ISnAP December 2019

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Larry Grace

WELCOME TO THE 2019 DECEMBER ISSUE OF ISnAP! A Salute to Those Who Serve: Atlantic City Airshow Jason Skinner Bill Harrop and The HUG Dylan Van Graan 2019 Florida International Airshow 2019 Jason Skinner Battling The Ghost Called Glare Frank Crebas How I Got The Shot Jessica Ambats KLU Open Day 2019 - Dutch Air Power at its best Mark Schultz New York International Airshow Jason Skinner Wings Over Houston Airshow 2019 Kevin Hong Wings Over Dallas Airshow 2019 Kevin Hong Larry Grace F-35 Demonstration Team SrA Alexander Cook 2019 Demonstration Teams From Around The World Al Figuccio Marc Schultz Steve Walter Brett Schauf Michael Bellinger Tyler Hernandez David Shirah Mike Bilek Vince Yarbrough David Walsh Mike Cox Lt. Sam Eckholm Dragos Munteanu Nick Nelson Craig Swancy Geoffrey Arnwine Patrick Lalande Gary Edwards Jeff Krueger Peter Keller Jim Wilson Karl Saad Peter Yee Marc Farb Larry Grace Rob Tabor Matt Vicker Nico Limbioul Vincent Trelut Photographing The Queen of The Skies John Slemp

Meet The Members Bradley Wentzel Michael Cozad Karl Saad Mike Cox

Mike Hill Patrick Lalande

FRONT COVER PHOTO: Jessica Ambats ”Dream Chaser 5” Lear Jet is owned by International Jet. They painted it as a rainbow for a week to give rides to kids from the Make-A-Wish program. Camera: Canon 5DMkIV Lens: Canon 24-105mm Exposure: Auto Shutter speed: 1/400 ISO 100 BACK COVER: Kevin Hong F-35 High Speed Pass Camera: Canon Lens: 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L Exposure: f6.3 Shutter speed: 1/1600 ISO 100 ISAP’s goal is to bring together our members who share a love of aviation, and want to preserve its history through their images. Through our organization, members can seek to enhance their artistic quality, advance technical knowledge, and improve safety for all areas of aviation photography while fostering professionalism, high ethical standards, and camaraderie. ISAP continues to help our members to better their photography skills, workflow, and set up resources to help with business questions that our members have. Updates are being made to the ISAP website and member portfolio section, and we are showcasing ISAP members’ images and accomplishments on our social media pages. In this issue we are continuing to highlight ISAP members. I’m sure you will enjoy learning how your fellow ISAP members got started, as well as seeing some of their images and learning some tips. Remember that ISnAP is your publication to share your images, stories and tips with other members and the public. We look forward to each member sharing his or her stories with all of us. Enjoy this issue of ISnAP! Sincerely, Larry Grace, ISAP President Kevin Hong, ISnAP Editor International Society for Aviation Photography •

Kevin Hong


Mike Schrader

DeKevin Thornton

Mike Bilek

Ricardo Padovese

Tank Shireman

Spencer Thornton

Nigel Bowles

Michael Pliskin

Mark Shular

Craig Tisdale

Jeremy Boyd

Braden Post

Tim Smith

Vincent Trelut

Michael Cozad

AB Pomeroy

Andrew Smolenski

Christian Turner

Chandler Feagin

Scott Ptak

Gary Sowa

Ray Valdovinos

Charles Johnson

Nigel Quick

Tom Spanos

Mark Waddington

Darrick Lee

Jose Ramos

Bill Starkey

Bradley Wentzel

Greg Meland

Dave Readout

Mark Streit

Victor White

David Walsh

Rachel Riekels

Sean Stealth

Sean Willis

Jason Winget

Adrian Romang

Hayman Tam

Nir Ben-Yosef

Scott Wolff

John Ross

Rob Tabor

Mike Young

Karl Saad

Robert Talarczyk

Jessica Ambats

The ISnAP is a periodic publication of the International Society for Aviation Photography and is used to communicate news, functions, convention information, and other information of interest on the local, regional, and national scenes. The views and opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the authors and should not be construed as the views or opinions of the International Society for Aviation Photography.

A Salute To Those Who Serve Atlantic City Air Show

by Jason Skinner

This year’s Atlantic City Air Show theme was “A Salute to Those Who Serve”. It was held on one day, Wednesday, the 21st of August. The US Army Golden Knights opened the show with a flag drop. They also flew in a Union Jack for the RAF Red Arrows who were continuing their North American tour in Atlantic City. There was a lot of local flying going on, the New Jersey Air National guard came by in a flight of four F-16s and a KC-135 Stratotanker. Pennsylvania was represented by the 193rd Special Operations Wing EC-130J. The 436th Air Mobility Wing’s C-17 Globemaster did a flypast. Helicopters from the New Jersey State Police and Channel 6 ABC Action News were on hand. The British were also represented by Jerry Conley’s DH-112 Vampire and Lee Leet’s RAF Short Tucano. The US Coast Guard demonstrated a swimmer recovery. It was a very full show with Miss Geico on the water and the Skytypers in the air. A 2nd Bomb Wing B-52 made the trip up from Louisiana. Mike Wiskus flew the Lucas Oil Pitts and Greg Colyer was there with Ace Maker II. The US Air Force Thunderbirds closed out the show.

Jason Skinner

Bill Harrop

and the HUG by Dylan Van Graan

Down here at the southern tip of Africa, winter represents our regional air show season. It is a time of nervous activity with plans being made to attend the respective events as well as very early mornings spent in queues and dashes to good spots once the officials let you through the gates.

by people who were very obviously morning persons. Apparently one needs to be a morning person if you are in any way involved in the ballooning fraternity. Don’t get me wrong I personally perform much better in the morning myself but I was in no way expecting the level of hospitality that greeted us.

It is also a time where we build our portfolios, try new techniques, miss the shot and even occasionally put pen to paper to report on the experiences we have the privilege to partake in.

An elderly gentleman with a very slight British accent, bounded into our little arrival party and proceeded to hand out hugs to all and sundry. Wives first of course but the men in our party were not to be allowed to proceed with the act of photography before all were hugged. Frankly this gentleman’s very personal show of hospitality caught me off guard during a moment where my thoughts ran almost exclusively between how to handle exposure in the practically pitch black conditions and how unbearably cold my toes were at that moment.

Halfway into the season and 2019 has not been such a year. Two of my favorite events have either been canceled or delayed and it seems that they swing between officially off or maybe, possibly on from one moment to the next. Needless to say, aviation photography has been a bit scrappy this season. A friend of mine who often joins me at events and whose wife happens to work with mine started making some suggestions regarding an upcoming hot air ballooning event that would be coming up during the season. We agreed that it would be nice to join them and once we had a date con-firmed we all requested leave from our jobs to attend the event on Monday the 24th of June and it was thus, that we dragged ourselves out of a warm bed at the very unreasonable time of 3AM in the morning to meet up with them at a predetermined location at 04:45. After meeting up we proceeded to the venue for the day’s festivities and arrived there in the dark of a very cold winter’s morning. We parked, had a quick cup of coffee and a rusk (traditional biscuit for dunking in coffee) and moved off in the direction of the balloon launch area. After a brisk walk we arrived at the club house and were met

Hugs received we were promptly warmed by the sense of hospitality we received from everyone involved in this particular establishment and it soon became clear that the giver of welcoming hugs was none other than Mr. Bill Harrop himself, the proprietor of Bill Harrop’s Original Balloon Safaris. This initial salvo of hospitality was not to be the end of the incredible experience we were to have under the auspices of this particular institution. Back to photography then. At the clubhouse we were also met by Sarah, Bill’s daughter and we were informed that which we thought was a ballooning festival was actually the South African National Hot Air Ballooning Champions being hosted at the Harrop’s facilities with the main sponsor of the 2019 event being AFROX. This yearly event also decides the members of the South African team that will be representing our country at the world champs.

After a quick safety briefing during which we were strongly encouraged to avoid the fans used to inflate the envelope as well as not to move between any vehicles anchoring the balloons we were let loose onto the flying field. The Harrops were in the process of setting up and inflating 2 of their own envelopes for the morning’s commercial activities and we had fun trying to get decent images of the process as well as some abstract shots using the shapes and colors of the balloons. I need to mention that I have a vague idea of how ballooning works, but I had no idea how far an envelope could be inflated by a fan simply blowing air into it. Too afraid that I would miss any shots of the activities unfolding in front of us, especially the lighting of the flames and launch of the balloons I didn’t take any breaks and by the time both aircraft leapt into the air (another surprise) my hands and toes were frozen!

