ISnAP February 2018

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Amit Agronov

WELCOME TO THE FEBRUARY 2018 ISSUE OF ISNAP! Blue Flag Report Amit Agronov The Greatest Aviation Show On Earth: Switzerland Axalp Live-Fire Demo Frank Zera Fall Festival of Flight Uplifts The Soul! Gary Daniels French Connection Marc Schultz The PSAero Experience Marc Schultz 15th Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards Larry Grace, Gary Daniels, Hayman Tam, Mark Chiolis, Raymond Cervantes Meet Our Members Franz Schober, Joshua Patterson, Al Pike, Jeff Schroeder

FRONT COVER PHOTO: Marc Schultz De Havilland Vampire of the Norwegian Armed Forces Aircraft Collection at Oslo-Gardemoen airport BACK COVER: Jay Miller, 2018 George Hall Award Recipient F4U Corsairs flying together ISAP’s goal is to bring together our members who share a love of aviation, and want to preserve its history through their images. Through our organization, members can seek to enhance their artistic quality, advance technical knowledge, and improve safety for all areas of aviation photography while fostering professionalism, high ethical standards, and camaraderie. ISAP continues to help our members to better their photography skills, workflow, and set up resources to help with business questions that our members have. Updates are being made to the ISAP website and member portfolio section, and we are showcasing ISAP members’ images and accomplishments on our social media pages. In this issue we are continuing to highlight ISAP members. I’m sure you will enjoy learning how your fellow ISAP members got started, as well as seeing some of their images and learning some tips. Remember that ISnAP is your publication to share your images, stories and tips with other members and the public. We look forward to each member sharing his or her stories with all of us. Enjoy this issue of ISnAP! Sincerely, Larry Grace, President Kevin Hong, ISnAP Editor International Society for Aviation Photography •

Frances Zera

w e l c o m e

n e w

a n d

r e t u r n i n g

i s a p

m e m b e r s

Charles Burin

Mark Greenmatle

Charles Mawby

Thakur Dalip Singh

Anthony Cooper

Christopher Henry

John Nanartowicz

Francis Stiles

Paul Comber

Mark Hrutkay

David Nelson

Markus Tatscher

Alexander Cook

Jo Hunter

Thomas Pawlesh

Hayman Tam

Roy Deters

Kenneth Jones

Michelle Patterson

Rolli Watkins

Randall Dunn

Geremy Kornreich

Joshua Patterson

Jim Williamson

William Ellison

Earl Landry

Al Pike

Caleb Worpel

Jorge Escalona

Kevin Long

Denis Rouleau

Ronald Wrightson

Jimmy Froneberger

Ronald Marasco Jr

Luis Sales

Liyu Wu

Mike Gagarin

Rastislav Margus

Marc Schultz

Jerome Buescher

Chris Genentz

George Mastantonis

Franz Schober

The ISnAP is a periodic publication of the International Society for Aviation Photography and is used to communicate news, functions, convention information, and other information of interest on the local, regional, and national scenes. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and should not be construed as the views or opinions of the International Society for Aviation Photography.

BLUE FLAG REPORT Article and photos by Amit Agronov

The Israeli air force international training program has become in the last years to be fully and reach in deployments and collaborations that took the force to all kind of new lands on the globe and welcome new guests into the small country of Israel. The Blue flag exercise was born when the IAF recognized the need to host and train with several countries simultaneously on its own field, and in order to strengthen the ability for international cooperation with is closest allies when it will become necessary and required. The first Blue Flag has taken place on 2013 when forces from the United States, Italy, and Greece have participated, those three are considered as strong allies of Israel and the IAF, and the cooperation between them in happening for a long time now. The exercise was held in Ovda Air Base in the Southern Israel, which is the main deployments base in Israel and he is the home base of 115 Squadron “The Red Dragon’s“The aggressor squadron of the IAF.

The base hosts squadrons training in the Negev Desert. It also holds the advanced training center, which trains aircrews in varied exercises, teaches them the IAF’s combat doctrine and how to build operational orders. Two years later, In 2015, the exercise also took place in the same format, and the Polish Air Force also participated. This year is the third exercise and one of the largest ever, hosted by the IAF with over 1,200 aircrew members, maintenance, administration and support personnel and almost 80 fighter jets that come from seven different countries. This is the biggest international exercise that Israel ever host, and one of the biggest in the world for this. Three countries from the seven arrived in Israel for the first time, Germany, India, And France, this is a huge jump forward in the international arena for Israel. “The regional situation is very unstable and there is a significant statement that seven countries are coming here that say they believe in the State of Israel, the IDF, and the IAF,” said General Amnon Ein-Dar, the head of the Air Operations department.

Full List of Forces Participating in Exercise Squadron



Number of planes

107 squadron “The Knights of the Orange Tail”

Israel Air Force



101 Squadron “The First Fighter Squadron”

Israel Air Force

F16 C Block 40


Squadron 115 “The Red Dragon’s“

Israel Air Force

F16 C Block 30

All the Squadron have been participate.

Squadron 133 “The Knights of the Twin Tail”

Israel Air Force

F15 A\B\C\D

14 Aircrafts total , some of them are 106 squadron planes that participate as 133.

Escadron de chasse 1/3 Navarre

Armée de l’air



510th FS


F16 C Block 30


TaktLwG 73 “Steinhoff“


Eurofighter Typhoon


77 Squadron “Veiled Vipers“

Indian Air Force



335 squadron “AEGEAN TIGERS”

