ISB Insight October 2014

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Insight October 2014

Inside: Residential Trip

Year 6 trip to Brasov

Mini Olympics

Second Place at the Mini Olympics

University Placements Achievements of our students


Animal patterns and baking in Nursery

Early Years Foundation Stage

Busy making spots and stripes


n Nursery children have been learning about jungle animals, they made the patterns of a giraffe and a zebra using paper and glue. We talked about the patterns and that they look like spots and stripes. The children have also been doing some cooking and made some ‘monkey bread’ (banana cakes) to fit in with our song ‘5 little

We love doing baking! 2 Insight

monkeys’. While we were doing this activity we talked about changes that occur when cooking and measuring ingredients. The children all had a great time and then got to eat what they had made for afternoon snack! Mrs. Vicky Seeshaan, EYFS Deputy Principal


All dressed up for Animal Day


orld Animal Day was a great opportunity watched interesting videos about animals. for Reception children to dress up. We It was such a great day! danced to music such as “Walking through Mrs. Corina Dume, Reception C Teacher the Jungle” and reproduce different sounds animals make. We made animal crafts and

Using our listening ears to identify sounds


uring Phonics Reception K made some “listening ears’ and went on a listening walk around the school to find environmental sounds. We heard children playing, music, telephones and even a rubbish truck. When we came back we played a sound bingo game in our House The first team who covered all their pictures Teams. We listened to the sounds on the shouted “Bingo!”. CD and had to place a counter on the Mrs. Kitti Vaughan, Reception K Teacher correct object.

October 2014 3


A fun filled start to our Year 1 adventure!

Listening to and Following Instructions in our English Lesson


fun filled start to our Year 1 adventure! Year 1 have had a very busy first half term. We have settled in well to KS1 and the new routines in class. We are making lots of new friends and are learning to take turns and share during classroom and playtime activities. In English we have been learning about instructions. We know that instructions use bossy words to tell you what to do. We have been giving each other instructions and sequencing steps in the correct order. We had great fun listening to and following instructions in order to make a jam

sandwich. We followed the steps carefully and the best part was eating the sandwich at the end. It was delicious and worth the hard work! In humanities our topic has been ‘Who am I?’ we started by thinking about ourselves and what we look like, the people in our family and the things we like and don’t like to do. We made our own self-portraits. Now we are thinking about where we come from and where we live. We are having lots of fun looking at maps and finding Romania and other countries around the world! We are learning the importance of using maps.

Discovering what it would be like to not be able to see 4 Insight


Exploring braille


n maths we have started to discover 2D shapes and used them to create different patterns and pictures. The Children got more familiar with numbers, the number line, what comes before and after a set number and different ways to make 10. We are looking forward to seeing what maths can reveal and we are ready for new challenges!In science we have been learning about our bodies. We made and labelled a body and then talked about

bones inside our body. We have also talked about how we are the same and how we are different. During Health and fitness week we learnt about how to keep our bodies heathy. We have also been talking about our 5 senses and exploring how we use them every day and playing games to find out what it is like to not have one of these senses. Ms. Catriona Pittendreigh, Year 1 Teacher

Making patterns and pictures with 2D shapes

October 2014 5


About Rhyms, Poetry, Electricity & “The Middle Ages�


n Year 2 we are continually enforcing the fact that we have very high expectations in all areas of the curriculum. We believe that children learn best when they are happy and motivated. We work hard to instill in our students the key qualities needed to become successful learners throughout

their school lives. We encourage our learners to be independent, to take risks, to help and care for each other and to be able to think, enquire and reflect upon their own work and behaviour. Mrs. Karen Willoughby, KS1 Coordinator


s part of our teaching style we believe electricity, the children got to experience in bringing lessons to life. The children and make first hand their own circuits certainly did this in our Science lessons using bulbs, switches and buzzers. this half term. Whilst studying about

Year 2M investigating electrical circuits 6 Insight



e have now been at school for several weeks and the Year 2 team are looking forward to an exciting and rewarding year with your child. To date the children have already written

their own non-chronological reports and composed their own pieces of poetry. Year 2 explored rhyming words and nursery rhymes. The children have developed their reading comprehension skills. In the future, they will work on fiction and instructions. Year 2 certainly has lots of talented mathematicians. This is evident in the wonderful work that can be found in the children’s copybooks and on our classroom displays. We have had fun learning all about Number, Symmetry and Shape, Problem-Solving and Measure.

Using bean bags to measure time and distance


s part of our theme ‘The Middle Ages’ we have enjoyed stepping back in time to the Medieval era. We began by unearthing the past and studying pots like a real historian. We learnt about life in Medieval times finding out about the food the rich and the poor ate, investigating castles and building a model one. We also studied the clothes they wore- the children were particularly interested in the clothes of a knight.

Year 2P making Medieval Castles October 2014 7


Awesome Aviators

A very enjoyable end to a great unit of work


he Year 3 children have been studying a Humanities unit on Airports. During the term they have looked at humans attempts to fly, compared aeroplanes to birds and read about famous flying stories from history. The development of the aeroplane over time has been their most interesting part of the unit and to really amaze the children with Romania’s involvement in aeroplane development we have a superb visit to the Aviation Museum. The children stood in wonder at the fact

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that the first person to take off and land in their flying machine was a Romanian, that the first jet engine (built 28 years before the second jet engine) was designed by a Romanian, that the first lady to parachute was a Romanian and that one of the first stunt flying champions was also a Romanian. The names of Traian Vuia, Aurel Vlaicu, Henri Coanda, Smaranda Brăescu and Alexandru Papana were whispered and discussed as brave and clever people.


Henry Coanda’s Aeroplane


s the children then saw the vehicles A very enjoyable end to a great unit of and replicas they actually flew in, they work. were further amazed by their bravery Aurel Mr. James Peall, KS2 Coordinator Vlaicu only had a wicker seat with no seat belt!