Both balloons left the launch area and moved off in a stately manner in the seemingly still morning air whilst we captured images of both in flight. We took some time for another warm drink, when we were informed that the competitors were incoming for the first task of the day which entailed dropping an item onto a marked spot in the flying field. Swapping the wide angle setup for something with more reach we stepped back onto the field to await the arrival of the competitors. You might recall that I mentioned the word stately, one thinks that things seem to happen rather slowly in the world of hot air ballooning but it wasn’t long before six balloons popped up over the tree line surrounding the field in an effort to prove my perceptions of balloon flight very wrong.

It was amazing how exciting the competition became with competing balloons seemingly in the same space in the sky with only relative size telling us who was in front. Unfortunately the prevailing winds on the morning were against the pilots and they were made to work hard to get to the final goal and it was seriously cool to see balloons drop to below tree level just to pop up again and be closer than before. Ultimately only one pilot was able to make a drop close to the target and once the time deadline was reached the pilots landed and joined the spectators for breakfast. The breakfast experience too was one of great hospitality and we almost didn’t want to leave for home after the morning’s experience. For me however it wasn’t over just yet and during a chat with Sarah I mentioned that would like to write a piece on the experience of the day, she promptly invited me back to take more images later in the week and mentioned that they might be able to arrange a spot for me on one of the balloons, if I was interested.

Having a day job I need to request time off to attend events and I was somewhat doubtful that I would successfully apply for leave on such short notice but my manager was happy to sign off on my request. I was to personally partake in some ballooning on the Friday that week which also happened to be the final day of the championships. Friday was another early start and this time I met my friend whom originally invited us, at the venue and after some coffee we stepped onto the field with camera in hand. This time though my time on the ground was short lived as I clambered into a wicker basket suspended under a 12 story tall envelope and felt the hot rush of air against the back of my neck as Mr. Harrop himself piloted our balloon into the crisp winter air. I hadn’t gotten any hugs this morning but the man was my pilot on the day. To say that hot air ballooning is a peaceful form of aviation would be a true understatement and for one who has had the privilege of doing air to air work from both the back of a military transport and an open helicopter I must say that this experience was truly different and almost otherworldly. I would recommend the experience to anyone and would do it again in a heartbeat. Of the 2 balloons flying we took off last which provided great opportunities to make images of the other balloon in the fleet in flight and in my opinion the best images of the week came from this air to air perspective.

Dylan Van Graan

Being dependent on airstreams (effectively wind) to get to where you are going necessitates climbing and descending into an area where the airstreams will take you where you want to be or at least a close approximation of where you would like to be. This ascent and descent resulted in my next surprise as it quickly became very obvious that if needed a hot air balloon can do either or at a much faster rate than I could ever imagine. Of course the next couple of hours were spent watching balloons go up and down whilst slowly creeping towards the field in a wonderful display of shape and color.

The rising sun combined with low level clouds blanketing the landscape truly conspired to make photography a joy and the tempo of the flight really helped make the process of composition and exposure almost meditative. It soon became obvious that the winds wouldn’t take us back to the field and we headed across a ridge next to the field and over a neighboring nature reserve as Bill skilfully brought us low over the brush in an attempt to spot some game. We managed to surprise a family of warthogs that scurried for cover at the sound of the burners spewing hot air into the envelope stretching high above us. On our way over the ridge we saw some competitors launch their balloons from surrounding fields and it soon became obvious that the winds blowing us away from the field would do the same for them and would likely result in not getting images of competitors from the air. Next year maybe, who knows? One aspect of the experience that will always stay with me was the level of control our pilots had over the balloons. Apart from the winds ultimately deciding our direction our pilots could climb at surprising rates or skirt the earth at will and more than once I was afraid that we would end up in a thorny African bush just to pop over it and happily drift onwards. All too soon we were looking for a place to set the balloon down and even here Bill had enough control to do so in a manner that would make recovery for the team easy. He even floated low enough to have the team pull the basket towards the waiting vehicle and set us down right on top of the waiting trailer. A very well organized and efficient team indeed! After everyone vacated the baskets we were treated to an early morning libation of orange juice and sparkling wine in celebration of a successful flight. We were whisked back to the clubhouse for another scrumptious breakfast and the presentation of certificates to the guests who flew that morning. This will certainly remain one of my most appreciated aviation experiences both on the ground and in the air. Mr. Harrop was nothing but a wonderful entertainer and gracious host and I owe my thanks to his daughter Sarah for allowing me to come into their world (twice) to experience only a small part of that which is very obviously to the Harrop family, a deeply rooted passion for this unique discipline of aviation. Who would have known that a welcoming hug on a very cold mid winter morning would signal the start of an amazing experience involving envelopes, baskets and a lot of hot air, not to mention sparkling wine before breakfast!

Dylan Van Graan

Dylan Van Graan

2019 Florida International A I R S H O W by Jason Skinner

This year’s Florida International Air Show was held the first weekend in November at the Punta Gorda Airport. This was the 38th continuous year for the show. Headlining the show was the United States Air Force Thunderbirds. Some local Florida performers were Patty Wagstaff and the SOCOM Para-commandos. Other demonstrations came from all across the country including the Geico Skytypers, Scott Farnsworth and the Dash Aerosports L-39 Albatross, Jim Pietz with his Beechcraft Bonanza, Matt Younkin and his twin Beech, Red Line Air Shows and Greg Koontz and the Alabama Boys. It was my first time at this show and it didn’t disappoint. For me it began on Friday afternoon with a night show that got things going with some aerial pyrotechnics. We had some beautiful skies and I will look forward to going back to a show that is routinely ranked as one of the best in the country.

Jason Skinner

Since the first time I flew in the backseat of an aircraft I have been struggling with reflection. Later I learned that almost everybody who photographs from behind a windows fight the same ghost that always appears when you have the perfect formation set and you are ready to capture the action. Canopy glare is like flying with the most unfriendly travel companion you can ever imagine. So, from that very first moment I’ve met with Glare I decided that the Merge was on and I grew a passion to eliminate this unwanted and ever moving bastard. The Ghostbuster in me was born. Since you are most likely an aviation photographer yourself you understand that safety is key in everything we do in relation to aircraft. So, coming up with a fancy glare defender is not an easy thing because it needs to be safe to fly with, meaning you still can egress in case of an emergency and the device doesn’t obstruct flight controls. Initially I tried to bury my lens behind my hand to keep the glare away. This is the natural solution as your hand acts as a human lens hood. Obviously while wearing a glove otherwise the ghost will appear because you used your hand to protect your perfect image from this glare. Glare comes from everything. From your buckles, cockpit instruments, even from you being there, sitting under that fish bowl.

Ductape and later in combination with a cloth became my new best friends. I started taping away labels on the ejection seats and this was a step into the right direction. Especially Aces II ejection seats like in the F-15 and F-16 have white labels on their parachute housing and these are a nightmare. Especially because I like to shoot a lot over my shoulder to get that dynamic angle. The glare that come from those labels always bite at you and with my roll of black tape I managed to work around this portion of obstructive glare. But I wasn’t there yet… The cloth At some point I noticed a video featuring Katsu Tokunaga flying with a black cloth draped over his torso. I wanted that as well! Not long after I had my hair cut at the barber and I immediately saw the potential of the black cloth she used to protect me for the hairs coming from my head. As soon as I came home, I ordered a barber cloth myself to fly with it fighter aircraft. Please keep this for yourself and don’t tell anybody, ha! I slightly modified the cloth with Velcro so I could remove it in a Nano second, in case I had to reach out for that beautiful yellow handle on your seat that will rocketed into safety before the jet crashes into the ground.

