Insight January 2018

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ISB student achieves Cambridge Outstanding Learner Award Top in the World PAGE 72


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Message from The Director As always, I am happy to invite you to leaf through our ISB Insight magazine – the first edition of the 2017-18 academic year. The beginning of this school year has brought us a great deal of reasons for pride and celebration.


JANUARY 2018 ISSUE 10 International School of Bucharest’s Periodic Magazine Director SİNAN KOȘAK Editors MADALINA CIOC ANA COSTINIU Design GRAPHIC DESIGNER Print

1R Sos. Gara Catelu Str, 032991, Bucharest, Romania (+40) 21-306 95 30

I am pleased to see that the first months of this school year have passed and left us settled in with our changes in the schedule and curriculum. Starting this year, we have enhanced our educational offer with an after-school programme, giving students the option of extending their school schedule with support activities until 6pm.

First of all, it is the 3rd time in 4 years that an ISB student is presented with the prestigious “Top in the World” Cambridge Outstanding Learner Award. More importantly, we find I am extremely proud of our very ourselves at the beginning of our own Ana Maria Anghel, who scored first year of IB Diploma programme the highest mark in the world in and our students and teachers have the Sociology AS Level Exam. Ana’s adapted to the new IB curriculum remarkable results are a sheer and learning strategies. This has been an exciting reflection of her hard transition for me, as work and dedication I would like well, as this year I and of the enormous to take this have returned to my talent in Romania, lifelong passion of opportunity to not only amongst teaching Physics. I learners but also thank all the within the teaching parents, teachers have missed being in the classroom with profession. and staff in our our talented and Ana’s Top in the students ISB community creative World result was and I am very happy for their celebrated along to be back, even if it with 32 of her commitment and is only part-time. highest-achieving their continuous Taking note of colleagues, who the changes and support to the got excellent exam improvements results (A*) at the school and to in ISB this year, IGCSE exams and wish everybody it is impossible AS Level exams, during the Academic a Wonderful New to overlook the complete make-over Year! Awards Ceremony on that our canteen has the 6th of December. been undergoing ever since Ms Together, teachers and parents Simona Pacurar has joined us as alike joined the students in the ISB health coach – the food celebrating their brilliant success looks great, tastes amazing and, and congratulated them for their most importantly, is a lot healthier. prizes and wonderful university Ms Simona’s guidance has turned placements in one fun evening we around our view of lunch and has are not likely to forget soon. brought all of us.


Primary School Maths: Romanian Curriculum or UK Curriculum MRS. KERRY HARRIS HEAD OF PRIMARY SCHOOL

It is true to say our pathways may be different, but they both lead to the same outcome. Our curriculum and methodology may be different, but the end results are the same. Our students in primary enjoy their Maths very much and in secondary school they go on to excel in Maths at IGCSE and A levels, surpassing pass rates of UK schools.

One of the most important factors parents need to consider when sending their children to ISB is the fundamental difference in the methods we use to teach Mathematics. Mathematics is a subject close to the hearts of most parents. It is the subject we have most discussions and concerns about during parent evenings and open days. When we have Maths related workshops for parents, they are always well attended. It is a subject we prioritise at our new parent interviews.

The Math units include also practical applications, helping the children to solve every day problems in real life.

So why are parents so concerned, especially Romanian parents? It is true that at first sight, when we compare our Maths books in each year group in the primary school with the Romanian equivalents, there appears to more Maths in the latter - more computation and more calculations, more repetition and more complexity in certain concepts at an earlier age. This can be a little disconcerting for our parents at first glance. So what benefits are there to following

the ISB Maths curriculum, or the English National Curriculum? Our children learn Mathematics at a slightly slower pace and follow a different methodology. They unpick the processes that are involved in calculations and are taught a number of strategies to compute. They are taught why numbers behave in a certain way and identify patterns. They also learn to apply the skills they are learning in a practical way: measuring the perimeter of the table, the school football pitch or weighing ingredients


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

to bake a cake. Each area of Maths we cover, whether it be number- place value, addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division, fractions (including decimals and percentages), ratio and proportion: Algebra and Geometry, or statistics, it has a carefully designed list of objectives which follow the mathematical development of the child from Year 1 to Year 6. Teachers plan using these objectives, but also using their knowledge and understanding of the individual

children. Each new Maths unit includes the teaching of new concepts which build upon the children’s previous learning and the opportunity to practice and consolidate new learning in both written and practical applications, including real life problem solving. All of this means that children are learning Maths in a broader and more in-depth way. We feel this prepares our children well for the secondary curriculum, including IGCSE and IB examinations, but also for life.

The decision to send your children to an international school is never an easy one and I am sure that the teaching of Maths will continue to be an important deciding factor in this. However, it is my hope that we can agree that there is no better or worse, or right or wrong between the Romanian system and the English System; there is simply the curriculum and methodology which best suits your child, and this should be the deciding factor.


How the Early Years Provision Inspires and Supports Learning MRS. CLAIRE O’BRIEN FOUNDATION 1 TEACHER

For most children, their play is natural and spontaneous. In our provision play takes place indoors and outdoors and it is in these different environments that children explore and discover their immediate world. It is here they practice new ideas and skills, they take risks, show imagination and solve problems on their own or with others.

Children develop language, social, emotional and intellectual skills through play.

Play is one of the most important aspects of Early Years children in school. It supports learning and all aspects of children’s development. Through play, children develop language skills, their emotions and creativity, social and intellectual skills. The role that adults in school have is crucial to this. We provide time, space and appropriate resources that will inspire play and extend their learning while developing children’s imagination. We do this by providing high quality planned experiences for the children. The information that is needed for this to happen is taken mostly directly from the children themselves. Through

observing the children while they play and interact with each other, we are given an insight into what children know, understand and can do. In order to support them with their learning in an enjoyable and inspiring way, we get to know what their particular interests and experiences are. These interests are what all planned activities are then based on. Observations are made in many ways. By joining in with the children’s play when invited to do so, by watching and listening as well as asking and responding to questions. This procedure gives the children a sense of ownership over their learning.

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The school provides time, space and appropriate resources to inspire and extend learning.


For young children, physical activity is all about participating in active play and being given the opportunity to move about and explore their environment.

Early Years Children from Physical Fitness to Emotional Well-being MRS. VICKY SEESHAAN EYFS C00RDINATOR

Physical activity is vital for children’s development and lays the foundation for a healthy and active life. Here at ISB we believe that children should be given the opportunity to experience a range of different activities that will stimulate their physical development. This will not only ensure that children have a healthy body, but also improve their emotional well-being. Some of the positive benefits of physical activity include:

• promoting healthy growth and development • building strong bones and muscles • improving cardiovascular fitness • improving balance, coordination and strength • maintaining and developing flexibility • improving posture • assisting with the development of gross motor and fine motor skills • providing the opportunity to develop

fundamental movement skills • helping to establish connections between different parts of the brain • improving concentration and thinking skills • improving confidence and selfesteem • relieving stress and promoting relaxation • providing opportunities to develop social skills and make friends • improving sleep.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

A physically active young child is one who is given the opportunity to participate in activities that encourage whole body movements, encouraged to go outside and explore using their whole body. Children from a very young age should be encouraged to move around as much as possible

Improving Balance & Coordination.

But what do we mean when we say ‘physical activity’? When we talk about physical activity for young children, we are not talking about going to the gym, as this of course is not suitable for young children. For young children, physical activity is all about participating in active play and being given the opportunity to move about and explore their environment. It is fairly well-known that physical

activity has very positive effects on physical health. However, more recently it has been realised that physical activity may have a positive impact on children’s brain and social skills development. Studies have found that if children spend time in active play this has a positive impact on their ability to manage their own behaviour and how well they get on with others. Other studies have identified that active play

may improve children’s attention span. Here at ISB we feel that it is important to give children the opportunity to spend 15 minutes outside before school (weather permitting, of course) to give them time and space to engage in physical play before coming in to the classroom. We believe that this enhances the children’s ability to focus on the morning’s activities in the classroom.


Observations and Assessment of Young Children MS. VICKY SEESHAAN EYFS COORDINATOR

In Early Years settings the word ‘observation’ is often used, as it is something that all teachers will do formally and informally. When we talk about observation, we describe the process of watching the children in our care, listening to them and taking note of what we see and hear. Most of the time teachers will be doing this without even thinking about it. The information we gather from observing the children playing is invaluable in helping us to plan the activities and the next steps for each of the children.

Teachers gather valuable information from observing the children playing.

All children develop at very different rates and this needs to be carefully planned to ensure that the learning environment is set up to support all the children’s learning needs. We assess children’s progress by analysing our observations and deciding what they tell us. We also need to find out about children’s care and learning needs from their parents

and from these we can identify the children’s requirements, interests, current development and learning. Observation, assessment and planning all support children’s development and learning. Planning starts with observing children in order to understand and consider their current interests, development and learning.

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In EYFS children learn through play .


Practical Learning “Involve me and I learn!” MRS. SARAH NEWSHAM YEAR 1 LEADER

“Tell me and I will forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” Benjamin Franklin

In Year 1 we have a lot to learn and we are excited about it. The Year 1 team teach using various styles to make the most of our wide range of children and their different ways of learning. One way we find works very well for everyone, is practical and hands on learning, so we use this method as often as possible. This sums up learning throughout the Primary school very well, but it is particularly important in Year 1, where we are transitioning from Foundation

Stage, where all learning is all based on enquiry and integrated together, to Primary where some subjects become more individual. To help you understand how this looks in practice, I will give some examples from the different curriculum areas. In Maths we use items such as counters and blocks for counting. By moving physical objects the children stimulate different parts of their brains which make it easier for them to process what they have learnt and understand it at a deeper level. In English we act out stories using props and language from the story, which gives us the chance to apply the language and get more familiar with it before we start to write about it. We also use sentence cards to help organise sentences with the correct punctuation before writing them. This allows students to re-arrange them and explore how this changes the meaning. Science lends itself very well to hands on learning.

Using senses to explore different materials.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Using letters to help make words when reading and writing.

This term we are learning about “Push and Pull” and we started this unit by asking the children what they already know about it and then we went to the playground where they could demonstrate their knowledge and investigate the concepts further. The

children came back to the class very excited about what they have learnt and eager to explain their discoveries. This enthusiasm and knowledge has continued throughout the unit where children have continued to experiment and reflex on what they are learning.

It is well known that young children learn through play. Even in school, children learn best when they are motivated to do so by the playfulness of the activity. By ensuring learning is practical and engaging we make the most of their natural curiosity.


Developing Independent Readers and Why Reading Matters At ISB the children have access to a wide range of reading scheme books, which come home regularly to practise, library books and Bug Club.


It is not surprising that the children who produce the best writing are the children who read. Children who read for pleasure are also more likely to succeed across the curriculum, because of the way reading helps develop the ability to think in the abstract, as well as the fact that they discover a wealth of information from reading.

Writing is directly influenced by reading. Children who read and are read to extensively build up a whole range of ideas which feed their imagination and they begin to understand the structure of different forms of writing. They see the words written, thus helping with their spelling. The children use the patterns from the texts they read to influence their own writing.


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When children move into Year 2 many of them are at the stage where they are very good at using phonics skills to decode words. They may appear to be very good at reading if we just listen to them say the words. However, at this stage it is extremely important to ensure that the children have a true understanding of what they are reading. There are different things we can do to check this. The most obvious is to ask questions about the story. This is something we do almost every time we listen to children read. Sometimes, however, if we continually question the children we can interfere with the story, so it may be better to question

after the story. Something else which indicates good understanding is listening to the expression the children use and the fluency with which they read the text. A child reading fluently with great expression is likely to be understanding very well what they are reading. Children who show little expression or regard for punctuation are likely to be understanding less. At ISB children read many different types of text at school in English, Guided Reading, Phonics and in all subject areas. We focus not only on decoding the words but also on having a good understanding of the text and reading fluently and with expression.