Finding out: the 1st person to take off and land - a Romanian October 2014 9



t has been a really busy and exciting start to Year 4 in each class this term. We really enjoyed our first English unit ‘Poems and Stories from Other Cultures’ where we had the opportunity to look at a variety of stories from all over the world. We learned about a variety of literary techniques including similes and metaphors and created poems about our families using them. We were busy exploring the world in our first Humanities topic ‘Around the World’; comparing our lives with people from other countries and investigating, debating and creating a range of maps. We learned all about our skeletons and muscles during our Science topic ‘Humans and Animals’ and really enjoyed putting in to practice what we had learned during Health and Fitness Week and on our trip to Pantelimon Park. We discussed how to be

Year 4 Busy Bees

Having a wonderful time in the park 10 Insight

safe with drugs and medicines and loved creating our own anti-smoking videos and posters which we have displayed around the school to help promote a healthy lifestyle for everyone! We also worked very hard in Maths; completing two units this term. Our work on ‘Number and Problem Solving’ has improved our calculation skills which will help us to solve problems throughout the year and we are enjoying the practical work on 2D and 3D shape in our current ‘Geometry’ unit. This fantastic term ends with Book Week where we explored ‘Tribes of the World’ as our theme. We cannot finish without mentioning 4F’s super class assembly ‘Around the World with 4F’ and we greatly look forward to what 4C and 4L will produce later in the year. Mr. Scott Cable, Year 4 Teacher


Year 5 Fit Figures

Using different materials to see how the human body moves


ver the past half-term, Year 5 has been studying the topic, ‘Fit for Life’. We have had lots of fun taking part in sporting activities and we have also thought about keeping our bodies healthy and about our eyesight and how we see things. We have looked at lots of pictures showing athletes taking part in many different sports, and we have spent time thinking about how the human body moves when it is taking part in sports activities. We made sketches and drawings and then made models of sports figures. To do this, we first made a simple skeleton by bending metal wires and attaching them together and then we put them into action poses. Then we covered the skeletons with papier mache (very messy!) and, when they hardened, we were able to paint them as sports people.

Though it was quite a difficult project, we all enjoyed being able to use different materials to make things with. Mr. Robin Morrison, Year 5 Teacher

The final product October 2014 11


Year 6 Residential Trip to Brasov


i! My name is Brinda and I study in 6K. On Monday the whole year 6 went on a residential trip to Brasov, in Predeal. I was very excited but sad too, because I was leaving my parents for 4 days!! The journey from Bucharest to Predeal lasted for 3hrs and 30min. We started at 9:30am. and get to our destination at 1:00pm. An hour after we arrived, we went to a swimming complex. I had lots of fun while jumping in the water. After having dinner, I wrote in my diary and slept. Next morning we had breakfast and had an awesome trip to Bran Castle. King Vlad and Queen Mary used to rule this castle many years ago. Then we went to Râșnov Castle. We bought many souvenirs. We reached the hotel at about 6 12 Insight

or 7 pm. We had dinner then diary writing and a quiz, and then we slept. The 3rd morning I woke up, got fresh, then wore my clothes and gummy boots and ran downstairs for breakfast. After that we went to do some river work. On the trip we saw a bear and a fox too. We also went trekking. We walked about 9-10Km!! We saw the fox in the mountains. We reached the hotel at 6pm and rested in our rooms, we had an early dinner and got ready for the talent show. I sang a song. At 9 O’Clock I felt like falling on my bed! I asked Mr. Morgan if I could go up to sleep. He said it was fine. My friends came while I was asleep, banging the door! I woke up suddenly and they said that I won in singing! I was very elated. The last morning, I packed my bag, changed my clothes, took my bag and ran down stairs for breakfast then we were off to Aventura Park! We had a tremendous, marvelous and magnificent time. After playing we were back on a journey to ISB. After reaching ISB we went back home. Thank you. Sincerely, Brinda, Year 6K



he trip was very nice. I liked that we had a room inspection every day, and my room was always getting 5 out of 5.YUPPY! I liked when we walked in the mountains. I liked when we made a bridge over the river. I hope to have another trip like this David, Year 6

October 2014 13


ISB students won 2nd place in the Mini Olympics Competition

Buket (5D),Venice (5W), Josmara (6M), Rui (6M), Mihnea (5W), Tony (6M), Mihail (5W), Andrija (5W) and Hakan (5W) proudly showing their certificates


n Friday 10th October 2014 our ISB pupils participated in a Mini Olympics Competition. ISB students finished in second place after competing against five other International schools.

Well done! Thank you very much to Mrs. Laura and Mr. Hasan for taking our students to this event.

ISB 14 Insight


October 2014 15


Healthy Week Primary


students had a fabulous time celebrating Health & Fitness Week through sports, fitness activities, dancing, as well as learning from a specialist in nutrition about the importance of eating healthy food. Inter-school Football League also started this week and we were all cheering for our amazing football teams! ISB Health and Fitness Week started with Fresh Juice Bonanza organised by our

lovely and very active members of the PTA. Delicious fresh orange juice and banana smoothies are waiting for you during the school breaks again on Thursday, 25th September. Many thanks to Mrs. Simona Pacurar, a parent from Early Years, for talking about the importance of healthy living with ISB Nursery and Reception children today.

We are always encouraged by our teachers to eat healthy food

Sport is the key to a healthy life

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Healthy & Fitness Week Secondary


uring that week the secondary students were involved into different activities related to topics like: body structure and functions; sport news; famous sport events&places; how sports influence our life or how to live a healthy life; history of Olympic Games. The Interschool Football league final took place on that week as well. ISB teams were playing their final games against International British School of Bucharest, Cambridge School and Mark Twain International School in order to get one of the trophies. The U13 & U16 & Open teams came 2nd after very dramatic games and penalty shoots. All classes participated into house competitions during their PE lessons, either in basketball or football. While Key Stage 3 students were competing in school for the best athlete or the best team runner, key Stage 4&5 students went to Dinamo Stadium to compete into the Athletics Challenge. 100m sprint, 400m sprint,

4x100m relay race and long jump were taking place under the closed supervision of PE Department. The relaxing atmosphere among the students created great results which ISB is proud of. Some of the many benefits of sport participation for children include: reduced risk of obesity, increased cardiovascular fitness, healthy growth of bones, muscles, ligaments and tendons, improved coordination and balance, a greater ability to physically relax and, therefore, avoid the complications of chronic muscular tension (such as headache or back ache), improved sleep, mental health benefits, such as greater confidence, improved social skills and improved personal skills, including cooperation and leadership. We don’t have to forget the amount of effort which students put into other lessons during the entire week, creating excellent English poems or charts with sport results. A big thank you to everyone involved into organising and running Health&Fitness week activities.