Battling the ghost called GLARE by Frank Crebas

So, there I went for the first time with my roll of ductape and barber cloth. You should have seen the face of the F-16 pilot when I quietly told him that I was going to sit behind him with a barber cloth over my shoulders. But I did it and it worked. Not perfect, but it worked, and it eliminated a huge portion of the glare. After this sortie I have flown with this cape for quite some time. Eventually it turned out that flying with this cloth wasn’t as comfortable as it is while I sit in the barber’s shop and get my hair done. The barber cloth wasn’t my dream solution. Not only because it doesn’t look cool to sit in a fancy fighter aircraft with this black cloth draped all over me but, especially the hose of the oxygen mask interfered with the collar when I had it attached around my neck with Velcro. But it was a good starting point. Another little addition to my Ghostbusters kit was a pair of black Nomex flying cloves that I prefer over the traditional green military style gloves. Little side step: Sometimes I see picture of civilian photographers in cockpit with some fingers cut out of the gloves while they are celebrating their success in selfies. This happens mostly in Navy environments. But why??? It might look like you are a pilot, but you are not. You are there to capture that perfect picture and want to keep everything that might create slightest bit of glare away and not adding them, like with those your fingers that are sticking out of your gloves. Gloves have a purpose as well. They are fire retardant. Just saying. The hood At some point Koji Nakano, a very talented photographer from Japan, pointed me in the direction of the Lens skirt. The lens skirt is a small flexible black lens hood that you can attach to the end of your lens. It is very light and you can fold it easy to take it along anywhere you like. Its’ like a little black box where you can stick your lens in. What a solution! I immediately ordered one via and was extremely excited when I got mine. I had my mom do a little modifying to my lens skirt to prevent it from collapsing because the Lens Skirt naturally comes with suction cups at the corner of the hood but these don’t work in the environments I would use it. The outcome was beyond great. After reviewing my images after the first time I used it (with the 140th WG/ Colorado

ANG) I was absolutely euphoric. There was almost no glare visible plus I could take cool selfies again without that barber cloth!! But there is a little disadvantage of the Lens skirt and that is that you have to keep up the lens hood with one hand while you keep your camera up with the other. So, zooming in and out is a bit challenging and keeping it up in a high G environment is a bit ambitious too. But it can be done, and I did it. But it isn’t Ideal because it is quite heavy. Bring in the ultimate lens hood (ULH)! This hood is as simple as it can get. It’s what it promises to be, a big lens hood made from rubber that for some people might be the ultimate solution to prevent yourself from glare. Same here and I tried it at home, but it appeared a but sluggish to me because it is a little oversized. I never flown with it but a friend of mine did. It appeared that the ULH also collapse so you need to keep it up with one hand. So, at this stage the Lens Skirt was still my winner. About the same time, I noticed an advertisement on Instagram from an Asian company that in true Chinese fashion copied the idea from ULH and where also selling a rubber lens hood. Because I am so passionate about this thing called glare, I also bought one of these to try it alongside the ULH. So, I exactly did that from behind the window in my living room. This was a direct hit, OMG! This little Chinese lens hood is a winner because it has a hard edge over a soft edge to keep it up. Next to that it isn’t as big as the ULH allowing you to keep up your camera with two hands again. Is it 100% perfect? No. Although I find it a great solution it can have some improvement. This plastic fantastic lens hood tends to slide along the shaft of your lens, making zooming out a bit challenging. But it is okay, and you need to be aware of it and push it back when it happens. After the first time I flew with it I felt like I won a triple crown. This is a greatest solution so far and I strongly advise you to get one yourself. The good thing they are very cheap, like $8 or so. You can get yours via Ali Express. Search for lens hood and you will find it. The ghost is still there but I feel I mastered it. Although this solution isn’t totally perfect, I have won from this thing called glare. Rock on!

Frank Crebas

Frank Crebas

I shot it from an A36 Bonanza flown by Kevin Crozier. We were out of KAPA in Denver. It was a super bumpy afternoon, so we weren’t able to go along the Rockies as we’d hoped, but we still made the best of it. The “Dream Chaser 5” Lear is owned by International Jet. They painted it as a rainbow for a week to give rides to kids from the Make-A-Wish program. I was not paid for this shoot, I donated my time, as did my pilots.

How I got the shot by Jessica Ambats

KLU Open Day 2019 Dutch Air Power at its best by Marc Schultz

This year’s show took place on June 14 and 15 and included a rather remarkable flying program: Belgium: F-16 Solo Display Marchetti SF-260 “Red Devils” Team Denmark: F-16 Solo Display France: Patrouille de France on Alpha Jet UK: Red Arrows on BAe Hawk The Blades on Extra 300 Italy: T-346 Demo Alenia C-27J Spartan Display Netherlands: Hawker Hunter Solo Display T-6 & P-51D Fokker S-11 (Fokker Four) Sukhoi 26 M (Dutch Rush Aerobatics) Yak-51 (Dutch Thunder Yaks) Chinook (Bambi Bucket Demo) Austria: PC-7 Solo Demo Spain: Eurofighter-Typhoon Solo Display Czech Republic: Saab Gripen Demo USA: C-17 Globemaster Demo Sweden: Saab Draken and Saab Viggen Solo Displays Switzerland: Patrouille Suisse on F-5 Tiger All shots were taken with Sony Alpha 6000 and SEL 18-135mm and SEL 70-300mm lenses.

During the “Open Dagen”, the Royal Netherlands Air Force (Koninklijke Luchtmacht - KLU) presents itself in a spectacular way through both an Air Show and with a huge Static Collection of contemporary and historic aircraft. The Air Force Days are “real” open days - although the organization of the Air Force Days is obviously a tremendous financial and logistical task, which naturally consumes a significant part of Holland’s defense budget, there is no charge forwarded to the many visitors. The Open Day’s main task is to offer a background-glimpse into the everyday routines of a modern NATO Air Force. The KLU Open Days are taking place every two years on three separate Air Bases in Holland, including Gilze Rijen and Volkel, both located in North Brabant, and Leeuwarden in Frisia. The 2019 show was organized at Volkel Air Base which is home of the 312th and 316th Squadron, both equipped with Lockheed Martin F-16A/B MLU multi-purpose combat aircraft. In addition there are other non flying units based at Volkel. Volkel is also to become the second base for the Dutch F-35A after Leeuwarden.

Marc Schultz

New York International Airshow 2019 by Jason Skinner

The New York International Air Show was held at the Stewart International Airport in New Windsor, NY. It was the fourth weekend in August. Blue skies, white clouds and fair weather were on tap for this year’s show. This was my first time attending this event. I came to New York to see the RAF Red Arrows. They also performed that week in Atlantic City, NJ. The Red Arrows performed a very busy schedule while in the United States. They managed to sandwich in a “Flight Down the Hudson” coordinated with the US Air Force Thunderbirds and both the F-35 and F-22 Demo Teams. The West Point Cadets parachuted in to start the air show. Larry Labriola flew his L-39 Albatross. The weekend also included the B-25 bomber Panchito, Matt Chapman, Mike Goulian, Mike Wiskus (that’s a lot of world class aerobatics right there!!), the US Air Force F-35A Demo Team, Kent Pietsch and the Jelly Belly plane were on hand as well. A Kalitta Air (Same family as Kalitta motorsports if you’re a drag race fan) 747 cargo plane flew in. Rounding out the show was the US Navy Blue Angels. It was a very full and well done show, I would definitely go back!

Jason Skinner

Jason Skinner

Wings Over Houston Airshow 2019 by Kevin Hong

There are many great airshows across the country that showcase warbirds and the Wings Over Houston airshow is definitely one of them. Warbirds from all over the US were able to attend this year and some unique formations from the Air Force Heritage flight and the Navy Legacy flight were definitely the highlight of the 2019 Wings Over Houston airshow. On top of the great warbirds was a diverse show filled with modern military performances of the F-35 demo, EA-18G Growler demo and F-16s from the Tulsa Air National Guard. With the sights and sounds of a spectacular and rare Navy warbird formation, the airshow crowd definitely took a step back in history. It’s not every day you see almost every Navy warbird ever produced in World War II flying in the skies at one time.

Sean Tucker performed his last solo performance for the Houston crowd in his Oracle Challenger III aircraft that will be on display at the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in Washington D.C. Watching his last ribbon cut was definitely breathtaking. Even though my day started at 5am every morning, the sunrises and sunsets made it worth the thousands of photos I shot to capture the world of aviation.

