ISB Primary Newsletter - March 2011

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Nursery Newsletter This month Nursery went on a trip to the biscuit factory. We had been learning the story of The Gingerbread Man and wanted to see how they make biscuits for the shops. It was very interesting. We saw how they weigh out the different ingredients, how they mix them in a huge bowl, how they cut them out into different shapes and how they cook them in a huge oven. Our teacher’s favourite bit was the chocolate waterfall that the biscuits went under to cover them in

chocolate! We got to taste lots of different types of biscuits and cakes as well!


We continued our fiction topic by spending a week learning about Pirates, Princes and Princesses. We dressed up with crowns and pretended to be Cinderella’s Prince trying to find Cinderella and choosing our princess to try the shoe on, unfortunately it was too big for everyone! We finished with a week on the circus where we tried to learn how to balance plates and cups, to juggle and painted our faces like a clown. We also had a clown come in and visit us. He showed us his tricks, played some games with us and then did some amazing tricks with balloons. We hope you had a lovely half term and the children are ready to come back and continue learning and having fun!

r e t t e l s w e N n Receptio 03.01.2011

This month Reception classes went on a trip to the Bread Factory. We had been learning about different people in our community and their jobs. So we wanted to see them at work! It was interesting to see the way they bake the bread and other delicious pastries in the huge ovens. Of course, our favourite part was eating all those goodies!

For our topic „ People who help us‟ we had our school nurse Miss Carmen in the class for a special lesson where she helped the children understand the importance of washing hands

and how we can keep ourselves away from germs! Mr. Stratan, Tony‟s father was also very kind to come and show the children some exciting experiments. Our favourite was the „erupting volcano‟. After our topic „Different occupations and People who help us‟ we can see a great future for our World with so many doctors, teachers, pilots, fire-fighters, astronauts and who knows what else!

Year1 Newsletter 1.03.2011

Great Production February has been a very busy month for Year 1!! Not only were they working hard in lessons they also had to work

much effort the children put into practising their speaking parts! A big thank you also to you the parents for providing such fantastic costumes for the children to wear! They all looked

ISB!!! We also had an open afternoon this month. We hope you enjoyed spending time in your child's class and watching

them learn new ideas, concepts and skills.

extra hard by rehearsing for the KS1 Production. 1A took on the story of 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs' while 1M performed 'Peter Pan'. I'm sure you can appreciate how

amazing!! For those parents who came to watch we're sure you'll agree what a brilliant show the children put on. We have very talented children at

February has also been a very cold month and the children have not been able spend as much time outside during playtimes. We hope March brings warmer weather as playtime is an important part in developing the children's social skills and friendships!

Year2 Newsletter 03.01.2011

February is a short month. On 16th February KS 1 put on the Production “Story Time”. Together with the teachers the children worked hard to learn their words, and to practise acting and to make the costumes. Year 2B put on “The Enormous Turnip”, 2P chose the story “Lao Lao of Dragon Mountain”, and 2G picked “The Rahja‟s Big Ears”, a story not familiar to a lot of people. All the children were very excited about the show and happy to see their par-

ents watching them perform. There was also an Open Afternoon and a lot of parents of Year 2 children came to assist in our afternoon sessions.

Year3 Newsletter 1.03.2011

A very healthy month Well February was a short month but a very busy one. We completed our Science topic of Healthy Eating and Teeth with a fantastic

Following our homework projects we played some of our board games and quizzes to found out how much we‟d learnt.

trip to the dentist, where we learnt what we need to do to keep our teeth happy and clean; we all had our teeth checked and learnt how to clean our teeth properly.

We are now busy preparing our contributions to our Year 3, 4, 5 Production ‘Around the World in 80 Minutes’. This will be held on the 17th March at 5pm, so please book your tickets to guarantee a place in

the audience it is sure to be a sell out! We will be learning our lines, songs and dances ready to entertain you all. Our new Design and Technology topic links with our Science topic all about Materials and Packaging, so be sure to keep different types of packaging and bring them in from home, we‟ll be creating some of our own later in the month.

Year4 Newsletter 1.03.2011

Tudor Day Although a very short month, February proved to be a very busy time

for pupils in year 4. Towards the end of term the children visited the „Heidi‟ chocolate factory, as part of our science topic on keeping warm. Children learnt how the chocolate is made, heated and poured

into moulds and then cooled into the final product. Most importantly everyone also had the chance to taste it, mmmm delicious!

In Art/DT children looked at the different designs of chairs and de-

signed some of their own. Then they made a rocking chair out of pegs which look fantastic! Year 4 celebrated the last day of term in style with our „Tudor Day‟. Children have been learning about the lives of the Tudors, their clothes, houses and jobs and this was a great excuse to dress up and have a fun day. Children made ruffs, practiced Tudor maths word problems, created Tudor designs, played games and had a great time. Phew, we all needed a holiday after that!

Year5 Newsletter 1.03.2011

Making Toys During the spring term, year 5 students were given the task to design

mation sources to generate ideas and investigation into cam mecha-

and make a moving toy linked to their Science work on „Earth, Sun and Moonâ€&#x;. This involved some designing skills by using infor-

nisms. The children also refined their cutting and measuring skills before creating their designs. Once they had produced their final design, it was

time to make their moving toy. Finally, the children evaluated how successful their moving toys were. Overall, the children had created some fantastic moving toys but - what was most impressive - was their attention to detail during the design process.

Year6 Newsletter 1.03.2011

Community Survey community to better understand peopleâ€&#x;s feelings about this local issue. In Literacy, students learned about the use of formal language through the creation of tour guides. Video tours of the school were written and filmed by Y6

In February, Year 6 students discussed the issue of street dogs in Romania. They learned about the number of dogs, analysed the impact they have on the local area and surveyed members of the which highlighted key features of the facilities and gave visitors a taste of life at ISB. Using their learning and immense dramatic skill, students in 6B prepared an assembly combining a tour of ISB and information about the street dogs which was performed to parents and KS2 on Wednesday 2nd March.

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