October 2014 17


Creative & Performing Arts


ast year ended with the Secondary School production, Mac. Thirty students showed that the rising temperatures meant nothing to them by wearing garbage bags and heavy make-up to


present their sinister, funny, fast-moving version of Macbeth – quite possibly the darkest summer production ever. Thanks to Mr. Agopian for his photographs.

he next production, scheduled for summer, will be completely different. Another very unusual piece that features about a hundred characters and many students to play them. Oh, and teachers. Lots of teachers. Details in the coming months. Meanwhile, in lessons, students continue to dazzle with their displays of imagination, humour and – let’s be honest here Lessons would often be interrupted when Filip lost – borderline insanity. a contact lens Mr. Ian McShane, Head of Creative Arts Department

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he first musical event this year will happen on the 10th of December. The ISB Music Department is organising a recital by the best musicians in the school.

Our best instrumental players will soon have their try-outs for being part of the concert. All parents (and teachers!) are invited.


n extra lesson for students taking IGCSE, AS & A level examinations in Art, where they practice and improve their skills. Students will receive constant feedback and advice on their work. The club will take place every Tuesday and every Wednesday between 15:15 and 17:00. The activities include: accidentally pouring painting water in Mrs. Sorana’s coffee, making a huge glittery disaster, artistic brainstorming and expanding our knowledge. Everyone is welcome to visit The Twilight Zone in the Art Room B201, second floor. We are also funny. Please join us!

Ms. Sorana Grigoras, Art Teacher October 2014 19


English Department News

Learning English is always fun


t’s been a busy start to the year in the English Department. We welcomed Janet Hunter and Flori Murteza to the teaching team, and have already seen the great positive relationships they have established with the students. Thanks to the wonderful largesse of the Parent Teacher Association, the English Department has been able to use Amazon Kindles in delivering lessons this year – this has meant that a vast new cornucopia of novels has opened up to the students, and we have wasted no time in taking


he Prep group was retired this year, and a smaller, more focused replacement rolled out. The ESL (English as a Second Language) pull-out group is a small class of students who are removed from a small number of mainstream lessons in order to focus on their English language skills. This has been a great success so far, with the beneficial nature of the course clearly evident in the quality of the students’ work.

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advantage of this opportunity. Already the Year 8 classes are enjoying their use, and we expect to extend this to other year groups as the calendar year goes on. The IGCSE groups will be offered the opportunity to take the English Literature exam this year, and this has meant a much greater focus on plays, novels and poetry within lessons. We have been rewarded with some excellent work, and the interest and enthusiasm from students and parents alike has been very encouraging.


Learning English is always fun


he final week of the half term is Book Week. Here the English Department gets a chance to work off syllabus and organise creative, whole-school activities. Last year’s Book Week was a great success, and we hope to emulate that this year. Some of the activities we will be running include a Spelling Bee for KS3 students, a Book Swap for all the school where students have a chance to exchange books they

have already read with other students and gain new reading material and a Creative Writing competition. Probably the activity we are most excited about is the Poetry Anthology, where poems from all students will be collected and published in our very own ISB book. This will be on sale from the second week after half term. Mr. Barnaby Davies, Head of English Department

Everyone loves English! October 2014 21


Humanities Department News


The end of a very nice day outside the classroom

umanities have five new teachers joining the department this year who have all settled into life at ISB very well. We have Mr. Andrew Lawrence, teacher of Business and Economics, Mr. Andrei Schvab, teacher of Travel and Tourism, Ms. Iulia Mustatea, teacher of History and Geography, Mr. Brendan Clarke-

Smith, teacher of Sociology and Travel and Mr. Ian Robertson, teacher of History. Currently the department are busy thinking about ideas and events for the upcoming Humanities week in May and will be looking to build on the successful week we had last year which included Dragons Den and the Trading game.

100th Anniversary of the WW1 - History Conference As part of the 100th anniversary to commemorate the start of the First World War in August 1914, A level ISB History students attended a History conference to explore the causes of that conflict at the invitation of The University of Bucharest. The conference provided an opportunity for students to attend lectures and workshops given by professional academic historians and leading experts in their field. Furthermore, key note speakers included key figures from Romanian Foreign Ministry and leading international academics. ISB students later enjoyed a guided tour of the University of Bucharest History Department by Ms Iulia Mustatea, who not only teaches History at ISB but is finalising her current doctorate degree. Mr. Robertson would like to thank Miss Mustatea for her splendid organisation and the students, who conducted themselves with great credit and enthusiasm on the day.

22 Insight



usiness Studies A Level students have looked at the qualities possessed by successful entrepreneurs and then went out in their local community and interviewed real entrepreneurs. They heard firsthand the challenges faced by business owners. The year 10 Business Studies class has learned how to write, present and discuss a business plan for their own business. Many brilliant ideas of new products were launched, such as the set of edible cutlery or lipstick whose texture, colour and smoothness can be personalised. Looking for inspiration for future business ventures, the students researched the life and work of famous entrepreneurs, and presented their findings in a series of posters. The most interesting ones can be admired in the Business Studies room, A305. Geography In AS Geography this year, students have been investigating global hazards and focused on climate change. We have studied the natural and human causes of climate change and will be investigating the effects of heating on the Earth’s natural systems. In Key Stage 4 students are busy starting or preparing to finish the IGCSE course, whilst Key Stage 3 students have been learning a variety of skills such as map reading. The department hope to organise a range of field trips this year and expand on the short day trip to Constanta. Travel and Tourism AS Travel and Tourism students are busy planning real tourist trips as part of their coursework and have begun developing detailed and interesting business plans.