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Wings Over Dallas Airshow 2019 by Kevin Hong

STEM Aviation Discovery Zone It’s not everyday you get a chance to teach kids about airplanes but on Friday of the Wings Over Dallas Airshow, the Commemorative Air Force (CAF) was able to host an Education Day for the community. Students from the Dallas area funneled into a massive hangar set up with different stations educating them about the characteristics of flight and learning how they could one day be a pilot or an air traffic controller some day. The Commemorative Air Force’s mission is to acquire, restore and preserve in flying condition a complete collection of combat aircraft which were flown by all military services of the United States, and selected aircraft of other nations, for the education and enjoyment of present and future generations of Americans. And the CAF did just that. In the hangar was B-25 Devil Dog, where kids could get their hands on a real warbird and tour the inside of an actual World War II bomber.

From learning how World War II planes landed on an aircraft carrier to riveting like Rosie the Riveter, there was something there for everyone. Kids had some hands on training about air traffic controllers and the importance of weight and balance on an airplane. It was great to see boys and girls get excited about flying their rockets and planes they made out of paper. Even though I was shooting photos and videos of the kids interacting at each station, I noticed teachers were having a great time learning about the magic of flight. Some of them even got emotional at the Letter to a veteran table where kids could write notes to soldiers serving in the military. Inspiring the next generation is definitely a challenge however after watching the kids that day gave me some hope that there will be some future pilots and aviators that will continue the legacy of flying.

Kevin Hong It’s Showtime In October, Dallas has weather that is always hit or miss with hot and cold. This time we were blessed with a split between cool to warm temperatures and sunny days. Every year there is a theme at Wings Over Dallas and this time it was all about the US Navy. Warbirds from the East and West Coast came in to celebrate and honor Navy Aviation. It was definitely a challenge to make sure all the planes got in for a series of special air to air photos of all the Navy warbirds in the CAF fleet. The airshow is filled with plenty of things to do throughout the day in the air and on the ground. If flying is not your thing there is a designated area of World War II reenactors and vehicles. Even during the show the reenactors were in front of the crowds firing weapons from World War II showing everyone the different types of rifles and even what it was like to use an impressive flame thrower.

Similar to Oshkosh, Wings Over Dallas showcases the war veterans with the aircraft they flew during World War II. This year’s Navy veterans talked about fighting during the war from flying a SBD Dauntless in World War II to being on the battlefield during the Korean War. Throughout the day warbird fans have an opportunity to take a flight on World War II trainers, fighters and bombers which gives photographers plenty of chances to get shoot warbirds. At the end of the airshow, warbirds filled the air with a special preview to what is to come in May for the Arsenal of Democracy flyover in Washington D.C. With the sights and sounds of radial engines it became an orchestra in the sky as the airboss turned conductor Russell Royce kept the flow going in the right direction. The show ended with a missing man formation honoring the men and women who gave their lives for our freedom.

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Larry Grace • ISAP President

Larry Grace

Larry Grace

Larry Grace


Demonstration TEAM by SrA Alexander Cook

The F-35 Demonstration Team consists of one pilot, six maintenance professionals, and three support personnel who all seamlessly work together to showcase the world’s most technologically advanced fifthgeneration stealth fighter jet, the F-35A Lightning II. The maintenance team is in charge of all pre and post-flight maintenance inspections on the F-35 to include tire servicing and refuels, ensuring the jet is safe and ready for the pilot to fly. The team’s aircrew flight equipment technician ensures the pilot’s life support equipment is in top-notch condition before stepping to the flight line. The team chief and superintendent provide logistical support for the team and aircraft before each show. The public affairs officer handles all photography and video of the team, manages social media, coordinates community engagements, media operations, and recruiting opportunities. During their inaugural year, the team showcased the F-35 Demo in front of an audience of more than 10 million at 19 airshows around the United States and Canada.

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook

SrA Alexander Cook


Kevin Hong

by ISAP members

tion TEAMS

ISAP members from around the world have submitted photos from military and civilian airshows showcasing demo teams not only from the United States but from other countries around the globe. This year the United States was fortunate to see the British Red Arrows perform at a few locations across the country for their North American tour. We hope that demo teams from around the world will continue to visit other countries and show their beautiful demonstrations for the public to see and photograph.

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Kevin Hong

Al Figuccio

F-35 Takeoff – New York Airshow, Stewart Airport 8/25/2019 – 1/1250 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 125, 195mm

Blue Angels 5 & 6 Takeoff – New York Airshow, Stewart Airport 8/25/2019 – 1/800 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 100, 135mm

F-22 full power afterburner takeoff – Dover AFB 9/15/2019 – 1/500 sec @ f/ 8.0, ISO 100, 400mm

F-22 crew chief Staff Sgt. Zach Zistl’s birthday surprise ice bucket dump. - Dover AFB 9/15/2019 – 1/80 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 100, 270mm. Coincidence had the F-22 Demo take place in Zistl’s home town on his birthday and the team gave him this special recognition immediately after the demo team final salutes concluded their performance.

Al Figuccio

F-22 End of Show Lt. Col. Paul Lopez raised fist gesture of unity for the show attendees – Dover AFB 9/15/2019, 1/250 sec @ f/8.0, ISO 100, 138mm

Brett Schauf

The Blue Angels and Doc B-29 flew a formation photo mission in Sacramento, CA prior to the California Capital Air Show. Images shown are taken from Doc B-29 tail gun position.

The Red Arrows during their performance at Miramar, September 28, 2019. - Nikon D500, Sigma 60-600mm

The Blue Angels and Doc B-29 flew a formation photo mission in Sacramento, CA prior to the California Capital Air Show. Images shown are taken from Doc B-29 tail gun position.

Blue Angels, June 17, 2019, Nikon D500, Nikon 200-500mm

Brett Schauf

The Blue Angels and Doc B-29 flew a formation photo mission in Sacramento, CA prior to the California Capital Air Show. Images shown are taken from Doc B-29 tail gun position.

Mark Novak, Chief pilot for Doc B-29, watches as the Blue Angels transition to lead during a formation flight prior to the California Capital Air Show. October 3, 2019 - NIkon D850, Sigma 14-24.

Brett Schauf

David Shirah

An F-35 makes a pass, showing its armament bay. which is capable of carrying 5,700 pounds of munitions. These munitions can consist of AMRAAM missiles and JDAM bombs.

With the US flag gracefully in tow, and the National Anthem playing in the background, a member of the US Army Black Daggers Special Operations Command Parachute Demonstration Team opens the 2019 Melbourne Air Show.

David Shirah

David Walsh

David Walsh

Garret Moyer

Dragos Munteanu

Frecce Tricolori (the Italian Air Force Demonstration Team) at RIAT 2019 (Royal International Air Tattoo)-UK Nikon D500 150 mm – (Sigma 150-600) ISO 160, f6.3, 1/640.

Belgian Air Component F16 Solo Display Team at Luchtmachtdagen 2019 Volkel AFB (NL) Belgium Demo Pilot - (Sr.Cpt.) Stefan Darte code name “Vador” flying the special painted F16 nicknamed “The Dark Falcon” Nikon D500 150 mm (Sigma 150-600) ISO 100, f8, 1/1000

Belgian Air Component F16 Solo Display Team at Florennes Airbase Open Day 2019 (Belgium) (Belgium) Demo Pilot (Sr.Cpt.) Stefan Darte code name “Vador” flying the special painted F-16 nicknamed “The Dark Falcon” Nikon D7200 65 mm (Nikon 18-300 DX) ISO 160, f14, 1/200

Romanian Air Force Mig-21 Lancer solo display team at Bucharest International Air Show 2019 (BIAS) Demo Pilot – Commander Gheorghe “Gica” Stancu Nikon D500 – 150 mm (Sigma 150-600) ISO 160, f7.1, 1/1250

Dragos Munteanu

Patrouille de Suisse – Switzerland Air Force official demo team – at Luchtmachtdagen 2019 in Volkel Air base (Netherlands) Nikon D500 195 mm (Sigma 150-600) ISO 200, f8, 1/1250

Dragos Munteanu

Geoffrey Arnwine

Blue Angels – California Capital Airshow, Sacramento, CA – Oct. 5 1/1250, F/5.6, ISO: 200, Focal Length: 400mm

F-16 Viper Demo Team – MCAS Miramar Airshow, MCAS Miramar, CA – Sept. 27 1/1250, F/7.1, ISO 200, Focal Length: 220mm

Red Arrows – MCAS Miramar Airshow, MCAS Miramar, CA – Sept. 28 1/1250, F/5.6, ISO 200, Focal Length: 400mm