Children also use books to research information about the topics they are studying. Parents can have a great influence on helping their children to become fluent readers who read for pleasure. Every child should be reading for at least 20 minutes each day. It is important to take the time to check that your child has a good understanding of the book they are reading. Talk to them about the story or information in the book. Ask them to recall events and facts, why things happened, how they think characters are feeling and to make predictions. It is also important to read to your children either in your home language or in English.

It is a fact that children who are read to before even starting school are the ones most likely to experience success.


Taking Steps to Becoming Organised and Independent Learners in Year 3 MS. CATRIONA PITTENDREIGH YEAR 3 LEADER

Peer and self-assessment are also an important part of Year 3. The children are regularly given opportunities to reflect on their own work, assessing what they did well and what they could improve on next time.

Attempting challenges independently.

Year 3 is an important transition year. The children move from KS1 into Lower KS2 where expectations are higher and there is more of a focus on independent learning. The teachers and children in Year 3 have been working hard to develop independent learning skills.

Children are encouraged to organise themselves, bringing everything they need for the day into the classroom in the morning. We also have many learning opportunities where thinking skills are developed and children learn to work cooperatively with others.


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“A lot of people never use their initiative because no one told them to.” Banksy. The children in Year 3 do many activities in the classroom which practise and promote independent learning. Children are encouraged to see their own potential in everything they do and rather than looking for adult help straight away, are taught to use different skills to accomplish their task. Sharing a Learning Outcome with the children allows them to understand and explain what they are learning, giving them more ownership over their own work. It provides children with a clear understanding of what they are learning and what they need to do to succeed in the given activity. All lessons have a clear Learning Intention that children can refer to at any time. Children often learn more from a friend and many consolidate learning by explaining a concept to others. The motto ‘Brain, Buddy, Boss’ is a good way to encourage children to attempt a more challenging activity on their own first before asking a friend to support them before asking the teacher. Perseverance skills are a large part of life and learning to develop these at an early stage will have a positive effect on learning further up the school and into adulthood. During peer assessment children feedback on each other’s work, sharing ideas and making suggestions of how they could improve next time. Again this activity can help develop ideas and confidence in their own work. The children in Year 3 always enjoy opportunities to learn together and share their work with their friends. Two simple activities you can do at home to develop independence skills: • During homework activities allocate 5 minutes where children complete work independently before asking for help. Making suggestions to help each other improve.

• Encourage children to prepare and pack their school bag for the next day, using their timetable to inform them of what they need.


Brilliant Learning: Bringing Technology into the Year 4 Classroom MS. VICKY CLARKE YEAR 4 LEADER

The start of this academic year saw the Year 4 children being allowed to bring their own tablet into lessons, a privilege previously reserved only for Years 5 and 6. We feel that the use of technology in the classroom allows students to be more creative and more independent in their learning whilst, in turn, enabling teachers to plan more interesting and varied lessons, drawing on a range of learning skills. There are endless uses for tablets in and out of the classroom to support the children’s education. Here is how we have used them so far:

Internet research Tablets are a great way to supplement the books we have in school, giving the children access to the most up to date information about any topic we are studying. Making videos The children have made their own videos to demonstrate their learning in lessons, including persuasive adverts and how muscles work. Recording evidence of work Lessons require interactive work that is completed in pairs sometimes, on whiteboards or with physical

equipment. By simply taking a photograph of the work completed each child has a copy of the work that can be referred to at any time. Reading Children are now able to access their own Bug Club books during Guided Reading sessions, giving level appropriate, personalised activities. Twice a week, Mr. Bamford takes a small group from Year 4 to further extend their guided reading skills - a program called Edmodo allows him to communicate between sessions and set challenging work.

“Technology can become the ‘wings’ that will allow the educational world to fly farther and faster than ever before - if we will allow it.” Jenny Arledge


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Children are now able to access their own Bug Club books during Guided Reading sessions, giving level appropriate, personalised activities.

Homework Children have Math homework set on Abacus which can be accessed on both the tablet and PC and have been encouraged to download applications to encourage speed and accuracy with mental calculations. The benefit of using technology like this, for

homework and other activities, is that the children receive immediate feedback for their work and are often able to retry and make any corrections. The teacher is also able to access the children’s activity and can monitor that work is complete and progression is being made.

The Year 4 children have shown great enthusiasm and drive for learning when using their tablets in lessons and are producing some fantastic work as a result of this. Our next step is to find a platform on which the children can share their work with both their peers and those at home.


The pupils had the opportunity to discover national parks in the US and the White House through VR Voyagers!


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Road Trip USA has provided many opportunities for engaging learning in English

A Cross-curricular Approach to Learning in Year 5 MS. HELEN EVANS YEAR 5 LEADER

We each look on the world, its objects, patterns and experiences with different eyes. Cross curricular learning recognises these multiple viewpoints and seeks to build more knowledgeable, lasting and transferable understandings of the world around us.

The world beyond the classroom is cross-curricular. Through the window we see walls, trees, people walking by, cars, birds, clouds and the occasional airplane – we understand none of them fully from the perspective of just one curriculum subject. We describe and appreciate the cherry tree outside using a combination of geographical, artistic, poetic, philosophical and historical vocabularies. Others might perceive the same scene by linking thoughts from Mathematics, Science, Design, Music or movement. Road Trip USA is a new topic introduced in Year 5 around which we have spun a web of links to provide relevant, challenging and enjoyable learning experiences and stimulating contexts for our students.

The classes were taken on a road trip like no other as they discovered the geography of the United States of America. The pupils discovered just how beautiful and varied the landscapes are in the USA, learnt about the fifty states and their characteristics and looked at why national parks are important. They also had the opportunity to experience national parks and the White House for themselves through virtual reality! In Art the pupils were introduced to one of the most iconic artists of all time, Andy Warhol. They explored what constitutes art and why people’s opinions on what art is differ, before delving into the Pop Art Movement, investigating a variety of works by Warhol and other Pop Art artists. Louis Sacher’s novel, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls Bathroom’ is set in the USA. In English, it has been a wonderful springboard for discussion and activities that help the pupils to better understand their feelings and how their behaviour influences how others treat them. The story has been a great starting point for discussions about friendships and bullying in PSHE.



This wonderful form of kinaesthetic learning gets students involved and also shows the teacher what the students already know and what they would like to learn.

High quality displays make everyone proud of their work

Interactive displays are a valuable resource for learning.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

The quality of displays in a school is recognised as a vital element in creating an excellent learning environment for the children. At ISB we believe that high-quality displays make everyone feel proud of their work and valued for what they have achieved, both as individuals and as a school. Displays have the ability to create a rich environment that is both engaging and welcoming. They are used to support learning, promote curiosity, questioning and inspire.

Displays can help to promote collective ownership of the environment and build children’s confidence by displaying their work. They can also be used as learning toos. Involving children in the process of making displays that tie into the lessons helps to enliven the classroom with the subjects being studied. Working walls are dynamic and ever-changing to reflect work in progress. They are designed to remind pupils of recent concepts and skills

covered, allowing them to consolidate key points. Displays can have a direct impact on pupil motivation and learning, and that is why they deserve special recognition. Take a look at some of our class displays below. Here at ISB is that of our displays and how they further the learning of our students. This helps students know what the expectations are and what they are capable of.

The classroom doors, the school’s staircase motivate and inspire.



Students will solve problems by applying their Mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems, including breaking them down into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

To challenge pupils to reach their full potential and to bring ISB up-to-date with the latest practices in mathematics teaching, we are following the 2014 National Curriculum of England, using Abacus and the online platform ActiveLearn to support the Mathematics teaching. By introducing this curriculum, we are focusing on all pupils being fluent in the basics of Mathematics including the practice of working on increasingly complex problems, so that their conceptual understanding and ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately is developed. They will solve problems by applying their Mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems, including breaking them down into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. Abacus Maths is specifically designed

to support the 2014 curriculum. Maths lessons during the week involve the use of Abacus Maths, but are not exclusively based on it. The pupils are enjoying their lessons as they use a wide range of physical resources: they use interactive teaching activities, they watch video clips to help with methods and they are involved in a wide range of exploration in their world of Maths. Maths homework is often given using the online platform and some pupils have enjoyed this so much, that they have asked for extra homework, so we definitely have the ‘thumbs up’ from our pupils. Pupils, parents and teachers are all supported by Abacus Maths and we expect that this will help our pupils to achieve their maximum level of understanding of this subject.

Alexander and Iulia from Y4N use their tablets to complete their Abacus Maths activity. Just look at the level of concentration.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

At ISB the students in Primary interact with a wide range of software.

Computing Curriculum in Primary School MS. MONICA TELE COMPUTING TEACHER

All the activities, tasks and projects, competitions and challenges from the Computing lessons are designed to initiate the children in the ‘Digital world’.

Since 2014, Primary ISB students have started learning Computing. But what is Computing? Did ICT just change its name? Is it more or less than ICT? Well, the Computing Program of Study consists of Information Technology (IT), but also Digital Literacy (DL) and Computer Science (CS). The objectives from the British National Curriculum are as follow: KS1 pupils should: ·Understand what algorithms are; how they are implemented as programs on digital devices; and that programs execute by following precise and unambiguous instructions (CS)

·Create and debug simple programs (CS) ·Use logical reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs (CS) ·Use technology purposefully to create, organise, store, manipulate and retrieve digital content (IT) ·Recognise common uses of information technology beyond school (DL) ·Use technology safely and respectfully, keeping personal information private; identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or other online technologies. (DL)


All the activities, tasks and projects, competitions and challenges from the Computing lessons are designed to initiate the children in the ‘Digital world’.


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KS2 pupils should: ·Design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems; solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts (CS) · Use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various forms of input and output (CS) · Use logical reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and correct errors in algorithms and programs (CS) · Understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple services, such as the world wide web; and the opportunities they offer for communication and

collaboration (DL) · Use search technologies effectively, appreciate how results are selected and ranked, and be discerning in evaluating digital content (DL) · Select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting data and information (IT) · Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly; recognise acceptable/ unacceptable behaviour; identify a range of ways to report concerns about content and contact. (DL) At ISB the students in Primary interact

with a wide range of software, from the Microsoft suite, Google suite, TuxPaint to e-learning platforms like EducationCity, Class Dojo, Google Classroom. To develop their Computer Science (CS) abilities, we use coding software like Focus on Beebot 2, Focus on BeeBot 3, Tynker, Code Studio, but also Probotix, WeDo and WeDo 2.0 robotics. Additionally, the hardware they use ranges from Desktop PCs, tablets, BeeBots, BlueBots, ProBot, to Lego robots with motors and sensors designed by the students themselves. The students are initiated in the Digital World, now more than ever, since most (if not all) of the areas they will later work on, will be ‘overrun’ by the new DIGITAL technologies.

Students use search technology effectively.


Primary School Leaders: The Prefects SARA S., MAIA S., ANITA M & ALICE H. YEAR 6 STUDENTS AND PREFECTS

One of the experiences of an international school, and especially one that follows a British style curriculum is to focus on developing the student, rather than just academically. At ISB we expect students to become leaders. This could be in the classroom, with a sports team or just setting a good example around the school. As the students move up through the primary school, we have leadership roles the children undertake in our school. These are House Captains, Prefects and members of the Student Council. The children have written their experiences as student leaders below, so you have an understanding of their thoughts as

they embark on their leadership roles: In ISB, Prefects are Year 6 children who have been selected by the teachers at the school to undertake an extra responsibility. We are chosen for our attitude and commitment to learning in the classroom, as well as how we conduct ourselves around the school. We feel it is the greatest honour in the Primary School - being asked to be a Prefect. “Prefects are important in the life of the Primary School. This is because they help the teachers in some areas, as well as supporting the other students. All in all, we make life easier.