Activities such as carting and ice skating have been proposed and the department look forward to seeing these trips carried out. Global Perspectives Students have been analysing and evaluating articles, films and videos on a range of global concepts and events including climate change and conflict. I have been impressed with the level of discussion and debate which has been both thoughtful and intelligent Sociology In Sociology students have been studying ‘The Family’ in Sociology, looking at different types of family, changes to it through and beyond industrialisation and now looking at gender roles and the division of labour between men and women. They also helped to produce the stunning display board in the Humanities corridor. History A Level Historians within ISB were given the invaluable opportunity to attend a conference commemorating the beginning of world war one 100 years ago at the University of Bucharest. Students across the school have also been studying and exploring a range of Historical events including the Romans and the Vietnam War. Mr. Andrew Palmer, Head of Humanities Department

October 2014 23


International Turkish Test


ach year, students learning Turkish language from all over the world take the International Turkish Test. In 2014 edition, ISB student, Florin Tudor Popescu performed a great success by getting the second place with 94.6 points. Florin is awarded with 10 months scholarship from the organisers. Furthermore, two more

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ISB students, Ali and Umar Faruk passed the success level and will be awarded by the school administration with a surprise present. Everyone who is interested and learning Turkish language can participate the exam. For further information you can contact to Turkish language teachers. Mr. Isa Gecal, Turkish Teacher


ISB Year 13 Dress Code


n recognition of their growing maturity and independence,there is no uniform requirement for Year13 students at the International School of Bucharest. Instead, we ask that both boys and girls wear ‘business dress’. This is intended to strike a balance between individuality and the need to effectively represent the School in the local community. At the International School of Bucharest, we believe that all Year13 students should take pride in their appearance. Smart dressing conveys positive feelings in terms


of commitment and attitude to work and it also enables students to show that they fully embrace our school ethos. Students would do well to ask themselves before leaving the house each morning, ‘Would I go to a job interview dressed like this?’ Year13 students are role models for younger pupils. We are counting on their cooperation to send the right messages and encourage positive attitudes in the lower school. Mr. Stephen Willoughby, KS4/5 Deputy Principal


Head Boy & Head Girl Born and raised in Netherlands, I moved to Romania in 2006 and continued my education in ISB. This year is my senior year and I am planning on getting my masters degree in engineering. I have represented the school in various charity and social events both nationally and internationally. I am aware of my responsibilities as a head boy this year and I am dedicated to do my best.

I was born and raised in Romania, Bucharest. I have been in ISB since nursery and I have enjoyed every year I spent in this school. I currently study English Literature, History and Economics and I have a passion for all three subjects I study. This year I was honored with the position of Head Girl and my aim is to fulfill all the requirements and expectations of the school and the school staff. As a student willing to attend law school in the future, I believe that this position will help prepare me by strengthening my leadership and communication skill. I hope to have a very efficient year in which we can host as much extra-curricular activities as possible.

October 2014 25


Our school is organizing a trip for Year 12 and 13 students to UK from 23 February to 27 February, 2015. The aim of this outward bound activity is to visit several prestigious universities in London and to give support to our students in order to help them become more familiar with university studies, admission procedures and conditions.

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tudying abroad is a decision that the majority of our students make. In order to help them out with one of the biggest decision of their student lives, the ISB Career Counseling Service has organised a series of University Presentations opened to all ISB parents, as well as to Year 11- Year 13 ISB students.


e would like to say thank you to Mrs. Lorraine Emmans, Marketing Officer at University of Leeds for a very effective presentation of the university, including hints and tips for our Year 12 and Year 13 students on choosing the right course and writing a winning personal statement. Mr. Ahmet Dundar, Career Councelor October 2014 27


ISB Career Counseling Service Department introduces new Aptitude Tests for ISB students


Career Counseling Service Department introduces new Aptitude Tests for ISB students ISB Career Counseling Service Department is happy to announce that is now offering three different types of Aptitude Tests for its students. The Aptitude Tests will help our students to make the best decision when choosing their options for IGCSE, A Levels and University Courses. We are collaborating with Cambridge Occupational Analysts (COA), an organization who has worked with more than 3,000 schools in the UK and over 50 countries across the globe for over 25 years. COA delivers a fully comprehensive range of careers and higher education programmes including aptitude tests. The surveys will be offered to our year 9-13 students to help them with their choices for the following year. Probe (Year 9) Probe is a fully illustrated online programme designed to be used by careers advisers in the classroom with year 9 students. It is a very useful introduction to careers work and provides students with their own worksheets to encourage research. It will be offered to all ISB students free of charge. Preview (Years 10, 11) service will be optional for Year 10 and 11 students for a fee of 75 €. Preview is a careers guidance programme

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designed for students likely to take AS/A level, It is normally taken by students at the end of Year 10 or the beginning of Year 11 and is based on an interest questionnaire (online). Preview analyses individual student responses and produces an Interest Profile based on over 40 broad career areas. Centrigrade (Years 12, 13) service will be optional for year 10 and 11 students for a fee of 40 €. Centigrade is an interest-based questionnaire often taken in year 12 using information supplied by the school and the student. It matches a student’s interests and abilities with HE courses and institutions in the UK, Ireland and those in Europe offering undergraduate degrees taught in English. Each student receives a personalized workbook listing relevant HE courses and institutions. Additional sections cover information on open days, taster courses and the application process. The Centigrade workbook includes course analysis forms which provide a starting point and structure for students to carry out research into their choice of HE course. A letter has been sent home by e-mail to all Year 9-13 parents. For further information, please contact Mr. Ahmet Dundar at Mr. Ahmet Dundar, Spanish Language Teacher & Head of Alumni Department


Key Stage 4 & 5 Welcome Picnic

Year 10 and Year 13 students enjoying each others company and the beautiful weather


ver 30 students from Year 10 to 13 arrived at ISB to participate in games and activities while enjoying their picnic lunch and the lovely weather. There was much to do including listening to music while relaxing and watching the basketball, football and other games that were organized. The atmosphere was charming with everyone enjoying themselves and

entering into the spirit of the afternoon. This annual event is an excellent way of ensuring students, parents and families feel part of our school community. We would like to thank all those who supported us and worked so hard to make the afternoon possible. Mr. Stephen Willoughby, KS 4 & 5 Deputy Principal

From the Colour Run Marathon to Voleyball at school October 2014 29


Science Department


n enthusiastic group of year 8 and year 9 students from ISB participated with their teacher, Mr. George Popescu, in two of the many activities offered throughout the interesting event - Bucharest Science Festival (22-28 September 2014), which promoted all branches of science through exhibitions, conferences, documentaries, live experiments and interactive demonstrations. The first activity attended was “Space, the last frontier”, a conference organised at the University of Bucharest. One part that caught their attention was the presentation about artificial satellites and their uses, presented by specialists from the European Space Agency. The highlight of the evening was the guest speaker Dr. David Hilmer, NASA astronaut, who participated in four space missions. He shared his experience

during his orbital missions, while students had the opportunity to interact with him and ask interesting questions. During the second activity, “The Scientists’ Night” organised in Tineretului Park, the students visited a large number of booths, observing live demonstrations, interacting with the scientists, creating their own experiments and finding many answers to fascinating questions. They had the opportunity to observe the behavior of different materials in liquid nitrogen, the properties of super powerful magnets that slow down in free fall, forensic science, unusual chemical reactions and many more. It was fascinating to see how the students brought and used their freshly gained knowledge in to the class activities. ISB Science Department

Getting our hands on experiments

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Secondary Results and University Placements


he graduating class of 2014 had excellent results and a high percentage of our students had success in entering into their first choice university. We are happy to report that universities in the UK have accepted 30% of our graduates while the rest will continue to their academic career

in different parts of the world, studying different programs. We are delighted to announce the names of the institutions and the courses, which our students have been accepted. We wish all our graduates a successful university life.