Hellenic Air Force

F-16C/D Block 52+ adv


154 And 155 Squadrons

Aeronautica Militare

Tornados IDS\MLU\ECR


31 - Tigers and 32 - Dragons Sdns

Polish Air Force

F16 C\D Block 52


Alongside the fighter squadrons from Israel, several Israeli Squadrons have been given full support to all the participates, A G550 AEWC “Nahshon” from 122 Squadron, that build an aerial picture and give Air supremacy. A Boeing 707 Tanker “Re’em” from 120 “Desert Giants Squadron” that trained and refuel the squadrons during combat scenarios. And a C-130J Super Hercules “Shimshon” from 103 “Elephants Squadron”, the Elephants Sqr have Been Train together With The Indian C130J from 77 Squadron “Veiled Vipers”, the Indians deploy with the “Garud” Commando Force that is the main Special Forces unit in the Indian Air Force and they responsible for close support, combat search & rescue, they all train alongside the IDF heliborne Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR) extraction unit - 669. “This is the first time for us here in Israel, there is a big importance to the ability to work and train together and share problems and solutions, There is an understanding of the common challenges, and a lot of combat experience that we can learn from. And also learn to work together. Techniques and capabilities.“ says K. Bharat, Squadron Leader from the Indian Air Force. Capt. Itamar from 103 squadron says “The aircrews will take part in the exercise’s aerial combat scenarios, Flying in the ‘Blue-Flag’ isn’t like a regular training flight. The rules of the game change in an exercise as large as this one, and the aerial playground is designed so that the scenarios are as effective for the participants as possible.“ New relations: A landing of a German fighter jet in the Israeli land is a Proof of prosperity and success in the relations between the nations in the military and in the political arena, the Luftwaffe has been deployed to Ovda with six Eurofighter Typhoons aircrafts from the TaktLwG 73 “Steinhoff”. Lt. Col. Gero von Fritschen, commander, and the leader of the German delegation says “its a very special moment for us, we are honored to be here, the most challenging part for us was to find a common base of understanding, this exercise is focused on the flying part itself, less on the planning, more on the execution”. In addition to Germany, this is the first year that the Armee de l’air is deploying to Israel, also, a first landing in the last decades for a Dassault fighter jet in the Israeli ground. the French Squadron - Escadron de chasse 1/3 Navarre, was equipped with 5 MIRAGE’s 2000D. In previous exercises, the US Air Force sent an F-15s that came from 492nd Fighter Squadron, that based at the fighter wing in RAF Lakenheath, this year, the US have been deployed from Aviano Air Base in Italy, with F16’s from 510th FS.

Amit Agronov

Lt. Col. Benjamin “Skynyrd” Freeborn, the commander of the 510th FS says: “There is no such thing as working alone, Today we work in coalitions, Against ISIS or anyone else. So it is important to practice together and to practice common abilities and language so that we know how to act together if we need to, air diplomacy as a bridge to regional stability“. “The Red Dragon’s“ Squadron - the aggressors for this exercise that flew with block 40 F-16’s as the red side, this year its been decided to also use the MIM-104 (‘Patriot’) surface to air missiles, for challenging the forces during the exercise and supply more threats. The exercise area of flying, was the Negev desert, although its small,

it’s very good for mission planners and provides a very good training ground with shooting ranges and low flying areas that includes mountains and valleys. The exercise, is designed to simulate fighting in a coalition with various air forces, that means a lot to Israel, especially these days, that fighting terrorism is a national interest, and many resources must be mobilized in order to stop it, we can watch the situations just around the corner, within Israel’s borders in Syria, Lebanon and the everyday fighting in the ISIS. Eyes to the future: Look like the next blue flag will take place in the end of 2019, the IAF is entering those days into the fifth generation era and the IAF’s F35 squadron will become operational in this December, there is no doubt that the use in the F35 will strengthen the IAF. The State of Israel is a central component of the Middle East arena. There is a great effort to prevent unnecessary incidents in the neighboring countries, at the same time, maintaining air superiority in the region and keep the borders clear.

Amit Agronov

Amit Agronov

Amit Agronov

Amit Agronov

Amit Agronov


Switzerland’s Axalp Live-Fire Demo Article and photos by Francis Zera

Axalp is, in my humble opinion, very likely the best air show on earth, although the Swiss Air Force will be quick to tell you that it’s not really an airshow, rather, it’s a live-fire training exercise to which the public is invited. It’s officially named Fliegerschiessen Axalp, which translates to Air Force Live Fire Axalp.

The horizontal distance of the hike isn’t that long - it’s only a few miles - but it’s the 55%+ slog up frost-glazed, potholed grassy slopes, and the thin air at elevation, that’ll get you; or at least that’s what beat up this flatlander. But the scenery was so good it would have been worth the effort even without airplanes.

It’s an exercise that’s held on top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps, uphill from the ski town of Axalp. Attendance requires getting to Switzerland, a long drive, a bus ride that’s almost as exciting as the show itself, a chairlift ride, then a hike up the last 1,000 vertical feet.

After a couple hours, we made it to the viewing area, which was already filled with people. Lots of tired folks were napping in the sun, but there were also plenty of jaunty groups drinking wine and eating raclette, which is kind of like a reverse fondue - you melt slabs of smelly, yet delicious, cheese and dump it over either boiled potatoes or bread. Not everyone’s backpacks were filled with camera gear - it was apparent that many had hauled up portable kitchens.

Or, if you’re able to secure media credentials, you get to ride to the top in a Super Puma helicopter, a treat which we thoroughly enjoyed on the official first day of the event. But we really wanted the full experience, so we also hiked up to watch the practice the day before the official show. This year’s demonstration was held Oct. 9-11, and it’s the first time in five years the event actually took place - the weather hadn’t really cooperated since 2012, and some accidents (not at Axalp) led to one year’s cancellation. Mountain weather, especially at 7,500 feet ASL, can be fickle in October.

You could also buy bratwurst and beer from a couple of concession stands the air force had flown up there for the event. Those Super Pumas are very versatile machines. Now that I’m finished complaining about the hike, it’s time to talk about the airplanes. The Swiss Air Force still fields 26 Northrop F-5s of varying configurations and a couple dozen F/A-18c Hornets, many of which were flown for the demo. What looked like all 15 of their Aérospatiale AS332 Super Pumas were pressed into service, either ferrying VIPs or long-lining supplies up and down the mountain. At first, it’s a bit disconcerting to hear bursts of cannon fire overhead while you’re hiking, but, just like anything, you kinda get used to it after a while. The jets fire at bright-orange targets affixed to the canyon walls. Watching the jets, you see the puffs of smoke from the cannon fire, you watch the jet get closer, then you hear the brrrrp sounds, and then you watch as the target gets lit up. Super cool stuff.

Francis Zera

Want to go? Here are some tips and a checklist for attending Axalp: With Axalp 2017 now in the books, people are already talking about Axalp 2018. The Swiss Air Force has already published the official dates for next year: Oct. 11-12, 2018. Here are a few helpful pointers if you are considering a trip to Axalp:

• At the Tschingel it sort of feels one is located at the center of the show. Ebenfluh KP is closer to the shooting targets, and gets one also closer to the helicopter demonstrations. And the Brau is a great area for catching the aircraft as they come up the valley.

• This annual event happens during calendar week 41, which is the second week of October.

• At each of the three viewing areas, the Swiss Air Force sells food, soft drinks, beer etc., for reasonable prices - by Swiss standards, anyway (this is an expensive country for those traveling with U.S. dollars; two cups of gas-station coffee and a candy bar set us back $11).