We must show that we are trustworthy and take our job seriously. At times, we may do what are considered to be little tasks, but they are in fact important to keep things running smoothly, such as bringing down and taking up packed lunches for other children. Our tasks include making sure everyone is safe. As prefects, we keep the corridors safe, so the other children are in the right place at the right time. We also help with the younger children at their playtimes and help by teaching them games, so they know how to play nicely and safely with each other. We have other duties that help us interact with other children as well. We give up some

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Prefects are important in the life of the Primary School. This is because they help the teachers in some areas, as well as supporting the other students. All in all, we make life easier.

29 of our lunchtime to help the younger children with their lunches and to make sure they are eating right. This also helps the teachers on duty. The prefect duties are exceptionally rewarding, and we feel good doing them. We are working hard to make a difference for other children in the school. We reward students with “prefect compliments”. The children give these to their class teachers and then they choose how the child should be rewarded. There are challenges to be a Prefect and we have to make some sacrifices. Often our duties and our jobs take up our own break time and lunch time, so we don’t always get to spend time relaxing or playing with our friends. As different parts of the Primary School have different schedules, sometimes we need to leave class a little earlier or arrive a little later. This means that we must make up for any work we missed. As we are Prefects, we are happy with this, but it does mean we have to use and manage our time wisely. We also have a meeting every week that we attend, where we go over what worked well and what needed improving from the previous week. It gives us a chance to discuss what we would like to do for our duties and how we can improve our role. We were used to working with our friends and people who are familiar with us, but as Prefects we rotate who we work with, so we are now getting more familiar with each other and beginning to work as one big team instead of twelve individuals. As Prefects we have started the year well and are firmly into our routines and we understand our duties and responsibilities. We feel like we are growing up very quickly with our added responsibility and this is adding to the excitement in the last year of the Primary School and will help us be well prepared and ready for the challenge of the Secondary School.


Primary School Leaders: House Captains JULI D. & AND PETER K. YEAR 6M STUDENTS

The House Captains lead their houses and encourage all the other students to do their best so that the houses are successful each year. One of our most popular student leadership positions is that of House Captains. Most people are interested in becoming House Captains because these are the positions which are selected by our fellow students. When we show our interest in becoming a House Captain we must be very organised, and we make a campaign video to show why we would be a good House Captain.

The House Captains lead their houses and encourage all the other students to do their best so that the houses are successful each year. Although there is an extra responsibility as a House Captain, it is still a lot of fun visiting the different classes and working with the different children. To be a successful House Captain there are some qualities that you need to have. We must be doing the right thing at the right time around the school. The other children notice what the House Captains are doing, so we should set a good example. We are also leading a whole house team across the primary school, so we must show that we are the right people to lead the other children in our houses and represent our houses. House Captains work as a team, even though we are not all from the same

house. This is partly because we collect and check the house point totals. It is important for the children and teachers that we are accurate when we are collecting the house points, so that the hard work the other children have put in is rewarded, and that we are showing integrity in our position. Through becoming a House Captain, you get to learn how to be a leader and how to work effectively with other children, as well as teachers. There are some areas where we want to get better as leaders As you can see, it is a busy life as a House Captain. We are learning a lot about ourselves and how to lead others responsibly as well having a fun way of helping the school be a better place. Although there is an extra responsibility as a House Captain, it is still a lot of fun visiting the different classes and working with the different children.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Primary School’s Students Voice: The Student Council The student council is made up with a student from each class. This way it is fair and every class in the school can get their voice heard. The student council is a very important part of the primary school. The teachers have meetings and they get to decide things that happen in the school. Our parents have meetings and they put on events in the school. As students in the school, we feel it is important that we have a say in how we can improve the school for ourselves and other ISB students. This year, the student council is led by Mr. Mark. We have a teacher in the student council, so they can take suggestions back to the primary school meetings and our voices can be heard.


The student council is made up with a student from each class. This way it is fair and every class in the school can get their voice heard. The Student Council representatives take time to talk to their classmates and class teacher to discuss and issues or suggestions that need raising with the student council as well as informing them about any decisions taken at the meeting. At the meetings, which happen a few times each half term, we take it in turn to raise any issues or suggest any new ideas that we must improve the school. As a Student Council we then discuss whether these are good ideas for us students and then we decide which ones Mr. Mark will put forward to the rest of the teachers. Becoming a Student Council representative is an honour and a respected position as we have a lot of responsibility. We must be model students in the school as well as showing we

are fair and trustworthy. We must represent the views of others and in turn be respectful with people we may not agree with. It is a good way to develop character and a great way to interact with children from other year groups. The Student Council is a great way of preparing us for later in life and it is also preparing us to be leaders. The skills that we must use to be successful in the Student Council are ones that we can use in and out of school and hopefully that will help us to get other important positions in and out of school. The school council is working very hard to improve areas of the school for everybody and be involved in whole-school events to represent the students. We hope that, as the year progresses, you will find the time to support and find out about the hard work we are doing and will get to see the impact we have made.


How Digital Integration Personalises Learning and Inspires Learners MR. SIMON BAMFORD PRIMARY DEPUTY PRINCIPAL

The key component of having a digitally integrated classroom is that it personalises the learning for the children. Like so many other areas on enterprise, the teaching world is constantly evolving, developing and moving forward at what seems to be an accelerating pace. The use of technology is now an established necessity in all industries and there is now an expectation that people of all ages and all walks of life are proficient in using technology. What this means in the educational world is that teachers are tasked with developing and preparing students for jobs that have not even been created yet and to be familiar with the technology that comes with such a responsibility. It is therefore crucial to make sure that we get technology in the hands of children at a young age and use it in such a way that children see the value in using technology to support and enhance their learning. There are many advantages to digital integration in the classroom. Through streamlined communication there is an opportunity to have an understanding about what a child is doing in the classroom, and this information can be shared simultaneously with teachers, parents and students. Applications such as Seesaw and Edmodo offer a snapshot of a child’s learning and allow the children to interact both in and out of the classroom, so their learning is not confined to the school day. The success of a child’s behaviour can also be monitored and tracked using such applications as Class Dojo, where

parents are able to see the positive behaviour, as well as any slip ups. These examples allow for instant feedback, which allows communication to be more effective. The key component of having a digitally integrated classroom is that it personalises the learning for the children. Edmodo is a great tool, where teachers can post the tasks for children to work on, as well as support materials, such as instructional videos. The children then can complete their activities in a manner of different ways and then upload them back to Edmodo where teachers, as well as other students can

comment and suggest next steps to the learning process. In a busy school life such as ours this also allows time to be used effectively for the needs of the children. Classrooms managed this way allow the teacher to focus their main teaching of the concepts on those students who really need it and allow students who truly need to work on the concepts, the time to do so. This also shows an increase in independence. The personal learning journey of the children is very much at the forefront of our minds. In primary classrooms devices are used to access the learning style that is relevant to the child


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

through resources such as Bug Club, which allows each child to work on their own reading level and reading targets. There are other applications on the market, such as Sumdog, which helps children work through their own Maths targets in a fun and interactive way, as well as competing and interact-

ing with others, even though they are explicitly working on their own targets. We are able to use response system apps such as Kahoot and Socrative to assess and access where a child’s prior learning is and evaluate what the next steps are for them. When using digital learning in the classroom the quality

of work and understanding of the learning process is often greater, since children have more of an interest in interacting with technology than filling out a worksheet. Where children are asked to make advertisements, they have the chance to create and edit a video where not only is the ability to

KS2 students working together to come up with a concept for a game.

persuade measured, but also the tone, intonation, facial expression and props. In Maths, technology can be used so children can build a resource to teach someone else about a concept. To do this shows they have a completed understanding in an area. With digital learning, Science experiments that can be conducted in the classroom

- the students can use applications such as Bamboo Notes to write down their findings and add proof through audio notes, videos and pictures of their findings. It also captures the excitement and thrill of learning that a textbook or worksheet can’t replicate. The digital era is alive and flourishing in our lives and in our classrooms.

As adults it is our responsibility to promote the children’s excitement of technology in a constructive way, as opposed to just for gaming. Our other hurdle as adults is to let the children lead. We are in an era where the children know more than we do about technology and more than any other era in digital learning; and that’s ok.


When Children Chime In - How Active Participation Enriches Music Lessons MS. ELENA STOICA PRIMARY MUSIC TEACHER

One of the most important contributions of active participation in music class is changing the mind-set of the child from fear and lack of confidence to a more friendly and beneficial one.

Whether it’s music education in general or learning an instrument, we all know that the benefits of such a practice for a child are numerous. Studying Music helps one develop emotionally, rationally and physically as well, it helps balance the brain hemispheres and engages creativity. Nevertheless, it is a wonderful opportunity to practice behaviour skills such as patience, attention and discipline. Music is a subject that can only be

learned by practice and therefore, active participation in Music class is, from my point of view, mandatory. Though this subject can be treated on a rational level as well (talking about the structure of the song, counting the beats in a measure, discussing the meaning of lyrics and how you can use musical elements to emphasise it etc.), I think that the final goal in the Music class is to offer the children the tools to be able to express themselves musically with confidence.

All the ISB students can sign up for private music lessons during the school hours.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Active participation leads to concrete results, offering children satisfaction for their work.

Active participation in the Music class helps children remember the information faster and it works even better when correlated with emotions. For example, if we have a lesson about different musical instruments, I would have each child experience playing the instruments. This way, they will make a connection between the instrument, how it feels/sounds and how they felt when playing it. I want to point out one of the most important contributions of active participation in music class: changing the mind-set of the child from fear and lack of confidence to a more friendly and beneficial one. Teaching in different environments and working with

students of all ages, I could not help but notice that the greatest impediment for people to learn music is their belief that they can’t do it, that they are not gifted and that they require some special skills. The more they believe this, the more they become tense physically and mentally, thus making their belief real. Active participation in music teaches children that they can do it, that they can connect naturally and intuitively with music and gives them the confidence to express themselves, understanding that performance is just a matter of practice. The teacher is there to hold space for the children to explore the musical universe, to sustain them in this process by offering them

tools to use, to correct mistakes and to encourage progress. In this process wonderful opportunities for improvisation appear, helping each child discover their unicity and using it as a personal contribution in the group activity. Finally, active participation leads to a concrete result at the end of the class, offering children satisfaction for their work. Whether it is a new song that we learned, a composition that we made or a rhythm that we will hum for the rest of the day, we can take this with us and feel happy that we’ve achieved something.


Swimming as Part of the P.E. Primary Curriculum MS. ANA CUATU & MRS. NICOLETA MOTROC PE TEACHERS

Water safety is rapidly becoming an essential life skill and one that research has shown is best effective when taught to children within the primary age range.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

This year, ISB has taken up a new successful initiative to introduce swimming in the primary school as part of the Physical Education curriculum. Almost 100 pupils from both Year 4 and

Year 6 joined the exciting new activity. To make sure that the quality of coaching is of a high level and the children are learning as much as they can, we have teamed up with profes-

sional instructors. Swimming lessons have been taking place at the Miramar Swimming Pool, under the supervision of Navi Club Instructors, a club with excellent results and with multiple national champions raised and trained by them. We are lucky to have them and the whole pool for ourselves. Why did we choose to implement swimming in our curriculum? Just as we teach children to walk, talk, to learn the ABC and basic Math, we need to educate them about water. Water surrounds us, even if we talk about a pool in a backyard or an ocean we want to swim in, we should be able to have basic knowledge and skills about swimming. Water safety is rapidly becoming an essential life skill and one that research has shown is best effective when taught to children within the primary age range. As well as a fun activity and a competitive sport, this is a skill we believe all children need to learn. Swimming is a low impact sport, the value of teamwork is learnt along with individuality, it is a very good body workout and, the best of them all, students gain a skill that they can practice throughout their whole life. Swimming can also improve the children’s mental and emotional health. We are delighted with this new activity and we hope it will continue in the years to follow. We have begun with Years 4 and 6 this term and will be extending this opportunity to Years 3 and 5 next term.