F-16 Viper Demo Team – California Capital Airshow, Sacramento, CA – Oct. 6 1/320, F/7.1, ISO 100, Focal Length: 24mm

Geoffrey Arnwine

F-35A Lightning II Demo Team –Pacific Airshow, Huntington Beach, CA – Oct. 4 1/1250, F/5.6, ISO 200, Focal Length: 400mm

Geoffrey Arnwine

Thunderbirds – Aviation Nation, Nellis AFB, NV – Nov. 17 1/1250, F/5.6, ISO 200, Focal Length: 350mm

Jeff Krueger

Jeff Krueger

Jeff Krueger

Karl Saad

Maj. Denis Bandet, Snowbird #1, talks to ground crew member prior to engine start. Canon EOS Rebel T6i, ISO 200, 1/500th at f/5.6, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@ 400

John Slemp

Larry Grace • ISAP President

Larry Grace

Larry Grace

Larry Grace

Marc Schultz

Michael Bellinger

Michael Bellinger

Mike Bilek

Mike Bilek

Mike Bilek

Mike Cox

The famous Blue Angels Diamond approaches flight center at the Quad Cities Airshow on June 29, 2019. Nikon D750, Tamron 150-600mm G2, f/8, 1/1000 sec, ISO 100, 600mm

Nick Nelson

The famous “mirror image” performed by Thunderbird solo pilots Major Matt Kimmel and Major Michelle Curran – 1/2000, 360mm, f/5.6, ISO 200

Patrick Lalande

The USAF Thunderbirds 5 & 6 cross at show center for the 2019 Rochester International Airshow. Canon 7D EF100-400L IS at 309mm, f/10, 1/2000 sec, ISO 500

Snowbird 8, Captain Logan Reid, lands after the Friday show practice at AeroGatineau-Ottawa 2019. In the passenger seat is Captain Brian “Humza� Kilroy, 2019 CF-18 demo pilot. Canon 7D EF100-400L IS at 400mm, f/8, 1/60sec, ISO 100

The USAF Thunderbirds in Diamond 4 formation at the 2019 Rochester international airshow. Canon 7D EF100-400L IS at 250mm, f/10, 1/2000 sec, ISO 500

Captain Brian “Humza” Kilroy takes the 2019 CF-18 demo team jet to the sky at AeroGatineau-Ottawa. Canon 7D EF100-400L IS at 220mm, f/10, 1/1600 sec, ISO 800

Patrick Lalande

Red 5, Squadron leader Steve Morris, Signs autographs at the RAF Red Arrows performance in Gatineau, Quebec, on August 13, 2019. Canon 7D EF100-400L IS at 100mm, f/8, 1/800sec, ISO 200.

Peter Keller

Thunderbird #1 gets a traditional send-off for the start of the show at the 2019 Minnesota Air Spectacular in Mankato, MN.

Peter Yee

Navy Blue Angels (Pilots) - Calif. International Airshow - Salinas, Calif. Canon 6D mk2, EF 100-400 IS 2, ISO 320, 321mm, F7.1, 1/320

Rob Tabor

The Viper Demo team’s F-16CM reflects the California sunrise prior to Friday practice at the 2019 California Capital Airshow. 1/320, f 2.8, ISO 640, Nikon D850, Nikon 17-35mm, f2.8

Thunderbird Five, Lead Solo, Maj. Matt Kimmel and Thunderbird Six, Opposing Solo, Maj. Michelle Curran execute the “Opposing Knife Edge Pass” during the Thunderbirds final performance of the 2019 season at Aviation Nation. 1/3200, f4, ISO 250, Nikon D850, Nikon 500mm, 500mm, f4

Maj. Andrew “Dojo” Olsen teams up with the F-86 Sabre for his final performance as the F-35 Demo Team Pilot at Aviation Nation. 1/3200, f4, ISO 320, Nikon D850, Nikon 500, f4.

Maj. Garret “Toro” Schmitz calls upon the F-16CM’s 31,000 lbs of thrust during his performance at the 2019 California Capital Airshow. 1/2500, f6.3, ISO 400, Nikon D850, Nikon 500mm. f4

Rob Tabor

The US Navy Blue Angles complete the “Line Abreast Loop” during Friday practice at the 2019 California Capital Airshow. 1/2000, f13, ISO 200, Nikon D850, Nikon 200-400mm. f4

Rob Tabor

Thunderbird Five, Lead Solo, Maj. Matt Kimmel executes the “Sneak Pass� during the Thunderbirds final performance of the 2019 season at Aviation Nation. 1/3200, f4, ISO 250, Nikon D850, Nikon 500mm. f4

Steve Walter

These images were produced at Kubinka Air Base outside of Moscow Russia. The display was part of the Army 2019 Arms Exposition at the end of June 2019. I was using a Canon T-90 camera and Canon 100 – 300mm manual focus zoom lens. The images were captured on Fuji Provia 100 ASA transparency film.

Tyler Hernandez

Maj. Garret Schmitz executes a high-performance takeoff to start the Viper Demo at the Central Coast AirFest.

Blue Angel #4 Maj. Jeff Mullins on short final at NAF El Centro.

TSgt. Lui Lopez launches Maj. Garret Schmitz for a sunset photo flight.

TSgt. Lui Lopez and Maj. Garret Schmitz demonstrate the Viper Demo Team’s level of precision in all aspects of the demonstration.

Tyler Hernandez

F-35 Demo Team Pilot, and Commanding Officer Maj. Andrew Olson rips down Star Wars Canyon.

Vince Yarbrough

The Red Arrows at Miramar It has been 11 years since the Red Arrows toured North America and this was their first time to perform at the Miramar air show. Once I learned that they would be at the Miramar air show I knew that I could not miss this opportunity to see them. The Red Arrows put on a different performance than we are used to seeing from the Navy Blue Angels or the Air Force Thunderbirds. To start with they have nine aircraft instead of the six and they use red, white and blue smoke which really adds to their show. They also fly different formations than the American teams. Instead of flying maneuvers that would be used in combat the fly formations to resemble other aircraft or that are more on the aerobatic side. They all combine for a truly unique performance. As their show began and they were airborne, the first formation they formed was to pay tribute to the British Lancaster bomber from World War II. Next they formed up to resemble the Concord and then the Tornado. The Red Arrows also performed their signature maneuvers, like the Heart, Goose and Python. One of the coolest maneuvers is the Tornado. In this maneuver seven aircraft fly in formation and two aircraft fly a rolling maneuver around and just behind the formation. Another unique maneuver that I have never seen before was the Reds 6 thru 9 Break. Four aircraft approach the crowd and do a split where they cross each other to fly off in different directions. Finally to finish the show they perform the Vixen Break. The entire formation flies at the crowd and splits with each aircraft going either vertical or horizontal parallel to the flight line. By the end of the show all I could say was WOW! Having been to many air shows I can say the Red Arrows truly perform an amazing show that is very unique. If they ever return to North America I would recommend going to see them. I would also like to thank the entire team at MCAS Miramar for putting on one of the best air shows that I have seen.

Vince Yarbrough

Vince Yarbrough

Lt Sam Eckholm

Craig Swancy

Gary Edwards • ISAP Treasurer

Jim Wilson • ISAP Vice President

Marc Farb

Matt McVicker

Nico Limbioul

Vincent Trelut

Photographing The Queen of The Skies by John Slemp

Recently I was hired by Cargolux to photograph their Atlanta operations for their in-house magazine Charlie Victor. Knowing that there are always potential problems that may arise from poor planning, I visited the Cargolux facility at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport for a site survey, prior to the shoot day. The tour didn’t reveal anything I didn’t already expect. Safety was a concern, so high visibility vests were required attire the day of the shoot. The station manager provided excellent cooperation, and I was pretty much able to shoot what I wanted. Having said that, I did have one specific request from the client to shoot vertical images, as well as horizontals. Why you may ask? Lots of images are used in publications vertically, especially for the cover, and it should be remembered that in the editorial world, covers pay more! So alway shoot verticals, even though aircraft seem to fill the frame better as horizontals. Verticals used side by side in a layout also look great as a two-page spread…depending on the subject. Knowing that I was going to be photographing a Boeing 747 also prompted me to pay attention on the ramp, prior to the shoot date. I took my camera along, and made some images to test the coverage of my 17-40, and 28-70mm lenses. As it turned out, I had plenty of room to back up as needed, so either lens would work, as well as the 70-200 for shooting the departure. I was testing a Sigma 150-600mm lens at the time, and in fact used it a bit during the job. While very sharp, it was also very heavy and I found it overly difficult to use without a gimbal. Instead I used my first generation Canon 70-200 F2.8 lens to shoot the take-off, which was more than enough lens for the task. On the day of the shoot, I also took along my Profoto B1 (500watt seconds) battery powered strobe, a magnum reflector, a beauty dish, and my tripod. The aircraft was due to arrive at 0705, so I arrived at 0630, so I’d have to time to get into the facility and be in position when