• Weather is the great unknown — October in the Swiss Alps can be very unpredictable and the weather can change rapidly, so there are no guarantees that the event will happen. It gets canceled if the weather is poor. • Axalp can be accessed either by public transportation or by car. There are shuttle buses from Brienz Railway Station, or from a park-and-ride lot at the Brienz highway exit that will take you to the village of Axalp. From there a chair lift will bring you to Windegg. • Dress in layers and be prepared for sunshine, rain, snow, and/or fog. Temperatures can range from summer-like to below freezing with snow. • Hiking boots are absolutely essential. The terrain is very uneven with ankle-busting potholes from the land being used in the summer months for grazing livestock. Take your time on the way up; it is a high alpine environment and you’ll hike up to an elevation of 7,500 feet. • Go early! A good rule of thumb is to arrive at the train station in Brienz or at the car park by 8 a.m. and check the hotline or the website for the day’s Go/No-Go decision from the Swiss Air Force. If the event is canceled for that day, there’s no need to purchase a ticket for that day. But, even with a “Go” decision for that day, the air force reserves the right to cancel the event at any time. • There are three official viewing areas for attendees: Brau, Tschingel, and Ebenfluh KP (command post). There is really not a bad seat in the house. Tschingel and Ebenfluh KP are located on steep slopes, so everyone gets a relatively clear view of the flight demonstrations.

• After the 90-minute flight demonstration, everyone starts the descent back to Axalp village. Again, take your time, as the terrain can be steep and slippery, and with lots of people on trails it is not worth it to rush and end up falling, spraining an ankle, or worse. • At Windegg, there is usually a very long queue to get on the chair lift back down to Axalp. Instead, consider walking down. It takes only about 30 minutes, and most likely will get you to Axalp faster than waiting in line for the chair lift. A bonus is that you get more time to take in the fantastic scenery. • If you prefer not to hike up for the show on both days, a visit to nearby Meiringen Air Base is worth the trip. Meiringen is the departure point for both the VIP and material-hauling helicopter flights, and the F/A-18s are based there as well. There is a nice viewing terrace on top of the restaurant, which is open to the public and is free to access. • Up top, the 90-minute flight demonstration is narrated via loudspeakers in German, French, and English. Note: This list is courtesy of Peter Schneider. A version of this story originally appeared in

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

Francis Zera

FA L L F E S T I VA L O F F L I G H T UPLIFTS THE SOUL! Story and photos by Gary Daniels

Texas summers take a toll on the average Lone Star state resident. It’s just darn hot. But, not that it’s just gosh darn hot…the heat is mixed with high humidity, and that combination creates a misery index that wilts the soul as the summer months simmer on. For aviation die-hards, summer in Texas is very tough, indeed. If you are an airplane owner, you come close to heat stroke in the cockpit in the time it takes you to taxi from your hangar to the moment you push the throttle forward and rush down the runway. Ahhhhh, air-conditioned altitude is your goal as your wheels leave terra firma.

and lean on a polished bird, you may leave some hide seared to the fuselage!

It’s always surprising that anyone shows up for the late spring and summer airshows and fly-ins in Texas. These aviation nuts endure air temps around 100 degrees. And, on the tarmac it’s common to have 120 plus degrees radiating off the concrete! If you aren’t thinking straight…and because of heat exhaustion you probably aren’t…

For the aviation photographer, it’s time to emerge from your air-conditioned hidey-hole and put that expensive gear back to work. One of the best events to do so is the Texas Chapter Antique Airplane Association Fall Festival of Flight held each October in Gainesville, Texas, at the Gainesville Municipal Airport (GLE).

But, then there’s October, the best month of the year in North Texas. The first cool fronts blow in and push the horrible heat and humidity back down to Houston where it belongs. The sky goes from heat haze to beautiful blue. The light becomes clear and clean, a north breeze refreshes with cool dry air, and folks raise their heads and shoulders, standing taller as the will to go on living returns.

This fly-in has a different feeling from the average airshow… a ‘nostalgic and festive atmosphere’ is the best way to explain it. All manner of aircraft arrive, from antiques to classics to warbirds. It’s surprising to see how vibrant the vintage aviation community is in North Texas. The airport is a great facility to host the event. With 6000 feet of concrete, any aircraft can fly in to enjoy the day, but most of the aviators flying their vintage machines love landing on the groomed grass along side Runway 18/36. As the aircraft arrive, AAA Chapter volunteers marshal them into neat rows that fill large sections of the field as the morning wears on. There’s something special about watching the vintage aircraft settle down on the grass and taxi in. It’s a glimpse into the past that pulls at the heart of an aviation enthusiast.

Gary Daniels

At the hangar, the day starts off with a pancake breakfast, filling the cool morning air with a wonderful smell. The hangar is full of aviation enthusiasts sharing breakfast and stories. Often, everyone pauses for a second, looking toward the runway as a particularly loud aircraft arrives. Then, they all turn back to their conversations and coffee. Around late morning, the grills fire up and the chow line converts to lunch with hamburgers and hot dogs. The continuous humming of cheerful chatter never stops.

Out on the field, folks slowly mingle around the aircraft. If the owner is caught at his plane, he’ll have to answer a hundred questions… not that he minds much. For the photographer, this is a low-pressure time for practicing the craft. It’s relaxing getting lost in composition and pondering matters of depth of field and focal length. And, at some point you’ll have to lie down in the grass to ‘get the shot,’ and those that don’t understand will stroll by, look down at ‘that photo guy’ and make playfully snarky remarks to their friends. Throughout the afternoon, the whole process reverses as pilots shake hands and head to their aircraft. Engines fire up, and the parade of wellcared-for aviation history taxis toward the runway, passing a waving audience along the way. One by one they lift off until the last aircraft is climbing away into the cool autumn sky. Something special happened here today…memories were made…SD cards were filled…souls were uplifted.

Gary Daniels

Gary Daniels

French Connection Story and photos by Marc Schultz /

The collection’s Douglas DC-3 is still waiting for some restoration work.