The Swimming Instructors are very happy with the children’s progress and so is the PE Department.


Speaking Your Own Language Is Speaking All the Other Languages MRS. ANDREEA ROMAN & DIANA RECEAN ROMANIAN LANGUAGE TEACHERS

Having a strong mother tongue foundation leads to a much better understanding of the curriculum as well as a more positive attitude towards school. Nowadays, with the globalisation and the growing popularity of international schools, the number of children learning in a language other than their mother tongue is growing rapidly. Research indicates that having a strong mother tongue foundation leads to a much better understanding of the curriculum as well as a more positive attitude towards school, so it’s vital that children maintain their first language when they begin schooling in a different language. When children develop their mother tongue, they are simultaneously fostering a whole host of other essential

skills, such as critical thinking and literacy skills. It is these skills that they take with them into formal education. A strong mother tongue foundation equips children with the skills they need to learn additional languages, allowing them to transfer their understanding of the structure of language to several new languages. The intuitive understanding of grammar that develops when children learn their first language can easily be passed on to other languages. Language and mother tongue also play a huge role in the development of personal, social and cultural identity. Children with a

strong foundation in their first language often display a deeper understanding of themselves and their place within society, along with an increased sense of wellbeing and confidence. Naturally, this flows down into every aspect of their lives, including their academic achievement. In the developmental trajectory of a child, native language plays an important role since it relates to various aspects of a child’s growth. It directly relates to emotional development. Native language is also connected to the moral development in a child. The process begins when the child is about


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Mandarin lessons were introduced last year and this year we successfully added Arabic lessons.

18 months old. The child learns the right and wrong by listening to what his parents or other adult authorities tell him. Imagine teaching the child the difference of right or wrong without the tool of language! It is one of the best predictors of a child’s later performance in school. A child who has significant speech or language delays has a high likelihood of eventually having trouble with reading, which may continue throughout school. At ISB we are proud to be able to offer Romanian, Turkish, Chinese and Arabic lessons for the native students provided by native speaking teachers.


Message From The Secondary School’s Principal MR. DAVID NEWSHAM / HEAD OF SECONDARY SCHOOL

The Autumn term 2017 started a brand-new chapter in ISBs history as this year sees the final cohort of students complete their GCE A Level examinations and the first cohort of students embark upon their IB Diploma studies. It is these senior students I would like to reflect on in this issue of the magazine. Our Year 13 students are well under way with their university applications and have taken great advantage of the various university visits, fairs and trips we have been able to hold this year. Applying to university is one of the most daunting experiences in a young person’s life, even more so for students at international schools, many of whom are applying to institutions in far flung places which will take them well away from their families and friends. The advice and support which is gained from talking to admissions officers is invaluable, as is the opportunity to discuss their hopes and aspirations with their teachers. Our students have a great advantage in the range of further education experiences our own teachers have gone through and, therefore, the range of advice we are able to offer. It is always advice, though. At the end of the day, the final decision rests with the student and their family and we wish all our students well as they complete these applications. In many respects, the next stage of the process – when they receive offers and must make the final decision – is even harder and we remain, always, ready to talk through their choices with them and their parents. They are now fully immersed in their A level studies and should be seeing their knowledge grow with each section of the curriculum they complete. Two terms of learning followed by high-stakes examinations is a tough process to undertake, each and every

one of them will need help and support to enable them to achieve the very best of which they are capable. Despite the pressure they are under, it is always very pleasing to see the enthusiastic manner in which our Head Students and their Prefect team approach their duties. They have put a lot of work into organising events for students and into supporting the school and the PTA in various ways. These duties give them the opportunity to practice skills which will be invaluable to them in the future but which are not included in the academic subjects. Skills of organisation and communication; creative and critical thinking; problem solving; attention to detail; perseverance. All of which are essential to their future success. There is a growing challenge to young people as they leave university and enter the world of work due to the vast competition for the jobs available. In the USA, close to 45% of graduates are employed in work which is below graduate level. The students who succeed are those who have developed these “soft” skills alongside the traditional academic knowledge by taking the opportunities

available to them at school and university as well as through their outside interests and activities. This is one of the main reasons behind the move to the IB Diploma for our students. There is much research which highlights the importance to higher education and the professional workplace of these skills. The IB took the bold decision, way back in its formation 50 years ago, to build personal development fundamentally into the programme. The CAS programme, which all students undertake, is aimed to provide the opportunity for students to reflect on and develop their personal skills. They also embraced the idea that compartmentalisation of knowledge is a negative thing. No real problems can be solved within the knowledge set of one discipline alone – as our Year 12 students will be learning through their Theory of Knowledge classes. We need to pool our knowledge and skills from a whole range of subjects and experiences in order to overcome difficulties. This is one of the main reasons why students on the IB Diploma choose six subjects across the whole range of disciplines. Doctors can make better doctors when their understanding of literature enables them to empathise with their patients and communicate clearly. Engineers can better engineers when they can share their ideas more widely through their knowledge of language and culture. All that we learn in one field, helps us to deepen our understanding of another. Both the A levels and the IB Diploma are difficult programmes of high academic rigour. There will be times when both of these groups of students will be stressed and downhearted. We need to remember Aristotle’s words in these times “The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.”


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Clockwork Essay KARINA V. YEAR 8S

Personally, I think that Clockwork is an exciting, scary and deliciously readable book because I see it as a metaphorical idea that humanity has been sacrificed as society has become more mechanized. It also drags you into the story and makes you feel different emotions and expresses romance in another way, which I have never seen before. “Clockwork”, a book written by Philip Pullman is an exceptional book from a lot of different aspects. It has a very detailed setting, good description of characters and a very well-built plot. There are four main characteristics that describe this book: exciting, scary, romantic and deliciously readable. Throughout the story the reader can find a degree of romance expressed by the desire of Prince Otto to make his wife, Princess Mariposa, happy and in the relationship between Gretl and Prince Florian, which makes the story enjoyable for the reader. On the other hand, the spooky story Fritz wrote and read out in the pub creates the reader a state of horror, but also of excitement.

As we flip through the pages of this book we can taste the different settings that create contradictory feelings that play in our heart till the end of the book. On the way to Dr. Kalmenius’s workshop, the forest that Prince Otto, Baron Stelgratz and Prince Florian pass through is a very scary setting, “As darkness was falling” and “the great grey beasts poured out of the trees”. These phrases are meant to be scary and bring chills as the darkness and beasts are commonly associated with a horror feeling. The setting of the city when Prince Otto married his beloved Princess Mariposa is a romantic and exciting one. “Fireworks were lit in the public gardens”, “bands played all night in the ballrooms” and “flags and banners waved from every rooftop”. All of these create a blissful and appealing setting. There is a collection of distinct characters with diverse personalities who animate this story and makes it come to life. Amongst the different relationships, there is one between Prince Florian and Gretl that expresses a special kind of romance. “I can wrap my cloak around us both”, “Gretl touched the prince’s cheek gently” and “two children, because the prince wasn’t clockwork any more”. These phrases emphasize the great love present between the two children, the kind of genuine love that manages to change Prince Florian from clockwork to a real boy. Along with the two children, Fritz, the writer and storyteller of the town manages to bring excitement to the story. He does this by transferring his dream into a written story and reluctantly sharing it with others. However, his story didn’t have an ending, “he was just going to wind up the story, set it going, and make up the end when he got there”, “we’re all ready and waiting” and “Fritz was less comfortable himself than he had ever been before at one of these storytelling evenings”. The fact that Fritz didn’t finish his story and was not even keen on telling it, adds excitement for the readers. His

audience in the German tavern were eager to hear it, excited to find out more about the spooky characters it emphasized. The plot/structure plays a main role in any story. Clockwork has a very well-built plot with a lot of description. Adjectives and adverbs are used in full, and techniques such as similes and metaphors.

The writer creates excitement or thrill throughout the story in several occasions but one of the most notable ones is when Fritz’s narrative is interrupted by the arrival of a cloaked man who appears to have sprung straight from the pages of his novel. “The silence as he stepped inside! Every single person in the parlour was gaping” and “more than one crossed themselves and stood up in fear”. The mysterious sensation that the cloaked man brings into the pub makes everything seem spooky. The good combination of the sentences (extended and short) captures the readers’ imagination and makes them feel as if they are actually there. Pullman’s structure brings sweetness at the end of the story, ‘’So they both lived happily ever after; and that was how they all wound up”, the fairy-tale ending as each character gets his and her just deserts (punishment or rewards).


ISB Students on the podium at the Wordfest School Competition MS. JANET HUNTER ENGLISH TEACHER

On Saturday 25th November, students from International School of Bucharest joined Wordfest at the Romanian-American University, where they took part in several English and Drama events.

Congratulations to all the students who took part and worked hard to create their performances. A special mention for Roman P. who came first in Persuasive Speaking with his speech about Animal Testing, Victoria B. who

came third with her speech about Courage, Elizabeth N. who came third in Impromptu Speaking and Yasmin S. who won a special award for her Drama performance.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

The House of Experiments DORINA K. YEAR 9S

We had a really fun day and the trip was the perfect opportunity to understand Physics through practical experiments.

In October we went to the ’House of Experiments’ in Bucharest. It was far away from school, but it was definitely worth the trip. Inside the House of Experiments there were many things that you could try out e.g.: “The Tangled Route”, which was challenging because inside the goggles that you needed to put on,

were mirrors. When you moved your left leg, you thought that you were actually moving your right leg, because you saw the opposite thing you were doing. Another great experiment was one activity called ’Stereo’. This was actually a hose and two funnels at the end of it; you needed to put the funnels to your ears and somebody needed to talk through the hose, so that you could hear what the person was saying. There were some electronic gadgets as well, such as the Van de Graaff Generator, which sets up your hair when you touch it. Also, there was some plasma which was in a glass ball and if you touched it, the plasma was attracted to the place you touched. We had a really fun day and the trip was the perfect opportunity to understand Physics through practical experiments.

Students are learning how an Electric Cycle works.



All the students enjoy this kind of experiments and hopefully we will be able to use the new equipment to the full potential in the years that follow. Our school became an IBDP center and therefore we had to buy new equipment for Science. This included the acquisition of data loggers, with many different sensors that can be used in all fields of Science (Biology, Chemistry and Physics). This equipment can also be used for experiments in middle school - some students might even choose to use make use of it for their PBL projects or for FirStep projects - and also in Year 13, for those students who still follow the Cambridge A Level curriculum this year. As a matter of fact, the students taking Chemistry A level (Year 13) have already watched a demonstrative experiment on titration using pH sensor. They have seen how a titration curve can be obtained easily using our new technology. The pH sensor is connected through Bluetooth to an iPad that has software dedicated to this type of experiment and as the acid reacted with the base, the students could see the curve forming on the graph on the iPad.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Classroom App Puts teachers in Control of Students’ iPads in School MS. MADALINA CIOC HEAD OF MARKETING AND ADMISSIONS

Students and teachers enjoy interactive lessons, where the teachers can guide students through the lesson, they can see their progress and keep them on track.

