Isb newsletter november 2013

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In this edition:

There are two educations. One should teach us how to make a living and the other how to live

Pg.2 - ISB Reception Pg.3 - Pipera Nursery Pg.4 - Pipera Reception Pg.5 - Pipera Year 1 Pg.6 - ISB Year 2 Pg.8 - ISB Year 3 Pg.9 - ISB Year 4 Pg.10 - ISB Year 5 Pg.11 - Galati Fundraiser Pg.12 - Galati Appeal Pg.13 - Pipera Reception

Pg.14 - firSTep Pg.16 - ISB Year 8 Pg.17 - ISB Year 10 Pg.18 - ISB Clubs Pg.22 - ICT Pg.23 - Education City Pg.24 - ISB Performance Pg.25 - ISB Parents Pg.26 - University Placements Pg.26 - Univercity Presentation Pg.27 - ISB Career Counseling

Building your child’s future!


All great achievements require time



his term the Reception classes have settled in very well. Children are enjoying school and are learning how to make sounds of different letters and write their names (in writing, and using pipe cleaners and playdough). n Mathematics, they are learning how to count to 15, to identify different shapes and to know about colours. They have painted rainbows and butterflies which are on display. hildren have also talked about their families and friends and drawn pictures of them. ealth and Fitness Week was a success! Children played some fun games and learned some movement, throwing and catching skills. They also learned about what foods are healthy to eat and why.



e are very impressed with the way the children are behaving and adjusting to the challenge of not always having choice in their activities. They are becoming very good at sharing with others and taking turns. t has been an excellent half-term and we look forward to International Week in the next half-term where children will learn about Chinese, Thailand and Romanian life and culture, as well as the life of people in the U.K

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Building your child’s future!


Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement



he Busy Bees and Ladybirds classes were very busy during Health and Fitness week. We started each day with ‘Wake up, shake up,’ which is morning exercise that gets our bodies moving and our brains ready for learning. We learnt about ‘healthy’ foods and ‘sometimes’ foods and sorted pictures into two groups. e tasted lots of healthy fruits and chose which one was our favourite. We could talk about it by saying, “I like… (bananas).” We read the story of ‘The Very Hungary Caterpillar’ and named all the foods in the story. On Thursday our parents came in for Open Morning and we made them a delicious, healthy fruit salad. We used knives to cut up the fruit. e also explored printing with fruits and vegetables and made a beautiful rainbow. Finally, we made ourselves a healthy sandwich. Yum! We certainly were very BUSY Bees and Ladybirds!


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Building your child’s future!


Imagination is more important than knowledge

Pipera - Reception


t feels like yesterday that we all met on that first day of school in September with many tears. It seems that the time has flown so far and here we are, at the end of the first half term! Since then it has certainly been a busy time as we have discovered “Ourselves”, “Families” and the stories of “The Very Hungry Catterpillar”, “We are Going on a Bear Hunt”, “ Goldilocks and the three bears”. We are looking forward to having a fun filled International Week and finding out about different world celebrations. Reception Discoverers and Explorers started the year by learning about Our Golden Rules, for Circle Time, in the bathroom, cafeteria and outside, on the playground. We talked about sharing and being polite and getting along with others. his second month of school emphasised learning through playing and through fun. Reception children’s’ creativity increased as they discovered the colours, painting with real fruits and vegetables. During the following week the children made their caterpillar and bear snack from real food. Everybody tasted the healthy snack and it was just right! e are looking forward to upcoming events and wish you all a relaxing enjoyable holiday!


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Building your child’s future!

Year 1

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop

Year 1


ecently, Year 1 have been working really hard to learn about our 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. When we were learning about the sense of hearing, we went on a very exciting listening walk around the school. e even made big ears to help us listen to all the different sounds. In order for us to know how important the sense of sight is, some of us had to walk around the school wearing a blindfold with only our friends to help guide us because we could not see. When we were learning about the sense of smell, we made 3D flowers using cotton wool sprayed with perfume to help them smell nice. We also experimented with an ice-cube, to help us find out how cold the ice-cube felt on different parts of our body. Finally, we used all 5 senses when we made pizza! e could SEE all the different colours, SMELL the flavours as they were cooking, TOUCH all the different ingredients, the teachers could HEAR our excitment and, once the pizzas were ready, we could TASTE how delicious they were! e had so much fun learning about our 5 human senses!