it arrived. As it turned out, the aircraft was already on the ramp when I arrived, and was well on the way to being unloaded. Something else I wasn’t aware of going in is that they don’t always unload the entire aircraft, prior to loading it with new cargo. It depends on the freight being carried, and of course it’s destination. One thing I should also mention is being ready for unexpected opportunities, when they occur. Such was the case when the pilots deplaned. I mentioned that I was creating images for the company magazine, and would they allow me to quickly photograph them? When they hesitated, I said “give me three minutes”. They said yes, and even though it wasn’t a request from the client, I added those into the mix, as I also wanted to show that I could photograph people too. According to the metadata, the shots were completed in two minutes. Since it was still dark when I began shooting, the strobe and tripod allowed me to create images that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to get. One of my favorite techniques to use in low light situations is called “pop and burn.” Basically the camera is on the tripod, and using an extended shutter speed (any speed that will give me a blur of whatever is moving in the frame…), the strobe is also fired at some point during the exposure. If it fires when the shutter is tripped, that’s called “front curtain synchronization.” An alternative is to use rear-curtain synch, which most modern cameras can do. The benefit of using rear-curtain synch is that an object streak (a moving tug towing a freight pallet for instance) can be recorded with a pop of flash at the end of the exposure. This shows in the photo as a normal streak, with the object frozen at the end of the streak, rather than being frozen at the beginning of the streak. It’s a subtle difference, but is quite evident when compared side by side. Using the Profoto “magnum” reflector, which throws light an insanely long way, I was able to illuminate the company logo on the tail of

Using the tripod also allowed sharp images to be captured inside the cargo hold, and of course the cockpit, using available light. I didn’t have time to light the cockpit as I would normally do, so the tripod with available panel/ambient light was the way to go. It worked out fine in both instances, and motion in an image seems to have a bit more “life” than an otherwise totally static shot. Use of a tripod also slows one down to the point where a more considered approach to the subject is required, and of course sharp images are virtually assured, especially in low-light conditions.

Creating the set of images proceeded normally, and the files were delivered, which the client was happy with. It should be noted that Cargolux had previously moved two Beluga whales from China to Iceland, and to publicize the event, had the two whales painted on the fuselage of this particular aircraft. About 10 days later, I received an email from the client, saying that they wanted me to go back to photograph a different aircraft, as for some reason unknown to me, they couldn’t use that aircraft in the company magazine. Instead, the decided to use them in the annual report, and will use the second set of images in the magazine. So that’s what we did. The second shoot occurred in the afternoon, and lasted until dark. Oftentimes in the winter in the southern United States, clouds appear to be “on fire” as the sun sets, and on this day fortune was with us. “Amazing” was a quote from the client when she saw the second set of images. With any luck at all, I’ll be shooting for them again…

John Slemp

the aircraft, while blurring the motion in the foreground. Using this technique, instead of just dodging the logo in post-production, led to a more refined image. There is less potential for noise, and the ever-present noise reduction needed would’ve also reduced the sharpness of the logo.

John Slemp

John Slemp

John Slemp

John Slemp


Bradley Wentzel

I live in San Antonio, Texas. I’m a professional photographer and am currently the Creative Director and in-house still and motion photographer at Lewis Air Legends.

My workflow consists of Lightroom for cataloging and most of my post-processing. I’ll edit photographs from Lightroom via Photoshop as needed when I need more powerful tools.

I worked for several well-known photographers in various industries including surfing, celebrity, and fashion early in my career. I attended Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara.

I joined ISAP because it seemed like the natural thing to do since aviation is a predominant subject matter for me. It’s always nice to be a part of something that allows for community, collaboration, teaching and learning. I joined August 2019. I learned about the organization from a friend I went to Brooks Institute of Photography with, and then learned more about it on Instagram.

My grandfather was a pilot in WWII and wrote a book about his time served. His pictures, letters, and medals were always intriguing to me. Several years ago I started retyping his book in digital form to help get it published after his passing, and that was the spark for my interest in aviation. I currently shoot with the EOS Canon 1D C body. I use the Canon 1635mm f/2.8, Canon 50mm f/1.2, Canon 70-200mm f/2.8, and the Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6. I typically shoot airshows with the EOS Canon 1D C body with the Canon 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6. I always shoot in RAW for it’s versatility in post. RAW files are like film negatives, JPG files are like polaroid, at least that’s been my experience. “You Don’t Take A Photograph, You Make It.” – ANSEL ADAMS

I don’t belong to any other organization but always try to help other photographers. I worked for Apple for 5 years and spent a vast majority of my time teaching photography software and photography. I still help anyone that comes seeking it. My tip of advice would be to photograph anything that you find interesting, not just aviation. I started my photography career in portraiture and commercial advertising and worked with a diverse group of photographers. Photographing such different subject matters helps expose you to different ways of thinking and approaching photography, and I think this diversity helps approach aviation with a fresh and different perspective.

Bradley Wentzel

Bradley Wentzel

Karl Saad

Canon EOS Rebel T6i, ISO 200, 1/250 s at f/7.1, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@ 371 My name is Karl Saad and I am an advanced amateur photographer living in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville (near Montreal), Quebec, Canada. I work at the Canadian Space Agency where I manage a team of project managers in the space exploration directorate. In 2007 I began pursuing photography as a hobby. I’ve sought to improve my photography skills by joining a local photo club as well as through self-led learning using online resources such as KelbyOne and various books. For as long as I can remember, I have been interested in aviation. This interest led me to becoming an air cadet when I was a teenager and then pursuing engineering at university. Despite my passion for aviation, I served as an infantry officer in the Canadian Army for 15 years and had the opportunity to fly in various types of helicopters and even jump from C-130s. Upon leaving the military, I reconnected with my passion for aviation by working for a Canadian aircraft manufacturer. During this time I worked as the project engineer for an unmanned aerial vehicle before moving into project management for the customizing of business jets as well as the maintenance of fighter jets. Eventually this led me to my second passion, space. I joined the Canadian Space Agency as a project manager in 2001 where I have managed many space exploration projects including Canada’s contribution to the James Webb Space Telescope as well as being the project manager for the Canadian astronaut recruitment campaign in 2016-17. Just recently I have begun combining my love of photography with my passion for aviation. I’m not sure why it took me so long to make this connection, however, it all came together at a local airshow this past summer. I decided to borrow my daughter’s Canon Rebel T6i as it is more capable than my Rebel XTi. Equipped with a 24–105 mm lens, I went out with the intention of getting some great images. Unfortunately, this was not the case. I was disappointed that many of my images were blurry and out of focus. Furthermore, the aircraft were too small in the images even after cropping in. Despite my disappointment with these first photos, I saw the potential in what I was trying to capture. I felt the excitement of doing this type of photography and I decided to attend another airshow a few weeks later, this time equipped with a 100–400 mm lens. I was hooked! I love that aviation photography enables me to combine my appreciation of the engineering that goes into building these incredible machines and my desire to explore the art of photography.