It is a well known fact that the city of Toulouse in southern France is connected to a long tradition in aviation history. Far less common is the existence of one of Europe’s most outstanding aircraft collections. Since 1980, the Ailes Anciennes Toulouse (AATLSE) has been saving and restoring a unique collection of aircraft which it presents with passion to the public. The collection, one of the most important not only in France and Europe, is preserved by a team of passionate and dedicated volunteers. Parts of the exhibits are also presented in the rather new Aeroscopia Museum in Toulouse-Blagnac. Around 50 devices are presented on the museum’s own exhibition site which is located directly beside the Aeroscopia building. The organization owns a total of more than 100 different historic aircraft as well as individual aircraft engines or other related accessories. The shots in this feature were taken in July 2017. I would like to express a special thanks to the AATLSE-Team at Blangac for their outstanding hospitality since they also invited me to have a close look “behind the scenes” in their repair and renovation facilities. For more detailed information on the Ailes Anciennes Toulouse Organization visit .

Marc Schultz

Saab J35 OE Draken under construction in the AATLSE repair facilities. The AATLSE Draken was originally delivered in 1989. It stopped its operational career in 2005 after a long active service on the basis of Zeltweg, Austria. The plane arrived disassembled in Toulouse in December 2007 and has since been reassembled.

The Republic F-84G ThunderJet is a rather unique “composite� example: the fuselage arrived in 1982 from Bourges and the wings were obtained from a shooting range at Cazaux. The restoration of the F-84G was undoubtedly one of the longest in the history of the association. For more than 20 years, a team had been working to restore this specific airframe. Without doubt it could be stated that this restoration project changed to a complete reconstruction over the years.

The NORD 2501 Noratlas was the backbone of the French Air Force transport fleet in the 50s and 60s. The collection owns two examples. This Noratlas served in Djibouti, which explains its desert-like camouflage scheme . It arrived in Toulouse in flight from Chateaudun in 1984. The second “Nora�, No. 201, was owned by an individual in Blagnac until 2003, when it was sold to the association.

This North American F-100D Super Sabre had been assigned to the collection of the USAF Bitburg Air Base in Germany. It was transferred in 1995 when the base in Germany was closed.

Marc Schultz

The collection owns two Republic F-84 Thunderstreak fighter-bombers. The first aircraft arrived in 1988 from the Beauvechain Air Base in Belgium while the second jet was purchased from the US Air Base at Ramstein in Germany.

The Museum also covers a number of rotary wing aircraft like these two Sikorsky H-34 and H-19.

The collection’s Piasecki H21 helicopter arrived in 1989.

Restored in the colors of the Hawaiian Air National Guard, this Lockheed T-33 arrived from the Air Base at Tours in 1984. Also note the BREGUET 765 Sahara in the background.

Marc Schultz

This Sud Aviation Caravelle Super 10 (No. 249) made its first flight on April 2, 1968. It was first delivered to the Danish charter company Sterling. In 1975 it became the personal aircraft of Emperor Bokassa of the Central African Republic. Acquired by Europe Aero Service (France) in 1980, it was leased to the Swiss airline company Air City in 1989/90, before returning to EAS. Finally the aircraft joined Air Toulouse in 1992. The airframe has logged 41,038 flight hours and 23,027 landings. Throughout her career No. 249 traveled all over Europe, from north to south for Sterling, before knowing Africa and the Middle East by carrying her imperial passenger. Back in France, she continued to frequent the rim of the Mediterranean from different French airports under the colors of EAS and Air Toulouse, sometimes returning to Africa for the Paris-Dakar rally for example. Since 2001, a team of AATLSE-experts works regularly to restore the Caravelle. Much of the restoration of the interior has been completed and is still continuing.


EXPERIENCE Story and photos by Marc Schultz /

Not far away from the city of Venlo at the eastern border of The Netherlands resides one of Europe’s leading traders for historic military and civilian aircraft - the PSAero BV. The company is run by Piet Smedts and can best be described as an aircraft and spare-part trading business. It is simultaneously a small but highly interesting aviation museum. Guided tours can be booked at weekends which provide a thrilling “behind the scene” experience. At the time of my visit in October 2017 about 40 different airplanes were on display at the company’s location in Baarlo, most of them in a remarkably good shape. The exhibits are either available for sale or can be rented for TV- and Film-productions. Last October the collection also hosted a large number of former East-European military aircraft like the MIG-21, MIG-23 and SU-22. Two PSAero Lockheed F-104G in West-German Air Force livery had been used as static aircraft in the RTL TV-production “Starfighter” in 2014 - a good choice since they made the film very realistic. For more information about the exhibition and tour-dates visit

Marc Schultz

Marc Schultz

Marc Schultz

15 Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards th

Text written by Gary Daniels Photos by Larry Grace, Hayman Tam, Mark Chiolis, Raymond Cervantes and Gary Daniels

John Travolta, Danny Clisham and Harrison Ford with attending guests pose for a group photo. I would like to be a “living legend” of aviation. But, for me, that’s never going to happen. I spent my career on a completely different track. However, I have always been an aviation enthusiast and have followed the industry closely. So, when Larry Grace asked if I could help out at the 15th Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards event, I jumped at the opportunity! As a photographer, I have photographed many corporate events, galas and award ceremonies. But this event was different for me, and I considered it an honor to be asked to be a part of this special occasion. Actually, I was a bit nervous. After all, it’s only the most prestigious awards event of the aviation industry! Larry has coordinated the photography for the event since 2012 and has a good handle on how the event flows and the photography support needed. He provided good information in the weeks before the event that helped to calm the nerves.

An early flight from Dallas put me in Los Angeles at the start of the workday on January 18. At the hotel, the photo team arrived throughout the morning, and we briefed for the informal event that was held that evening at Clay Lacy’s new hangar. What a great event! I have to admit that I was a bit star-struck as I recognized the aviation greats and celebrities in attendance. But, having a big camera with a very annoying flash in hand, my job was to take pictures. The guests were very friendly and accommodating to all of the photographers. The next day, the team met for breakfast and discussed the plan for the evening. We learned a few things from the night before, and Larry helped us refocus on what was ahead. Several of the photographers had covered this event previously and knew what to expect. For me, I was excited about the unknown.

Larry Grace The photographers arrived at the Beverly Hilton Hotel at 2:00 pm and spent the next few hours becoming familiar with the location. Larry introduced the photographers to the security team. We, then, ‘divided’ the ballroom and backstage space between the photographers so that all areas would be covered. This very ballroom had been used for the Golden Globes just two weeks before. At 6:00 pm, the guests began to arrive, and we got to work. There were so many guests, and we needed to make sure everyone was photographed. Sometimes, I knew whom I was photographing; many times I wasn’t quite sure. But, to a guest, all were pleasant and patient with our friendly interruptions. When the awards ceremony began, the photographers covered their areas in the ballroom with as little interruption to the guests as possible. Following the ceremony, everyone moved to the after-party, where, for the next three hours, the photographers were in hectic motion. I wouldn’t use the word ‘work’ to describe the evening, but I was bushed when the party ended.