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Building your child’s future!

Year 2

Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever

Year 2


e have been busy in Year 2 so far this year. The teachers, children and parents have all been settling into new routines and making working relationships that are so important for good learning. There is a busy and productive atmosphere in the classrooms and happy faces in the playground. ealth and Fitness week provided a positive start to the year, recognising the importance of lifestyle habits such as healthy feeding, good hygiene and daily exercise. In year 2, we went outside each morning to take part in “Wake up, Shake up!” activities and put our learning to good use by writing informative texts about healthy living. t the beginning of October, the Year 2 team went on a trip to the Antipa Museam. The children had a great time, travelling on the buses together and looking at the different animals and plants on display inside the museam. The teachers were very proud of the overall behaviour of the children and they looked very smart in their ISB uniforms.


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Building your child’s future!

Year 2

The only cure for ignorance is to ask

Year 2


ow much children love to play! In order to teach a child how to recognize letters and numbers, it is important to use fun activities. It helps to develop the children’s ability to learn and educates students how to work in a collaborative way and arouses the spirit of competition. To help encourage students, I have created a club for Year 2, entitled “Let’s play with numbers and letters.” Since their first lesson, students have become very excited about the topic. During these educational games, I have included concepts that were learnt in class about numbers and letters, without the children realizing that it had been applied in a game.

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Building your child’s future!

Year 3

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel

Year 3


itan Park Healthy Visit

e all know how very important it is to be healthy, so on Wednesday, 25th September Year 3 went to Titan Park. We were very lucky because it was a beautiful sunny day and the children had lots of free play in the fresh air. They skipped, and went on a zip line, on slides, on monkey bars, on swings etc and had a chance for social interaction with their friends. ost of the boys played football or other ball games. Being very active helps children to develop more muscle, more stamina, better self-esteem and better health. o stay active and stay healthy!


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Building your child’s future!

Year 4

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world

Year 4


e have had a very busy start to Year 4 with lots of fun activities and events. One of the highlights was our Health and FitnessWeek where we did loads of sports and games (including on our trip to Titan Park), took part in the health and fitness poster competition and learned about the importance of a healthy diet. n Literacy we have discovered all about explanation texts and wrote our own about the water cycle and we are currently enjoying reading stories containing dilemmas, acting them out through drama and creating our own endings. e have been equally busy in Maths where we especially enjoyed performing kung fu calculation to help us solve word problems. We have also managed to find time to conduct some cool experiments in Science to test the properties of solids, liquids and gasses and as part of our water topic we worked in teams to design, test and evaulate our own water collectors. fter all this, we definitely deserve a short break!



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Building your child’s future!

Year 5

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruits are sweet

Year 5


n Year 5 we aim to deliver a creative curriculum that fosters a life long love for learning in our students. The children in Year 5 have settled in extremely well and have already composed their own poems, written descriptive pieces of writing and have studied different theatrical performances. s part of our theme ‘Fit for Life’ we have enjoyed stepping back in time to the first Olympic Games comparing it with the Olympics of today. We made our own Olympic torches, and as part of our work in Design technology we are currently completing our very own Olympic Champions from pieces of thin wire, plaster of Paris and lastly paint. n true Olympic spirit we proudly took part in our own sports day here at school and we exercised our muscles in our local park Pantelimon. To explore the effects of exercise on the body we measured and compared our pulse rates before and after exercising. We were quite surprised with how hard our heart muscle works! We also kept food diaries to monitor our eating styles and made delicious fruit salad in class. n Year 5 we are continually enforcing the fact that we have very high expectations in all areas of the curriculum and know that everyone is up and ready for the challenge. Our corridor looks super and the classrooms and our copybooks reflect the wonderful work that your children are doing everyday. We are very proud of the progress made by all of our students this first half term.