October 2014 33


Year 7 - How Does it Feel to Be in Secondary

Being in secondary is a big responsibility, bigger than being in primary, it feels better too. Secondary students are given more freedom, you can go wherever you want inside the school. We can also get food from where we want, with money or our lunch cards. by Selen 7I

So far, in Secondary, I had experienced many nice things. I am actually happier to be in Secondary than in Primary because I do not have to ‘’line-up’’ in a straight line and we get access to the canteen on the first floor. I feel a lot more grown up being in Secondary and I am not the only one who have this feeling. I like all the subjects and the teachers are great. I love it that we have our own lockers to store any personal belongings. In conclusion, I will always remember every lesson and task in Secondary with joy and happiness. by Alessia 7I

Being in Secondary is something very different than being in primary. It is a big change in my life. You have more responsibilities. It is not like primary; teachers do not hold your hand and take you to where you need. The lessons and exams are more serious. You have to know how to manage your time. If you cannot manage your time very well during the lessons, you cannot get good scores from the tests. by Humeyra 7S

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Year 8 - S.M.A.R.T. Academic Goals

15 minutes of afternoon reading each day in Secondary Year 8’s in Collaboration with Their Form Tutors are Setting S.M.A.R.T. Academic Goals for Each Subject As the structure of the day has changed this year, all KS3 students have the chance to spend 15 minutes with their tutor each afternoon after their lunch break discussing about upcoming events and their progress. Most days students have spent their tutor time quietly reading. The reading time has been helping students settle down after the break time and before the last lesson of the day. Another benefit of this activity is that they get to spend a certain amount of time reading and sharing books with their colleagues every day. More recently students have spent a couple

of tutor time sessions focusing on the question of the week. “If you see someone being bullied should you do anything about it? If you don’t should you feel guilty?” Students have the chance to form and express their own opinion and arguments regarding this delicate matter. Also for the past couple of weeks, year 8 students have been working together with their form tutors on setting S.M.A.R.T. academic goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant Time-bound) for each subject they study. This activity has the purpose to help them assess and track their own progress throughout each term. Ms. Alina Constantin, School Counselor, SEN Teacher & Year 8 Year Leader

Setting Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant Time-bound Goals

Sometimes students are reading together during tutor time October 2014 35


Year 8 ICT – Fact or Opinion


ear 8 students have spent the last 3 weeks learning to be more discerning over the research they do on the internet. The world wide web contains a wealth of useful and accessible information and learning to sift through and target their research is an important skill. We have discussed the importance of cross-checking facts to make sure they are reliable. We have learned how some organisation and companies pay to have their link appear near the top of search results. We have also talked about how websites that we sign in to collect information in order, frequently, to use it for targeted advertising from which they receive money. Many students were especially surprised at how Facebook and other social media gather, store and, ultimately, control everything that we voluntarily put up there. 36 Insight

Earlier in the year we also discussed online safety and, particularly, password protection. They should all now have better online habits and will be able to make themselves safer in their on-line lives. All Key Stage 3 students now have an Edmodo account ( which is a virtual learning environment which we are using in ICT. Parents can open their own account from which they will be able to see assignments and tasks the students have undertaken and the feedback I have given on submitted work. In order to register for a parent account, you will need to get the parent code from your son or daughter – they all know where to find this. Mr. David Newsham, Deputy Principal (Key Stage 3)


Year 9 Go-Kart

Super fast, super fun go karts... Super fast, super fun go karts... a little pricey, but very worth it. There are some other stuff to do, but hit up the karts, and rush the adrenaline do not replace with any other fun activity, to us! On Friday, 17th of October, under our form teacher Mrs. Cigdem’s supervision, our class 9S went to ride go –karts. We split into two groups for an exciting friendly competition. It was so amazing having adrenaline rush by tearing it up at the kart track. We did

not know that our classmates are all real speedster. Congratulation to Nicolas for winning the competition! Having a chat about things what was going on at the track over our drinks were the another way of fun being with friends! We wish we could have had that time longer. We all are excited to meet at another race or another activity at another time! Maria (Year 9S) & Selin (Year 9S)

Year 12’s Visit to Chiller on a Chilly Weather

Applied ICT (Year 12) class has visited the top floor where the air conditioning and heating units of the school reside. Students learned in class how microprocessorcontrolled air conditioners and heating systems do work and had a chance to see them in action in their own school.

In the picture you see the chiller (cooling tower as part of the air conditioning unit) which cool down the condensed refrigerant with three fans at the top of it which are automatically turned on and off. Mr. Turgay Uzuncakmak, ICT Teacher October 2014 37


Year 10 Karate Kyokushin an option for leisure time

Students in year 10 started the academic year with a great enthusiasm, planning on keeping healthy, safe, socializing within the whole year group and aiming for good results by the end of June 2015. Their targets are realistic and reflect the different personalities they have, either being a sporty person or having a musical talent, or a young engineer interested to achieve an award in science competitions. During the first month of the school year, they were discussing how to spend their leisure time more efficiently and which are the best activities to do during that time. In order to encourage them to do more sport, we organized a demonstration of karate kyokushin. A group of 5 members from Romanian National Karate Team came 38 Insight

to ISB on October 15 and performed for the whole year 10 students. The demonstration captured everyone’s attention and the questions asked at the end of the session proved that the activity raised the students interest. Kyokushin is a style of stand-up, full contact karate, founded in 1964 by Zainichi Korean Masutatsu Oyama who was born under the name Choi Young-Eui. Kyokushin is Japanese for “the ultimate truth.� Kyokushin is rooted in a philosophy of selfimprovement, discipline and hard training. Its full contact style has had international appeal (practitioners have over the last 40+ years numbered more than 12 million). Mrs. Ingrid Stanciu, Year 10 Leader