As many of you already know, last year Secondary School successfully introduced the iPads Programme in the school for Years 7 and 10. This year the programme has been extended to Year 9’s. One of the benefits of students using iPads at the school is that they have immediate access to a multitude of resources and information, as well as very useful Apps.

Students are using the iPads in the process of learning.

The Apple Classroom App has been introduced this year and the Secondary School teachers have been using it successfully in the classrooms. “The Classroom App turns your iPad into a powerful teaching assistant”. Students and teachers enjoy interactive lessons, where the teachers can guide students through the lesson, they can see their progress and keep them on track. Teachers can also differentiate the work assigned to students or break students into project teams by launching a different app for each group of students. They can also showcase the great work the students are doing, start, focus or pause student work. We can safely say that digital learning has become a very relevant and important part of our students’ learning process. I have recently read a very interesting article on Technology for Schools and Teachers published in the Huffington Post by Scott Steinberg, who listed 5 benefits of digital learning in schools, which I think are very relevant. • Personalisation of the students work - “provide educational experiences that are tailor-made for each student”. • Accessibility - classrooms in different schools around the world can connect, share information, experience not only boosting learning, but also communication skills. • Cultural Relevance - preparing the students for their modern careers. • Efficiency - effective way to cut costs on paper, time savings on research because students have an “unprecedented access on information”. • Performance - studies have shown that using technology as an education tool engages students more and raises their interest in developing their knowledge in a field of interest.



There were lots of exciting games and a good level of involvement, sportsmanship and fair-play was displayed in the girls’ and boys’ categories alike.

Being the Girls’ Basketball Coach at ISB has been an immense pleasure. I have witnessed all these enthusiastic young ladies dedicating their time for a passion, working together as one for the same purpose and supporting each other until the last minute of a game, as they never give up. The last competition we’ve participated in was at the Cambridge School, the BEST CUP for Girls U14.

We won the 2nd place and the silver medal. The girls were spectacular on and off the court, always behaving like a very close team. Even if our team doesn’t have players who practice professional basketball outside the school and we train for just one hour per week, we are a very strong team and our spirit and enthusiasm never seem to dampen. We have won games and we have lost games, but we have never lost faith or passion. I was particularly impressed by the fact that, before the BEST CUP at Cambridge, some of the girls met in the park so they can practice more. This kind of dedication is hard to find, especially in an adolescent. I am very proud of them - proud of each one of my students. I can only hope they feel the same about themselves. They definitely should!

The ISB Girls Basketball Team.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Keep up the great work, EAGLES! INGRID STANCIU HEAD OF PE

The ISB Boys Football Team.

ISB has a long tradition of preparing football teams for tournaments, both local and international.

games and a good level of competition was displayed in the girls’ and boys’ categories alike.

This year BISAC organisers gave the opportunity to teams of all age groups to compete in two major events: The Eagles Championship and the BSB Autumn Cup. There were lots of exciting

Besides the local competitions organised in school, we had the interclass football tournaments for all Key Stages in the Secondary division, as well. Year 12 prefects and the PE

teachers organised this ISB tournament during October. The matches took place during lessons and during break times and I am happy to say that sportsmanship was the priority in the tournament, as every player understood how important it is to be a team player and not the best player! ISB is very proud of all their players.


The Fight Goes On!

The U18 Girls Voleyball Team.

The U18 Boys Volleyball Team.

On Saturday Nov. 4th, ISB U18 volleyball teams - boys and girls - participated in the BISAC Volleyball Tournament held at the American International School of Bucharest.We competed against BSB and AISB in the boys’ competition, defeating BSB with 2-0 and losing the game against our host, AISB with 0-2. We came in the second place.

At girls’ competition our opponents were: BSB, AISB-1, AISB-2. We won the game against BSB with 2-0 and we lost both games against AISB teams with 0-2. It was a good and pleasant experience for our players, as they were proud to represent ISB in such a competition.

As their coach, it was a great opportunity to see the level of our opponents, in order to adjust the ISB teams’ preparations for further competitions in the future. I congratulate each of our students, boys and girls, for their involvement, sportsmanship and fair-play.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018


ISB had a fulminant participation at the 2017 - 2018 Cross-Country event, winning the most number of medals at each category: U9 boys and girls, U11 boys and girls. As every year, the Physical Education teachers and the students alike look forward to starting the BISAC events. And as every year, the BISAC begins with the Cross-Country competition hosted by the American International School of Bucharest. Due to the great number of participants

at the Cross-Country event, BISAC decided to organise two competitions this year. The first one was an individual competition, whereas the second cross-country was a team competition. ISB had a fulminant participation at the 2017-2018 Cross-Country event, winning the most number of medals at

each category: U9 boys and girls, U11 boys and girls. The children were wonderful, giving their best at all times, having fun and representing the school with good practice and a fair-play attitude. We’re really looking forward to next year’s Cross-Country Competition!

The Cross-Country Team.



This programme has helped me a lot in transforming theoretical knowledge that I had gained in school into practical knowledge and it has taught me how to deal with various types of situations and people Ready to “walk the talk”.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

Setting up camp for the night and having fun while setting up camp .

The Duke of Edinburgh Award programme has been very beneficial for me ever since I started taking part in it. To begin with, it has acted as an incentive for me to regularly get involved in extracurricular activities, such as basketball coaching and different activities to improve my programming skills. This programme has helped me a lot in transforming theoretical knowledge that I had gained in school into practical knowledge and it has taught me how to deal with various types of situations and people. Furthermore, the practical adventurous journey that I took part in this October brought me face to face

with a lot of unexpected situations and challenges to deal with, such as unmarked pathways and keeping warm during periods of intense cold weather, allowing me to make mistakes from which I can learn, thus not repeating them in the future. This trip has considerably improved my planning, survival and navigation skills, allowing me to be better prepared for my final adventurous journey in the Award programme. Moreover, the landscapes and different landmarks encountered during this trip were completely astonishing. Overall, I don’t have the smallest bit of regret for taking this trip.


Parent Involvement. Workshops, Open Days and Meet the Teacher

At ISB we are extremely lucky to have a multicultural and very responsive parent body who actively participate in their children’s school life and who also work closely with the teachers to extend and support the school’s efforts to teach and prepare the students for their adult life at home, as well

This year, our Student Services Department, Early Years Foundation Stage, Primary School, ESL Department, Maths Department, as well as Secondary School organised a series of workshops and presentations for parents, which were very successful. Meet the Teacher and Open Days organised both in Primary and in Secondary School saw a very large number of parents. We asked two of our teachers to showcase their workshops for the Insight Magazine.

Developing Lifelong Learning MR. SCOTT CABLE YEAR 6 LEADER

On Thursday the 5th October an enthusiastic group of Primary School parents attended my workshop on Developing Lifelong Learning. The main aim of the workshop was to share some of the good practice that is used across the Primary school in developing children’s ownership and enthusiasm for their own learning and help parents to play a greater role in encouraging this at home. We discussed the importance of ‘Growth Mindsets’; outlining the theory and research behind this concept and explaining how they apply to everyone of all ages, shapes and sizes. We also looked at some of the myths behind talent and discussed how achievement

and success are often misportrayed by the media and the world at large. We embraced failure and discussed its role in life and in learning and how to respond positively to setbacks. We shared some of the strategies being used across the school to develop growth mindsets in children and how we encourage them to develop positive learning habits which will as the title of the workshop suggests; aid them well beyond their school years; wherever their journey takes them. Across the school the key qualities of great learners are embedded into the children’s learning through a wide range of methods including learning pits, stories, videos, debate and discus-

sion, visual displays, focussed feedback and, of course, modelling. We concluded the session by discussing some methods parents can use to help support their children develop a positive attitude to learning that will last. In particular, we examined the importance of the language we use when communicating and how to improve the quality of the feedback and praise we give to our children and also to each other. I would like to thank everyone who attended for their active participation in the activities and their positive contributions to some high-quality discussions.

ISSUE 10 • January 2018



What Makes a Happy Child and How Do We Define or Measure a Child’s Happiness? MS. ALINA CONSTANTIN HEAD OF STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT

The unlimited access that we have to information today regarding countless parenting models and ideologies, combined with a lifestyle which is busier than ever before, results in a lot of anxiety and pressure that falls onto the parents’ shoulders, who constantly try their best to be perfect parents for their children. Regardless of age or culture we are all hardwired for connection and emotional security within our most meaningful relationships. Security is something that we learn very early in life, from the way our basic needs are being met. Basic emotional needs such as the need to be protected, comforted, supported on the way to becoming independent, accepted and appreciated and the way they are being catered for in the early childhood, can have a long-lasting impact on the way in which we interact and form relationships in our adulthood. This deep and enduring emotional bond that connects one person to another across time and space, which is also the base of child-parent relationship, is also known as attachment.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

However, attachment does not have to be reciprocal. One person may have an attachment which is not shared. In a parent-child relationship, attachment is characterised differently for the two parties. For the child, the attachment can be observed as specific behaviours, such as seeking proximity with the attachment figure (the caregiver) when upset or threatened (Bowlby, 1969). For the caregiver, the attachment manifests as responding sensitively and appropriately to the child’s needs. Meeting a child’s needs for proximity and protection is just like filling a cup (an

emotional cup) that gets empty on a regular basis. Although traditionally the caregiver is expected to fill the child’s emotional cup whenever necessary, it is highly important to also take care of personal needs, because you cannot “pour from an empty cup”. Nowadays, in daily routines, sometimes it can be so easy to miss what is hidden in plain sight: the fact that the children don’t need perfect parents - they need available parents, who can accept them and their feelings and who can show them that things are not perfect, but they can be fixed. This will make them feel secure and safe during childhood

all the way through to difficult teenage years or adulthood. Starting last academic year, parents from ISB have had the chance to attend the internationally acclaimed Circle of Security Parenting course, where they get to learn ways in which they can identify and meet children’s emotional needs in order to build a secure attachment in relationship with them. At the moment, there is already a group of parents attending the course. For more details regarding the programme, please contact Alina Constantin, SENCo and program facilitator at

Children don’t need ‘perfect parents’. They need ‘available parents’.



Sketches done by Ioana S. - Year 13I

The artist Salvador Dali once said: ‘Do not fear mistakes – there are none.’ With this in mind, we begin a fresh and exciting creative year at ISB. The Art department has a new cohort of IB Visual Art students who have begun on their exploration of the creative arts. Their intention is to explore creativity in all its guises, taking risks in an attempt to record and express their ideas. Hands, faces and the odd items of clothing are sometimes covered in charcoal and paint by the end of each lesson. This is not a reflection upon careless-

ness, but that of sheer hard work. Students at exam level are currently exploring drawing and putting ideas on paper through gesticulating, touching, feeling and doodling. As part of the personal process it is vital that the students explore a wide range of materials and techniques, from printmaking, photography to 3D manipu-

The IB visual arts can be a way to embrace deeper thinking and risk taking.

lation. The IB visual arts can be a way to embrace deeper thinking and risk taking. There are range of careers and directions that our students can pursue at the end of year 13. At university level they can study Game Design, Architecture, Product Design, Textiles and Illus t r at ion to name a few. UK’s creative industries are now worth a record £84.1 billion to the UK economy. British films, music, video games, crafts and publishing are taking a lead role in driving the UK’s economic recovery, according to the latest Government statistics. At ISB we are fostering and promoting our students to become risk takers and creative thinkers who are internationally minded and ready to take charge of our future creative economies. Watch this space!

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Oil painting done by Esra O. - Year 12S



ISB is proud to announce that we have been accepted in the ECO School Programme and have received the Certificate of Participation.