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Building your child’s future!

Year 6

He who opens a school door closes a prison

Year 6


ear 6 had a ‘fun-tastic’ time during Health and Fitness Week. With a visit to Parc Aventura and a trip to Parc Pantelimon, Year 6 have had an adventurous time. Students realised that keeping fit involved at lot more than playing football. We enjoyed climbing and swinging, skipping, badminton, ball games and walking. e have been drawing buildings using perspective to make our work 3D and look more realistic. We started drawing a room, then a house, after that a street and finished with a cityscape. They look cool. ear 6 also had a great time making the Quadrilateral Posters for the Competition.They all tried really hard and many students won house points. It was another excellent educational activity during the term. e did an experiment to see if things weigh the same in water as they do in air. We weighed objects with a forcemeter and recorded our results. We found they weighed less because of upthrust. This is why we feel lighter when we are in a swimming pool!



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Building your child’s future!


The highest result of education is tolerance

Galati Flood Fundraiser


n order to help the victims of the severe floods in Galati, we decided it was best to have all the students work together and raise funds for the disaster in collaboration with the APRT Foundation. Asociatia de Prietenie Romano-Turca is a non-profit organization that started a flood relief campaign for the victims from Galati and works closely with the Lumina Educational Institutions. anting to be part of this campaign, ISB Primary and Secondary joined forces and managed to raise 8,256 RON within a few days. With the excellent help of the Prefects and the Student Council, a Non- Uniform day was well organized and a successful bake sale was smoothly coordinated, on Friday 11th of October. esides the aforementioned events, we also set up a donation station where students and parents could donate non-perishable food such as rice, biscuits and other supplies. Parents, students and teachers have also made donations directly to the APRT Foundation, which contributed largely to the overall fund raising activity. ll the donations will be distributed on the 18th of October with the help of prefects, volunteer students, parents and teachers.


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Building your child’s future!


The fruit of liberal education is not learning, but the capacity and desire to learn, not knowledge, but power

Galati Flood Appeal


he news that there are villages in Romania severely affected by the floods where families and children lost their homes and belongings had a strong impact on ISB. School principals, students, parents and teachers decided to join their efforts to help the families affected by the floods. n ISB, the Student Council and the Prefects organized a successful fund raising campaign event: bake sale, non uniform day and donations. The result: more than 8,000 RON and food items, all so necessary for people who lost everything over the night. he International School of Bucharest went to Cuza Voda, a village close to Galati, on October 24th, during the autumn break. Although it was holiday, ten students did not hesitate to dedicate their time to help other people. Rashid Aktaa, Nur Gersoy, Mihnea Savuica, Alexa Coman, Alexa Vasile, Sara Salasel, Basarab Panduru, Bayazid Salgur, Ana Nicolaescu came to ICHB and helped unload the boxes carefully prepared for the people in Cuza Voda village. Mehmet Gokcel was leaving for Istanbul at 1.00 p.m., but Mehmet spent the morning working hard and giving a helping hand to his colleagues. Thank you, Mehmet! e left the village in the afternoon and the students felt that they had a unique, great life experience. One could tell that, because the students sang, laughed and were livelier on the way back home than on their way to the village. Marlena Pintilie




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Building your child’s future!


The ink of the scholar is more precious than the blood of martyrs



he Science fair is an opportunity for students to apply the scientific method to conduct independent research. The results of each student’s research is presented in a school wide science fair--or sponsored local science fair-- where the student’s efforts are displayed and where students are interviewed to determine scientific merit. Students who have been judged to have used the scientific method properly and who have demonstrated thoroughness in their studies and effort are awarded prizes and are advanced to compete in regional, state, national and international science fairs.


irSTep, the Science, Technology and Design Fair is the First Step to International Project Olympiads which is open to all students starting from Grade 3 (year 4 ) in Lumina Educational Institutions. It is organized by Lumina Educational Institutions in collaboration with national and international science fair organizations. Its mission is to challenge students to prepare science and technology projects to find workable solutions to everyday solutions, to raise awareness in our planet’s energy and environmental issues, to engage students and teachers towards a further step in international project Olympiads of which have the same missions.