Year 11 Learning Skills,Linking Math and Music

While discussing with the students of 11B class about their school life struggles, many of them mentioned the challenges they face when studying for certain subjects. One solution to overcome this difficulty was to improve their learning skills. Therefore, one of the students, a very talented guitar player, taught a one on one guitar lesson to his classmates. While learning the basics, the students

identified their predominant learning style, visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. I helped them to develop some strategies for studying using their specific learning style, which could be further applied to any other subject. The students were very positive and confident that they will be able from now on to improve their marks. Mr. George Popescu, Science Teacher

October 2014 39


20 Years of Lumina Educational Institutions Celebration

Hundreds of our friends have joined us on Wednesday, 22nd October, in the celebration of 20 Years of Lumina Educational Institutions in Romania. We would like to say thank you for honouring our invitation to our students, parents, members of Lumina Educational Institutions staff members, to the Minister of Education,

40 Insight

Mr Remus Pricopie, as well as members of the Romanian Parliament, Ambassadors, representatives of Romanian Educational Institutions, artists, reporters. 16 Lumina International Olympics have received medals of honours from Lumina Educational Institutions, handed in by the Minister of Education, Mr. Remus Pricopie.


The Minister of Education has awarded Lumina Educational Institutions a Diploma of Excellence for “twenty years of performance and high quality education”.

Thank you to all ISB parents for honouring our invitation October 2014 41


Ice Bucket Challenge


he Ice Bucket Challenge, sometimes called the ALS or MND Ice Bucket Challenge, is an activity involving dumping a bucket of ice water on someone’s head to promote awareness of the disease Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or Motor Neurons Disease (MND) and then nominating others to do the same. ISB gives back to its community Famous celebrities from around the globe have participated in the challenge and now the International School of Bucharest has done the same. On Saturday 13th September 2014, ISB hosted its own ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. It is the first school in Europe to do something of this nature. The event took place on the school grounds. It involved over a hundred parents, students and staff getting their heads wet or donating money to the MND society. Mr. Faruk Erduran, the director of the school, was the first to take the challenge and a large line of happy students; teachers and parents, who were more than willing to get themselves wet, quickly followed his actions. The participants involved now challenge others to do similar. We are proud to announce that we raised a

42 Insight

grand total of 3025 Lei. This money will be donated to the MND society. The International School of Bucharest would like to express a sincere thank you to everyone who got involved.


ISB & Tuna Fundatia help out Racaci community


students in partnership with Fundatia Tuna are helping out Recaci community 18 ISB students, accompanied by their teachers, in partnership with Fundatia Tuna, delivered 100 food packages to members of Racaci community on Saturday, 4th October 2014. Our volunteer students were very touched by the life stories of these beautiful people. We are very proud of our students for generously putting their time and effort in to this social initiative. “Sometimes, we tend to complain vastly on a daily basis; even tough most times we are unaware of doing so. The journey that I had the opportunity to go on, together with my colleagues, taught me a truly valuable lesson: count your blessings, for they might be only temporary. Waking up early on a Saturday to go to school is definitely not how I’d usually spend my weekends, however all these little things did not seem to matter once we got to the small village of Mavrodin, a quiet place with incredibly humble people, living in poor conditions. Together with Fundatia Tuna, we have gathered non-perishables and meat, and with the great help of the volunteering ISB students we made

sure that even those who lived in great poverty felt the warmth of our deed, sharing a piece of our love with them. It might not seem too much, but for some it can mean the world. Some of the families we visited almost had us in tears, like the woman whose husband had just passed away, and was left to provide for his 80 year old mother, although not being in the best condition herself; like the woman who was paralysed and could not move and needed constant help; like the worrying case of the woman in her late 70s, who had been kicked out of the hospital and sent back home without professional care and many more. All these sad life stories have put my whole world into perspective and have reminded me how to be grateful for everything, good or bad, for there is always a chance of life getting worse. Don’t complain as much about little, insignificant, shallow things, and be grateful that you have a roof over your head, food in your home, a healthy family and great life opportunities. Don’t live a day without counting your blessings, because you never know if or when they might be taken away. Some problems are greater than others, so please be understanding with one another; you never know what life has in store for you. Be good, be fair. “ By Catinca, Year 13 I, ISB Student

October 2014 43


KS5 Volunteering program


n order to support KS5 students with their University Application, this Year ISB is facilitating volunteering opportunities for those who wish to get involved in the life of community. The school collaborates with Asociatia M.A.M.E, a charity that devotes its activity to helping children at risk both for social and health reasons. Asociatia M.A.M.E. supports children who suffer from severe illnesses as well as those who come from poor backgrounds. KS5 students have the chance to dedicate part of their free time supporting the cause of the charity and implicitly make a positive change in the life of children that Asociatia M.A.M.E. works with. The charity has a day center where children can go and receive support in different areas: links between families and hospitals, physiotherapy, psychotherapy, art therapy‌. etc. So far KS5 students who got involved went to the day center on different days and worked with the children. The activities they did are part of a series of art therapy workshops where children have the chance to develop their creativity and fine motor skills as well

44 Insight

as express their feelings and thoughts. Social interaction is another highly beneficial part of this activity where ISB students can bring their input. Besides the personal interactions that our students have with the children from the center, in the future they are planning to organize different events in the school in order to raise awareness and funds to support the charity’s activity. At the moment the students are planning to organize a campaign to collect clothes, shoes and toys for children from an orphanage and several families that Asociatia M.A.M.E helps regularly. The campaign will take place in the first 2 weeks after the half term break across both Primary and Secondary School. By getting involved in this volunteering program, students have the chance not only to impact in a positive way the lives of other children but also to develop different personal abilities such as empathy, leadership, communication...etc. Ms. Alina Constantin, School Counselor



PTA Breakfast is bringing the members of our community together


arent Teacher Association We would like to say thank you to all our PTA members for supporting the major school events this term, like Health and Fitness Week or Book Week, as well as for organising a series of very productive Parents Breakfast at the school. ISB Health and Fitness Week started with Fresh Juice Bonanza organised by our lovely and very active members of the PTA. Delicious fresh orange juice and banana smoothies have been offered to students during the school breaks . PTA Breakfast is the perfect opportunity for parents and teachers to get together and enjoy a morning hot cup of coffee or tea and a snack. PTA Breakfast takes place on Thursdays, every two weeks in the ISB Canteen, First Floor.