Just recently I upgraded to a mirrorless camera with the SONY Alpha 7 Mark 3. I primarily use two Canon lenses: 24–105 mm and 100–400 mm. I continue to use my Canon Rebel XTi as a second camera for wide-angle shots using a Sigma 10–20 mm. I always shoot in RAW as this gives me the most flexibility in post-processing and excellent image quality. For post-processing I use Photoshop CS6 and Nik software. I like using Photoshop because it’s a powerful tool that gives the flexibility I like when developing my images. I joined ISAP because I want to belong to a community of photographers who are passionate about aviation. I see this as a great opportunity to network and collaborate with other photographers, to learn how to become a better photographer, and to expand my experience in aviation photography with the ultimate goal of branching into air-to-air photography. I discovered ISAP while searching for books on aviation photography and coming across a book by Chad Slattery entitled “Inside Aviation Photography”. I am not involved with any other professional associations, however, I continue to belong to a local photo club where I am pushed to try different aspects of photography. When it comes to helping others with photography, I always feel as if I am the one who is still learning. However, I do like helping when I can and would welcome the opportunity to do more of it. If you are new to aviation photography, my advice would be to first understand the camera settings required for different types of aircraft and practice panning as much as possible as this is an important skill to master. Secondly, when going to an airshow, try to take in at least two days. Use the first day to take the time to get familiar with the performances and static displays and take pictures of everything interesting to you. On the second day, focus on the shots you want to take based on your review of the images taken on the first day and where you can best position yourself to get those shots. After the first day, you may find that you have many images which are out of focus, blurry or underexposed. The second day enables you to refine your skills and learn from your experience of the first day. I look forward to participating in ISAP events and meeting other photographers who share a passion for aviation. Thank you for taking the time to read this article and looking at my images.

Canon EOS Rebel T6i, ISO 200, 1/250 s at f/7.1, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@ 371

Canon EOS Rebel T6i, ISO 200, 1/1000 s at f/5.6, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@400

Gary Edwards

Canon EOS Rebel T6i, ISO 200, 1/250 s at f/5.6, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@400

Sony a7M3, ISO 100, 1/250 s at f/11, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@360

Sony a7M3, ISO 100, 1/50 s at f/4, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@400

Karl Saad

Sony a7M3, ISO 100, 1/250 s at f/6.3, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@400

Canon EOS Rebel T6i, ISO 100, 1/60 s at f/8, EF100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM@400

Karl Saad

Michael Cozad

My name is Michael Cozad. I live in Jackson, California, a small historic gold country town nestled in the Sierra Foothills of Amador County, approximately 48 miles east-southeast of Sacramento, on Highway 88/49. I am a self-taught, semi-professional photographer, specializing primarily in night-long exposure, aviation, landscape photography and photojournalism, though I do dabble in wildlife, sports, fine art and timelapse photography. I have long been fascinated with aviation since childhood. My dad was in the Air Force, and my uncle was a civilian contractor with the Air Force at McClellan Air Force Base. I have fond memories of spending many a day attending various airshows at Mather, and McClellan Air Force Bases. I shoot with my Nikon D800, accompanied with the Nikkor 70-200 mm f2.8, and Sigma 150-600 mm f5.6-f6.3 for long, and the Tokina 16-28 mm f2.8 for wide static shots for my aviation photography. I primarily shoot in RAW, so I have full control and the highest quality image output for my final product. I post process my images using Adobe Lightroom for typical photo editing, and utilize Photoshop only for more extensive graphics work, or any time I need the use of layers. I do often shoot in RAW+JPG, when doing my photojournalism work for my local newspaper, to meet those quick turnaround deadlines. I joined ISAP on November 17, 2018, after meeting Larry Grace during the CCA Photo Tour at the California Capital Airshow at Mather Field, California back in September. I haven’t previously been a member of any professional photography associations and want to join to expand my networking with photographers with similar ambitions in photography as myself. After learning more about ISAP from Larry, I find it the perfect opportunity to get to know fellow aviation photographers, and learn additional techniques from them. I was lucky when I first got into aviation photography back in 2013, while attending my first California Capital Airshow Photo Tour. I had a good friend who has been in the aviation video and photography world for years. He took me under his wing, showing me some of his tricks of the trade, as well as introducing me to other aviation photographers, and I would like to return the favor to others interested in the art.

As I was told by a good friend, and fellow photographer, be patient, keep practicing, and push yourself out of your comfort zone. That is the only way one will learn in photography. Also, there is one thing I hear over and over again by many airshow photographers. If you are serious about making a career in the airshow photography, it’s not enough to just get the shots of the aircraft. You must spend time photographing every aspect of the airshow, the people, the vendors, the volunteers doing what they do. You must highlight every part that makes the airshow an airshow, not just the aircraft. Because, that’s what the people who will hire you as an airshow photographer want to see…the people!

For those views too high, the judging team brings their own ladder.

Gary Edwards

Michael Cozad

Crews prepare long and hard for the arrival of the Judges at AirVenture.

Michael Cozad

Mike Cox

Mike Cox is a semi-professional photographer born and raised in Central Iowa. He became interested in photography as a teenager and became involved with photojournalism during his high school years. Though his career path went another direction, Mike has continued to foster his love of photography has his primary hobby for the past 30+ years. Mike hasn’t had any formal Photography training but has spent countless learning and practicing various techniques on his own. Along with Photography, Mike’s other interests include Capturing Extreme Weather and Aviation. Mike has been capturing Mother Nature for 20+ years all over the USA. His love of Aviation has brought him to attend various air shows and fly-ins around the state of Iowa. Mike shoots Nikon equipment, specifically shooting with a Nikon D750 DSLR and various Nikkor and Tamron lenses. Mike’s current favorite combination is his D750 and the Tamron 150-600 G2 telephoto lens. Though a bit heavy, this combination has proved to produce great results.

The Phillips 66 Aerostars perform during the Central Iowa Airshow in Ankeny, Iowa.

Mike shoots in RAW format as he wants to remain in control of how his images are produced and doesn’t like to rely on computer interpretations. Mike also uses the Adobe line of products – Lightroom and Photoshop after using Photo Mechanic to import and do an initial review of his images. He uses Lightroom and Photoshop equally, though lately, Photoshop has been getting used more due to the increased options available. Mike joined ISAP in early August after being referred from a friend and fellow member. Mike is also a founding member of his local camera club, where he networks with other local photographers and helps mentor people new to the field. Mike as learned a lot over the years from others and hasn’t forgotten this. Mike isn’t afraid to help others develop their photography skills whether young or old. Mike enjoys meeting new people and developing relationships with photographers all over the country.

The Aeroshell Flight Demonstration team perform during the Central Iowa Airshow in Ankeny, Iowa.

A VF-22 Osprey conducts a flight demonstration during the Central Iowa Airshow in Ankeny, Iowa.

A C-130 prepares to take off during the Quad Cities Airshow in Davenport, Iowa.

Gary Edwards

Jeff Shetterly races the jet truck AfterShock at the Quad Cities Air Show.

Mike Cox

Mike Hill

I’ve had a lifelong fascination for aviation and aircraft. Although I followed a full military career in the British Army, I never missed an opportunity to visit Air Museums, attend Air Shows and track innovations in flight. Photography interested me too. It provided a means of recording events, remembering particular aircraft and noting developments in flight and flying. Retirement gave me an opportunity to learn to fly. I’m an occasional recreational flier and rent an aircraft from my local club. When I elected to settle in the Province of Ontario in Canada, it opened up the North American air show circuit to me. I attend several air shows a year and have been a regular visitor to Airventure in Oshkosh, and a loyal volunteer on Flight Line there, for more than 10 years. My army days took me all over the World. I had two wonderful years in Hong Kong and several tours in what was then West Germany, including three tours of duty in West Berlin. Photography was often a core skill. Most veterans will agree that training in the armed forces is excellent. The instruction I received, and experience in the field, proved very helpful in improving my work with long lenses against aircraft. My first serious cameras were Minoltas, with a decent range of lenses. When roll film was in decline and the first digital SLRs were appearing, I chose Olympus, believing that they make the sharpest lenses of all. The company didn’t really keep up and I moved to Canon equipment, which has served me very well. It continues to do so through various upgrades. My principal camera body is a Canon 6D Mk II. I also use an older Canon 7D Mk I, which continues to confer the occasional advantage of built-in flash. The walking-around lens in my bag is the Canon 24-105 F4L IS USM. I always carry the Canon 70 - 200 F4L IS USM as well

- with a doubler handy at all times. My longest lens, and increasingly the one on which I’m coming to rely, is the Canon 100 - 400 F4.5 - 5.6L IS II USM. Reviews I read about its capabilities did not exaggerate its sharpness or the ability to hand hold it successfully in the majority of situations. In the interests of saving disk space, I used JPG files for a long time, but I now shoot nothing but raw for aviation subjects. I’m a Mac fan and I’ve persisted with their Photos software, though I don’t think it matches the archive and storage organization qualities of the dear departed Aperture. Since discovering Skylum’s Luminar and Aurora HDR applications, I have been using them a lot to post process raw material. They improve pretty much everything without looking artificial - unless you choose to have them push towards the surreal. They also have some great photographers providing online training, which is really good. I like to encourage other photographers with an interest in aviation to give our discipline a go. On a personal level, I’m really hoping to be able to attend some of the ISAP seminars and visits. It’s Larry Grace, our President, who encouraged me to join and who’s been an inspiration and mentor whenever we meet. I’d really like to break into the air-to-air side of life. I constantly admire the work produced by staff photographers at EAA and others, who are absolute masters of the art.