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Building your child’s future!


There is no royal road to learning



irSTep 2014 will be held on 15 February, 2014 with the following categories:

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Energy, Engineering, Environment Design Interactive Learning Little Scientist


t is open to all students of Lumina schools, starting from 3rd to 12th grade (Year 4 to Year 13 at ISB)

or more information, visit and apply to any of your teachers who would be your supervisor while you are preparing your project.

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Building your child’s future!

Year 8

Educate the mother to educate the society

Year 8


arlier this term, Year 8 students went on a field trip to Potigrafu to participate in a variety of different activities. On arrival, students watched the movie ‘Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ before playing in a night time football tournament. tudents and staff enjoyed a bonfire where we all had corn on the cob which was barbequed ourselves. Before going to bed, students played on the PS3. n day two we went hiking in the local woodlands to compete in a ‘collecting nuts’ competition which Mr. Murat’s team won. After the strenuous hike we headed back to school. tudents had a fantastic time and we will all be looking forward to the next event that will be held there.


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Building your child’s future!

Year 10

The secret in education lies in respecting the student

Year 10


ark Aventura was the venue for Year 10 this term where students enjoyed a wide range of activities. round the peaceful and quiet woodlands, students took part in climbing competitions where they raced each other to the highest stages. After recovering, students participated in the main event and moved into the paintball arena. fter enjoying a hearty meal at Camping Potigrafu, students headed home to Bucharest. It was a great sight to see all the students with a smile on their face during the trip back.


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Building your child’s future!


You can never be overdressed or overeducated



he 1st club session started on 23rd of September. An impressive number of 400 students are attending about 100 planned activities after school time, from 3.15 to 4.15, not only on school premises but in private clubs as well. The activities are designated for students from Early Years to year 13 and for parents as well. The English and Romanian Language clubs sparkle the interest of parents, but Zumba classes are very popular as well.


ind Games

ind Games club aims to give our students a brain workout by playing fun games that sharpen their mind. We offer board mind games which will help children develop strategies which they will be able to apply in real life. Children are encouraged to think smart and guess their opponent’s next move. The games can be played with 2 or more players and will also help children to develop their social skills.

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Building your child’s future!

Clubs Education is the ability to listen to almost anything without losing your temper or your self-confidence



ancing Butterflies

his year, some lovely girls from Reception and Key Stage 1 joined the Dancing Butterflies club. They will learn ballet dancing and practice delicate moves to the beautiful sound of the piano. At the end of this club session they are preparing a little show for the parents, teachers and the other children. They are already really anxious for the show and hope the audience will appreciate it.


15/U13 Football

SB hosted friendly football matches against British School of Bucharest. It was a friendly atmosphere and a good chance of training for ISB players. Both games were won by ISB teams. Our aim will be to continue this success throughout the year.

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Building your child’s future!


Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all



1 Drama Games

n Drama games we have been playing cooperative games to help the group work as a team and learn how to watch and anticipate each other’s actions. We have been working on some self confidence games enabling the children to gain confidence in speaking in front of a group. Students have been playing games designed to engage the children’s imagination and improvisation skill.


e a confident member of your community

“Be a confident member of your community “ is a club that aims to help students develop and improve their social skills. The activities we do focus on the discovery of personal assets and on ways in which these can used in efficient ways. Social skills help improve students relationships in many areas including family, peers, teachers...etc. Students are also encouraged to build up their self confidence in order to be able to fulfill their goals.

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Building your child’s future!


What sculpture is to a block of marble, education is to the human soul



ocial and Emotional Development through Play

“Social and Emotional Development through Play” takes place every Tuesday afternoon in the Year 5K classroom on the top floor under the leadership of Mrs. Willoughby.


he club is especially designed to help young children who are new to school to learn to play and work together in a team. Our students learn about sharing and taking turns. Children are encouraged to communicate in English and are praised for good team spirit as well as for listening to and following instructions. It is a wonderful club for helping children to develop the social skills that are needed for forming friendships and for fitting into

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Building your child’s future!