The ECO committees in Primary and Secondary worked hard under the guidance of Mrs. Sarah Newsham and Mr. Mustafa Karabulut and identified few issues which were discussed and addressed to the school management for an immediate solution: reducing paper consumption; reducing power usage for space heating/cooling; increasing the use of recycled material; improvement of the campus environment. The Science and Humanities departments have included in their lessons, both in Primary and Secondary, many topics related to the ECO school program. Electricity, Growing Plants,

Looking after the Environment or Humans and the Environment, Food Production, Habitat Destruction, Pollution, Conservation, Saving Rainforests are just few of the long-debated topics in the students’ lessons. The ISB Eco School Programme has 4 long term aims: • Improving our school environment whilst reducing costs. • Improving awareness and understanding of environmental issues amongst the whole school community. • Providing leadership opportunities for students. • Providing opportunities for practical learning within the taught curriculum.

Eco Meeting ideas.

2C and their recycling box.


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1S and their recycling box.

The children are raising awareness not to waste electricity by reminding people to turn lights and projectors off when they are not being used, not to waste water by turning taps off. ISB is working hard to continue our membership of the Eco Schools project. Eco Schools is an organisation that consists of 49000 schools in 64 different countries. The key aim of Eco Schools is to “Ensure young people have power to be the change for sustainability that our world needs

by engaging them in fun, action-orientated and socially responsible learning.” In the Primary school we have made several changes that are making a big difference. We have started by concentrating on reducing waste. We have replaced the old water dispensers with new more efficient water fountains, which means that there is less water wasting and people do not need to use plastic cups, so we are reducing our plastic waste. More children are bringing reusable water bottles. Each class has designed its own paper recycling box so now all the classes have somewhere where they can collect waste paper and plastic. This is then collected and sent for recycling. Each class has an Eco Schools committee member who talks to their class

and reports the ideas to the committee, who then discuss them and who are making an action plan for how we are going to continue making improvements and raising awareness of Eco matters in the school and the wider community. The children are raising awareness not to waste electricity by reminding people to turn lights and projectors off when they are not being used, not to waste water by turning taps off. As a result of the above hard work ISB have been awarded the first stage certificate of enrolment for the Eco Schools Project which is a great achievement for us all. If you have any ideas or can help us in any way please contact: or


Using Drama Activities to Stimulate Creativity Theatre educates by offering a field of action and affirmation of personality. As a result of my experience as a drama teacher and trainer for personal development through theatrical and psychodrama techniques, I have discovered scientific research which focuses on how the arts develop imagination and boost the desire for learning. The drive behind this research came from a need to understand the essence of what children learn in school in a time when computerization is the most prominent process for performing tasks. Creativity is crucial to success in academic development. School children can be overwhelmed by information, which allows little time for developing this creativity. They learn mechanically and information is often forgotten after a period of time. I have sought methods that stimulate the way they think so they can understand what they study and how to apply the knowledge in the future. Games play an important role in developing children’s creativity. Previously, by introducing various extracurricular activities, diversifying the types of activities and challenges produces effective responses, so I introduce experiences that are new, dynamic, intelligent and creative. Drama games and techniques offer such an approach, producing elements that nurture the joy of being in school and learning using mind, body and soul. Drama and theatre supplement education as a method of learning and improving school performance.


Introducing activities in the form of games provide rules, methods and clear goals, leading to the stimulation of curiosity, increased enthusiasm, discipline and experimentation. Through Drama, students adapt to different situations by developing intuition and memory, forming concrete and critical thinking, all leading to growth in emotional intelligence. For 2017/8 I have implemented four Drama clubs to supplement lessons and develop school shows. Theatre performances and extracurricular activities give children opportunities to perceive, comprehend, observe, persevere and explore a sense of abstraction. Whether it is only viewing theatre performances or having pupils as protagonists, theatre plays support the acquisition of socialization notions, but above all, it helps students to become aware of their own ability to act on realities. By participating in performance and interpreting roles, the child surprises his parents, teachers and peers, but, above all, himself. Thus, he can play, not as adults do, but in a universe adapted to his comprehension and memory capabilities. The children’s inclination to give life to objects by lending them intentions or assigning roles offers a vast field of action for the development of imagination and intellect whilst offering pleasures that facilitate openness to society and motivation that allows effective maturation. Consequently the child gains self-mastery necessary in the process of personality building, and plays become a pure form of education. Role-play helps them to learn about space and spaces, knowing their own body, exercising imagination, listening to oneself and others, rigour,

“In a world being taken over by computers, creativity is the only thing that cannot be reproduced by robots.” David Newsham, Head of Secondary School

sensitivity, modesty and taking risks. Putting more emphasis on knowledge than emotional needs creates a gap between body and spirit. Sensitivity is abandoned, the educational process being detrimental to it. My role is therefore to find this natural sensitivity, then to guide it and, finally, to cultivate it. By participating in plays, children socialize, stimulating their intelligence and creativity.


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The Halloween Drama Band.

Drama in both lessons and the watching of performances is an effective way to stimulate self-confidence and self-esteem, combat timidity and develop imagination. The purpose of ISB Drama clubs is to accomplish a fusion between the activities and students’ study of the subject. The Drama Band Club focuses on school performances, whilst the scripts for these performances are

developed in the Screenwriting and Directing Club. Responsible for the actors’ make-up are the girls who attend the Special Make-up & Gestural Theatre Club. Finally, as an reinforcement of the Enrichment program, Explore through Drama Club supports students in their personal developement through theatrical techniques and psychodrama methods. Last year KS3 produced several performances

including The Police Comedy Series, which included Christmas Murder Mystery, Stranger Danger and Sorry, Wrong Number. Coinciding with school events and holidays, A Christmas Carol, The Love Alphabet, Spring Is Here and Types of Moms had educational significance. The showcase of drama Work 2016-2017 was an opportunity for parents and friends to see the work undertaken.


Interview With Luca T. Year 8B, Member of The Drama Band as Actor We interviewed one of our main actors and the student who acted as director on how these dramatic experiences helped them to develop. 1. When did you first perform? ~ My first performances were in kindergarten when we had teachers telling us what to do. But when I came to ISB I experienced how it was with with no one telling me where to go or what to say, so I had the possibility to really get under the skin of my character by myself. 2. How was your experience in the school Drama Band? ~ I love it. I learned to think outside

the box when we are given something to act, to analyse the character from different points of view and to understand his status. I also had the chance to use imagination by not being limited by the script but bringing my own touch to the story. Like in real life, we learn to understand before judging, to be creative, to be original and, last but not least, to conquer our stage fright and public speaking stress. 3. What makes a good stage partner? ~ A good partner on stage can be trusted, supportive in case you forget something, inspiring with his acting and involved in the whole process of

preparation. 4. How is Drama improving your academic performances? ~ To me Drama helps in academic performance and in life too. We learn to read between the lines of a script, to analyse characters and facts in depth. We also develop our memory and ability to learn, to present and speak loudly and clearly in front of people. We learn to work in a team and understand how important it is to correlate your lines and act with others. Last but not least, we get the chance to play, relax and be on stage, and - why not - to be famous.

A Christmas carol.


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At the end of an excllent performance.

Interview with Vlad C. Year 9B, Drama Band Director 1. You directed the KS3 Drama performances last year. Tell us about your experience. ~ It was actually my first ever experience with directing. I didn’t even know I had it in me. I discovered that I liked directing during our drama lessons with Miss Cristina. In year 8, we had to work in groups to put on small plays and I sort of naturally assumed the role of director. It turned out pretty well and I realized that I enjoyed the experience. From then on, things took their own course. 2. What’s challenging about bringing a script to life? ~ I believe that would be creating a realistic setting with the limited props

that we can bring on stage. 3. What do you like most about directing the crew? ~ I like that I can put my ideas into action and I enjoy the process of creating a character and bringing it to life. I am also developing my collaborative and leadership skills. 4. What were your expectations from the Drama Band experience and how is this improving your academic performance? ~ I hope to pursue a career as a movie director and this will definitely help me gather experience and cultivate my skills. I am aware of the fact that I still have so much to learn, so I will need a lot of guidance from my teachers.

International Empathy Day gets off to a shaky start.


Teaching Important Life Skills. Enrichment Programme at ISB MRS. INGRID STANCIU HEAD OF ENRICHMENT

The enrichment program and the extra-curricular activities provide students with the chance to expand their horizons, and good universities throughout the world are always seeking students who have a breadth of experience.

ISB is committed to offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities for its students and to provide each student with a chance to develop an area of interest, and to enhance their experience of school life overall. This year we are running the ISB Enrichment Programme during the Wednesday schedule. All students from Foundation 2 to Year 13 are engaged in an enrichment activity from 2:40 to 3:30 p.m. Students use their creativity with a wide variety of crafts, puzzles, games and music activities. They build critical thinking, listening, memory, visualisation skills, as well as concentration skills through singing, they do hands-on science experiments, physical education games, word puzzles, art projects and more. In addition to the activities offered by our teachers, there are enrichment activities offered by external instructors. These include karate, swimming, basketball, young engineering, robotics, cooking & nutrition activities and playing musical instruments. All students are wholeheartedly encouraged to take the opportunity to begin or pursue an interest that lies outside the academic life of the school. The enrichment program and the extra-curricular activities provide students with the chance to expand their horizons, and good universities throughout the world are always seeking students who have a breadth of experience.

Students have the chance to develop and expand their skills.


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“Fieldwork makes Geography come to life, puts everything into context in glorious 3D and helps students really grasp how geography literally shapes the world around us.” Kate Humble, BBC TV presenter. Some of my clearest memories of secondary school student are from my Geography fieldtrips. Geography without fieldwork could be likened to Science without experiments; the practical skills acquired from experiencing an environment first hand are very important in understanding processes and interconnections at a

local scale. Even if studying a familiar area when looking with a ‘geographer’s eyes’ many will be surprised by what they see. With the introduction of the IB Diploma Programme we are hoping to introduce more fieldwork into the Geography curriculum. For their internal assessment, students are required to produce a fieldwork study at a local scale that involves the collection of primary information. The IB students spent a productive and enjoyable morning visiting three of Bucharest’s parks to investigate where visitors were coming from and why they had chosen to visit each of the different parks. In densely populated cities, parks are important for the environment and access to good quality public pedestrian space is vital for the health and well-being of the residences. The IB students carried out a range of data collection techniques

including environmental quality surveys and interviews. They are now analysing the data using graphical and statistical techniques to investigate their individual hypotheses. Year 12 were not the only Geography students out and about last term. Year 11 carried out a study of Bucharest’s old town to access the success of the regeneration of the area. They used base maps and photographs of the area to complete land use surveys and identify evidence of change over time. The skills acquired will be useful in their IGCSE Geography exams in May. Younger students will not be missing out. Later in the year, as part of the rescheduled Humanities week, Key Stage 3 students will have the opportunity to experience the outdoor classroom and hopefully make some memories.

Students have the chance to expand their horizons.


ISB Students Visit The European Parliament MS. IULIA MUSTATEA HISTORY TEACHER

It was a great chance for the students to get in touch with practical aspects of nowadays politics, international relations and cultural diversity.

A group of Year 11 students visited the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium, in November, together with other students from many different high schools in Romania. They were presented the structure of the institution and its functions by one of the Parliament’s employees and visited

the plenary room. It was a great chance for the students to get in touch with practical aspects of nowadays politics, international relations and cultural diversity. Moreover, they enjoyed visiting other cities in Belgium such as Ghent and Bruges and also the capital city of the neighbouring Netherlands.

Inside the European Parliament.