Please save the following dates in your diary: Thursday, 13th November Thursday, 27th November Thursday, 11th December Please confirm your attendance at susan. at least one day before each event. The PTA Bake Sale was a huge success, thanks to all our parents who sent many tasty and delicious cakes to school on Friday. We would also like to say a big thank you to all our parents for their support, as well as to our very active and involved PTA for organising this sweet event at the school on Book Day.

October 2014 45


Joanna Clarke - 1st place at Horse Jumping Competition

Joanna, Second Place at Horse Jumping National Competition & Grand Prix


e are very proud of our Year 9 student, Joanna Clarke, who came out the first at Horse Jumping Competition Salon du Cheval which took place between 26th28th September at Equestria Riding Club, Tancabesti. Joanna has also won second place in her category, at the Horse Jumping National Competition & Grand Prix, organized by Romanian Equestrian Federation and Regatul Cailor (Horses’ Kingdom) in Varlaam Village, Giurgiu County, between 18th and

21st of September 2014. 150 students from 30 different Equestrian Clubs have participated in this national competition. Joanna and her dearly loved horse, Angelika, competed in level E, 1:00m High Obstacles. Joanna’s major achievements at the second and third competition she participated in since she has started practicing this very rewarding sport a year ago, it is a proof of her talent, her enthusiasm, her commitment and of her hard work. Well done, Joanna, we are very proud of you!

Joanna, Fist Place at Horse Jumping Competition Salon du Cheval 46 Insight


First Aid Training


ach of us does everything possible to prevent accidents, but despite this, accidents may occur. There may be times in our lives that we are called upon to act quickly and perform first aid on a victim, whether it’s a minor or very serious injury. When an accident happens, time is not on our side. It’s these times that the importance of first aid training is paramount. The ISB members of staff participated, before the start of this academic year, in a First Aid

Training Course provided by Regina Maria Hospital. During this course we learnt important life saving skills, including how to help out in the case of cardiac arrest. We have also been introduced to a number of common emergency situations and their respective First Aid responses. We would like to say thank you to Dr. Radu Boari for the very effective Basic Life Support Course. Ms. Madalina Cioc, PR & Admission Officer

October 2014 47


“How to Raise your Child’s Self-Esteem” Parents Workshop and Breakfast Congratulations to the Student Support Department for the very insightful initiative


Student Support Team Workshop, “How to raise your child’s self-esteem”, took place at the school on Tuesday and Wednesday, 14th and 15th of October and was addressed to all ISB parents. About 60 parents attended the first session of the workshop, however just as valuable in the second day where other 8 parents participated. We approached subjects like “What is self-esteem?”, “What are signs of healthy and unhealthy selfesteem”, and of course, “Practical tips to help our children build a good self-esteem”, as this is the ground base for personal well-being and professional accomplishment. We were very happy to share ideas and ways in which we could support our children better, and we are It is always a pleasure to meet and convinced that working together, as a team, you as parents and us, as specialists, we can learn discuss with our parents from each other and always find better ways in dealing with difficult situations in our children’s lives. So, we would like to say again a big THANK YOU to each and every one of you who participated and remember: our child’s self-esteem is first and foremost, an extension of our own self-esteem. So take good care of yourselves and see you next time with another interesting subject! Student Support team: Ms. Cristina Guralivu, Ms. Andreea Handrea Mr Faruk Erduran, the Director of ISB, & Ms. Alina Constantin has thanked the parents for their

presence and continuous support

48 Insight


ISB Clubs


ith Mrs. Veronica Damian and Ms. Madalina Leondar It’s supremely engaging for a variety of children. Children who like structure–a defined set of parameters or goals–enjoy the themed building challenges of the program. Children who thrive on openended creativity also love LEGO Club because it allows them to experiment and create whatever they want. Another appeal of LEGO Club is its open format. Conversation is encouraged during building time, and children engage with their peers on all sorts of topics while their hands are busy constructing things. In term 1 the focus is ‘Our Town ‘. This involves the children participating in constructing a working vehicle, airport, blocks of flats, park, their own houses, surroundings of their homes and/or building something related to outer space! These are basic guidelines, although we never strictly enforce the theme as it is important to let the learners make their own creative decisions. Finished work is displayed on a display table. Each child will take a piece

of card stock and a marker, writing down the title of their work and the creator’s name. (These will go on display on the 1st floor corridor.) Once everyone has filled out a card, we go around the display table and every child has the chance to share what he or she has made. Some talk about their creations, and some shyly back away while fellow builders admire their handiwork. All children receive recognition for their efforts in the form of a certificate.




he tennis lesson starts with a warm up while discussing how our body changes during exercise and why exercise is fun and good for us. Then the students practice their skills. They began to understand that when working with a partner they can work both cooperatively and also compete against their partner. Children play tennis using both of these techniques. In this sport, every tennis athlete develops a unique style of game play that empowers his strengths. The children improve their skills every single lesson. at TenNaqua Club October 2014 49


ISB Clubs Drama



he key Stage Three Drama Club have been devising a piece based on the painting “Guernica” by Pablo Picasso. The group is exploring dramatic techniques, such as freeze frame, monologue and creating from a stimulus. With Ms. Janet Hunter

hildren joining the Fine Motor Skills Club have lots of fun and different activities. We learn to cut to stick and to create interesting and challenging crafts. Our hands are ready to start working!! In Secondary School, students are focusing more on academic subjects; however, the teachers are offering extra lessons between 15.00 and 16.00 every day, in Math, Business, Travel and Tourism, Art, Chemistry, Modern Languages and Drama. These clubs are very welcomed by senior students who are interested to gain good marks in their exams. Beside the academic subjects, the extracurricular program includes activities

which captured students interest and got them being involved in preparation for the upcoming competitions. With Mrs. Oana Ionescu and Ms.Claudia Hurmuzescu