All photographers surrendered their SD and CF cards to Larry before returning to the hotel. The need for control of the images was understood, but I felt badly for Larry and Raymond Cervantes. There were press requests and images were needed the next morning. They stayed up all night downloading cards and sorting through images after a very long day. I wish I could have assisted, but I think I actually dodged a bullet! Because of my association with ISAP, I found myself helping at this great event, photographing true “Living Legends of Aviation.” An honor indeed and much appreciated. Thanks, Larry!

Larry Grace 15th Annual Living Legends of Aviation Awards The Class of 2018 Inductees

John Travolta and Felix Baumgartner

John Travolta and Henry Ross Perot, Jr.

John Travolta and Danny Clisham

John Travolta and Mark Baker

John Travolta and Dr. Ulf Merbold

John Travolta and Bruno Gantenbrink

Dr. Ulf Merbold, Henry Ross Perot, Jr., John Travolta, Felix Baumgartner, Danny Clisham, Bruno Gantenbrink, Mark Baker

Performing for attending guests Aaron Tippin with his wife Thea and their son Tom

Gary Daniels

Gary Daniels

Hayman Tam

Hayman Tam

Mark Chiolis

Mark Chiolis

Raymond Cervantes

January 2018 - Air show season is only a few months away and aviation photographers are already checking calendars and making contacts with friends and colleagues to meet up for photo opportunities. As most aviation photographers like myself in the middle of winter are acquiring new gear or going over images from last air show season in the lead up to the start of show season. Last October during the Alliance Air Show ISAP president Larry Grace asked me and I was given the opportunity to be one of the event photographers for the Living Legends of Aviation. This is an annual event and the 15th awards presentation since the beginning. It is produced by Kiddie Hawk Air Academy, their mission is to spark children’s interest in various aspects of aviation. A key statement of theirs is that you cannot know your future without first knowing your past. You can learn more about their stories of inspiration to the aviation Legends of tomorrow by visiting their website: Showtime. Friday, January 19th. 2018 at the famous Beverly Hilton in Beverly Hills, California. Arriving at the Beverly Hilton, I was greeted with larger-than-life posters of current and past aviators, such as Harrison Ford and Neil Armstrong, wrapped around the hotel’s circular driveway. Arriving early prior to the night’s event gave me an idea of the scale of the event. This is the same venue that hosts the annual Golden Globes awards show. As I entered the main lobby, I was greeted by the security detail as well as other photographers gathered for the evening and got to learn more about my mission for the night. Having covered large corporate and private black tie events for my personal corporate clients in the past, I knew this would be a special night indeed. In my freshly pressed tuxedo and polished shoes, I was ready to take on the night. After hearing Larry go over photography assignments for the evening, it was show time. A small voice in my head reminded me of a phone conversation back in December with Larry in which he advised he thought I was best suited to shoot the step-n-repeat--also known as the red carpet--where invited guests enter and have a photo made with the branded sponsor backdrop. The guests began lining up individually and in groups. This was the super bowl moment - where you have to be on point to capture the moment, ensuring that you’re not just taking photos, but capturing the special moment for each and every guest. I greeted senators, generals, aviators, astronauts and Hollywood actors and actresses and positioned them on the red carpet for photos.

I smile as I recall all whom I photographed at the start of this star-studded evening: new inductees into the Living Legends of Aviation - Ross Perot, Jr., Ulf Merbold, Bruno Gantenbrink, Danny Clisham, Mark Baker, Felix Baumgartner and so many more. There was even a moment that Kenny G--world famous musician and pilot-- was right in front of me on the red carpet for his photo. Did you know he owns two airplanes and has piloted over 3500 hours as PIC? As the night progressed and everyone had entered the grand ballroom, I shifted to a location back stage to capture the award recipients on another smaller step-n-repeat. This is a low light area and I felt very comfortable with the Nikon D800 24-70mm f/2.8 system I was using. While making my way to the back stage and green room area I heard John Travolta, the official Ambassador of Aviation, opening the show. As I opened the main ballroom doors it was magical--the stage lights, the blues and golds--this is everything that is Hollywood, from the lights to the robotic camera jib. Harrison Ford joined John Travolta on stage. After the new inductees were presented with an award I would see the presentation on the television monitor backstage and a few seconds later they would appear before me to take their photo. My father always told me that there are many opportunities with photography and if you work hard your camera can take you places. For a split second when I saw John Travolta and Harrison Ford, I was 12 again, watching Grease, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones. These special guests along with countless others throughout the evening were very pleasant to photograph and be around. Although it was a challenge to stay focused and complete the shot list with stars in my eyes! The Living Legends of Aviation event recognizes the people and dreamers of aviation. I was honored to be asked by and to be part of this wonderful event. The night--pardon my pun--flew by and is now just a memory, but I was thrilled to see that the legends of yesterday continue to inspire the young people of today to dream about a future in the sky.

Raymond Cervantes


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Franz Schober

I live in a small village near Salzburg/Austria. I am an amateur with no formal training but have to do a lot of product shots for my profession. As I told in the portfolio, aviation is my lifelong passion. As often as possible I visit airshows during my holiday trips. Aviation photography is a natural result out of this. Since I started with photography I used canon gear. On airshows I use the EOS 7d mark II with the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6l is II. I prefer shooting RAW, it gives me more room to edit the images. For more complex retouching I prefer Photoshop, I use it more than twenty years in my profession. For developing and archiving I use Lightroom because it is fast and easy to handle. I joined ISAP in 2017. By searching images of the Flying Legends/ Duxford and EAA Oshkosh I found the ISnAP magazines on ISSUU. Exploring these great magazines and visiting the ISAP homepage makes me wish to be part of this wonderful community. Since I still have a lot to learn I cannot give so many hints. But one thing seems important to me, I always thought that as long as possible focal length was an important aspect in aviation photography. Last year, however, I had to learn at the Flying Legends Airshow that it is more important to be as close as possible to the action, as the flickering air leads to considerable blurring at longer distances.