Gary Edwards

Mike Hill

Mike Hill

Patrick Lalande

I am Canadian, currently living in Gatineau, Quebec. I just recently moved here from Vancouver, British Columbia. I would consider myself to be a constantly improving advanced amateur. This has been a hobby for me for several years. I do have hopes of being published, like many photographers do. I am mostly self-taught in that I have no formal training on photography. I have learned through readings online, following the work of famous photographers on social media, informal online courses and the graciousness and patience of the many other photographers I have met at airports and airshows. I’ve always had a passion for aviation. I discovered aviation photography as a hobby while attending the Royal Netherlands Air Force open day in 2008. I saw so many cameras in the crowd and seeing pictures posted online prompted me to buy my first DSLR and start this journey.

process my images, I use both Lightroom and Photoshop. Lightroom is a very capable program and is less intimidating, so I do most of my adjustments in that program. I will mostly use Photoshop to remove objects, sharpen, and re-size, as I find it is more capable for these functions.

I currently use a Canon EOS 7D as my primary camera body. I use it mostly in conjunction with a Canon EF100-400L IS II. This is the combination that serves me the most and I have just upgraded the lens from the original version. I also frequently use the Tamron 150-600 VC for some of the smaller aircraft, or when I am looking for a tighter shot on something specific. For static displays, my go-to lens has remarkably been the Canon EF-S 18-55 IS kit lens. While many would discount it, I have had a long time to figure out its capabilities and limits and have managed high quality images with it.

I grew as a photographer because others took the time to share their knowledge with me, either directly or indirectly. I am to do the same every day. I constantly help new photographers I meet, passing on things that have worked for me, as well as things that have not. I feel it is important to share everything I learn with others, as it helps that person, but also helps me grow. The best advice I would give to someone new to aviation photography is to not get discouraged when you see other photographer’s work. Get out there and take pictures, try new things and talk to others as much as possible. Almost everyone you will meet will look to help and guide you. You will be surprised how far you will get.

I strictly shoot RAW images. I like to retain as much control as possible over the images for post-processing. This takes up more space on memory cards but has been absolutely worth the trade-off for me. To

I joined ISAP as I wanted to be part of an organization specific to aviation photography. I wanted to learn more and one day contribute to all the knowledge I found online. I learned about ISAP through social media, follow ISAP president Larry Grace’s account. After browsing the website and seeing all the great photographers who are members, I knew this was the place for me. I do not belong to any other professional associations, but I am very involved with a local photography club, where I seek to grow as a photographer.

One of the RAF Red Arrows lands at the Gatineau-Ottawa executive airport following their Parliament Hill flypast in Ottawa, as part of the team’s 2019 North America tour.

A Royal Canadian Air Force CT-142 “Gonzo” training aircraft, belonging to 402 Squadron, taxis for departure from Vancouver international airport following a brief visit during a student trip. The aircraft is used for sensor operator and combat systems officer training.

The RAF Red Arrows burst over the crowd at AeroGatineau 2019 as part of the team’s 2019 North America tour.

Patrick Lalande


Identify these aircraft. The answers are found next to the Kenyon Gyro Ad.






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©Moose Peterson

The Art of Air to Air

Aviation Photography: Post Processing

Aviation Photography: Warbirds and the Men Who Flew Them

VISIT WWW.KELBYONE.COM TO VIEW ALL INSTRUCTORS, GET MORE INFO & BECOME A MEMBER Adobe, Photoshop, and Lightroom are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems, Incorporated. All images courtesy of Moose Peterson.

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LIOE Design is a product company that manufactures their own product designs. Located in Seattle, WA all their products are aviation inspired from their Aero Ti Chopsticks Every product has a story. A reason why a product looks the way it does from function and practicality to aesthetics. All our products are designed with the belief that everyday goods can be extraordinary. We strive to ensure the user is getting the most unique experience and to create a everyday item in a completely re-imagined way. We design to spark imagination and creativity even in the most creative people. Creating products that inspire design. 1) Air Squadron playing cards This deck of cards has artwork of modern jets and aircraft. The inspiration was to create a deck of cards unlike other cards, the Kings and Queens are B-2 Bomber and SR-71. The Jokers are the A-10 and F-22. Every card is unique creating the perfect deck for an aviation enthusiast or card collector! 2) Stealth Pen The Stealth Pen has a unique, aluminum uni-body design with four total components making it lightweight as well as easy to assemble and disassemble. The slotted design offers a futuristic touch and cuts down on the weight of the pen while allowing the user a glance at the inside ink cartridge. 3) Titan Business card holder The Titan is aero-inspired minimalist light-weight card holder. The pattern on the front of the card holder is reminisce of a futuristic space door and inspired by the nose of the B29 Super Fortress. Titan has a dark gunmetal gray color and is made from aircraft grade 6061-T6 Aluminum.

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15% discount for ISAP members

For details visit the ISAP newsletter or member log-in section of the ISAP website.

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Answers to Airplane Silhouettes 1. Breda Ba 64 Italy 2. Bristol T.B.8 Great Britain 3. Caproni Ca 133-Italy 4. CASA C-101 Spain 5. Consolidated Y1BT-1 USA

Kevin Hong

Special Offer for ISAP Members

For the special offers visit the ISAP newsletter or member log-in section of the ISAP website.

The Professionals Source Professionals in the world of imaging rely on the professionals of B&H for their equipment needs. We have experts ready to give courteous service with a phone call, a click of the mouse or a personal visit. Our SuperStore jsp?About_Us-The_Professionals_Source pays tribute to the wealth of possibilities available for photography, videography and other media industries. We make the wonders of technology available through our complete lines of photo, video, audio, lighting, pro accessories, computers, data storage, optics, entertainment, projection and surveillance devices, to which we add a wonderful, personal experience for professionals, hobbyists and consumers alike.

History We opened our original storefront in 1973. Our reputation for extensive inventory and intelligent conversation about photography began with our first customer. We grew from a small photography shop in Manhattan’s Financial District to a major supplier of photo, video and audio equipment on 17th Street, with customers returning again and again for our low pricing and high reliability. The new millennium’s explosion of affordable technology for pros and consumers alike brought new lines of computers, home entertainment, and consumer devices, as we moved to our SuperStore: jsp?About_Us-History on 34th Street and opened our cyber-doors at We continue to expand to meet your needs with showrooms, classes, educational and social media, and more.

ISAP Merchandise

If you wish to purchase any ISAP merchandise please email Send your name and current address and you will be invoiced via PayPal. Shipping cost will be added to your invoice. Members with an international address will have a higher shipping rate. ISAP Challenge coin - $10 + shipping ISAP safety vest (Small to X-Large) - $28 + shipping ISAP safety vest 2XL - $31, 3XL - $34, 4XL - $38 + shipping ISAP membership patch - $5 + shipping Limited patch version with Velcro backing - $10 + shipping


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ISAP Board Members President and Board Chairman Larry Grace Vice President and Vice Chairman Jim Wilson Treasurer Gary Edwards Secretary Mike Collins ISAP Board Member George Kounis ISAP Board Member Kevin Hong ISAP Staff Member John Sepp ISAP Staff Member Craig Swancy Chairman Emeritus Jay Miller ISnAP Editor Kevin Hong ISnAP International Editor Mike Green The ISnAP is a periodic publication of the International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP) and is used to communicate news, functions, convention information, and other information of interest on the local, regional, and national scenes. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and should not be construed as the views or opinions of the International Society for Aviation Photography (ISAP). Please contact us at, or ISnAP is a publication to showcase our members work in capturing aviation events. Anytime you have images or would like to inquire on doing an article for ISnAP contact us via email at Images should be sized at 3600 x 2400 @ 300 dpi (12� x 8�) in a landscape format only. Submit up to 10 images per article and submit your text in a word document and email a link by using and send to (Up to 2GB). You can also submit images for review for a future cover or back page display. If any questions you can email us as well to We look forward to your submission and to showcase your articles and images.

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