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Starting the beginning of the school year, ISB hosted several University Fairs & University Presentations. This year Mr. Oytun Pekel, Math teacher, took over the Career Counselling Department from Mr. Ahmet Dundar. As many of you know already, Mr. Ahmet is now the Director of the International School of Oradea. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Ahmet for doing an amazing job at the school as a Deputy Principal and as the Head of the Career Council Department. As ever, the Career Counselling Department has been very busy this term with organising University Fairs, University Presentations at the school, trips to visit Universities abroad for the IB students and connecting with Alumni. The very busy agenda includes the organisation of the ISB Awards Ceremony, which took place on the 9th December at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, as well as the Alumni Reunion which will take place at the school on the 21st December. Starting the beginning of the school year, ISB hosted several University Fairs & University Presentations. Many thanks to La Rochelle Business School and Imperial College of London representatives for the presentations held at the school. We would also like to thank British Council for organising a Mini UK University Fair at ISB at the beginning of November and to

Within the ISB main hall.

the University representatives who answered the multitude of questions coming from both our students and our teachers. The International College Fair

which was also hosted by ISB brought universities from UK, the USA, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Malta, Monaco and Finland to our school.


Swiss Education Group

for The ISB Insight Magazine 1. How did this projects start and what does it mean for the education field? We have five international schools based across seven campuses in French and German-speaking Switzerland. Focused on Business and hospitality management, we also offer a variety of specializations ranging from Event Planning to International Business to Entrepreneurship, and focused classes on Human Resource Management, Finance, Marketing and many more. 2. Which are the fields Swiss Education Group explore and how do they prepare the students for their professional life? Which are the most accessed by the students? Our universities are very strong academically but also very practical oriented. Students studying in our schools all

enjoy a very high end business style campus life where they actually spend time working and seeing the practical side of the business during their studies, but also, students have to undertake two internships with one of our industry partners anywhere in the world. SEG is partnered with over 150 of the leading businesses in the world giving our students unique professional experiences and opening up work opportunities that truly shape their future. From their first day, they have access to our global alumni network and our career-coaching department. From CV preparation to interview practice, we make sure that our students are fully prepared by integrating this into the core curriculum. Each student also

has access to our exclusive, bi-annual International Recruitment Forum. With over 100 companies in attendance, they can network and interview with industry leaders during their studies. 3. Which are the new teaching and practice techniques that Swiss Education Group introduced for the students? Swiss Education Group is always up to date with the tech revolution by integrating new technologies in an inter-disciplinary way into all its programmes. By equipping all students and teachers with an iPad, Swiss Education Group was the first organisation in the hospitality sector to launch a ‘1:1 iPad’ programme, thereby enhancing teaching and promoting a more dynamic apprenticeship.


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Also, our students are completely connected through the Swiss Education Group business platform to the leaders of the industry. Konnect. ch allows students to showcase their skills, talents and experience to over 300 HR departments in companies worldwide and receive job offers on –line directly. Our teaching style has also integrated teamwork and technology to a great extent. We know and understand very well that the new generation of students want to be a part of a community and learn through practice more than ever and our teaching methods completely adapt to that. 4. How can a Romanian student attend your courses and which are his benefits comparing to other schools? We have been enrolling many very bright Romanian students for over 30 years in our schools and we truly believe they are the future of the Hospitality and Business sector of Romania and the world. The Swiss Education Group assists students by offering various scholarship support schemes and we are a completely “family oriented” school regardless of the fact that we are the

largest group of Hospitality Management Schools in Switzerland with over 6000 students in our schools yearly. Our application procedure is focused on the motivation of a student in collaboration with their academic and professional skills. All students apply and go through an interview to be accepted into one of our schools. 5. Who are the teachers and education experts and how did you choose them? All of our academic staff are carefully chosen and fit the academic accreditation criteria of Switzerland, the US and the UK as we carry all three accreditations. We hold a very healthy mix of professors holding PHD degrees, with strong academic and professional experience, from over 30 nationalities. It is very important to us that our teachers all have worked or still work in the business world especially in the field of Hospitality to make sure our students are receiving the most updated information and advice from their mentors. 6. Your results? Students you are proud of? The Swiss Education Group proudly holds over 25000 Alumni from over 120 nationalities worldwide, we are

very proud of all of them! Our statistics show that our schools truly open doors for students and give them access to a very bright future whether they work for a world leading company or open a business themselves. Over 85% of our students reach management, director or ownership positions within five years of graduation and over 95% have a job offer on the day of graduation. 7. How do you see and plan the future? One of our strongest assets in my opinion is our connection to the industry, not only because we are able to offer some of the leading jobs in the world to our graduates but because we constantly learn from them in order to evolve our programs in synchronization with the needs of the industry. It is very important for us that the education that students receive is as relevant as possible to the modern and future demands of the market and that are what we achieve. Interpersonal soft skills, high academic rigor and practical training are at the top of our list of importance.


Checking Out The Netherlands’ Universities MRS. CARMEN ZAHARIA HEAD OF MFL

It was a great chance for the students to get in touch with practical aspects of nowadays politics, international relations and cultural diversity. Every year, as part of our career advising programme, we organize University trips, with the purpose of giving our students the chance to get direct information about university studies abroad. The first trip we offered this year was to Netherlands, from 23 to 26 October. The two teachers, Mr. Oytun Pekel and Mrs. Carmen Zaharia, along with the Year 12 students participating to the trip, took part in a range of interesting presentations of some of the most known universities in Netherlands The universities included in our programme were: the University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam (Vrije University of Amsterdam), University College Utrecht, Rotterdam Business School, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Tilburg University, University College Groningen and Maastricht University. Studying in Netherlands can be very attractive both from the perspective

of the wide offer of courses, as well as for financial reasons. With tuition fees likely to be much lower than in England for the foreseeable future, this can be a compelling reason for considering Dutch higher education. One of the aims of this trip was to answer some of the key questions about the ‘ins’ and ‘outs’ of studying in the Netherlands. Participants had the opportunity to witness the reality of the student’s life, to get a picture of the most important universities and the programmes they offer, and to ask questions about studies, admission procedure, requierments, student’s life, cost of living, and any other issue that interests them. Trips abroad offer huge cultural opportunities, and the trip to Netherlands was not an exception. We let ourseves immerse in Amsterdam’s traditional flavour, coulours and culture. We enjoyed some free time activities like a walk along the canals, a tour of the Dam Square, a fun visit to Madam

Visiting the University of Utrecht.

Tussauds where some of our students had the oportunity to get a photo with famous characters. We also took this opportunity to meet some of the ISB Alumni who are currently studying in the Netherlands. The ISB students found out from a very reliable source about the university life, about courses, studying and research methods. - Adeona S., 2017 graduate who is studying International Business Management and Studies at The Hague Applied Sciences. - Roman K., 2017 graduate is studying Econometrics and Operation Research at Erasmus University in Rotterdam Emma N., 2017 graduate is studying Psychologu in University of Groningen in Groningen. - Zhihuan Z., 2017 graduate, is studying International Business in the University of Groningen - Lin P., 2016 graduate is studying International Business in the University of Groningen.


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Emma, Lin Ping and Zhihuan has welcomed us in Groningen and met our students who are interested in studying in Groningen. We had a lovely breakfast all together and they informed our students about the school and life in Groningen. the University of Gronningen

Visiting the University of Gronningen.


Ana Maria A. Achieves Cambridge Outstanding Learner Award Top in the World MS. MADALINA CIOC HEAD OF MARKETING AND ADMISSIONS

We are extremely proud of Ana Maria Anghel who received the prestigious award from Cambridge Assessment International Education to acknowledge her outstanding performance in the June 2017 Cambridge examination series. The Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards programme celebrates the success of learners taking Cambridge examinations in over 40 countries around the world. Cambridge places learners at the centre of their international education programmes and qualifications which are inspired by the best in educational thinking.

Ana Maria Anghel received Cambridge Top in the World award for her exceptional result in the Cambridge AS Level Sociology exam. The Head of Secondary School, Mr. David Newsham, said: “I am extremely proud of Ana Maria’s outstanding achievement. The Cambridge AS and A level exams are sat by students in more than 130 countries and Ana outscored all of them in AS Level Sociology.” Mr. Sinan Kosak, the Director of ISB said: ‘It is extremely rewarding to congratulate Ana Maria Anghel and teachers at ISB who have worked so

hard to achieve tremendous success in Cambridge AS examinations. The results are a reflection of the enormous talent in Romania, not only amongst learners but also within the teaching profession. Learners from International School of Bucharest have a bright future ahead of them, and I wish them every success in their future.” Ana-Maria, together with the top performing learners received their Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards at ISB Awards Ceremony which took place on Wednesday, 6th December at Double Tree By Hilton Hotel starting 7.00 p.m.

Ana Maria Anghel received the prestigious award from Cambridge Assessment International Education


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The International Baccalaureate Programme Has Started MR. YUSUF ORHAN IB COORDINATOR

We were all very excited to make a debut of the IB Diploma Programme with our Year 12 students in September. The programme attracted people’s attention so much that we enrolled 16 students more than expected.

Professional development and training events for the Diploma Programme continues for teachers who joined us at the beginning of the school year. Two of our teachers have already completed their category 2 training.

Our IB team is even stronger now after our director Mr Sinan Kosak, Mr Hakan Aydin, Mr Alex Asgari, Mr Derek Walker and Mr Andrei Galanciuc have started teaching this year.

We are proud to inform our community that one of our teachers has been accredited as an ‘IB Examiner’. Mrs. Helen Wilkinson, IB Geography and ESS teacher has been entitled by the IB as

a ‘Geography Examiner’. She will keep in touch with the IB officials regularly about Geography assessments and she will also mark IB exam papers. This will bring our students an advantage of receiving the most updated information about exams and improve their exam tips and tricks. More exciting news and success stories about our IB Diploma Programme will follow in the upcoming issues of Insight.



As promised, the series of articles about very talented people working alongside us at ISB continues. This time I would like to turn the spotlight on Ilias Mustafa, the school’s accountant and one of my dearest friends. Ilias has been working in the school’s accountancy office for 3 years. Everybody in the school knows that he is the person When did you start dancing and why? - I started dancing when I was almost 7. My older sister was already a gymnastics champion and I was not doing any sport activities. One day, my mom, who is an art lover, suggested taking up dance classes. She explained that dance will help me have a healthy and fit posture and by joining the classes I can also make new friends. ”By chance”, few days later, a dance instructor, a tall gentleman wearing glasses, visited our classroom and talked to us about dance and the possibility of taking up dance lessons. The following Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. I was present at my first dance class where that tall gentleman with glasses, together with his lovely wife were going to be my first dance instructors: Bogdan and Mihaela Ghencea. When did you realise that you would become a dancer?

they go to when money is involved. However, not everybody knows that he is an excellent and a very talented Dancer and an experienced Dance Teacher. I interviewed Ilias for the Insight Magazine and I invite you to find out more about his talent and about his dancing career.

When I realised that the dance lessons were the highlight of my week and that I was becoming better and better at it. My dance partner at the time and I learnt 5 Ballroom dances and 5 Latin-American. We started to compete, to train for competitions, to participate in various shows and TV programmes for kids. I was very proud when some of our neighbours, relatives or class-mates told me that they saw me on TV. I was some kind of a little “local star”. I knew that I would never give up dancing because I had so many precious things that kept me there - the dance studio, the stage, the lights, the costumes, the music, friends and much more.

How do you combine dancing with accountancy? - Leaving aside the artistic part, dancing also has a technical side, where you combine counting, numbers with lines, position and orientation. So, I can say that technically speaking dancing gets along quite well with numbers. Sometimes I have to leave the office in order to go to a dance festival or a show. So, I need to thank the school management for their understanding.