Franz Schober

Franz Schober


Joshua Patterson

My name is Joshua Patterson, and I am an advanced amateur photographer based out of Southern California. My experience in the world of aviation photography is relatively limited in scope, as I have only had a camera in my hands for five years. It all started one sunny afternoon when suddenly I heard a deafening roar and looked up to see an old USAF QF-4E, I doubt this now, but as I remember it, the aircraft was at about 500 feet in a 60 degree bank in full afterburner. That moment sent me on my way to be here now. Since then, I have attended three locally provided photography courses which have helped me learn dramatically in addition to what I learn myself. I use a Sony A58 with an 18-55 and a 55-200 Sony lens. As for post processing I prefer Lightroom, due to its ease of use and organizational features, though I will find myself in Photoshop a time or two. I joined ISAP after discovering its existence when reading about NAF El Centro Photo Calls, and was interested by the possibilities offered by such an organization. There is an infinitely large wealth of information across the globe, and I see this as an opportunity to put myself out there and experience what I can. And thankfully so far that has been a lot, from flying with the California National Guard on UH-60’s to flying with the 418th FLTS on the mighty C-17, and even witnessing the retirement of the CH-46. I look forward with great anticipation as to what the future brings, and I am glad to now be a part of this organization.

Joshua Patterson


Al Pike

I’m a published semi-professional photographer from Minnetonka Minnesota, who is a general aviation pilot involved with the Warbird community. Using a Nikon D7200 with a 16-300mm Tamron lens and shooting 100% RAW and editing in Camera Raw/Photoshop. Self-taught photographer, taken photography classes, and mentoring by professionals. Joined ISAP for comradeship five years ago after being Invited to local meeting of aviation photographers. Member of non-aviation photography groups and started a photography club for seniors at local community center and presents on photography and video. Tip: Other aviation photographers are not your rivals and be willing to share your knowledge with them.

Denis Al PikeRouleau

Denis Al PikeRouleau


Jeff Schroeder

I have been around aviation my entire life. Growing up in Oklahoma, I was lucky to have such a diverse assortment of aviation activity around. Whether it’s military, commercial, civilian, warbirds, etc, there was always something in the air. I can remember as a young child sitting at the airport watching arriving and departing aircraft for hours at a time. This eventually led to attending air shows and fly-ins whenever possible, always with a camera in hand and as much film that I could get my hands on. My passion for aviation and photography both continued to grow during my childhood. I earned my pilot’s license while in High School and have had the opportunity to attend some of the best air shows in the country. Twenty years later Aviation and Photography are still two of the biggest passions I enjoy. These days I tend to be more behind the camera than in the cockpit, attending anywhere from 15-20 events each year across the country. My son is now at the same age I was when I was bitten by the aviation bug, and having the chance to attend shows and events with him is amazing. When I look at him and see the same excitement and zeal for everything aviation related it brings back some wonderful memories. Watching him shoot airshows and aircraft with so much talent at such a young age is truly amazing. I hope that I can continue to be an influence on him as he develops and provide the guidance he needs along the way. I have been using Canon equipment ever since my first SLR Canon Rebel 2000 back in 2000. Currently I am using the 1D Mark IV as my primary body. For airshows I usually carry the 100-400mm, 24-105mm f4 (ground/static displays), and a 70-200mm f4 on a second body. I only shoot in RAW, the flexibility to adjust camera settings in post is invaluable. I do a majority of my post processing in Photoshop. I have been using Photoshop longer than I care to share and still seem to learn new techniques and new ways to process images. I have recently started working with Lightroom with limited success so far. I followed ISAP for a few years before joining. I was so amazed by the images that I would see posted online, or in the ISnAP Magazine. I always want to learn as much as possible from those that are more experienced and knowledgeable than I, where else would be better than here? From my limited time here, I am blown away by the knowledge and generosity of everyone to help out others.

Anytime I am able to help others in photography I do everything I can. Not having any formal training, I am always trying to learn new techniques and processes. I can still remember how overwhelming photography can seem at first, and also how rewarding it is when it goes right. The most important thing is to always enjoy what you do. Shooting an air show in the middle of the summer when it is 120 on the ramp is not easy. But, having the chance to meet new people, see old friends, and shoot some amazing performers and aircraft is an amazing thing.

DenisSchroeder Jeff Rouleau

DenisSchroeder Jeff Rouleau


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You can make your hotel reservations now at to get the ISAP discount rate. Hotel: DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Hotel Tucson Airport Group Name: ISAP Symposium

For details visit or

2 0 1 8 I S A P S Y M P O S I U M Please register as soon as possible. You will receive a PayPal invoice for your balance due (you can pay the invoice with a credit card). You also will receive a separate email with details on the required security information.




If you have always wanted to see “THE BONEYARD”, the 309th Aerospace Maintenance and Regeneration Group (AMARG), here’s your chance. It is a United States Air Force aircraft and missile storage and maintenance facility in Tucson, Arizona, located on Davis-Monthan Air Force Base. AMARG takes care of nearly 4,000 aircraft, which makes it the largest aircraft storage and preservation facility in the world. An Air Force Materiel Command unit, the group is under the command of the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. AMARG was originally meant to store excess Department of Defense and Coast Guard aircraft, but has in recent years been designated the sole repository of out-of-service aircraft from all branches of the US government.

Mark Bennett Pima Air & Space Museum The Pima Air & Space Museum is one of the largest non-governmentfunded aviation and space museums in the world! Featuring over 350 historical aircraft, from a Wright Flyer to a 787 Dreamliner. Sitting on 80 acres the museum opened its doors to the public in May of 1976. Over the past forty years, the museum has grown immensely and today encompasses six indoor exhibit hangars (three dedicated to WWII). Time is running out to join in the fun and experience Arizona. ISAP has not only thought about the photographers but also their significant others as well. Other activities are available for guests who are interested in seeing Tucson.

2018 Tucson Symposium Spouse Activities ISAP Treasurer Bonnie Kratz will host the spouse activities. She has selected local galleries and restaurants. Participants will cover their fees and lunch. We are looking at transportation for both days and once we have a count of participants, we will advise you of the transportation cost. Spouses do not need to register for the Symposium in order to participate, but a banquet ticket must be purchased if they wish to attend Saturday night’s closing banquet. Trip #1 Thursday, March 15, 2018 Tour of Philabaum Glass Gallery & Studio Lunch at El Charro a family run Mexican cafe serving Sonoran style fare inside a charming century-old home. (Featured in Delicious Destinations program on Sept. 18, 2017) Lunch menu $15-20 Transportation cost: TBD Trip #2 Saturday, March 17, 2018 Tucson Botanical Gardens Lunch at Cafe Botanical located at the gardens. Entrance fee $13 Lunch $15-20 Transportation cost TBD

