ISB EYFS Newsletter - October 2010

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EYFS Newsletter


Reception News 

01 October 2010

This month Reception classes have been visiting ‘ Pantelimon Farm ‘ and we all had a lot of fun enjoying the warm weather, feeding  the animals and riding the ponies. 


After settling in, Reception classes are ready to take some homework at home, We will send two assignments per week, Numeracy and Literacy. Reception A will be holding their first Assembly about ’World Farm Animals Day’ fingers cross!!

Yunus , LiWen, Alexandru, Toni.

Special points of interest:  Nursery Trip to the Farm

Nursery News This month Nursery have been learning all about ourselves, our families, our school. We have done lots of fun activities like hand and foot printing with paint and making paper plate faces using wool, buttons and paper. We have also looked at photos of our families and of ourselves as tiny little babies, we look very

different! Our current topic is colours and shapes and we are learning to recognize the different colours in the environment around us. We have done lots

of painting and printing.  PIPS Assessment We also played with difstarting this ferent coloured playmonth for Recepdough and then mixed it tion children. to make new colours like blue and yellow play 15th October dough together makes Professional Degreen! We are going on velopment Day our first trip this week for ISB teachers. to the Farm at PanteliNo school for mon and we are looking students. forward to seeing what  Parents Evening animals are there, what 11th October Recolour they are and ception & Nurshaving a ride on the ery. pony!

In Year 1 the children have been very busy! They have been listening to stories! Their favourite was ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’. Some of the activities included sequencing the story, drawing pictures of the different settings, writing warning signs for the bear cave and using playdough to make the characters from the story. In Geography the children have been finding out about different places that Barnaby Bear has visited. Barnaby Bear wrote them a letter from Antarctica asking them to design him a new suitcase because his own was becoming worn and damaged. Barnaby Bear thought the children did a great job when he saw their designs! Barnaby Bear also visited Egypt and showed the children pictures from his trip which they talked about then wrote and drew what it was like there. In Year 2, the children fresh back from their holidays dived into a seaside topic in Literacy and Geography. The children learnt the seaside vocabulary and shared their experiences from their seaside holidays and made lovely displays for the Key Stage 1 hall. Our first visit of the year will be on Thursday, 30 th September. Year 2 will be exploring the Botanical Gardens to understand how different plants can be found in different habitats, this relates to our Science topic. During our Science lessons we will be planting seeds and the children will be observing how the seeds produce new plants.

ISB Newsletter October 1 st 2010


Year 3 Already this term we have been extremely busy in Year 3. 3R started our school assemblies with a fantastic musical performance of Snow White, which was a joy to watch for pupils, teachers and parents alike. Once again congratulations to all of 3R for all your hard work and efforts you were fantastic. We have just all enjoyed our first trip of the year with a visit to the Art Gallery, to look and study the Portrait Paintings there. This links in with our art topic of ‘Portraying Relationships’ we all really enjoyed looking at the paintings and trying to work out who was who and how they knew each other. We had a picnic lunch in the park and many of us carried on our drawings there, although some of us became fascinated by the rocks and soils on offer-which is our current Science Topic, proving it doesn’t matter where we are, we are always learning in Year 3.

A great start to the new academic year, with many potential candidates for the ‘Star of the Week’ award. September’s winners were Selin Emici and Alex Gomez (4L), Lena Fingu and Lucas Cardozo (4M), Gabriela Marinescu, Efecan Alic and Marry Xuan (4F). Congratulations to you all!

September was also the month for Mr.Fogerty’s Class to dazzle us with their assembly on Bones. They had songs, bags of fascinating skeleton facts and great costumes! You can enjoy the performance on the school website, just go to ISB TV.


Y5 Stars of the week!

A warm welcome to the new year 5 classes! Some students have returned for another exciting year at ISB. Other students are new to the school and are settling in well. We have had a wonderful start to this year with P.E. interclass competitions and year 5C claimed the first “Golden shoe award” of the year (We are very proud!). We also had three students that were awarded star of the week awards! Congratulations to Maria 5c, Anahita 5D and Selin 5W for your hard work and effort. In OctoberY5 will take part in a 3 day residential trip to Sinaia. During the 3 days pupils will visit the Peleş Castle travel on the cable cars and explore the local area including a river and waterfall visit which will be the introduction to our Rivers topic for next half term.

Y6 House Captains 2010-2011 Year 6 Year 6 have settled back into school life with maturity and speed. This year, all the students will be taking more responsibility for both themselves and others, acting as House Captains or prefects. Some students will be acting as “Buddies” during break times, to assist younger students who may need a helping hand or just a friend to listen to them. Congratulations to our new House Captains, who were elected by their respective houses on 3rd September. The results are; Elephants-Florin and Salamatu Lions – Mohamed and Ioana Grizzly Bears –Seyma and Steven Leopards- Busra and Melih Next Month Y6 will take part in a residential trip to the Danube Delta as a part of their work in Rivers and Habitats.

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