Which dance styles do you practice? - I started with Sport Dance classes. At the age of 14 I started to take up Street Dance lessons at the Fantasio Theatre in Constanta. Later on, at the age of 17, I was introduced to another beautiful world of Latino Dancing, beside the one I already knew: Samba, Cha-cha-cha,


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Paso Doble, Rumba, Bachata, Merengue and Jive. You have a vast experience in dancing and you have learnt various dances and styles. Which is your favourite dance? - It is Salsa. Always has been and will be. I have been dancing and studying Salsa for the past 13 years. Salsa is a dance with an infinite story, with new elements from various cultures being added constantly, with a very high potential for developing the steps and the style according to your own imagination. I was fascinated by the Salsa dance which was so different from what I had learnt before, a dance full of energy and of free flowing movements. You are a very popular dance teacher now. When and why did you start teaching? - It happened by chance. I will tell you another “story” now. One of my dance classmates and a very good friend, who was much older than I was, became a dance instructor and opened his own dance studio. He called me and asked me if I would like to accompany him to check out a new dance studio in town. We got to the dance studio which was packed with children aged 5 to 8 who were there for their dance lesson. He looked at me and said: “Come on, do the warm up with them, what are you waiting for”. I was 14 and the

“students” were much younger than me. I was very touched and impressed by the fact that they were looking up to me when my friend took over the instructor role and asked me to show them or correct their moves. At the end of the lesson he asked me if I would like to teach alongside him. It was one of the dance lessons which I will always remember warm-heartedly. Teaching Salsa was much easier than teaching ballroom dance or street dance because I started to teach later on, when I already had the dancing background and the teaching skills. As a consequence, it was much easier to achieve excellent results both in teaching and dancing Salsa. You were in the top 5 salsa dancers in Turkey. Tell us some more about your Salsa career. - I started teaching some of my friends first and in a few weeks 20 students joined my “salsa group”. My career as a Salsa dancer/teacher started in Izmir, Turkey at one of the best dance schools - Clave Dance Academy. It was a very busy and productive time for me and my partner, Pinar Uzakgoren, who became one of my best friends. In less than one year we were in the top 5 salsa couples from Turkey. We were invited to run workshops and perform for the most prestigious salsa congresses and festivals in Turkey and Europe. The time I spent in Turkey was the WOW factor of my life as an artist. During this time, the popularity of the dance school increased and we were also very busy teaching 200 students

from several high schools and universities. You taught dance to both adults and children. Which ones do you prefer working with? - I taught dance to groups of all ages during my teaching experience both in Romania and Turkey. At the moment, I am teaching Salsa and Bachata to adults at Mania Latina Dance Studio in Bucharest. Previously I worked with the Willmark Dance Academy. I would very much like to teach children as well. Teaching children is very rewarding because they are fun, they are very enthusiastic, and you get to witness them growing into good dancers. We heard you’re going to open up a dance club at the school. Tell us more about it.

- Yes, I am going to run a Dance Club at the school starting with January 2018. I am very excited about it and it is an experience I am looking forward to. The Dance Club is open to boys and girls Year 3 to Year 6. The students who will decide to join my Dance club will be “stepping into” a lesson filled with fun and music, imagination and creativity. And maybe, one day, who knows, some of them would like to “follow in my footsteps” and choose a dancing career. Please contact for further information on the club.


The Principles of Healthy Eating and Living a Healthy Life SIMONA PACURAR PHARMACIST, HEALTH COACH

ISB’s health coach’s recommendations on healthy foods and eating habits. Nutrition is one of the most debated and controversial topics these day. At first thought, we assume that feeding is a simple and natural process. However, when a child refuses food and doesn’t want to eat, when we start to have cravings or addiction to different foods, when we develop different kinds of diseases a lot earlier in our lives compared to our parents, it is then that we become aware of the importance of food and we start constantly looking at new ways to improve our nutrition. Our state of health is influenced by the way we breathe, our level of hydration, the food we eat, the quality of sleep, regular physical exercise and our emotional state. There are also external factors, such as pollution, pesticides, synthetic chemicals, artificial substances, preservatives and other additives and it is those factors’ influence over us that we can control through the choices we make. Today food is everywhere, on every corner and at any moment, thanks to a society that has become focused on convenience, constant snacking and meals on the run. Most of the food in our world is highly processed for longer shelf life and sacrifices nutrition for taste. High-carb meals, especially fast-digesting foods like sugar, any refined flour (bread, cereals, pasta) and starch (rice, potato and corn), and liquid carbohydrates (juices) quickly turn to sugar and generate the highest increase in blood sugar. High blood

The Salad Bar offers a variety of healthy options each day.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

sugar levels will cause increased production of insulin by the pancreas to keep blood sugar balanced. This is the time when diabetes occurs. Eating sugar and processed food, even in small amounts, increases cravings, stress hormones and promotes illness. “Over 40 years we have gone from about 11 million to a more than tenfold increase to over 120 million obese children and adolescents throughout the world” lead author Majid Ezzati of Imperial’s School pf Public Health. Carbohydrates consumed excessively have impact not only on glycaemia, but on the body and brain generating the inflammatory process. At the digestive level, inflammation is manifested by symptoms such as gas, bloating, pain, allergies, constipation and diarrhoea. At the nervous system level, inflammation begins with daytime trouble, such as headache, insomnia, ADHD, migraines, anxiety, brain fog, lack of focus, bad memory, and low energy and can continue to serious disorders such as depression and dementia. Inflammation is how your body tries to fix itself.

Have a healthy, happy day!

We can reduce inflammation by consuming fresh organic vegetables and fruits, wild fish, nuts, seeds and certain herbs and spices. We can choose healthy fats from whole food sources to keep the brain in shape, store energy, build healthy cells, proper brain function: fish, eggs, butter, unsaturated fats and some saturated fats, avocado, nuts, seeds. High-quality protein plays a major role in the healthy growth and functioning of your cells, tissues and organs (from plants: legumes, nuts, seeds, green leafs, whole grains like brown rice or from animals). High-grade nutrition is one of the most important strategies for the health of your brain and body. It is what you do every day that impacts your health, not what you do sometimes.

I encourage you to:

• Obtain your carbohydrates from whole foods like berries, apples, pears, high fibre food like broccoli, nuts, seeds, green beans, onions, cauliflower. • Read the labels of everything you buy and understand them, choose high quality nutrition.

• Before you make a food-related choice ask yourself “will it nourish me?”. • Eat real food, a high-plant diet, choose organic foods, whole foods, grass-fed, free-range, antibiotic-free, and hormone-free, have a nutrient dense food, they have powerful effect on your quality of life. • Listen to your body! Habits, feelings and environment impact our biology so deeply that it causes changes in the genes that have a ripple effect on future generations. There is no single way of eating applicable to all humans. Start to observe how you feel when you eat the way you do. You are unique and what is nutritious to you may not be to someone else. Changing is not always easy but sharing experience together we help each other.

It is up to you to choose the path that is best for you, eat what nourishes you!



Already a tradition at ISB, the International Day celebrates diversity and brings our community closer. International Day is always the highlight of the ISB International Week. Each class in the Primary School chose to showcase a country during the week beginning 16th October. The students have prepared activities specific to their particular country: arts and crafts, traditional games, traditional dances, food, they talked about traditional architec-

ture, traditional drawing, etc. One and all found out interesting and fascinating facts about the “countries they visited�. The students found out about Matryoshka dolls making in Russia, about ancient Egyptian collars, about Mexican mirrors, they learnt the names of colours in French, they learnt how to make Krathongs in Thailand and about Manga drawing in Japan. From other countries, they learnt about traditional dances

ISB studnts proudly wearing their national costumes.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

The ISB Gallery hosted an amazing Food Fair, organised by the PTA.

or games: Ice Hockey in Canada, Socu Baci Vira - Russian game, traditional Romanian dances, etc. On the International Day, everyone was invited to school to watch the very popular and colourful annual Traditional Costume Parade. As always, students were very proud to wear their national costumes to school and to be the ambassadors of their countries. The parade was followed by a delicious Traditional Food Fair organised by the Parent Teacher Association. Many thanks to all our parents who have already come forward and organised the very delicious traditional food stalls. ISB International Day is an annual event which aims at making the students more familiar with the world’s wonderful cultures and traditions. It is a celebration of the world’s diversity and beauty, of the things that differentiate us and yet bring us together. Thank you everyone involved for making it a very popular and successful event each year.

Romanian traditional Food Table.


Thank You PTA!


As always, PTA did a brilliant job last term organising special events or activities which brought the school’s community closer and put smiles on everyone’s faces. Thank you, PTA for the fantastic Halloween Fair, Saint Nicholas Day and Christmas Fair organised for the Primary School students. This excellent team of enthusiastic and very creative parents put an enormous amount of work into coming up with a very exciting concept for each event, in to decorations and displays. The ISB Gallery was “transformed” for Halloween and filled in with the students’ amazingly carved pumpkins and spooky houses which entered the competitions. The Halloween Costume Parade was equally popular among our parents who “dressed up” for the occasion and took the opportunity to take awesome family photos in the Halloween Photo Booth. The Halloween was followed by Saint Nicholas who left sweets in the students’ boots accompanied by a funny message for each child. It was a very fun morning. Chrstmas was celebrated with a Christmas Fair on the 19th December. It was a perfect afternoon enjoyed by all. Filled with Christmas carols, lots of fun games, arts and crafts and delicious Christmassy food. Santa was here and took photos with the students and their parents in “Santa’s House”. Because Christmas is the time of the year when we remember the importance of having our family and friends in our lives, the whole ISB community came together again and helped the people in need. PTA has organised two charity cam-

Carved Pumpkins Competition.

Halloween Houses Competition.

Christmas Fair 2017 in the ISB hall.


ISSUE 10 • January 2018

‘The Halloween Photo Booth’ was so very popular

As usually, Santa was present at the Christmas Fair, too.

paigns: clothes donations for the children in Vadul Lat, Giurgiu and Christmas presents for the Sf. Ana Orphanage, Bucharest. Many thanks to all the PTA members involved in pinning these events in the school life of our children. A special thank you goes to all the members of the PTA Board: to the

incredibly creative Ms. Iulia Iordache who came up with the concepts for these events, to Mrs. Aura Tzanos for running the charity campaign and chairing all the PTA meetings, to Mr. David Howard for keeping a very good communication between the parents and the school, to Mr. Marian Costin,

the PTA treasurer for the active participation in the organization of all the events. PTA Breakfasts and meetings will continue until the end of the year. Please check for the dates.


ISB celebrates Academic excellence. Academic Award Ceremony 2017 MS. MADALINA CIOC HEAD OF MARKETING AND ADMISSIONS

Parents, teachers and students celebrated their hard work and felt proud for what they have achieved together. ISB’s top performing learners received their Awards during the ISB Academic Awards Ceremony which took place on Wednesday, 6th December at Double Tree by Hilton Hotel. 33 students have been awarded prizes this year for their excellent exam results (A*) at the IGCSE exams and AS Level exams. 18 students were celebrated for their IGCSE examinations excellent results. Two of our students, Ingrid D. and Maria D. achieved 8A* at the IGCSE examinations. 15 students were awarded prizes for the AS level excellent examination awards with Petru R. achieving 3A* and Alexandros G. and Ana Maria A. receiving 4A*.

Ana-Maria, together with the top performing learners received her Outstanding Cambridge Learner Award – Top In the World in the Sociology exam. It was an evening where parents, teachers and students celebrated their hard work and felt proud for what they have achieved together. Many thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of this event. Special

thanks to Mr. Oytun Pekel, Career Counsellor and Alumni Coordinator, Ms. Teodora Varzaru, Art Teacher, for the amazing decorations, the school’s band and their music teacher, Mrs. Adina Barbu for beautifully entertaining the audience. Last but not least, the school’s canteen, Hercul Trading Management for preparing the delicious food.

ISSUE 10 • January 2018


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