Scott Dworkin to speak at ISAP XIV Symposium Scott Dworkin is a freelance aerial photojournalist based in Los Angeles, California. He’s had a lifelong passion for aviation and photography, and after honing his skills as a photographer, he decided to combine his interests in 2010. Since 2010, his work can be seen in numerous international aviation publications. As a freelance photographer and writer, Scott has flown with every branch of the military, as well as many civilian aviation outfits and law enforcement aviation units. He has traveled to Afghanistan with the United States Air Force, as well as around the United States documenting various military and civilian units in action. Scott is one of only a handful of civilians in the world that is privileged to fly in high performance military aircraft. His freelance work led to him being hired by the United States Air Force-Air Force Flight Test Center at Edwards Air Force Base in California. While there he provided aerial multimedia, both air-to-air

and air-to-ground coverage, including still photography, high definition videography, high-speed video, and post production. He routinely flew in various Air Force aircraft to provide documentation of ordnance and weapons testing, drop tests, aircraft flight performance, and other operational missions as required. He delivered his final products to the Flight Test Center, the Department of Defense, and various other contract customers. While at Edwards, Scott was trained in accordance with Air Force Instruction Flight Aircrew rules and regulations, and holds a valid altitude chamber card. In addition, Scott holds the designation of United States Navy Project Specialist, and with that carries Aviation Physiology Training and Aviation Water Survival Training Program qualifications. Scott also works as a contract aerial photographer/videographer for The Naval Air Warfare Weapons Division, at Point Mugu and China Lake. The creation of Mach 91 Aerial Photography is the culmination of Scott’s dream and passion to deliver the finest quality, dramatic aerial photography possible, to bring the aircraft to life in their natural environment and tell the story of the men and women who serve.

Jim Koepnick to speak at ISAP XIV Symposium The International Society for Aviation Photography is pleased to announce that Jim Koepnick has been confirmed as a speaker at the upcoming ISAP XIV Symposium. The event will be held March 15-17, 2018, in Tucson, Ariz. Koepnick is one of today’s leading aviation photographers, shooting for Cirrus Aircraft, Flying magazine, Plane and Pilot, Air & Space Smithsonian, AOPA, EAA, and Sigma. He also shoots for the USA Today Network-Wisconsin in the Oshkosh area, specializing in sports and action. His freelance clients include Ripon College and Our Wisconsin Magazine. He is a Sigma Pro photographer.

Previously, Koepnick served as the Experimental Aviation Association’s chief photographer for 28 years. In that role, he photographed more than 1,000 aircraft during air-to-air missions, landing more than 500 covers on various EAA publications. Koepnick’s photography has consistently won awards from Aviation Week and Space Technology, Wisconsin Imaging Photographers Association, American Advertising Federation, and Calendar Marketing Association. His photojournalism has been recognized by the Wisconsin Newspaper Association, Wisconsin Press Photographers Association, and Inland Press. He received ISAP’s prestigious George Hall Lifetime Achievement award in 2012. Koepnick’s presentation will emphasize his recent career transitions, shifting from a staff photographer position to freelancing, and evolving his aviation photography to emphasize people, lighting, and other elements instead of focusing primarily on air-to-air imagery.

Chris Hibben to speak at ISAP XIV Symposium Chris Hibben has been shooting still pictures and video for 30 years. He continued his interest of photography and honed his craft as a Journalist in the Navy and now as a one of the elite Combat Photographers in the Air Force Reserves. For the past 23 years Chris has been deployed to many different theaters areas around the world. Through his military career he has been trained in Close Quarters Arms trained, SERE Survival trained. Water Survival trained, and has held the aerial specialty rating for photographers. The military has taken him all over the world to more than 13 countries and every state in the US where he was able to capture many different exercises and operations. In his civilian career, he is the owner of Snap 180 Media LLC. Chris started his business in 2005 and continues to grow his business into a full multimedia, multi-faceted production company. His company holds contracts with major TV networks like ESPN, FOX News Channel, ABC, The Weather Channel and Fox Sports.

In addition to his video works airing on TV, Chris has also been published in many major magazines and newspapers for his still photos. Sport Aviation, Rotor Magazine, USA Today, Air Force Times, Army Times and other international publications. In 2013 Chris decided to expand his business and put his private pilot’s license and love for RC flying to work. Drones were just starting to getting popular in America and Chris was one of the first people in the US to hold an FAA part 333 waiver and the first in the state of Wisconsin to hold that waiver. With that and then eventually his FAA part 107 certification he has been on the cusp of the rapidly growing field of drone photography and drone cinematography. He was the first person in the Air Force Reserve to use drones to cover military exercises to give a unique view to the products they produce. His passion for flying and keen eye for getting the right shot has propelled him to be one of the most well respected drone operators in the industry. Drones have expanded his business and has given his clients another tool to use to tell a story. Chris feels in today’s world of grabbing someone’s attention, you must to be able to get the right shot, the right exposure with a variety of different equipment. If you are not able to offer some services to clients you will be passed over by someone that does. Business is not like it used to be and we all need to help each other, collaborate and expand.

George Hall Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient


The International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) has announced that Jay Miller of Fort Worth, Tex., has been selected to receive the organization’s 15th George Hall Lifetime Achievement Award. The award, which will be presented at the ISAP XIV Symposium in Tucson, Ariz., March 15–17, 2018, recognizes outstanding individuals whose initiative and dedication to aviation photography throughout their careers have improved the profession and positively influenced others. Miller began photographing aviation subjects nearly 50 years ago and, in addition to countless shoots for a wide variety of editorial and commercial clients; he has authored or co-authored 36 books and more than a thousand magazine and newspaper articles; and has served several aviation museums in a variety of roles, including as the director of both the American Airlines C.R. Smith Museum and the Flying Heritage Collection, amassed by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen and today displayed at the Flying Heritage and Combat Armor Museum.

Denis Rouleau

Over the years Miller assembled one of the world’s most significant aviation and aerospace reference libraries, consisting of approximately 10,000 books dating to 1765, more than 100,000 periodicals, and some 1.2 million photographic images. His collection was acquired by the Aerospace Education Center in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1992, and was transferred to the San Diego Air & Space Museum in 2015.