The highest function of the teacher consists not so much in imparting knowledge as in stimulating the pupil in its love and pursuit



ealth and safety in a computer room

Year 10 students have studied during the ICT lessons about Health and Safety risks and ways to combat them. Health and safety in a computer room is very important as the misuse of the computer room may lead to certain problems both physically and mentally. Using a computer for a long period of time can affect your health in different ways. Ayse Aktas - 10I

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Building your child’s future!

Education City

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops

Education City


his year ISB decided to continue using Education City platform in Primary School. ut, what is Education City? Well, this is a platform that transforms teaching and learning in a friendly and fun activity for both pupils and teachers. It has a huge educational activities data base that combine games with learning in a very attractive mode. The platform can be used from school, but also from home. Each ISB pupil from Primary has an account on the site (a username and a password) and they are using it to do the homework allocated by the class teacher. ven if they do not have something to write for homework, they might have a “digital homework”, so do not forget to check www. using your own account. If this is the first time you access it, these are the steps you have to follow: 1. Plug the speakers or the headphones and turn them on. 2. Use Mozilla Firefox (not another browser) to open the address: www. . 3. Insert your username, password and then chose for the Region – International 4. In the right down corner you have “Homework”. Click on that button. 5. Your homework activities will be displayed, grouped by subjects (Numeracy, Literacy, Phonics etc ). 6. Now you can start the activities! Monica Țele


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Building your child’s future!


It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge

As every year, ISB awards performance


r. Sinan Kosak, the principal of Secondary School, congratulated the students who achieved exceptional results in IGCSE and A Level exams at the end of the 2012-2013 academic year. Approximately 56% of the students who took AS and A Level examinations achieved A, B or C grades, the same grades being obtained by over 82% of the students who took the IGCSE exams. The 23 students who obtained the highest grades, A* and A, in the last academic year have received cash prizes ranging from 200 RON to 1600 RON, according to their performance.

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Building your child’s future!

Parents Learning is not attained by chance. It must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence

Parent Workshop in Primary


his term the parents of Keys Stage one and Key Stage twoparentswere invited to workshops in the primary school. The workshops demonstrated how we teachPhonics and Reading and Writingin the classroom. Following a practical presentation parents were also able to observe the lessons in action in the class room. The workshops were very well attended and we were very encouraged by the positive comments parents shared with us following the activity. We appreciate the enthusiasm and interest the parents showed in learning new strategies to support us in educating their children. hroughout the year we will be organising further curriculum workshops in English and Maths. Further details will follow next term.


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Building your child’s future!


Education is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere

University Placements


he graduating class of 2013 had excellent results and a high percentage of our students had success in entering into their first choice university. We are happy to report that universities in the UK have accepted 36% of our graduates while the rest will continue to their academic career in different parts of the world, studying different programs. We at ISB are delighted to announce the names of the institutions and the courses, which our studentshave been accepted. We wish all our graduates a successful university life

 University Presentation


he ISB Career Counseling service invited 3 different universities for a presentation at our school. On the 10th of October, a representative from the Tilburg University, Netherlands held its presentation for KS4 and 5 students. On the same day Ms. Daphna from the Webster University, Austria was here to meet with some year 12 students. During the assembly time KS4&5 students attended a presentation of the John Cabot University, Italy. All 3 presentations helped our students find more about studying abroad in 3 different countries.

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Building your child’s future!


To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society

ISB Career Counseling Service


he ISB Career Counseling Service exists to provide assistance for our students’ transition from secondary education to universities around the globe. We here at ISB and Lumina are proud of our graduates and our ever-growing success rate at IGCSE and A-level. ISB students are now present in some of the most prestigious universities in the world. e are delighted with the high percentage of ISB students getting accepted to university and we aim to continue this progress by helping our students get accepted to even more universities throughout the world.


ISB Alumni Reunion October 2013


umina Alumni Association organized a reunion for ISB students of the classes of 2010-2013 on the 10th of October, Thursday. The event at Starbucks, Vitan had a real success with 12 graduates attending who enjoyed reminiscing about their school days in ISB.

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