo, e leifend quis etiam the best flavor and quality!
amet porta t ellus in. Pede ligula, donec s ed u rna itaque, pharetra Check out your tincidunt, elit toolbox! nulla You eu. have a guidecwhich wills help Condimentum ras vitae, ociis elit ipsum condimentum. you pickidthe best cherries.
Find your first tree and start picking those cherries!
Take the wristband and wrap it around your wrist. Make sure it doesn’t slide off! Use this as a guide for picking your first coffee cherries.
Take the wristband and wrap it around your wrist. Make sure it doesn’t slide off! Use this as a guide for picking your first coffee cherries.
for the thered cherry and gently TaLook da! You canripest now red lookcherries. for theTake ripest cherries easily. from thefrom stem.the stem of the tree. Take the cherry and pull gently pull Take as many of the red ones as you can!
for the thered cherry and gently TaLook da! You canripest now red lookcherries. for theTake ripest cherries easily. from thefrom stem.the stem of the tree. Take the cherry and pull gently pull Take as many of the red ones as you can!