In addition, Miller co-founded ISAP in 2001 and led the organization until 2013. ISAP established the Lifetime Achievement Award to recognize outstanding individuals whose inventiveness and dedication to the field throughout their careers have improved the profession and positively influenced others. They are, quite simply, aviation photographers’ role models. The award is presented to professionals, living or deceased, in the fields of photography, publishing, aviation, or space technology who have had a significant impact on the photography of aviation or space subjects. In 2006, the ISAP board voted to name the award in honor of George Hall, a widely respected aviation photographer who had served on the ISAP board since its founding, but passed away in 2006 just two days before he was to receive this same recognition. In naming the award, the board said Hall “exemplified the very best our profession has to offer. He was talented, bighearted, and a mentor to all of us who aspired to be an aviation photographer.” Jay Miller built his own legacy of mentorship and dedication to the history of the aviation industry, and to the images that preserve that history. That legacy continues and the ISAP board, on behalf of the organization’s members, is proud and pleased to honor him for it.


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The Air Squadron playing cards are designed by LIOE Design and fighter. The F-22 has many trick up its sleeve, one of them is taking on 5 printed by the United States Playing Card Company. Made in the United or more F-15’s in training exercises and wining. Thehas Air 56 Squadron playing cards are designed by LIOE Design and printed by the United States Playing Card Company. Made in States. One deck uniquely designed playing cards plus custom the United States. One deck has 56 uniquely designed playing cards plusare custom and seal. inspired by patterns formed in kaleidotuck box and seal. Aces the tuck mainbox attractions, scopes. The F-117, F-14, Osprey and X-29 have beautiful lines that are Design is a product that manufactures their own product designs. When Locatedcombining in Seattle, WA products are together it makes LIOE Design is aLIOE product company thatcompany manufactures their own product showcased. theall2 their aircraft shapes aviation inspired from their Aero Ti Chopsticks (successfully funded on Kickstarter in 2013) to the Stealth Pen. LIOE Design designs. Located in Seattle, WA all their products are aviation inspired up a new interesting shape of its own. decided to create a deck of custom cards to showcase their passion for aviation. Through the Air Squadron deck of cards their from their Aero Ti Chopsticks (successfully funded on Kickstarter designer John Lioe is able to explore the artwork of airplanes. Each aircraft has its own unique bodylines which are highlighted in in 2013) to the Stealth the cards.Pen. LIOE Design decided to create a deck of For the index cards they wanted to go against the conventional suits custom cards to showcase their passion for aviation. Through the Air representing numbers. Instead they wanted to find modern day aircraft’s Squadron deck of cards their designer John Lioe is able to explore the that would look close to the suits shape. For the spade they chose the This deck of cards has artwork of modern jets and aircraft. The inspiration was to create a deck of cards unlike other cards, the artwork of airplanes. Each aircraft own and unique bodylines which theF-22. hearts is #1 theisF-14, clover is thehas Osprey and the diamonds is Kings and Queens arehas B-2 its Bomber SR-71. The Jokers are theF-117, A-10 and Joker the A-10 Warthog, a are highlighted in the cards. the X-29. The planes look like they are flying in formation, with exceplegendary 30mm Gatling-type auto cannon that makes a very distinct sound on the battlefield. When the A-10 shows up for air tion of the number 2 card all the aircraft are flying in the same direction. support it is no joke. Joker #2 is the F-22 stealth fighter. The F-22 has many trick up its sleeve, one of them is taking on 5 or This deck of cards artwork of modern aircraft. The inspi- Underneath the planes are geometric line patterns representing them morehas F-15's in training exercisesjets andand wining. ration was to create a deck of cards unlike other cards, the Kings and flying over abstract topographical landscape. Air Squadron is now Queens are B-2Aces Bomber and SR-71. The Jokers the A-10formed and F-22. availableThe on F-117, Kickstarter if you’re anX-29 aviation enthusiast or like uniquely are the main attractions, inspiredare by patterns in kaleidoscopes. F-14, Osprey and have beautiful Joker #1 is the A-10 Warthog, has a legendary 30mm Gatling-type auto together designitoriginal maybe shape be theofplaying lines that are showcased. When combining the 2 aircraft shapes makes upitems a newthis interesting its own. card deck for you. cannon that makes a very distinct sound on the battlefield. When the A-10 shows up for it isthey nowanted joke. Joker #2 is the stealth suits Forrepresenting more information For air the support index cards to go against the F-22 conventional numbers.visit Instead they wanted to find modern day aircraft's that would look close to the suits shape. For the spade they chose the F-117, the hearts is the F-14, clover is the Osprey and the diamonds is the X-29. The planes look like they are flying in formation, with exception of the number 2 card all the aircraft are flying in the same direction. Underneath the planes are geometric line patterns representing them flying over abstract topographical landscape. Jim Wilson Photography Air Squadron is now available on Kickstarter if you’re an aviation enthusiast or like uniquely design original items this maybe be the playing card deck for you. International Distributor for Kenyon Stabilizing Products



Special Offer for ISAP Members

Special OFFER Codes ISAPSHIP – Free shipping in the USA ISAP20 – 20% off any order

©Kevin Hong/Sector K Media, LLC

These coupons can be used one at a time. Both expire at the end of 2018.

The Professionals Source Professionals in the world of imaging rely on the professionals of B&H for their equipment needs. We have experts ready to give courteous service with a phone call, a click of the mouse or a personal visit. Our SuperStore jsp?About_Us-The_Professionals_Source pays tribute to the wealth of possibilities available for photography, videography and other media industries. We make the wonders of technology available through our complete lines of photo, video, audio, lighting, pro accessories, computers, data storage, optics, entertainment, projection and surveillance devices, to which we add a wonderful, personal experience for professionals, hobbyists and consumers alike.

History We opened our original storefront in 1973. Our reputation for extensive inventory and intelligent conversation about photography began with our first customer. We grew from a small photography shop in Manhattan’s Financial District to a major supplier of photo, video and audio equipment on 17th Street, with customers returning again and again for our low pricing and high reliability. The new millennium’s explosion of affordable technology for pros and consumers alike brought new lines of computers, home entertainment, and consumer devices, as we moved to our SuperStore: jsp?About_Us-History on 34th Street and opened our cyber-doors at We continue to expand to meet your needs with showrooms, classes, educational and social media, and more.

ISAP Member discount on Moose Peterson book Book publisher Peachpit Press is offering ISAP members a special 40 percent discount on Moose Peterson’s recently published aviation book, “Takeoff: The Alpha to Zulu of Aviation Photography.” In the book, Peterson takes readers from the basics of aviation photography and using light to creating the illusion of flight and speed. He talks about photographing air shows and shooting ground to air, working up to air-to-air photography. The book is available in print and digital versions. The discount code was emailed to all ISAP members and in the member’s section of the website. If you did not receive the discount code you can email us at Peachpit website Members can view a video on Scott Kelby’s blog on this new book about aviation photography.










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