Winter Show


50 Insight

Fine Motor Skills

inter season is not so far away. That is why we have already started getting ready for the big event that’s always happening in December. But we do have a BIG problem: Santa’s on Strike. Everybody is putting their effort together to convince him to get back to work and deliver all the presents on time. We are going to sing, dance and act in order to persuade Santa to get back to his job. We hope all of these will do. With Ms. Monica Tele, Mrs. Diana Recean and Mrs. Andreea Roman


In KS2 Homework Club the children get the chance to complete their homework in a relaxed setting in school with the support (when needed) of Miss Fox. The children get the chance to read books on Bug Club and complete tasks on Education City as well as using the topic books and other resources in school to complete the tasks given. with Ms. Rebbeca Fox


ISB Clubs Homework Club


n chess club, the children have been learning about the different pieces and the basic rules. They have played different types of games to put their learning into practise. Over the next few weeks, we will play entire games of chess and develop basic strategies. With Mr. Stephen McElhinney


o far in young adventurers we have learnt about a compass and used it to follow directions around the playground. We drew maps to give to our friends to find a treasure spot we marked on the playground. Next we journeyed on a Viking boat and made a Helmet and a shield to become a Viking warrior. More recently we went on Safari and made binoculars to spot animals before we examined their footprints. We still have lots of adventures to come! with Mrs. Vikki Peal and Mrs. Andreea Bacalau

Young Adventures October 2014 51


Debating Society


ver the last half term, students from Year 7 to 13 have been going through their paces as debaters. Every Wednesday after school, students are debating various debating motions. Moreover, the students are learning their craft as public speakers. Students are learning how to construct and counter arguments, learning to project their voice, effectively use body language, project to a large audience, think on their feet and learning to be confident on

stage in front of a live audience. Preparation is in full swing for our first debate competition with ISBS on November 19th and our first Bucharest competition at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on the 24th November. The students are learning fast and their enthusiasm has been first class. Here are a few photographs of our debaters in action. with Mr.Ian Robertson and Mr.Brendan ClarkSmith

Foreign Languages

capacities. And three years of language study on your record will catch the eye of anyone reading your job or college application. If you’ve already learned a language other than English at home, expanding your knowledge of its vocabulary, grammar, culture, and literature -- at the same time you are learning English -will also improve your chances for success in school and in your career. Discover new worlds! Get an insider’s view of another culture and a new view of your own. Studying a new language, reading other people’s stories, and connecting with people in their own language can be a source of pleasure and surprise. Connect with other cultures. Learning about other cultures will help you expand your personal horizons and become a responsible citizen. Your ability to talk to others and gain knowledge beyond the world of English can contribute to your community and your country. with Mrs.Carmen Zaharia, Ms.Monica Motoi, Mrs. Sebahat Ozdemir, Mr.Ahmet Dundar, Mr.Isa Gecal, Ms.Luminita Popaz


offers foreign languages clubs for Spanish, French, German, Turkish and Romanian. Why studying a foreign language? Studying a second language can improve your skills and grades in math and English and can improve entrance exam scores. Research has shown that math scores climb higher with each additional year of foreign language study, which means that the longer you study a foreign language, the stronger your skills become to succeed in school. Studying a foreign language can improve your analytic and interpretive

52 Insight


Reception, Years 1 and 2 Yoga


e have been going on adventures to the desert and under ther sea as well as talking about what animals we keep as pets. The children have learnt lots of aniaml and transport poses as well as made up some of their own “hamster pose�. The children enjoy starting the lessons with beathing excersises and a Sun Dance and we always end with a 5 minute relaxation.

Year 5, 6, and 7 Yoga.


e have been learning some poses to help with our core body strength and to help improve our flexibility. The group have been working together really well and coming up with their own poses based on ones that they have been taught. They have also been enjoying the relaxation sessions at the end of the lesson.

October 2014 53


ISB House System

The House system at ISB has been growing in stature over the past few years. We work hard to ensure that brothers and sisters are in the same House as each other and that students remain in their House from the minute they join the school to the day they leave. It became obvious that the Houses were considered differently in Primary and Secondary where the younger children referred to them by names of animals and the older simply by colour. Solving this problem gave us the opportunity to involve the students in an example of the democratic process. It was considered important that any House names should reflect our place in Romania and, so, students were invited to vote on a set of House names based on Romanian Animals, Castles, Mountains or Rivers. In the end, the overwhelming choice for was Animals, therefore, from September 2014, the ISB Houses have been: Fox House (Blue); Lynx House (Green); Bear House (Red); Hare House (Yellow). The House system is a tradition of the British style of education and exists to encourage healthy competition, teamwork, leadership and inclusion. In the Primary School, House Captains are elected from Year 6, in the Secondary, the honour of being a House Captain now falls on four of those students selected to be School Prefects. I’d like to congratulate our House Captains 54 Insight

for this year and wish them and their Houses success. For the Primary school the House Captains are: Celestin Matha and Brinda Paruthi (Fox); Tara Radic and Tudor Durnescu (Hare); Sarah Sabbagh and Alex Papacu (Lynx); Nur Yilmaz and Vlad Chibulcutean (Bear). IN the Secondary School, we have: Ayhan Ozlen (Green); Laura Manole (Blue); Jamil Zeitouni (Red); Radu Luminare (Yellow). Students have the opportunity to compete in sports competitions, subject games and quizzes, the Question of the Week competition and much more. There will be the opportunity for every single student to represent their House in something over the course of the year. They simply need to get themselves involved. Each of the subject weeks will include a House competition of one form or another. As I write this article, I have just had the pleasure of attending the 2nd Annual Spelling Bee, a major House competition organized by the English department as part of Book Week. Last year’s Secondary winners were the Green House whereas the winners in Primary school where Blue House. The competition is wide open this year and there is plenty of opportunity for students to involve themselves in House activities and collect House Point and Green Cards to increase their team scores. David Newsham Deputy Principal (Key Stage 3)


ISB Insight Magazine


Insight Magazine is a 5 issue a year, full colour printed publication, of 60 pages on average. The 1000 copies of the ISB Insight Magazine are distributed to ISB community formed by approximately 600 local or expat families who either own a business in Bucharest or work for corporate businesses. The ISB Insight is

also distributed to Embassies in Bucharest and to all major corporations, as well as Governmental and Non Governmental Institutions the school collaborates with. ISB Insight is also available on line: www. and it is distributed electronically to ISB data base of parents and prospective parents.

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October 2014 55




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